VOL. 21, NO. 37 Personals .iMra, Vincent of Greenvllls Is vis iting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mitehner were: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cannady, Sr. and children, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Cannady, Jr. and children of Franklinton, and W. E. Fussell of Rose Hill.. Mrs. A. T Mitchner returned home -with the Cannady's Mrs. Byron Teachey of Rose Hill spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. F. A. Mitchner. 'Miss Joyce Ann Jones left Mon day to resume her studies at Mere dith College. Pvt. and Mrs. Hugh Carlton left Thursday for Tort Scott, San Fran cisco, California where Hugh win be stationed. Pyt, and Mrs. Fisher Carlton and Henee left Thursday for Fort Lee, Va. where Fisher will be stationed. Harold Matthis of Chapel Hill was home for the weekend. Mrs. J. M. Kornegay, Sr. and Dr. T. A. Kornegay of Smithfield were Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Kornegay. Mrs. Lillian Qahm spent the weelt end with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Saieed at Greenville. Miss Ruby Jones visited Tier par ents in Kenansville over the weelt end. Paul Kitchin, Avon Sharpe and Elbert Matthis attended the football game In Raleigh Saturday night. Mrs. Elbert Matthis and Pat vis ited relatives in Goldrfboro Sunday. Mrs. Charles Spent Tuesday in Charlotte. ' Dr. and Mrs. O. S. Matthews left Sunday to attend the American Hose Society in New YotTc City and oth er places of interest. Miss Mary Lynn Smith of Jack sonville spent the weekend -with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kitchin. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Genuchi and children have returned to Liberty ville. 111. after spending sometime with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Wiggs. Deems Wiggs of Atlanta, Ga spent several days recently visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. and Mrs- J- c- Surratt, Jr., 'Kildren of Goldsboro visited ah'd Mrs. J. C. Surratt Sunday. Mrs. R. F. Marshburn of Salem burg spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. David Chamb-' Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Garner were Mrs. Cora Gar ner and Howard Moss of Franklin ton. Mrs. John Fonvielle, Mrs. Eugene Johnston, Mrs. W. D. Byrd and Mrs. G.'-.S. Best attended the W. M. U. Leadership Institute at Campbell College on Friday, Attending on Saturday were Mrs. L. S. Whittle, Mrs. W. D. Byrd and Mrs. Avon FOR QUICK EFFICIENT TAXI SERVICE CALL MINSHEW'S TAXI 24 HOUR SERVICE WARSAW Hay Phone 449 O000Oi A. o 2" X 1 Crt 5' Phone 471 g Or tooooooooooooooooooooooo i, a. Bonn Pick a man who has a line ' reputation at a new caz dealer fcO C 5 BltNClUE- BUICK Cd 'I' 2J ', last Mala 8t. WaUMie.N.C SECTION tw0 Sharpe. Mrs. Alton Greenlaw held Community Mission Conference at the Institute. ' Msses Bessie and Nealle Miller and Grey Miller of Kinston spenl Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. C, Miller. Mr. and Mrs. JZliok Lassiter and daughters of JErwin were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller, Mrs. Jerry Paschal spent the weekend with her husband at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. . Paschal at Glendon. She will go to High IPoiat Monday to help with !he orientation tf freshmen al High Foint College where 'she is a sophomore this year. Mrs. Rufus Bowden and daugh ters, Anne and Mrs. "Wade Johnson visited her sister, Mrs. Morrison in Cilnton Sunday. Mr. aiid Mrs. Henry Middleton returned from Raleigh 'Wednesday after visiting their sons George and Henry .3x tthere. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kornegay visited Mrs. O. C. Carter at Mt. Olive Sunday, and Jarvis Carter at Goldsboro hospital, who is an op erative patient there. Betty Blanchard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Blanchard, en tered ECC, Greenville, on Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Curlin of (Greensboro wane weekend guests of Mrs. Curlin's parents, Mr. .and Mrs. lEllis West. Belton Houston of Washington was home for the, weekend with his mother, Mrs. Florence Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forrev and children of Rocky Mount were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wahab. Miss Jean NewklrTc of Hieh Point spent ihe weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hewkirk. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter and Tim spent the weekend in Beula ville with Mr. and Mrs. J. TJ. Ken nedy. Mr. and Mrs. Liston Summerlin and children ritited Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Summerlin at Summelin's Crossroads Sunday. Sgt 1-c Brommie A. Jones of Fort Benning, Ga., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brown. Misses Eunice and Edith Cook of Clinton were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor and sons. Billy and Hunt, were weekend guests of Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Knotts, at Hamlet. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carlton and son of Clinton spent Saturday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Carlie Shef field. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Redmon and boys, Buster and Allen, of Jackson ville, Fla., visited Mrs. Frank Hays lip and Mrs. Glenn Brown Friday through Sunday. Night Phone 554 ooooooooooo For Rent HOUSES & APARTMENTS In Kenansville and Warsaw O o o o o o o o o J. STRICKLAND Warsaw I KF.NANSVTTJ.F. NOFTT? PPOT.tva TttTT?nAV. SFPTKMPtfP iff i X i tmmm Imn iiw . tMtds'iK X L t PORTION OF NEW WAKE FOir ST CAMrDS TN THE MAKING This photograph, taken from tht tower of Wait Chapel on the new Wake Forest ' College campus at Mi5.5aW.Marriner Wins High Score Mrs. S. W. Marriner won club high and Mrs. "Walker Stevens won visitors on Thursday evening when Mrs. Fred Baars entertained at bridge. Each received a magnolia tree. The hostess served fruit salad, cheese biscuits and ritz. Other guests included Mrs. J. Mil ton West, Mrs. Edgar Pollock, Mrs. Q. J. Sutton, Mrs. Robert West and Mrs. Wilbur Garner. Mrs. Sutton captured traveling and was 'given hand cream. Elbert Matthis Speaks Al Rotary Mitchell Britt was welcomed in as a new member on Thursday at the regular' weekly dinner meeting of the Rotary Club. Dr. J. M. Kornegay presided, in the absence of the president, Arthur M Benton. Elbert Matthis was m charge of the program and spoke on the "Operations and Functions of Dry Cleaning". Congratulations were extended to the new Rotary son, J. Edward Strickland, Jr. The club was served at the school cafeteria. Mrs. J. T. Gresham Entertains Mrs. J. T. Gresham was hostess to members of her bridge club and additional guests on Thursday af ternoon at her home. . Arrangements of late summer flowers were used in the home. Prize winners were: Club high, mixing bowls, Mrs. Charles Shef f'eld; Second high, glass drainer, Mrs. J. H. Hines; Visitors high, mixing bowls, Mrs. Otto Matthews; Second high, glass drainer, Mrs., i John Fonvielle. The hostess served apple pie a la mode. Others playing were: Mrs. Bill Sheffield, Mrs. John Anderson Johnson, and Mrs. James Franklin Strickland. Birthday Party Billy and Hunt Taylor, sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, were honored with a birthday neighbor hood party Wednesday at their home on Pollock Street. Outor games were played af ter which refreshments of Ice cream and birthday cake was served and the boys opened their gifts. Invited guests were Johnsoa and Steve Sheffield, Ann and Mary Frances Hines,.' Susan and Cajvln Brown, Diane and Ronnie Wahab, Allen and Kat Foutaln, Johnny Best, Buster Merritt, Tony and Dana Rivenbark, Pat Matthis and Ann Miller, . - . - Balloons were given aa favors. 4 MS''' Announce Marriage Mr. and Mr M- V. CockreU of Warsaw: announce the marriage of their daughter, Shirley, to Jackson Barham of Norfolk, Va son of Mr. and Mrs.WUl Barham of Carthage, Missouri ' The wedding took place August 13, 1961. ; . After a wedding trip to Missouri the couple will make their home in Norfolk where b it ferviof with On y. S. Htvjr; Vinston-Salem, shows several build lgs on which construction has pro- eeded rapidly during the sum ler months. In the foreground is Junior Music Club The Junior Music Club opened their meetings by singing the Fed eration HYMN, followed by "A merica". During the business session offi cers were elected as follows: Pres ident, Joyce Whittle; Vice-president, Jo Ann Flowers; Secretary and treasurer, Zona Quinn; Report ers, Carol Bear and Judy Rollins and Pianist, Joyce Potter. The dis trict meeting to be held in N"w Bern October 2 was announced. The following new members were wel comed into the club. Rose Drew, Sandra Blanchard, Dorothy Register, and Dorothy Barwick of Warsaw; Betty Ingram, of Kenansville; Nan cy Clifton, and Berta Stroud of Faison. Those taking part in the summer recital were Sylvia Gooding, Mavis Jones, Judy Rollins, Sue Whittle, Gail Newton, Joyce Whittle, and Mrs. A. F.' Jones, Mrs. Mathes, Mrs. Jones mother, was a guest for the afternoon. Lib West and Joyce Whittle, host esses served potato chips, cookies and iced drinks. Legion Auxiliary Meet Held Tuesday The American Lesion Auxiliarv met recently at the home of Mrs. Sam Jones on Hill Street. Six mem bers were present. Mrs. D. J. Riven bark, Jr., presided over the busi ness session. Plans were made for a dinner meeting in October. It was also decided to pay for an under priviledged childs lunch for a year. It was anounced that an Officers school of instruction would be held at the Sir Walter Hotel September 20 and 21. The hostess served cookies and iced drinks to Mrs. Rivenliark, Mrs. Robert Winders, Mrs. H. Moore, I Mrs. S. E. Parker, and Mrs. Frank I Hayslip. j "Since burglars aren't dismayed by doors or ordinary locks I guard my precious things inside a SAFE DEPOSIT BOX!" Your valuable belongings too, deserve the com plete, around-the-clock protection that a Safe Deposit Box in our vault affords. The cost is only a few cents a day ; so why worry? Rent a box with us instead, and enjoy real peace of mind! Drdmh Baalung ?-Qvt'l' ' 'f ' Warsaw. one of theboys' dormitories. In the center background is the Z. Smith Reynolds Library while the science building is at the far right. Miss Marie Kirby Student At Va. Intermont College Miss Marie Kirby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kirby, Warsaw, will enter Virginia Intermont Col lege in Briston, Va., in September for her freshman year. Miss Kirby is a graduate of War saw High School and while in high school took part in various activites. Virginia Intermont is a junior eollege and is one of ten represent ative junior colleges in America. Mrs. N. Flowers Hostess To Garden Club The Warsaw Garden Club met with Mrs. Norman Flowers on Thursday afternoon at three o'clock. Arrangements were carried by Mrs. Ed -Ewers, Mrs. Walker Stev ens, Mrs. Herbert Best. During the business session Mrs R. E. Wall presented a scrapbook to the club. An exhibit to be held next week was discussed. The hostess served a salad plate and punch to the fifteen members present. Birthday Party Mary Frances Hines, young dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hines, celebrated her sixth birthday Satur day afternoon at six o'clock. The young group enjoyed a weiner roast on the lawn. Guests included Susan Brown, Catherine Fountain, Johnson and Steve Sheffield, Katherine Buck, Diane Wahab, Jimmy Hines, Betty Jo Page and Billy Taylor. Wallace SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.50 per year in Duplin and adjoining Counties; $4.00 outside this ares In N. C: $5.00 ontoilr N C. Founders Day Program At U. D. C. The United Daughters of the Con federacy met on Friday afternoon, September 10, at the home of the Powell sisters at 3:30 p. m. Mrs. L. B. Huie, president, presided and called the meeting to order. Mrs. G. P. Pridgen, chaplain, lead the chapter rituals and the salute to the flags. The song "Dixie" was sung in Southern style. Reports from the committees were given as follows: Mrs. L. S. Whittle, treas urer, gave a splendid report, The Memorial Building Committee, chairman Mrs. John Pierce, report ed that the entire quota of $400 had been paid into the memorial fund. Mrs. R. C. Pridgen, magazine chair man, reported nine subscriptions. Mrs. Fred B?ars, membership chair man, reported four new members for the past year. The president thanked the committees for their timely reports. The following delegates were ap pointed to the state convention in Charlotte: Mrs. George Bennett and Mrs. J. W. Farrior, alternates were Mrs. Fred Barr and Mrs. Riv ers Johnson, Jr. Those appointed as delegates to the general conven tion to be held in Roanoke, Va., starting in November were Mrs. C. B. Guthrie, Kenansville and Mrs. L. S. Whittle, alternates, Mrs. Rob ert West and Mrs. L. B. Huie. The president stated that the center of interest would be presenting flags for the schools and valuable books to the school libaries. Mrs. Henry Stevens, Jr. made the motion that the time of the meeting be changed from the third Thursday to the first Thursday in the month. The motion was carried by unanimous vote. The program chairman Mrs. Paul Potter, presented a Founders rav Program. The U. D. C. was founded September 10, 1894 and this was their golden anniversary. She was assisted by Mrs. C. F. Carroll who represented Mrs. C. M. Goodleti the general founder of the U. D. C Mrs. Fred Baars represented the di visional president at that time, Mrs. W. F. Parsley of Wilmington. Mrs. f. W. Farrior represented the lo cal chapter founder, Mrs. W. L. Hill. They were dressed in colonial costumes of that period. After this part of the Droeram Mrs. Henry Stevens, Jr. conducted a quiz "Questions About the Found ing of the U. D. C." Mrs. Fred Baar and Mrs. C. F. Carroll won this questionnaire. The hostesses served a delicious dessert course of vanilla ice cream topped with red cherries and indivadual anniversary cakes decorated with rose arbors with lighted blue candles, carrying out the patriotic chapter colors of red, white and blue. Toasted nuts and mints were served with the dessert plate. Woman in Trarfic Cjurt: "Well I was driving down Main Kti-oot with my husbarid at the wheel . . " OUR NEW CO-OPERATIVE ADVERTISING PLAN ' SPECIAL OFFER We Are Now Giving Our Business Cards To Our Customers THESE BUSINESS CARDS ARE GOOD FOR WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE MADE AND GUARANTEED BY ONEIDA, LTD. Just think of it! All you do is save those business cards given you with purchases made at our store, and they are redeemable for beautiful WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE, in your choice of three exquisite designs. Start your set today and you will be agreeably surprised how fast your silverware cards will accumulate. This is made possible for you through a special arrangement we have made with the Rogers Silverware Redemption Bureau Inc. of 855 Sixth Avenue, New York 1, New York. Send the required amount of cards listed on the back of each card or in catalog, to the New York Office and the silverware will be forwarded to you Parcel Post Insured Prepaid. "Remember to ask for ROGERS SILVERWARE CARDS" THEY ARE TRULY VALUABLE Mrs. A. G. Cook Hostess At Bridge Mrs. A. G. Cook entertained her bridge club and additional guest it her home on Friday evening at ieven-thirty. Late summer flowers were used n the living and dining rooms where the tables were in play., Prize winners were: Club high, French Set, Mrs. Lawton Albertson; visitors, hand cream, Miss Mamie Bethea; low, pickled peaches, Mrs. Floyd Strickland; Bingo, carton of drinks, Mrs. V L. Smith. Other guests Included Mrs. Mo man Baar, Mrs. A. Brooks, Miss No ra Blackmore, and Mrs. Carl Wind ers. The hostess served ice cream and nuts. Mrs. C. Brown Entertains T. E. L. Bible Class Th T. E. L. Bible Class of the Baptist Church met Friday night with Mrs .Clarence Brown at her home on Hill Street. Mrs. Brown presided over the business session in the absence of the president, Mrs Ralph Jones. Miss Carrie Pecle was in charge of the devotional. The group enjoy ed singing their favorite hymns. The hostess served ice crean sundaes and blue and white icec cakes to Mrs. Peele, Mrs. Smmr Chambers, Mrs. C. V. Garner, Mrs. Oscar Best, Mrs, L. Boone, Mrs. Jim Herring, Mrs.. Conrad Scott and Mrs. Kate Herring. Mrs. Richard Herring was welcomed into the class at this time. IH li (IJlilili lrJIMiillllt; i H' lllil' FOR THE BEST IN CAR SERVICE VISIT DAVIS G. EVANS ESSO STA. On Truck Lane Be Sure To Register For TV To Be Given, Away October 2, 1954 PHONE 9191 WARSAW, N. CL A. BROOKS INC. Warsaw Leading Dept. Store PRICE TEN CENTS Mesdames Vincent And Mitchner Joint Hostesses Mesdames John Vincent and F. A. Mitchner entertained jointly at Mrs. Vincent's home on Friday evening their bridge clubs and additional' guests. Mixed summer flowers were used throughout the home. Prize winners were: club flight Mrs. W. G. Britt and Mrs. W. K West, each received roaster jpoS holders; visitors high, Mrs. Cbarlr Sheffield, plastic dress bag; efof second high, Mrs. W. J. Middleton, Jr., hose bag; low, Mrs. Mett Aus ley, lipstick and Bingo, Mrs. J. H. Hines, a wall memo pad. Other guests included: Mrs. H. IX Allen, Mrs. J. M. Kornegay, Mrs. Mitchell Britt, Mrs. Ralph Best, Jr.. Mrs. Avon Sharpe, Mrs. Glenn Bof lins, Mrs. Sterling Marriner, Mrs. O. S. Matthews, Mrs. Sam Godwin, Mrs. Elbert Matthis, Mrs- Earl Hide, Mrs. John A. Johnson, Mrs Rivers Johnson, Jr., Mrs. Bill Sheffield. Mrs. Frank Hobbs, Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. Ed Hines and Mrs. J, Norwood West. The hostesses served fresh trt& salad, nutt rolls and ritz upon, ar rival. In 1902 T. H. Shelvin was arrest id in Minneapolis for speeding in 2xcess of 10 miles per hour. He was ined ten dollars. Drive twice as fast and you 11 bit 'our times as hard. Speed is a dead ly factor in auto collisions. Be smart . . Slow Down and Liv& Modern automobile horns eaan startle. The State, Motor Veh'rs Department urges, yoa to satbe: horn for emergencies. Don't, startler someone into an accident. ...