THE DUPLIN TIMES, KENANSVILLE, N, C- THCMOAV, At'C-CT U 1 1 Internal icwm! Untlon S-wday Sr-hofl Umotw f-'lptarai Matthew 16:14-28; I Corln. .. "S : 24-27 i II Timothy 1;M Ha. J liTUoai RtMtBfi ftxodua 30:1-17, (5 :If-Ci::iplir.3 Lesson tot August IS, 1954 v u V ' ,t l . . fJOD W1U not live any man's life i for him, nor do for him what he cm do for himself. There Is peace and repose In the life of the . ' Christian, to be sure; but there la k also work, effort,, struggle.. Paul ' uses the language of the athletic j field and the army to describe the , . life of the Christian man. The reU . gious life is a race, a fight. Pressure and Power - s ;r , We grow, body and soul, partly , , without knowing-it. But we have to . put forth effort, all the same. One thing necessary in all kinds of -1 growth of body, mind, or spirit- US aisoipune. To m 1 some ears that Is I ' fen Aigly word,-it I seems to stand for It ; repression. Can't we grow better if A we are allowed to do as we nleaae? Wn K S , A fruit tree or d I SI I ' grape vine which - tkj. LA is never pruned Dr. Foreman ;will never produce prize fruit. A razorback hog running wild and . eating what he pleases will not , .make as much bacon as a hog kept penned up and fed with care. A boy who practices the piano only when he feels like it will never ; learn to play. A football player who gets, up and goes to bed when he Mikes, and eats and drinks what ever he happens to want, when he wants it, will never make the team. ' Discipline Is Just not doing certain .unimportant things In order to do other Important things. When wa ter is run through a hose, the tighter the nozzle is screwed the farther the water la thrown. So it is in the world of Christian char ..j acter,. The life ..without . any re straint is the life without fruit or ; force. The life without discipline is , .. like the tree never pruned, a tan .' gle Of barren branches. Habit of Vigilance Sometimes Christians are disci " p lined by circumstances. Pain, or defeat, or poverty, may have a wholesome effect on us, like a sur geon's knife. But some of the Christian's discipline has to be im ' posed on himself, by himself. Dis cipline means getting rid, so to speak, "of useless fat, keeping fit. - Discipline means not fritting away our time and energies on useless : things.' It means going without , some things we want in order to a re. more to give to others. It ans locking up our pride when 1 feelings are hurt It means not becoming so busy with trifles that we have to say "I have no time'V when we are asked to help with the Lord's work. It means cutting out even harmless habits when they pull us down to less than our : best.. It means training down to , 1 get into condition for the fight right Inside us between our best and our 'j worst. Now we have to be careful about criticizing other people, who may have different battles to- fight j than we have. It may be quite easy I for &rs. X, who never took a drink ot liquor in her life, to Say hard ., things about Mr. Y, who seems not to be able to pass a tavern door without going' in. But perhaps Mrs. X has just as much trouble ' passing up the second piece of cake or the tenth chocolate cream. We have to be on guard all the time, not over others mainly, but over ourselves. Not that we should not ' help others; indeed we should. But - we need always to remember what Jesus said: "Let him that is with- . out sin cast the first stone." What Alcohol Does t -It ought not to be necessary to say a word about such an obvious subject as a Christian's relation to alcoholic liquors, but nowadays such a- word is very much in place. In' this matter the best and sim ' plest self-discipline is to leave it I alone entirely. What the apostles of "moderation" forget is that al cohol is a drug of a kind that i weakens the resistance of the per- 'son who takes it. Asking people to . be moderate in the use pt liquor lis not much less ridiculous than (asking them to please be moderate in the use of narcotics. The stuff, works on the nervous system Itself and does it no kind of good. Let a Christian consider: Does the use of liquor help one to grow into the likeness ot Christ? Does it make one more clear-headed, unselfish, more useful as a Christian citizen? iBaaS aatllaea eyrlht4 br tae DItM f Christian KmUn, Na- I llftal Caaatll ( tha Chareaea ! Christ la th V. S. A. Siliuit hr Cmaiuitr j riiH StrTiea.) .... ., . : . , . ,. , Mercy for the guilty is often an Injustice to 4 he Innocent. Money is. a man's servant here today and gone tomorrow. A mirror will always cause a worn an to pause to reflect. : ';, There is no such thing as an easy Job for' 'a lazy man. ; 'v ,-" ; ,: '.. , Kxpect a square deal from no one xcept a square dealer. ; . : 1 Tlf.iD ALL : FUNERAL HO? ; ? Of MOUNT OUVB i$ phone mm Heme ef vrsyne-uopiua m .Burial rnseral Directors Berne Day or KtoH .Prepared By Jtepartment of Bible.?.' I a lawyer once asked Jesus, "What commandment is the first of all?" . Jesus answered, "The first la. Hear, O Israel; The; Lord our God, the Lord Is one; and thou shalt Jove the Lord Thy God with aU thy -heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy. Uaentth,. The second Is this. Thou .shalt love thy neighbor as thy self. There is none other command ; ment , greater than . hese." . (Mark 1228-31) i V i j--:. Paul the 'Apostle recognized that it is difficult for us to live by the law of love, even in the church, because We are so different and also, because -we are so immature and imperfect. Nevertheless Paul sets an attitude of love as the sure goal toward which we are growing. Listen ' to , these words: "And he gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets, and, some, evangelists; and some," pastors and teachers; for the loooooooooooooooooooooooooeoooooooooooooooooooooof 0?cS?0000000oooooooooopobpoopooboooop REV. W. B HOOD. PASTOB Wallace Ctanreh Every Sunday Morning 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sunday nights Blacks Chapel ' 3rd Sunday night. REV J. M. NISBETT. PASTOR Rockfish Church ' 2nd sid 4th Sunday mornings ' ' ,rd Sunday ngiht Rev; Wade B. Allison, Pastor Mount Zion Church. Rose Hill Every Sunday Morning Except Third Sunday Third Sunday Evening Oak Plains Church First Sunday Night Third Sunday, Morning ' REV. NORMAN FLOWERS Warsaw Church v Every Sunday morning Bowden Community Churah 1st. 3rd. and Oth. Sunday evenings REV. J. T. BATTERER, PASTOR Grove Church 2nd and 4tb Sunday mornings Hallsvllle Church ' 1st and 3rd Sunday, merings REV. W. H. GOODMAN, PASTOR - Beuiavuie cnureB Every Sunday morning PINK HILL GROUP Rev. N. P. , Farrior, Pastor Pink Hill - Third Sunday A. M. and First Sunday P. M. Women of the Church , Circle No. 1 meeting 1st Tuesday night of the month. ,, Circle No. 2 meeting 3:30 P. M. on first Tuesday of month. General meeting 3rd Tuesday at the church. SMITHS Second Sunday- A. M. and Fourth Sunday P. M. 1 ' HEBRON - 1 Third Sundays 4 P. M. (3 P. M. Wmter)' PLEASANT VIEW Ut Sunday 'A. M. and 3rd Sunday P. M. General meetnig Thursday P. M. after 3rd Sunday. Circle. Thurs day P. M. before 3rd Sunday HAEPER-SOUTHERLAND 1 Fourth Sunday A. M. Second Sunday P. M. Y. P. Field Group - First, third and fifth Friday afternoon at 5:30 REV. TAYLOR A. BTRD, PASTOR Falson Group 1st.. 3rd., 5th. Sundays at 7:30 p.m. 2nd, 4th. Sundays at 11:00 a.m. Calypso (st., 3rd., 5th. Sundays at 11:00 a.m. Stanford 2nd, 4th. Sundays at 7:00 pjn. UNIVERSALIIT - Outlaw's Bridge Church Service, 1st Sunday night 7:00 P, M. 2nd and 4th Sunday morning 11:00 sv m. ,' Rev. Vinton Bowering, Minister Sunday School every Sunday - Morning at 10:00 a. m, Mrs. Ed Smith, Superintendent MISSIONARY BAPTISTS' , .'"; KENANSVUJX Rev. Lauren Sharpe, Pastor Kenansville --' EACH SUNDAY MORNING "i BEULAVILLE GROUP Rev. A. L. Brown, Pastor . . BeulavfUe 2nd and 4th Sundays "I ' Cedar Fork 1st and 2nd Sundays Hallsvllle 3rd and 4th Sundays CALYPSO Pastor 2nd and 4th Sundays MAGNOLIA BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. D. Everett, Pastor - 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings 1st and 3rd Sunday nights REV. BXUOTT . STEWART, . -- Paster ' Corinth Snd and 3rd Sunday! - :. Teachey " 1st and 4th Sundays ' ' A: This directory is made O. K. ALPHTN BTORI " . Farm SappUes 8ojnmerlln's Poser as HOMER TAYLOR -c - V5 General Merchandise ! Magnolia, N. tV'.; Carolina in rtq . SUPPLY CO -A.tiX ; '70 i Goidsbore t'efcway, ( .J ; perfecting of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the build tag up of tbebody of Christ: Till we all attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a fullgrown man, unto, the measure of the stature of the fulness Of Christ: That.we may be ho longer" chlldrep, i tossed " to .and fro and parried about with' every rwind ot doctrine, :jy the sleight of men, in craftiness,- after the wiles of ' error; , but : speaking truth In . love, may grow up in all things unto him, who is the head even Christ; from whom all the" body fitly framed and knit together through' that which every joint sup plieth, according to1, the .working in due measure of ' each several part, maketh the increase ' of the body! unto the building up of it self in love." Eph. 4:11-16) ; ; ' -V . m -a SSh, harsighfedr Or By REV. C. HERMAN TRUEBLOOD Text: "But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off." 2nd Peter, 1:9. "He that LACKETH THESE THINGS! What things? Peter, bre. is enumerating and emphasizing outstanding Christian graces and spiritual assets; says he: "Giving all diligence ,aod to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. If these be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ but he that LACKETH THESE THINGS is blind, and cannot see afar off." 2nd. Pet. 1:5-9. What a thought-provoking declaration this is. It clearly implies the tragedy of religious shortsightedness, moral decay, and spiritual blindness, where Christian graces are lacking, ignored, or shunted aside for the passing fads of materialism. There is a great difference in people's vision; some are able to see very far, and others can see but a short distance. That is true in a physical sense. However, there is another way in which people see other than with their physical eyes; they have the ability to look into things, to properly appraise and evaluate things, to "separate the chaf from the wheat" of life, to distinguish between the "passing and the permanent values" of time and eternity such are people of spiritual vision; they see with the eyes of the soul; they are the FARSIGHTED SERVANTS OF GOD. But those who are lacking in a sense of appreciation for, cultiva tion of, and exemplification of the fundamental principles- of Christian conduct, are "blind and cannot see afar off." Are you Spiritually Far sighted, or Shortsighted?tFor instance, are you able only to: 1. SEE THE PLEASURES OF SIN, BUT NOT THE FRUIT? Many people seethe pleasure, the hilarity of worldly life, but are blind to the consequences of .sin, thaf is, until they have to "reap what they have sown." Moses possessed great spiritual Insight when he declared he would not "enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season." 2. SEE THE NEEDS OF THE BODY, BUT STARVE THE SOUL? The body is the "temple of the spirit" the tabernacle ot the soul. The body will go back to the earth; the soul-will go to God for an accounting. "For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in the body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." 2 Cor. 5:10. 3. SEE ONLY THE FAULTS OF CHRISTIANS, BUT NOT THEIR GOOD? True, there are hypocrites in the church. But there are millions of hypocrites outside of the church. The biggest .hypocrite of all is the fellow who (hugging some pet sin to his heart) tries to make us believe that he iswilling to go to hell because of the sins of some weak church member. The honest critic of the Christian church will have to admit that the most beautiful and helpful characters the world has seen have been loyal church-supporting Christians. i PINK HILL J. R. Regan, Minister TeL 2750 Woodland First Sunday Morning and Third Sunday night Pink Hill Second and Fourth Suit days,' Morning ami Night PEARS ALL CHAPEL F.W.B. Rev. L. L. Parker; Pastor Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Services each seuond Sunday morn ing at 11:00 and eveninr at 7:30. Learue every Sunday evening at 6:00. Prayer Meeting each Wednes day evening at I'M. CHINQUAPIN GROUP Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Vana Murrell SHARON Morning Services 1st and 3rd. Sundays Evenlng Services 4th. and 5th, Sundays 2nd. DOBSON'S CHAPEL Morning Services 2nd, 4th. and 5th. Sundays Evening Services 1st and 3rd. Sundays . Island Creek 2nd Sunday morning and 4th Sun day evening. . ' , ; BEAR MARSH s . last and 3rd Sundays V ROSE HILL Rev. J. V. CASE Services every Sunday . FAISON Rev. M. M. Turner, Paster 1st and 3rd Sundays . A JOHNSON CHURCH Rev. Paul Mull, paster .. 1st and 3rd Sundays through the eoaperaties. ot the L 4. SAND UN COMPANY ' Hdwe Groea. Dry Goods -BeulavUle, N. C SERVICE MOTOR COMPANY DeSdte -Plymouth , ,. ... Sales and Service , Kenansville, N. C. K DR.; H. W. COLWELL - IV 0? VW ' - a Frcsfi VcgauLIes "1 am particularly happy to salute the great army of American Vegeta ble Growers . during this special week in their honor. My best wish es go with all of them. ' ' u -. That's what President Elsenhow er had to say recently in observing National Vegetable Week, July, 29 to August 7. Actually the purpose of this national week is to acquaint, more persons With the uses pt vegetables, .,,'' ' &t: You, for example, can add sparkle to your health by putting" the vege tables : (n your garden to work. Salads are an excellent way to get your jneeded servings of vegetables each day. ' irglnia Wilson, State College nu tritionist, suggests serving crisp sa lad greens with pooked or uncook ed fruits and vegetables. "If they're raw," she adds, "so much the bet ter. Cooking destroys some vita mins and washes out minerals." 'i . SS1 . .V . . Bl Si SB. shortsighted. i LIMESTONE CHAPEL Advent Christian Church Potters Hill Services-1st and 3rd Saturday Nirht Sun. and Sun. Night. Altos Qulnn, Pastor. - CABIN FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. B. Starnes, pastor. Ser vices every 2ndand 4th. Sundays at 11:00 a. m. and 7:00 p m. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. MAGNOLIA GROUP Concord 2nd and 4th Sundays WALLACE Dr. Poston, Pastor Services each Sunday -WELLS CHAPEL Rev. J J). Buerer, Pastor 2nd and 4th Sundays WARSAW Dr. A. W. Greenlaw, pastor Services each Sunday GARNERS CHAPEL Re. Eugene Hager ' 1st and 3rd Sunday momtns 4th Sunday night JONES. CHAPEL Rev. Eugene Hager 1st and 3rd Sunday night 2nd Sunday morning ALUM SPRINGS Rev. Eugene Hager . 2nd Sun. night 4th Sun. morning foIlowUg business firm , WACCAMAW BANK ,v Jb TRUST CO., , KannansriUe BeulavUIe hid BUZZARD HOLMES MUX JVlNeai Ou&wVsMdge Getting your family to eat well these hot summer days may be -something of a problem, "but eye appeal may do a lot to perk up those lagging appetites. And according to Miss Wilson one of the easiest ways to, get color into your meals is to use green and yellow vegeta bles carrots, squash, spinach, beans, peas, and salad greens of all ginds. . And there is a definite connection between the color of some foods and their value to your body. Those deep yellow or green in color have more vitamin A value in the body than the pale colorless ones. Green leaf -lettuce, yellow squash, -corn or peaches, . will furnish your body with more vitamin A than the bleached or white varieties, but also in .efficient and economical operation of electric appliances. ' If traffic -evils are to be done away with, slapping an offender on the wrist will never be the answer. At least a taxpayer doesn't have to pas sa civil service examination to be able to work for the govern ment. i - - I LT1U1 lllllfltll .-. al J IkleTH sPaT WALLACE GROUP K. R. Wheeler, Minuter Tel 3286 Wallace Every Sunday morninf and every Sunday night Providence First and Third Sup days at 3 o'clock p. m. ROSE HILL GROUP W. B. Cotton, Minister Tel. 3511 Rose Hill WARSAW CHARGE Rev. Carlton F. Hirschi, Minister Telephone 365 WARSAW Church School 9:45 A. M. J. P. Johnson, Superintendent Worship Services 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays 11:00 A. M. 3rd at 9:00 A. M. CARLTON'S CHAPEL Church School 1st and 3rd at - 10:00 A. M. . 2nd and 4th at 10:30 A. M. J. E. Blanchard Superintendent Worship Services 2nd and 4th at 9:30 A. M. TURKEY CHURCH Church School 10:00 A. M. L. A. Sutton, Superintendent Worship Services 1st Sunday night 8:00 P. M. 3rd Sunday morning 11:00 A.M. CARLTON'S 2nd and 4th Sundays 7:00 P. M. Turkey Third - Sunday mornlsj and the First Sunday night FAISON CHARGE Rev. Harold D. Minor, Minister FAISON 1st. and 3rd. Sunday morning, 11:00 a.m. 2nd. and 4th. Sunday evening, 7:00 p.m. FRIENDSHIP 1st. and 3rd. Sunday evening, 7:00 p.m. KINGS 2nd. and 4th Sunday mornings, 11:00 a.m. MOUNT OLIVE CIRCUIT Paul B. Mannes Bethel Fourth Sunday morning and Second Sunday night Calypso Second, Sunday morning and Fourth Sunday night Rone's Chanel Second and Fourth Sundays at 10:00 a. m. DUPLIN CHARGE Rev. James E. White, pastor Kenansville Sunday School at 10 a. m. WORSHIP SERVICE 1st Sunday 11:00 A. M. 3rd. Sunday 1-1:00 A -M . 3rd Sunday 7:30 P. M. Magnolia Sunday School 10:00 A. M. 2nd Sunday night 7:30 o'clock 4th Sunday morning 11:00 o'clock Unity 2nd Sunday 11:00 A. M. 4th Sunday 7:30 P. M. Wesley Sunday School 10:00 A. M. 1st Sunday 7:30 P. M. 3rd Sunday 11:00 A- M. 4th Sunday 11:00 A. M. PINEY GROVE Free Will Baptist Rev. J. B. Starnes, pastor Services each first Sunday morning at 10:00; 1st Sunday night at 7:00 Sabbath School at 11:00 SARECTA CHAPEL "Original free Will Baptist Church;'' -Rev. Carroll Hansley, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 A. M. -League every Sunday at BOO P. M Church First Sunday 11 A. M. and 7:15 Pi M. Church Third Sundays, 11:00 A. M. and 7:13 P. M. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Sacrament Meeting Sunday 7:00 pjn. Sunday School 10:00 A. M. . ' Relief Society, Tuea. 7:00 P. M. M, L A. ft Primary Wed. 7:00 p. M. Inun acuta te ConoepUoa Church Catholle - Transfiguration MIssIod Wallace N. C. Rev. John J. Harper, Pastor , Hours of Maes First . Sunday ot each month 11.00 a. SB. Si.' H r .,i I , Every Sunday following 3:43 a. m tServlcea are held nsstalra ha -1 Virginia's Ass Brooks Everett would have been a medical doctor had not bis brother, L. C. -been forever playing musical instruments around the house. So Ass gsve up the study of medicine and Joined' his brother in the study of music ' In Boston, Choir Director-Composer Lowell Mason was teaching music and sending his pupils all over New England to conduct singing schools. After a stretch of study In Boston, A. B. Everett came back South, teamed up with his brother and Church Musician R. M. Mcintosh and founded the U C. Everett Music Publishing Co. What Lowell Mason and his associates were to the North, the Everetts were ot the South. A century ago It is said they kept more than 50 Instructors and song leaders moving from place to place In the Southern states teaching, tinging and conducting song concerts. While the Everett brothers and Mcintosh were furthering the cause of church music in the South, a school teacher-minister's wife in I-.n River. Mass, was editing school pc-'--' writing hymn poems. Her name Bridges Canedy Slade. Sweetly, Lord, hove we heord The :c" j Come, follow Me! And we see where Thy footprints " '-3 Lead ut to Thee. Tho' they lead o'er the cold, dark ,1 . . Seeking His sheep; Or along by Siloam'j fountains, i Helping the weak. H they lead thro' the temple holy, Preochlng the word; GEO. P. PRIDGEN Plumber STATE LICENSED PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SUPPLIES BATHROOM EQUIPMENT HOT WATER HEATERS WATER PUMPS KITCHEN SINKS Phone 473 WARSAW, N C. A. J. Cavenaugh, Jeweler DIAMONDS WATCHES Watch A Jewelry REPARING A ENGRAVING MRS. M. M. THIGPEN Be&iavUle, N. C. StepreaentatTte Pee WARSAW FLORAL COMPANY WAESAW N C. Aidway Dog Friend Cures Mange in Gne or two Appli cations or Money Refun ded. For Sale By Warsaw Drug Co. Kenansville Drug Co. 8 oz. Bottle $1.00 01 Photographs Restored Portraits Commercial Photography ' Weddings, Parties, Anniversaries and Identification Photos LANIER STUDIO Phone 6341 At Wallace Sittings Nights and Sundays By Appointment GAS WALLACE GAS CO. W SSI n A "SPECIAL en our nationally ad- vertised GAS automatic WATER-A HEATERS. Handley Brown, John? CWeod, General, Waldorf. REGU-Y JLAR PRICE fSAM ALLOWANCES iON OLD BEATRS1 Hmrdlm mi Condition faov PAT ONLt ; M.MX Wallace, N.C.;fc I Hymn 3s Sorn BY CLINT A BONNER O-siLA Footsteps of A medical student takes WILCOX-FOLLETT CO., Chicago, Dl. From The Book 'A HYMN IS BORN" Copyright 1952 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOff o e e o o o o o o NOTICE To all peoples near and around Pink Hill, I now have my complete Watch repair department in MAXWELL'S MILL STORE. Give Us A Visit. John H. Watlington IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TURNER & TURNER INSURANCE AGENCY "We're Known By The Service We Give" Phone Z83C L. C Turner. Jr. We Want y '0 i i OMOUAtTUOUD SS M DAIRY ( J PRODUCTS Ayentviuf.Hc V -TPSfCSVir." tWMBERTOH, N. C X 1. 1 Pl-UaiatBTow, u . - 1 l- -J) ar Hill f ttXiitf' -ra7n ! liaaT We Pay A Premium For Top Quality Hogs i See Us or Call 2106, Clinton, N. C Clinton Livestock Mot, ... OPERATED BY LUNDY PACKING COMPANY I Bnyinf; Days Are Mondays Through i Fridajni 8 tun. Until 5 p.m. ( Jesus up music ' Among others of Mrs, Blade's poems, Mcintosh v set one titled "The Kingdom Is Coming" to music , . snd made it one of the most popular of mission- ary hymns. It's found in nearly all hymnals and begins: . . From all the dark' places - . . Of earth's heatbern races, '. ; t O see how the thick shadows Byi - ' v The voice of salvation . i Awakes every nation. Come 'over and help lis, they cry. ' ASA BROOKS EVERETT died near Nashville In 187S at the age of 47. He might have become ,. a great doctor. He did become a great composer of religious music. After four years of study In Leiozig, Germany, he was awarded the degree -of Doctor of Music and, with his brother, edited miny a stately hymnal. But he never lost the :jlse of the masses. Few indeed are church, "irrs win have not been moved by this old camp V- c fivrrite by Mary B. C. Slade, for which A-i H'-io'ts Everett wrote so appealing a tune, - ni-i of the poor and lonely, . . -. .ng the Lord; -. lost, when on high He sees us, '-rnrv done, v, 1 rest where the steps of Jesus tnd at His throne, (Chorus) Footprints of Jesus, thot make the pathway glow; We will follow the steps of Jesus where'er they go. o o s Of Pink Hill. N. C T. J. Your Hogs JI.-V. office No. 1 ef hew Lee Building, Wallace). , , . 'jAi- Mt Jl. ' .Wa .1.1. 3 5? VtC r . V 4 .!.' x w V H." Office Phone: 2051 Residence: 3448 : Veta Meai-Steck reed , Phone 6701 Highway 1174