I ; ! y -i. . F. "Z -.J" tllHer, News. Adv. Representative ,j . . Pvt. Bobby L, Miller, of Atlanta, C,i. and Mrs. Miller of Jackson ville were- week end guests of Mr, and Mr. Ashe Miller, On Sunday they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. jr. Smith in Pink Hill -: Burnell Miller of Wake Forest College has arrived home to spend the summer with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Miller. . . Miss Betty Gauld Quinn of ML C College Is Jiome for the summer . with her parents, Mr. . and Mrsj Leon Quinn. ', i ,- , .. Billy Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller is recuperating nicely. following a tonsillectomy in a Kin - aton hospital " Dr. I. L. Norrls and Raymond Mercer spent several days recently In Annapolis. i ; ' ' '. Mr. and Mrs. .Chester Williams and sons, Mr. and Mrs, Osa Sumner and daughter, Dianne, Miss Ursula : Williams and Mr. A. T. Shaw spent ' Sunday at White Lake. Mr. and Mrs. flavious Danley have been visiting relatives in Ill inois. ; i friends of Mrs. R. W. Brown re gret to know she has been ill in a Charlotte .hospital - Mr. and Mrs. Harold White and daughter, Delores, Mrs. George Riddrick and son Howard of Bel , haven were week end. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bostic. Miss Lou Ann Nethercutt of Flora McDonald College is spend ing the . summer with, her . parents, Mr. and Mrs., Ivey Nethercutt . Mr. and Mrs. HAmer Howard and children. Miss DoreeB; .Nethercutt of, Washington,' b.CL , were week end guests of Mr.; and Mrs. Ivy Nethercutt . ' .1 .. ,J . '. . Triends of Mrs. Gardner Edwards regret to . know her father, Mr. Brice Is -very ill at his home in Rose Lt and Mrs.; Larry Bostic were week, end guests r of ,MJr. .and Mrs. P. Bostic. - ( , Xi '- little Miss Joyce Ann .Blizzard is guest of Mr. and; MS, P,, Bostic this week.'W?. Xj. t ! Mr. and Mrs. Vioidr,Oxley were guests throughout h week end with Mr. Oxley's parents in Beche- ly, W. ...'; iMttx.i r Mr. and Mrs. Temple Hill and daughter attended the Harrell fam ily reunion In Burgaw, Sunday." . " Pvt. Murphy C'Thlgpen of Fort Jackson, S. C. was home for the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orvi':Thlgpen.--r-i;; : Miss Immogene Jackson Is visiting her aunt and grandmother, Mrs. Bertie Sloan in Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Williams and son Danny of Washington have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chestley Williams. Mrs. Julian Quinn and Mrs. Brogden of Kinston were dinner guests Thursday, of Mrs. Lula Q. Parker. Mrs. W. N. Bostic and Mrs. Percy Williams made a .business trip to Kinston Tuesday. Come See! Come Save! On A&P'j Z- Everyday ffl&ft Low Prices jy Pastuerized Processed American Cheese Food Mel-OrBit Cheese, 2-lb. loaf . ... 83c Spam - Prem or Treet 12-oz. can Luncheon Meat Jit 45c Fancy Light Meat 7-oz. can A&P Tuna Fish 29c ; Tasty Delicious Jane Parker each Apple Pie 39c ' Sultana with Tomato Sauce 16-oz. can PcAaiilBMns.... 10c f Jane Parker : each 6c!dP6ndCake.i L..jk Jan? Parker ' 1-fobox' Potato Chips :55c Pell C2:rcrs At ; izttem Funeral Pall bearers for the funeral of Mr. L. C. Jackson on Friday after noon were: Messrs. Bruce Jackson of Florida; Joe Houston, Pink Hill; Nathan Cummings of Warsaw; Joel Kennedy, Pink Hill; Andrew Jack son and Reuben Hunter. tK Among out-of-town relatives and friends who called were: Mrs. W. F. Thigpen, Mr. and Mrs, Joel Ken nedy, Mary Edna Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Leiand Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Gard ner Houston of Pink HHI; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jackson, Mr. David Ressle Smith, Miss Norma Allen Smith of Kenansville; Mrs. Nathan' Cumm ings, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cumm ings of Warsaw; Mr. 'and Mrs: Nor man Craft of JacksanvflTer Mrs. Herman Bishop, Mrs. Doris Brood way; Mrs. Geraldine Emory, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph " Jackson, " Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs; Charles- Lark in, Mr. Albert Jackson of Kinston, Mr. and Mrs. Beaman Jackson of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs; XoeT Jack son and family of Fayetteville, Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Smith of Middlesex and Mr. Roswell Sholar of Chin quapin. , Miller H.D. Club Holds Meeting "What Shall We Have To Eat" was the subject of the demonstration given on Wednesday afternoon. May 19 by Mrs. Frank Rhodes at the Miller Home Demonstration Club. The use of milk was stressed in the demonstration. Mrs. Maurice Grady, educational leader, reported on developing better citizens. Mrs. Norwood Miller, food preservation leader, gave the food preservers creed. Mrs. Leonard Kennedy and Mrs. John Miller gave helpful sug gestions on Civil Defense. Recrea tion was led by Mrs. Frank Rhodes. The hostess, Mrs. James Miller served refreshments to the sixteen members present. O.E.S. To Meef Beulaville Chapter O.E.3. will meet Monday night June T for a regular meeting. All memberr are urged to attend. Card Of Thanks We wish to express our gratitude and appreciation- for the kindness; sympathy and all consideration shown during the illness and death "of our husband and father,. Mr. L. C. Jackson. The Family Vcrv J'c'-'V'I a vl I imIivihI , Beulaville Baptist Daily Vacation- Bible School closed Friday evening" with a picnic supper on the lawn. There were 120 enrolled, 104 average attendants and 6? with perfect at tendance record. Rev. A. L. Brown, pastor of the Church was the Supt Misses Carmel Eu banks and Janice Albertson worked with, the Nursery Dept. Mrs. James Thomas and Mrs. Brown Kennedy with the Beginner Dept Miss Lou Jackson, Mrs. F. L. Norrls, Mrs, Jay Thomas, Mrs. El wood Quinn and Mrs. Floy Danley with the Primary Dept. Mrs. J. Macon Brown; Mrs. Arnold Thomas and Mrs. W. N Bostic with the Junior Dept. Mrs. Edd Denny and Mrs. Hosea .Hunter with the Inter mediate Dept. - -f ' , . Pianists were Miss Farrior Brin son and Mrs. O. S. Thigpen.' Sec retaries were Misses Jerrie Ann Sandlin and Zelma Matthews. The program presented at 8 p.m. revealed some . very ... fine Bible memory work. : Each ; department having a part . The displays of hand craft were arranged most attract ively throughout the church and parents of the children attending felt they had truly- had some ex cellent training. Immediately , following the pro gram, a picnic lunch was held on the back lawn of the church. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo c o c O Mr. and Mrs. Chester Williams of Beulaville announce the marriage of their daughter Jackie Vaughn, to Ercel Bostic on May 29 in Dillon, S. C. The bride wore a two piece drete of navy linen with white acces sories. Miss Ursula Williams ana Mr. Canary Batts were present for the ceremony . The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bostic of Pink Hill a graduate of Beulaville school he is employed with the DuPont Com pany in Kinston. Following their vows they immediately left for un announced points. They wiB reside in the Brown apartments in Beulaville. , Social news of interest to many Duplinites has been received from LaGrange where the engagement r - C t&M U Ciaaa t-ardy, cf-wjh ter of Mrs. Parrott Mark Hasdy and the late Mr. Hardy, has bee announced tt Mr. Frederick Wootei Foscue of Trw-ton. watt of the late Mr- and Mrs. Frederick Woo ten Foscue of . Trenton. The wedding wJO take place July St. ' The' bride-elect lea former mem- bee the Beulavflle Scbeol facul- tr- . j i ' - Mrs. (jrc dy !!:s!2ss 76sct of Cfach . Hallsvilitr Presbyterian Women of the Chureh met Saturday fter noon with Hrc Maurice CTrady presiding at the annual Birthday program.,. The discussion "We, Too, Are The WorW Church," was" led by Mrs. Bland Rhodes assisting her were Mrs. Grady. Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Otis Miller and Mrs.' W. J. Miller. Special music was rendered by Bobby Jean HUIer. Mrs, Rhodes led the gpayer of .dismissal. Th social committee served refresh ments to the twenty-rive laaiea present -X . ... .: Bible Schoof Has Trained Facuily The successful Vacation : Bible School, which closed at the War saw Baptist Church Wednesday, May 26, was evidence of the value of a trained corps of workers self - trained by personal study. group study, ana cnurcn smuy. Very few individuals have had the opportunity- Of "college training" for church service, but every indi- - . II L vidual in a missionary nspusi ssa Church has continuous opportunl- njl ties for personal growth, develop- S ment and practical usefulness byL taking part in the local church plan of work. The following workers (many .u n.n,rini, tcninino onH lit- tie experience) met for a study yj,; clinic lor BiDie jscnooi nieuimu, techniques, and understanding. Cer tificates of award were earned by Mrs. Oliver Jones, Mrs. H C. Al len and Miss Shirley cocKreu inur- -t sery); Mrs. Fayette Batts, Mrs. Ar- EMI thur Cook, Mrs. Ed Polinski, Mrs. John Wood (beginner); Mrs. WVM. Buck, Mrs. Bill Fountain, Mrs. John Bradshaw, Mrs. Davis Hollings- worth, Mrs. Swick (primary); Mrs. W. Y. Vann, Mrs. Eugene Johnston, Mrs. Clyde Bradshaw, Mrs. R. P. Wood, Mrs. David Carlton, Mrs. John Barden (Junior); Mrs.) Or- mond Grice, Mrs. John Fonvnle Untermediata); Dr. G-een!,w, I, ...A Greenlaw. Mrs E. B. I-ales and Kra.' Guy FatCtner : administra tion). Other workers' J the school who dbi much personal study and pre paration work but did not attend the training clinic, included: Mrs. Elwood Revelle, Mrs. George Hen ry Bint, Mrs, Leon Mi&wrr Mrs. G. S. Best, Mrs. Clarence Warren, Mrs. R. M Herring, Mrs, Norman Jones, Mrs. Paul Brut, Mrs, L. J. Jones, Mrs. I i ' mn. Tile wo&ei3 tcijlized the truth the old a," " "It is not a d:s gyaee to be dumb;, but it is a dis grace to stay dumb" to a missionary minded Baptist Charh, tar any one who wants to learn has , the chane to learn by Study and ap plication. .The Baptist; Church maintains: a continuous 1 training center it its Baptist Training Union organization, the purpose of which and ability to do by S - ' i out the year various i . , . courses and special giiiJaru a .roups are hli for the training i 1 de velopment of each indivUa. l in- terested in personal improvement and service for Christ , , -Half the world wouldn't know how the other half lives if some ' busybody dldnt spill the beans. , . It may be true that patience is ' virtue but not when it Is spent is to train Id church understanding waiting for something to turn up. . TO THE VOTERS OF DUFUII C0UI3TY j ' imw.ilM.III.IIM. M HI III II I: , h '. ) I 1 II. ij. t sV 5 I " t : 0 I wish to thank the voters of Duplin County for their vote and support given me in last Saturday's Primary., For this I shall ever be grateful. R.M.CARR CANDIDATE FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HSfffc UvJU I want to take this means to thank those who voted for me for the State Senate and Pledge to m give my very best to represent Duplin County in every way possible. iX''':: f. ) - ,: . , A-fle-t' -'' i-'uV ".":;. .. ' an CCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI ooooooooooco ffVrrp iJWJ iii Hii'imm ii.. .ii iiiiiiiii iiiiiui inir iiiii.ii imrt.i.Mriini i, , ,11.1111.. i i.r.im.i-iiiiiiiii 1--.nnn 1 imrnir- , , , 1 -n fttwi.i.MrmMi W-' ( 3 . iAj-":, Come in today for the value of the year- a full-sizo passenger Sedan at i 1 Down Payment Model 1502 jOllE'S aiEVROLETCO. J WARSAW MOTOR CO. piiiK nnx ' WARSAW N. C. L , i a

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