' " .VOL 91 . 'wn m Chinquapin PTA Make 1954-55 Plans A. business meeting of the Par. ent Teacher Association of Chin cjuapin High School met Monday night, September 6, 1954, tor the I purpose of malting plans for the ensaing year. The meeting was cal led to order by tae President, Mrs. Eugenia Dail. After Mr. R. L. Pru lt, our principal, led in prayer there was a general discussion concern ing the school program. The. following committees sub , mltted the goals they hope to at tain this year: Program Committee: Mrs. Ly dta Beece, Chairman, Mrs. Jane A. Albertson, Mr. Wilbur Willi ams, Mrs. Patricia Byrd, Mrs. Ty son Lanier, Mrs. Joe Williams. Membership Committee: Mrs. Elisabeth James, Chairman, Mrs. Leota Brinson, Mrs. Luvoise C. Landen, Miss Margaret Jackson, lira. Surry Williams, Mrs. Jack Al bertson. - Ways ic Means Committee: Miss Effer Pickett, Chairman, Mrs. Mary C. Sanderson, Mr. Woman Ayeock, Mrs. Jake Williams, Mr. Wood row Maready. Refreshment Committee: Miss Lou Jackson, Chairman, Miss Mary Q. Brown, Mrs.-Dorothy P. Mills, Mrs! Helen Brown, Mrs. Joe Pickett Publicity Committee: Mr. G. F. Landen, Chairman, Mrs. Hazel Brinson, Miss Eloise Turner, Mrs. Graham Raynor, Mrs. Bob Sloan, lira. Alma Junes School Grounds Beautification Committee: Mrs. Joel Barden, Chair man, Mrs. Ida M. Sanderson, Mr. W, P. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas, Mrs. Sam Beetle. School Interior Beautification Committee: Mrs. R. L. Fruit, Chair man, Miss Peggy Cox, Mr. R. L. Fruit, Mrs. O. Q. Lanier, Mrs. Dor othy Chipps. Halloween Festival Committee: Miss Pauline Wooten, Chairman, Mra. Blanche A Wood, Mr. Billy Register, Mr. J. E. Gregory. Typist: Mrs. Folly B. Thomas. The meeting adjourned with a prayer by Mr. Norman Ayeock, who is now employed at Chlnqus- "n as an eighth grade teacher. SECTION ONE KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, -SEPTEMBER 16, 1954 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.50 per year In Duplin and adjoining Counties; $4.00 outside this area in N. C; $5.00 outside N. C. Policy On Inspection And Rating Of Private Clubs, Churches Etc. PRICE TEN CENTS A number of questions have re cently been raised by local Sani tarians as to their authority to In spect and rate private clubs, such as, country clubs, Shrine clubs, Women's Clubs and other such es tablishments which are regularly or occasionally serving meals in con nection with club activities. The question had also been raised as to whether or not the State or local health department had legal au thority to enter such clubs for the purpose of making sanitary inspec tions. The question, therefore, was presented to the State Attorney General for his opinion as to wheth er or not such places were covered iy State Cafe Law and as to just what our authority would be in con nection with the inspection of such establishments. , I The following ordinance has been massed by the Board of Commis sioners of Beulaville to begin Sep tember 12, 1954: That all businesses operating in the Town limits of Beulaville shall -lose each Sunday morning during Church services (Sunday School and Preachirig) from " 10:00 a. . m. til 12:00 noon. All businesses not co-operating with said ordinance are subject to law. Passed by unanimous vote of all members of the Board of Commis- The Attorney General in studying sioners and Unproved this 17 day he specific act, which is General y1 August, IM, osfal Savings L Postal-savings deposits earn' in terest at the rate of 2 percent a year, except in the State of Mlssi stlppi, . where the present rate is 1V4 percent J. ' Postal-savings certificates in fixed denominations are issued as evidence 'of the deposit of money In a postal-savings account, and whenever possible a patron should accept a single certificate covering the amount of the deposit ' S. Deposits made before Septem ber: 1, 1954, will continue to earn simple interest until the certificates representing these deposits are sur rendered. 4. Interest will be compounded an nually1 on whole-dollar amounts on all deposits represented by postal savings certificates issued on or af ter September 1, 1954. 5. A Deposit made on anr day of a month begins to earn interest on the first day of the next succeeding month. . 8. When certificates are surrend ered between annual periods or for periods of less than 1 year, .simple 'interest will be allowed quarterly on deposits. . ' : 'f 7. A depositor may surrender , his postal-savings certificate at any . time for cash or for the collection '" of interest However, since inter est is compounded annually, it is advantageous to the depositor to re frain from surrendering his certifl 1 cater for withdrawal of interest If interest only is collected on surrend ered certificates, the deposit will not again begin to earn interest un til the first of the next month. 0, A depositor, if necessary; may , surrender his postal-savings certlfi cates at the office of issue without .; appearing in person if unable to do so because of Infirmity or other ' valid reasons. (Consult the postmas ter at the nearest postal-savings de positary post office.) 8. A depositor acknowledges the full payment of the amount stated i to postal-savings certificate and all Interest due on this amount at ' the time he signs bis name on the face of the certificate and surrend ers It to the office of issue. Statute 72-46, has this to say with regard to the t ype of establishments iver which the North Carolina State Board of Health has jurisdiction. "It seems to me that the type of establishment over which the North Carolina State Board of Health lias urisdictien is limited to those es--ibl'shments who serve the public in general and who solicit and in vite the general public to become their patrons and who hold them selves out as ready to serve any member of the general public with' out distinction. It is my opinion that the North Carolina State Board of Health does not have jurisdiction over or authority -to inspect and make sanitary grades for private clubs who limit their services and their preparation and sales of foods to select and exclusive groups who are members of such clubs and their invited guests. Such clubs are not open to the public at large and I do not fhmk that the above quot ed statute Is sufficiently explicit and broad enough in its scope to cover the private club type of es tablishment. The same, would be true as to churches serving dinners and food to their members, or to occasionally serve a luncheon or dinner for a civic group." We. have not attempted to enum erate all the different types of clubs, but believe that tha general prin ciple as stated above will assist you in determining which placet should be inspected. We might summarize the above briefly as follows: 1 Private clubs, such as. Country Pubs, catering only to their mem bership and invited guests, do not come under the provision of the law. 2 Churches serving occasional meals to their membership ,or civic clubs, do not come under provision of the law. 5 So called private clubs which do not restrict their service to members and their Invited guests, but which cater to the general pub lic would be covered by the State Cafe Law and Regulations. Town Board Jury List For Superior Court Jurors for Duplin County Crim inal Court, October 11, 1954, are as follows: T. Taft Herring, Archie Mathews, Gordon Miller, Henry Waters, El mer Smith, F, R. Carr, Floyd E. Smith, Leroy Price, Harvey Lucas. H. D. Bland, W. T. Brock, Artand Sanderson; Elmore Jenkins, H. S. Wait Glenn C. Brown, Allen Smith, William Henry Kenan, C. F. Rouse. R. B. Wells, N. C. Brock, Billie Millard, P. G. Adams, Mordecai Outlaw, B. Y. Ward, Ira T. Fussell, M. S. Branch, T. W.Quinn, Jr.,TUr ild S, Precythe, W. Cecil Wortley, Jr., Elwood Strickland, A. C. Gur fanus, Emmett Frederick, Treston F. Beetle, Alton Exum, Osburn B. Brown and Joseph E. Brinkley. Jurors for Duplin County Civil lourt, October 18, 1964 are as fol lows: 1 . E. 8. Wells, Randall Hargrove,. Past! X "flns Albert Ksmejgsts, Sam Jones, JkihnnieHarper, L. X. O. Cav tnaugh, , James 8. ; Blizzard, James T. Bryant, James Sutton, Raleigh Maready, Charlie C. Fussell, T. B. , Blanchard, Elliott Brinson, John W. Bryan. Mahlon Wallace, Rayford H. Car ter, J. H. Waters. Baffin Lane, 1. H. Bland, Faisori S. Turner, John G. Holland, Sr Berth Quinn, Lu ther B. Kennedy, K. B, Lanier, B. F. Jessup. J. J. Batchelor, Leland Bradshaw, Maurice H. Jordan and Emmett Herring. Campus Improve Project Douglas HS Under, the leadership of W. E. Foster, Teacher of Voc. Agriculture, W.L. Pierce, special teacher of agri :ulture, Mr. J. E. Belton, Principal and Mrs. O. P. Johnson, Superin tendent of school the Douglass High School launches a campus improve ment project. Realizing and visualizing the need for a more attractive school ground and what It would mean to the hundreds boys and girls who are attending the Douglass High School, not to mention the deep feeling of a sence of pride in community de velopment; the agricultural classes under the leadership of W. E. Fos ter began breaking ground for an all out Improvement project with mphasls on lawn renovation and play-ground development with plans calling for the all-day agriculture lasses to get some laboratory work in horticulture that will be used in connection with their classroom work. Working along with the all day classes and playing a very im portant role in our new undertak ing are members of the agriculture Adult Class who hav pledged their loyal support to see the project to the en.'.; Thus far Mr. J. B. Sell and Mrs. G. C. Cooper, both mem bers of the Adult Class, have given their services and the use of their tractors in helping to do the rough work. F 5 ?V-Lv V I hi vf - Forrest Dunstan, past Department Commander of the State of North Carolina, Presented Dr. C. F. Hawes of Rose Hill with the distinguished, outstanding "Man of the Year" award given by the English-Brown VFW fost on Friday night. Homecoming Reunion Held Sunday Descendants of Bryan Williams heiu m-:r Mmily reunion on Sun day, September 12, at Taylors Bridge Park in Sampson County. The re - "'as organized and Daniel Williams was elected president, Uranam Wiliams, Jr. vice-president and Mrs. Ray McMillan, secretary treasurer, and Mrs. Ada Turner and Mrs., Mary Elizabeth Bradford, his torians. Seventy-three people attended The Rose Hill Baptist Church of Rose Hill, N. C, will observe an annual Homecoming Day on Sun da v Snfmhi- 9Ath Tiotv,,. mam bers and friends of the church will ,B!d a sumPtiou "nner was enjoy- join with the membership In this first annual event of its kind since the people observed the dedcation of the new church building on Oc tober 29, 1950. Rev. Smith Guest r The Calypso Presbyterlnn Church will celebrate its itty-flrst anni versary Sunday, September 19, by having a Dedicatory Service. Rev. J. Murphy Smith will be the (uest speaker. Rev. Smith was a former pastor who labored faith- !ully and tirelessly with the church for five years. He is a graduate of Davidson College and the Union Theological Seminary, Richmond. Virginia. He is now serving as pas tor of the First Church at New Bern. Special music is being prepared by the Calypso Choir with Mrs. Cecil McCullen as dliector. Dinner will be served on the grounds, pic nic style, each family bringing a well tilled basket. There will be a nursery set up for those with babies. There will be capable attendants' to look after them. , , I Charter members will be hon ored. The visiting members will be recognized by Mr. ' Leon Flowers. The church history will be read by Mrs, Adrian Dail. The hospitality committee will see that each guest Will have- a day of social enjoy ment and a Spiritual uplift, v Some folks are apt to Jump at .-onciuslons others take more time n making their mistakes. The special services will begin with the regular Sunday School pro. gram at 9:45 a. m. and will con clude at noon. Dinner will be ser ved in picnic fashion by the mem bership for all who are attending. The program will feature high llghts from the history .of the church, annual reports, special mus ic, and a message. The preacher will be Rev. Julian M. Motley, pastor of the church since December 1, 1953. No afternoon program has been planned that the time may be en joyed for fellowship by those at tending. Friends and former members of the church are invited to be present. West Reunion Oct. 3 The Descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Y. B. (Yancey) West will hold their annual reunion at the Turkey High School on Sunday, Oc tober Srd, at 12:00 o'clock. A picnic style lunch will be served at 12:30 The program will consist of a shor memorial service, a history of th West family back to the early lAOO'r. written by Leroy West of Clinton and the election of officers to carry on plana for the next year's re union. Friends and relatives are cordially invited. Most bad luck comes to the per son who has neither inherited abil ity or acquired industry. Naturally, a man has to work had to succeed, but not half as had as the man who fails. Louie Jones Won High Score In Second Annual Junior Tobacco Sho w Louie Jones of Falson, Rt 1, son f. L. H. Jones, scored 92-t points o win the high score in the Sec nd Annual, Wallace, Junior Tobac to Show held at the Blanchard. Farrlor Warehouse on September 15 md 16. Second place was won by Jathan Bell, Warsaw, Route 2. -bird place went to Ira Craddock. loute 1, Kenansville and fourth Uace to Euray Moore, Route 1, Warsaw, N. C. Fifth place was a te, which is most unusual in scor ng of this type, and went to Doris 'anier, daughter of Tyson Lanier if Beulaville, and Elwood Lanier, Jon of M. R. Lanier of Chinquapin. First prize was a $100 bond, sec ond prize $78 bond, third prize was a iSO bond, and fourth and fifth prizes were $25 bonds each. In the case of the tie as In this case, both of the fifth place contestants were awarded a bond. The purpose of this project is tc teach young North Carolina Farm ers how to grow a quality tobacco and present a more attractive pro duct on the warehouse floor. The sixteen contestants in Duplin Coun ty had a total of twenty thousand rounds of tobacco to sell. The scor ing was based on their record book and recommended practice sheet which counted 25 points; appearance of tobacco on the warehouse floor county 25 points; yield and value counted 50 points.' Field Office For 1954 Census Of iculturein Fayetteville Abllshment Of a field office lof .1954 Census of Agriculture was announced today by Mr. William L. 1 Culbreth who has been appointed supervisor for this area. The Census field office will be located at Jay. ettevUle, W. C - ? - - ,. Mr. Culbreth state that prelimi nary work on the 1954 Census of Agriculture, to be taken" this fan, ' will begin immediately: This in clude. organization of the field office, interviewing applicant., for Job., selecting and 1 training w ;cjn flee clerks, field crew leader, and enumerators. ':"-iir:.:'''. "i The territory assigned to this of. flee for the ,1954 Senaus of Agricul ture includes jthe - following eoun fice for the 1954 .Census o Agricul Jones, Onslow, SDimiin, Wayne, 8ampsofl,1 Pender; Harriet Cumb-j erland, Robeson: :: Bladen, .".Bruns- wick. New Hanover, Columbus. T Approximately II crew leader. and 271 enumerator, will be employ. ed to take the farm census in this area." GIANT FOREST (After Vacatln. lines) By BESS HTNSON HTNES I took the trail of silence through the ancient trees again, with a longing need to rest, grow peaceful and regain my Greater Self . . I took the trail, brown-needled, sweet and dry above, the timeless murmuring. the deep Sequoia sky . . . Walking on, I grew serene, pausing now and then to ponder on the majesty of God . . . the ways of men: on how it is a man may grow away from his own soul how Nature kindly takes him back and gently makes him Whole. I walked until the slanting rays it evening sunlight fell, lighting fern and giant log in proud, primeval spell . . . I pondered on the peace that lies oeyond our mortal plane; t took the trail of silence hrough the ancient trees again. This award is given annually to some outstanding person who is working and serving his fellowman for the betterment of his communi ty and other qualities o." service. Dr. Hawes is a man held in the highest esteem by all with whom he works and comes in contact. He is a member of the Rose Hill Bap tist Church and a former president of the County Medical Association. He served as mayor of Rose Hill during two terms at which time the town's waterworks system was con structed. He is now serving as chair man of the Rose Hill School Board, and is very active in the County Health Department work. He op erates a nine bed clinic, air-conditioned with modern equipment ac cepted by the North Carolina Hos pital Association, this unit is used only for maternity patients. He spends a good part of his time farming. Dr. Hawes was born May 5, 1907, about one mile east of Rose Hill. He is married to the former Mary Emma Stewart of Wallace. He has four children, Charles, Jr., 20, who is serving in the U. S.: Army; Bet ty, 19, who is a sophomore at Wo man's College, Emma Sue. 9, and DavidT 7. Dr. Hawes was educated in the Rose Hill Schools and took pre med at Wake Forest College where he finished in 1930. Te attended Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago until 1932 and did his year's internship at Milwaukee General Hospital. He came back to Rose Hill to be gin his practice in 1933. The presentation of the award came at the conclusion of a turkey dinner with all the trimmings giv en in his honor at the Post Friday night. Local Boy Writes About Barcelona rs LaGrange Tonight By MARY TAYLOR The Warsaw Tigers will go after their first victory of the year to night when they play LaGrange here. Warsaw tied its first game against Richlands, 0-0, Monday night. The defense and offense both should be much improved after having one game under their belts since the Timers have many inex perienced players this year. The starting line up for the Tig ers tonight is anybody's guess at this time as Coaches Bill Taylor and Dick Kaleel mix their players to make a more effective combi nation to face the LaGrange foot ballers. Johnny Godbold who was out Monday night with a bad ankle is expected to see action at guard to night. Bobby Braswell, H. C. Phillips and Larry Taylor, all freshmen showed up well against Richlands. The Tiger squad is expected to be at full strength for LaGrange; Jimmy Godbold, a freshman tackle is the only player out due to in jury; he broke his arm last week in practice and will be out for sev eral weeks. Game time is 8 p. m. at the War saw High School football park. Sea son tickets will be on sale at the gate. Tentative plans have been set up for season ticket holders to have reserved seats. Jurors Duplin County Court Jurors for Duplin County Court for October 4, 1954 are as follows: C. H. Smith, Woodrow Batts, I Brown, Willie Edwards, R. L. Sholar, Jethro Williams, J. W. Pierce, Warren Edwards, S. V. Mas- sey. James Elridge Carter, Norman Outlaw, Jobie S. Howard, Austin Pate, J; W. Lewis, Jr., George D. Daly, Milton Grice. C. R Johnson, and Andrew Edwards. Warsaw Ties With Richlands 0-0 By MARY TAYLOR Richlands High and Warsaw bat tled to a 0-0 tie at Richlands on Monday night in an' East Central Conference grid affair, neither team being able to score due to heavy penalties. The nearest Warsaw got to the Richlands goal line was in the first period, when the Sawers got down to the four line, but. a 15 yard penalty ended the threat The Rich. ies' only big threat came in the same period when they charged to the Warsaw 14, but again, they were driven back on penalties. Equal lines had much in bring ing the game to a 0-0 tie, as War saw picked up 130 yards in rush ing, while Richlands garnered 121. The Sawers next meet East Cen tral competition Friday night when they play LaGrange in the first home tilt of the year. Warsaw 000 04) Richlands 000 00 Three Arrests Made In Mass Raid Sunday t , v .... ;an-ecii4 at. le I uversity of CaZUoraia, at! L .j, c. treat. eanceroue tw on la Hereford tnm eye ..a a tmZm&tr S iron ti urn tub. aMreattoaa ti, bi'pesdnct f atomic eoerry production, ha. proved aweoeaanai m tread of im euraee. witnont aamiuriM vm mm. wan n an wrwanted byproduct of fcrootaaant mm Xny.rr--"Vj Three arrests were made, in a mass raid, last Sunday by deputies of the Duplin County Sheriffs of fice. Places raided were the home of Willie Williams and wife Frankie of Calypso. One half gallon of non taxpaid whisky was found on the premises. A portion of the whisky had been poured on the bed room floor. In the search at Sam Faison's in Faiaon'the officers found one quart, one half gallon and part of .one halt gallon scattered over the field where Sam Falson lived. James Taylor, also of Falson, was arrested for possession of one half gallon of non taxpaid whisky. On arrival of the officers, Taylor tried to pour out the whisky, and on see ing the officers, threw the jar out the back door. One of the raiding officers retrieved the jar, as et dence. All three men were released un der bond for appearance to County Court During the same afternoon and while in the vicinity, the officers assisted Sampson County officers in destroying a still, about 1-4 mile across the Sampson County line. On the raid were deputies R. M. Byrd, T. E. Revelle, W. O. Houstin, Norwood Boone and M. D. Shivar. Robbers Of Blind Man Found; Much Loot Found In Their Possession Gerald Jones and Willi. Lock. my were turned over by Lenoir County officer, to Duplin County, during the week, for robbery com. mltted in Duplin. -.-:,'.JP,' A search bad been going on for some time for the robber, who had repeatedly broken in and fobbed the 4 station of Dte Houston, a bliriv -nan. Houston', service sta tion was located on the Beulaville. Pink BUI highway. Jones and Lockamy were arrest ed by city detective Wheeler Ken nedy and FBI agent John B, Bd- wards of Klnson. Found In the pos session of Jones and Lockamy, at the time of their arrest was a table radio, 2 burner hot plate, 5 Miller tires, 1 Dunlop tire, 3 stand, of lard, 50 lbs. flour, IS lbs. meat, 20 lbs, sugar, a quantity . of canned goods, several boxes of sewing thread, 1V4 carton, rifle cartridges, 1 carton air rifle .not, 91 lead pen cil, and several other items. Both men are pleading guilty to the crime and bond for them has been set at $25000 each. They will be tried in Superior Court Warsaw Native Prof. Of Textiles At II. C. State The appointment of Henry M. Middleton, Jr., to the position of As slstant Professor of Tertiles in the School of Textile, at North Carolina State College, has recently been an nounced by Deal Malcolm E. Camp bell. Professor Middleton will assist Professor W ,E. Shinn in the De partment of Knitting Technology, and has been assigned to teach el ementary and intermediate courses in hosiery manufacture. Mr. Middleton, a native of War saw, North Carolina, was graduated from North Carolina State College in 1937, and prior to joining the staff of the School of Textiles, was connected with several hosiery manufacturing concerns in North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. In 1937, he was connected with Gal ax Knitting Company of Galax, Virginia, as assistant to the vice president and General manager. In 1945 he was appointed Gener al Superintendent of Elliot Knitt ing Mills in Hickory, North Caro lina. He subsequently was employ ed by United Hosiery Mills Cor poration of Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he managed a program of plant expansion and organized a number of subsidiary, units in the Chattanooga area. Mr. Middleton Is a member of the Athens (Tennessee) Kiwanis Club and of the Baptist Church. He is married and has two children. Mr. Middleton replaces Mr. George W. Fox who resigned to accept a position with Burlington Mills Cor. poration. Experience always pays except in cases where a man has had so much he can't be taught anything. It isn't the size of the bankroll, but the size of hi. heart, that de termine, the rise of a man. The man who steadies the ladder ts often jmore of a success than the man who climbs to the t op. It teem, that some people are never satisfied until they have trouble, that drive them to drink. The following is a portion of a leter received here from Bobby In grham who is in Spain. The letter was written from Barcelona, Spain: I had the most unusual experience yesterday, so I though I might as well tell you about it I still ain't sure just what it was, that it was. Well now, I was walking up this street in this here city of Barce lona which is in Spain, when I saw this whole group of pensile a going in this here soup bowl like place, so I just follored along just to aee what it was that was a happesdn. Iwent right on in, after arguing with this here hombre. I daol knew what it was that he said, but I gave him 20 pesatas, so I could gm on inside Well, when I got there, I found all these people a sitting,around this here dirt ring. I sat there for s while kind of puzzled like, when this man stands up and starts a blowin on this here great long horn, real loud like. Then this bog door on the side of the ring opens up and out charges this great big black bull at snorting and a bell ering. Now, all around this here ring are seven or eight guys all dressed up like Louie XTV and when they see this black bull all a snortin and runing around in that ring, they run out there with these great big red like scarves and start prancing and flinging them giant handkerchiefs around. Now all this time, the ole bull is watching, while he goes ahuffing around in the ring and all of a sudden he makes l bee line for one of those there guys, picadores, I think someone called um. Now this picador, he don't do nuthin but stand there awavin his red rag at that boll as he comes chargin in. Well, now. all of a sudden' this male cow nils) at that rag, which this an up cowboy is a flingin goes right on by. Well, when this happens, all these here Spaniaedh start a clappin their hands and hel lerin to beat the band. But I dent think the picador thought ftmwitrai of all the yellin because he Just stands there with his nose stuck: up in the air. Maybe that bull just. ' eaant smell just right Now aU these here, picadbr; gaft ' a turn at a waving them rags at the , bun and he just get. aiadder'asal madder all the time. Altar awhile , this boy scout stands up again and ' commences a blowin on that tTin big, long horn and two doors up in the side of the ring and out comes two fellers a rid in horses and a carryin big long spears. And vou should have seen them horses; they were all padded up and looked like they was from "days of ok!. when knights were bold". Well, this don't grab that cow just right so he goes a galloping over and one of the fellers commences flingin that spear in the ole bull, back am til the blood comes. I heard scene, one say, that this is to make the cow even madder. Well sir, he looked to me as if be was mad enough. But anyway, them fellers on them armored mules keep a jabbin away for awhile. Then thia here boy scout blow on that hem agin and them fellers go saltopte away leaving the bun just as mad and ornery a. he can be. Now, out prances this here guy who looks like he', the local Bap- tist preacher. He's all dressed up something like the picador but 1 heard somebody say that be was the Matador.. Well, picador, mata dor, or cuspidor, I know danged well they wouldn't have cotcned ' a prancin around in that ring- with that mad cow a snorting like he was. But this here matador don't seem at all excited about the situ ation. He just walks around abowin to all the Spaniards and eyeballing that ferocious beast which is like wise eyeballin the matador. Now this feller has one of them bright colored rags too and he holds it out so the ole bull can get a glance at It I guess that cow didn't like what he seen cause he comes a charging over and the mat ador has to jump a bit to get out of his way. Well now, I didn't know exactly what was a going to happen next. All of a sudden this here matador ups and palls out a long sword, which I didn't thinks was fair to the bull because he didn't have nuthin. Well anyways after him and the bull chased onj another for a few minutes, the mat ador runs up and a jams this sword into the bull just as hard as he can. Now, with this here sword a stick ing in him, the ole bull runs around for awhile and finally drops over dead and the whole congr"gatii starts a yelling and a clapping their hands again. I guessed they was go ing to barbecue the bull now -ut they didn't. They Just start-d !i over again, with another (row Now, I still ain't sure Jus' what , it was that I Men but I've been s?u- ' dying -en it and I tink i T ' d "Don't re te the nnt raxrVi ' i . .v. .- Mother, eame Daddj', eominc haute with the Ban III So long as there are p-?o"lc '-. strive to get something for nnthine: there will be many others wi.o can live without woiking. - t r'ii)in)inT'

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