.y-jlx k, c, tttat. juxt fc its 1 J . id s . yosed to be a time In which you can catch up r. According to th advertising, you lie in a hammock . rutLtd by a breeze and read a good book, tyost of the books fd as ideal "summer reading" are light, frivolous, frothy stuff, , oith reading in the first place, You'd get more pleasure from t, Lining, probably will go to sleep anyway. , ' Ask yourself what you mean by a good book or a good story. It you mean a story that will allow, you to escape from reality for the time you read it, well that's something else. It might do that, but a 'Week, a month, or a year after you had read it, you couldn't remem ber a thing about it, eould even read it again with only a vague awareness that It was somehow familar, that you had met the' char -acten before somewhere, that you. knew in a fashion what would . happen to tbem, and really you didnt care much one way or another. A good book, a, good story is hard to find. You can read hundreds of pages, dozens ,of slick magazines and not find a story t worth the 'name, and certainly not worth the good space it .occupies. There are lew good books being written these days, and even fewer great ones. T read constantly. I search hungrily for something worth reading. ; "Most stories leave me with a deep sigh of regret for the time I 'wasted.' But once in a while, every now and then, in places where" '.I least expect it, I find a really noteworthy story, one that is not only . ', Interesting and entertaining but which Is worth reading again. That to me is the critical test, is it worth reading again? One Bight recently I was tired and took a magazine to bed not to - read but to glance through. I turned to a story, not the lead story but :, one ticked away in the body of the magazine, opposite an article ; that I did intend to read .later about the Philadelphia Athletics. The ' story -which is in the Satevepost for June 12 is called Lonely Journey, ; It Is a writer new to me, one. Lawrence Williams.' It is the most sat ':" isfactory and touching short story I have read this year. Read it . .yourself and find out why. It is a tale of a lonely boy who is the one realist in a family of : adults who are lost in a fog of dreams and unreality, adults who ; .escape to a world that never existed. It is sensitive, beautifully writ- . ten, almost shocking in its impact It is a story that is so true it hurts, story that is a devastating commentary on the grown-ups of my : . .generation, those thousands of us who can't face life as it is and who ..live in, some never-never land most of our waking hours. , , It is a story find really remarkable for its Insight into the heart of a boy, a boy who has been disillusioned too often by adults who - promise him things that are never delivered, trips that never material- iize. It, paints by suggestion as vivid a picture of the shoddy sham and pretence of those weak individuals who can't face the truth, who - never dare look at themselves and their pitiful lives as they are. They .must have delusions of graiydeur to live their pathetic lives. The boy would rather look at life as it Is, would rather work on a .garbage truck than pretend he is traveling, to some far away place. ( Me must fight constantly against the fog of this dream world lest i be become as lost as his parents and his relatives. , It is such a powerful story that I wish every adult bad to read it, every adult who came in contact with a child, even those who don't. '. 'Who knows? They might even see themselves mirrored in the clear eyes of the boy Jumbo. It wouldn't be a pretty picture, but it might .show them a whole new way of life and living. ZPerhaps a few lines from the introductory paragraph will explain why I think this story should be listed among the best stories of 1954. "Jumbo had got himself a job, bis first, and it had changed the . face of his life. He knew he was supposed to be ashamed of his job. His family was ashamed of it But their dreams for themselves had Listen to . the local r newt at 12.-00 nooa ever WGBR. Be "The Bride Of The Month" . . . Get Lovely Prizes If you are getting married during July, Aug, or Sept come in and get a lovely gift we will give to every bride who registers before her marriage ... in addition you may win the valuable prize we will give to some LUCKY BRIDE OF THE MONTH Be Sure To Come In And Register -Cat . r r ivJ I 'twsssiisnewsMsroMMiriMii. ..... i mm,n i. - - . 1' '""f' CMOUAXTUOUD X m DAIRY PRODUCTS 'Sr-, jf ' AyrnrviutvKC 9mZJTT-m' 1OMBEHT0M, N. Cm THE DUPLIN TIMES each Thursday fat Kenansrille, N. C County Seat at DUPLIN COUNTY MIterial, office and prlatiag plant, Kenansrille, N. C J. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER . ' Entered At The Peat Office, Keaajasrllks, N. C. as seeettd elate tatter. '' ' TIUnNE Xena&svine, Day tSS-CNlglit UB-1 'BTJBSCiaYTIOIt RATES: ISM per year to PapUa. Leaser, 'leaes, Onslew, Fender. Oiaipaw, ITew Hanrer sad Wayne UI per year entalde fhki area la North Careliaai 15 M per year else a-a are. ; AdVertlsmg rates faralabed ea request. tR DnvHa Cewty Journal, deveted to the rellrteas, autorfaL etfaeaiienal. aaeaamle sod agrlealtural deTelesment ef DoaUa atr. NATIONAL tOSl' , always been very grand dreams, so Jumbo didnt really blame them for being ashamed. He only knew the rolling white fog banks which had always mysteriously hedged In his brief years seemed to have cleared a little since he had got his job. He had always wanted to fight his way right through the fog, clear it. way forever, but It still -' kept coming back. What Jumbo didnt know was that a fog bank is -the toughest adversary on earth, many times tougher than a stone watt" . ' . . -;-.) v . , , . . t Although Jumbo was a little boy lost, there was at least 'hope for him. You feel that he will fight his way through the fog and clear it away. You know, too,, that his parents, his aunt and uncle,' his shallow sister will remain lost in the fog. They couldnt stand the ; bright glase of the sunlight if they ever pushed the fog away. They- , dont want to see the world or life in sharp focus.- s ' v -. . We condemn alcoholics for ) their inability to face life, their com pulsion to escape In a fog, to remain there, refusing to push away the misty clouds that surround them. What they do to themselves Is tragic but what they do to their families is criminal. ,-. , v . This refusing to grow-up, this immaturity of mind is, alas, not con- , fined to those who drink to hide reality.. Too many adults, so-called, run away from the truth, from themselves, remain lost in a fog of self-delusion. Even those who know they have lost their direction lack the courage to try to get their bearings. ; ' ' It is especially evident In those pathetic middle-aged people who talk constantly of what they will do some day. I often wonder if talking your plans out doesn't weaken the resolution that would make those dreams come true. The enterprises of great pith and mo-1 ment that lose the name of action through doubt lack of courage are not confined to Hamlet. ' Somehow our training is wrong, our system of education is faulty. We are so naive about life that when it doesnt meet our romantic expectations we say that our luck is bad, the stars are against us. We want everything to be like an old fairy tale, the vicious doctrine of the llve-happily-ever-after school. We want the world and life handed to us on a silver platter without lifting our finger to earn it When life doesn't turn out to be a fairy tale, then we seek refuge by living in a dream world where dreams do come true, where a prince comes riding by on a white horse and rescues us from the dragon of reality. , It is bad enough for us, but it is far worse for our children. We prepare them so poorly for the life they must face. We surround them with the fog of superstition and unreality. We give them exaggerated ideas of what life owes to them, cheating them of their right to reality. Perhaps those children who grow up on farms are far more fortunate than the rest. Those kids know what life is about know that a crop of beans will not grow overnight and make a ladder to a Jack-And-The Beanstalk treasure. They know it takes hard work to hoe the beans if they grow at all. They know that you earn your food by the sweat of your brow and the ache in your back and the blisters on your hands. It is quite a story that Lawrence Williams has written. It is a sin cere and honest piece of writing. It is a story that has deep over tones and undertones. It lives. I(only wish there were more stories like Lonely Journey. It makes reading so very worthwhile. HELEN CALDWELL CUSHMAN ALASKA Dot Lake, Alakas, June 18. 1954. The Duplin Times, Kenansville, N. C. Dear Sirs: I have been reatiine with Inter. est the attitudes of Duplinites re lative to the recent Supreme Court decisions, relative to seeresation. It seems to me that our national gov ernment is gradually takine every vestige of local government from the people of our land. It is a high mark of centralization when even our state and local schools and in stitutions are becoming controlled by the nation. Next comes bans against marriage and social bar riersjust as naturally as came the decision relative to schools. No longer will even businesses have the authority to serve whomever it wants to. Churches will be next I'm not advocating or condemning segregation only surmising the dis appearance of American local free doms. More and more we are be coming governed. Less and leas are the people soverign. Nine men in roDes or black have condemned the sacredness of local initiative. Our government is becoming more and more a bureacracy that is los ing its grip on the public pulse. If we don't elect men to represent us in Washington who will stem the trend we will be governed by some unscrupulous person like Hitler, Stalin or even McCarthy. There are those in America who thirst for such power! There is nothing we need fear from without half so much as in ternal decay. Must we call our neighbors or fellow citizens Nazis, Fascists or Communists because we disagree with them? I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who remark ed that he might not agree with one but that he'd die fighting to insure that person the right to dis agree. On the one hand our Federal bureaucracy destroys the social tra ditions of our nation as In .the anti-segregation declarations, and on the other it is responsible for we most abject cases of segrega tion I ever saw. For instance, here in Alaska the Indian Donula. tlon has been the ward of the Fed eral government for three-quarters of a century, yet the living stan dards of these people have im proved little in that time. They have received millions of dollars for relief which they immediately squandered on alcoholic beverages which further contributed to the squalor of weir living conditions. Presently the life expectancy of the Alaskan Indian is less than 25 years. Segregation? The Federal gov ernment maintains separate schools all over Alaska for the Natives. It provides hospitalization for them which whites are denied if there Is to be no segregation what about segregation in these schools. Will the time finally arise when our government will tell bus sta tions and other public institutions that it cant even operate rest, rooms for men and women separately because it violates the "equality" clauses of' the Constitution? I read everything in the Duplin paper with great interest. Thank God that we can yet speak our minds. Even so it is a very danger ous thing to do. One naval cadet in Annapolis was recently refused a commission because his father years ago bought him an insurance policy with a concern that is now called "subsersive." Even now one of our greatest scientists is being denied freedom of following his work because he visits whomever he pleases. His great talents are thus being lost to our nation. Must this guilt by association continues always? ' Sincerely, ALSA F. GAVIN. FREE INSPECTION AND ESTIMATES FOB TERMITES EAST COAST PEST CONTROL PHONE 2602 ROSE BXLUN. C. ooooooooodoooooooooooooo g Bargain Hunters By" TffNfiTSVg 0 SkBE going... --s4rap-J8 1 THRIFTY'S l.JHn J o ' o o JlUU J O a II a 4 , , . t a f - a . , M if O Clinton - t . . , , - Warsaw , " O ' , " - ' - o Ooooooooooooooooooooooooi ) . J ' '- - , 1 . f " r" -v ; - Ccnn Crop v Approximately ; half the ' North Carolina cotton fields,except poss ibly the Piedmont, have enough In festations of boll weevils to Justify treatment,, according to George D Jones, incharge of entomology foi the State College Extension Service. .. Jones advised cotton growers to check their fields twice a week and begin treatment when at least' one weevil to each 100 plants are seen. When squaring begins, If 10 squares per 100 are punctured, make-'additional - applications of Insecticide. , Jones reported that aphids have been present in a few fields but are not a general problem. The num erous lady beetles and larvae on most plants, seem to be holding the aphid population in check, said Jones. Trips may also be found in many fields but generajly are be lieved - not to present a serious threat. . ' - But the boll weevil is agln ex pected to take a heavy toll in North Carolina cotton if growers fall to apply Insecticide according to re commendations. Some growers have7 already started applying Insectici des.When weevil numbers are near one per lu) plants at ttie time of squaring, growers may want to be-' gin treatments and continue to make ' applications at seven-day Intervals, , saicT Jones. The entomologist said checking each cotton field regularly is the only safe rule to follow: GAS WALLACE GAS CO. fjnri,v.n.l,.is3 SPECIAL ea ear nationally ad vertised OAS automata WATER-' HEATERS. Haadley Brown, John Wood, General. . Waldorf. BEGU-, LAB PRICE $8430 ALLOWANCE iN OLD HEATER regardless of ' 1 i Condition . tM i OU PAY ONLY 6iM Wallace, N. C. Phone 6701 Highway 117; WHATCAUSESPQUO? No one really knows what cause Polio. But everyone knows that treatment is long and costly. Assure your loved ones the best possible care if this dread disease strikes. Pro tect your savings your fam ily's future. Farm Bureau Polio Insurance pays expenses up to $9,000 for parents and children under 18. Gives your family two year Polio protec tion for just 10, Call today for free information. Fred Revelle Phone 600 Warsaw, N. C. on your old range . . . : I " o j Mr' " il f . ' ' ' . l , a :: vv;i:cn yea DUY A I1EH IIARDVJICK GAS RAI1GE I MODEL XH75-G-2S ..i HARDWICK CAS RANGE $24995 LESS TRADE-IN UP TO $50 YOUR COST n LIMITED TIME . IT BELONGS IN YOUR i KITCHEN! This is the finest ranged that Hordwick- builds. You can pay more but you can't buy better cooking performance. 1. Famous Econotrol burners, gnaranteed a lifetime. 2. Oven bottom guaranteed for life. 3. Balanced heat oven with pven window and light. 4. Handsome built in , clock with four hour W timer, built-in lamp ' I spreads its soft glow ' ,j throughout the luxurious ' glass panel. S. Roll out, smokeless broiler. tV Lock type valves and many more fine features too numerous to list here. Just come in and see for yourself or telephone us 5-1721. I ! $10995 E 7 nr rala''''. 1 emce V OeVane Gas & Appliance Co. Phone 2575 Clinton, N. C. J " . .'. T ..." i " ( I feature-for-featuxe i ; , and Ford' score puts it away out front . . ' ' , l h ? n vbIiia' Ai4 nk.. II.. : -i i. il. . J t i ,,: , ,; 1 t luwk b miuuiy uxijwi mxul, uib umueru usaturea .- p ( -i ana trend-Betting Btyiing of today's Ford will keep its value . x , ' llfl fm t.h Alfm in mnn n.V mil Iwk I tl ' bopelesBly out-datedl , , U ' . : A f V ' " '-rt J '.''

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