f i i v ' v.: , i i! 1 I; 1.1 5 i 1 If I t3. KTNANSVIUX. X. C THTJ1SDAT, SDmCMBEB r-ncK or sau miDCR AND BY VIRTUE OF AUTHORITY administrator Ot tbm Estate of Horace Brock, de ceased.) having qualified before the Oerk it, Superior Court1; of Duplin Ownd, V undersigned will offer or salMIor cash at the residence T the late Horace BrocK. deceased, in WoUscrape Township near Out 'Baan Ftoh Pond, Duplin County, to -j bidder, on Saturday, October 3. 195. at the hour or iu.uu a. m, the following articles of per gonal property, to wit: 1 IMS Chevrolet IVt ton truck I Farmall Cub Tractor and equip- 1 Farm trailer , Aidway Dog Friend Cures Mange in one or two Appli cations oif Money Refun ded. For Sale By Warsaw Drug Co. Kenansville Drug Co. 8 ox. Bottle $1.00 TURNER & INSURANCE "Wee Known Bj The e tBZt V. C. Turner, Jr. wv-..'..................v...vv MADAM MARIE, Tells you of love, marriage, and busi ness pertaining to anyone's life. If any trouble in any way, be sure and con sult fne. I will tell you of your enemies and friends; when and who you will marry; if married or single. Will give you reading daily and on Sunday. I guarantee satisfaction Located on Highway 117 Across From Wallace Stockyards in Wal lace, N. C. I! "Far "More -See .. 1 dump cart ',''V:f'ry..;i':.';: 4 tobacco truck! -V j' ':''. rJ;L. 1 tobacce spray 1 disc harrow : " ' ' 1 stalk cutter ' I corn planter , 1 guano distributor 1 section harrow 1 1 mowing machine 1 hay rake 1 pea weeder 1 cotton plow AU other small farming tools be longing to the late Horace Brock, now deceased. Advertised this the 16th day of August, 1954. Marvin Brock, administrator of the" Estate of Horace "Brock, re ceased, Route 2, Mt. Olive, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. 9-30-3t-H.E.P. NOTICE OF RE-SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AUTHORITY of an order of re-sale of the Superior Court of Duplin County, filed in that Special Pro ceeding No. 2762 filed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County, entitled: "ELLA WHITEHEAD BRINSON, ET ALS, VS O'NEAL W. HENDERSON, ET ALS" the undersigned commission ers will offer for re-sale for cash, to the highest bidder at the court house door in Kenansville, Duplin TURNER AGENCY Service We Give" Pink Hill, N. C. T. J. Turner LIFE READER nn u u u mum pit fprere better gas mileage-" "Not work done in less t,me- NOW as mileage piles up on Hydra-Matic GMG trucks in service the pay-oft is looming large on the books of their cost conscious operators. Reports are pouring in from farmers and florists, from diaper services and milk companies, from wholesale butchers and bakers and paper box makers, from owners and rental operators all over the land. They sum up to one conclusion: Hydra-Matic GMC's are doing more work for far lower operating and maintenance costs saving time keeping drivers happier improving safety records. ELLIS MOTOR SALES Mount Olive, N. C . your GMC dealer for Triple-Checked used trucks - HUM County, State of North Carolina, on Wednesday, September 22. 1994, at the hour of 13:00 Noon, all those certain tract or parcel of land sit. uated in Duplin County," State of North, Carolina, and, bounded and iescribed aa follows: , FIRST TRACT:, BEGINNING at a stake on the edge of the Magnolia and Kenansville road running North 54 west 60 poles to a stake; thence North 46V6 East 27 poles to a stake; thence South 54 East 60 poles to l stake on the Magnolia and Ken msville road; thence with said road South 46V4 West 27 poles to the beginning, containing ten acres, more or less. And being the same lands as set forth and described in a deed to William Whitehead as re corded in Book 32 page 66, of the Ouplin County Registry. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING it a stake in the Magnolia and 'tenansville Road known as the 5am Middleton corner and runs Morth 54 west 100 poles to a stake on the old line; thence with said old 'ine North 30 East 66V4 poles to a take; thence South 54 East 59 ooles to a stake; thence South 46 Vi West 27 poles to a stake; thence South 54 East 60 poles to a stake n the Magnolia and Kenansville oad; thence with said road South t6V4 West 40 poles to the beginning, ontaining 35V4 acres, more or ess. And being the same lands as jet forth and described in a deed to William Whitehead as recorded in Book 32. page 67, of the Duplin County Registry. EXCEPTING, however, from the above described lands the following tract of land: A certain tract or parcel of land containing 20 acres lying and being in the County and State aforesaid on the Kenansville and Magnolia Road being 20 acres on the West side of the said William Whitehead whole tract of land and BEGIN NING at a stake on the Kenansville and Magnolia road and known as the Levi Middleton corner and runs North 54 West 100 poles to a stake on the old line; thence with the old line sufficient distance to make OK Photographs Restored Portraits Commercial Photography Weddings, Parties, Anniversaries and Identification Photos LANIER STUDIO Phone 6341 At Wallace Sittings Nights and Sundays By Appointment pnair imoi MI 5t for repairs in 34,400 miles-" n0nly Hydra-Mafic GMC's for me-" To people who buy trucks to make money with them, here's the story in a nutshell. Hydra-Matic GMC's Pay off the investment in shorter time. They make profits greater and work easier. Now-how about YOU ? Why cut your earnings with outmoded equips mentP There's a Hydra-Matic GMC to fit your need, in every size truck from a Pickup to a heavy-duty tractor. Come in and let's talk it Over SOOn. Be eareful drive safely 'Standard n many modtls; tpHtnal at txtr ait M itmi tthiri r twenty acres by running parallel with first ' line back to , the said Kenansvi)le and ' Magnolia road making the said 20 acre equal width at each end' or so nearly o as to contain, the said SO acres. And being the same lands as described in a deed from William Whitehead to Kilby Whitehead and Marlon Whitehead as recorded in Book 218, page 306, of the Duplin County Reg istry. A ten per cent deposit will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. Advertised this the 6th day of September, 1954. H. E. Phillips, Commissioner E. Walker Stevens, Commissioner 9-16-2t-HEP , NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in section 44-2 of the General Statutes of North Car olina. I will offer for sale at pub lic auction at my garage at Beula ville. North Carolina at one o'clock noon Saturday, September 25th, 1954, one 1947 Buick convertlDie belonging to John Abrams to sat isfy a lien for labor and parts. This 6th day of September, 1954. James Trott Grady Mercer Attorney at Law Kenansville, N. C. 9-23-3t-GM ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Ada E. Carlton, deceased, of Dup lin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, or on lefore one year from date hereof. All persons inaebeted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 31st day o July, 1954. T.. R. CARLTON Administrator Mrs. Ada E. Carlton estate. 9-23-6t-c-ERC. NOTICE In The General County Court State of North Carolina, County of Duplin Cecil Swinson vs Carolina Marshburn Swinson The defendant. Carolina Marsh burn Swinson will take notice that an action entitled as above cap tioned has been corrimenced in Jhe General County Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, in which action the plaintiff is seeking to re cover of the defendant an absolute divorce on the grounds of two- Iesi I 111' UllllIU nn jvJ is years continuous separation, next receding the bringing of this ac tion. . ' . , . .'. ... The defendant will further take iotice that she is required to ap pear at the office of the' undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Dup lin County within twenty (20) days after the 24 day of September 1954 and answer or demur to the com plaint or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded In the com plaint , This the 23rd day of August, 1954. R. V. Wells Clerk of Superior Court Latham A. Wilson, Attorney H-iil-tl-U.A.YI. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of James Jackson, de ceased, late of Duplin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 2, Pink Hill, North Carolina, on or before the 30th day of August 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 30th day of August, 1954. , Eva Outlaw Jackson Administratrix James Jackson Grady Mercer Attorney at Law Kenansville, N. C. 10-7-6t-GM NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having qualified ss administrator oT tfie estate of John Jones, deceased, late of Dup lin County, this is to notify all per sons having claims r gainst said es tate to present them to the under signed on or before the 11th day of August, 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 11th day of August, 1954. William E. Craft, Administratoi of the Estate of John Jones, deceased, 9-23-6t-D.Co. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Si.die Pierce, deceased, late of Dup lin County, this is to notify all per sons having claims agr.inst said es tate to present them to the under signed on or before the 11th day of August, 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. Tnis the 11th day of August, 1954. William E Craft, Administrator of the Estate of Sudie Pierce, deceased. D-23-6t-D.Co. News For Veterans Veterans Administration Issued a check-list for veterans planning to r;o to school this fall under the Ko rra'i GI Bill. Tli" first item is the choice of a mi !. ;ind of a training program that wj'.i lead to the goal. VA explained that since the law ;i!lows a veteran only one change of program, he should make sure he chooses the correct program. The second item is for veterans who are not sure about their GI training goals. VA said these vet erans may request vocational coun seling to help thetn arrive at a sound choice of training. Veterans who wish counseling should apply for it well in advance of their cut off dates. The third point is to be certain the course they plan to take has been approved for Korea GI train ing by the State in which the school is located. This information is avail able from any VA regional office in the field, but it Is not available in VA headquarters at Washington, D. C . The fourth point tells veterans to fOOOGOOOOOOvi FOR SALE LUMBER, MOULDING, PLUMBING SUPPLIES SASH & DOORS, AS BESTOS SIDING, I.OOF- ING OF ALL KIND, PLASTER, ROCK LATH, SHEETROCK, MORTAR, BRICK, CEMENT BLOCKS, PAINTS AND BUILDERS HARDWARE GUTTER, TERRA COT TA PIPE Z. J. CARTER & SOU WALLACE, N. C. oooooooooo UBS. M. M. THIGPEN rpceaentatho Fee , WARSAW FLORAL COMPANY i complete arrant axAnlt- tance to the school of their choic before, filing applications with VA The fifth point urge veterans tt send their; appHcatinrui for train lag to VA as soon as possible after they have completed arrangement win me scnooia ox weir cnoice lot admittance.'' " .. ,' ;, ': ' ' The sixth point instructs veteran! to check their VA application! carefully before mailing- them tc VA. Each application must be ac eompanied ' by c photostat or cer tified copy of the veteran's separa tion paper and the completed! db cument must be sent to the veter an's nearest VA regional office, not to Washington, D. C. headquarters of VA. The seventh point involves vet erans' with dependents. VA said these veterans should have the nec essary proof of dependency ready when VA requests it. For a wife. this would mean a photostat of the marriage certificate and, for a child, a photostat of the birth certificate. The eighth point has to do with finances. VA urged veterans to rake along enough money of theft- own td tide them over the first two months of training. It takes that long, under the law,, for a veteran's first GT allowance check to reach him. The final point applies to vet erans who1 already have started training under the Korea Gl Bill. VA reminds these, veterans that they and their schools: must sub mit the monthly certification of training to VA as soon as possible after the end of each month of training so VA may pay the veter ans their GT allowances' on time; Q I'm a disabled veteran taking Public Law 16 training. I received a serious injury during my training. Could I receive additional com pensation for my training injury? Yes, it is possible for you to re ceive additional compensation for your injury, providing you, can show that your disability resulted directly from some essential train ing activity. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo e o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o O 0 O o o f&Halkiict Come in and let one of our Friendly Employees help you open a Savings Account. With regular deposits you will soon realize a tidy sum. Remember When you deposit your money in our bank, it is insured twenty-four hours a day. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o; o : ; ' ; Kenansville p LAFF.A-DAt t Toti may send in the Alfalfa can be grown successful ly irt aa sections of North Carolina with the exception of the Tidewater areas. It's a good idea to figure out if the other fellow is right than fol low in his footsteps. Wallace Stock Yard If Auction Every Thursday Buying and Selling Daily Telephone 3161 - 6171 Wallace, N. C. Listen'for top hog prices each day over Clinton Broadcasting Station about 12:15 and Wallace Station at .2:25. . i , -,J Take a memo to yourself. Plot the dates on which to make deposits jn your savings account. Then hold stead fast to your schedule. Systematic saving is the one sure way to financial independence ... to a full measure of the good things of life for yourself The time WE INVITE YOUR BUSNIESS irfl ' ; : Mm')-;'. Rose Hill next patient, Miss Carroll.-' America's first automobile race was held in Chicago on Thnksgiv ing Day 1895. It was won by J. Frank Duryea Motor Wagon at an average speed of 5.05 miles per hour. Yes o o e o o e o o o o o o e o e o o o o 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O o. o o . o o o o . o o o o o o o. ' o o o to o: o o , o- o O v and your family. to start is NOW! i-V ' Beulaville tOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf ,y .,,.1; ...i Ci.; f ' - . 4 .V t mrmrn

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