1 U1' 'I f if I i I '8 1 I s. E. G. Ecisser, Curny Sasser lives in Raleigh Wednesday h Friday. Billy Johnson ha v ..lJ in Raleigh this week V.v-1 ; I ranees Warren of Conetoe is vis Ling Miss Betty Home. They art spending a few day at i Hunters Cottage at Carolina Beach. V ... Mrs. R, C. Horne of Kinston Is spending a few days with lira. Flo rence Borne.' ' Mrs. Bettiesue Hunt and a friend of R. P. L. Richmond VaJ spent Oast week eiid with Mrs, Mnle Heat. .and Pat Hunt. ' - 1 i Mrs. Anne Barden of Warsaw sp ent a few , days ywlth,,, Mrs, LanJe Heath this, week, t.SllI I: Sunday guests of Mrs. Uaude Your Money Buys More At EUSKLNE'S i S i ho ixta J t - tw" r ERSKHIE'S. Kinston's Leading Credit Jewelers 110No.QueeA$ , v Kinston, N. C ' 'J ) Wafch Yourllrs Deposit regularly in a savings accouiit, then in sunset of your life you' ill have ncl worri.es. Start a savings account today. ' i1 .-; . v.v-; ' BRANCH B ANKliSJQ and TRUSifea ; "The 'Sale Executor" WALLACE v WARSAW F V f I &H!ii'im-rtin H:i)-r Magnolia, I WISH TO i sr EVERYONE Wlio SUPPORTED AND VOTED FOR ,M J PRIMARY ELECTION MAY 23TIL r i''4 Kr-- 5 1 ITl VfXL EE MY ; PUErOSE TO WOSK INTERESTS OF ALL OF THE PEOPLE OF DUPUN WITH JXJS; I! li TICEJpWARD, ALL AND MALICE TOWA King were Mr.: and; Mrs. BUI, King anti r' ' reT- of arboro,'; and, Mr. ai.a I s. L-J Kingan son of Wall ace. v vi V'.U 4'r 1 Urn. X.JT. JPfcfcefrtjwere called to Charlotte .Sunday, due to tbc Hints of her farther R. W. Burton, " m- , . i , ' Mr. and Jlfra. A, JJv Smith. anl Mrs. H. E., Grubbs : CalypW at tended th, funeral Mrs. Smiths graoCwrOier B. irttm, Sun merfield last Tuesday; iof t.vi. ' Fred Pickett, UV S,' A It Ben in Ckt' spent last week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. U. T. Plo ketti '.'jfW - " iv a ' -mi Z-t'Aiistia BakeiB.'S. A and son pi Mr.' and' Mrs.. Jacob Baker i is now stationed at Ft Bemiing, Ga. ; FAISON Jo the Democratic Voters in tvenansvule and. Kose Hill EXPRESS MY SINCERE APPRECIATION TO A. Be returneed there ':..t wxmiing a thirty day leave with 1! parenU. " Jun West of WashJisstoa, IX C, Marion Sedberry of Army Chem ical Center,' Md., Mr. and "Mis, Lit ton Truelove of Wilmington cere week end guests of Mr. and id MA John, B, Croom. , , ? ' Mrs. Frank Barden "spending some ,time with her daughter Mrs. W, V. Michael, and family in Dur ham,, -., ', . ".., Mr. and Mrs. Melvla Pope are In Atlanta. Ga, on business. Their son Harrv is visiting his srandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Simpson in St&k esdale. , 1 . ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Vestal visited Mr. and Mrs.. N. T, Piclcett Sunday afternoon, , , t Mr. and Mrs. E., G. Sasser and Mrs. Anna Johnson chaperoned the senior class and a tew friends at the,, Dallas Jfones Cottage at Caro lina Beach last week esUL'" ,-,."-r-'i Mr.' and Mrs. ' L. K. Alderman Visited Mr.' and Mrs. N. T. Pickett last Saturday afternoon, ' V Mrs. N. T. Pickett returned home from Charlotte last Saturday, Mrs. Walker McNeil and children I of Warsaw' visited ' Pete Wilson Sunday.1 " ."? 1 i Miss-Sally Mae Jones of Raleigh spent last week end with hef par ents Mr. 'and Mrs. Dallas Jones. ' i ; Miss Barbara Tucker and Gary j Taylor went to Wake Forest' Col- ; io0. last Saturdav for' Miss Jov Taylor, who Is a. student there. She and three greatgrandchildren. . j Mrs. Robert Fields, Duplin' Times Representative : Telephone 243 2. Please Call In Tour News. ' -Mis. Fields Will Receive Subscriptions and Advertising. Mr. and Mrs. . H E. FusseH tf Winston-Salem spent the week end visiting telatives. Mrs. Roberta Rouse is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Fussell of WinstonSalem. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rhodes visited Mrs. Rhodes parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barden,-last week end. , Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wilson attend ed the graduation exercises at Mt. Olive Wednesday night Boyd E. Wilson Jr., a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, ws among the gradu ates. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Johnson of Wilmington visited Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Sanderson Sunday afternoon. , Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clark of Clark ton visited Mr. and Mrs. R S. Troy last week end. They attended the recital Of Mrs. Lucy Marshall's class in which their granddaughter, Ann, took part Mr. L. K. Alderman Jr. of Wash ington, D. C. visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Alderman, Br. last week end. , Pvt Rlfton Cavenajfgh of Fbrt Jackson, S. C. wis at home for he week' end. . . Master Amy Bland of Kenansvllle is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Amy Bland.-. Mr. and Mrs. I A. Wilson were hosts to the following students of ist ;" Delving into church records can produce interesting facts of pro gress for those interested in the growth of the Warsaw Baptist Church ministry to its youth in its Vacation Bible School opportunity. Records for several years are missing or else no school was held during certain periods. Associa tions! Minutes, Church Records, Bible School Record Books pro duced the following statistical in formation that show the growth of the enrollment, average attendance and Sifts to missions: . 1934 Enrollment, 135; average at tendance, 75; gifts, no record. 1939 (No V. B. S. S. S. enroll ment 161). . 1942 Enrollment, 106; average at tendance, 53; gifts, no record. 1948 Enrollment 129; average at tendance, 90; gifts, no record. 1949 Enrollment, 132; average at tendance, 116; gifts, $13.90. 1950 Enrollment 145; average at tendance, 102; gifts, $14.57. 1951 Enrollment 233; average at tendance, ?72: gifts, $43.40. 1952 Enrollment, 2(35; average at tendance, 183; gifts, $69.34. 1 Enrollment, 260; average at tendance, 216; gifts, $47.39. 1951 Enrollment, 266; average at tendance, 216; gifts, $60. , Daily, in response to the study of missidns a love gift offering was IV,, .wyo n Wl ,:. E II Vtetmcmwyw-W fl ME IN THE ii FO It! THE BEStM ;,;;v;..vn y.:v:'':.':':..v i i returned home wi'Ji Uiera tat t s summer holidays. ' Gerald Rouse, sea f llr. and Mrs. -Darid- Rouse amderwent aa appendectomy at James T: '.;er hos pital last Friday. Ee I e4 tt his home Tuesday. Mr, and Mra. Babe XYoom Visited Mr, and Mra. Charlift Thoma '.Mr Mary Quinn, Mr.1 and Mrs. J. N. Home ana Misa i Iulsey Croom V Mr. 1 and ' Mrs.' Emest'' Pope ail tended their grandson," Jimmy Jones tap ' dancing; recital " Wednesday night' ";, ' Mrs. Jan Trapnell made a busin ess trip- to Wilmington Wednesday. ' Guests of Mr. a Mrs. 15, Horne, MlsS Loaiae Crodm, and Mr. S, B. Hunter last Monday night, were Mrs. Mary Thofne of Farm villa and fir. and Mrs. S. B. Hunter, Jr. and sons of ICealy.,; v Falher 01 Local Woman Passes Funeral services for Robert W. Burton, 83, were held Tuesday Hay 25th. at' the Summerfleld Baptist Church in Sum merfield, A C Sur viving are two daughters, Mrs. G. M, Lupo of Charlotte, N. C and (Mrs. N. T. Pickett. Magnolia, two Duke University at a house party at the cottage of Mrs. Eric Norden on Wrightsville last week ; end. Carolyn Hill, Durham, Joan King, Cordnenos, Cuba, Sarah Dewey Hunt Goldsooro, Joan Earle, Ath ens, Greece, and Barbara Wilson, Rose Hill. -' Mr. A. O. Fussell is In Winston Salem this week visiting his daugh ter Mrs. L. J. Matthews. Mr. . Fus sell is attending the graduation ex ercises of his grandson, . Jimmy Matthews, Jr., -graduating . from Haines High School in Winston- Salem. Mr. Jesse Fussell, Mr. W. E. Fus sell and Miss Betty. Fussell spent Monday and Tuesday fishing at Wrightsville. Pvt. Harold B. Wells of Fort Jackson, S. C. was at home for the holiday week end. . j " Mr. and 'Mrs. Jacob Baron and Mr. , Joseph Gresham oit Scotland Neck were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Johnson. .,;( !' ,' , Misses Evelyn Fussell and Esther Johnson ; joined a party , at ' the beach for the holiday week end. j ' Miss Madelyn Horne of Fayette-, vllle visited her mother, Mrs, R uH. Home, over the week end, . i- Mrs. Dalton West and Dalton Jr. of Greensboro are visiting Mrs. West's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hi C. Marshall taken. No goal ever set, nor any pressure made. The mission offer ing is sent through the local church for Cooperative Program endeav ors. "History" was also made by the junior and intermediate depart ments in the 1954 school. The han diwork was done - for a definite practical purpose for use in the new educational building. The junior girls made doll beds (12) for the three nursery units needing them; also hot pads (15) and embroider ed towels (19) for the new kitchen. The junior boys mounted pictures (head of Christ) for classrooms, crayon chests for various class rooms and literature racks (6) for each of the nursery and beginner department rooms. Belts were made for personal use. The Inter mediate boys completed coat racks (44) for the nursery rooms. The racks were "bunnies" and were most attractive and appealing to the tiny tots. Intermediate girls made stuffed animal dools for use in the "Sleepers" room. From "scraps" numerous blocks standing animals as well as letter blocks were made and designed with a burning pencil and varnished by the junior boys. Special recognition for the lead- I . ii ; r 'ftWKESara r " V 'm - ma rtj.'."ttjf FrAth frutl tliarrMi hat A V sf ;. li t ' 'l ltr goocl with your Imeolt c$ well at TV freati. v Better stock with nougin, for everybody. t In ths handy roun 4 T& shot few It frtsij fartyow V :,,;'. mm i mm - CitmZm-M Frew - Frent) -nt matter whether the hotise 3 h fve-rom bunjulow or a cat fl "There is another feature of the Cooperative: Savings 'and Loan As sociation 'which: is 'Of utmost im portance to the 'economic' structure of our county, that of encouraging thrift through savings.'' Yea, ours fs a business 'in -which all share holders share in the profits at one of the highest dividend rates in the country; that of S per cent per an num o ssa vings that are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan In surance Corporation. This : means that each' savings account In our institutlo nls insured up to' and in cluding S10.000.00, and during this past year Congress saw fit to in crease our Insurance from $5,000.00 to ' $10,000.00 each account -which proves that Sayings and Loan In stitutions are sound and a profit able place for the investments of our thrifty!) American citizens." 1 Commander Drift Presides Friday MttcheQ Brltt who is the 1954 Commander of American Legion ; Post 127 of Warsaw,? will preside for the first time along with (the other new officers of Post 127 when the regular monthly meeting is held Friday night May 28th at 7:30. Com mander Britt and the other 1954 officers were Initiated to their, new positions In Post 127 at a Special Business meeting- on Friday night May 15th. At this meeting a fine dinner was served by the Thearte Grill Inc. of Warsaw but some very urgent and important business was taken care of also as wel las the en joyment, of a good meal. The at tendance at this meeting was quite small but most of the key members of Post 127 were present so the urgent business at hand was handled satisfactorily. The small attendance at this meeting prompted Comman der Britt to bring forth his idea of having at all future meetings a special speaker In order to help create Interest amsng Post 127 members and therefore bring them to the meetings so that Commander Britt's many plans to put new life into Post 127 can be carried out. Post 127 is one of the oldest Post in the North Carolina Department but for the past few years has 'not been up to the membership strength it should and certainly not up to what it can with the many Veterans there are in it's immediate area. The very good program of Junior Baseball has, already been. given up by Post 127 for 1954 due to the lack of interest by the members of the Post in this program and the lack of interest by the pepple of Warsaw too. Perhaps if the interest of the members and people of the area In creases by 1955 this fine program can be re-installed at Post 127 and in Warsaw. A great rally in interest is greatly needed by the members of Post 127 arid the people of this area or one of North Carolina's oldest American Legion Post is headed for oblivion among the lost history of North Carolina. ership of the handiwork should be given to Major and Mrs. Eugene Johnston, whose home was turned into a workshop for the carving Of the various wood items; to Mrs. W. Y. Vann and Mrs. R P. Wood, and Mr. Clarence Warren for the doll beds and literature racks; and to Mr. Leslie H Brown, who directed the intermediate boys In their work and who furnished the necessary tools for the more difficult car pentry work. Several other as sistants were helpful in each de partment. The items made w(ll be used to fill a definite purpose in the new building and wil represent the handiwork of the' Vacation Bible School youth of 1954. The Bible School custom is to make one item for self, and one for another; how ever, this year's youth gave of their interest and efforts as "their con tribution to the progression of the building program. Success these days consists in operating a high powered car with out running Into the poor house. jV J rVt - rr. c fsJi..,' mmm: fonioliiing goodnestj, t,5-yy.;l fi(t.t '" " ' ii " '' tteSAz I container itrt 4m )C0 Xtsiqi r,;'3 lli i 0 1 4:;;;; ; by v. r ; ' Mrs. Ross Pi-ace, of it .-r and daughter, Mrs. ' i.; D. - Sloan and daughter Gall, were visitors of her brother In a Kinston hospital last week end. - Mr, Roll on Batchelor who still is in critically condition. , Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, Williams and son . John Allen were visiting his son, and family Mr. j Clarence Wil liams, of Norfolk, Va. last week end. , Mr. and Mrs. Billie Brinkley and family were sight-seeing and joy-? riding last Sunday taking ba the sights aU Harkers bland, Beaufort and last to Morehead Qty, where they had sea-food dinner.';."': I , Mrs, Earl Wells of Burgaw and sister, Mrs.. James Price and daugh ter Joa were visiting at Cherry Point, laai.jweesr with Mrs, UiHT, Wynn an4 other-friends there. .!.! ;, Mrs. Carrie Pickett - has i been spending several days in New Bern with her granddaughter, Mrs.' Leon-' ard Dixon and family while Mrs. Dixon has been confined to' a hos pital and at home 'recently". j , Misses Nellie Sanderson and two friends, : Miss ' Helen Gilmore and Miss Lucy Everett of Greensboro College returned ', Sunday . Aafter spending the' week' end here' with , her' te.'fefv-.VVtf i Mrs. Virginia , Chrisley ' of Nor? folk; Va.' made a short visit with her " parents ' Mr. Ora Register last week end, , on a business trip. ' ; ' . ; Mrs. Adrean Teachey and daugh ter , Peggy, , of Rocky ' Mt was a recent visitor "with Mr.' '' Rollon Batchelor in a Kinston hospital; :. Mr. and Mrs. Rodolph ' Morten and x daughter Elezabeth motored over to Jacksonville recently to visit with Mr. i Martin's - parents there and members of the family. Friends are sorry to learn that Mrs.i Hebourn Wilkens fell In her room last week, injurylng her feet and caused bruised, sores and possi ble fractured ribs. Doing nicely as could be' expected at her, home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sanderson and Tobacco Disease llext ThuLrsday A: M. Clinic Ag. Building A.tpbacco Disease Clinic will ;be held at the Agricultural Building in Kenansville on Thursday, June J, from 8:00 ajn. to 12:00 noon. Mr. J., G. Wells, Extension Plant Path ologist from State College, will be here to identify the tobacco diseases . for Duplin , County - farmers, j , All farmers who have tobacco diseases which they would like to ha ve iden tified, should bring 4 or 8 diseased plants to the clinic Wash the dirt off of the, roots of the plants, wtap the roots In a wet cloth or fertiliser oag, or other material that will keep , the plants fresh. . t ' by Vernon H. Reynolds ' County Agent j j5. Some people give advice,, others sympathy - and occasionally some one, takes hold and. gives -a lift ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc g o o o o o o o o o o o o O ' o o o o o.v, o o o o s or: To those o ; Orv- o:; o.k Thanks mary Saturday; I want lo thank yott Or" gl O," Vl ou "HVj,i"'i til'l lit KM i ssajk. , in-i !tl ''Wtiirfjs your support Qtpiif;', o I . .1 ' -." netnerv belter lav enforcement in D:plm County. I pledie, On Q f.'iitj'.ifoi' X'"'iV" mm"s 01 . a raij n! Ufii ft'kfz.yj;'.i-' O .7'.; :ttmmnum OOQOOOOOOOC 'rfinfi txfMi 1 ri-jrsrustii Jisijfa!'" j j -i.'i- :'i;,.s.'vf,. : I'K'Wk'? fl-A ,ni-t iv uik J I ', ' ' '', "' ;;'',. 4if.'vfWft!wo'5 -am-M rir la j '';:; 'i;rnfyy"r' 'son Leon, Kmy Brinkley and Mr. L. H, Carter spet last wetk end holiday in Mars Hill and Chariutte and other points with relatives; MrL T. H. Huff, Mrs. O. J. Ander son, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Carter and Mrv and Mrs. H L.' Carter. Misses Nellie' Sanderson,' Helen Gilmore and Miss Lucy' Everett visfted with Miss Gloria. Maready last week end a- few hours. Mrs. Eula Sanderson and V. Mil iar; spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sanderson near Wallace last week. r 'i v -'!;; Mrs. Sudie Pickett and Mrs. Ro- dolph Morton recently visited Mrs, Lenord Dixon who underwent an operation at a New Bern hospital Hi 'm ' mm . "'ft. y 'jiiJr;4',y:KjH-U!Sii .. mflt r$ r:;.; n. j " 1410 W yernonKlNSTON, N. C Phone 4681 WOW JALOUSIES V ADD-A-ROOM EncloM your porch or breezeway. Create an extro room for your , , . family's pleasufel Your porch or breezeway with "Lift Long," "No I Up-keep' g!a Jalousies will be wonderful for i W) (KinriMloM ' ' I :Ml'lmttoir-l',. " 4! , (2) TleislM Rasas , (5) Card Reess , - , : (3 i OwiIUe t $ Reeas 4fJ j Or for ust plolrr reloxtn'" loves wear and tear on iving Room. Designed for spacious living ovei in a small house. The amazing new J . Jalousie Venetian Windows and Doors give you trouble-free service. ; Glass Jalousies add exceptional' beosty and afford light and vision j even when' closed. The use of obscure or trotted glass gives privacy. mm. arj i I i.'ti,, -i.,,") -1 "'J!.!); iprfv.l 3 jrf 'r.-s'.iil.) tfeif ! j S Tall eta all abaav year new Jalae ies far 0 Pc.a New Wf. eBraeseway. I am aaeer ae - ti ir.r-;tW,yt r-n-'Wf mmmmmmmam of you who voted for me or not, during the nexf four 4 Folks JIIBpi Mill; ooooooooccccoocooooooooc J A unJ "i. Liisick Stew" supper w s I 1 ! t Eat evening at the . L.,, t church for the adult class es ,of the Training Union, and their ' families, sponsored by several of , the members., : ,. :; ) A "stork" shower was held last ; . week end at the home of Mrs. , Martin Dail as a surprise - for Mrs. Hallle Smith. The affair was a totaL-- surprise and so many gifts recelvj J ed - that is seemed only the baby"" were absent! Games, chatter, fun and refreshments were enjoyed by' ' i all who attended. - " ' , Mr. Jean Sanderson and Nellie -Sanderson and several of their friends ' spent the .week end oyer v at Topsail Beach on a pleasure trip , swimming fishing etc. , , ; '. SUPPLY CO. f Jelomlw (prewMMd "Jol i IsVV tMSM Mtt4 StttOtMtvftllf flM tk9 . nuhnymt Florida and tser lonlh era sum Cat yean. Coaftrwctad io : rebl-ir mglnra hrdwV ;;f. W tWMtfruAy IwlMUd atot gUA V jdleWdw Me UidMivolly MantdSff J 10 - i o ; m o 2 io':yy o o o 8 o o o o O " o o . o . o o o . o ; O 1 O -O ' O ' o o . o, o -o o O: o o.. o 0 o o , o , c a ; X) 0 me in the Pri- tfit 0Urk; if years in having 11 1 Holy

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