TJ23 DOTJN TZZZ3, EZNAXSVOJJS, N. C, ? . v . - 1 . 'i -.": i ft;. ' " Iiom t:,.y X i ..nii.'i t'ay IB the following cases were d 'posed of in Justice of Peace Court: .-. Jessie G. Faison.'arrested by-Patrolman C. C. Hester for .being drunk and off bis premises and breaking up jail property Plead guilty, paid property damage 1 and .costs. t1 i 1 t; , Herbert ' Wallace, arrested by I, Vencuna buuas . Alams, lab Sereena Awnings' Made To Order - Phone 299$ . Installed , , , CLINTON VENETIAN BUND CO. V ' J , Q. B. Draughon ' , I Cftl Batman St. .. mm ssesmaa wt. . Clinton, K. C. ' ls j jococoopooooooooooooooooo 6 -SSfir ZEE, DUEL ; 9 ! . wan- TO SPENU - O RARGAIMS AT . 1HKIMY 5 O o o o o 2- nr inruxy s g Clinton OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC ATTENTION FARMERS! We Wish To Announce The r .... i, ,...f...;-:-- . ...... P Appointment Of ; JJI- Edgerton & Son Inc J . Goldsboro. N.C. ; AS DEALERS OF: ' O Hardie Rain Control Irrigation Couplers, Valves and Fittings. ,' 1 1 " ' . ' , O Carterjrrigation Pumps. f O I. H. Power Units IIADDIE COUPLERS GIVE YOEI KOBE IRRIGATION PER DOLLAR OF COST Only Hardie Rain Control provides a coupler with adequate foot suppbrt, positive lock, no-blow-out gaskets, and that is attached without drilling, punching or welding. Slippage and pipe damage Tare eliminated by two-bolt ring clamp that holds steel hook. Can ; be coupled or uncoupled from middle of the pipe. : : ; It will pay you to find out how Hardie Rain Control saves you labor, maintenance cost and makes water go further and do more. Hardie Rain Control fits any ground, is readily adjusted to any acreage. i - ' ; Rain Centre! Valves S!sp Surging And Redsisa Fbw ReslsHscca ' ' Rain Control Valve design makes all other valves obsolete. Completely eliminates surging. ' J FJ6ffbaMt I ; PertaU SprkUsr Inrfcjsllw' SpHsM Vi-. ''-''-tf.Utr' agJI iMtssssssI lgft,-'""V-'"tJL' 't'"- :' v iaal SpSbI SWWlPsl WJf 4 .M JT FAr.:.l CUrrLY STOK Rcky Mowt. N. C ' 1 1 ..a this coupon to J. M. Idgerton ft Son, Inc., ,1214 N. WU- ff l'am Street it yon would like for our representative to call en I . j-su to make a design and estimate for your farm FREE. i 1 1 ;;ti ko. .m ? i , - .........'.... i - - - - - . - - - ' Lii'U'y T. E. I.evc.e for non-st'-port of his child. Placed under , bond. Waived fee-ring to June teim of County Com j. Vann Hatcher, arrested bv. Dpd- ufy N. D. Boone for leaving a fire ourmng and letting same escape which burned over 120 acres of wood land and for failure to obtain a burning permit. Defendant plead guilty to charge.. Was sentenced to 30 days and to pay 143.00 to State for fire fighting and pay court cost Clinton, N. C. TXOW's J v , , - X y o o o Warsaw O ? ', 4 ' ' 4 i 1 A Flow resistance is reduced far below the flow resistance caused by other valves. Rain . Control Valves save money on every gallon of water. Look to us for complete sys- terns, couplers, valves, pipe fit. nngs, ana pumps, lcc us neip -; you plan your system. N H George G ' ' 'tt iiareftdy, SrreSt e 1 by Patro. t-i, t Hester for failure to yield r'l-cf-way, resulting In a wreck, 1 lend guilty and paid cost , Raymond Batts, arrested by Pa trolman Hester for driving on the highway on a rim. Plead guilty and paid fine. ( y, William Ed Hall arrested by Pa trolman Hester, for speeding - 70 miles per hour.; Cited to County Court. ' , i 5 Ralph Dail arrested ' by Deputy Revelle for assault ,on a female. Placed under $200 bond. Waived hearing to August term of Superior Court j ,V , . - , ;, ' 4 j.-, Lymon Grant," arrested by Leslie McGay for receiving a quantity of cigarettes, to-wit 42 cases belonging to Wallace Wholesale Co, the same being valued at $780.00. Was placed under $8000 bond to be tried , In August term of Superior Court. , Timothy' Mfddleton, Jr, arrested by Deputy Boone for non-support. Placed under $200 bond. Waived hearing to County Court. - v ; ' Charlie Savage,; arrested by Pa trolman Briley for operating a mo tor vehicle without proper brakes. Plead guilty, paid fine and cost. ' ? Charlie Al .Taylor, arrested by Cpl. T. G. Brooks for. being pub licly drunk - and off his premises. Plead guilty and paid fine. Robert I Taylor, arrested by Cpl Brooks for being . publicly drunk. Plead guilty and paid fine. Isaac Frank Taylor, arrested by Cpl. Brooks, for being drunk- and off his premises. Plead guilty and paid fine. ' c Furney Davis, arrested by Depu ty H. L. Morton for issuing worth less eheck. Plead guilty, paid fine and check. Dick McLawhorn, arrested by Patrolman E. C. Wray fpr creating a disturbance in town of Warsaw and being publicly drunk and dis orderly and assault. Plead guilty to charge. Sentenced to 60 days in jail, suspended on 12 months good be havior, pay fine and court cost. : Frank Carlton, arrested by Pa trolman Briley' for being drunk and off his premises. Plead guilty paid fine and 'cost. David Junior Miller, arrested by Patrolman Hester for operating a motor vehicle on wrong side of the highway resulting in a wreck. Plead guilty to charge and sentenced to SO days suspended on 12 months good behavior and pay fine and cost. Nathan Leroy McHenry, arrested by Patrolman Hester for speeding 55 miles per hour with a truck. Cited to County Court. Charlie Maready, arrested ' by Deputy Burtis Fussell for breaking and entering the home of Everett Pitman- and assaulting Pitman while being drunk and disorderly. Placed under $300 bond. Waived hearing to County Court. Jones Russell Smith, arrested by Patrolman Briley for aiding and abetting in possession of non-tax-paid whiskey, to-wit 'three pints. Placed under $100 bond to be tried June term of County Court . Ruben Arnold Hunter, arrested by Patrolman Briley for operating a motor vehicle' while intoxicated and 'possession of non-tax-paid whiskey, aiding and abetting in same. Placed under $200 bond, ',4- f Z,mi.Xiim-&: UjUUT Tirall . Take heart, jood friend you can buy a hit-of-the-year Buick if you can afford cwynewcar. ' And we proudly show our price here to prove it. , For this price is the delivered price the local delivered price of the new Buick Special 2-door, 6-passenger Sedan and it's just a few dollars away from those of the so-called "low-pricetthree'-lower, in fact, than even some models of those very same cars, " f'VM, V y But look what this Buick price gets you! x It gets you the very look of tomorrow in j styling modernity, even to the spectacular new panoramic windshield that seems to 4 outdate everything before it , r It gets you Buick V8 power highest, in 11 rt " ' I I I L ..3 t j la . . ' Rep:r(:d i.i Duplin "' Tobacco Disease Cllnio ' , A tobacco disease clinic was held at the Agricultural j Building - In Kenansville today. Mr. 3. G. Wells, Extension Plant Pathologist: ,) from State College,, was here to identify the , Tobacco . Diseases for: ' Duplin Bine Mold In Tebaeco Fields waived! hearing , to County . Court i Daisy Harrell, arrested by Pa trolman Briley for aid and abetting in possession of: non-tax-paid whis key with Rubin Arnold : Hunter. Placed under $100 bond. Bound -: to County Courts Retha Mae Harrell, arrested by Patrolman Briley for ' aiding and abetting in possession of non-tax-paid whiskey with Ruben Arnold Hunter.; Placed v under $100, bond. Bdund to County Court. Edgar Earl Harrell, arrested by Patrolman Briley for ; aiding and i betting in possession of non-tax-iaid . whiskey with Ruben Arnold hunter. Placed , under $100 bond. Sound to County Court. ' Calvin Evans, arrested by DepuJ '.y Houston for non-support of wife ind, child. Plead guilty to charge. Placed under $200 bond to be tried n County Court ' Marvin Fred Murphy, arrested by Patrolman Hester for improperly oassing another vehicle, to-wit on the right hand side. Plead guilty to charge, paid fine and cost , Mary Piner Roberts, arrested by Patrolman Hester for operating a motor vehicle on wrong side of the highway. Plead guilty to charge and paid fine. proper brakes. Plead guilty and Chester Keith Kornegay, arrested by Patrolman W. G. Wright for op erating a motor vehicle with ina paid fine. WALLACE GAS CO. SFECIAL W sen- uasnaBy ad- vertised GAS MtenuQo WATER-J HEATERS. Haadlev Vrwn, Johnl k LWood. General Waldorf. .HEul LAR PRICE $8UV AiilOWANCEj OLD HEATER teg ardless rf 2. YOC PAT ONLY $64J2 Wallace, N. C. Phone 6701 Highway 117 ,11 1-1 i WHIN emu AUTOMOBlUt GAS Ml Blue Mold k baa been found in tobacco fields in all , sections of Duplin County in the last few days. Allvsises of tobacco have been af fected. Damage has'; varied from light to heavy. In fields where several leaves per stalk have been ruined it may be possible to let a sucker grow near bottom or at top of plant after topping" and leave 4 to 0 leaves on sucker. Top tobacco high. , Hot weather ': should ' stop spread of Blue Mold. 1 ' ' - , IrUh Potato Meeting , A meeting is being held at the Community JBulldlng in Mt Olive today, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. to discuss Production and Marketing of pota toes. All Irish Potato producers and those who may produce potatoes in the future are urged to attend this meeting. Farm and Home Week, Jane 7-10 -Farm and Home Week will, be held at State College, Raleigh, June 7-10. Headquarters and Registration Desk will be in Reynolds Coliseum. Rooms are available in the College Dormitories. Each person should carry bed linen, blanket towels, and personal articles. ' Program Highlights Monday: 7:30 p.m. Opening exercises and Recreation.. Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Chal lenge Program, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 nodn Gov. W. B. Umstead. Wednesday: 9:30 a.m.,to 3:30 p.m. Dairy Day. 11:00 A.m. to 12:00 noon, "How To Make more farm Profits" - True D. Morse, Under-Secretary of Agricul ture. Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Agricultural Policy Discussion, 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, meeting of State Council of Home Demonstration Clubs. 3:45 We Want We Pay A Premium For Top Quality Hors See Us or Call 2106, Ui-nton, N. C. Clinton Livestock OPERATED BY LUNDY PACKING COMPANY Buying Days Are Mondays Through Fridayg 8 a. m. Until 5 p.m. aassaTSSMfaTr"rirwilllllll - , t . i.-1 mv. w w.nMV PHI . J 1 i I B i jvJ Special history plus the economy of new Power-Head Pistons. It gets you Buick room, Buick luxury, Buick size- and structure and solidity including of course, the famed Million Dollar Ride and a new precision in . handling ease. Itgets you, too, solid and deep-down value. For any way you look at it, you're money ahead with the car that's years-ahead now in looks and line and the lift of its power and the car that's outselling every other car In America except twp of the low price three," , .:' .,,, Drop in today or the first thing tomorrow i just to try and to drive and to compare a new Buick. We'll let the car prove its 'points;,;.' ;.::.".;.,; AM IUI1T IUICK Will tutlD THSM J ft f I f Sm I m " i-w v Success Jn Sewing -Garments must be cut out pro perly If your sewing" Is to be suc cessful. ' Mary Em Lee,- extension specialist in clothing at N. C. State College, 'offers these ' suggestions: Follow ' the . pattern guide sheet step-by-stey. Compare your mea surements with those of the pattern. Place every A piece of pattern on true grain of material whether : it be true bias or r straight Dont skimp; : piece first Properly pin pattern to fabric. Cut With long even strokes.: Carefully mark notches, darts, or other marks. Match plaids and stripes when cutting and sew ing garment ' - The sewing guide found in com mercial patterns will give excellent directions as to fitting the pieces together. Follow Itl Learn the sew ing terms such as "ease in" and "straight of goods" and "armseye." Mark all notches, pleats and other details by using tailor tacks, carbon and tracing wheel, tailor's chalk or other means of marking. , Whether you baste all the seams or Din and stitch will be deter- p.m. to 5:30 p.m. State Cotton Pro motion Committee meeting. 8:00 p.m. "Green A-Growin'." All farm men and women are urged to attend all or part of the Farm and Home Week Program. We feel that it will be interesting and helpful to you. If you want more information on Program or Room and Board arrangement, I will be glad to send it to you. Tamworth Swine Breeders Field Day On Elmer Daniels Farm on High way 95. about half way between Rocky Mount and Zebulon. From 10:00 a.m. to 3100 p.m. June 1, ihm. Your Hogs arliet ,7 mined by youi sewing experience, your fitting' problems, , your self confidence. Remember good stan c c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o mM vpm me mil WrAU COMM. 10 MLSCW 700BTTHB HWtiJ)oUAR. " 4 i r. t t c M ; I . mm0 It.;, s, t j ' m , I : - i . i i v : js v , w s Jf.:,,:.:.:,, ... ::.y tl S 2295.00 DELIVERED LOCALLYI 1954 SPECIAL 2-door; 6-passenger sedan, MODEL 40D (illustrated) Optional aquipmant, occssiorlsi, itot and local lam, If ony, additional. Prices may vary slightly In adjoining commv niliet due to shipping charges. All prices subect to change without notice. Even the factory-installed extras you may want are bargains, such 01, heater & defroster. . . only $81 .70. r iv ii 1 f,lVi V"v. 'rt dajras ,e - i method ' tl. it results."" ou t J " , , Your best buy is GREEN SHIELD . RICE. This delicious, y f .quick -cooking rice . saves you money every time you serve it! 1 m I -. r 6 ( : G' A r.i O . . . Jill t:l ! I ' JSk East Main St. V 1 I