-'. Unlet) r r week) it 1 tr last w'1) s. CUf.on Qiian and ne have f ;,na to : Dr. and J daughter Jo "Greenville, 7 7 . "" v.. wnwe Uitr will wawa whUe Dr. Qui,m interna at f , w wwierai Jiospital, ' MfJtU,,".'f "ner. dauChter of Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Sumner, has . returned to her home following an ; . . uSS' ta Mr' "" Gordon Cottle ot Oraensbor were week end (uesta Mr. and Mrs. Levi Sanderson. " 'kNon'ta'nd children Pat wd Frank were.in Greenville Tu- - , day nixht In visit m .-- WhitehW r utua Bifly Miller, ton otMr. and hl. homo foUowW .Wsilecn, . in the Lenta County Hospital j lira. TjiU n ts - ': MVM to., attend , wedding of her Wee., Miss ,Uila ' Kathrytt Newton." ; ' ' Mr. and Mri.LJac1'.tJtodaa;-ot or Mr. . and Mrs. Andrew Miller. ' nd Mrs. Herman Miller and s ; son lommy have been visiting Mr. v,, -nd-Mrti Jonas Smith in Georgia: I wifflYesaUveiihere?1'1"'"''""4' o ifln ft ..tv..' k-..:-- v iwui wen- an V. Mrs. Lul. Q. ftu-kw 'mm! bl "iT Me,, course at Mer. ; jttfe College last Thursday and TA. Meadaraea Orvia ) Thigpen and falph Millar ware gueata,ot;r Laura North in Norfolk i.m .i. 74 Miaa Mary Brown was in Norfolk w Tiaiung several days and ,-waa an attendant ta the Newton. j yuvuuuuae weaojng. - - ; J WM V. W te. ",ST tntr?'F09 , Wetteville spenise r MJr wimnerawenta, ' f:ST, ' m:4 4 .Mr. and Mrs. Vj. Hlnes' announce th .Wrth , ot; , ftteik? Monday .June 21 iiL the Lenoir Cmmt. w. wown or Beulaville. I CLEARANCE SALE -r i - ' On Second Floor srfP" v Lots of Rcady-To-Wear. Reduced in price; ' - Ruite a sarins to you, On Good Merchandise, f ,;Biyl!oYx A. J. SUTTO.! 5 Kinston, i r I ; S V? - - i V- f rtl "r :ws. Adv. jEerrerrrt:'." :a .M.S. . :V"" The Eaulaville Baotixt W M met last week lor their June me4U Ing. The Devotional thoughts from T.alnk . J . " iiomnns was lea by Mrs. Eiwood Quinn. The nrMnm Pm. viBiuituK Alio, iniin in wrvrm was developed by Mrt. O. 3. pen, Mrs. T. U Norris. Mrs. Rh toi nunierjurs.; riavloua Danlfy ana Mrs, juila Parker. A report ( ui xiecK-jones Memorial fund was given by Mrs. Bud Miliar TKrn. nn tk j, . 7. wmv bu wiciaiii uiBcujiMion. nuni uuu maps oi Formosa were made by pinning on the products growfn there . and miniature naoer orchids were given for favors. '" I by Mrs. . Lula Parker. An Informal aulal hMi aa aa in me aining juu where glads n asfotied tsolorr were used on the table. A. banana, noiir flnH ninnonnL alad.on lettuce with ritz crackei-s tending, Mrs. Horace Cottle, Mrs, Georce Vhaln Mn J Thnma and Mrs. Hosea Hunter were 'hos tesses. Mrs., Cecil Miller i was: pre sented a lovebr. and useful .assort.' ": , Jr. jV'-,' -Mrs. Rar Kennedy was honnfml MpRdgynieht with Layette show. er. The receiving, rooms .were deco-J rSarah' Metcer;' Mrs. Ed Penny and Mrs." Elwobd Kennedy , served as sorted cookies and cold drinks ,to the' aniestsT Mrs. Kennedv i-fi. ceived lovely assortment bi use ful gifts. 14 ' W-Jlut- - f '. IS : r T , " . T ed recently when Mrs. John Hunted sntertained iwlth a Stork Showed Mrs, Bay Wood Hunter , assisted the hostess with serving a salad and sweet course to the 25 guests. Mrs. Stevens was ' presented assorted lovely Layette gifts. , 'i A -r' G S0:i$, Inc. N. C. , ' ? - J?ln ''Uncle Tb 101ft Spot On Your -n::'b Diisi I Every Day h 5:33 A.Mafo 7:45 AsM, . Vlaa.ivl I I .v;.;.v: 44 Ar t ortn ' i ii:o;tDiz:ui.;:n "L-!l C.i Cb-:rd" 1:15 Pit lit JIIzIilV, r JcfC "O Worship the King" wa. sung i Qoenina the meetin a.h.rn-; In opening , the meeting Saturday afternoon when the Hallsvllle Wo. men of the" Church met Mrs. Leland Grady led the stoud : in 'nrayer. After a business meeting, Mrs. Ashe Miner led the program discussion "Christ 'it ThH YTnrx. nt thai WnrM Assisting her were Mrs. Neil SmitlL Mrs. Homer Winstead ' and " Mrs. Leland Grady. The etoud oraved the Lord's Prayer in closing. ; j Birlhd5y; Parly ; : Lynn Sumner,' son. of Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Sumner.' was" honored last week with a party on his fourth birthday. Games , were . played on the lawn. The white bifthday cake With blue decorations ' was served to the fifteen young guests with ice cream. Lynn was presented, assorted gifts after the birthday song was sung. ;"irivV:;;.,'; yr-t'.:,:'W::-r-: Pi norees J honored Tuesday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Marion Id wards enter tained with a miscellaneous shower. The , thrown;; ensftitet 1 held lovely arrangements lof summer flowers, .The host and hostess as-' aisted t by; Mr, and i .Mrs.,'!- Horace Cottle, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas, and Mrs. Flave Mercer and Mr. and Mrs." Milton Cottle served chicken salad on lettuce, crackers, pickles; cup cakes, and cold drinks to the alxty -guests. " ! The' honored couple received a lovely assortment of useful gifts. Miller H.D.C. Mef Wednesday i Mn. 1 Bland Rhodes and Mrs. Leonard J Kennedy i were . Hostess to the Miller Demonstration Club, Wednesday afternoon with sixteen present Mrt. Frank Rhodes presid ed. Mrs. Maurice Grady gave the devotional, - A demonstration . on quick and easy meals was given by Miss Hager which will be help ful to the women during such a busy season. An open discussion was held on "Safety." Mrs. James Miller, family lite leader, reported on help in the home. Arts and crafts, leader, Mrs. Flave Mercer gave helpful auggestions. An Informal social hour was held at the close of the meet. ing. ' - Here's Gentle Relief of CenstipatiVn for fill. Year Fa.T3:ly Stan Taklaf lirst Drep tr fiitiaj Tin d 1m CtiMm! tit Sitbtysf Iifiif Tib Plitsait Viptabli Luatto Way! For constipation, get the gmtk rtlnf medical authontics agree you and your children need. Ttke Dr. Caldwell's Sen na Laxative contained in Sytup Pepsin. Dr. Caldwell's 'relieves temporary constipation gmtlj but sunfy for young and old alike . . and does it without salts or harsh drugs that cramp and gripe snd disrupt normal bowel action! Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, w f tbt finat m$um$i ttgttabh Uxtmt kmum t mtJiemt. Gives com fortable, natural-like relief of temporary constipation. Helps you get "on sched ule" without repeated doses.' Also relieves stomach 'Sourness 'that consti pation ofcea brings. Children enjoy taking Dr. Caldwell's. It tastes so good! Since it's s liquid, you can legukte dosage nataiy. !: Ru Dr. faMwirt r. , Money back if not satisfied. Mad bottle to nox bu, new xork'18, N. r. Pef e'r At X, 1:55 'P.t h 3- 4 If' -ICtibfl Circle I Hallsvllle Presbyterian Women of the Church mat for their June meeting with Mrs. W. L. Miller. Following the hymn, Mrs. Maurice Grady i led the group in prayer. Mrs. John Rhodes presided. The Bible Study from Acts "The Cry of Cornelius" was led by Mrs. W. ine - -Mour i Ming wmxners, washed by Mrs. Blafid Grady. The "To talk About" using Rhodes. The meeting closed wth prayer, ice cream, cake, nuts and iced drinks was served to the ten present ; - J Itanlcr-Yade Gcf-Tcgslher 1 Members of the Hunter and Wade families fathered at tha hnma nf Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Hunter Suruiav for sr. get-together. Those attending were car. ana Mrs. i. e. earner and family of Kenansyille, Sgt and Mrs. Cecil ; Hunter and daurtitar Siiun of Fort Bragg, Sgt and Mrs. Sidney Hunter of Brown's Mill, New Jersey, Mr. and' Mrs.' Harrv Fountain ' and daughter of Jacksonville, Mr. -and oars. j. a, jjrmsQirana family, sir. and , Mrs, Claude Wade, , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lynn Wade and family. A picnld lunch' was served on the lawn. EXECCTOBS NOTICE TO CREDITORS HaVinC Qualified ' ai cxeeiitnr nf the estate of Frank N. Brinson, de ceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina this is to noUfy all per sons having- claims acainst the ea. tate of said . deceased to exhibit hem to the undersigned at Beula ville. on or before the 18th dav of June, 1955, or'thla noOce wlU ne pleaded in bar ot their recovery. AU persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate dsv- ment This 16th day of June, 1954 . Elliott Brinson, Executor of Frank N.' Brinson. Grady Mercer Attorney at Law 7-22-6t NOTICE The underaiirnM! ksvlnv ntmiifioj as executor of .the estate of Ardelia Williams, deceased, late of Duplin Countv. this la to notify all twnnni having claims against said estate to present tnem to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of June. 1955. or this notice will be nleaded In bar of their recovery,. All per- Dleasa make immedlato aottlsmsnt or tna same to the undersigned. This- the 4th day of June, 195i Sam Williams, Executor Ardelia Williams estate. Latham- A. Wilson. Atty. 7-15- l..w. NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY Under and hv virtua nf fh ox saia contained in a mtrtnin d. of trust executed by Tommie Mad- dox and wife, Bertha Maddox dated ina SDtn day Of October. 1951 and recorded in ftnnlt ifA iu am in the office of the Register of Deeds oi Dupim county, Jforth Carolina, default havme been made in the payment of the indebtness thereby secured and said deed of trust be ing by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on the 19th day of July, 1954 at twelve o'clock noon at the court house door in Kenansvllle. North Carolina, the property conveyed in said deed of trust the Same being in the town ot Beulaville. North Carolina, and described as follows: Being lota 134 and 135 in the town o o o of Beulaville, North Carolina as plotted by L, C. Kerr, which map is recorded in Book 189 at page 587 o County. 1 This 19th day of June, 1054. A. L. Mercer, .v.-" Trustee- ' o o o M5-ttgjn - : o o o o. o . o - I o o o o a o ov o o o of o o o C) : (hi I) C) , x. EXECUTOBs NOTICE " TO CREDITORS .."Having "Qualified as executor of me, esiaie or u Jackson, deceas ed. 'late of DuDlin Countv Vnrfh Carolina, this is to notify all persons naving claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them , to the "undersiflned ait Pink Hill. Nnrih Carolina, on or before the 24th day of June, 1955, or this notice wiU be pleaded . in ar of their' ranoverv. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay. ment '- This Mth. day of June, 1954. W. C, Jackson, Executor L. C. Jackson 7-29-6t Grady Mercer' ,!; ' - ' Attorney at Law,- -Kenansyille, N C. ; ; NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX The undersigned, having qualified I as Executrix of the Last WU1 and Testament of Joy Wood, deceased late oi Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of June. 1955. or this notlp will be pleaded in bar of their jre." covery. AU persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 26th day of June, 1951 Mary Wood, executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Joy Wood, deceased Chinquapin, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansvllle, N. C. , 8-5-6t h.e.p. NOTICE OF ADMINSTRATION ' The undersigned, ha vine Qualified as administratrix of the axtata nf C. B. Sitterson. Sr.. deceased, late of Duplin County, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said es tate to present them to the under. signed on or before the 3rd day of July, 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovey. All pesons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This 3rd day of July, 1954. Llllie W. Sitterson, , , ' Administratrix of the estate v of C. B. Sitterson, Sr., ::,..' deceased, Kenansvllle, N. C. ; 'II; DIRECTORS 1 - - - M gBEEEE3ZnBBSZTIZ31 f Home Federal Now Over 5 Million Strong Bay S. Barbre Owner Lenoir Tire Company t. V. Brittle Executive Vice-President Borne Federal Sayings 4 Loan Association A. W. Cowper Attorney Judge, Recorders Court W. E. Dunn President Leco Feed Mills, Incorporated W. S. Hemby Vice-President C. W. Howard Wholesale Company W. A, Moora President W. A. Moore Company : J. F. pglesby Partner Gray A Oglesby Wholesale Company C. W. Sanders Vice-President Leco Feed Mills, Incorporated Horace L. Sutton President .X j. A. J," Sutton A Sons . George E. Vich k ? Prealdent . , . -Kutston iaondj-y Dry Cleaners ' OFFICERS & STAFF ' ' ' V J. Horace IV Sntton ' . rresident C. W. Senders 1 Vke-Prealdent; J. F. OgleabyAr- Vk-Preaiden4 t. V, Brittle t Executive Veer PrealdenJ Wm. W. Whtttlngteii Beeretary " ? . - , Grace N. Keeaee Treasurer 1 BejTfPJr Arthur T. HU H. E. Phillips -n. Kenansvllle, N. C, . ' NOTICE OF 8ALE ( si Under and by virtue of the of sale contained In section 44-2 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. J will offer for sale at public auction at my garage at Al bertson, North Carolina at twelve o'clock noon, Saturday, July 17th., 1954. one 1942 Ford beloneinff in George Sandlin to satisfy a lien for Dor and parts. This 1st day of July, 1954. ' ' Bursell Holland Grady Mercer Attorney At Law Kenansyille, N. C. 7-22-2t g.m. r-, NOTICE IN THE GENERAL COUNTS" COURT NORTH CAROLINA TrtJPLIN COUNTY WILLIAM HARRIS ADAMS -vs- RACHEL BLIZZARD ADAMS The defendant Rachel Blizzard Adams, will take notice that an action entitled as above, has been commenced in the General County Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtain ing an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation of plaintiff and defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of said Coun ty within twenty days after! the first Monday in August, 1954, to with within twenty days after the Snd day of August 1954, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 30th day of June, 1954. R. V. Wells, Clerk of the General County Court of Duplin County. 7-29-4t r.v.w. The 1954 edition of the Wake Forest College annual is dedicated to basketball coach Murray Grea, son. - IMIi.'MV. '' r , . - Iele)r kth h:Vl:i TL::.. fcy-VIDA Have you ever wondered how nara u is to keep up these "easy payments?" Most everybody, (or most everybody) think, their pro blems are the most complicated: but seems to me the most myster ious part is, how so much of a month can be left . after all the money is gone! It may be that there just is not so much to start out with.,5 -' Vi -r Vk: You should never be in despair. think you're a failure or glva up until you're losing all hope, or dead. It's courage that counts success is seldom final or failure ever fatal. The two most things to remember is; those who think and never do and those who do - and never think. We each Individual have to work out our lives as best we can and what a mess some of WE can make of it during a lifetime! Remember FREE MATCHES In the lime light few weeks ago? Well, they are now about the ony free interprises . and nroduct . that can be given away with profits to everybody who handle them. It's interesting to know who invented them . 64 years ago, Mr. Joshua Pusey of Philadelphia took many yurriiiij,:, m, . Start Home Plans 1 m win systtzstic swings! ty Launch your borne plans With a systematic i 1 savings account. Your savings, plus interest, ki will add up to the down payment sooner tnan you think. The balance can be financed with simple monthly payments. BANK OF MT. OLIVE "Make Our Bank Mt Olive STATEMENT OF CONDITIONS AS OF JUNE 301954 ASSETS First Mortgage Loans G. I. Loans Loans on Savings Accounts Real Estate Owned (Future Office Site) Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank U. S. Government Securities Cash on Hand and in Banks Leasehold Improvements, Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment - Less Depreciation T0TAL LIABILITIES Capital (Savings Accounts) Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank Loans in Process Other Liabilities General Reserves s $163,842.60 Surplus 7,644.10 TOTAL . .M $5,052,063.36 v t , i ?. : x Arid LoiTcVsscdrlbh f , V'' ''' SV' 1 ' . . . V. aUUTTLV, tCrnTVg VICH-rUKSIDENT ". iirxor . year to get them started and sold coyprighta for f 10,000 and was in Attorney for the Dimond Match Co, who bought It ifor the rest of his life. There is one of the oriclnal which is now a guarded "First" at nrira not for nale Of 425 000. Can you mention any, mulUmlllion dot lars a year business to .be given away? Can t figure It ail out can you?-fs te. ;v ,." . VnnV isften heard the old say. Ings about peoples having a "one track ' mind?.' That . saying could cover many things . many different things ' but; the Important things to remember Is, it's not So bad If wm, hun mw minA mi tha niflHT track. IF you do get lost somewhere on the way for an up-to-date conversation Just listen to group of young ioiks awnue. SItnM man n refer . aussense - h. k.n thm averara meanlna . he will not forget that bit of sugar . he expects from women ..woo -ilk to add a bit of salt to what he does and says to her . Mix salt sugar and gossip . and what have youTTTltT . . , vis Winging . . Your Bank" $4,097,493.05 103,984.86 59,593.66 40,000.00 71,000.00 95,000.00 571,112.46 13,879.33 $5,052,063.36 $4,565,142.03 200,000.00 113,623.29 1,81134 171,486.70 Calypso U ). Jeaji Ok ffckseii W tt FWITOIC. N. C. i '"''''If "'X 1 jm.