LET'S CAKE kV KENANSVnXC fx r : ' . - Tvo Secta y frJ W a 1 " "V V jr. s , . .. . -'-fim W .".',.'i.,,.v-. r tv - ' vex imsweeK 1- 5X - SUBSCRIPTION BATES: 3Jd per y In OupUa' ynd ad)olnta( ConnUes; MOO ontside this arem In N. C.j $5.00 outride N. C. VOL.21, NO.1 35 SECTION ONE L; liNANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1954 PRICE TEN CENTS ,' IL1V IW i'iiV... i i - j . . ' . -. .' . .. m"m V ' Teacher List - Duplin All Duplin Schools are now open . and operating on regular schedule. The following teacher lisfa have been supplied the Times: BenlavUle . The largest school In the county opened August 22nd with 1038 pu pils enrolled. WRay Humphrey is principal with the following teach ers: ; :V-i'-';,,y-.- - 1st Grade Sirs. Ethllne P. Capps, . Mrs. Frances D. Jenkins, Mrs. Vera . H. Bostic. . . 2nd Grade Mrs. Lou Bell WiU . Hams, Mrs, Christine Kennedy, Mrs. Mamie Boggs. 3rd Grade Mrs. Hazel Cox, Mrsi . Sarah Heath, Mrs. Eleanor Norris. 4th Grade Mrs. Macy Thomas, Mrs. Hazel Scott, Miss Frances Mer . cer. 5th Grade Mrs. Hazel Miller, . Mrs.. Phoebe Pate, Mrs. Eleanor Mc Coy. 6th Grade Mrs. Louise Brown, Mrs. Hazel Williams, Mrs. Lillian Grady. 7th Grade Mrs. Lillian Grady, Mr. Carl P. Pate, Mrs. Ann Craft. 8th Grade Mrs. Blanche Hill, Mr. Eldridge Thigpen, Mr. Foun tain Taylor, Jr. 9th Grade Mr. Ramon L. Davis, Science, Mrs. Anna B. Guy, Math -English, Mr. Allen Dale Bucklen, Physical Ed. 10th Grade Mrs. Mary S. Mer cer, Math-English, Mr. Malcolm Mc Whorter, Science. 11th Grade Mr. F. V. Spence, History, Mrs. Leland Grady, English-French. 12th Grade Mrs. Kathryn Bar bee, English, Mr. William D. Thig pen, Math-History, Home Economics, Mrs. Iris Aldridge, Commercial, Wil liam G. Jones. Falson High School R. A. Gray, Principal, Mrs. Mac. M. Casteen, Home E&, Mrs. J. F. Oliver, Lang ..Mr. Eldon F. Thorn ton, 8th, Mrs M. C. Bowder, 7th, Mrs. Edwin McColman, 6th, Mrs. Ruby Blount, 8th, Mrs. Mary P. Ray, 4th, Mrs. Margaret Davis, 3rd, Miss Beu lah Martin, 2nd, Mrs. Sarah Turn er, 1st, Mrs. Clovadel Montgomery, Primary Combination, Mrs. Eliza beth Clifton, Special Ed. , CalypM School Elementary Annie M. Raper, 1st, Huldah Strickland, 1st, Everette Cox, 2nd, Pauline Flythe, 3rd, Fran cis Strickland, 4th, Hilda Sutton, 5th, Inez Davis, 8th, Geneva Byrd, 7th, Louise Cole, 8th. High School Mrs. Lloyd Hontz, Marguerite Taylor, commercial, Lo relle Martm. H. E. Grubbs, Princi pal, W. H. Hurdle, agriculture, Nancy Long, Music. Chinquapin Elementary Miss Lou Jackson, 1. Mrs. Elizabeth James, 1, Mrs. Dorothy Mills, 1, Mrs. Berta Maie Barden, 2, Mrs. Matilda Pruit, 2, Mrs. Lydia Reece, 2, Mrs. Eugenia Dail, 3, Miss Pauline Wooten, 3, Miss Mary Q. Brown, 3 & 4, Mrs. Leota Brinaon, 4, Mrs. Ida Mae Sanderson, 4, Mrs. Hazel Brinson, 5, Mrs. Blanche Wood, 5, Mrs. Pa tricia Byrd, 5 & 6, Mrs. Luvoise Landen, 6, Miss Effer Pickett, 6, Miss Margaret Jackson 7, Miss Elo ise Turner, 7, Mr. Norman Aycock, 8 Mri George F. Landen, 8. High School Mrs. Mary Sander son, 9th Home Room, Science, Mr. J. E. Gregory, 9th Home Room, His tory & Coach, Mr. William L. Regis ter, -10th Home Room, Math, Mrs. Polly B. Thomas, 10th Home Room, Commercial Mrs. Vane A Albertson, 11th Home Room, English, Mr. Wil bur Williams, 12th Home Room, French Sc English, Miss Peggy Anne Cox, Home Economics, Mr. W. P. Hubbard, Agriculture, R. L. Pruit, Principal. KenansvHle Elementary Mrs. Louise W. Mit chell, Mrs. Coral Burch, Mrs. Kath erine Wallace, Mrs. Florence Cur rie, Mrs. Virginia G. Penney, Mrs. Juanita B. Kretsch, Mrs. Nannie P. Brinson, Mrs. Edna E. Brinson, Mr. Lauren H. Sharpe, Mrs. Sallie C. WILSON Average pricet by grades for Eastern North Carolina flue-cured tobacco were generally steadyto slightly lower during the second week of auctions. Volume of sales was extremely light most of the Week but fairly heavy on Friday. Quality ol offerings showed some improvement when compared with opening week reports the Fed- Eastern Tobacco Market Weekly Repo - eral-State Market News Service. - Sales for the week ending Friday, r1,; August Zt grossed :25,$14,409 :0Unds and.verged 53.12 .per"'hn3WI i The; average wanly: JleW"' ;.v' bovf that o the first we' Vol ume increased around; JLS.d 'jJtjfolbh pounds. Season salea'feached 36, ' 433,908 pounder tor Tan eragr,of $56.05. During the first ten days last year 93,812,592 pounds had averaged , 153.85.. ,.. ' Around halt of, the grade aver. ' ages were lower. Losses generally J . amounted to "11.00 and . 82.00 per hundred pounds. Several Mattered County For 1954-55 Ingram, Mrs. Mattie W. Sadler. High School Mrs.: Carolyn G. Outlaw, Home Economics, Mrs. Faye Q. Williams, Business Education it English, Mrs. Martha-: G. Brinson, Science and Math, Mrs. Pearl C. McGowen, English and French, Mr. WiUard H, Helton, Social Studies and Coach, Mr. Paul Blizzard, Agri culture, Mr. Z. W. Frazelle, Math and Principal. Warmw Elementary First . Miss Maggie Bowden.Mlss Nora Blackmore, Mrs. Magdalene Standi; Second - Mrs. Lena Carlton, Miss Nell Bowden; Third Miss Lenora Womack, Mrs. Martha Buck; Fourth - Mrs. Rose Hollingsworth, Mrs. Betty Helton; Fifth . Mrs. Alice Holland, Mrl Joanne Best; Sixth Mrs. Edna Mc Lamb, Mrs. Mary Lee Jones; Sev enth - Mrs. Madeline Smith; Sev enth & Eighth - Mrs. Estelle Peirce; Eighth - Mrs. Mary Farrior; Piano - Mrs. Nell Middleton. ' High School French and English - Miss Mary Lou Wilkins; English - Continued On Back NOTICE The Rev. Otis Ridge, Charge Lay Leader of the Duplin Charge and also a local preacher in the Meth odist Church will be the guest speaker at the Kenansville Metho dist church this Sunday morning, September 5th, at the 11:00 worship service. Mr. Ridge will occupy the pulpit, while the pastor, Rev. J. G. White, is on vacation. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend. Help Us During the past two months the Kenansville Fire Department has been kept busy answering fire calls of various kinds. These men are do ing as good a job as might be ex pected of them for the kinds of fires to which they have been cal led. They have been most unselfish in response and activity and have spent considerable lime and affort for community service. Firefighting at its best and simplest is a haz ardous occupation no one sees it more clearly than do those who have gone through the process. The laws of the state and common sense require all bystanders to stay out of the way of firemen and equip ment. On last Sunday night, as on sev eral previous occasions, the people were most uncooperative in this matter and added a greater hazard to the fire service. The blocking of a road by more than a score of ve hicles not belonging to firemen pre vented firemen from' driving to the cene of the fire and also prevented .he withdrawal of fire apparatus from the scene of the fire for near ly a half hour. During all that time equipment and personnel were tied up so that they could not have re sponded to any other call that might have been received. Also, if i firemi an had been injured he zould not have been taken to a doctor or hospital in that time. The Fire Department does not wish to seem to be stepping out-of- bounds, but in this matter it is law that the officials of a fire depart- mbent can indict any person or per sons who get in the way, who fail to yield right-of-way to sirens or red lights, and who block drives or. roads thereby preventing freedom of movement of fire apparatus. It is a violation of law for an outsid er to follow a fire truck in response to a fire. We trust that in the future we shall not have this trouble. How ever, if anyone should cause any of the above to happen, consider y r- self under arrest. The officers of the Fire Department are authorized and will present bill or ticket of indictment. Please cooperate that these measures shall not be nec essary. Help us to help you save your life and property.. rt grades showed similar gains. Most offerings were bringing from $5.00 to $10.00 above' their Government loan rates.!,' However; several bet ter quality -grades were even with or only slightly above their sup port. The percentage of leaf offerings showed a sharp Increase, Primings and lugs decreased in proportion. The ration of nondescript offerings was smaller. Bulk of marketings consisted Of tov and fair leat low tj. good prtjiig)jr andJarand food ;: Receipts jrn anVJe, vernnjent ioaii jq jUie'biifeatin' Corpora round f of gross, sale Seaaorf a liveries also approimately B. , - Stocks of Cue-cured tobacco own ed by dealers and manufacturers on July 1,: 1964 totaled 1,915,122,000 pounds farm-sales weight). This was an Increase over the 1,851,927 000 pounds held year earlier. n HuHin Wreck . A Chevrolet truck owned andop erated by Mr. D. W. Smith of Pink Hill and 'B Pontiac car, driven by Raymond Tomer, Jr., of Albertson colUded'V In . front of the Smith home abott 10:00 p. m. Saturday. Returnmgv.from a fishing trip to the coast, Mr. Smith was turning In to the driveway at his home when the accident occurred. JohnnWllliams of Pink Hill, Route 2,o:. occupant of the Turner, car was the pnly one who was seri ously .injured, ! but both car and truck "weti Complete wrecks, , . Warsaw Farmers DaySept. 12 .'.The 'annual Farmer's Day in War sawsponsored by the Rotary Club, will be hedl September 12, this is the sixth'' annual farmer's celebra tion. E. C. Thompson will be mast er of Ceremonies. Written invita tions only. Dean Colvard will be the principal speaker. Be Ye Kind To , v. LV VV' ' Being ' kind to dumb animals is a might1 tiA4; way for any one to be but (t 'ian ause a "stink" at times. Such' was the case with Dr. C. F. Hawes of Rose Hill. WO will begin by saying that Dr. Hawes has , all kinds of considera tion' for V.aftlinels and reptiles as well as huajansi One day recently he was ridihg along the .highway when he spotted a turtle creeping along. Being humanitarian Dr. Hawes picked np the turtle and put him in the car, with the intention of providing the reptile with a home; Being very busy man, the turtle was - forgotten- until a few days Utefhen iad odor was de tected ut the' car by Mrs. Hawes. K car 1vas .taken to Faircloths ige wrherethe seats were re moved, Btvf (lpon the removal of part 66'ttiilpholstery, in the back of ', the Wlere was the turtle "dead, 9 a floor nail." It just goes to prove' that creatures as slow as turtles can make a quick get away. SAFETY PROGRAM County Law Officers will be on the alert,, over the Holiday weekend with checking stations all over' the county. There will be electrical speed checking devices and radars at these stations with a pafrpInuuK to answer any ques tions':' travelers would like to ask pertaining to motor vehicle law or any' other questions. Tjiere will be a .wrecked car at each station,, that,' someone has been seriously injured in to remind travelers that it could be anyone. Let's all strive to make Duplin County, Fatality Free over the Holiday weekend. ft, ,.,,'.'. 'i : "A mmm Receiving the tribute ci raUful tuUon this Labor Day are the million ot America's writers Infill nM tobrop, outdoor, office or shop, above the) ground, on the ground and under the ground. All combine to make America theworlds creates MtlM apd land of opportunity for all working man and women. In union with the entire country, we offer our "ThanM. o rnn IV W X I If ! -V "V. I 1 ! .Mi ' ' i I , ' ! ' I I I t 1 ocuv. Methodist Men Duplin Charge Get ii Refusal To Sell Watermelons Ends In Fight Leo Middleton of Kenansville and Mayo Pickett, both colored, of Chinquapin, were jailed early Wed nesday morning, for assault with a deadly weapon on J. A. Alphin, white which took place late Tues day evening. Middleton and Pickett went to the Alphin home, whith is located a bout three miles northwest of Ken ansville,.. on(Tuesday. . evfnuig to buy some watermelons. Upon their request for the melons, Alphin told them he did not want to go to the field for them. Middleton insist ed and began using proface lan guage while in the presence of Al phin's wife. Alphin asked them to leave and after their refusal, Al phin struck at Middleton and Mid dleton began cutting Alphin with a pocket knife, inflicting injuries to Alphins arm which required medi cal mention. During the fracas Pickett left the car, they were riding in and be came involved in a fight with Rob ert Alnhin, J. A. s biother. Middleton left the scene but Pickett remained in the car in Al phin's yard, until Wednesday morn ing when he was arrested by dep uties W. O. Houston and Shiver. Middleton Was arrested at his home. Both men were lodged in jail but ...oro roleised under bond. Middle ton is out under a $1000 bond and Pickett was released under $500 biuid. I . ' I i , , MM '-' I , III I t ill I 11 111 JV17, u u uv IV :.r 1 The Methodist Men of the Dup lin ' charge received their charter from the General Board of Lay Ac tivities at their charter night ban quctvheld in Kenansville, August 9th. The club, organized last May, observed the occasion by inviting their wives to the banquet. There were approximately 37 present, meal was served by the W. S. C. S. of the local Kenansville Metho dist Church. The pastor, Rev. J. G. White, presented the charter to the president, Charles H. Holland, Jr., In the absence of the district lay leader. The Methodist Men's organization is a national organization of Lay men i nthe Methodst church who have organized themselves to pro mote the general program of the -church. TK&db TSctNes" of "Methodist men are: To seek daily Christ's (Continued On Back) 13-Year-0ld Youth Shot In Argument Sheriff Miller's department re ported a shooting near the Charity crossroads section Sunday at 4 p. m. . Negro youth. Vcrzona Chaste;!. 13, was shot in the stomach by Role.nd Dixon, a 12-year-old Negro boy, after an argument. Chasten died before he reached the hospital. Chasten, son of Butler Chasten, and Leo Spieer is reported to have chased Dixon to his home where Dixon grabbed a shotun with no stock and fired away. The coroner reported that the case will be turned over to Juvenile Court. m , 1 . i '. "MlMIIIIMM III III I I I 7? U Briefs Mrs. Dixon Guthrie has resigned her place as town clerk. Dr. John Powers, popular public health officer, is vacationing this week. Annual check-up for midwives was held on Friday of last week. Fifteen were present for informa tion and check up. Dr. B. M. Drake, assistant direct or of local health division and Dr. Groean of the State Board of Health, Raleigh, lectured the mid wives on care and child birth. Miss Jo Anna Longacres, nutritionist al so lectured to the midwives. Beginning at 12:30 Dr. Willis con ducts a clinic for babies on every fourth Thursday. Last Thursday there were thirteen mothers and nine babies examined. J The Health Department is assem bling first aid boxes for all county schools, both colored and white. They have also prepared school health calendars for every teacher in the county. These give monthly information on chllds health and care. Thanks State College of Agriculture and Engineering of the University of North Carolina School of Agriculture Department of Information Office of the Editor August 26, 1954 Mr. J. Robert Grady, Editor The Duplin Times Kenansville, N. C. pear Mr. Grady: Just a note to express to you my congratulations on the editorial con tent and the general make-up and ippearance of your special tobacco 3dition issued Thursday, August 12. You certainly have done a good ob and I not only congratulate you on the excellent material included in the issue, but also on the fine idvertising support given you by your local business organizations. We are always happy in this of fice to cooperate with you in the )i esent:it:on of pertinent farm in 'orrruition to your readers, and we :rpreci:iti the wonderful support ou have always given us. Sincerely. F. H. Jeter, Editor NOTICE Honorable Judge Clawson Wil liams has declared that court will not convene on September 6, 1954, due to the Labor Day holiday. All cases calendared for Monday will be tried on Tuesday, Sep tember 7, at the Kenansville Court House. XJUU ; Wallace Drive-In FIRE DESTROYS .. Saturday night, August 28, fire completely destroyed the projec tion booth at the Wallace Drive-In Theatre. E. C. Sanderson, owner and operator of the Drive-In announces that plans are underway for the immediate restoration and he hopes that the theatre will soon reopen. The loss included three prints of the special feature "River of No Return" which was scheduled to show Sunday, Monday and Tues day The loss was not covered by in surance. Watch this paper for notice of the reopening. Harper Reunion v Saturday, Deep Run The annual Harper reunion, will be held Saturday, September 4, 1954, at the Deep Run School, Deep Run, N. C.'AU the descendants of Warren Harper, Simpson Harper, Jesse Harper, Blagkledge Harper, Wendell Harper, Frank Harper, Bright Harper, Bob Harper, Tom Harper, Blaney Harper, Cornelius Harper, Zack Harper, or their rel- i !..-- J u.. : , atives are coruiany mvucu m u. nig a picinic basket and attend this fourth annual reunion. The morn- ing program, wmcn win oegin ai 10:00 a. m. will, include a talent program by members of the clan. A special treat to be enjoyed is the "4-H'ers," a male quartet which has appeared on several radio and TV programs. Members of the quar tet are Wendell Harper, Everette Harper, William "Sonny" Harper, and Clarence Humphrey.' Also in cluded, will be a .reading by Fran Continued On Back ' Ralph Wellons Dr. Ralph D. Wellons. Governor of the 279th District of Rotary In ternational, who addressed the Warsaw Rotary Club Thursday, and conferred w.m President Arthur M. B 'nton and Secretary, Alton W. Greenlaw' and committee chairmen in Rotary Administration and ser vice activities, and plans for the participation by the Rotary Club of Newport in the world-wide obser vance of Rotary's Golden Anniver sary, February 23-June 2. (Story on Warsaw Page.) Wreck Toll Heavy In Week - No Deaths: Patrolmen were busy over the weekend investigating wrecks ov er most of the county. Friday night David (Slick) Mur phy, 29-year-old white man of Route 2, Rose Hijl was traveling 1 mile eas of Teachey at an excessive speed on curve and slippery road lost control of the 1952 Plymouth that he was driving and suffered a fractured left arm and lacerations. He was carried to Dr. C. F. Hawes office at Rose Hill for treatment and liter removed to Veterans Hospital at Fayetteville. No charges were preferred. Damages to car were es timated at $400. Saturday afternoon Raymond Lee Batts, 24-year-old colored man of Rose Hill stopped at the intersec tion of Lake . Tut Road and Rose Hill Street when a vehicle driven by David Llbyd Brinson, 29-year-old colored ' man ' of ' Kenansville, traveling eafct stopped at stop, sign at intersection,' attempted, to make a right turn with -excessive; speed,. Skidded Into front .' -of Baits ;s. Brinson left Aha seehj of the acci dent but surrendered Tuesday. He was charged with eareless and reck less driving "and no operators li cense. Damages estimated to each car was $35.: '.'. ?)';';," John Walfordi Jr ot Kewport driving 18U Plymouth Sunday af ternoon on .highway 41 west of Wal lace at Coiwell Smith's home lost s name v gGj'3 Judge Villiams Presiding Criminal Court Term Bessie Mae Tann, received a ver dict of murder in the second degree and was sentenced to not less than 15 and not more than 20 years in State Prison by Judge Clawson L. Williams in a Superior Court term this week. Bessie Mae pleaded nolo conten dre to the murder charge brought against her in the death of her com mon law husband, Matthew James Cobb. Bertis Fussell, charged with mis treatment of a prisoner, the court ordered the case be nol prosed. The Solicitor announced in open court that he had investigated the evidence and had also tried the case of the State versus Robert Mer ritt, the prisoner alleged to have been mistreated and that upon the information gathered, he felt that the action should be dismissed. Cecil Basden, plead guilty to breaking, entering and larceny, was sentenced to not K .;s thn 4 and not more than 6 yea. s in Ltate Pri son. Basden also plead guilt to car rying a concealed weapon, another charge, and was sentenced to J1 ..... . . .... .: - morons en .tne roass, ins sentencer imposed to Mgin at th eJfpiratida 0f the breaking, entering and laf ceny. The sentence in this case to be suspended on condition that he violate no laws, state or federal and on further condition that the defendant is not to possess or own of the condition of the suspension a pistol at any time, or on violation, that he would have to serve the sentence in this case. George Henry Sim.uons, received a sentence of not less than 2 and not more than 3 years in State Pri? son on a forgery charge. On a sep arate charge to assault with a dead ly weapon, Simmons plead guilty to the charge and was sentenced to two years on the roads. Sentence to run concurrent with sentence im posed on the forgery count. Piayer tor judgment was contin. ued upon payment of court costs for J. D. Alphin for forcibie trespass. Tom i'vvri'tt, was sntenced to ct It's than 4 and not more than 6 years in State Prison for fogry. i non suppoit charre and was sent jneed tj t; tTwr.liis on the roads, C ha :i" Boiwy. plead gu'.lty to e:::e ice tu:;ienaed on condition that no pay ti.e court cost, pay aoc 'o; bill m;l pjy 515 per month for benefit of chil Florei.re Worrell, charged with restitution and bad conduct, the ourt directed a verdict of not guil ty. Edgar Tyler, plead guilty to pos session of whiskey for the purnose of sale, was given 18 months on the roads. Sentence suspended up' n the payment of $200 fine and cosv. Ada Mae Everett received a sen tence of 12 months in iail for lar ceny from a person. The sentence was suspended on payment of cost and defendant placed on probation- Leroy Lanier, plead guilty to store breaking and larceny, receiv- (Continued On Back) Duplin Last Several Injuries control of his car skidded on wet pavement and turned over. Dam age approximately $350. No charges were preferred. About 7:45 Sunday night Miss. Dorothy Casey, white, of Route. 1, Dudley, was traveling north on a 1953 Chevrolet at intersection of highway 117 and Charity Crossroads when a car driven by Theodore Roosevelt Boney, coldred, of Route Rose Hill came to intersection 11? and stopped and as car driven by Miss Casey came into intersec tion the car driven by Boney pulled out into 117 in front ot her. Mis Casey's car was damaged approxi mately $500 with Boney's damages estimated at $450. Miss Casey suf fered injured right leg and bruised chest and head. Boney fled from, scene ot accident and was charged with hit and run, careless and reck less drtvlngHe. surrendered about midnight Sunday and.' was released on bond.' i?.?":.-: ..--:"''.. '-::-'i:- , Aboitijl:4o Sunday night on high way lltt the South stop light uti Rose Hn a car driven by Graham Aubrey pope, 20-year-old white mast ot v Wallace, had stopped ' for that light when a car driven by Murrey TyndalL white of Corona, N. T , came up to the rear and hit FopeTsi car, Tyndall was charged with faitw ing to give right of way and releaa ed Monday,' J -lotti, . 3 t 1 V