r, ii. c r y J- a v. "r-V " J as executor of J lank N. Brlnson, de 5 fct Duplin Countjr, North t Ms ia to notify all per 5 'claims against the es- r said deceased to exhibit , to the undersigned at Beula on or before the 16th day Jane, 1955, or this notice will f pleaded in bar of their recovery: - persons Indebted to said estate :a please make Immediate pay- sent. , ' . This 16th day of June, 19M . Elliott Brlnson, Executor of Frank N. Brlnson. Grady Mercefr , , - Attorney at Law , , 7-23-ftt i . , . . , , NOTICE ; -: ; The undersigned having qualified a executor of the estate of Ardelia . Williams, deceased, late, of Duplin ' ' County, this is to notify all persons - Having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned , sm o before the 5th day of June, v MSaV or this notice will be pleaded super oi ineir recovery. All per sons Indebted to the said estate will please make immediate settlement of the same to the undersigned. This the 4th day of June, 1954. '' Sam Williams, Executor Ardelia Williams estate. Latham A. Wilson, Atty. T-15-tt lJLW. r ,l ' i , , NOTICE v .,, IN THE GENERAL COUNTT COURT NORTH CAROLINA , 1 . ' DUPLIN COUNTY ' ' ' . . f' .. I ETON GURGANIOUS ' , y ' ' MYBTEE VIRGINIA GURGANIOUS ' v' ' ' i". - The -above named defendant, Myrtle "Virginia Gurganious, will notice that an action entitled '( -as above has been commenced in ' " ke General County Court of Duplin . County, North Carolina by the (plasrtlff to secure an absolute dl , . j vocce from the defendant upon the 1 groudds 6t adultery on the part of :. , ;V the defendant; and that the defen u I- dantwUl. further take notice that : . , she Is required to appear at the i office of the . Clerk of the' Court , of Duplin County in the Courthouse ea Kenansville, North Carolina,- not " , (star haa thd U day of July, 1954, ' and awswer or demur to the com- , gdaint in said action, or the plaln , tiff twill apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint ; This the S day of June,1954. ' H. "V. "Wells ' , Clerk of General County Court M. . Blake, Atteraey , J t - Burgaw. IT. C. . . ,. M4tt rwvw. . . ? ... ii ':.& . THEATRE Mount Olive, N. G. 8an., Moov, Toes. . . . July 4, 5, "Demetrius and the Gladiators" In Cinemascope with Sterophonle Sound 'Starring Victor Mature and Susan Hayward This pic tare takes up where "The Ube" left off. Admission 20c and 50c Wed, Thurs., July 7 - 8 "Rhapsody" In Technicolor .Starring Elisabeth Taylor and John Ericsoo VrL. Sat July 9-19 'Men Hi the Fighting Lady' , . starnnr van jonneoa ana Walter Fldgen NO RISK You Get Better Transistor Hearing or You Get Your Money Back with ACOUSTICON'S 10-DAY . ana money-back guarantee Hi $11 tiwnt, $10 per MonTk - i 101 ser Month Opsrotiitf Cest to tbirtr t-Howr Oay l Urn Conduction at Ro Extra Cost v Spsdai TslsphoM fldi-0-. . i fihuts out nen bmsh , iaMaaMtk mkrophonl-BMst V ftsistonf to hmffity ; "Qtarsr, ism 8f-Dkt TttmdCM CUFUS KING HOTEL Clinton Thmrstay, July Itau U tMTM. ' ""cn ETJsnAMrco. ' t 1 Trnst tZSg. r.jiljwa, taiCh CaroBaa. r rrmr tkt rvTnnpif . U' Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained' to ' certain deed of trust executed 'by Tommie Mad dox and Wife, Bertha Madaoit dated the Soth dar of October. 196L and recorded in Book 498 pag 218 in the office of the Register or Deeds of Duplin, County,- North Carolina, default having been made' in the payment of the lndebtneaa thereby secured and said deed of trust be ing by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for, sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on the 19th day of July,-1994 at twelve o'clock noon at the court- house door in Kenansville. North Carolina, the property 'conveyed in said deed of trust, thai lame being in the town otulavOle, North Carolina, and desoribed as follows: Being lots 134 in the town ol Beulaville, North Carolina as plotted by L, C. Kerr, which map is recorded in Book 189 at page 587 of the Public Records of Duplin County. 1 This 19th day of June, 1954. A L. Mercer, Trustee M5-4t g.m EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executor of the estate of L. C. Jackson, deceas ed, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Pink Hill, North Carolina, on or before the 24th day of June, 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 24th. day of June, 1954. W. C. Jackson, Executor L. C. Jackson 7-29-et Grady Mercer Attorney at Law Kenansville, N. C. NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX The undersigned, having qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Joy Wood, deceased. late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present "them td the undersigned on or before the 28th day of June, 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please-make immediate payment to the -undersigned. ' This 26th day of June, 1954. Mary Wood, executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Joy Wood, deceased Chinquapin, N. C. H. E.. Phillips. Attorney' r ,' Kenansville. N. C. ' 8-5-6t h.e.p. Classified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: Three cema per ward. eharge of 75c Unless yen nerve ' an aceonnt with aw please send money, .stamps, money order, or check with ads. BOOST egg profits by worming your layers. Get more eggs from worm-free birds. Worm with Nico zine in feed. Doesn't cause a laying slump. HOLT-SIMMONS, INC. Kenansville, N. C. 7-l-4t. WANTED TO BUY One to thirty acres of land on highway near Kenansville on which to build a nice home. Write Box 307, Wallace, W. C. etc KILL RATS the easy way with Warfarat, new Dr. Hess rat killer containing warfarin. Prepared bait, ready to use. Rats don't become bait shy. HOLT-SIMMONS, INC. Kenansville, N. C. 7-l-4t FAIRCLOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. Clinton, N. C. Dragline and Bujldozer Work All Kinds Instant Service Specializing in Pond Construction Call 9189 Night Clinton. N. C. GENUINE D-CON Noted rat pois on, new on sale at Clinic Drug company, in Moon OJve. tfe CORYZA in your flock causes lay ink slump, dead birds, worthless culls. Stop coryza by dissolving Dr. Hess Coryza Tablets In the drinking water. , HOLT-SIMMONS, INC. Kenansville, N. C. 7-l-4t TYPEWRITER-ADDING machines repaired. New Royal typewriters for every need. Call Goldsboro 251, Worley Typewriter Exchange, 109 1-2 N. Center Street, . etf ' ,jU.. EGG PRICES are best In early fall. Get more eggs by mixing Dr. Hess Pan-a-min with the feed. Pan-a-min provides tonics and essential miner als that help' pullets get more egg power from their feed. Try a 35 lb. palL .'... . ' HOLT-SIMMONS, INC.,, " ' KesuusrrlUsyH, C V 7-Mt M rt " I1 '" ? j TOR A BETTER WELLt call or write Heater Well Coalelgh, N.C. giving direction and distance from your Post Office. Monthly payments can -4 arranged, with no (down payment. If applied for? befors well Is drilled." v v r-trNn KILL. MITES. Jn ..potdtry. house by spraying With, depeddabV- Dr. Hess .-Dip . and . DlainiectAnt K11I dlsesse germs, too. Keep it on hand for many other uses. holt-st. JVC. , " KenaasvlUe, X. 0." -I ) FRANK T. FONVELLE ROCKY MOUNT, June 27 Fun. era! services for Frank P, Fonvlelle, native of Warsaw and resident here for the last several years, who died Friday night were conducted this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Fonvlelle, was the son of the late James H and Sallie Powers Fonvlelle, of Warsaw. He was a veteran of World War 1. Surviving are his widow, .Mrs. Neva. Fonville. of Rocky Mount; two sons, Frank P. Fonvlelle, Jr, of York, Pa, and John Fonvlelle, of Warsaw; one brother. CoL John H. Fonvlelle, of Starkville. Miss, and three sisters, Mrs. L E. Satter- field, of Durham; Mrs. Edward Weaver, of Rocky Mount, and Mrs, F. T. Tucker, of Wilmington. MRS. SAIXIE CLIFTON GOLDSBORO Mrs. Sallie Cllf- FOR SALE: 78 rpm records, race. hillbilly and popular in lots of 25 records $2.50. Send up your orders, we mall COD, 45 rpm records 00c each used, we have coin operated phonograph and slot pool table, for all location, call us for .service. Reynolds Music Company, Phone 231-7, 514 Beamah Street, Clinton, N. C. ctt IF you want to BUT or BEIX a farm see, STOUT REALTY CO. Wallace, N. C Phone 5641. ctf DELOUSE with Six, new Dr. Hess product containing benzene hexa chloride. Put it on roosts - not on chickens. Single application does it Economical BOLT-SIMMONS. INC. ' Kettaasvine, N. C. 7-l-4t S5.00 REWARD to the first person giving name and address of anyone having a farm for sale within 25 miles of Kenansville. Only one re ward for each farm. Stout Realty Co., Wallace, N. C. N. C. ctf WEED KILLING on lawns is quick, sure and economical with Dr. Hess Weed Killer containing 2,4-D. Gets dandelions, buckhorn and other troublesome weeds. No injury to grass when used according to di rections. HOLT-SIMMONS. INC. ' Kenansville, N. C. 7-l-4t ATTENTION SO 8k SSW SHOP in Clinton . Mm end 9otters ends wd Novelty Fabrics. Belts and buttons made same day received. Butterrick patterns. Zipper lOe. 10 Cent Pocket Combs,, now 1 cent each at CLINIC DEUO CO. B ML Olive. ctf. SAVE FEED by adding Tk. Hess Hog Special to the ration for fat tenning shotes. In critical tests s 35 lb. pail saved 11 bus. of grain and 225 lbs. of supplement Pigs finished earlier, too. Try a pail. HOLT-SIMMONS. INC. Kenansville, N. C. 7-l-4t. FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT USE A KEBATpLTTIC BECAUSE It SLOUGHS OFF the tainted outer skin to expose buried fungi and kills it on contact Get this STRONG, keratolytic fungicide, T-4-L, at any -irug store. If not pleased IN ONE HOUR, your 40c back. Now at . KENANSVILLE DRUG CO. 15-3t MAKING TOBACCO FLUES Would like to have your orders. Sheetrock, Plywood, Masonite, Gyp lap for tobacco barns Windows, Doors, Brixment, Lime. J. C. Russ, Warsaw, N. C. 7-l-4t c. FOR BEACH PROPERTY" to rent or buy, contact Tucker Real Estate Co., Bank Building, Phone 2681, Carolina Beach, .N. C. Our Motto, "Honesty Pays". 7-15-3t c FOR SALE registered polled Here-. ford Bulls. J. Ellis West, Warsaw, J. C. 7-22-4t c MALE & FEMALE HELP wanted Excellent opportunity for man or woman to call on farmers in Duplin County. Many making $20 to $40 a day. References required. Write Mr. McVey, 109 Market Place, Baltimore 2, Md. 7-Mt pd. OOOOOOOOOOOi MOTOR PARK Drive-In Theatre PINK HILL, N. C. Friday Night July 2 ALL NIGHT MOVIE Sunday r Jsdy 4 "Stalag 17" William Hold en Den Taylor . Carteea . . Men. - Toes. July B ' "We're Not Married" , Marilyn Monroe . Ginger Refers ; ', :'i Csrtee.' A Bhert U. Wed. Than. Jsdy 7- Fareat Tucker - Ven ' Carieesi - Serial FrL Sat, - , -i Jmtyt.lt "Jlour of Thirteen', i reter Lawfard , i t I ALSO ' I "Black Lash" mm Carta .1... ton, 61. died at the home of kut dauu'.ter, Mrs. Lucille, Torretta, n Golu-Uoro Friday at 12:19 pjn, Sur viving are three daughters, Mrs. Torretta and Mrs. Janie King, both of Goldsboro, Mrs. Marion Corbett, Gastonia; three sons, Harvey Clif ton of Turkey, Percy Clifton of Clinton, John Clifton of Goldsboro; one brother, v Wesley McCullen of Faisonj 21 grandchildren; 39 great, grandchildren. Funeral , services were held from the First Baptist Church in Turkey Sunday at I pjaou, with the pastor officiating. Burial was In the church cemetery, t & MRS. EIXA GRANT RICH MrvEUa Grant Rich, 88, died at 10:25 p.m. Tuesday at her home in the Beeutancous community, June 22nd. Funeral services were held in the chapel of the Tyndall Funeral Home in Mount Olive at 4 n.m. Fri day with the Rev. Mr. McManus, pastor of the Bear March Baptist wnurca otnciaung. uuruu was in the Pate family cemetery in the Summerlln's Cross Roads communi ty. Surviving are her husband, L. R. Rich, three sons, O. N. Rich, L. H. Jr, and G. all of Raleigh; four daughters, Mrs. Nellie Best and Mrs. Ruth Westbrook of Mount Olive, Route 2, Mrs. Rachel Saenz of Col umbia, South America, and Miss Reva Ricft sf Kateigh;: on sister. Mrs. Lizzie Kornegay of Seven Springs; and 15 grandchildren. , JOSEPH S. HERRING Joseph Scott Herring, 74, retired farmer near Pink Hill, died in a Kinston hospital abou S pjn. Wed nesday, June 23rd. He was a son Of the late W. B. and Elva Waller Her ring of Duplin County. He is surviv ed by his widow, Mrs. Janie E Her ring; three daughters, Mrs. Frank Yarboro of Pinetops, Mrs. Faison Turner of Pink Hill and Mrs. Annie Mae Kennedy of the home; two sons. Bob Scott Herring of Pink Hill and W. T. Herring of Greensboro; one sister, Mrs. Royle Kornegay . of Seven Springs; one brother, Bennle Herring of Rose Hill. Funeral ser vices will be conducted at the home at 3' p.m. Friday with the Rev. N. P. Farrior, Presbyterian minister of Pink Hill, officiating. Burial fol lowed in the family cemetery near the home. NORMAN VANCE JOHNSON Norman Vance Johnson, age 60, prominent farmer of near Rose Hill died early Thursday morning after a short illness. He was the son of the late Flet cher LeRoy and Mary O. Johnson of Duplin County, He was a mem- 0O0000OOQO00OO TWILITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE BEULAVILLE, N. C Box Offlee Open 7 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Thars, Fri. . July 1 - "Saskatchewan" In Technicolor with Alan Ladd - Shelley Winters Sat Double Feature . July "Rocky Mountain" with Errol Flynn "Forced Landing" with Richard Arlen Sun. J"1' 4 "Yankee Pasha" In Technicolor with Jeff Chandler, Rhonda Fleming MonTues. Jly - "Stranger Wore A Gun" In Color with Randolph Scott Wed. - BARGAIN NITE - July 60c Per Car "Mission Over Korea" with John Derek Wallace Drive-In Theatre Wallace, N. C. Friday and Saturday, July 2 it i "PRIVATE" EYES"' r Bowery Boys , "GHOST OF CROSS BONE ' .- CANTON" . ' ( Guy Madison - Andy Devlne Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday . July 4, 5, and e "THE FRENCH" UNIT Jane Russell Wednesday and Thursday, . :' -: "July T and 8 "REIGN r TERROR" ;: .' Arlene Da hi - Pen-Lin Drive-in Theatre " ' 'Wallace, N. C Saturday, ', July 3 1 ' (Double Feature) TANGOS OF THE AETIC ; Klrby Grant ana 'i - "Chinook" The Dog SAVAGE FRONTIER Allen "Rocky" Lane Sunday and Monday, July 4 A 5 "THE EDDIE CANTOR STORY" ,-nWill Rogers, Jr, and Marilyn Erskine - Tuesday and Wednesday - July 6 and 7 "TENNESSEE CHAMF" , ; Shelley Winters , ' $ "FILM ANTICS ' A. Pete Smith Specialty Thursday and Friday, July llit "INLAND IN TEX SET i John Wayne P "I. M; b!;r;oi3-Iiy;: h The Negro and N. T. A. tractor bar of tha Providence Methodist Church and was a Veteran of World war .--,v'VK ? Funeral services were held Satur day afternoon at 4:00 o'clock from the home of his brother, Nash John son near Rose Hill by Rev. Kermit Wheeler, pastor of the Providence Methodist Church and Rev. Charles Vale, pastor of the Rose Hill Meth odist Church. Burial was in Rock- fish Cemetery at Wallace.,;;;-;' ' He is survived by six t sisters. Mrs. J. L. Sorrel! and Mrs. O. X Hodges of Dunn, ' Mrs. , , Virginia Scarborough of Ridley : Park, Pa, Mrs. W. B. Carlton of Warsaw, Miss Emma C. Johnson of Rose Hill, and Mrs. A. A McMillan of Watha, one brother Nash Johnson of Rose Hill. HORACE BROCK Funeral services for Horace Brock, 62, who died at his home in the SiuiiinrrTfw Crossroads community Sunday night, were held at Brock's Chapel of Duplin County Monday mnam nfBt the Rev, Major Smith of Kinston officiating. Burial was in Pate cemetery near the home. Mr. Brock had been in Ul health for a year. He was a member of BrockOr Chapel. Surviving are his wife, the' for mer Ida Pate of Duplin; five sons, Marvin; Curry, Perry. of Mount Olive, route 2, Garland of Mount Olive, and' Horace Brock, Jr, of Warsaw; three daughters, Mrs. Ha zel Herring of route 2; Mrs. Edna Arnette and Mrs . Clara Belle Holmes, both of route 2; snd brother, Ben ' Brock of route -1 a number of nieces and nephews; 31 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, BIRTH AND DEATH Mr. and Mrs. Ben Winders ef the Summerlin's Crossroads communi ty, announce the birth and death of a son, Sunday, June 27. Funeral ser vices were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the graveside in the Pate family cemetery near the home. looooooooeeei v Danca Theatre WALLACE, N. C. Thurs, Fit July 1-2 "PRINCESS OF THE NILE" 1 Starring Debra Paget and Jeffrey Hunter Sat July 3 "TRAILS INTO LARAMIE" Starring John Payne and Dan Duryea Sun. - Mon. - Tues. July 44-8 "SUN VALLEY SERENADE" Starring Glen Miller and John Payne Wed, Thurs. July 7-8 "THEM" Starring James Whitmore and Joan Weldon OOOOOOOOOOOO loooooooboooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o Areas available to you, with open air grills; free showers; swings; slides; see saws; three monkeys on exhibit free, A large swimming pool; built right In the lake, with sanded: bottont, and' sand-filtered water-entering at rate - f 400.000 gallons daily. No mere oatlng as motors muddy the waten Bot dogSk hamburgerst. drinks, de- o o o o o o Icleus cherry and greper anewcones - bring the whole family. NOTE: Willie Msere ed Kinston, and his tVpieee band; will play here ecah Thursday, . to IE pjn. Admission: $1 each.. . GQLDPARK LAKE y O - , 5 Miles S. Goldsbora on. US 11Z OQQQOOOOOQOOOOQQOOOOQOQO FJgBPiBBmEEBBBa Want To v - with the amount of savings account? 1 ' I Ask one ot our employees for a deposit hook and each time you deposit money, anyone of our Friendly Employees' will he glad to record it in 1 your hank book. At all times you will know to the ema4aasa u mm MkaMamai waw It At r "Make Our Bank V Dli::CtOFjliT. OLIVE ' 1 :t.OUve ttiainbruttcs eopfr- t h- r"i ! and Cleveland I;, t 4 :; 1 Ion. The Valikce I r arid I.P '.- ment Company of Vuruce made attractive 4 awards available to 1st, 2nd, and 4rd. place contestants. . Richard Cox N. F. A member of Charity captured the 2nd. snot and Franklux Hul of Chinquapin was third. - ' ' - ' - i - The contest consisted of a written examination, operation, belting and safety. . y . v ; The contest was highly praised by J. A Spsulding, Supervisor of Negro Agents in the Southeastern district of North Carolina. Spauld- ing Indicated that the matter of ex panding the event Into a district snd state contest was his primary In a snprise statement, N. L. Vann manager of the Wallace Motor and Implement Company, 'announced that in addition to farm merchand ise valued at more than $35.00,Kelly will receive an expense paid trip to the 4-H Week at A and T. Co llegejane 21-28; Sam' Hodges, agronomy specialist of A. ft T College1 also made high ly complimentary remarks. , In radio interview, by Mr. How. ard Fisher, manager of radio station W. L. S, E. The carried full coverage at the scene of the event TheW- lace Enterprise, Duplin's semi-weekly newspaper, covered the contest Other contestants were: Emmett Hall, W. H. Miller, John S. Williams, Preston Hall, Jessie Godwin, Peth ual Hall, Euray Moore, and E. J. Simpson, the assistant county agent assisted with the contest Judging the event were: Mr. W. S. Bentield of the International Har vester Co, Fitzhugh Murfree, Earn est Taylor, J. A Spaulding, W. L. Pierce and Mrs. H. R. Dobbins. Drivc-ln Theatre Highway 258 Richlands Road 2 miles out of .Kinston Thura, FrL , July 1-2 "Blowing Wild" Starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck Sat -Jury 'Wagons West" Starring Rod Cameren ' Special Lata Shew at lldt Far Admits. Only ; "Merry Maids of , The Gay Way" Starring Billy Reed. Adas. Me Sun, Men.' ' ; I Joly 4-5 "Eddie Cantor :SttryM ' Starring Keefe BraaaeDe and' Tues, Wed. Jsdy 8-7 "Mom'&Dad" with an all star east ' AdmiMOo fits, . Thurs, Fri. .; a-.i;: July s-t "Boy From Oklahoma" Starring Will Rogers, Jr. and Nancy-Olsen ' o O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o Keep Up 1 money you have in your I ; i Your Bank" 1 Vetettuis Adrtl..I.,..n aniiounc ed its policy covering the partici pation of VA employees In activities of veterans' organizations. VA Circular No. 25. dated March 7, 1947, which' discouraged VA em' pioyees from holding elective or appointive positions In veterans' Organizations recognized - for the presentation of claims against VA is replaced by the -following policy statement: .. - 'In ' determining the nature and extent of their outside activities, employees Should constantly .keep in mind that the VA must adminis ooooococdooo STAR THEATRE ; Beulaville. N. C Clean Comfortable Relaxing WEEK OF JULY C It SUN. . HON. " i Money From Homfe" ; , ..in Color .' - . - Martla A Lewis TUBS. - WEDV "Alaska Seas" Robert Ryan - Jan Sterifng THURS. 4 FRL -JlvaW- - :, tn .Celer V A Eernande Lamaa V Rnonds Ffosring ::v:-i0hW strut 'ev SAT. only "The Desperado"" 1 Wayne Morris Pets- Smith Comedy c Seriaf Comedies Shorts Everv Nfrht 000000000061 AIR CONDITIONED San, Mon, - ... . ,,,, ;, - , Jary 4-8 "JOHNNY GUITAR" (technicolor) . . ' with Jo Crawford Sterling Hayden ...... Tnesy Wedi., - . ,,; r:ii ; i-;:-.;-; -.'c , , -u;-- July H "BATTLE OE ROGUE RIVER" (technicolor) - - with George Montgomery A Richard Denning Serial -.. i;i" -. ' ';.". Thaicm; , ?..'.;:;..,;-' j - . - July . t "PHANTOM OF THE RUE MORGUE" (color) , . with Karl' Maiden A Claade Dauphin Carteons . Sat. Donbla Feature r--'W. ; .".- --'July It "PRISONERS OF THE CASBAH" (color) .'':...r with Cesar Romero v-w . . "THE LONE GUN" (color ) with George Mbntgoeaery TOVKAiidCOUtlTRY Compare arj you'll take i : if' To he ture to get the most for your money, compare the ranges you tee, fea ture by feature. Onty on the Tappan Super-Sixty Series will you find " important ' modern features as the Visualitt Oven, Lift-off Oven Door, High Center Oven and Covttop. Let us demon- strate. ri , . Model sliown ' : $10.62 f Cash Price $219.75 . - V. . ' U V. T-and Dii Czs , , ' cu.: tc-acco v.Tni cas v : iicjf v;; C;s Ccci v;::!i c.-s h c t ItJt s t I I i. "i... ..,a Li any and all types of ac;ivUies ould te j " : k on the basis of wi. '.her it n :,t ru!t la a eji.-Jt between the prl, ' ' vate interest of the employee and ' his duty and obligation to the VA,' : or tend td create in the minds of others a suspicion of prejudice or , ' favoritism that would be of em barrassment to the VA - "Particularly during their workT, : to avoid 'embarrassing the VA or their fellow employees by any lm : : - v proper activity in behalf of outside ! prganizations." ' ooooooooooo Hok' Drive ;A In Theatre ; CinNQUAPLN, N. C WEEK OF JULY 4 Sun, Men,' ;-' Hit; ' 'm ' V ' "Ma & Pa Kettle at IIom' V.V.ir Marjorta Main iA,-; News, Cartsea A Little : Tmea. . Wed. - vl-, rrorhidden",c .' Tony Curtis Cartoon Thurs., - lU,',iv,V,,':i "Yankee Pasha" Jeff Chandler , Cartooat A Joe MoDeakes Sat "City of Bad Men" - ft Cartoons Serial iOOOOOOOOOOOO JMJill WARSAV. ri.c. lY REFRIGERATION '' if, Ti ; tvkefy -1 'W! - W-iM ..- mm J id km taV o -Mt . cccoocoooooo L