THE DCniN TIMES, KENANSVTfXE, K. C, THCTSDAT, JTlY S, 195T r.: d d y ' s i:c::;-lking news Ey SAXAH T. JONES Come Service Representative .. Carolina Power & Light Co. .i- Helpful Hints 1. When lettuce leave refuse to C- part without breaking, ' soak .the iead in ice water for ten minute. Shake oft surplus, water, wrap In a damp cloth, and place In refrlger , ator. When ready to use leaves will ' part easily. ' , ,2. To peel oranges or grapefruit and free fruit entirely, place fruit in hot water for ten minutes. . 3. Rinse a pan in cold water be ' fore scalding milk to prevent stick- - ' - , 4. To melt chocolate, greese pot .. in which it is to be melted. - ;. 5. To keep cheese fresh, cover It with a damp cloth moistened with vinegar. .. . . ,;. s 6. To measure syrup and molasses, grease cup in which It is to be measured. :4 ,,,..;,.? '.' .ifglt 7. Place a piece of apple In your . brown sugar Jar and t will keep the sugar from drying out and lump ina. Trv Mia Mma OTrrra fn IiiaJm - cookies. f-.v.--.:if. c'! 1 8. '.To prevent waste or eggs from cracking when they are to be boil ed, allow them to. stand a few min , ' ates in very warm water before putting them in boiling water. , D. The way to prevent the burnt taste from scorched milk, put the pan in cold water, adding a pinch ' of salt to the milk. 10. To 'clear, fat of sediment un wanted flavors, and foreign mater, add potato dices to melted fat and 'fry until slices are brown,' The po , taoo will "sponge up" any extran ' eons flavors and most of the'sedi ' merit.' ' . PVT. DEMPSET I ARNETTE U.S.-ARMY. ALASKA - Pvt. Dempsey L. Arnette, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnette, Bowden, is serv ing in Alaska with the Army at ttie Port of Whittler. Army units stationed in Alaska undergo intensive field training while guarding the northern ap proaches to the United States. Arnette, who entered the Army In December -1953, arrived in Alas ka this month from Port Belvoir, Virginia. The 1854 edition of the Wake Forest College annual is dedicated to basketball coach Murray G rea son. '" " INGRAM BROS. - Lifetime Aluminum ' Awnings 1M1 Dawson St Phone 2-3242 or 3-2782 Wilmington, H. ' Duplin County Order Solicited FREE ESTIMATES Wallace k UJ H rirrj 13 Auction Every Thursday . Buying and Selling Daily- Telephone 3161- 6171 ; Wallah, N. C. Listen for top hog prices each day over Clinton Broadcasting Station about ; 12:15 and Wallace Station at 12:25. f . s Tobacco Trucks Buckeye Oil Burners Thermometers 5-V Crimp Tin 0 We Invite You,To Visit Our Grocery Department "Everrthlng Pt The i J ' by V, MUloy Mrs. Sam Bostlc and' young son, Joe, returned last week from Rocky Mount, where they visited with Mrs. Aderlan Teachey and - family for a few days.. Mrs. Hebourn Wll. kens still remains. " Mrs. Roy Smith . and daughter, Janice, are in Columbus, S. C, vis iting with 'her daughter and family for a few days. ' , ' Mrs. ' G. F. Landen and son, Jeff, are spending a few, weeks -In Geor gia with her parents and their fami- ies'Hbri' v uiue jurenoa i&ay oaerrut 01 yvai lace spent the weekend at the home of her grandparents; Mr.t and Mrs. Leslie 'Norrls, while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Merritt of Wal lace, attended a social party at Top sail Beach over the -weekend, with friends'. romallef;.; Mrs. Hebourn Wilmins, who fell a few- weeks ago, 'still remains In a critical condition due to complica tions, at her home. ( Mrs. Rollen Norrls was called to the bedside of her father, Mr. Blllie Turner of Warsaw, who was at the point of death, but seems to be rallying a bit at last report., Mrs. Ida Bostic has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ella Robinson of Clinton, for a few days, and has. returned home. i':-. '... ' Mr. Delaney Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs,' Robert Evans, has .re turned home from E. C. T. C. for the summer weeks and is at home with, his family. Mr. Elolse Williams of A. College, Wilson, will e' at home with his family during his summer weeks from his school. Mrs. Terry Parker and son, Har vey of Ceo'ar Fork, was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Park er and other members bf their fam ily here. Mrs. Milton--Parker and daugh ter, Ann, spent the day in Golds boro last week with Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Lane and family. A recent "Big Dinner" was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Batts, who had as guests: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Batts and grandson, Stan ly of Silver Springs, Md., a son, Robert, now stationed at Ft Jack son, S. C Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Riv- enbark of Wallace, and Miss Caro lyn Johnson of Harrell's Store, and Miss Fonnie Wilson of Wallace. Mrs. Ray Laner and mother, Mrs. Paderlck, made a business trip to Kenansville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craft and two apnsj, Lionel and "Rickey" of Houston, f, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Treharne and sons, Richard and Ranny of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Beale of Wilmington are spending sometime with their mother, Mrs. Vida Milloy, and oth er friends and relatives, while on vacation. - Mrs. Enla Sanderson Is spending few days with her daughter, Mrs. Guy Rhodes of Richlands, and plans to take a trip to Raleigh with her daughter to Raleigh at the Farm and Home Week there with club members from Richlands. - Miss Nellie Sanderson returned to Greensboro College after spending a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Sanderson. Mrs. Raybourn Batchlor and Mr. and Mrs. R. Norrls visited the fam ily of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Turner of G. B. Applewhite Real Estate Established 1912 Phone 2526 -Carolina Beach, N. C. Rents Sales Yes Stock Yard Fansi Hew" XL : w arsaw tasx wee. Bible Schgol began a week's study Monday with a record crowd and here's hoping not a child will miss the opportunity to , be : here all week.' .Friday night it's hoping all parents Will' attend the exercises looked forward to so much, v Mrs. Rosamond Rhodes and Miss Bertha Rhodes of Richlands stop ped over last .week enroute to Lum berton -Visit a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Shaw. Mr. Joy Wood has been 111 at'his home here for a few days. Friends " Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Sanderson hope him a speedy recovery and be of .Magnolia were recent guests 'of able to be out again soon. - . .Mrs..Eula Sanderson and family. .'.Mrs. Rudolph Futreal and Mrs. ' Mr and Mrs. Jimmie Southerland Eula Sanderson took b Joy ride "d daughter Susazan were recent to Richlands last Sunday after- noon.- i .;''';:::-','' ' Bible School closed last week aft ei1 week's well attended classes at the Presbyterian church. Also the Ladies of the Church held their regular meeting recently with a good record." Mrs. Lynoel James, president ' Topic, "Church In The World Today," The Jr. Choir are expected to have B picnic June 26 at the church. Mrs. Doherty lead ing program.' Mr. Freddie Futreal of. U. S. Navy just flew In from California on a 15-day leave after several months in the Pacific waters, near Japan . and vicinities. - Freddie is looking good and seems very hap py, in getting home among friends, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Wilkens of Wilson have returned home after visiting with his mother, Mrs. He- bpurn Wilkens, who has been seri ously ill recently, but seems to be mending slowly, at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Maready at tended graduating classes at the school for the deaf in Morganton last week, where their son, Lin- wood, is a student, and who re turned home with his parents for the summer months, on vacation. Misses Janice and Pat Maready and grandmother, Mrs. Rhoda W. Maready, is back at home after a few days visiting with Mrs. Beulah Cavenough at Richlands, recently. Mrs. Scott Turner of Beulaville recently was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hebourn Wilkens her broth er, on a short visit Mr. and Mrs. John Hianiwek of Mechanicville, N. Y., and son, Da vid, 14-months-old, have been vis iting with her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Doherty, for several days; son David will spend the summer weeks with the family ' when the parents return home soon. M. Sgt N. B. Wilkens of Bolixi, Miss., is home on leave to be with his mother, Mrs. Hebourn Wilkens, who remains ill at her home. Don't let your mouth, "water or your palate suffer for want of a "Special Made H-o-t DOG - coming soon at the Hula Drive In Theatre - where you can eat with ease - and enjoy your favorite MOVIE! Towns like Chinquapin have been made by HOT DOGS! Look for the signs of the "Drippy Droopy Puppy," who invites you to supper! Mr. Freddie Futreal of U. S. Navy returned to California last week after several days on leave here with his family and friends. Mr. Raeford Edwards, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Hutchen Edwards left for Ft. Bragg last week with several others who will be in training for Uncle Sam. Good luck boys. Mr. Lee Baysden whb has -been a patient at McCain Sanitorium for the second time returned home re cently in good health and pro nounced well. Hoping he will be OK from now on. Mrs. Viola Fountain and sister attended a Stork Shower recently honoring Mr. and Mrs. Leland Brad shaw of Rose Hill at the home of V- snd M-s, Fred Bradshaw. Games prise and refreshments were en juyea along vWth loads of useful gifts, for the "Expectlngs." Funeral services were held last week for Mr. Joy Wood after a long illness. x Mr. Steve Fountain is back at home and able to continue his duties after an appendix operation in a Wilmington Hospital. Mr. Dun Sloan who underwent an operation at a Kinston Hospital re cently is at home recuperating.1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell and small daughters - BeUy Gail and Dian of Frankfort, 111. are spend ing sometime or summer months with her mother( Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Southerland, Mrs. Souther land having been recently on the tick list, bt somewhat Improved. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Brown of Shawnee Aklahoma , recently re turned home after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Brown and otHer relatives here. ; , Friends of Mrs. . Laura Fountain OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'OOOOOOOOOj g C)TZr WSAf, CELEBRATING o 2-1 A x , , TAKE A MINUTE 10 1MNK , g 0 r V-AUV 1 ' Jl VIH. 0?"' i I "JZZL . -.' " ' - Chits- sends sympathy for her after . a serious fall recently having brujaed her leg and is now having to be con fined to a wheel chair. Mrs. Foun tain Is around 87 years old and still suffering from shock. . Mrs. . Guy Rhodes , of Richlands has returned home after spending several 'days with relatives here and in Lumberton. - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baldwin and n Henry Jr. of Raleigh were re cent visitors 01 ms mower, jurs. Sdie Bryan nd visitors of Wilmington on business. Mrs. Ned Craft of Pink Hill re cently visited with her son, Mr. and Mrs.) Walter Craft and son of Houston, Texas at the home of Mrs. Vida Milloy where they have been spending their vacation and a few days and at Pink Hill with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Craft. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Treharne of Dayton, Ohio and Pittsburgh, Pa., and children have returned home after a brief stay Wit hher mother, Mrs. V. Milloy and family - also vjsiting Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gatlin, and Mr. and Mrs. Halley Bishop of Jacksonville, Fla for a few days, accompanied by Mrs. Milloy. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Beale of Wilmington spent a week end with her mother, Mrs. Vida Milloy be fore taking off to Houston, Texas - to be gone two years where Mr. Beale will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Fountain and daughter, -Mona Lynn of Jack sonville, Fla. have returned home after a vacation with Mr. ana Mrs. Paul Fountain and Mrs. Roewns Thigpen of Beulaville. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Stroud of Richlands was a recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Fountain and family, over the week end. Mrs. Mary Edwards and Mrs. Ray Mitchell of Beulaville and Cedar Fork have been visiting at the home of Mrs Sudie Bornw and Mrs. John Bryan recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Powell of Wilmington have been a guest of her mother recently, Mrs. Laura Fountain who is now an invalid at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brant and small daughter of South Carolina spent the week end here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Pickett and family on their way to Kings Mountain where Mr. Brant will be employed for an Indefinant period. Mrs. Lizza Brown - a veterian rvacationest - and grand-daughter Miss Phyliss Brown daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brown are spend ing the summer months in Raleigh with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Proctor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Simpson and family have moved into their new home near Jacksonville re cently - friends here hope them much happiness there with their family. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Brown and sons of Jacksonville, Rayboum and Dan ny, spent a recent week, end with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fountain and family. Friends - don't go hungry on Sat urday nights - Enjoy a Bar-B-Cue and Chicken supper for the taste and EXPENSE - of completing the Bethelem F. B. Church in Fountain Town - which is almost compieteu outside. Decorative indows arp already attracting much attention here due to the beauty of them. Suppers will now be served in the basement - kitchen from now on. Friends of Mrs. Cora J. Sander son surprised her at her new home in Beulaville last week with a "House Warming Shower," sponsor ed bv Mrs. Clara Sholar, Mrs. Jim mie Southerland and Mrs. Tom Ives. Many useful gifts wer? en joyed and Mrs. Southerland is still in a state of "Shock & Apprecia tion"! Watch Out For Fake Termite A warning to home owners ag ainst fraudulent termite exterm inators has been given by the Better Business Bureau. They say that already this spring there have been several reports of questionable practices by so called axtermlnators. There are many re liable operators in North Carolina, o Testing Machine MBMy,.B.mminiK m.r This fadeometer at the J. C Penney Co. laboratory, where mer chandise Is scientifically tested for. quality and performance, checks textiles and other materials for color-fastness to sunlight Cloth which withstands extended exposure to the concentrated sunlight simulated bythe machine is considered satisfactory for suits, overcoats and outerwear. Today's customer shops with greater assurance than ever before with the knowledge that modern science is at work in his behalf. Further Supreme Court Rulings On Racial-Segregation Cases Within ten days after the United States Supreme Court handed down its public school segregation deci sion on May 17, the high tribunal made further rulings on three seg regation cases in places other than public schpols. The court sent back to .lower courts two racial segregation cases, won in the lower courts by Negroes, stating that there was no reason to hear these cases because of the courts ruling on school segregation cases. These two cases concerned: 1. Three Negroes had sued the San Francisco Housing Authority for admission to a project which had been built for Italian families. The Negroes were refused admis sion on the grounds of a "neighbor hood pattern policy" which the city said would protect the racial com position of the neighborhoods in which the projects were located. The California District Court of Appeals had said that the "neigh borhood pattern policy" violated the Fourteenth Amendment ,and had stated that the Negroes must be admitted. 2. In Houston, Texas, a Negro was refused admission to a muncipal golf course reserved for wttite play ers, and the Court of Appeals held that his constitutional rights had been violated. In the third case sent back to the and it pays to check on the oper ator you intend to hire. Termites work slowly, but presis tently, and you have time to check the extermiinator's reputation be fore you hire him. A delay of a few weeks, or even months, will make little difference. ( The Better Business Bureaus are cooperating with the North Carolina Pest Control Operators' Association, regarding the reliability of people who solicit work in termite control. If you will contact any one of these organizations, they will be glad to help. Here are some tips on how you can gauge the reliability of persons offering termite control service. If you are told that termites will soon ruin .or cause your house to the firm as questionable. Firms which charge according to the am ount of chamical used like wise are questionable. Any good termite operator can estimate the cost just as a carpenter can estimate the cost of a repair job. iMn. 111 I Si I 3 Si !?4 U U u M 1 EM.! MACHINERY COMPANY, INC. kinston.northcarolina-phone4176 -' Checks Quclity q; ! Pi - If lower court, the Supreme Court at first had said it would hear the ap peal, then it vacated the judgment and sent the case back, ordering the lower court to consider the case "in the light of the segregation cases decided May 17, 1954 . . . and the conditions that now prevail." This third case concerned James Muir, a Negro who was refused ad mission to the Iroquois Amphithea tre in Louisville, Ky, for a play, because the park was reserved for white persons. Muir's complaint was dismissed by the Federal District Court which maintained that the theatrical association sponsoring the play was a private corporation and therefore not subject to regulation under the Fourteenth Amendment' In addition to these three cases, the Supreme Court refused to hear three other cases concerning rulings by lower courts in public school segregation cases. These six cases finished the Su preme Court's docket Of appeals in volving racial discrimination for this term of court which ended June 7. Next fall, however, the decision of public school segregation will be considered further by the Supreme Court in an effort to formulate the proper decrees to effectuate the constitutional ban against public school segregation. A reliable operator should have established headquarters and a de pendable local reputation. Do not depend on guarantees. Most of them are worthless. Rather, depend on the reputation of the operator. Do not consider price the criterion of a good job. 19 From SENG Enlist In Navy 19 men from SENC were enlisted in the U. S. Navy at Raleigh through the Wilmington Navy recruiting of fice during the month of June, it was announced today by CPO E. L. Knight, USN of the Wilmington Navy recruiting office. , This sharp increase over pre vious months of 1954 reflects the incraesed quotas presently allowed the Navy by the Department of Defense. During July, 204 men will be enlisted in the Navy at Raleigh.. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS FARMAIL TRACTORS FARM IMPLEMENTS REFRIGERATION -PARTS-SERVICE DOTYMD DREAD ' 22 of this total will t taken from the, Wilmington Navy recruiting of fice which, serves an area covered by the following counties: Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin, New Hanover, .Onslow,. Pender; Robeson, Sampson and Scotland.' Any young man interested in obtaining infor mation concerning the benefits of a Naval career may contact his (Navy recruiter through the . Post master at tne county seal oi any of the above named counties. Seventeen Men , Inducted June 25 Seventeen men from Duplin County left June 25 for induction into the 5i.rmed Forces. The nine white men were: Marshall Murphy Carr, Jr., Wallace; Daniel Henry James, Rose Hill- Elwin Wells, Teachey; David Allen Sandlin, Beu laville; Roger Everton, Beulaville; Randolph Houston, Beulaville; Sam uel Louis Rivenbark, Willard; Wil liam Franklin Johnson, Wallace; James Raeford Edwards," Rose Hill. Colored were: Raphael Wayman Carlton, Wallace; David Lawrence Jenkins, Seven Springs; Jerry Sut ton, Rose Hill; William P. Fennell, Rose Hill; Ethelle Stevens, Mount Olive; Garfield Matthis, Magnolia; Johnny Moses Fisher, Wallace and James Mathis Bowden, Magnolia. ' The next pre-induction examina tion will be held on July 28. NOTICE It is very important that all men who are registered for the draft, to notify the draft board their change of address. Those who have been classified as 4F are subject to reclassification. Too Many Crops Becotae Problem Diversification of farm operations is all right, says J. W. Brown, Mar tin County Negro farmer but don't carry a good thing too far. Brown, who lives at Jamesville, Route 1, is thoroughly convinced that tobacco, peanuts, corn and four commercial Vegetable crops is just a bit too much for one man to handle, says R. McK. Edwards, Mar BRITT'S DO-NUTS Carolina Beach, N. C. Hotel Royal ralm Centrally Located Reasonable Rates, . TV Lounge Free Parking O Modern Cafeteria Elevator Service Fireproofed by Sprinkler System For Reservation Write - Wire - or Phone 2142 Carolina Beach, II. C. See Us For Your Building Nee Windows Pine & Oak Flooring Doors Screens Roofing Brick Hardware , Ply Wood All Other Bonding Materials r?.dZz&&luZh, fee. 1400 W. Vernon Ave. ' ' ' Kinston. . C tin' County Negro farm agent for the Agricultural Extension Service. As a result of trying, to spread ' his labor too thin, says Edward Brown has found that , his biff money crops; peanuts and tobacco, have suffered from neglect. "It will take the' profit from his beans and . cucumbers , to' get the grass out of his tobacco and peanuts," says the. Negro County Agent, y , ' ; . i, . 1 ' To aW to this trouble, aays Ed- . wards. Brown has found that the nriw of beans this year- "will' bare ly, cover thoi, cost of baskets- and , picking 'SV-f0imW The point of diversifying farm operations is to have income in over a greater part J' of kthf Vyeraj . flay ,'. Edwards. But he advises farm era not to carry diversifications! too far. Th Wake Forest College Choir travelled aver 2,000 miles and made) over 30 appearances during its 196 spring tour to' North Carolina. Construction began recently on the $1,726,1221 brick gymnasium on the new Wake Forest College cam pus. The big building will contain, almost 3,000,000 cubic feet of space. 1 "i - t H 6 OIL BURNING TOBACCO CURER FEATURES Long lotting units Even heot distribution Econbmicol curing Simplo operation Safe, fume tight, smoke tight UTILITY HARDWARE CG , Mi Olive, N.C j Phone 2250 h'v.t ' ,, 4 ,'....

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