1 "t 1 . ' '; ' V 4t,i "v Tv.d S::!! :.i " T .. 4; I n , 1 12 T . j Tkij Vc:! .1-' CAROLINA, THURSDAY, , JUNE 10, 1954 tUKSCBIPTION KATE: tm DwmUm tern me a. PRICE TEN CENT3 . . . ' ViV,:.! ' I . ! I " i , A',1 J. t 1.4,' I IM screes EDITORIAL wrrnouR : BOYS IN SERVICE The United Statei Supreme Court on May 17 handed down 12-page unanimtnj declaration that ' race KfregaUon In tha . public- tchooU .li uncoiutltutionaT and eventually v must be .ended.-';;Vy.-i"iv, -Facta presented to the, court ihow ed that aeventeen Mates have laws requiring separation of the races in the choola, plus three states per. mittinfe, but not requiring, segrega- 'tton, lu 0e District Of Columbia, Tbi states whose laws require segregation were listed for the courj as t Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Loul ssia, Maryland, Mississippi, : Mlss ewri. North Carolina,' Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee,' Texas, Virginia and West Virginlai States with ermisslve segregation listed as New Mexico, Wyoming and Kan sas. ' " ' -eWs-.'r'W As' the declaration; of U)e.; court Is a declaration of policy for future lmplentation, the court withheld a formal order and called for further 'arguments this fall on the question ' of bow the declaration . shall be carried out t - t, t - i. The court asked the Attorneys General of the United States and I the twenty affected. States to pre " sent arguments this f all on tour' -questions. The four questions submitted are: (iy Shall Negro children be admit ted without further delay to "schools , of their choice?" (2) Should school ; districts be allowed time for a gra- dual transition to a non-segregated ' status? (3) Shoud the Supreme' Court appoint a special master to hear evidence and recommend spec iflc terms of decrees to be ordered by the court? (4) Should the high court send the segregation cases back to the lower courts vita in structions to frame decrees lor im plementing the non-segregation de y clsion; If so, what procedure Msould' - ".the lower courts follow m arriving at specific terms of the akjuinr t-1 -. ' - How many of the Attorneys Gen eral of the twenty affected States v wii present arguments to the court; ' , set October 1 as a deadline tor ffl- " present there is no order vor ee of ' the United Supreme 0 pi putting the non-aegregation - deration Into effect "And such orders or decrees are promul gated the court decision stands m&f. as f declaration of policy for future ' ' lmplentation. . y The declaration of non-aegrega- tion came as a climax of aooat; . thirty years, of effort by the Nat ional Association for the Advance-! ment of Colored People to have the "separate but equal" idea set aside. - The NAACP based its argument against segregated schools on the fourteenth amendment to the con stitution, which says that no state . may deprive any person of "the , .equal protection of the laws" The amendment was "enacted In 1808, after the Civil War, to wipe out the Supreme Court's famed Dred Scott decision that a Negro was not . a The test cases were first argued before the nine Supreme Court Justices In December, 1952. These -- cases came to the court from South : Carolina, Virginia, Kansas, Dela- ware, and the District of Columbia, - where the school system, operates i ' tinder laws passed by Congress. s . Last June the court ordered more argumentsadealing largely with the ' history and meaning of the four teenth amendment and the court's powers under IU V v : ' The 'decision ot May 17 overturn. ed the segregation doctrine estab lish by the Supreme Court fifty seven years go. The opinion, read by,hief Justice Warren, after re i ; viewingva long v line A- decisions T bearing on the "separate but equal" doctrine,, said: "We come toen . to the question presented:. Does Beg. , i regation of children in public . schools solely on the basic of race, . even though the physical facilities ' and other tangible' factors may be equal, deprive the children of . the minority group of equal education oDDortiinltiesT We believe. that It doe". ' ' The court's opinion said: "We con clude that1 in the field ox public education the doctrine of separate . but equal has no place. Separate educational facilities are Inherently unequal Therefore,, we hold that the plaintiff (Negro parents) and other similarly situated for whom the action has been brought are, Ft eason of the segregation com- of,, deprived of the equal k tth. turteentn amenameni. jints vJion makes unnecessary any discussion Whether such segregation also violates the due 'process clause of the fourteenth amendment" : Chief ' Justice ' Warren, in . the choice of those words, : ."separate educational facilities are Inherently unequal, meant Simply that ' no in: 'tor bow equal the educational 1: litics, if they were k pt separ- ' o, then,' the quality of the educa tional opportunities could not be c?uaL ' RcL;.Mknier Escapes Gas Chamber' - Gov; Umstead yesterday commut ed the i rape-death sentence of Robert- Hamor, ' 29-year-old Negro to life bnpriBonment It was the first commutation is sued by the Governor on the reo eommendation of the three-murder Paroles Board, sworn into office last Aug. 1. Hamer was scheduled to die Tii M"Xr i. r-' Be Vas convicted to Duplin Su perior Court in September, 1993, Of raping a teen-age housewife a few days after he , had escaped from the Duplin County, Prison Camp. The ' State Supreme ; Court upheld his ceirvhftion. . ' Judge W. A. Brame, a mebef of the Paroles Board,' said -an investi gation snowed . the woman ' "didn't know -Whether she has been raped orwft:"' ; .. 1svprf, .! Be said Dr.- Clarence H. Patrick, head -of the Paroles '. Board, and Jonmon Matthews, personally in- vegflgated. They found, said Brame, that the house in which the attack took -place "looked like a tobacco padc house, a place in which an escaped convict might try to seek shelter," He added it "might appear A to be barren and vacant" to a man on escape and apparently the attack was "Unplanned and unpremedii tated." :-B:: -!-.: V A brief announcement from the tSovernofs office said Umstead had read the record of the case, "After reading the record the Governor requested the State Board ot Pa teles 'to make a careful and thor ough investigation of this case. The "board has done so and all of the members of the board - have rec--commended to the Governor , that the sentence of Robert fiamer be commuted from, death to life int--trthjoalmtnt fi'H&Mjg "Acting tiponj this recommenda t!0js4hefcOMr?Qr. today conflnuted the sentence of Robert' Hamer from death to life Imprisonment ' ; in F . The following Duplin County men were enlisted by Sgt. E. H. Allen, local Army and Air Force Recruit ing Sergeant - Wilbert . W. Kennedy, Route 2, Faison; Johnnie R. Artia, Warsaw and tJerald D. Hardison, Wallace. The above men were enlisted in the U.S. Army for three years and were sent to Tort Jackson, S. C. for basic training. Robert I Beatty, Warsaw, was re-enlisted in - the Regular - Army for three years. He formerly served two years in the Army including some time in Japan and Korea. He was sent to Fort Jackson, S. C. for further assignment , Willard. June 16th. Poultry Field Day will ' be held at the Coastal Plain Station, Willard, North Carolina on June 16 from 10:00 ajn. to 3:30 p.m. . ' . Lectures, discussions and demon stratlons will be given by well in formed persons. Dinner . will be available at the ' Test Farm. The morning session will be under the direction of J," W. Sumner,. Assis tant Director in Charge. Opening remarks will be made by Jt W. Sumner; Controlling Diseases lec ture will be given by H. W. Garren; What to Buy for Layers by E. W. Glazener; Cage Layers; My Exper ience by Harvey Whitley; As I See Them by T. B. Morris; Airing Your Problems by H. S. Dearstyne. . r The -afternoon 'Bemofistration "Will be in charge of C F. Parrish who will conduct the tours. The speakers are: Housing; for Poultry in Eastern Carolina, W. O.Andrews; Controll ing Cannibalism,' W.' L. Blow Pre paring Eggs ..for t Market 4 W, T, Chaffin, 'Jr.; Finishing Turkeys for Market; W.;C, Mills, Jr. with. Spec ial Interest' Demonstration; Judg ing Poultry by T. B. Morris, j 'Alfred D. Wells of Albertson re ceived the B. a degree at the 117th Commencement Exercises , held st Davidson College, May 31. - : Wells 1s the son of Mr and Mrs. H. W. Well ,. , .Chancellor Rufus H. Fitzgerald, president of the- Association, of American' Colleges, delivered the Commencement address ' and the degrees were awarded by President John B. Cunningham. "EMBRACING" WESTERN throw their arms wide during The detention camp, known as wauununuia, auu icuow ..J'.fjA,. The story, below was taken from a State Rehabilitation magazine: ;1 Wh,en;; he. was nine Paul C fell, breaking, his back, an accident which was to change his entire life.-. He iwas ' not old enouga to reaUze the, uU import of being paralized from the waist down, a condition .known in medical terms as paraplegia. Seven years laser when he, was- discharged from the North Carolina Orthopedic Hospital' at Gastonta, this word and all fts drastic Implications were folly un derstood. Paul was never axain to run and play as la the normal tignt of every American child. Instead, he was to become all toe familiar with operating roosns and the sur geons knife. It is pretty roach to leave home and the family at the age of nine; especially to enter a distant hospital lane, with Mom and Dad not there to give assur ance. The outlook seemed hopeless to a small boy. Howewer. t the hospital. In addition to the medical treatment rendereO, tne nderstand ing care of Dr. Bill Roberts and his capable staff did taaca to sfllesaate his fears and tnks We bearaUa. . : . J?au was molded e flie etntf -pi, which champions sac soadel Be !had bad nwrneiits, Tt be aseMer 'save: up. At tJtoee fe eemed fcasieHess but faith ta Us doctors and aaaaes, and their faith to Idas pedlea sum' through. He, was able to continue, his school work while to the hospi tal without too much toss. Seamal major operations wen! performed and endless hours of pbysiofberqpy InJuiie RALEIGH More than 700 Tar Heels aren't doing any legal driving today ( because of drunken driving convictions : . secured against them last month according to the Motor Vehicles Department's regular mon thly statement. For May 'the vehicles agency re ported 710 drunken driving con victions which, as usual, led the monthly 'report of traffic violations requiring the surrender of driving priUedgeav''' ; . Second ' offense drunken drivers totaled' 122 for the month and all other additional liquor-motor ve hicle vlolatiohs came to 26. ' SpeexUng offenses cost 541 licen- 3s, tjioken down like this: over 75 mph'154; two offenses over 55 mph 133; oyer, 70 mph in an auto i52; and over 60 in a truck 2. .Other violations like reckless driving, driving'', after licenses re. yoked, manslaughter, unsatisfied judgement and incompetency brou ght the monthis total of revocations to 970.V Suspensions totaled 833. WT 'HA..Z-r. 0 L; .' r,.-..CE - Kirre.-.the rabbit, ta.no dumb bunny. Clover, grass and garden vegetables aren't for him: At left, he begs for milk from owner Isldor Soderqvist, of Stockholm,. Sweden, and at right Kirre reaches for an apple " his favorite fruit. Soderqvist acquired his pet after Kirre'a -V'W." mother was killed during the hunting season. . . ' i ' ' - -'.' IDEAS Sow of the 1450 political prUooers Of Nationalist Chins J morning ' exercises on their prison island off the coast of Formosa. ' "Home of tne Eeborn," houses the one-time Communists, suspected - iravacn auui tnsir imuucai wwuvnuiu m wuunn.' Success y ak. PAUL BAEWICK ; were endured during' nis stay' at the Gastonla Orthopedic Hospital. When be returned home to his family and friends in Mount Olive, he was again with his old gang. True, be could not play and actively engage in sports but he .was not to b left out Toon basketball team elected bim-snanager, and oo, th bench he played just as hard as the player However, his troubles were not over. He developed decubitous ulcers which required surgery. He began the first of many long treks back to the hospital that were to drain off his father's savings and utilize the limit of hospital days that could be provided by .Vocation al -Rehabilitation. The going was hard. About this time Paul began tp realize, too, that sometime, some how, -he would have to make it on his own. "Some people make a liv ing without legs or hands," he reasoned. "Why can't I? It's the mind bow well it's trained and in what channels it is directed tha4 counts!" This proved a wise philoso phy for Paul and carried him far, While he was writing for the bigh school paper, the sports writer of the Goldsboro News-Argus asked hirja tor write-ups of games. Later be wanted more, so Paul became a space writer, and a good one. In time the editor became interested and engendered in Paul a desire to go to college. Vocational Rehabili tation then entered the picture. Ac quaintance had been made with Paul through Dr. Roberts and the counselor was only waiting for the opportune time to start a rehabili tation program.. Paul now wanted to go to college, His amateur success in journalism had. provided the spark to ignite his imagination, but he needed held to keep it burning. In September, following high school graduation, Paul enrolled in Mars Hill College to further his journalistic aspirations. His career lay ahead, but there were many, many hospital days and numerous surgical procedures to be undergone before be 'could reach his goal. This did not keep Paul from entering into many extra-curricular college activities. He served as president of the Glee Club, wrote for the college paper, took part in public speaking, and was a member of several school organizations. In spite of spending much of his time in the school in firmary and at Duke Hospital, he finished his two years 4t Mars Hill with a "B" average. Paul is a born fighter! 1 ', v, After finishing Mars Hill, he transferred to the University of North Carolina at Chapel . Hill. He continued to do good work in school even though he still bad to spend much time In the hospital. During one of his hospital ordeals,' be met a, pretty little nurse named,; Ann Saratt As Paul pats it, "AH was not pill needles, and knives." For some reason be got special attention from this one particular nurse, aad after leaving tin hospital he kept in touch with her by mall. During bis. next stay she spent all of her spars time with htm. This,' as might well be expected, led to the Inevitable wedding. . A . Paul extd. Jn. ntany student activities at Carolina, too. He . wrote for The Daily Tar Heel, took part in campus politics and was a mem ber of several student .organiza tions. As if he hadnl already had more than his share of set-backs. he was prevented1 from graduation with his class doe to recurrence of his ulcers and made another trip back to Duke. However, he re entered school the next year and received his degree. Alter countless hardships, Paul is achieving his early ambitions. He has been employed for a long time by the Goldsboro News-Argus as farm editor and columnist The secret of his many friends has been his unfailing good spirit and cheer ful friendliness to others. He has endured many tribulations along the way and will doubtless encounter many more, but if they come Paul will go out to meet them.,'' As he stated, "I have a mind, an "educa tion, friends, and a wife who loves me. I don't know what the future holds, but I know ril take it as it comes." ' ,yv. Vocational Rehabilitation played a vital part in Paul's achievements, it is true, but success would not have come had he not been endow ed with an indomitable spirit that kept him going in the facer ot al most insurmountable odds. It is fellows like Paul that make rehabi litation the wonderful and . worth while job that it is. We are justly proud of him and wish for him all the success he so richly deserves. Check Forger Being Returned To Duplin From California Deputy D. H. McKay left Monday afternoon for Calllornu to bring a Duplin County man back to the County to stand trial on . forgery charges..,'' , . ' ; ;&tyiUi .'''.' The first communication on the case came from Texas , and biter a call came from law enforcement off iers in California stating that a man named Futrell has Surrendered himself to them and confessed,, that he was wanted in Duplin County for giving "worthies checks. V"-fA V v Futrell has eight warrants against him for forgery. s - ,V ' ' , Annual Meeting Of Duplin Red Cross; ToBei::-!dJK3l5 Tbe Duplin -County:- Chapter ." -ef the American Red Cross will, bold Its annual meeting on-June 15,. at 8 o'clock pjn., in the Chapter Office. Visitors are Invited to attend. : PVT. ALVIS W. DENNING KAISERSLAUTERN, GERMANY Pvt. Alvis W. Denning, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Denning, Rt 3, Mt. Olive, is now serving in Germany with the 403d Engineer Group at Kaiserslautern. Units of the Seventh Army form a major part of the strong cordon of American defense forces stretch ing across the U. S. Zone of Ger many, Denning, a mechanic in the 966th Engineer Field Maintenance Com pany, entered Tne Army in Sept ember 1953, and completed basic training at Fort Jackson, S. C. PVT. CHESTER R. HUNTER IX CORPS, KOREA Pvt. Ches ter R. Hunter, 20, son of Mrs. Bessie V. Hunter, Route 1, Wallace, Is now serving with the IX Corps in Korea. The IX Corps, one of three in the Eighth Army, coordinates an inten sive post-truce training program for UN units under its control. Private Hunter, a member of the 212th Military Police Company, en-' tered the Army last August and completed basic training at Camp Gordon, Ga. SGT. HUBERT D. HAYES 7TH DIV., KOREA - Sgt. Hubert D. Hayes, son of Mrs. Annie . K. Hayes, Route 1, Wallace, N. C, re cently arrived in Korea for duty with the 7th Infantry Division. Men- of the "Bayonet" division are undergoing intensive training to maintain the peak combat efficiency displayed by the unit from Pusan to the Yalu river. Sergeant Hayes entered the Army in May 1832 and was last stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C THOMAS K. P1GFOBU) Thomsa K. Pigord, teleman sea man, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hicks Plgford of Calypso, is aboard the support aircraft carrier USS Leyte, participating in a major anti submarine development exercise. The , training began on April 96 and involves over SO air,, surface, and submarine units operating in the area between Bermuda and the Bahamas. Designated ASDEVFJC 1-54, the operation was planned and scheduled by the Operational Dev elopment Force, U. S. Atlantic Fleet, under the command of Rear Admiral Harold D. Baker, USN, to explore the tactical application of specific new developments in anti submarine warfare. The exercise covers the various phases of convoy protection and detection of sub marines by Hunter-Killer Groups. Raleigh Woman Injured In Wreck Miss Virginia Frankie Compton of Raleigh received injuries on her right leg and abrasions of her right shoulder as the results of the wreck, which occurred about midnight last Sunday on the town limits of Kenansville. Miss Compton, traviling toward Camp LeJeune, was blinded by the bright lights of an oncoming car which caused her to run off the side of the road into a light pole. The right front fender and left rear fender of her car was damaged. Miss Compton was treated by Dr. R. F. Willis and releaseed. BLOOMS AGAIN-AltbouBh it's been a !nn f-time since knighthood was In flower, 80 youngsters who attend the West SideYMCA la New York City Intend to see that It r 1 blooms again. Promising to "defend the helpless, protect all VS! wuiiku, aim oe nwrcuui w men," one company of the Junior'1 Knights of the Round Table, above, raise their swords in salute ' during a JV :'A .EW SCOUT HUT FOB KENANSVILLE , ' .Through' the generosity of Vance Gavin, local at torney and a drive sponsored by the local Xlons Club last fell, a new Boy Scout Hut is nearing completion, here'- ' - - ' The building,' a concrete block structure, is 16 X 32? feet, outsid? dimensions. It contains one large room with a flares fireplace.. The building is located Just' south of the Town Spring, at the rear of the law offices. row.'MrGavin gave the lot and $500 in cash. To date a total of -$909.00 has been raised including Mr. Gavin's $500. ' The;' building committee has spent and obligated ' togethef .;tc!tal of $1212.62, according to John Hall,: local ScOut Master. The wiring is yet to be done. He says thevcornmittee is planning to borrow enough to ay off all bills when completed and, no doubt, the good citizens bf . Kenansville will come to their rescue and ' raise the difference. Mr. Gavin is certainly due a. vote . of thanks from the people here for his unselfish act and its meaningfully more when one considers that Mr.' and Mrs. Gavin have no childrenrft was an unusual good gesture .in the interest of the young folks in town, and ; speaking for the town we say, thanks to everyone who has1 had a part in the project thus far. Social Security Agent Here June 15 N. A. A vera, Manager of the Wil mington Social , Security office, would like, to call your attention to the fact that you can meet a representative of the Bureau of OhVAge and 8urvivors Insurance in the Court Room of the Court House on June 15,Vbetween the hours of lliOO. am, and 12:80 p.m. for help in claiming your Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Benefits: checking .your Social Security Ac- cout or getting, full information about Old-Age and Survivors In surance. Your; Post Office has ap plication blanks for Social Security Account Number Cards. These com pleted applications may be mailed to the Social Security Administra tion, P. O. Box 1480, Wilmington, N. C, 1,- V , r ' ' . . ,- Court of Appeals Gets Racing Case The Carolina-Virginia Racine As sociation last Friday took an appeal. me r ourtn circuit Court of Ap peals - from Judge Don Gilliam's decision of denying temporary injunction to prevent prosecution of betters at the Moyock dog racing track in Currituck County. Federal Judge Gilliam of Tarboro heard arguments on the injunction motion at a special hearing in east ern district federal court at Wilson May 14. He took his decision under advisement and two weeks later annnounced that he was denying the motion. The appeal questions whether Judge Gilliam was correct in his decision as to matter of law. The May 14 hearing on the mo tion for a temporary injunction grew out of a civil action filed a week earlier by the association a gainst Solicitor Walter L. Cahoon. Sheriff L. L. Dozier, and Wilton F. Walker, Currituck county attorney. Tne suit followed a State Supreme Court ruling that parimutuel bett ing is unconstitutional in North Carolina . The association contends that the court's decision denies its right un der the federal constitution. It ask ed that Currituck county officials be prevented from prosecuting bet tors at the track until the civil case is tried in court meeting. . 1 1 4,118 Tar Heels Receive Speeding Convictions in May RALEIGH Speeding convictions were secured against 4,118 Tar Heel j drivers In May the Motor Vehicles . Department reported today in' a, regular monthly summary of mev-, ing violations. - ; , - ' ' ' Simple speeding (over 59 mph) i does not require revocation of driv- '' ing privileges for the first offense 3 nor does' reckless driving which held second place in the report with 1,030 convictions. .. , . -If Driving without an . operator's I permit was in third place with 808 convictions. . , , : Failing to jrield the right x way-' ) resulted In 188 convictions,, failing to stop for a stop sign 827, faulty i equipment ,a6y4nqMOBfi, passing; ; T 158, following too' closely 138, and ------ driving on the wrong sW of tb maw. : : ,u.i?t Miscellaneous offenses brought 0 the May total to 7,873 convictions, all North Carolinians. X Out of state violators added an- " other 1,823 to the guilty list ' 4 Q 3 Stills Captured By Sheriff's Dept. During the Pt week, JShxriit Z Miller and his deputies caphJew'V three stills. On June 3. a still of 100 gallon capacity and 10 barrel of mash was picked up bxJSberiff Miller and Deputy W. QB Houston. The still was located mn nerth east of Paul Grady aW 'feaiph Waters service station. Moarrest were made. - The following dayfiibout 1, mile east of the same location of XSrady and Water's stattoH"sM'MM gallon copper kittle and ssMy.!bar- rells was picked up Miller and Deputy No arrest were made. On June 3, near Watwe Wr -W- gallon still and 2 barrels of mash was confiscated by Deputy T.' ft Revelle. No arrest was made. Arrest Made On r Breaking And 1 , 1 1 -U Sunday afternoon. Sheriff Miller and Deputy Houston arrested J. D. Autry on the charge of breaking and entering the home of Carliss Miller of near Kenansville. t On arrival at Miller's home. Au try was found drunk and asleep in Miller's bed. Autry was released under bond for appearance to. Superior Court Accident Summary f Accident Summary for District Five Troop "B" May 31st through June 6th, 1854: 4i DUPLIN CXJTJNTY 8 accidents. 0 killed. 8 Injured, 84,025.00 property damage. . SAMPSON COUNTY X . 8 accidents, killed, 3 Injured, $1,850.00 property damage. . : . . WAYNE COUNTY 4 accidents, 1 killed, ; 0 Injured, $1,625.00 property damage. .' . TOTAL ' , v 20 accidents, 1 killed, 13 injured, $7,600.00 property damage. 1 . V . Cpl T. G, Brooks, State Highway Patrol United States hog production f- ter declining tor two-years, is en the increase and Is likei ta continue upward into 1855. : - , .v f i o '9 ft a r .v.

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