MA..M-l- vt f" fHr3lZ3 BATES: Ukre ee per word, mlnlmma hwc mt lite, Unless yow hT a uwowit with um please mo aincy, stamps, msnejr u-der, r eiteek with ads, . 30 CAKES WOODBCBY BATH SOAP FOR 49 Cents at Clinic Druo Company to- Mount Olive. tfc FOR A BETTER WELL, call or write Heater Well Co, Raleigh, N.C.. giving' direction and distance from, jour Port Office. Monthly payment can be arranged, with no down payment; if applied for before well ? it drilled." . , V;;: : f : PAntCLOTH CON8TKCCTION CO. Clinton, N. C. Dragline and Bulldozer Work ( t All Kinds ' ' Instant Service Specializing in Pond Construction Call 1B5 - Night Clinton. N. C. 10 Cent Pocket Contbn each t CLINIC DRUC ett , now 1 cent CO. In Mt FARM LOANS r LONG TERM 1 - LOW INTEREST . Federal Land Bank loans are a vallable thru Clinton National Farm "Xoaa Association. Contact DeWitt Carr, Secretary . Treasurer, P. O. "Box 148, Phone 2282, Clinton, N. C. Mr. Carr is in PCA office in Ken ansville between 11 and 12 o'clock every Tuesday morning. etX THK PCMJN TIMES, KENANgVUXJE, N. C THTO8BAT. SEPTEMBER It, MM ryPKWRITER-ADDINO mactyneU AMERICAN LEGION SQUARE aoa'lrd New Rav1 brAewriteral ta n.. ki c n 40l WurittV lvuwriLnf a.miiimii4m 1 05 1-J N. Center Street ATEENVION SO ft tHW SHOP in Clinton - Mill end ttitters ends and Novelty Fabrics. Belts 1 and buttons made same day received. tt.-rrlrk oetterns. Zipptrr loe. iWja FOUND AT LAST: A sure relief for Impetigo and all Itching ikin sores. : ts soothing, healing SWISS OINTMENT that heal with out a scar. Ask your Druggist. ; Charles A Taylor Manufactur ing Pharmacist, Jacksonville, North Carolina. ... ' ' ,: i 8-9-21. ; '. SPINET HEAVY TYPE PIANOS. Complete ' selection of new Spinet pianos, all nationally known makes. We allow you more for your old piano on trade-in. All new Spinets guaranteed for 10 years. Come In and look over our display of Lester, Betsy Ross, Story and Clark, Knabe and Winter Spinet Pianos. We also have a complete stock of Home and Church Organs, Including the com bination organ and piano. We have terms to fit your needs either on monthly or fall terms. JOHNSON PIANO ORGAN CQ. 133 W. North St, Kinston, N. C. 9-9-2 t-c. FOR RENT OR SALE 28 x 40 Storage Room, Wood Floor, Galva nized Siding and Roof: Ideal for storing tobacco. J. C. Russ. 9-23-4 tc o o c o o o o o o - -: o s if and every Saturday night there after, in the Mt Olive gym, t 8:30 till. The Rhythm 4 Plus I". Adm. 78 cent per pert an, A Clean dance for Clean People. -ctf " - FOR SALE ONE STORE BUILDING known as J. Graham Reece Store building at Lyman, on the Chinquapin-Jacksonville highway. ' All stock of merchandise. Terms: Cash would consider time on portion of indebtedness under iome circumstances. See Lydia N. Reece, Chinquapin, North Carolina or H. E. Phillips, attorney, Kenans ville, North Carolina. This the 28th day of August, 1954. Mrs. Lydia N. Reece Chinquapin,?. C. 9-23-4t-HE.P. FOR SALE Camera with Flash attachment and Complete Darkroom Equipment $70.00. All less than 1 year old. See Daa McMaster, at The Duplin Times. , k ANTIQUES EASTERN CAROLINA ANTIQUE SHOW, Williams St Gym, Golds boro, N. C. Sept. 20 It 21. 9:30 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Sponsored by Golds boro J-C-ettes 9-16-2t if. in SAVINGS MAKE DREAMS COME TRUEI If you want your dreams come true, now is the time to begin saving. Begin by coming into our bank and 'open a savings account then de posit your money at regular intervals you will relaize your dreams come true. BANK OF MT. OLIVE t 'Make Our Bank Your Bank" ' O Mt. Olive a- Calypso o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o m FOR SALE ROOMS OF USED furniture Including piano and singer sewing machine. Hilltop Drive-In Cafe, Earl Killingwsorth, Proprie tor, Pink Hllll, N. C. 9-9-lt-pd. VISIT PEGGY ANN SHOP WHILE In Mt. Olive. A lovely collection of back to school skirts, sweaters and blouses in all new fall colors. Win ter cottons in leading brand names including the addition of Jonothan Logan. New dressy dresses for the conscious minded woman. 3-9-lt-c. FOR SALE 118 ACRE FARM. $10,000.00 Cash. See Me at once. Charles W. Grady, Box 277, Albert son, N. C. 9-16-lt-pd. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SILL a farm, see STOUT REALTY CO., Wallace, N. C. WANTED A CASE WORKER IN a county Welfare Department Min imum qualifications, college educa tion. Write XYZ, Duplin Times. 9-23-2t-c DO YOU HAVE WORK A WOMAN can do? Practical nursirr, cT-Ving. house cleaning, maid or what. Write Pnx 338. Kenans vi lie N P 9-23-2t-c TWENTY NINE CENT SIZE HALO Shampoo free with $1.00 purchase o' Cosite-Pnlm'!ve f-oducts. Clinic Drug Co., Mt. Olive. CTF FARM FOR SALE Duplin County near Magnolia. 234 acres, 65 acres cleared, 8.8 acres tobacco, 2 acres peanuts, one 6 room" dwelling, one 3 room dwell ing, 2 tobacco barns and other outbuildings. Some marketable tim ber. Good pond site. Ideal for irri gation. On school bus route. Known as "Old County Home Place." BUTLER A FAIRCLOTH, Inc. Insurance - Real Estate, Phone 2101, Clinton, N. C. CTF BOOMING BUSINESS MAKES OP enlng available for responsible man or woman with car to call on farm women in1 Duplin County. Full or spare time. $20 to $40 a day. Write MdNESS COMPANY, Dept. C, Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. 9-23-2t-pd. be pleaded In bar of their recovery, ,, All persons indebtcu to said es tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. - - This the 11th day .if August, 1994. WiL-lam E Craft " Administrator of the estate of Eliza N. Jones, deceased. 9-23-6t-D.CO. Legal Hofifes NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Eliza N. Jones, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claim", against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 11th day of August, 1955, or this notice will r COMPARE The Ranges you see, Feature by Feature, and you will find that TAPPAN Super-Sixty Series are the only Gas Stoves that J features the Visualite Oven, Lift-off Oven Door, High Center Oven and Covetop. LET US DEMONSTRATE Installed From ... $129.75 Up TOWN And COUNTRY L. P. BOTTLE and BULK GAS Kinston Pink Hill Goldsboro Tarboro NOTICE OF f ALE OF PEKSONAL PROrERTY 7orth 'aroiin i D' ilin County Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain chat tie mortgage executed by Guy Hin son, dated the 24th day of Febru ary, 1953, and recorded in Book 3 C at page 353, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured and said chattle mortgage being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned mortgagee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina, at noon on the 11th day of October, 1954, the property conveyed in said chattel mortgage, the same being described as fol lows: "1 New GMC Pickup Motor No. 228462276 Serial No. P51383" (1953 model) The said property will be avail able for inspection at the time and place of sale. This, the 15th day of September, 1954. Bank Of Mount Olive Mortgagee 9-23-2t-Bank MTt Olive lege. , Mr.- and Mrs. Moses Memborn, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Simmons, Mrs. Pat Robinson and Miss Edna Sutton of Goldsboro were among visitors for Sunday morning church - services and visited relatives during the day. several A. u. W. members went to Red Hill Saturday for Institute day. Earl Mathews of Clinton was a hurch visitor Sunday morning James Parker, a tobacco auction eer in Whiteville, spent the week end with his family here. L . - Lewis Outlaw attended his bat tery reunion of World War I vet erans held in New- Bern Sunday. Quite a number from ' this " sec tion will be In Raleigh Tuesday for the annual FCX meeting. The Young Adult Sunday School class will hold their regular meet ing Tuesday night in the social room of the church. I Mrs. Hubert Lewis, Jr., of Golds boro spent Saturday night and Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon K. Outlaw. - Mr. and Mrs. i, H. Parker at tended funeral services for Ira W. , -Parker at his Borne near Mt Olivet Sunday afternoon. . . n, v ;. Mrs. Katie Outlaw, president cl- -led the meeting to order. Mra. V. B. Bowerlng gave the worship setv vices. After a short business session;,, Mrs. H. A. Outlaw directed the pro-, o gram. The meeting closed with Mizv pah benediction. A social hour with refreshments was : enjoyed by, 14 ' members and one visitor. . Outlaw's Bridge By MRS. J. H. PARKER The Home Demonstration Club will meet in the home of Miss Sal lie Outlaw with Mrs. Jesse Outlaw, co-hbstess, Monday September 20 at 3:30 p. m. All members are urg ed to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly and children Dennis and Patsy of Chest er, Pa., were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thomas Kelly and oth er relatives several days last week. Gerald Simmons, a B. F. Grady High School graduate, left last Thursday aftefrnoon for State Col- 3l SEED RYE OATS BARLEY WHEAT All our grains are Onion and Corn cockle Free 214-16 Heritage Street PARROTT BROS. Kinston, N. C. o o t 4 O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o HARRY PEARSON'S BOWS OUT OF RETAIL BUSINESS IN KINSTON Pearson's Recently decided and have lots of Fall and Winter Merchandise which must be sold before or by January 1, 1955. Close outs in all departments. SPECIAL PRICES on NEW FALL and WINTER MERCHANDISE 1 RACK. LADIES AND CHILDRENS SKIRTS Vz PRICE WANT TO BORROW SOME M JUL JV OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . o os o o. o o o . o . o- u ju : H : 1 8 , 8; of. : o '. o:,' o o, - OA, 9C 0000000000009fc000000009000000000 o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o o O ' o o o o o o o o o o o o ' o o o o ": o "v o o o . lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LADIES SHOES 1 LOT $7.95 to $12.95 Value Now $5.99 AIRMAN SHIRTS White Broadcloth Life Insured Collar $2.37 LADIES SUITS $19.85 to $59.50 $13.77 to $47.77 ONE RACK LADIES RAINCOATS With Hats $5.95 up Not Plastic Greatly Reduced Complete Stock Household Furnishings Closing Out Beautiful Selection Of Costume Jewelry LADIES DRESSES $6.95 to $19.85 $5.88 to $16.88 I LOT LADIES SWEATERS UP TO Vi OFF All Materials All Sizes Harry Pearson's DEPARTMENT STORE KINSTON, N. C. WE ARE IN THE BUSINESS ! LET US HELP YOU , ... ... i I.. 1 i i .. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE LONG OR SHORT TERMS : LOW INTEREST RATES (A o 1 o o o; o o K a o; a n K STL G' r--- ii UUU-ii 5, O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c c c oooooooooooooeoeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8 8 o o o o o a o o o Q SIC n VJ S7 IS LEADING THE BIG FOUR MARKETS IN POUNDS, DOLLARS AND HIGHEST AVERAGE Kinston's Average Last Week $55-52 EASTERN BELT'S AVERAGE LAST WEEK $53.11 SELL WITH THE LEADER ., . ,' - -v. ' ; KINSTON TOBACCO MARKET V O . o ' o o - o o o . o o o o o o o o . ' o .o ' o o , o o o 8. o 1 I 1 ill 15 r r i; si 4 1 4 PQ HILL, II. C. ' x GEO, l TURNER ' ft t JIM DYED HARVEY TURNES o o -1 n cccoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO s Tzr l