- i VOL.21, NO. 22 Mrs.l!:;pl!3sl3ss ToCiLlSCbss Mrs. H. jR. Hipp was hostess to the Sallle E. Johnstone Bible Class -ot Warsaw Methodist Church, at the t , May meeting on Monday evening. The three final chapters of the f. Mission Study. These f Siwntth Speaking Americans", was taught Dy Mrs. Charles Carroll Mrs. Q, J, aunon ana Mrs. m. a. Smith, , Mrs. O. P. Prldgen lea period . devotional. r 4 . Mrs. Sanford Picker president, presided over the meeting' and dur ing this period It was mnounced : that a covered dish supper -would . be held ; at the church . Thursday. , evening at 7:00 when Mrs. M.-A. Smith, Mrs, Milton West and Mrs. W, M. Craven win present Jthe boolc, "Heritage and Destiny" by General ; Kennedy, n .During the social hour ice cream and cake was served. IS members attended. Section 2 .... KENANSVILLE, NUKTH CAiilUJNA, THURSDAY. JUNE 3, WJSSS9JlM?aJ Mar ta Duplmand N. I . C4 MWdl PRICE TEN CENTS Cub Scout leaders Met Sunday 3cl$yVcnn lloncree ' Betsy Vsaa was honored on her fifth birthday Thursday afternoon it her . home. , Sarah Alice Fussell led1 the little guests In outdoor games and later showed slides. , The guests were then invited into- the house where Mrs. Bill Vann served cup 'akes and toe cream. Balloons and hats were given as favors. Guests Included David Allen, Tohnny Best, "Carolyn Johnston, Herbert Wray, Buddy Goodman, Di anne Cook, Barbara McNeill, Tony Rivenbark, ' Abigail ' Warren, Jean- nette Britt, Marina and Jane Black- Bride-Elect Honored Cub! Leaders -met Sunday after noon at S o'clock at the Warsaw Grammar School for Round Table Discussion with" eighteen present Mrs. Christine Williams conducted : songs and games. Den chiefs of Warsaw conducted a treasure hunt Mr. Sam Glasgow demonstrated epenbig and vtosing cexemoflres. Chatterbox exhibits were on dis- NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THE DMDEHK1GBED TAX COLLECTOR TOR THE TOWN OF WARSAW. WILL BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 A.M. AND 4:00 MB. ON THE SECOND MONDAY IN JUNE 1894, OFFER FOR SALE AT PUBLIC OUTCRY, TO THE HIGHEST BTD- , - ,DEH, FOR CASH, THE FOLLOW USQ DESCRIBED REAL PROPER- ' roR RELiNQrDErrr iws taxes l-i TRUED THERE ON. . -' .white) V"f. Block Lots Amt v, Apple, AJH. Heirs' . MM 1 $ 3.52 Bell. A. W. Heirs . 15B 16 6.00 j Boyette. H. S. Jr. 72 J 1.7S j Britt, Carl ' 152 4 8.39 Dunn, W. B. 20-41 4 105.70 80 1 15.21 1 2354 1 22.21 6 42JS7 1 61.06 Mrs. J. MT Kornegay and Mrs. John . A. Johnson entertained at bridge at the Kornegay home on Tuesday evening at the Kornegay hqme honoring Miss ' Geraldine Johnson of Clinton, a June bride elect. . " s The home was attractively deco rated throughout- The pink and white niotif being used in Use deco rations and refreshments. Mrs. J.' T. Gresham received milk glass for high score. Miss Emily Teague won a vinegar cruet for second and Mrs. Maurice Jordan the low score, received Jello molds. The honoree was presented a cor sage of white mums and a silt of silver in her pattern by the "hos tesses. Ice cream in bridal molds, indivi dual cakes and , mints were served at the conclusion and iced drinks and nuts during the play. - Invited guests included Miss John son, her friend;- Miss Emily Teague of Clinton; Mrs. Rivers Johnson, Jr, Mrs.. Bill Taylor, Mrs. W. J. Middleton, Mrs.. J. N. West Jr., Mm XttmrtSIatthis, Mrs. El Simp- Miss Drinson HosfessToY.Wi. ; Miss Wink Brinson' was hostess to Y.WA, on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Lillian Quinn, There were nine members present and two visitors. "Mrs. David Cham bers, ,WJf. XT. Young People's. Di rector, attended. Miss Iris Ezzelle, president, opened the meeting with prayer. Committee reports were given. Miss WBsm Shqlar was in charge of the program assisted by Misses Joyce Whittle, Iris Ezzelle, Wink Brinson, Ruby Home and Bert Lefler. The hostess served ice cream floats. ' Mrs .Avon Sharpe was presented a piece of silver for her birthday. Mrs. Mathis Entertains Choir Members Mrs. D, L. Matthis entertained the. members of the Baptist Choir im mediately following choir practice Friday night Miss Fannie Wilson assisted in serving iced punch, po tato chips and cookies. Those attending were: Mrs. Glenn Brown, Mrs. Paul Potter, Mrs. George Bennett Mrs. Bill Vann, Mrs. John Fonvielle, Mrs. , J. F. Strickland, Miss Sallie Hill. Glenn Brown, Rivers Johnson, Jr., Ed 'Strickland and Lee Brown. Warsaw Baptist The Vacation Bible School com mencement program for the War saw Baptist Church, held Wednes day, night, May 26, brought to a close the most successful school the church has ever sponsored when judged by the enrollment attend ance and quality of work accom plished. - -v a, ":-.y After the traditional processional behind flag bearers, the students sat by department groups and par ticipated in the general worship period and then presented special features representing the summar ized activities of the daily sched ule. Typical presentations were given by the Nursery Department well done in this department . The Junior Department's contri bution to the service included a flash-card resume of each day's them (well done, Juniors); a quin tette sang "Whisper A Prayer" and one student retold one of the daily character stories. 4'. ..'''' The candlelight service by the Jrrniediate Department was most effective in dramatizing the mean ing of Missions, the types of work being done by the denomination -n vhere. This feature was fol lowed immediately by the presen tationSthe joint' Junidr and In termedwls Departments of "Dedi cation" a unison two-part anthem. ; The entire service was charac terized as "impressive, effective," evidence of serious work by teach- after which the group went to its ers" "purposeful In plans and so department room for the rest of the service. Songs and scripture verse in answer to questions by the leader Were given by the more than 50 beginners. Of unusual quality was the pre sentation by the Primary Depart ment' The group was too large to stand on the pulpit; yet the work was given so distinctly and well that the entire audience was able to understand each part. Many verses of scripture, several new songs, and stories recalled by ques tions asked gave indication of work son, Mrs. F. A. Mitchner, Mrs. Wal ter P. West, Mrs. W. G. Britt, Mrs. John "Vincent Mrs. John Fonvielle, Mrs. Mitchell Britt Mrs. Otto Mat thews, Mrs. Maurice Jordan, Mrs. Charlie Sheffield, Mrs. Ed'Hines, Mrs. Edward Strickland, Mrs. Ralph Best Jr., Mrs. J. T. Gresham, Mrs. Sam Godwin, Mrs. J. F. Strickland; Mrs. William Craven, Mrs. H. C. Allen, Mrs. B. T. Tfobbs, Mr A.M. Beutuu. Mr. Weeks Honored On 87th Birthday Mrs. H. H. McCullen, Mrs: JL C. Bunch, and Mrs. E. F. Strickland held open house at the home of tneir rather, John M. Weeks in Clinton Sunday afternoon in cele bration of his 87th birthday. The home was decorated with arrangements of spring flowers. Re ceiving guests were Mr, Weeks' grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Spivey, E. F. Sutton, J. Hughlon McCullen, H. B. Warren, and Miss Winona Strickland. Several great grandchildren assisted in serving refreshments. Approximately 129 guest attend ed. practical." Sound advice: Forget the past don't worry about, the future live only for the present. Mrs. Whiffle Scores High At : Mrs. Allen Draughan entertained members of "her bridge club Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. L. S. Whittle was given a pocket book for high score; Mrs. Paul Berry received stationery for traveling; Mrs. George Penny was presented the prize for low. The hostess served grapefruit salad, ham biscuits and russian tea to: Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Whittle, Mrs. Penney, Mrs. Paul Potter, Mrs. Robert Blackmore, Mrs. N. A. Mit chell, Mrs. J. P. Harmon and Mrs. a. jxi. aenton. The man' who always says wha"t he likes is sure to hear a lot of things he dislikes. Unhappiness is usually only a State of mind, but happiness is al ways of real thing, .y . ( 'r Everyone has a right to think, but it is often dangerous to, ex press one's thoughts. . ' Usually the folks who missfth freedom train 'are those who live far beyond their station in life. '.: Ignorance of the law excuses no ties will spring most any crook. OOOOOOOOOt'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOl o o o o o o o o For Rent HOUSES & APARTMENTS In Kenansville and Warsaw A. J. STRICKLAND Phone 471 Or Warsaw OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI o Cars fn-Sco fia fcb d!crc:3! V O O o o o o o o o o o o o " Mrs. Belton Minshew Phone 554 Warsaw Q 0000000000000000000000004 . in ip I'll t: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o BIACK-MW!E iL C.. w mdia and TV. Modal 1ICI1. 2MK cemeb In ganuim mahogony wiwcrt ami no tiv hordwoodk Swlvol coittri. turn on this G-E next . to any other set anywhere near its price. You be the ' judge. See for yourself the difTerence the G-E Alumuuzed - Picture Tube makes Hacker blacks, whiter whites, greater range of grays. Designed for aH-chimnel UHF-VHF. Let us show you thisTj-E in action. Blocker blocks! Whiter white! Mott tons In bffwttl f.V' FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION! Sm G-l right la yow owe ' hoawl No obHgaNon. FARMER'S HARDWARE & MERCHANDISE COMPANY The Farmers friend WARSAW N. C. Jf. F. (Jimmy) Strickland Mrs. Floyd StrickUad loooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Guy, Kmmett vHerring, J. D. Heirs Herring, Leonard D. Hinman, E. B. Heirs Hobbs, B. F. Sr. Marshburn, Mr. -J. M. Heirs 25 2 134 Satterfield, I. E. 89 2 2.40 (Colored) aAdam, Westley Heirs 26 1 $ .80 Allen, Bobert 86 1 8,73 Allen, a W. 15 1 1.01 . Blango, Katie 11 1 2.94 Bowden, Josephene 48 1 S.25 Bowden.lRachael , 62 1 14.28 Bowden, WJM. Heirs 2 1 43.33 Branch, ' Dorcas 53 1 6.13 Carlton,; Harry Lee 49 1 18.34 Carlton, John 15 3 40.95 Carlton, M M. 15 2 4.36 Cooper, ' Mary L. 53 2 7.89 Cooper, Bobert Lee 28-51 5 44.71 Faison, Dora 61 I 28.22 Faison, John Walter 25 1 24.29 Faison, Webb Heirs 63 1 34.30 Gaston, John A. Heirs ' i " 3-53-86 gel more irade-in value on your old refrigerator because of our tarload purchase price , Gaston, .Theodore 34 1 - Gooding,- John 28 j 2 Henderson, Susan 59 2 HilL Catherine 50 1 Hill, Edd & Othonia HilL Faison H HiU, J. W. Hill, Wentworth Jackson, Hettie B. - Jenkins, Docie Johnson, James Heirs Johnson,Mary ; Kenion, Elma ' . McCall, Corrinna Middleton, Barbra Heirs Middleton, Henry Lee Middleton Jim Bob , , .Miller, Jm Henry i Moore, Ddra Underwood 27 1 15 3S-62B 32 82 23.01 14.70 5.62 2.26 4.21 11 53.19 3 9.46 14.50 11.36 12.19 7.49 2.61 19.70 2.27 10.43 28 10 25 - JPhillips, William Rich, Octavia Heirs Roberson, Addie Roberson, Carrie Robinson, James. ES. Shaw. Herbert . V (Smelling, Lucile v' Smith, A. B ' Smith, Kit 10.45 11.79 4.91 6.73 25.69 31 1 12.14 27 34 62 59 62 15 53 9.18 11.87 8.39 107 13.75 5.08 19.06 12.40 26 11.16 2.74 13.25 8.10 "Vnlth, Thomas Heirs - 62 i ,1th, WUUe Lee . ' ) I .Tapdy 10 2 , Lizzie Heir 10 1 T Whitehead, Emma Heir 14 I j -Whitehead, Sidney Heir 14 1 .14.16 . Williams. 't - 1 George Durfdy 53 I - 7.02 Williams, Leslie v : 'l IS KM Williams, M. W. v 36 1 VM Williams, Richard Heir 62 1 7.42 Williams, Tommle ;' 36 2 13.96 Wilson, J. S. ' ? f ' , 11 ViXl Penalty-and costs will be added to the above amounts i This ti 10th day of May, 1954. --' T. W. Waters . . s- . ' Tax Celiector V"- h I Li check iese FABULOUS IIS OUER BEFORE VOU BUY o) rj J.I t Uj; M r 1 o i 1 1 i i 1 -I I l .Llllll $7500 Minimum Full-Width Frttx.r vVj 0 Full-Width Chiller tl let Cub Troyi O ; Throt Shelves In Doer .f 'J "' ; 'V ':"! .' ' , ' ;V V'' ', ';' ' 'V':'- ! O Hi-MumiJ.'ry Sroroje O Thriftmatter Unit X M mm Shelves O Automatic Door Latch O ' 5-Year Protective Plan . O tcck To Uttptht For Tht Ficwx? . FIRST Q Automatic Defrost No Trays To Empty Full-Width Freezer Ice Cube Trays Three Shelves in Door Hi-Humidity Storage Tall Bottle Zone AH-Steel Cabinet i Interior Light ' Automatic Door Latch TRADE-IN SPECIAL! V t !"4I ply vjLuj 1 . .... ?- I Convenient Terms,' Of Course Farmer's Hardvare And T,1dse. Company 3. F. (Jimmy) Strickland -A 'The Farmer's Friend" Warsaw, N. C Mrs. Floyd J. Stricklandi , -vtv -i i v r.

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