5 , S ' ' V V J i vy ,. ' r W ' ' .... - i ir i ir umLiililii' ' " ' ' 1 - ' ' ., . . j ' ..J..L. i r a in - - iii" - i " ' 1 " ' , . ' ... UUIO i'i lias!.?! -,.t:J Tv;o Sections A: 1 1 -yg it v ' v f : ydL, fei, no, 36 TU ! SECTldN ' ONE i KENANSVlLLE,4 NORTH CAROLINA7 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1954 c atie h-oo ntride thtotrwun n. a sm mtUt, n. c. ' l PRICE TEN CENTS 1 A Lcccl Ciiizen r i- Out f.' HI 0 1 .1 Z .?:- . ;yjori qroiim Th motto thai . fa.sa mU. but uyi bo much.: What bai happen, a tot that interested group oi.jruen arid wottieW Who met with,. th. Carolina Power" Compai . n'i representatlyt .and 'enjoyed : .such, delicious dinner? . i. ' .Could U b that big-thingi are to -the-making and the "next three i n anths they wtU'irmade known? , A 1 the riner Carolina jreports that lii ve been puBlishfed, 1 Kenansville liis not bjeent among, them,' With t s new cleaner establishment the ; sc ut hut; hex several .new home to say nothing of the almost com. pi ted buindirigs that are county ,,vf de projectWhat''happened? nd have you poticed . lately how W ill. th1 streets' are beginning to -lo ik? With tHe back to school slo ga ni, fresh as yet,.the.aidetyalks have taken on that I'Bacfc to SchooJV' took J wtm weeos ana grasses.. brimmed and -cuLA town can be- no ifiner : thin: the people in it, or7 no more . attractive than the people make it! ,Xm'if gef ,bucyl L4' , bririg tten . anville out to the front and win i iiition J 1 ! A CITIZEN, i.vi ,' av iiiiion J ( ! A C m Diipltn IbUSAF tew J xM Sonowing Duplin County men were enlisted in the Air Force by Sgffc. H. Allen local Air Force Re cruiting Sgt ! , James W. Mallard', route 1, Beula ville; Vasoo Futtral, route 2, Pink Hilll Nance G. Thomas, Kenansville; George T. Batchelor, Magnolia; Os- car Lf Riveabark. Wallace; George H. BrowWaflaceyChVletKHaft were all gent tb Lackland Air Force Base:' Texas, While in Texas they " .-..itl tt..i.. .tt...t .&'l.t ana sangnmem w jww vc una Mr Foie ioo. Sgt Allen can A auct Oh- itactad te .Kenamville ' en at -the Cooraiouse and tn Tuesday', at the Pott , ' v. u Rifco to-help any young men or ladles that want in lormation about the Air Force, ' " Marriage Licenses Issued In August James Donald Lester,- Lansing, MichigahJulia Dean Kennedy, Beu laville, N. C; James Edwards Wells, Sit, Olive, N. C Alma Jean Whit Held, Mt Olive, N. C; Randall Al bertson, Rt I," Beulaville, N. C -Annie Bruce Grady, Rt, 1, Ml Olive, N. C; Lauchlin Alexander Bethuna, Clinton, N. C. . Evelyn DeLeon Fussell, Rose Hili N. Ci Jackson Barham, Carthage, Mo. Shirley Gray Cockrell, Warsawk . C4 Jms R. Syket, Rt. 2, Wallace, V. C Martha Jean Wells, Wallace, N. C; Charles Jloward -Matthews, Cumberland Co.V-Ada Mterlyn Xing, t. WallacSf N. r'C.Vi wd Hampton Cooper, Raleigh" N. C.--Mary Sue Burch, ICewuksville, N. C.; Charles JuUan Coker, QHvi N.-.C-V Ruby tee Sullivan, Mt Olive, N. C, t . " COLORED: ' 'V ' ' Jamea Hjurrison'LeeV Magnolia, N. C Ullle Pearl IjenneU, Rose Hill K. C; David Moor. Jr, Rt X Kenansville, N. C Viola Boykln, RFD, Faisoa, N. - I Arls&CritislIDC Lesders V AO the arts and crafts leaders of the twenty-eight Home Dfcmon atratloh Club of Duplin County are expected to attend and receive train ing in "Making Hboked "Kug" n Wednesday, afternoon, September 29th, at 2.00 p. m, in ;tb Masonic Lodge Building, Kenansville, Miss Rose El wood Bryan, extension spe cialist of North Carolina State Col lege, will train the leader, wh will give the training to dull Members at the November , Oub . meetings. Afl leaden are urged to attend.. , ' tMZft BONXT KOCBZIX t ScW Boche1i"a Js died' , ,vm f up mm mm ninni WUlard after a Ulnese ef the jpn Ave years. "..(..' I .neral service were, held fcem TVo'lle Free Will Baptist OufJi T. '-y ar:reen at 3:00 o'clock y l Samuel Grime of Wallace. I .t'.aerrwa in" tTe '" 1 cetp. t y. . h ' K is' survived by hi wife, tie t rn;SiiM-Tis"" of Willard, f" sons Cennie Kocbell of !"oa r s I . r! "s, Hubert RocheU ef the I Ri rewtry Eochell of 171U 1 C i -r I-,, f--"t ci ..J Le Sit-craua.u;Jea. T riAKVbaitK rut ikuc ur wuL5 uonaia acnucKer, ngni, state supervisor oiinefenn- t yl vania Council of Churches, turns over "Pennsylvania Harvester No. 2,1' a station wagon equipped with portable altar and organ, to Chaplain Joseph Lopez, of New York City, in Adams County, Pa. The "harvester," 19 of which are already operating In 25 states, are designed to bring spiritual ' '' -' - , comfort to migrant farm workers. . yvVit w v Annual 4-H Poultry 7 Aaristont Ciwty Agent f-Tbe Dunlin Countw 4-H dubs plan to hold their annual 4-H Club poultry show and sale at the Agri cultural. Building in Kenansville at 30 a? m. on September. 18. ' There -will b H flocks; of pul lets competing for iWOJBB prize mon ey. TJwse boys and girls received their thicks last Jpring through the 4-H club poultry chain-' sponsored r4jrflMrltosbuck Fbuftdattori.Each club members received 100 day old chicks. These chicks were U. S: Cer tified Parmenter Beds. ,. When the club member received their chickens they 'agreed ia grow Oie munder the best possible rec- ommendtd practices, and to retur ro,",e " "i" Ior lne laM Pullets to hp rfd auction. i;wns $2.40-per hrc,? f , , 2nil AiinuahJunipl: r k a mb. :m m V And Sale Be Held Here On 15th ' y' E. JL "SIMPSON -fi Aslatasrt stfy Agemti.; ; The Second Annual Wallace, Jun ior Xobaccrf Show and Sal will be held in the Blanchard-Farrior Ware house in Wallace on' September 15th, and Kith. : . This is the second such show ever held in this area of North Carolina. The entrants are all young boys "and girls of school age and are mem bers of the 4-H F. F. A. or N. F. A. Clubs. These boys and girls select ed tobacco as their club project last3tear and this show and sale represents a climax of their pro ject work. The purpose of this project is to teach young North Carolina Farm ers how to grow a quality tobacco and present a more attractive pro duct on the warehouse floor. The presentation of an attractive pro duct is. stressed more than quality tobacco, becsuse ; North Carolina Farmers' have a habit of producing quality tobacco, but still have a long way to go in learning to present td tt buyers art ' attractive, and well sorted tobacco. We hope that Dr. Hoffman To Lead Dir. Arnold Hoffman, music sup rvisoMf the N. C. Dept. of Public Inttructloiv Raleigh, will lead a workshlp on ' Rural Church Music for all who are interested in im proving worship : services in the churches of Duplin County. This workshop on Banal Cbmefa Music ; 1. 1 .te'-noon, October 3. at three O'clock In the Kenansville High School Auditorium, Kenansville. Dr.: Hoffman's appearance in the .. '':. 13 Men lnducled,Augail26 The local Draft Board has recely - ?d the. October, call for induction ur jgni men xinuccooer u ana Or thirty seven men for physical on pctober t, nj, ' A i The toUewing list ef men were in lucted at. Raleigh on August 26: Earl Gray' Stuart, white, Teachey; Joe Richard Maready, white. Chin, quspin; Hubert. Zarl Bowden, col ored, Magnolia; Berneil Gooding Milleri white," Beulaville: 1 Emery . The chairroan. i with the committee, met at the oltureh, Monoajr night complete plans for the Homecoming t the Cs'tjo Pres yterian Church, $epw tender 19l Tite-, (allowing art en the committed i - '. 4 r- , l--isly .Mr., -d-t : I. Jart" s. .:r. C-e, Atii. tlaiXuiaite Laa bert and Mr. Hmry C, Albrittoo. rinaaee Ed Lewis, -M. JLam bxi, Tvrt"-e! Goodrich. .x - Grounds H. M. Sutton," Mack FroiJ'.iunt Arthur Davis, Robert VTatrs 1 , B, r'.- . " Davis, T. D. HoUeweU, KUat Mabel Shov And Sale mber 18th . The money that is obtained from this sale will go to sponsor this same poultry chain for 1955. The $100.00 . prize money' is not taken from the sale, but is given every year by the Sears Roebuck Founda tion. . ' ' ; This sale is open to the public ;and the 4-H clubs of this county urg es yon to attend this show, if it is possible and purchase a cage bf pul lets. It is also an excellent op portunity for the; citizens of this county to Obtain-aft excellent pro duct at a fairly reasonable price. The, auction 'win begin at 9:30 a. m., September 18. ; All the birds must be sold. They' will be sold in lots of 12, with the bidding taking place en, the price 7er bird. The Tobacco how through, the 'Junior Tobacco-Show and Sale and4hewdrk- UMNfJT; F.A:;and 31. F. A. Clubs that our farmers of tomorrow -win fee afble to compete with anyone in the orld when it comes to marketing ; In show this year is sponsored by the Blanchard-Farrior Ware house, Tobacco Associates and the North Carolina Extension Service of North Carolina State College. The prizes are very attractive and should stimulate every boy and girl in this county. They are: County Prizes, 1st $100.00 Bond; 2nd S75.00 Bnn'- 3H $50.00 . Bond; 4th $25.00 .Boqd; 5th $25.00" Bond.' State , Udzes .aise y5st $2004)0 Bond; 2nd $100.00 Bona; 3rd u.. Bond. The public is' invited to attend this Show and Sale. The tobacco will be on ihe Warehouse floor at 10 p. m. on Wednesday, Septem ber 15, and will be sold at 8:00 a. m. on septemner 10. Frizes wui De awarded to the entrants at 9:30 a. m. on September 16. L Workshop Oct. 3 county Is . being sponsored by the Home Demonstartion County Coun cil. : : ' All pastors of churches, pianists, choir; directors, choir members and any others who are, interested (both men and women) are cordially in vited to attend. There .will be no admission charge, but a silver of fering will be take feelp defray expenses of the meeting. Belmont Price, white. Wallace; Henry .. Aldrich Preeythe, r whltej Falson; Nathan . . Lewie Dudley, white, 'Ml Calypso; Willie Carrcll Branch, colored, Mt Olive; Frank lin Herbert " Chesfnutt, eolored. Magnolia; Leland James Brinson, white, Pink Hill; Elbert Jurl Batch, eler, white. Pink Hill: Jerry Mich, ael Fouta, white, Falson and Jesse Thomas Easter, , white, Chinquapin. taaahest, tin. JKobert Waert,-att. Sam Smelling and lira. C L. Sloan. History Mrs. Adrian Bell. Mrs, JV R. tlaxwell, lire. Leen . Flower end Mrs. Jem jpickjson.. -" ""'' reed-rs. Lela Kartin, Mrs. Ed Lewis; I -. t H. Sutton, Mrs. Paul C; '' . l'ary Cmeroa." I. u, ..- 1 1, t, H. B. CorMgay,' rja J j Grice and Mrs. P. B. Sloaa. . '. '.V 1 0v C ' Trogmm James Strickland, Rev. T. O. Eyrd, H. B. Kornegay, Mrs. J. B. Strickland, Mr. James Dick son. ti;V' ','t 4" u " , . ' nowersrllx.. H.. Jk-Koraecayi UnfEia Beit and Mr. Gordon Grice, j xi f''" , ... Methodist Revival MagnbliaSepH9-25 The pastor and membership of the ' Magnolia Methodist . Church have been busy over the past few weeks making plans for their re vival to be held Sept. 19-25. Plans call for the services to begin on Sunday night, September 19 and to continue through Sunday morning, September 25, with services begin ning at 7:45 each night. The pastor, Rev. J. G. White, will also be the preacher for the week long services. In addition to the messages each thee will also be a song sevice and night, there will also be a song ser vice and special choir music. Preparations for the -revival be-, gan on Sunday morning. August 22 when the pastor preached on "A Prayer For A Revival". At the close of this service "Prayer Convenant Cards" were signed by the member ship on which they pledged them selves to pray daily for the church, the pastor, and others outside the fellowship of the church. A second pledge service was heldi on Sun day -morning, August 29th when those inrt 'present for the-other service were given art opporttmitj roS'E0?!: 'CTTt one day ith the company. AU . CUUTI WM JElaauc m iwtc WUJ member of thJ congregation sign the Prayer Covenant Since then, weekly prayer meet ings have been held at the church each Tuesday night at 8:00 o'clock. During these services, the congre gation divided "themselves into small prayer 'groups, under he direction 6f a prayer leader, where they pra: ed for those on their individu al prayer list and also for the suc cess of the revival. The Commission On Member ship and Evangelism has also been busy securing the names of those in the community who have no church home. This has been done so the pastor and members of the church can -contact all in the com munity during and before the re vival about their church relation ship. An effort will be made to reach every unchurched family in the community. Publicity about the revival has also been directed to the communi ty by way of large posters, postal cards, and word of mouth invita tions. It is hoped that by tills extensive preparation and the prayers of the membership, that the revival will have a lasting and far reaching ef fect both in the church and the community. Remal Sept. 12-18 "'Wesley Methodist Church will hold their 1aU Tevival during the veek ef September 12-18 at their :hurch on the Kinston highway four nile outxkte mf Kenansville. Ser vices will . begin Sunday night the 12th and 'wm cenunue through Sunday night the tSth, with the pas tor, Rev. 4. C White, preacher for the week. Service will begin each night at 7:49 with a eone; service and special ehofir musle. The public is cordially Invited. The congregation has been held Lag special prayer meeting for the revival since, the first Friday night k-eptmbr during which special prayers were drectad fee these out side th fellowship ef the church. AJiatotaUthoMiathecemmunlty wbe have ae church Jtome has.als bees made, and an effort to bring them late the, fellowship of 'the church will be made be for and dur ing th tevival Postals have keen sent to an In the community an oeuaeing the revival services eleag with, poster pUced la . 'store throughout the communrty. It U hoped that these effort will bring about a lasting and far reach ing revival for the church and the eomnnwity. y, . ..T.VTT " "There were 'IBS associations en gaged in marketing fruits and veg etable in the South last year. -There tr M'tlau.Uterinf plants in North Carolina, utilizing 2,100 head ef beet animate week. MahVoiind In Weeds On EdgeMagnolid: Company "M" 1 1 9 th Inf ant ry-Varsaw Camps Af Fort McClellan, Ala. .Company 'HI" 119th Infantry., Warsaw's own National Guard unit has lust returned from one of its most successful summer camps un der Capt. Henry C. Merritt, The unit left , Warsaw at ; 11:50 p. m. August 15th and arrived at Fort McClellan, Ala in time for an 8:00 o'clock breakfast Monday morning. The first week was spent on the various ranges of the camp (Ml rifle, 30 cal. Machine gun, 81MM Mortar, and 75MM Recoiless Rifle). "M" Company had 100 gualifica tion of its men on all ranges ex cept the Ml Rifle range. The weekend was highlighted by the arriva) of Billy Graham, noted evangelist, and his service held on Saturday night. Estimated attend ance of this meeting was over twenty thousand. Lt. H. C. Allen taught a Sunday School lesson the following morning which was so well attended by the men from Company "M" that the Regimental Chapalin commented on it during his regular Sunday morning ser vice. The men of the 30th Division moved into the field to spend their second week. Pup tents were set up, field kitchens erected, and la trines dug Monday morning. In the afternoon a demonstration of tanks and infantry in the attack was presented to the division by its own components. During this summer camp some thirty odd members of the North Carolina Senate and House accepted invitations to visit the Division dur ing its stay in the field -and observe first hand Just what the National Guard was accomplishing. Company "M" was very fortunate in having as its guest Rep. Carl V. Venters eating breakfast and dinner with the men before being flown back to North Carolina by the Air Na tional Guard. All of these men ex pressed their amazement at the state of training the Guard has achieved with its limited drill schedule. The following two days were uti lized by "M" Co. to run Platoon oroblems prepared by the platoon leaders, Lt. H. C. Allen Machine gun, It. George C. Kornegay 81MM Mortar, Lt. Raymond Rivanbark 75MM Rifle. These problems were so well prepared and executed that Company "M" won the Batallion training award as having the best training within the Batallion dur ing the 1954 encampment The remaining days were spent preparing to return home. Beds and mattresses had to be turned in, buildings scrubbed, windows wash ed, areas policed, but finally train time arrived and the company was loaded and returned to home sta tion .safely. .Warsaw has reason to be proud of her men for no other company in the third Batallion can boast of their record over the " past four years. With Captain Henry C, "Mer ritt commanding during this period Company "M" has compiled a rec ord of three Superior ratings and one Excellent They have never been TVted as merely Satisfactory. Young men who join the National Guard before they are 18Vi years of age cannot be drafted. Corrapany "M" now has room for several men who wish to serve their country and help to KEEP TOUR GUARD UP. fire Department tjels Resuscitator tV ' .Recently the Kenansville Fire De partment received an Emerson Res uscitator This la one of the most valuable pieces of life saving equip ment that a rescue squad can have. Its two tanks at oxygen and mech anism can aeiform many service. It can administer perfect artificial respiration, provide oxygen for alra ple respiratory , , and can re move mucus and ether jeeetructlve fluids from th sir passages through a catheter. Among Its many uses are treatment far respiratory failure deriving frees, smoke miffocatiea, electrte shock,' heart failure, pot- industrial accident,' drowning, gas poisoning, drug poisoning, asphyxia of newborn babies, hospital emer genctes, neighborhood accident, and first aid tor polie. This Is the enly such equipment known la the coun. ty or between KusJisvilld and Wilmington. Tnera will be ae charge lo the cttiMns of Kenansville aad the enly charge elsewhere would be for the amount ef oxygen used. This is one further stop toward the. real izalion at aeon:;Jete Er and emer gency service by Umi . Kenansville Flr Department Four Injured In Sunday Wreck Four people were seriously in jured when an auto in which they were riding went out of control and turned over last Sunday morning about 9:15 and the four and a small baby were enrouted from Bliz zard's Crossroads to Albertson Chapel church for services. The wreck occurred between Blizzard's Crossroads and Blizzard's Mill in Glisson Township. Mrs. Myrtle Hardy, age 50, was driving a 1950 DeSoto and Mrs. Marie Antwine, agen 21,. sitting in the front seat with her holding her small baby. Mrs. Glennie Blizzard, age 71 and Mr. James Allen Hardy, age 76 were in the back seat. The report said the driver reached ov er to shade the sun from the baby's face when the car went out of con trol. Officers said it traveled 288 feet on the left shoulder then trav eled 57 feet across the road to the right shoulder then traveled 90 feet on the right shoulder turning over and stopping top side down. They were all carried to a Kinston hos pital. Mrs. Blizzard suffered 7 broken ribs and is reported doing fair. Mrs. Antwine was later carried to Duke Hospital where she was suffering a crushed paw and all bottom teeth knocked out Mr. Hardy was sent to Duke with a dislocated hip and 3 broken ribs. Mrs. James Hardy, the driver, suffered abraisions on the forehead and a small wound on her right leg.. The baby was unhurt. McArthur - Powell Reunion August 29 The McArthur-Powell Clan met at Williams' Lake Sunday, August 29, lor their second annual reun ion. Miss Annie Kate Powell was in charge of registration, beginning at 11:00 o'clock. At 12:30 a bountiful lunch was spread on picnic tables beside the lake. After lunch the meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Kathleen Powell Snyder. The Rev. David Bascom Nicholson III, of Athens, Ga conducted devo tions. Miss Myrtle Peterson gave a cordial welcome, in rhyme. A beautiful tribute was given to Oscar P. McArthur by his good friend. Dr. O. L. Parker. Then the group stood for a moment of silence in memory of Mr. McArthur and other relatives who had died since last year. The historian asked for Oie names of newlyweds, and for recent births. Two marriages and Id births were reported. The oldest rermher fee sent was Mrs. J. A. McArthur; the youngest, Patricia Kay Poole. For the program a historical sketch, written by Mrs. Martha Elizabeth McArthur James, , was read by Mrs. R. A. McCuUea, her granddaughter. This was followed by special anecdotes onmefming the family and - the' history ef their lives and loves. James H. Register reported for the nominating committee the fol lowing slate of officers for 1SB4-95, which were unanimously elected: President, & J. WUHamson; vice president. Myrtle . Peterson; secre tary, Edith Rose; treasurer, Undell A. Powell; Reporter, L O. Wilker- son.. - ! ' . A rising vote of thanks was giv en Mr. and Mrs. Clayton William for their generous hospitality. The group voted to meet at Halt Lake aext year, on August 38, with the A. W. Blaaehards as beets, . 128 guests registered tor this, de lightful Friendship Church !witoCcniirj Sp 19 Homecoming day will be neld at TieadabiD Methodist Church. Sun day. September tth, b-&ning with, Sunday School at 40:99 o'clock felt lowed'by worship services at if: Plenie lunch wa be served on ground at l.-M o'clock.. . iBev.l Xay Goodwin, former tr will be the speaker at the . ternooa worship which will be at 30 o'tlock. 1 , -1, All termer pastors, past and pre sent members and friend of the church are Invited to come. Brkfs .. .. Never can we toll just Which part of our anatomy ef our clothes to have insured, so therefoce.lt pays to be insured from, head to toe, and clothe from inside to out Yesterday in KenansviAe cer tain party off ered to take another party home in their pick up truck. This was Just fine except for "the fact that one ef 'the parties was In a hurry to get home to dress f t a funeral. Due to the rush, the driver turned Into the drive way in a quick hurry, the door flew open, and the party landed on the extreme port of his anat omy right in the middle at the highway and did quite, a bit of skidding. Seeing an approaching car on the highway there was the necessity to hurry but due to the absence of his pants In the rear, it took quite a bit of ma neuvering to get off of the high way in time and at the same time keep his bottom covered. Imag ine his predicament . ' Still we say It b best to be covered with insurance, for one never knows where fate might deal Its hardest blow. ' ' TWILITE IS OPEN The Twilite Drive-In; ' Theatre opened last Saturday night,' after several weeks of (eing closed due to fire and wind damage. Mr. Lanier has installed new equipment and also is equipped to show cin emascope pictures. Mr. Lanier has many good pictures booked for the fall and invites you to come visit him. BOB SHEPPARD AT MAYO R. E. (Bob) Sheppard, prominent Kinston tobacconist and native of Duplin who has. been on the sick list for the past, tew weeks, ia at Rochester, Minn., where he is un dergoing examinations and treat ment at the Mayo : Clinic. Latest word from Rochester this week was that he was awaiting consultations rf'.-tm to ascertain wheth- lasr he would undergo surgery. H. A. SMITH H. A. Smith, son of Albertson and trained radio and television ex pert service man has opened a ser vice shop in the Holt-Simmons store building here. Mr. Smith comes to Kenansville well recom mended to service any model. HAS IT BEEN HOT? We dont know II th weather man has made an official record in Duplin this week but we take it he has as other sections of the state with accurate records say the heat has broken aQ records tor the time of year. In KenansviDe the therm ometer in the sua registered 108 at 11 s. m. Sunday; 107 at 11 a. m. Monday and 110 deigrees in the sun eft 91 o Tuesday. These are the same thermometer readings. CIDIET HOLIDAY County officers and patrolmen re port they are well pleased with the showing of 3huplin County over the Labor Day weekend. No deaths wee recorded and not but one seri ous adederrt. Prominsnt Local Man! Buried Here George Franklin Brown, 68, of KesansviUe, adied in N. C Memori al Hospital, Chapel Hill, Monday at 12:45 pi-m.. Funeral services were held at, Grove Presbyterian Church at 4:30 p. m. Wednesday. The Rev. Lauren Sharpe, pastor of Kenans ville Baptiet Church, officiated. In terment wa In Golden Grove cem etery. Surviving are his wife, the tenner VerOe Baker ef pink H1U; two sons.Ceorg Randall and Shan non Douglas, both of the heme; toeor daughter, Mrs. & J. Smith, -Jr. ef NorWk, Va, Mrs. Walter R. Cook of Hampton, Va, Mrs. Paul Baker et KesmnsvOte and Ifattic Brown of Goldsbero; twa grand- cUldrea;,' . emt -breOter, Luther Brawn ef Celumbus, Ga. and Mrs, Nora Shaetfer of Kenansville. - t Active (pall betfntr were tvy Bowden. IX.- C. IMhercutt Faison McOowenJ leland BrasweU. John B. Hall and Ira Caison. Honorary nallbearerb were: Leo Jackson, c C Tyndafl, Ameg Brinson, ir. It Brinson, C VB. OrS-ensi- & A., (C. freosj; iB. AaI Boone, Edi Li ttieton and Dr. Good- ingj I ' IMMI i . Mr. Brown was bora lit Kenans- vUIe, eon (of the late Merrill ana ILucy Brtren. He had been employ. o oy torn suie oignway commusion tor the past 2S year. He was the tint person to be hired hers when the prlcco camp was fiat opened. A gruesome, orgy fight rnet coun- ty authorities yesterday morning, 1 according to Sheriff Miller; nothing t the like of which he has sver seen I before, he said, when he and core- t ner Gurman Powell -went to Mag- 1 nolia to investigate the repore of finding the f body, of a dead white man, , A In, the back yard, hidden in tall 1 bushes, was the decomposed, maggot eaien miay oz jnonrue jrayne, a year old white man. Sheriff Miller said maggots an inch long and morb were; eating the top part of the tori so from the upper chest, up hii throat and over his face to the fore heed' Coroner Powell, after investii gating, did not empanel a jury hut ordered the body buried immedi-j atelyi Quinn-McGowen Co. of Warj saw Was called and special equips ment :. was necessary to wrap the! body,! encase it in asbestos so it could', be handled t for immediate! burial In" the .Payne cemetery just outside Magnolia. v j The! story: Monroe Payne, unmar-j ried, Was living with his divorced brother "Cottonhead" Payne in a, house on the 'outskirts of Magnoliai "Cottonhead" told that on Sunday! morning Monroe was high as A Georgia Pine"".- Cottonhead fell. Off the porch and broke several ribs. Monroe, left the house. He had 'not been seen since until yesterday morning when his uncle 1 and a Whitehead Negro were in' the back yard of the hpme and smelted the odor. The Negro began looking' a round and found him in the weed. House' Break-In j Pollers H ill ' j Sheriff' Miller, reports, a breaj in near Potters Hill Monday morn ing. The sheriff s department, be ing helped bjrthe. S p. 1 ne ow tinuing the investigation and, toi date no arrests have been made. ' The story: Monday morning be tween' seven and 12 o'clock the home of Enoch F. Hall was entered by thieves tearing off the screen of a kitchen window. After gaining entrance they ransacked the house, opening trunks, suit cases, etc ap parently looking for money. Papers were scattered over the floor. The , - 1 aq only item missing was a uu ui u , j rifle bullets. In a trunk some loose j change was in a purse undistrubecL Some loose change was stolen. SBC ' agents George Kennedy and John ' B. Edwards of Kinston are assiUng "j in the investigation. No one was al i home at the time of the robbery. i S. E. Junior Dairy Fortlext Yeek !; The Southeastern Junior Dairy Cattle Show will be held in Wil mington, September 16 and 17, at Legion Stadium. The purpose of this show is to encourage young far mers to grow and care tor superior: dairy animals. - The program will feature a Ban quet on the night Of the 18th, with r the club members and their par ents attending. The Banquet will! be followed by an evening of enter- -tainment program. Duplin County will be represented in this show byr W. G Simmon, Remus Creel. Jr., Clayton Max Creel, and Stanley Berrell. f tit-- ' From Dublin' ,'- m 1 . r y " .The following men were inducted into' service at Raleigh on Septem ber T, Baymend Brown, whiter Chinquapin; lsli Elweod Willi am, white. Albertson; James Carl ten Rouse, white. Bee Hill: John Clayton Frederick; white, Warmw and Walter Daniel Beetle, white. Beulaville. f MAMMtnt W. Hat - Mr. HarriettW. Lee as si am Friday at ooonVat the'heine ef h.r the'heine of her em i-KLee Ik the recU Com he farocU Cem Ihaees, of, several. were conducted w munity after an Jltosss weeka.t-i .tl. , Funeral servioes trom the home Saturday afternoon atawi o-CIoca b Rev. W. R. Kn hedyt Burial followed in the Smith family Cemetery near Dean Rim- mum , m , nunna DT thrM ' anni John H. Lee of the hnmk Rtnk. rt W of Pmk Hill, i: A. Lee of OrifT ton, one daughter, Mrs. Mary JonuT , o skenansvui, ininy .eight' grand children, fifty two great-grandchil- dren aad one sister Mrs, Dora Cart- ' er of Kenansville. V

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