Z 1 1.-1 '''""i "! A i Society I ' MRS. JOHN FREDERICK MOYE is the former Hif Mona Naomi Moore, of Calypso, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Jack Morton Allen of Akron, Ohio. Her marriage to Mr. Moye. son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moye of Greenville, took place Thursday in the Calypso Methodist Church. 1 tlofice The Early Morning Home Dem onstration Club meets wit Mrs Velmon Benson on Tuesday, June XSk at a.m. instead of 30. Each member is being asked to bring two down eggs. The eggs are to be sold to add to the treasury. All members arc urged to attend. 1st Leaf Harvesting Tie first tohaecs harvesting in Matte Ceeatty was an Jut t. T Jack ratters In Blsiissse), is earlier than nasal. Jack early and, bis stalks ef aheed fWe feet Ugh. eesanitte harvest en For Father On His Day Select a piece of jewel ry, A gift lie will cherish. We have a fine collection of tie clasps, pins, cuff links, watches, bands and rings. Shop with us where . quality is the word. WHITFIELD JEWELRY N. Queen Street Kinston, N. C. -fi MBS. ROBERT LDTWOOD WALK fcK is the former Mias'Myra Frances Quinn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cleveland Quinn of Pink Hill. Her marriage to Mr. Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Walker of IShacklrford. Va, took place Satur day in the Pink HiU Presbyterian Church. North Carolina small grain ,far- t will be able to more than pay U VI UKaI wa Wedding Invitation Issued Mr. and Mrs. Felix Jones Bostie request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daugbtei Doris Dean Mr. Teonard Irving Young on Sunday, the twentieth of June for any storage facilities erect.. at five-thirty o'clock, in the evening this summer with profits made by Dobson Chapel Cbareh j holding their grain off the mid Magnolia. North, Carolina harvest market, - Q FrUnBli TJeivs Sin. RoberrField, Duplin Times Kenresentativ Telephone 2412. Please Call In Tour News. j Mrs. Fields Will Receive Subscriptions and Advertising. Mrs. U J. Matthews and children Ronnie and Betsy of Winston-Salem are visiting Mrs. Matthews father, A. O. FusselL Mr. and Mm XBSfj&feVti ,ld son. Skipper. spinTtut-Veek end in Mayfield, Ky.jssJtfng MrJFTelds father, and famiyu, , . Miss Betty Jean WiisrtT of Ral eigh spent the weak end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dew lit Lock erman. IS Mrs. R. L. Carr, alias Jessie Moore and Mr. Charlton Carr attended the commencement address given by Mrs. Peter Marshall at Flora McDonald College last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Price and children visited Mr. Price parents in Monroe last week end. Misses Margaret Register and Janet Teachey visited school friends at Mt. Gilead last week. Rev. and Mrs. Wade Allison and daughter Janet and Miss Vicky Can spent several days last week at Carolina Beach. Misses Jerry Patterson and Val eria Carr are spending some time with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Booker in Rocky Mt. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson of Raleigh visited their parents Mrs. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Latham during the week end. CJarol and Catherine Proctor spent a few days with the Fields children this week while their father is an operative patient in Kinston. Mrs. Horace Fussell and children spent Friday at White Lake. Mrs. C. W. Surratt and children MRS. WORTH LANIER - is the daughter of Jar. and Mrs, Martin Luther Lanier of Chinquapin, who announce her engagement to Wil liam Franklin Landen, eon of Mrs. Bessie Landen of Washington, D. C, and S.' L. Landen of Wilmington. The wedding will take place June c a U - 0 0 J KXS. EZIA I. HOUSTON ; Mrs. Emma Jackson Houston, age 72. widow of the. late C G. Houston died Tuesday noon at the home of her daughter Mrs. Luther Bostie in the Potters Hill Community near are spending a few days with Mrs. Surratfs parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Peeler at Cold HilL Mrs. Held Fussell and son R. E, Mrs. George Carr and children spent Friday afternoon at White Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ramsey and children and Misses Valeria and Jerry Patterson Carr spent Thursday at Wrigbtsville Beach. Master Arthur Marguaret of Washington, D. C. has returned home after an extended visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Alderman. Mr. Pratt Mallard of Richmond, Va spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Maggie Mallard. Mr. and Mrs. David Murray and sons spent Sunday in Kenansville visiting Mr. and Mrs. Glacus Mur ray. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Teachey and family of Rictimond, Va. are visit ing relatives here this week. James Alderman left Friday to attend the Diesel School at Knox ville, Tenn. Dan. Reid of Raleigh is visiting relatives here. y Little Jack Cottle is at home after ipending a few weeks in Fayette ville with his' grandparents, Mr. 3nd Mrs. G. A. Pate. Miss Lillie Teachey and Miss Joyce Teachey visited relatives in Raleigh last week. The 1954 peach crop in North Carolina is estimated at 1,050,000 bushels, 11 per cent below the 1853 crop. WALKER- QUINN VOWS SPOKEN , PINK HILL - A candlelight cere mony uniting Miss Myra Frances Quinn and Robert Linwood Walker was solemnized here on Saturday in the Pink Hill Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Samuel N. Tho mas, cousin of the bride, officiated. He was assisted by the Rev. N. P. Farrior. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cleveland Quinn of Pink Hill and Mr. Walker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Walker of Shacklefords, Va. Miss Dorothy Carol Stroud, pian ist and Miss Lou Anne Davis, solo ist, presented a program of wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a ballerina length gown of ChantiUy lace over tulle and taffeta with a round scoop neck and three quarter sleeves. Her fingertip veil of illusion was attach ed to a Juliet cap embroidered in pearls and sequins. She carried a prayer book centered with a white orchid. Mass' Dorothy Taylor, maid of men wore a ssuierma lengta gown of aqua net over taffeta with match ing stole. She carried a white prayer book with assorted flowers. The bridegroom had Us father as best man. Ushering with the bride's brother, Thomas Harold Quinn, was David B. Watson of Raleigh and Kmeton The bride's mother wore a street length dress of navy Jrrepe and lace with pink ' and navy accessories. She also wore a corsage of pink carnations. The bridegroom's moth er wore a dress of peacock blue lace with matching accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Following the ceremony, the bride's parents entertained at a re ception inx their home. Mrs. Walker is a graduate of Pink Hill High School and attended a business school in Raleigh. She is now employed by the State of North Carolina. The bridegroom was graduated from West Point High School in Virginia, attended the University of Richmond and served in the U.S. Army for two years. He is now employed by an insurance company in Raleigh. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walker will make their home in Raleigh after a wedd ing trip to the western part of the (klb's Bridge i;evs Mrs. Leslie Turner of Pink Hill and Mrs. LUa Lanier of Benlaville will be co-hostess to the AJJ.W in the home of Mrs. Turner Saturday. June 12 at 3 o'clock. An members are urged to be present. - 'i Cub. Scouts with their leaders spent Saturday night and Sunday at Topsail Beach. There win not be a regular 2nd Sunday, service due to the Shelter Neck Institute, which is heme held at Shelter Heck. Miss Sallie Outlaw was hostess to the local bridge dub Friday night The church and commsnuty wel comed Rev. and Mrs. Vsnfcsa Bam. ering as new mhiHter ami ab honored Rev. and Mrs. G. H. Clkradk of Concord. N. H. who were Sacrmw residents, with a hosjBtfsfisI puuusr supper in the church joed. 3Gaxdogr night at, six o'clock. Miss Essie Outlaw kan rvtarnetf to her home mOowasg ttfte dosing: comme ike inw iiil eanaroiieiF rrf the" Clinton School. Mesdames Jse Ptefcac. J!amt Parker and cfcaMnta T 3d Qfiw & R. L. Parker et Jfewurt Sawsj. Ta. have been gsnsCs at SCr. jos Mrs. J. H. Parker TttHsmy Mr. aod Mrs Qtnreilu Qutiar spent SnmfiiT -Ja Kbs. OuHaw J mother. Mrs. X C Sm& itsnr FVnit Hill. Mr. arad Mrs. rmn Shzar perC ' Saturday TripW jmfi SUmiuy waHfc! Mr. and Mrs. Jfi 2 ifaw jg Tin-' saiL Mr. and Mrs. Timnt a?ffiii rf Kinstim were TjaUorF wttt a&a tives dtrrmg fiu -week nt Mrs. Nora MHhwHir vS Hsmwfgr Home visited IrjennE iherc ar day. Dr. Russell Ontanr nf MnnehnaS City visited his params. Mr. ant Mrs. Luther Outlaw Saturday mjftt and Sunday. Beulaville after a slsort illneM and several years of dscUukg health. ., Funeral services were held Wed nesday' afternoon at .3.30 o'clock from the Sandhill Church by Elder Bryant and Elder Cray. Burial was in the Church Cemetery. :., - She la survived by seven' sons, Ingram, Gardner, John, Joe,' David and Curie Houston all of Pink Hill and Poaey Houston of Richlandafl Four daughters Mrs. ; Ina Heath, Mrs. Eva FutrelL Mrs. Ella Bostie all of Pink Hill and Mrs. Minnie Smith of Beulaville, fifty eeven grand children and thirteen great grandchildren. Four brothers. Al bert Jackson ef Kirntnn. Joel Jack son of FayetleviHe. John William Jackson and Sherman Jackson of Beutavule. One sister Mrs. Ida Commings of Warsaw. Mats. GEOSGIA GL KOSNEGAT Mrs. Georgia Grady Koraegay. SS. wife ef the lata W. GL. Koraegay of Dnptm Cwasty. died a the her dauaktttv Mrs. Battie Davit Ptttk HiU Twaaday at stSO pja. Ftaoetrat awtkes wr held from the & F. Grady Scfceat auditorium in Dfcsp&at Owaty Thorsday at 3 an, tejadueted hy thn Bsrc Mr. Reagent sasaar r ms Pink BUI Methodist ChnseJsi assiaatd by the Rev. Vinton Bweringteav paator at the Outlaw's Bridge Csjrenattst; fhsirh. lnter meot was ins th laanfty cemetery ueae- the sum. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Hatbe Darts irf Ptnk KUL Mrs. V. W. Simmnm at Gnidshoro and Miss Bessie Enrne gay of AlheftamK three sons, Thad and: Alvic of AQbertsoa and Dr. H. X. Siraegay of Jesstnx Ga; eight gramicaildrea and seven great- granacftiToren. WAUEX X. SOOtONS , Walter J. Sinrmturt. 4DL died Tues day night at the Veterans Hospital in Ournanz. Faiteral services will be auM tvnt the Baptist Church in Beulaville at 3 pun. Friday hi snurx at the Rev. A. L. Brown of SeuiamOe. Bortal will follow in Saoo mXL Cemetery near Potters SiT. Survivors are his wife. Vera Euusttra Sunmona; four children. Calf!"-' i .j, tJtmr.f unit 1 Jean cf U tome; his parents, t.r. and !..s. L. J. j:nmons of teula ville: five brciers, JI.nnle Sim mons of Kansas City, Kansas, Calvin of Beulaville, Exum with the armed forces in Germany, William E. and Robert of Beulaville,- four sisters, Mrs. James Edwards, Mrs. Horace Jackson, Mrs. George Vordarn, all of Beulaville and Mrs. Marlon Dixon of Rose Hill. . - , ... Yc:!li FcIIovship Visiis l!:v:l llosp. The Youth Fellowship group of Kenansville gave a program, at the Naval Hospital at Camp LeJeune hut Sunday Youth attending were: Doris Cai son Sally Newton. ' Betty Ingram, Barbara MitcheU. Dianne Stokes, Sarah West Outlaw. Yvonne Patter son, Jessie Lee Houston, Margie Jones. Gail Newton. Jimmy Bowden, and Timmy Outlaw. ' , v They were accompanied by Rev. J. a White. Mrs. XL A. Newton. Mrs. '. M. Ingram and Mrs. N. B. Boney. Following the program the group served refreshments. - --' ., Mrs. Wallace Hostess At Bridge Mrs. J. B. Wallace was hostess to her bridge club and additional guest on Monday evening . Beautiful arrangements of white gladioli and fever few Were used in decoration where the tables were at play. Visitors for the games were mem bers of the Town and Country Club which included Mrs. JJ. Wells, Mrs. C B. Guthrie. Jr. Mrs. Wiley-Booth and Mrs. C C Hester. High score for club members was Mrs. Vance Gavin who was presen ted dusting powder. Visitors high was won by Mrs. Guthrie, who also received dusting powder. Mrs. L O. Kherson, alio a g-.'..H was remem bered with a g:.t. Following tlia games f e hostess served frozen fruit si '.-X cookies, cheese straws arid. Ice tea. - United States farmers placed 47 per cent of the 1853 wheat crop,. 41 per cent of the cotton crop, and 29 per cent of the peanut crop under the federal price support program. At , -IT Neil Joseph's Shop J You want ttrattend this great - bargain now. At NEIL JOSEPH'S . Goldsboro, N. C. Snappy Dressings Want to have your the best salad maker fat the county? Then learn to make the dressing that is Just right to go with your salad, says Vmgmia Wil son, State College extension nutri- DUPLIN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT John F. Powers; M.D. Health Officer TO ALL DOG OWNERS OF DUPLIN CpUNTY: This letter is to remind you that fhfc Public Health Law requires all dogs in the county to be vaccinated against rabies each year. Babies is a fatal disease. There iytio cure . There Is a prevention, 1. Vaccination 2. Get tfd of stray CjL -, f'f The rabies inspector has held 'c'l r$.,bver the county recently ' and lots of dogs were vaccinated, hr . tt, we know that many have not been vaccinated. Therefore, on bout July 1, 1954 the inspec tor and a sheriff deputy will car . county checking on dog ' vaccination. Their duty will be to v te dogs when owner wishes . v it; to destroy the dog if unclaimed; , serve warrants to those who refuse to vaccina t or who otherwise fail to cooperate with the lw. I b J (U 0(w (ISrtl ti'u . 4 uoy ait b ."r. a V h- e tH.:i y' f W r '"TTealth Officer J ,"int' w f I M : i ,-e- .a.. '-. - ' 'f.v I V -V- Siin Dress e New Style A little touch of make the difference between a salad with personality and one that tastes flat. Miss Wilson add that most salad dressings can actually be made from three basic reclpea . French dressing, mayonnaise, and cooked salad dressing. No one dressing fits every salad. Make up a batch of different dressings to have on hand and then try adding a pinch of this and that until you get the flavor to suit your taste. For a dressing that is quick and easy to make, try Miss Wilson's recipe for Mock Mayonnaise. Mock Mayonnaise tablespoons flour 1 cup water 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar 1 cup oil Cook flour and water until very thick. Pour hot mixture over egg. salt, lemon juice, or vinegar, and oil which have been thoroughly mixed. Beat with a rotary egg beat er until smooth and well blended. Chill. For a special treat, try serving a spoonful of mayonnaise on hot veg etables like broccoli, asparagus, or brussel sprouts. ii ft. VEtA WINSTON , . THsi ' covered-lip look take over this summer and the sun . dreaa seems to be out of the run. nlng- unless It is worn with a little cover agent. Italian cotton la bright, orangey red la used for a .amart sun- dress with a tiny be-' lero Jacket The frock has a deep round neckline with narrow hands over the shoulders. Raws of tucks form the cummerbund tmdruT; . aklrt billowins;-hutnui tin. ;a there: DouU 'rowotf tucu.. around the neck ef tne solera, which ig lined 0 lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Beulaville Soda Shop J. T. MUjLER, Manager ANNOUNCES -The Ee-Opening of His Newly Remodeled SODA SHOP A New Fountain and Stools Have Been Installed. Thick RElk; Jccs Will Be Given FREE Between The Hours of 8:00 and 10.-00 P. M. Banana Splifs 25c Sundaes-20c & 25c Sodas (All Flavors) -15c Come and Bring Your Family Don't Forget The Date Saturday June 12 Beulaville Soda Shop inUUUJLA VILLE aVdh . o o O O O o o o o o o o o o o iS I o o o o o o o . o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooootoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o . o ( . V o vv s - o I I I Ski - ( !k r -ml O 1 o w I GOLDPARIC:, LAX3 ' t I. f '. ) 2 1 Aifrecfions Are AvailableTo You At Goldpark Lake 5 Miles South ef Goldsboro on Highway 117, so come out to Goldpark Lake and enjoy clean fun and relaxation.'' Monkeys 1. FREE Sun Heated Showers for. All. 2. FREE Private Picnic Areas with grills for steaks, fish, chicken, etc . . Vfvu u unuimuui a v vuui in tHKe wiu a complete cnange of Ir water daily. s H . Ample ParkLng Space. ' ' ? h v M 5. Diving Boards, Water Slides. See-Saws & Swinv 6. Water Skiing and Motor Boating . 7 : ' , . ifes, These and Many More At O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 00 o o 1 -: Vw ? 1 X' 1 WaMlwwiV lis Vs " aBai . y C ) ' I ' t . 7