4 the vurun nMEVKKNANsmu, nv c, tktrssay. jttt l r"v P-rlr.lnr.1 Luk : 40-51 - lvual (toils,: iMUh 5S:S-T. II:v; to Grew aaon for July 4, 1954 j - ' IF A Chrlntl , lt U Chrlstlsn at ; 14T Whatever a person may think , about that, one thing: la certain: ' u Christian la not am win a -ha. i Is not like Jesus. For the next three monthi the Bible lesions studied in .all the churches that sponsor wis series 4 will be on the gen . eral subject of " , "Growth In Chris tian Living." Can .1 this, be, studied? Doesn't growth ., coma naturally or not at all? , For .answer to that .,uie Lord Jesus Dr. Foreman'' himself. It 1s said of him that he "Increased in wisdom and stature .end in favor with Gdd and man." If Jesus Is our Example In growth s well as in other ways, then we can learn much about Christian growth from him. A Time for Struggle' r' The Greek language in which Luke wrote, has words for every- , thing. Many times, we can see what Luke meant by carefully t looking Into the Greek words he used, which are sometimes more. ' precise wan our '.English words usually are.' In Luke 2:40 it Is written that Jesus the boy "grew." In Luke J: 52 it is said that he Increased." Now those are two i . A .... -I amerent vireex woras, in tne ortg inal manuscript, and they do not mean Just the same thing at all. The first Is the ordinary everyday . .word for "grow." Plants grow, - animals stow, the little hov Jem -. aub Mini woru u usea lor r aU kinds of living things. Now a , little boy,' say Ave years old. no more tries to grow than an oyster - does. He' will grow, all right - Nothing can stop him if he gets plenty of food and sunshine. When tie goes to scnooi he does not have to study hard, he "picks up" ; things as we say. 'But there comes a time in every boy's life, and it v must, have come in Jesus' life, ,' when this simple word "grow" ' is not enough any more. The word . "increase" is a different word, en - tlrely. It means literally to cut one's way forward. It la the word which was used to describe' what a road-building -crew did in chop ' ping out a trail through the. for? est. It is a word for effort, strug t. gle. hard work.- The time came ' for Jesus, as It does for all grow . Ing persons, when, he could no longer grow without putting out his own vigorous strength, r s Good Animal? 1 An angry woman oame into a teacher's room one day and -com-: plained about the way her poor ; little boy (a rascal If ever there ; was . one) had been, treated. .."I ; want you to understand," she said. ' "that I don't care If he is a scholar or not All I want is for him to be a good animal.'.' If the teacher had not been young and . shy, he would have said to the r woman. "Madam, that's Just the trouble. He Is a good animal; we should like to have him develop Into something else besides. If ' aO you want is a good animal, ' take your boy home) he has grad ' uatedl" Of course, tne lady was partly right We human beings are animals,' and as such we ought ; to develop physically to the best of our capacity. We have to work : at it Ood will not send it free, '.not even to.CThristlanfcS;:,,t Th All-Round r " : Jesus cut his wsy forward not i only physically, but mentally (wis- dom), spiritually (in favor with God) and socially (favor with man). There comes a time in life when if we are going to learn something (say , the .Greek lan ' guage. or the guitar) we Just have " to get down and dig. The growing Christian' will grow In mind as . well as in body. Ignorance la not a Christian ideal The same is true socially. Our Lord was popular, in the good sense. People loved him. But Luke suggests that this wss Dot something that Just cam to him. ha had to work at this too. ' (Some .persons are born more sociable- by nature than others; but .even the shy ones, the awkward ones, can learn the fine art of getting along with other persons, If they try. U they never try,. this, side pt their natures, of their, lives, s wOl . be 'stunted. Even -the . spiritual life doet not grow with out effort We grow through those old-fashioned but never out-dated ways, which' Jesus used and which we can use too; prayer, study of God's word,. and. service in His name. WC never grow spiritually by magic, never by "wishing," only by working , with, God., r. ,, HhiI h mIIms MrrrlrtiUS kf the t.-io l ChrlMlu . ., Nf Unl VmmnM rkrs Chrlat. In In l. . A. BcioMo WmbuiV .L T YID ALL 1 . Ci KCVNT CUT! 1" 4 on of Wayne-Pflplfcv trrr v s-r " ' y 3 : r ' . I rerared I I department of Libia ' ' ,' VBXhXllZ. U JUNIOR COLLEGE " . Luif'jn, N. C. (Dept. of Bible, Presbyterian Junior j . vuege, maxion, n. mj -t i A little book has just arrived from the publishers, A new book ia like a Christmas package in that you can hardly wait to get into it This s especially true of this book, be cause Its author is Betty W. Stof fel, who lived in Max ton until last year, and who was back to visit us with her husband when he preach ed our commencement sermon the last Sunday, in Mar.. So we 'sat down and read it through v Tight away. tf' ," - ? a -e "Moments of Eternity" Is well4 named. "Betty has caught In -her poems little thrills of, lfe, Just as t fast-action i camera Stops motion and preserves it on film for re production.", Almost : every poem holds a , single emotion In lovely language and lets us share the feel ing.',' Grace Noll Cro well says in the introduction, -"Here is a writer who writes with her heart" ; , I It la difficult to select one poem as a sample, so we will be content with- a few phraaes from, several poeMST''""'T'!"''''5"fl. "God of evenr fin minute, lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf PRESBYTERIAN BEY. W. B HOOD. PASTOB - , Wallace Chsveh ' Cvarv SundaV Morning ' tnd. 4th, and 6th Sunday nights Blacks Chapel - 3rd Sunday night B1V J. M. NISBBTT, PA8TOB Rockflsh, Church, H -Sad ad 4th Sunday mornings tr& Sunday ngini BevoWade, H. Allison, Pastor . Mount Zlon Church,.Rose Hill Every . Sunday Morning ; a Except Thii'A Sunday Third Sunday Evening . Oak- pums ennren t; Firrf Sunday Night b Third Sunday Morning , . REV. NOBMAN FLOWERS vfarsaw Church ; . Every Sunday morning ' Bowden Community Chorea : 1st' 3rd. and 6th. Sunday sveninp RET. J. T. HATTER, -JR PASTOB Orove"Church 2nd And 4th Sunday mornings . - - HallsvUle Choreh 1st and 3rd Sunday marines BET. W. a GOODMAN, PASTOR ..." - BenlavlOe Choreh Every Sunday morning ;:-- PINK HILL GKOUP ' v J Ber. parrlor. Pastor ; pink Hill Thlsd Sunday A. M. . and ist Sunday P. M. ' Women ef the Choreh Circle No. 3 meets .3:30 p. m. on first Tuesday of month. " ' S MITHS ' Second Sunday A.- M. and .,. Feurtk Sunday P. M." Third Sundays 4 P. M. (3 P. M. : s- -f Winter) j . PLEASANT VIEW 1st Sunday" A. M. and 3rd Sunday P. M. leneral meetnig Thursday P. M. after 3rd Sunday.. Circle. Thurs day P. M. before 3rd Sunday . 1 HARPEB-SOUTHERLAND Fourth Sunday A. M. and Second -Sunday P. M. , , First Wednesday afternoon , t P. Field . Group 1st and ltd Saturday evenings 0 P. M. REV. TATLOR A. BTBD, PASTOR! - Falson Orenp 1st, SreU 5th. gnndays at VM p m. , 2nd. 4th. Sundays at 11 t ajn. , I- -. 'Oalypse 1st, 3rd, 5th. Sondays at U:M ajn. t. ' Stanford , tnd, 4th. Sondays st 1M pjk . - - ". : " " "j CNITERSALDXr -OatUw Bridge " Choreh Service, let Sunday tight 1:MV M. tnd and 4th Smaday dienitng, ll:t a au. Rev. Vinton Bowering, Minister Sunday School every Sunday Morning et lfcOf a. aa. tin. Ed Smith, Superintendent . . MISSIONARY BAPTISTS . ' KENAN SVTLLB - Ber. Lauren Sharpe, Psator - KenansvUle ? EACH SUNDAY MORNING J BEVLAVILLE; GROTJP . f, Rev. A. tk Brown, Ttof,i - - i BeulavlUe , . - t.-vT f 2nd, and 4th. Sundays N V 4 Cedfei ' - :'-; 5'-Vl: 1st and 2nd Sundays , , . HallsvUle -3rd and 4th Sundays v CALTPSO Pastw 'i ' Ind and 4th Sundays MAGNOLIA BAPTIST CHOK0H ' ReVr S. D. Everett Psstor "1st and 3rd Sunday morningi -' 1st and 3rd Sunday nlghU RET. EIXIOTT B. STEWART, - Corinth " ' tnd and 3rd 8undayi i,'.) Teachey , .1st and 4th Sundays- s it's r v SnMini- T b tuUe possible through the H'l'l H1 i 1 ECrrTATLCt w m mm J Lord of time,' and time to be, Teach us how to treasure up '( The moments of eternity." J"; The God who makes the moun ) tains Also makes the man.-, !Vou. will be remembered : RED ASH. BRIQUET coal;. , FUEL OIL and , , KEROSENE , R. B. Phone urn r Mt. Olive, N a By REV. C. HERMAN TRUEBLOOD TEXT "Blessed Is the natlen whee Oed b the Lerd," Psalm 13:13. ; From the i time when the "Mayflower'' furled her weather-beaten sailsf to the present , hour, American other nations. We wonder not that hardly understand ourselves. Behind our course in spite of all obstacles. America has always been unique; unique In training and above all unique in war. Throughout the ages men have been taught the iron rule: "Might Makes Right," Our principles will not allow us to practice that rulej We have never preyed on a weak natlonj.our flag has protected but never cursed humanity by oppression; we have never sought war. God honors those who honor him, but they who disregard His laws shall go down into the grave of national oblivion, unwept, unhonored and unsong. History furnished ample proof of the Biblical declaration, that "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Ps. 9:17. t ; ; 1 " ' ' Our American forefathers have bequeathed to us a Glorious Heritage. As we come again to our National Independence Day, the fourth of July, we should "take stock," and recount, the priceless blessings that have been vouchsafed to us at the cost of countless sacrifices, by those,, who freely shed their blood, counting their lives not dear unto themselves, that liberty and freedom not perish from pur midst" ' " Our forebears landed in this country upon their knees in an attitude of prayer of thanksgiving for a safe ; Journey across the seas, and for divine guidance in their attempt to fashion a new home and nation on this North American Continent This is a good time to "take courage," and .with fresh determination resolve continue to be a "Nation whose God America believes that "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" shall be granted unto every man. This noble spirit carried to its ligltimate end would drive every form of oppression and wrong into the shades of death where they belong. The earth is God's footstool, but to many it is but the anteroom to preditlon simple because too many sing about "The Sweet by and by," while they blast the now and now. 1 "Lest we forget" we should refresh our minds concerning the seven foundation filllars, upon which our iney are: me Bime, Tne Home, The Church, The Lord's Day, The Public School. The Lnw; and The Free Pressl" j i- Every collapse of civilization that of history has been due to the breaking down of one or more of these pillars of society; Indeed, when any one of them breaks down, all the others must sooner or later go. , Our father's God, to Thee. Author may ouf land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy migni, ureal uoa, uur Bang. I FINK HILL i 1. R- Renn. Mlnlater Tal BHa Woodland First Sunday Morning . ana nira sunuay nigni Pink Hill Second nd Fourth Sun . days, Morning ana Migot ' FEARSALL CHAPEL F.WJt Rev. L. L Parker, Pastor Snndav School at 104 A. M. Service each second Sunday morn ing at 11:04 and evening at "I'M. League every Sunday evening si 6:00. Prayer. Meeting each Wednes day evening at T:vf . i : CHINQUAPIN GROUP r ; Mlaskmary Baptist, Churefe ,Bev. Vi(hn MuxreU SHARON ' -Morning Services 1st and 3rd. Sundays Evening Services ' lnd 4th. and 8th. Sundays, DOBSON CHAPEL yV Morning Servlees ; SndL 4th. and 5th. Sundays f- -.-s i !:i r?; Evening Seryicea' Z Si;, 1st. 'and; 3rd. Sundays ; . Island Cnek 3nd Sunday morning and 4th Sun day 'evening. ' BEAB MARSH Jfv! A last and 3rd Sunday BOSS HILL ) ir..V Rev. J. T. CASE Services every Sunday - FAISONA Bev. M..M. Turner, JPaaint 1st and 3rd Sunday! JOHNSON CHTOCH " Rev, -Paul JMulLiP-wtat 1st and 3rd Sundays-.. e th ',1 7. . , I. J. SA?"3LIN cor:?ANi ' EJwe, Cre-i. l"y C.93 :.t ' . Letuave, N. C.-,. 8EBVIC3 B.OTtsa CO IP ANT ; DeSdto PlrmouUi - Sales an fcervicu Kenansviile, N. C DR. a W. COLWELL " " V Wallace. North Carolina As the heart .remembers spring." My soul's up-reaching- Way, - - "The mind of man wac7 made toT,Tbit attle eet which follow mine ' ' climb, ; , For noble thoughts are talL" v. -"Be Thou my. courage.strength, of j heart . ' ' t' iU ' leaarraa. M. 'c' '-" t iA aUreaetatha Wl i:i.X , WARSAW FWrtAL GEO., P. PiliDGEl! Plunibcr STATE LICENSED , PLUMBIKii;;; CONTITACTdaif '.supplecs;?:.; BATHBOOM KQIllPMBNf - HOT WATZX 'KXAftBI -- WATfeat roMPs-i-'T , ' KITCHKlf WM:- Phone 473 .nil WARSAW, N C ! 1 I sge history Is the bewilderment of ait we are Often misunderstood we us stands the eternal God directing . . ... . . i ,.. . - unique in birth, unique in growth. that this beloved land of ours shall is the Lord." " American civilization has been built; has marked and marraTthe course : .. . : . -. of liberty. To Thee we sine: Lone I ' LIMESTONE CHAPEL , . Night, 5tand Smau NJghV AlseW (juinn, raster it - j, CABIN FREE WHX BAPTIST, : ; . CHUBCH .. Rev. JT a Starnes, paste. Ber vices every 3ndfand 4th. Sundays at 11:00 sum. and T:00 p m. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. MAGNOLIA GROUP . CesMteed - . 2nd and 4th Sunday WALLACE . Dr. se4e Faate Servlces each .8tmdapia . vTELLS CHAPEL-) Ber. I A BsmfMlH Snd and 4th Sunday . WATBXAW Dr. A. W. Gsdawi' , . , GABNEBS CIUPEL... .. i. A Rev. EugMML Hagur j 1st and 3rd P-day, i jgttd I ''dfh.'Atawair :.'! : - - JONES. CHAPEL kJ ' 1 Ber. Enga.llan-ji- ." 1st and 3rd Sunday adgM , .tad atodi.lBWtUnf.Vff I .ALTJM ETETNaS Unr. Knm' 9acat &s Mm. augui M BUBJ. faQewtag - l v . i WACCAMAW BANK- p- ' I "til fi H TJ 'A KiHi" !!'JH U ) !.. pjxrzArj) eolisss isxx' Is Near Ou'Uw t .rer May not be led astray." vf J ' "Can- li bs that j. mother's heart is To know God best at a baby's bed?" ioooooooooooi r For Sole; : ; SAsn, doors, sheet- cock wool, plast. erv lime cement, V: BRICK, MORTAR,' ;'PaIHTS, TERRA-COT- ; TA PD?E, DRAIN TILE, WHITE ASBESTOS SI- .i DLNG, ASPHALT SHINGLES, ALL KIND ROLL ROOFING, 5-V : CRIMP TIN ROOFING 1 And BRICK SIDING ROCK, i ROCK LATH SiSffisoK 'WALLACE,' NOC."; ooooooooooo METHODIST CHURCHES WALLACE GROUP K. B. Wheeler, Mlhttter Tei'SlSS -t.v,-! Wallace Every Sunday morning and every Sunday night t.-rj".".; . -. " " ' Providence First and Third Sun- 1 days at 3 o!cleck p. m. BOSS HILL GROUP W. B. Ostteu, Minister Tel. 8511 Rose Hill WARSAW CHARGE Carlton' F. Htracht. Minister Bev. Telephone 365 WARSAW Church School 9:45 A. M. 3. P. Johnson, Superintendent Worship Services 1st 2nd, 4th and 8th Sundays 11:00 A. M. 3rd at 9:00 A. M. CARLTON'S CHAPEL Church School 1st and 3rd at . . :; 10:00 A. M. - 2nd and 4th at 10:30 A. M. J. E. Blanchard Superintendent Worship Services 2nd and 4th at 9:30 A. M. TURKEY CHURCH Church School 10:00 A. M. ' L. A. Sutton, Superintendent Worship Services 1st Sunday night 8:00 P. M. 3rd Sunday morning 11:00 A.M. CARLTON'S Snd and 4th Sundays 1.-M P. M. Sunday morale) te First Sunday night FAISON CHARGE Rev. Harold D. Minor, Minister ' FAISON 1st and 3rd. Sunday- morning, 11:00 am 2nd. and 4th. Sunday evening,' 7:00 pan. FRIENDSHIP 1st and 3rd. Sunday evening. 7:00 pjn. . . KINGS 2nd. and 4th Sunday mornings, 11:00. iL MOUNT OLIVE CIRCUIT Paul ' R. Mannes Bethel Fourth Sunday morning ; and Second Sunday night Calypso SeconoVSunday morning , and .Fourth Sunday night j Bone's Chapel Second and , Fourth Sundays at 10:00 a. m. -DUPLIN CHARGE . Rev. James E. White, pastor Kenansville Sunday School at 10 a. m. WORSHIP. SERVICE 1st Sunday 11:00 A. M. 3rd. Sunday H:00 A . 3rd Sunday 7:80 P. M. .Magnolia ; Sunday School 10:00 A. 11 : 2nd Sunday night 7:30 o'clock 4th Sunday morning 11:00 o'clock Unity Snd Sunday 11:00 A. M. 4th Sunday 7:30 P. M. V , Wesley 'Sunday School 10:00 A. M. at Sunday 7:30 P. M. 3rd Sunday 11:00 A. M. 4th Sunday 11:00 A. M. UNET GROVE ' " v Free Win Baptist ' ! , Rev. J. B. Starnes, pastor Services each first Sunday morning at 10:00; 1st Sunday night at 7:00 I " v- Sabbath School at 11:00 SARECTA CHAPEL "Original Free ! W1H Baptist Church; j h i ReC Carroll Hansley, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday at TlttOu A. M. League every Sunday at 6:00 P. M. Church First Sunday, 11 A. M. and Til8P. M. Church Third Sundays, IIjOO A. If. and 7:18 P. M. CuUKCH OF JESUS CHRIST 1 ; OF LATTER DAT SAINTS -Sacrament Meeting Sunday 7:00 pjn. ! , Sunday School 10:00 A. M. - Relief Soolety, Tuef. 7:00 P. M. It. 1 A. ft Primary Wed. 7:00 P. M. - tTimaeulste Oneeptlen Chunk . 5 r; Tran"" 'ration Mlatloa - j , V-tce, N. C Rev. J a J. I "r. Pastor f . i.-am'el iw -,-'" Fl- tanday l each month UJM a. 1 v. " ' . L r -.J?p fcHowlng 3:45 a. uv 1 he' 4 ur '- Shepherd of Tender . Yonti i Kirm nM la livmn slneinot hymnT One might as well ask how old is music . . . who wrote the first note? . 1 . . Because George Washington did so much tor his - country, he is regarded ss its first president Actu ally he was fifth. His four predecessors, under the - Articles of Confederation, John Hanson, El lis Bou dinot, John Hancock snd Nathaniel Gorham. are seldom mentioned. . Because Robert Fulton did so much toward the development of the steamship, he is regarded as its inventor. Mentionv is rarely made of Barce lona's Blasco de Garey and bis steamboat of 1543, or o! James Rumey's steam propelled boat on the Potomac In 1783, or of John Fitch aad bis steamboat run on the Delaware In 1786 all predecessors of Fulton and his noted Clermont on the Hudson River In 1807. . - So it is with hymn writing. Because Isaac Watts wrote hundreds of hymns at a time when departure from Psalm singing was regarded as heresy and punishable by Imprisonment the little Englishman has gone down in church annals ss "The father of the English hymn." Actually, there were scores of hymn writers in England, and other parts of the world, before Watts was ever heard of. Shepherd of tender youth. Guiding in love and truth . - Through devious ways; Christ, our triumphant King, - We come Thy name to sing. And here our children bring To oln Thy praise. Thou art our holy Lord, O oil-subduing Word, Healer of strife; , Thou didst Thyself abase, -That from sin' deep disgrace Thou mlghtest save our roce, . And give us life. IF YOU MOVE AFTER RftEIVING YOUR YFA(?S SUPPLY Of VA ENVELOPES IN WHICH TO MAIL YOUR 61 INSURANCE PREMIUM RECORD YOUB APPRESS CHANGS ON THE FLAP OF ONLY ONE ENVEkOPE-NOTAU. OF THEM. For rull Information contact yvar ncarcat ' VETEhNS ADMINISTRATION oBn A. J. Cavenaugh, Jeweler DIAMONDS WATCHES ' Watch A Jewelry REPARtNO A ENGRAVING 1 11 1 ATTENTION - R o uo Phone 286 Spraying Will Who wrote the first Three centuries the well Known - in nrisnn' In 8Z1. wrote "O Splendor of God's Glory Bright" Ever Lead Let Who 1 Unite To WILCOX-FOLLETT CO., Chicago, HL From The Book 'A HYMN IS BORN" Copyrijht 18 52 Aidway Dog Friend Cures Mange in one or two Appli cations or Money Refun ded. For Sale By Warsaw Drug Co. -Kenansville Drug Co. 8 oz. Bottle $1.00 wwO000 449OtftOOftOOCMM0IICg4M0t TURNER & TURUER INSURANCS AOENCT -We're Known By The Serviee Wa CM? pimm ns pi mn, . c. L. C Tomer. Jr. T. J. Tuner . FARMERS Cotton Tobacco Airplane And Your Best Crop See or Call - Kcn:asville Be Done By A.R. BLAND, 1 J ,4 before Watts, Refwuris , Luther wrote 37 hymns and tang feas aa aver , Germany. His "Away In a Manger" aad "A Mighty , Fortress Is Our God" art still heard. arewd ia ' World. ...-' Vr-wi-'. ;,."? Mfi -. n t-V'-"n With field rats swarming over his tnfirssed 4 and straw bed. St Francis ef Assist wrote "AB Creatures Of Our God and King" one sweltertof 1 ; Summer day in 1225. Theodulph of Orleans Ail uiory, uuo, am avmn And bishop Amoroso m the latter' part of tne louru century.. . The oldest hymn found in today's hysanehi waeA taken from a poem A a book of phllosoplnr tfOed, "The Instructors-written about the year f -V Greek librarisn, preacher and teacher, aaased IMaw ; Flavius Clemens, usually called St Clement ef Alexanderia. " , The hymn has undergone so many hausfaHssa) snd changes that St Clement himself weald Mt recognize it For popularity, it is far down the Mat snd Is rarely sung. It Is given here solely license ? of its distincUon as being the oldest Christiau kyatu tn use about 17 centuries old. " be near our side. - Our Shepherd end our Gulda Our staff and song: Jesus, Thou Christ of GoV (tw TMm andurim Word. v us where Thou ho k Our faith make strong. j So now, and till we , Sound we Thy praises MgK 1 And ioyful !na: : ..- oil the holy throng to Thy church be to swell the song Christ our King Old ietoarantt eSfe Cemsserelal Weddlnffs, j LANladt STUDIO r : :: Phine 634is Ai Waaaw.!.T".r ; ' UtUngs Nights ssi 'tassapg.' ' 9t Ajigilaenaisst J I in xju o P.O.CdxICD Jr. Pencly. r it-.!1 " v . "vV 'y '? ''' ,y w w. ; v i,v i K '

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