" V tbx bums map, kekansvhx,"k. c. irr ::a?, j :: , i-a o 6 v ... Scanned and NAACF TO PETITION SCHOOL . BOARDS AT ONCE . . Negro . leaders. . throughout the South will petition local boards oi education to eliminate school seg regation immediately was disclosed ' last week after a conference in At lanta of leaders of the NAACP from 18 states. , , ' . "The Atlanta Declaration,' Issued by NAACP officials, called for in tegrationvat all school levels and ' advocated Negro teacher ' assign ment and federal aid for education. .' Thurgood -Marshall, who repre 'sen ted the organization in the Su : preme - Court - arguments, warned , against Juggling school districts to evade the court ruling, although he said he recognizes the right of school boards to set Op district "liAes., , According to press '. reports the . NAACP will take up the subject of segregation, in other fields when it meets in Dallas, Texas, next month. ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY y, . -.M i APPROVED , ' . After about half a century of controversy, the proposed St. Law rence Seaway was . approved by Congress and signed by the Presi dent. .'. The United States, under the ac tion, will join Canada In carrying out plans made, many ' years ago. The project will make it possible for seagoing ships to sail as far in land as Toledo, Ohio, , 1 When completed, the 27-foot, deep shannel will enable .. ships of the Victory and Liberty classes, for example, to pass directly from the Atlantic Ocean to inland parts on the Great Lakes. The idea, of the seaway, making it possible for much of the world's Silczt Vice OIL, BURNING TOBACCO CURER FEATURES Long lotting uniN Even heat distribution Economical 'curing . Simple operation Soft, fume tight, smoke tight UTILITY HARDWARE CO Mtl Olive, N. C. r Yes Wallace Stock Yard Auction Every Thursday Buying and Selling Daily Telephone 3161 - 6171 Wallace, N. C. . Listen for top hog prices each day over Clinton Broadcasting Station about 12:15 and ' Wallace Station at 12:25. , , See Us Asphalt roofs for stores, factories, homes -v applied by experts. Asbestos and insulated siding, metal gutters, rockwool insulation, and weather stripping installed by our expert mechanics; ' We manufacture all types of window units ? ' from West Coast Lumber. Ron Qil Aluminum ; Folding Awnings any size, ? ' , , ' v v Use our easy payment ISC OUT ensjr payment puui up iu v uivuuma ' f. Estimates gladly furnished without obli- i M" rl ty$?i$H- ttmvMi &0.' ytopay, gation. broo:(cai:;( if &rcofi::gco; ,P,O.Box$3i;; OfSoe Phone 2858 CLINTON, 4 -jo Picked vp from Here; There and " by J. W. Tomlinson ocean-going shipping to sail the St. Lawrence, was first seriously put forth lh 1899 and has been urged by every' president 1 since Wood row'. .Wilson.,' ' ' , ' ' ' The United States' share of con structing the ' seaway is estimated at $105,000,000. ' Engineer! estimate that Canada will be required to spend slightly more than $200,000, 000 to build its part This country's share' would be financed by the sale of $109,000,000 in revenue bonds to the Treasury, to be redeemed from the proceeds of tolls and other charges' FEDERAL SPENDING Federal- spending . decreased . by $1,378,000,000 -in the-"first- seven months of the current financial year. eTxom the total ; of the ' same period 'the year before, a Senate House committee reported recent ly. .. v i The joint economy ,, committee, headed by Senator Harry T. Byrd of Virginia, said government out lays totaled $39,983,000,000 between July 1, 1983, and January 81 this year. For the same seven months the year before they were$41,l6V 000,000. . COST OF ATOMIC PROJECTS The chairman of the Atomic En ergy Commission reports that atom ic experiments in the United States have cost the American taxpayers about $11,000,000,000 since 1947. That was the bill for uranium, plants -and laboratories, manufac ture of test weapons, and funda mental research, he said. It in cludes hydrogen - bomb develop ments through last summer. The figure does not include esti mates in the budget bill now pend ing in Congress. Operating costs now have, reached the billion-dol-lar-a-year-mark, he said, and may double. LEND-LEASE . President Eisenhower has made a report to Congress showing that the United States has collected $48, 374,749 during 1993 on Lend-Lease debts, including a payment of $20, 800,343 by the Soviet Union in in terest on material provided after World War H. The President submitted the gov ernment's thirty-fifty report on Lend-Lease operations. He said that several Lend-Lease countries had fully discharged their financial commitments to the United States and others are paying on schedule, FARM WASTAGE A Department of Agriculture re port estimates that as much as $13, 400,000,000 worth of crops, livestock kand forest products is wasted each yea in field-to-consumer losses. It said an additional $1,300,000,000 is lost yearly in land value reductions from soil erosion and flood. The above figures are based oh what is called the first comprehen sive study of agricultural losses. This study, based on the years 1942 to 1951, showed losses cut nearly a third from the potential value of crops, livestock, and forest products. LANDSLIDE IN PANAMA CANAL Dispatches from Balboa, Panama Canal Zone, to the New York Times describe the strenuous efforts be ing made by engineers to avert the danger of a giant landslide that could block the Panama Canal. The danger comes from a huge crack in a rock ledge overhanging For plan up to 36 months i:isulati;:g: Railroad St Home Phone 2081 N. C 1 Everywhere '- the face of Contractor's Hill along side GaUlard Cut, formerly known as Culebra Cut, the most trouble some spot in the entire .canal route. Officials said that If the. rock hill tumbled, into the cut tt probably would not cross the entire width of the waterway but Would never theless preclude any possibility of maintaining ship traffic. - i f Experts said that if the solid rocky mass, slide into the waterway It would first have to be dynamited into pieces small enough for dip per dredges to pick up and load onto barges.' '- The crack in the ledge when first noticed several, years ag was so narrow a person could step across It. Lately it has widened until now ,it is much wider and several hundreds of feet deep. ' - ' NEW MILE RECORD An English athlete, Roger Ban. nister, set a new record for the mile run at Oxford, England, re cently, the first time any runner has succeeded in running a mile in less than four minutes. ' His time was 3:59.4, a full two seconds under the existing record. The former record was 4:01.4, establish ed in 1948 at Malmo, Sweden, by the noted Gunder Haegg, of Swe den. A BIT OF HUMOR , After a terrible bombing during the 'last war a Cologner crept out of his cellar,' looked around at the ruins, and remarked: "If they want to come again they'll have to bring tjieir own houses for targets." The New Yorker. When Stephen Leacbck was asked by ambitious would-be authors to impart his magic formula for writ ing success, he would reply, ""It is not hard to write funny stuff. All you have to do is to sit down and write it as it occurs to you." "Yes, yes," the would-be writer would be prompt.' "The writing is not hard," Lea cock would conclude, "but the oc-curring-rthat, my friend, is the dif ficulty." The Wall Street Journal. From Paris comes this tale of a man who took a cab to the palace of the Prime Minister, where he asked the driver to wait for him, The driver refused, saying he didn't have time. "But you will wait for me,". said the passenger. "I am the new Prime Minister." "In that case," replied the driver, "I'll wait. You wont be in there very long. Pathfinder. French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman is a confirmed bachelor, When asked why, he explained: "When I was young, I decided not to get married until I had found the Ideal woman. Then I found her. Regretfully, however, she was looking for the ideal man." Path finder. "What funny names these Korean towns in the news have," remarked a man from Schenectady as he read a Poughkeepsie newspaper on his way to meet a friend in Hacken sack. New York Times. New Postage Stamp Slated For June 24 The Post Office Department an nounced this week that it will issue a 3-cent Statue of Liberty "In God We Trust" stamp through the Al bany, N. Y., post office on June 24, 19S4. The stamp is issued in conjunc tion with the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the First American Congress. It was at this meeting that Benjamin Franklin presented the -first plan of Federal Union. It was read to the Congress and adopted. Stamp collectors and dealers de siring first-day cancellations of the stamp may send a reasonable num ber of addressed envelopes to the Postmaster, Albany, N. Y, with money-order remittance to cover the cost of the stamps to be affixed. Postage stamps and personal checks will not be accepted in payment, the announcement warns. - Envelopes submitted should be of ordinary letter size and each must be properly addressed. 'An enclos ure of medium weight should be placed in each envelope and the flap either sealed or turned in. An outside envelope must not be sent for return of first-day covers. The envelope to the Postmaster, Albany, N. Y should be endorsed "First- Day Covers." Collectors should re frain fromrequeetlng hand cancel lation since covers Will be machine canceled so far as practicable. Or ders for first-day covers must not Include I request for uncanceled stamps.) j Ji'.M For the benefit of collectors de siring stamps of selected quality for phllatellcjuse, 8-cent Statue of Liberty, "In God We Trust" ordin ary stamp will pe available at the Philatelic Agency, Post onice de partment, Washington 29, D. C, on and after June' 29. To insure prompt shipment, -mall orders. to the agen cy should include no other stamp issue. " " , The Philatelic Agency does not service first-day covers, the an nouncement stated, ' Queen Elisabeth 1Tb the first reigning monarch of Great Bril, aln ever to visit all the countries of tht British Commonwealth , lb 0 ISO, Year Iterance Is My wife's a splendid driver! NoU counting the time she drove off with the hand brake pulled tip, she's (till an asset to the, driving fraternity... j She's death- on smart alee drivers, chronic speeders and people who dash through on yel low lights, i She. couldn't possibly tell a service station man how much air 'to put in the-tires, or. what weight oil to put in the crankcase. But she knows what an octagonal traffic sign means and a yellow line in her lane of traffic rings a clear bell. ' And that's saying; a lot for any" driver, " S v This girl doesn't make me nerv- Facts As I by VUA Climbing trees is about the worst handl cap; of being a woman I suppose. But, speaking of "women drivers" In the eyes of most men it would be interesting to study IF women drivers in many cases of minor accidents were given their own License Numbers to re port back into the presiding officers of their local station and hear what had been said of the incident involved. ' Being fair to each other every day of any year is the best way and only way to really live; To do so, you may have to lean over a lot, backward but in so doing it will be much harder for your enemies to kick you in the pants! Congratulations to the small boy who was crying over some small trival thing which happens in a young life when a bent old man aided by a cane, approached him ,and asked him timidely what he was crying about; The little boy answered very sincerely that it was because he, "Couldn't do the things big boys did." Where in hearing this, the old man sat down beside the little boy and began to sob too! Being bored by a dull book, Radio or T.V. is some of the things in' this world that can be "closed or cut-off" when unwanted. But, it doesn't keep us from being bent from having t oface - and foot - our uius all at the same time! Yes T.V. has caused lots of "indigestion" in many cases but it's probably taken the place of "Grand-ma's HooP Skirt" in importanceso beware of what you say of it. They're a good thing -to have around and we're glad we have them - along with all the other modern inventions. What can be more un-romantic to young parents than to have to look down into his infanf s 'face in a ward-full of off-springs bawl ing to the tops of their voices when only a few days old t To make bad matters worse, the at tending nurses -looking at you with that questioning look as if to say," why shouldn't he cry you Would if you were only a. few days old, no clothes, no job, and owed the Government nearly two thousand dollars." No, it's not easy being a parent. Not even being a poor one and harder to be a good Remember folks th way you treat your family, and the attitude toward others, are your "Trade mark." As you know, a Trademark, is a mark of a certain make or Brand used by the manufactor etc. God made us all and our actions shows the distinction oi our ap preciation or un-appreciation of credit to our Maker. What is your BRAND? One may say, "Oh, such is life," BUt, as a rule, people are funny, selfish, bitter or other-wise, they as a whole, are very nice. The surest way in the world to be deceived in one's self, is to think that you are more clever-er, than anyone else. Like the old say ing, "Self praise is half scandal." Too bad, but it seems, that in order to be smart we have to act DUMB! Not necessarely dumb- but more or less MUTE! ???? Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night! But, it is not easy for a man to be good these days .... most married men, not only have been hearing much about the "Flying Saucers" recent ly but have been seeing them for several years! A clue to a person, is their (personality & their voice.) A quiet voice indicates character and being sure of one's self; a raspy, squeaky, or 'whisper reveals little or no control on breathing etc; A relaxed person has a pleasing voice and sure of themselves without noticing it We need a school with those 'instructions taught in it-in our vicinity, but the need of one is yet to be felt by those who are Wilouitzton Coca Cola Wilminjton,'N. C CotUing Company" Showing ous driving in downtown traffic, either. . She'll roll down the win dow in a rainstorm to hand signal. And she's patient with the fellow who. doesn't flash off the instant the light changes. On the open road she stays in line. She knows you can't see through - a hill or around a curve so she hugs the right side of the highway. . A .horn toot behind us and she'll move over. When she's, driving our speedomet er stays at .a steady 90 per. Like ! said she's a splendid driv ''''::;,; rS', 'V'.' ,', . '"' But you've- got to draw the line somewhere! Mechanically speaking she's aa Ignoramus. Mention tire See Them SHLLOY able to provide one which would be easy for someone interested e nough to look into it. Speaking of OLD AGE; Fat and OLD AGE seldom stay here long together; Grow OLD and stay THIN if you can. Another thing those hot tempered, sharp tounged folks, are the ones who wish to beg -pardon oftener; Old or young. How much better to count nine or ten before spewing out words would have been better to have never been uttered? Cankterrerousness 1 (cranky) is no excuse for OLD AGE! What is sweeter than a sweet old lady? FLOWERS For all the love I hold for flowers, Which are as refreshing as the showers, The least we see in their lovliness, Is at the funeral of our loved ones; 'Tis not to say we need not the Florist, Who so gladly fill orders for rich or poorest, But they're left on the good earth we call a grave, Which claims the body of a Soul, God has choosen to take; But if I can have my way; I have just this much to say, When I am deatt and put away, I want to go so like I came, Give me one dozen red roses I know will mean the same. But the flowers if you must, but please. Send them to someone who can see, Except one dozen red roses To take away ,or replace all the coldness. The reason I can write this poem is Because I see so much wasted on a FUNERAL, It takes so long for loved ones to pay, You hardly know what to say. To a rich man, poor man, beggar or a thief, A dead body is no more than a pile of reef, So even for the love of flowers, Tis useless to wait 'til they're stilled in death. To show our loved one's our level best. So, please give me my flowers while I'm alive. And, feed the hungry with all the money wasted on me When I die TRY IT AND YOU'LL TELL . This is Chevrolet's greatest car and : today's greatest value! We're so sure of it that we invite you to prove it to yourself by any test you like. Look it over try it out. See how.it. gives you features and advantages you'd expect to And only in much higher-priced cars! - ' ' ? - ' ' ' : ' - -. ; s '-. . ' , . r . , t prove f'bvy's I ho timo ',V1 .1 VAnSAVMOTOKO. WARSAW, N. C pressure, oil level, wheel rotation. carburetor , adjustment, greasing, and the like and you get a vacant stare. - . , I tried to tell her about these things the other night ; t i 'Honey," I said, "you can ruin an engine If it runs out of oil. And tires wear fast unless - you have the pressure . checked freauerftlv. The battery ought to be' inspected occasionally, too. Now let's remem ber these things when you stop at the .gas station," I concluded en thusiastically. ..Her comment: "You mean that stick thing in the engine?" ; "Well, yes, but it's called an oil level indicator. It tells you' when the engine needs oil." v. "What's that got to do with safe wanted to know. "I've never had even a teeny accident and you say yourself I'm a good driver. Why should I worry about a dirty old Oil stick?" "Okay, forget it but I'm sure some of the ladles . are interested in what makes their car go." I should have made her listen, because even the best of drivers sometimes are unaware of the im portance of good car care plus pe riodic check-ups. Summertime driving, for example, puts an unusual stress on tires. Few women drivers, or men for that matter, know that torrid highways and long uninterrupted trips can shoot tire temperatures' up as high as 229 degrees. Paper thin tire cas ings can't stand such abuse and a FILLERS' A gigantic, 18-story-high plas tic balloon, made for the Office of Naval Research, recently soared to a height of 22 miles, a new record for free balloons car rying instruments REMOTE-CONTROL STING This B-47E Stratojet, being fitted, at Wichita, Kan., packs a remote-control sting In her tail. The turret, mounting, a twin 20-mm. cannon, depends on recognition of an "enemy" im age on a radar screen. Once sighted, automatic devices sup ply firepower when the foe is in range unless the operator counteracts the "brains" order. A GE development for the huge Boeing ship, it operates on an all-weather basis. NSSSS' DCfD Never before has General Motors offered so many features of its higher-priced cars in its lowest-priced line ... US THAT YOU GET THE BEST OF, ALL 3 PERFORMANCE, ECONOMY, PRICE I a Come in now and o in now and np to buy! Got our BIO D2AI I tr.oy a .-"'3 blow out is almost a certainty. Pe riodic rotation of good tires will in sure, even wearing and, of course a tire properly inflated will last longer, -h- . , , . . , - A leaky or rust ; pitted muffler (under the car and out of sight la dies) is , another hazard. Danger ous carbon .' monoxide fumes - can collect from a faulty muffler.. With poor interior - ventilation - these fumes can overcome you quickly and with disastrous results. Surely the women folks know what ' stops the ear. Brakes. . But, here again, brakes wont function properly forever without attention. Next time you drive to the grocery, press the brake pedal down as far as it will go. Hold it there, then look. . If it's two inches or less from the floorboard, have the brakes checked.. And a car' that pulls to one side or the other when the brakes are applied hard needs a trip to the garage. Then we come to windshield wip ers and headlights. ' Your wipers can't do an efficient job of sweep ing the rain from your windshield if they're dirty, greasy or worn. Replacement blades cost less than a dollar and you might be able to put them on yourself. Like 'I told my favorite woman driver, "You have to see danger to avoid it!" Headlights you can keep spark ling clean with a damp rag. If they're out of focus, dim or burned out, of qourse, that's a job for your repairman. But clean lenses, front and back, might save you from an accident. Wet your rag with water WALLACE GAS CO. SPECIAL on ear nationally ad vertised GAS automatic WATER-j HEATERS. Bandley Brown, John j Wood, General, Waldorf. REGU LAR PRICE 84 M ALLOWANCE j ON OLD HEATER regardless ofJ Condition 20.1 fYOU PAY ONLY 16430 Wallace, N. C. Phone 6701 Highway 117 Listen to the local news at 13 .00 noon ever WGBR. BS ffi GAS L3Q)'l?o o o wmr wwriiMw in im iow-price neia gives you cui these "fiesf Buy'f values BIGGEST BRAKES e HIGH C0. PRESSI0N POWIt e FISHER 10DY QUALITY e SAFETY MATE CLASS ristn irutf irviAu v. nnVTHjOin jo:;fsc!!eVuC1ETco. mixed with a little vinegar and polish up the lights. Include win dow glass all around while you're at it - As I pulled this narration from the typewriter, that woman driver I was talking about peered over my shoulder. -, -,- "What ! are- you writing?" She hung on: my shoulder, read, then headed for the kitchen.-.- I heard her wring out a cloth under the faucet and smiled to myself, " That girl's learning! , ,. ; See Us For Hay Seed & y ... .'. K-V Crop Seeds ' Soy Beans Hay Beans Crotalaria Velvet Beans Field Peas v Sudan Grass Cattail Millett Also Available All The Latest -Tobacco & Cotton Poisons - WARSAW FARMER'S EXCHANGE .. Warsaw, N. C. rHlHi;' tr-'ri-tirri-T --- Be "The Bride Of The Month"... iGet Lovely Prizes June July or Aug. come in and get-a lovely gift we will give tokevery bride who registers before her saar If you are getting married during riage ... In addition you many whx the valuable prize we will give to some LUCKY BRIDE OF THE MONTH Be Sure To Come In ' And Register . 'mmiummilltiiilnrrnninni' o o i e FULL-LENGTH BOX-GIRDEI FRAftl i A 1 i A-' Hl1 IS6vjc!:6vrcht! z ,iv.'.;-.ivvi:-:'s... i, 1111 1 -mi: J . i 1 i ' !ixv-'-';'''i "'foil

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