wealth tyepartm EdL Note: After much persua v , lion by Editor Bob Grady And fin-' t ;Uy asking the Duplin Board of Health to instruct the local health - department to publish the 'reports of each sanitary Inspection of all eating places, meat markets and abattoirs in' the county we here publish the first list made avail able in Duplin in several years. U is hoped that hy publishing the list ea' h time find letting the public know how each establishment rates it will encourage those who are not ' up to par to get on the ball in the 1 interest of better health (or all in our county. An A rating is 90 to 100; B, 80 to 90 and C 70 to 80.) , Teachey Dinnette in Wallace tops the list of eating places with . a rating of 98.0. Amnion's Grill cotored) ' in Kenans ville had the lowest rating with 70JL In the abat toir group Jones Abattoir in Faison ' rated high -with 904 while Bond's at Wallace rated low with 72.5. Hotels, tourist homes and motels found Stone Manor, Wallace with . 9t and P & O Motor, Wallace with BOA. The following were not grad ed: ' Bowen's tourist, Warsaw; EdL Note: After, much nin. auoni rooms, wuinn s rooms, Odom's "rooms, Heaves tourist and Sewell rooms in Wallace. Tw frozen food lockers rated the same, 91A. it S Grocery In Warsaw grad ed fcsgheat among meat markets with 93.0 while Boney's Grocery at Yeaeney and BJveabark Grocery near Wallace gradeo lowest with :' IDA - Cat as Meat Markets . Ah- Port Grill. Wallace, 84 Am moss GrflV Kenansville. 78.5; But v ion Cafe, Warsaw, 1 J; Bui O on Grill, .Kenansyille, (4.0; tier's Cafe. Chinauaoln.1 88.0: k GrC"lilnqu1ipin4.0fCar: V rSU GrlB, 1 WallafceytJl; Calypso CrflL Calypso, ?ftBi Cleo's . Place, BeWavlUe, 83.0; Circle Drive-in, Wallace. Rt t 90.0: Cottle Cafe, Wallace, 90.0; Coffee Shop, War- '1 - saw. 90.0; Carolina Club, Kenans, ville, 90.0; Cottle Drive-In, Faison, .. WO; Cole Sandwich Shop, Warsaw, 9W; Cooper's Hot Dog Stand, Fai son, 81 .5; Cottage ' Grill, Magnolia, 9X0; City Sandwich Shop, Wallace, MJk Davis Grill, Wallace, 90.0; De , luxe Food Bar, Wallace, 70.8; Dot's Grill, Beulrrille, MS; Effle'a' Res taurant, Bose Hill, 80.0; Esse Grill, Wallace, 80.0; Fannie's Cafe, Rose Hill 90S; Farah Cafe, Faison, 82.5; Fussell's Barbecue. Rose Bill, 90.5; ' Faison Restaurant, Faison, 90.5; Gowan Drug ttore, Wallace, 000; Henry's Grill, Wallace, 76.5; Joe's Place, Wallace, 84.0; Joe's Grill, Wallace, 78.5; Jone's Cafe, Kenans vUle, 90.5; Lowery Lunch, Wallace, TS.0; Ledbetter Cafe. Wallace, 77.5; Kennedy Grill, Beulaville, 92.0; Knotty and Horace Grill, Beula ville. 710; Mike's Grill, Wallace, V 90.5; Moore's Place, 'Warsaw, f IjO; r Morris; Grill, Albertson, Rt 1, 84.0; - Mack's, Grill, Warsaw.. 85.0; Norrls . Barbecue, Wallace, 84 5; Pat's Bar becue, "Wallace, 93.0; : Packer's -Lunch, Warsaw, 85.0; Register's Grill, Wallace, 91.0; Red Chimney, Wallace, 90.0; Rhodes: Sandwich Shop, Beulaville, 90.0; ' Speedway Garden, Wallace, 77.0; Smith Grill, Fink Hill, Rt, 2, 91.5; Smith Grill, Feulaville, 77.0; Shell Grill, Rose ' ' Hilt 84.5; Theatre Grill, Warsaw, '90.0; Teachey Grill. Charity, 73.0; Tut Lake Grill, Rose Hill, 91.0; Teachey Snack Bar, Rose Hill, 91.5; Teachey' Dinnette, Wallace, 96.0; White House Cafe, Warsaw, 70.0; 1 White House Restaurant, Wallace, ' 91.0 and Williams Grill, Calypso, 79.0, f Abattoirs - Bond's Abattoir, Wallace, 72.5; Clifton Abattoir, Warsaw; 86.0; Jones Abattoir,' Faison, 90.5 and - Wast Provision, Warsaw, 81.5, Fraaea Food Looker Ptsnta ' Clifton Freeier Lockert Warsaw, - 91.0 and B. and R. Frosen Food Co, Wallace, LO. ' . , ' ' - 0 Pealtrv Proeessing Plant B. & a Processing Plant, Wal "taoe.n.0. ',N - 'fCwa , 9lrketB!:' drew's ' Grocery, Faison. 92.0; ibld st Rouse's, Ross Hill, 80.0: t Barwlck'l , Grocery, Calypso, 86.0; ' Bell's Mki, Faison. 90.0; Bob tt Bill's Grocery, Wallace, "SI J; Bond's vCrocery,: Wallace, 71.S;Boney Oro ' eery, Teachy, 70,0; Bill's Cash Store, Wallace, 85J; Brown Suaer , Mki, ' Wallace, 90.0; Bowden Cash Store, ' F-taon. 90.0: Brinson Grocery, Wal. :Iaea, 9L8i Boston at Futrell Gro eery Pink Hill Rt. 1, 85 J; Brad. - ham Grocery. Chinquapin, 84J; (ContiiraH Oa Back) 1 ' ' ' ' " CAUGHT FISHERMEN Reading from lett to right are Jim Wilkerson, super intendent of the Duplin General burg; Mrs. Faison McGowen; Faison Hospital; Richard Baxley of Laurin McGowen and Oliver Stokes of County School Superintendent O. P. Johnson an nounced last week that due to the lata tobacco season the Board of Education had decided to leave it up to eatb jtodtviiTufit aanaal Mmm- ioivpn Opening ; dhtes.. Schools vere' originally set to open Aug; ust 18th. , , . - v. The Times called each school his morning and found the following reports: B. F. Grady and Outlaws Bridg will delay opening one week, Prin- ipal Hugh Wells said. All commit teemen of Grady and Outlaw', Bridge voted unanimous to dela;' the opening. until August 25th. The following schools will open on schedule, Wednesday, August J, . .. I i . J. 1 f witsW iw First Week On Border Bell Markets indicates Higher Prices For Weed Sales on the South Carolina and Border North Carolina flue-cured tobacco markets during the first week in 1954 were marked by high er average prices for most grades, poorer quality and light volume. According to the United Stater and North Carolina Departments of Agriculture, the increase ranged froro . 91.00 to $9.00, per hundred above the two days sales on the South Carolina markets in 1953. The gains were chiefly for low and med ium lugs, lbw and medium primings and nondescript. Better grades in most : instances were unchanged from , last ' year's quotations. -Quality ef offering? was not as good because of a sharp increase in low and fair primings, howrvc. less low lugs and nondescript were offered. Principal .marketings werp low and fair primings, fair and gooO P. H. McKay, who was recently popular deputy sheriff of Duplin County, has opened; his, office as Justice of the Peace in KenansvUle. Vr. McKay is now located irt the of fice which was occupied by C. B. Sitterson. Mr. McKay served as of fice dupty In the sheriffs office for about a year and one-half and did n excellent job. Best wishes to you in ,your new venture , , Duplin Health Department Votes To Hire Supervising llurse, The Duplin County Board of. F-alth held a special called meet ing hers Monday night. Chairman A- P. Cates presided, A number of matters wers -discussed including tha . 'ourehass' oi" a new X-ray ma. crune tor tha local; health depart meat. ptr Hsw.es of Jtose HUl-and Bill Sheffield ot Warsaw were nam ed to a committee to make a study of the various types of X-ray ma chines available and report their recommendations to the board. It was decided to hire an agsist- r' ' '. ' V V- '" OFF WRIGHTS VILLE BEACH RECENTLY f5 .A KenanuviLe. Stokes is holding the 48" Dolphin he caught and landed. mcnara Baxley and Faison Mc- oowen arc n. wing tne 1J Dolphin which 10 : ar old Richard caught Opening Dates 18th; Chinouapin, WaHaoe. Ma- nolia, KenansvUle, Faisoa, Boas iill, and Beulaville. At press time ve -had not .heard fnom.. Catysso. Vtfimm duUslumt-ljsd .een.snade,,.-, -Mir. r and Mrs. Parker Howard vhlte.'.of, Magnolia township, were rrested , at their home in Magnolia township last Sunday afternoon by Deputy Oscar Houston and Con stable BUI Williamson. They were charged With having bootleg whis key for sale. Parker' was placed un der $2Q0 bond,' ; lugs and nondescript. Primings were predominant. Gross sales last week totaled 21, "22,739 pounds for an average of 49.53 per hundred. The average was 1.64 under the two day week on the South Carolina markets last year when, only 7,366,126 pound? were, sold tot an average of $51.17. Deliveries; were heavy opening day but extremely light" the rest of the week. Light sales are expected for 'he next several, days because of Iry weather and the lateness of the crop. f-vv '-.'-.' Grade averages this yeaf ranged from $1.09 to $14.00 above their re- -ctive loan rate! Deliveries to the Flue-cured Stabilization Corporation '-e Government loan pro gram this week were around '0 pei- j in oi gross sr.ies. ist years re ;'ipts for the first two days were 1.5 percent ?ariMjJo Vole On Knlf How' Oct. 15; By B V. VESTAL, President' N. C. Agricultural Fenndation The; "Nickels For Know-How Pro- stock and crop Know-How. This pro--mv .where farmeis contribute S gram was voted into action by us- cents per ton on feed and fertiliser to, additionai. Research and Exton- sion Work, has done an outstanding . Job for farm people during the last Assistant Sanitarian , - ' - . am vjounty sanitarian ana a sup-1 ervlsing Nurse for, the department Sanitary tasmtor Joe Coston w.. Sanitary inspector' Joe Cotton was instructed to report to the press on each. Inspection his finds as to sanitary ratings of all eating places Imstt.AisrkeU and isbattdlrs 4m thf county, .tils tfcst report wUl be round in another section of , this paper, a cooperativa bealth pro. gram with the public schools in tha county was discussed.. - 1' M1 OYtS .'' ' I with his rod and reel and which his I uncle Faison McGowen landed after about a fifteen minute struggle. i Both fish are being mounted in Mi j ami. ( At Dinner Meeting . ,On Monday evening jt thelocal building theethodbnSeh's Club received Its charter, grant d by. the National Bo. rd of Lay Vctivities. In the absence of the 'istrict Lay Leader, Mr. Hubert 'iodgin, Rev. James White deliver, d the address and presented the charter. Pete Holland, newly elect id president, was master of cere- lonies 'and extended a ward of velcome to the group. Ladies Night as an added attraction of the ev nin inH urivo r,t,.aet... -----a " i i v.evv.u vcs quests of the cltfb. A delicious sup- er was served by the Ladies So ciety of the local Methodist Church. WINS SCHOLARSHIP NEIXIE FAY , PARKER. ( High School who won - a $1M scholarship at East Carolina College. 'Nickels For Vofing Pjaces .VA years In developing new crop I varieties and new mathnda nf Kvo. ers of feed and fertilizer (Farmers) in 1951 by a to 1 majority, v . ' The legislative act creating this program, provided that fanners' are to vote on it again in 1954, and rrK day, October 15,' hat been' desig nated as "Voting Day" for the "Nich- els" Program. ,, Duplin County Fanners are urged remember October 18, and vote beiow - ... mv ... . v ... A rMW"HoUt StoTrs Maready's Store; Faison, Faison Town Hall; Glisson. Melvln Powell's .Store? Island -Creek, Jerry Teacheyt Store KenansvUle. Asrt. eulturat Building; jUsgnolla L. M. Sanderson's Store; Umestone",' Ran som Mercer's Store; Hockflsh, Rock fUh Community Building! Rose Hill, Rose Hill Town Hall; Smiths, free ly Smith's Store; Warsaw. Warsaw Town Hall; Wolfscrape, G. E. Al phln's Store. A . A. V: N J Bruce Brown Caught By Officers Sunday Deputy Oscar Houston and Con stable Bill , Williamson arrested Bruce Brown of near Kenansville in Magnolia township last Sunday afternoon. They found Bruce, ac compained by a Negro Henry Hill in a Pontiac car containing one quart of bootleg whisxey. TJiey were arrested for transportation of whis key and placed unjer a $200 bond. Free Movie At Magnolia Saturday "The New World Society in Ac tion" is the title of a motion pic ture film to be shown at the Mag nolia School auditorium Saturday it 8:00 p. m., August 14th. It will be 'ra and no collection will be tak sn. The public is invited. The movie vill be shown by Roland E. Col 'ier, a traveling representative of 'he Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The movie will show how the ministers of Jehovah's witnesses carry on their work in all parts of tne world and will include a tour through the Watchtower printing plant in Erooklyn, N. Y. and the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead located in South Lansing, N. Y. Mr. Coiner Is one of the 14 rep resentatives of the Watchtower So ciety who are showing the film throughout the United States. Col lier's wife is the daughter of Mrs. Ella Wilson of Magnolia. Mr. and Mrs. Collier ar both graduates of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and have now traveled in over 30 'states, doing missionary work. They are at present spending a two weeks vacation with their relatives in' Magnollfi. .TOKOHAMAri-APAN-P'c. Wil- lie H. Stallings,' son of Mr. and ual awakening program, said Chap Mrs. James Stallings, Route 3. W.il- lain Flowers, is i Travelers' Pray lace, N. C, is now serving with the er. Printed in red and blue on a Yokohoma Engineer Dnot, Japan. V'hite card that fits neatly into the A cook in the unit. "Stallings ar- ordinary billfold, the Traveler's ived overseas last February. He en- Prayer is designed to be carried at ered the Army in December 1950. , all times by travelers, whether jour - I nrying by automobile, air, rail, bus- No man can dream himself into a line or water. The prayer, nonde :haracter he must hammer and i nominational in composition, fol- forse one for himseli - Grm And Bear It The Farm Woman's Dilemma By VIRGINIA HERRING Tobacco season? Solution! Grin and bear it. Well folks, ain't you all glad it's about over! Putting 'bacca time I mean. How didja all make out? Fine I do hoe! You sure have to do a lot of grinning and bearing things in a time as trying as puttln in 'bacca, Don't you? My mama used to use that, expression in trying times and it comes in pretty useful sometimes: When I was a little youngun, we used to have a curi ous ole aunt that came to see us every summer rite when everyone was worked too death. Well, now when that woman took' a vacation it shore was Just that, a vacation spell ed with a Capital. Anyhow, getting back: this aunt expected to be waited on hand and foot, and that's before bath rooms were too plent iluL about the only time we farm ers saw one was (When we went to town and then we were scared of it. Anyhow, this aunt was a visit ing us for two weeks and Ma and Sis had stood about all they could, One, morning they were cooking breakfast and Sis said to Ma, "Ma, how much longer is Aunty, gonna stay, I shore am tired of being her maid and her wash woman and her cook," Ma was tired too, but she said, "Sis, Just grin and bear it, maybe she'll go some time next week." ! ' All that time I was playing with my" doll, but I heard every word, ves sir. Well, I tho't if they got to grin I might as. well help tin. So for the next two days averytlme Aunty looked at m i was Just a grinning from onu ear to the other. Finally her curiosity got the best of her and she said to me: "Well, what In the world you going around with such a silly grin on for?" And as any five year old would answer truthfully, 1 1 ,eame back with the answer "Ma says as long as you're here,: we'll Just have to grin and bear It". Well, that evening Pa had tq get out the old T.find take sister home. Ma and' sis just eouldnt un derstand why the old lady got in such a hurry to leave until I told them what I said and what they said. Well that solved tha problem for the next summer, she waited until the winter from then on to VJarehouicS InilbK Mobilhomes Show Scheduled In Wilmington For August 19-22 Ken Starrett, president of the Mobilehomes Association of the Car olinas, announced today that plans have been completed for the Fifth Annual Mobilehome Show which is to be held in Wilmington, N. C. August 19-22. Mobilehome manufacturers from ill over the country will have on display at Legion Stadium their most modern models; some of which ire furnished with automatic laun dries, dish washers, garbage dispos il units, and built-in television sets. Thursday, August 19, the show is ipen to the Dealers, Manufacturers, Park operators, and Suppliers, and will be in progress from 12 noon to 4:39 p. m. W. L. Darracott, secretary of the Association announced that varied entertainment has been planned for this group during the American Legion Veterans Sponsor "Back To God" Movement In County By WILBERT BONEY The American Legion, througt its "Back To God" movement, if endeavoring to revive the custoir of prayer among all the American people, ac rding to Chaplain Nor man Flowers of the Charles R. Gav in Post No. 127 here Millions of Americans have made use of The American Legion's grace-before-meals cards, which havr been placed to tables oi hotels, res taurants, hospitals, dining cars even prisons throughout the coun try. A new contribution to this jnirit- i lows: take her vacation. Shore hain't solved mine tho' was trying to save some little ole sun dried 'mater and other Friday end one of the younguns came running in the kitchen and said "Ma, we got company, a whole car full!" Well, I likec to fainted. Hadn't done a bit of my cleaning. Had dressed six chickens for the next week and been to the garden and scrapped up everything I could find, but I won't about to use any of that, cause the next week would be a humdinger and I knew it. Well I 8 u and started chasing an ole hen, but couldn't catch her, so finally got mad and decided to shoot her. Never shot a gun in my life, but t was worried enough to eat a bonna by then, so I aimed at her head and about that time she turned around and I hit her. Scared all the rest to death and they didn't lay an egg all next week, so every morning I just said, you all will Just have .to grin and bear it Well that nite I had to figure out some way to make three extra beds out 'un the one extra bed I have. That took a lot of brain work which I don't have, so part of us set up til' quarter of four next morning, by that time I couldn't grin no long er so I said, "Well, if you all see anything you can sleep on, hit it". As they all retired one of them said, "Don't bother to call me in the morning, just get up and go on about your work, Til be sleeping late." By tnat time the baby was ready for his 4:00 feeding nnH rhms. ing so I just renewed that silly grin, out I imagine it was a rather silly looking affair mixed with the few tears that escaped. Beulaville Man Suffers Broken Heck Tvo Others Iniured In I eiaine Vm-lr iJW!i? BeutaylUe was fried . SA- B fTln-tivM ... kA-Kt-l I carried , o , av , Kinston ... hospital inursuay mgnt where it was found be had suffered s broken neck end internal injuries. H- was injured in an auW wrack at tha stop light . " a i-wiT Y. . :"ur"uJ r night whan a. Marina crashed Into" Are Ready For Huge Of That Golden Weed ntire show. The official opening for the pub ic is Friday, August 20, when thr Stobilehomes will be displayed from 4:00 p. m. unUl 10:00 j. m. . Saturday's show begins at 1:00 p ti. and closes at 8.00 p. m. with the losing at 6:30 p. m. One of the outstanding fea'urrf f the show will be the nationwide loadcart of the popular "Lady'! Day" radio program with John Reece as master oi ceremonies when an all expense paid two week trip to Havana will be awarde. some audience participant. Various door prizes will be giver away every hour while the show is in progress. Admission is free and the public s cordially invited to attend. "God, be with us this day. Watc' ver us, insure us against danger rotect us from barm. Be ever a ur side to light, to guard, to ruH nd guide us safely to our Journey's :nd. Amen.' V ' Chaplain Flowers said that local Legionnaires and their Auxiliary nembors are urRiicg distribution of 'he Travelers' Prayer through' ho- i i . . .... if is ana motels oi mis area. The. Traveler's Prayer, is not "ices and volume on the copyrighted," said Chaplain Flow-i Georla Tlorida flue-cured beM era, "and we shall be glad for any iwhich ar usua,1y good indication o.ganizatonainnS rv Indls-idusJ ,. o reproduce it in any way they Pect Mve been excellent with all. wish. Our only request is that the rade oin weH wn the compa Charles R. Gavin Post of the Amer- nies- , ' lean Legion be given credit for its reproduction." Chaplain Flowers added that it hored the prayer eventually will be' used on road-maps and other ti avel literature, and will be issued to purchasers of automobile and driver's licenses. j Yeah, it's been a trying time es I I pecially for the younguns and the women. You call the younguns and go back and the poor things are setting on the side of the bed with their eyes shut, so finally you run back and pujl the biscuits out'n the oven, run back and rub their faces with a rag wet in ice water. Fin ally you're thru with breakfast and they're gone. Then you bunch dish es, wash and boil bottles, put your wash on, baby's calling again, then the two year old gets up, feed her, make beds, hang out wash, back to dishes, get them washed, start put ting dinner on, by then the two year old has everything in reach drug dewn, off and out, you spank her, start picking up, oh no! baby again, somethings boiling over, some ones at the door. You holler "Come In", they do if they qan wade thru. You finally get dinner on but its too late for a good fceavy dessert so you pull out the Jello and make it the quick way. Well if you're lucky you have dinner on the table as you hear them coming up the steps to eat. Well after dinner the kids help with the dishes and then, big sis takes over the two babies and ma goes to the batn. Sometimes the floors get swept, sometimes no. The week end comes up and there's all the other work piled up that you didn't get done. So then you work like a dog to get things de cent and your canning done and the mail man comes to leave a card which reads, "Can't wait to see you, expect me about i". Oh well, just keep on grinning, after all tobacco reason is about over thank goodness. Folks please leave news items where I can p:ck them up cause the gas is out. thi ear In Which "ma ridini in.. . . . - - The late triodei Htmirt bu . plet loss," il 4s reported. t Also Injured wera, his wife and Mr." Glenwood Thomas who both suffered broken1 ribs and bruiser vruKcn riDS ana D! scrawnes. Latest reports sab Mi. Home's condition i. tZSz. EXPECT OPENING ' PRICES BE GOOD FARMERS HOPEFUL The tobacco markets of the East- , orn RaH uHll niisn f n ti. 1QU oaa" son on Monday, August 16, with ' appropriate ceremonies and the long awaited chant of auctioneers as the first sales get underway. The Eastern Belt is the largest of the five-state flue-cured produc ing area with markets located in some seventeen cities. They are Ahoskie, Dunn, Farmville, Golds boro, Greenville, Kinston, Roberson ville, Tarboro, Rocky Mou.-.t, Smith field, Wallace, Washington, Wendell, Williamston, Wilson and Windsor. The tobacco crop outlook in this area of the Eastern Belt has under gone a revolutionary change during the past three weeks. Tobacco, which at one period looked as though it was almost done for, has . staged an extraordinary 'come back' and indications now are thet, with continued favorable weather condi- ' tions, 1954, after all, will be a good , crop year for tobacco. ;. The recent finp rains fnllnwfns a . parching drought of several weeks, J created a new tableau in the local ' cuuuuiu; UUUUVJL - - --- ' --v mM; .wv.tA.lg 1U1 iujj sales on opening day and all tnark- ' i ets have urged growers to carefully ' ' as large piles as possible, reasoning1 V that buyers bid heavier beeauM of ;, the percentage of the tobacco they' " can buy rather thad the smaller j piles with little tobaero. !:4' -'". opening prices are likely to be . An ma. 4.U ' " , V Elton Williama , Elton Williams, 3rd Class Boatman is spending a thirty day furlough with his father, Roy Williams of Route 2, Pink Hill. Upon completion of his furlough he will report to Long Beach. Calif.. where he wiK b stationed until his discharge in April 1058. Williams served with the 111th Mine Division from September, 1951 until March, 1954. in Korea being transferred to Inao-China be served a tour of duty until July , ism. m CPU RODNEY O. KNOWLES AUGSBURG. GERMANY Armv CpL Rodney O.- Knowles. 2L son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Knowles, Route 8, Mount Olive, N. C, was a participant in the recently com peted maneuvers held in southern -Bavaria by the 5th Infantry pi vision's Uth Regiment: Taking place during some of the worst weather Germany has had in years,, the maneuvers tested the combat readiness of the unit under realistic fighting conditions. Corporal Knowles, a clerk in the regiment's Service Company, en tered the Army during May I95s) and has been in Europe since the following December. PVT. ERNEST A. GREEN AUGSBURG. GERM NY4 Army Pvt. Ernest A Green. 22. sm r.f Mr. and Mrs. Roland Green, Mount Olive, Nr t:,, Was a; nurticfpant ft the recently comnleted maneov-s held In southern Bavunn by the Infantry Division's !W .ngimrnt. .'Taking place durinr rms of - worst Weather German h 1mh in years, the -mineuvpirs . tested combat-readiness, of hjt urii irder -relsrl fi.nttng conditions. Prlvatd Green, an mmun"n ' bearer ; in tha rWn,s. H"nvv during June 153 nif has bean in Europe since htst January. . fV ft T-i SR; fit jrj $ 1 -I -.- it-, j i. m. '.. ,v .m Mi ,j if, fv ( . , H;