AZZZZT U, ICS , I J w i k . J . - ..v,n crew are working iveiiOJy putting. the finishing ' " ' f on the super modern big iw la-ant atom scheduled to open -.Thursday, August 28, ccording to jar. Kamsey, the store manager. The new Grant building conven. sentry located on the corner of James and Walnut Streets in the keart of Goldsboro shopping area, wHl incorporate every device known to modern retailing for quick, con- vetneM stepping. Vacate of the building' will be , modern and simple. Three huge dis , Jflay windows will front on James Street and there will be thirteen -windows on the Walnut St side of the new Grants.' '-.' . Interior of the building will eon. EMPTY OAK Carrels iiC v And v oak t7esf tk Sfanfon In Kinston jF KEGS ioMtaM DA6E(T0SH00L N DEST lUYS CImom from our greatest assortment over of school clothes and general necessities. Save. ' w" i if -ry j: f , ' y h I -EN ,l Girls' Dresses Grants own 'Ginger tone' gfyfes for Sies 7-14 . . . Reg. $2.98 $2.57 Classroom elegance, wash lajr magic! Practical cot ton fashions; Sanforised woven ginghams, print & can-can broadcloths, iri descent ginghams. Colors, 1 J. tOYS' CAS. PANTS tsat-miN, ayioe rayaav Sit $3.47 ft .. .A" r tinue tae cmphasa on snaciousnei New counters and display fixtures ww tie tailored to shop-at-a-flance convenience. The entire store wHl be alr-condltloned to Insure pleas ant shopping conditions. The latest in scientific fluorescent lighting will snow the merchandise displayed in its true daylight colors. Decorator pastel 'walls will provide and , at- tractive background, fitting room will be available for trying before buying oof fashion departments. Mr. Ramsey goes on to say that wttb his expansion in space Grants rill become virtually 4-stores-in one. Shoppers will, find the same tremendous assortments of merchan dise generally found, only in four distinct specialty shops: a fashion store, a dry goods store, a home- hardwares store and a variety store. Visitors to the new Grants will find that all former Grant, depart ments have been considerably en larged and assortment! of merchan dise broadened. New departments not heretofore In Grants at Goids- boro will make their appearance. rbese will include art goods, hard ware, fashion accessories, notions, toiletries, stationery, furniture, elec trics and a pet shot. Of particular interest to women will be the opening of Grants big, new Fashion Center featuring the latest styles brought direct from New York to Goldsboro. Mr. Ram sey also states that Joyce Lane, noted New York fashion authority, will keep hi madvised as -to the lat est trends. . -f., . Grants will celebrate the opening of this big new store with a 3-day sale during Which scores of specials will be offered in every department Mr. Ramsey has been working for months in close cooperation with Grants staff of 60 New York buying specialists and merchendis is being rushed to Goldsboro right this min ute for the opening. Door prizes will be given away. Mr. Ramsey emphasizes that anyone is. eligible to win with the excep- Ittoi of W' Grant Co. employees. CouptilB' covering wese prizes win be indued 4 jl XI" " x advErtUiPti 1 . Grants has been In Goldsobro I since 1922. There are over (00 w 7,TL mJS ng in 40 S.'jme people are so stubborn that they refuse to be moved, even by their own motives. . Words of th. WIm The only reward of virtue to virtue; the only way to have a friend Is to be one. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) w r3TT MATCHING POLOS, SOCKS Exclusive at Grants 1 . Re. $1.39 - $1.00 Combed cotton, wash fast colors. Polo has nylon . ized neckband. 6-16. SI. i ;hingsor,7-I04.39c. i. fecSv4o -ft wmi$T luuvir wots peluxe Retr. $39 $3X0 Bailt fat action, pticei let savings! Leather: (peers, fesolcs, heel linings. 1J44. liULL. x-..J, U. C 11 JJJJgj Iti i mwl,4 I t nfr In i'i J- I! "WrsWMl 1 y T.MiUXOY Mrs. Cora Sanderson of Beula- ville, who has been An the sick list recently is able to be out once a- gain and visiting Mr., and Mrs. Jim Southerland, and Mrs. . V. Malloy on a Sunday- afternoon. , Mr. George D. Sholar, of U. S Navy who , recently underwent serious ear operation at Naval Hos- t"Hx " vwuy jucjeune, is spending his leave and convelensance period at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Sholar, Sr. and Mrs. Sho- lar's parents, Mr. and Mm Bernie Henderson. ". Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sanderson of Magnolia were recent visitors of bis mother, Mrs. Eula Sanderson and Other relatives and. friends here. Mrs. Sam Bostic who has been ill at her home recently is able to be back to her duties again. Mrs. Guy and Miss Bertha Rhodes of Richlands have returned home after a brief visit with relative here over the past weekend. Mrs. Clara Sholar who has been spending some time with her sister. Ho. Cora Sanderson of Beulaville has returned to her home again. Mrs. A. C. Byrde has returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wood from a Pink Hill clinic with 'her infant son, and do ing nicely, both mother and son. , Mrs. J. E. Henderson who has been seriously ill at her home Is improving and friends hope her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Dail and fam ily recently made a business trip to Wallace and visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker re- .cently visited Mr. John Hollines- worth at Durham where he is a patient at the Veteran's Hospital for eye operation. Doing nicely and we hope he will soon be home again. Mr. and Mrs. Woodroe Maready and children, Gloria, "Pat" and Baby all were visitors of Mrs. Eth p- Facts As By VTDA MUXOY Did you know a whole lot of, "Courseness" in a persons life can be polished off of many a difficult situation by using a little bit of Tact in a very tactful way. It works like, "Scrtach Remover Polish" and it also shines Where it is used right! Don't let your, "Silver 4c Gold" get MIXED up in your speech these hot days now; you remember the old adage or saying, that, "Silence is Golden". That is, unless you hap pen to speak with a Silver Tongue!" Our actions can explode Just about equal to our speech if we are not very careful. Well, now that it is coming on FALL OF THE YEAR the first sign of FALL should not be a dis play of winter clothes in a show case, but the "Fading Idiots" driv ing cars on the North Carolina State Highways snd By-ways . . endang ering the lives of themselves and others. I'm for any safety device our Highwaymen and Patrolman and other officers make for and enforce even IF lshould happen OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI oooooo MYERS WATER SYSTEMS Fishing Tackle Headquarters For Salt and Fresh Water Saw Filing and Lawn Mower Repair o o 0 S A C Ho77 S S - . j v - i I O HARDWARE ' ' O Ov A J IS IN WALLACE 1 f ! ) 1 a 1 ; 1 Iz I oooooooooooooooooocoooooo o i A y l2' I DIXIE GAS RANGE I rn rn i pr J 1$, I sassa, g ALREADY GETTING $70.00 $71.00 $72.00 FOR 1 ' I fP O-. wecCr BETTER GRADES I PLENTY OF FLOOR SPACE OCOOOC A llr'' O : ; ';!g.-f : SU 1 o SELL YOUR TOBACCO ON THE MARKET THAT FARMERS v S 2 V : L . : T-r jo - ' r A? ' A BUILT FOR FARMERS. , v 'O - SS'lA - . 4 SETS BUYERS . J; 'b A GOOD (MO STOVE COME IN AND LOOK OVER 'J ' ITS FEATURES HEILIG' - OF I3NSTON, INC 0MHttWttO'eeWttM el Sanderson and family last week eno. - . Mrs. James ' Price and daughter Joe, visited her sister, Mrs. L. W RTynn in Willard last week, at -the home of their mother, Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Bloodworth and family while she was recouperating from a maj or operation : recently at Cherry Point hospital. Mr. and Ms. Billie Binkley and family spent seveal days down at Topsail Beach last week with Mrs. Mollie Brinkley and. several other friends on a much needed rest from the hot summer days. Mrs. Bulah Hatcher of Hose Hill was a recent visitor of her sister- in-law, Mrs. Mary Price for a short visit Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Sanderson spent an enjoyable day over at Jacksonville, with friends last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sander. son of Jacksonville. Mrs. David Kllpatrick has return ed home with her Infant son after a race with the stork at a Wilming ton hospital Both mother and son doing nicely. Mrs. Raymond Cottle who has: had a battle with the stork in the J. W. M. Hospital in Wilmington has returned to her home here after serious complications following the birth of ber dahghter lost week. Doing nicely. Mrs. Epsy Maready who also his been a patient at J. W. M. for a operation of the breast has return ed home and again to resume her duties at Kinston Caswell Training School where she has been employ ed recently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sanderson of Magnolia and his mother, Mrs. Eula Sanderson spent part of the week end over at Topsail Beach trying to escape some of the hot weather. Thank goodness at this writing the weather has turned some cool- er. I See If to be in error! As a rule the faults of others seem to glare out at us like a ray of light THAT my-friend is be cause, we (me too) can see them so much better than we can our own. But IF we should stop to correct even our own faults we might not get too far on the road to much success yet, we have BC ly two things to build our way of Ufa upon that, is "Roots & Wings" which is the only thing we can leave our children! We shouldn't try to "singe" them (Wings) or dry them up, (Roots) while we are here. We shouldn't be in too much of a hurry to judge ourselves by what we think we can do tor in the maintime other people might choose to judge us by what we have already done. Some say, truthfully that there is no future in any job The future lies in the man who holds the job. I guess our happi ness in anything we do IS our fu ture. At least and I should know there is NO COSMETIC for beau. ty like happiness OR DO I o o !LEOT' O O O O B . f III v ' 1 KNOW? ? ? J Well rm as happy as can be ex pected! Man have been heard to say that they "Were a Non Profit Organi zation," They don't mean to be but are Now IF THEY were to try to work out modern VER SION of a budget on this situation to the extent that some, or one, has to be extennanateed or vis versa etc WHO would be the one to decide? The today's Economies--on this one shouldn't rob our memories lor tomorrow! IF you are just forty-years old you nave fve whole Vg years to mare a great deseoverr that is unless you have already found it out; What is it? That OUR TROU- bum are a "Chronic rrrnaan" Br you are forty and accepted UFE without worry you are one af th fortunate ones - Because. Life made of Troubles and Troubles IS UFE! A good way to make UFE more happier for yourself is to make other people happy. And they say." it's about as hard to keen a good man down as it is to keep a sorry one UP . 4 . You suppose YOU know, I know, what fm talkin about T T T T T IF YOU were on a Skv.wnn.i- Building Elevator going uo. un. tin raster sna raster until your mind J v-"" uurnung if we 1 verttct Strike I LB. CAN CHUM SALMON 35c Swift Prem or 12 OZ. CAN ARMOUR'S TREET 41c Whitehouse Evaporated 3 14y2 oz. CANS MILK .;;...........,., .....35c? lona 46 oz. CAN TOMATO JUICE .....20c A & P's Own Vegetable Shortening 3 LB. CAN DEX0:.....;...............:. Come See! Come Save At A & P! KANTEaVB FENMEK'S O O o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o U 2: . ' 83 BASKETS- :- ' V ' A A "A oil A RADIO WEED I AKnfiatl, . radio wexe , ) " f X I nf1 1t3A 19-4S I 1 ' I n.r-e.e -a. I. ' ! I v . las el -M - w - l ; , ; , l . .,' At-iiin .:... sLs?aallsl W a . -m.-M m . '.'.,,. "t H hQQQljsnXlAL - EXrOftT cables should break suddenly WHICH way would you go. Up or uownr It might very, well de pend on the kind of life you have always lead or leading! Wouldn't it make your mind quickly turn It's attention to certain incidents such as; In the past perhaps you had thought someone had done you a terrible wrong or had experi enced an unkind Incident with a friend which had happened long ago in the past and never forgiv en l Could you not be honest with your-self-and say to your self that you'd remembered that you had remembered forgetting it years ago! T T T ITD be good time to! Folks BT you dont ever make mistakes your neighbours will nev er believe that you have achieved very much . , or anyone else for that matter and you never will have. Because IF you dont try to do or achieve anything you're always crltized and ff"you Dont you are, so what did I tell you about UFE : T T T : ? V We ALL, make mistakes. NOTICB In The General County Tourt State of North Carolina. County of Duplin Cecil Swinson x "vs - Carolina Marshburn Swinson The defendant, Carolina Marsh- burn Swinson will take notice that an action ititi ikn .4 tinned has been commenced in the A&P FRUIT COCKTAIL .NO. CAN . -r. o o Si o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o EA8 LEY'S SMITH'S COM UOCETT MtlMB BXTNOLM General County Court of Duplin County. North Carolina, in which action the plaintiff is seeking to re cover of the defendant an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years continuous separation, next preceding the bringing of this ac tion, r , , ' ,1 ' . ,.".''':. ;-v ',.).; 'A, . The defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the office of the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Dup lin County within twenty (20) days after the 24 day of September 1854 and answer or demur to the com plaint or the plaintiff will apply for. the relief demanded in the com sae 1 FISH MARi(ET ,OPII Df KENANSVIUJI a filling station next to Post Office. Open all day FRESH FISH DAILY TTJE8. THUTJ 8AT." in For special orders on Shrimp see the week and he will bring: ' E. B. EBVIN. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf SELL YOUR TOBACCO WITH r O O o o o o o Warehouse ' H GOLDSBORO SIMON CARL HOLLOMAN We Have Plenty Come On Down Before Sales Blcck 6 ' i: ' :r; ' O We Guarantee As Much Or More Than Any- O where In East Not Scared To Buy Your Tobacco O And Guarantee The HIGH DOLLAR. O IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO POXHAIX WOEJKS FAKMEE8 MANOVM'S nottl CaBNA-AIsXUCAlt. plaint This the 23rd day of August, r; ; ; R. v. Weils k ' . Clerk of Suoerior Court ' Latham A. WUseav Atterasy 9-lMt-LA.W, , ,V i It's only natural for' the person who is asked to foot the bill to do a lot of kicking. , , " Odd Fact In KnoxvlUV Tennw 13th f divorce was granted to woman .whose husband already bad als . sururcea m sua trw musi - , . , : n i! II II n Mr. Ervin the latter part ef them in on Mon, after. D Operator T Jim ;; o o o o o o o o HILL o o ... o o o J. F. HILL Of Floor Space o o oooo CAKJREXT i 'VV1

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