H X 1 J. 4 -t , r ( .1 W ... f s ? i tnj C ::r. "ij Assat. , Please Call Rlrs. Minshew, Phone 554 A I.'i s. Allen Draughan, Jr. ry Eta pf Chatham, Va. t I,ir. and I.Irs. Allen Draughan s, r the week end. . 1 . P. Minshew of Fremont was i 3 week end guest of hit son, Mr. i 1 Mrs. Bel ton Minshew. I :rs. Shelby Zackary and Shelby J an 1' ft Saturday to visit relatives in Arkansas , Mr. and Mr. James Ramsey of Teachey; Mr. and Mrs. A. U Yandy of Burgaw and Robert Yandy of i Kichmond visited the Allen Porter'i ' and H. C. Allen' during the week ...end. t , ' : Leon Wells of Kichmond to spend ing the week with the Allen Por-' ters. J. ::-.f ' U c Mr. ' and Mr. 'W. D. Byrd are spending several days with relatives ' In Fayettevllle. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berry and Mr. and Mrs. Wekie.Kellum of Kinston spent t Saturday aft Carolina 1 Beach. - Miss Sue Shine has returned from Alexandria,. V. after visit with frleiids:yV,.t Henry Stevens Hi and JLee, Brown spent the: week end at the Stevens Cabin at New River.',. ,- -.yb-x , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wahab and children; ptanne and Ronnie- are spending the week v at, Carolina Beach. .; -fl.:i:,v:, ;V V fWeek end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Blanchard over the week , end were: Charlie Hammer of Alabama; Mr. and Mrs. Maxton Bennett and boys, and Worth, and Betty Blan chard of Wilmington. Betty has re turned from ;I.C.C -Greenville and is working with a, contracting Co. in Wilmington. , ji-i -':'-'- Mrs, C. J. Brown Is spending the week with her ; sisterf Mrs.; Frank Matthews, of Richmond. ., Rev., and Mrs. J. Paul Edwards and son spent Sunday and Monday GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI I Hi mere D-.n 'power it- K, If BWM 17Tii njm bjj. W , .4 J $179.95 SSsasRBaiMaKwgsaiiaB&i AVe've never seen 17-inch TV with su much pull-in power! G-E chassis assures top reception even in fringe areas. Come in, compare this set with others anywhere near its price! Designed for all-channel UHF-VHF. fWc FUml Kzci Tax. mhht warrant n pietttr tub, $0 daw on part, mi aiatJRHMBiwsiaiai srs r '- .nfHipiHiii MM- GETS EVERY TV 5 a STATION M RANGE UHf r VHP- stotlwis Z H SW QptfVtftlf Of SMs) t ceme this - Is aj ! built t give te ry- jg S sasitlei ks yetar area, g t.... ....... J FARMER'S HARDWARE & MERCHANDISE COM 1 The Farmers Friend WARSAW N.C. 1. JR (Jtamy) Strickland ( BCra. Ftoyd 8triekland IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bostic. Mr.n and Mrs. James Gaylor . of Jacksonville spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bostic. , Mrs.: J. Scott and , Miss ' Jean nette Scott ; of Wilmington spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs, David Chambers. ;i j'.. V ) j Mrs. Mary Southerland of Ken ansville. and Mr. and Mrs. , Jim Newlin of Guilford College spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. David Chambers. & tjvf.sii f S.Su Mr.-, and Mrs., Paul . Berrv SDent Sunday at Wrightsville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vann and chil dren, Billy and Betsy,'' and Miss : Jackie Fussell spent the week-end at Kure's Beach visiting Mrs. Bea trice M. Conner. Bill Vann attended a Manager's meeting at Fayetteville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Britt and chil dren, Jeanette and Paul, spent Sun day at the Beach. J. R. Vann of Charlotte spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vann. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Surratt, Jr.' and children of Goldsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Surratt,Sr. Sunday. Mrs. Bill Vann visited Mrs. Attie B. Vann in Clinton Thursday. Mrs. J. P. Harmon, Mrs. Frank Hobbs and Mrs. Avon Sharpe att ended the B. and P. W. Club State Convention held at the Charlotte Hotel in Charlotte Thursday thro ugh Sunday. Mrs. Harmon is the seventh dis trict director and Mrs. Hobbs is president of the local club. Mr. and Mrs. S.T. Boykin ofGol dsboro spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. D. If. Matthis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogers and Mrs. Elbert Matthis and Pat spent the week-end at Topsail. Mrs. George Clark and children have returned home after a visit with relatives at Washington, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter and Tim and Mr. and Mrs. Milford Quinn attended file graduation exercises at University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill Monday night, Clifton Quinn was a member of the grad uating class.' Mrs. J. II. YEliab Wins High Score ' Mrs. J. H. Wahab received a plas tic pltcner vfor club high; Mrs. Bel ton Minshew was given refrigerator dishes for Visitors high; Mrs. Forrest Martin received . earrings for low and Mrs. S. L. Torrans captured traveling and was given a refriser- ator dish on Tuesday evening when Mrs. W. B. - Whitfield entertained her bridge , club and additional guests, s..,; '',S:V-' ; Late spring flowers were used wher the tables were in play . The hostess served ice cream. cookies, toasted , pecans , and iced drinks to: Mrs. Wahab, Mrs. Min shew, Mrs. . Martin, Mrs. Torrans, Mrs. Henry Merritt, Mrs. J. D. Davis, Mrs. E. E. Jones and Mrs. George Hopkins. Engagement t;.-.. ... , FOR 1...S i. t . WILL EETW: TI-! KO.-3 10:00 A.M. AND 4:00 PIS. ON Ti:t SECOND MONDAY IN JUNE 185 OFFER FOR SALE AT PUBLIC OUTCRY, TO THE HIGHEST BID DER, FOR CASH, THE FOLLOW ING DESCRIBED REAL PROPER TY FOR DELINQUENT 1933 TAXES ACCRUED THERE ON. A ' ' i whlte) " . ' Block Lots: Amt pple. A. H. Heirs 108, 1 ft IB Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs.- Fisher Carlton announce the birth of a daughter Reee, June 2nd at the Sampson Memorial Hospital, Clinton. Mrs. Carlton is the former Peggy Mitchell of Warsaw. Mr. and Mrs. H.-R. Hipp announce the engagement of their daughter. Molly Adelle to .William Ronald Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson of Mount Olive. The wed ding is planned for June 25 in the home of the bride . I Mrs. Y. L. Smith Entertains Mrs. Y. L. Smith was hostess to her bridge club and additional guests at her home Friday evening. Miss Nora Blackmore was given coasters for high score; Mrs. Bonnie Thomas received all occasion card; for low score and Mrs. F. J. Strick land was given a potted begonia for bingo. Upon arrival the hostess served a chicken salad plate with tea to: Mrs. Thomas, Miss Blackmore, Mrs. Strickland, Mrs. Momon Barr, Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mrs. A. G. Cook, Mrs. Lawton Albertson and Mrs. A. Brooks. 600 V V"5 t 152 ;4 . SJSt 20-41 4 105.70 .S9 .115.21 41 1 13.84 .41 1 (22J1 13 8 4Z57 22 1 51.08 134 2.40 Called Off Te wedding of Miss Joyce Ann Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Jones of Warsaw, and Bobby Lee Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown of Wilmington, will not take place July 7. Mrs. R. Johnson Jr. Wins High Score Mrs, Rivers Johnson, Jr. received perfume for high score Ind Mrs. Fes Mitchner was given dish towels for runner-up on Thursday even ing when Mrs. W. J. MlddletOn, Jr. entertained her bridge club. The hostess served Ice cream sodas to: Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Mitch ner, Mrs. Elbert Matthis, Mrs. John A. Johnson, Mrs. W. P. West, Mrs. J. N. West, Jr. and Mrs. Earl Huie. Bell. A. W. Heirs 13B 18 Bcyette, H. Jr.. Pritt, Carl' ; Dunn. W. B. a'.:: Guji Emmett . Herring, J. D. Heirs Herring, Leonard D. Hinman, E. B. Heirs Hobbs. B. F. Sr. Marshburn, 1 Mr. J. M. Heirs 23 2 Satterfield. I. E. 39 2 XCplored) Adam, WesUey Heirs 28 Allen, : Robert ' 88 AUen, R. W. 13 Blango. Katie 11 Bowden, Josephene . 48 Bowden, . Rachael " 62 Bowden, WJtf. , Heu-s 2 Branch, Dorcas 53 Carlton, Harry Lee 49 Carlton. John 15 CarltonT M. M. 16 Cooper, Mary L. 53 Cooper,- Robert Lee 28-51 Faison, Dora 61 Faison, John Walter 25 Faison, "Webb Heirs 63 Gaston, John A. Heirs 3-53-88 7 23.01 Gaston, Theodore 34 1 14.70 Gooding, John 28 2 -5.62 Henderson, Susan 59 2 2.26 Hill, Catherine 50 . 1 4 21 Hill, Edd 8c Othonia 11 53.19 Hill, Faison H. 3 9.46 Hill, J. W. 15 1 14.50 Hill, Wentworth 35-62B 2 11.36 1 $ .80 1 3.73 ,1.01 294 5.25 1128 4333 813 18.34 40.95 4.36 7.89 44.71 28.22 24.29 34.30 i, I ' ;V,kJ' ,i Jobnson, James Heir Johnson, Uary , , ,82 Kenlon, Elma K- . McCall, Corrlnna - , Middleton, , ( k "r ( Barbra Heir - m 28 Middleton, Henry Lea i 10 Middleton, Jim Bob' V "M Miller, Jim Henry h " Moore, Dora Underwood it I . I 7 f 2 1 1 19.70 2 ., 2J27 i 10.43 3 10.45 a 'H.79 4.91 V 8.73 1 25.89 1 ,918 1 11.87 1 8J9 I', 1021 I ' 13.75 S : 5.06 19.08 12.40 2.86 11.98 Rich, Octavla Heirs f. 27 Robe no n. Addle " - 34 Roberson, Carrie 62 Robinson, James E. 89 Shaw, Herbert' B Smelling, Lucile " ' 1 13 Smith, A. B. 83 Smith, K3t . 28 Smith, Thomas Heir 62 Smith, Willie Lee ' - 80 Vann, Trudy ' 10 2 - 2.74 Waters, Lizzie Heir ' 10 ' 1 1325 Whitehead. Emma Heir 14 ' I ' 8.10 Whitehead,. Sidney Heir " ! 14 1 14.18 Williams, ' George Dundy 53 2 Williams, Leslie 13 6 WiUiam. M. W. 26 7 Williams. Richard Heirs 62 1 Williams, Tornnue ". ' 38 2 Wilson, J.' S. 11 Penalty and costs will be added to the above amounts This the 10th day of May, 1954. , T. W. Waters ' Tax Collector 7.02 28.94 10.46 7.42 12.96 1027 Mrs; H. D. West : Honored.At Party Mrs. H. D. West of Greensboro was feted at a Smorgasbard buffet supper .and bridge given by Mrs. S. W, Marriner at her home Friday evening. ; Vegetable juice cocktails and hor- - t ... - ' b. tuble. Aii.r I as t i' joyed. i Arrangement of late spring flow ers were used throunhout the house. Mrs. O. S. Matthews won- a pine bucket for visitor's high score; Mrs. Elbert Matthis received compact for second high; Mrs. Fred Baara won two brass ash trays for club high and Mrs J. N. West, Jr. was given a miniature old English China bowl for Bingo. Mrs, West, honoree was remembered with a bun war mer; Mis Betty West,, bride-elect received a milk glass vase. , : Guest Included: Mrs. J. M. Kor- . . . ii. 1 , .t. - "I . it , . .J. O. ,,1 tt lu ventA i- v.. .-nt. W. G. Britt, I -.s. laul Ecrry, Mrs. Earl Huie, Mrs. W. J. Middleton, Jr. Mrs. Fred ,; Eaars, Mrs. J, N. West, Jr. Mrs. W. P. West, Mrs. A. M. Benton, Mrs. : John Johnson, Jr. Mrs. Ralph Best, , jr. Mr. - Morris Jordan, Miss Betty ' West and Mrs. H. D, West, 4 , h . Words of th. Wise , - ' You can tell the Ideal of nation by Its advertisement. . . .. . , -(Norznan Douglas) OOOOCOOOOCiOCOCC'JOC'J'Jv- t ( HOUSES & APART1IENTS O ' In ' s O- Eenansville and Warsaw O, o o o- X Mrs. Belton Minshew Phone 554 Warsaw CV oooooooooocoooor xcrcooc o V r O i - o V j O o 8a ! V. P: Phone 471, for Rent A. Jf STniCECLAIID t 4 Or .Warsaw oooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooouoooouoououuoooo other Only FORD gives you features now which low-priced cars may offer tomorrow ! Ford gives you: V-S POWER Only Ford of the low-priced cars offers V-8 power the type of power more and more car makers are adapting. And Ford's new 130-h.p. Y-block V-8 is the most modern V-8 in any car regardless of price! BALL-JOINT SUSPENSION For ride and handling ease that no other low-priced car pan match, Ford brings you new Ball-Joint Front Suspension. It's another Ford exclusive in the low-price field. TREND-SETTING STYLING Ford styling has set a new standard for the American Road. It is modern, forward-looking styling that will keep your Ford out front in appearance, not only this year but in the years ahead. SO VHEN IT COMES TI.V TO TRADE ... - Pnr'a vnlno nrfll Via riio-Vinr Tt'a n '. H i . 1. 1" . 1. 3 -X xf .. AS..l., 1 t s esiaDiisnea iacc uiat rora rerurns more - i of its original cost than' any oilier low-priced cart 1 Ccis hi Get tbi hist izzl lit ycsr dzUxsl U C J Your Local FORD Dealer o p o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o p o o o o o o o o o o O T o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o TOBACCO FARUZRS 03d Lb y.0i.:r , - ,v:s. . t. 0: In Luu i iOO J Uui Juuuvj uUU-' LLLLvJ u "THE KING OF THEM ALL" TheSILENT FLAME tobacco cur er is very simple to operate. They are safe ana will give good cures season after season. ' . Y .: t (.' - Ve want you to see for yourself why so many farmers stick with the SILENT FLAME once they try them. Ve have Silent Flame owners who have tried practically every type of curer say they prefer SILENT, FLAME over all others. Many have junked other types before they were worn buff to ' t v i i 1)11, " t install SILENT FLAT1E M ' f 1 n ' v , , v C o n e ; n T o d a y r V - ; I ' f 'V.I j . I J I '.. . . . .. . . , ,.. ". V-.. .ji. ..--' , m.-i DOOOOOOOOOOOCCOCCCCL 3ococooooooopoooooooopcooo art or a a o . - -o o o o o O .'. O' o o o t o o $ o o o o o - o o o . " a o;. -o ,.-: ' o o o o o o o o o , o o o o , o . o . o o o ) O -vx o o o o 4 r V ! i. V -v 0: