IT. -3, KENAN8VTIXK, M. C, TBtTKSDAT. OCTOMJt I, 1964 "-iSuconcarv ''"'V- . ,T ',. .,. '- Having qualified as acVminlstratrix f the estate 0 James Jackson, de ceased. late Of Duplin : County, North Carolina, thiss-to notify all . persona having claims against the state of deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route J, Pink fiill. North Carolina, on or before the 30th day of August 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of ! their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to said estate will please make , Immediate payment This 80th day of August, 1954. , Eva Outlaw Jackson Administratrix . - . James Jackson Grady Mercer Attorney -at Law Kenansville, N. C. I0-7-6t-GM notice or tkustee's SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the pow er of saie contained In that cer tain Deed of Trust executed by Ed die B. Hill and wife, OThonia S. Hill, ' to Woodrow H. Peterson, Trustee, dated March M, 1954. and recorded in Book 489, page 235, of the Duplin County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and the holder of the debt having Jeraanded that the .Trustee fore close said Deed of Trust under the the powers therein contained, the undersigned Trustee will, on Mon jay, October 25, 1954, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court House door of Duplin County, in Kenans ville, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction and sell for cash o the highest bidder, all those cer tain lots or parcels of land located in the Town of Warsaw, Warsaw Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Junious Charles, Isaac Pittman, Sam Miller and others, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit: Being all of those certain lots as shown, appearing, designated and Could this an old trhnd of yours? Could he itrain and struaole throunh another winter? S Wouldn't you risk a mid-winter breakdown, ond costly repairs? Retire this faithful . old friend before he becomes a very costly burden Replace Now With a Year 'Round known as Number 23, 24, 25, 28, 27, 28, and 29; according to that cer tain map of the B. T. Cooper Estate, made May 14, 1948, from an actual survey by Fv P.. Fonville, Surveyor, and duly recorded in Book 218,' at page 284, in ute Office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Duplin County, to which said map reference Is here. by made foi a more ample and com plete description of said land here: in conveyed by metes and bounds'. And being also the same lots de scribed In that certain Deed from Branch Banking and Trust Compa ny, Executor of the Estate of B. F. Cooper, deceased, to Eddie ' B. Hill and wife, OThonia S. Hill, dated July 27, 1946, and recorded in Book 444, at page 172, of the Dup lin. County Registry, and in that certain Deed from M. W. William ion ni wife, Georgana Williamson, to OThonia Hill, dated March 27. 1948, and recorded in Book 445, at page 508, of the Duplin County Reg istry. This the 20th day of September, 1954. Woodrow H. Peterson, Trustee ;0-21-5t-WHP WEATHERMAKER It's furnace replacement month at all Carrier Dealers. SPECIAL LOWERED PRICES ALL THIS MONTH. New financ ing plan available. Atrer dowh payment, NO PAY MENTS UNTIL FEBRUARY. Don't replace your furnace with a furnace, ond get the same thing you have now. Replace with a Carrier Weathermaker and have air conditioned comfort the year round. See your Carrier dealer for complete details. 1 r, ; 4-vSSv This is the compact Carrier Weathermaker. It cools with electricity, heats with gas or oil, and needs no water HANOVER IRON WORKS 112 N. Water Street D al 23257 and 3380 Wilmington, N. C. - NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina Dunlin County Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by William Leach and wife Ethel Leach, dated the 11th day of February, 1953 and recorded in Book 461 at Page 530 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, North Car olina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms threof subject to foreclosure, the under signed trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash at the courthouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon on October 29th, 1954 the property conveyed in said Jeed of trust the same lying and being in the County of Duplin. State of North Carolina, being Tract Number Two set out in said deed of trust consisting of two lots which con'nin approximately one acre jnc known as our home place and bounded by the lands of Napoleon Faison. Junius Brcwington, Billie Jackson Lands and Mary Faison an"1 nthnrs: 2nd Tract: Being set out in Deed it i'rust as tract No. 3 being the same land as conveyed by Mary P. Ray, and others to Ethel Peter son, (.now Ethel Leach) and four acres being the same land conveyed to James Middleton by A. D. Hicks jy deed recorded in book 169 at page 189, the same four acres being deeded to H. T. Ray, et al by Jelen N. Beems and her husband C. 3eems, said land being located in Duplin County, North Carolina. This the 27th day of September, 1954. Amos R. Butler. Trustee 10-2'.-4t-HTR commenced In the Oeneral County Court of Duplin County, North Car olina, by the plaintiff above named against the defendant for an ab solute divorce on the grounds of two year separation, and In which the defendant - Is interested and which cause of action is set forth In the complaint tiled In this cause, and that the defendant is a nec essary party to this action; and that the said defendant; will " further take notice that he is required to eppear at the office of the Clerk of General County Court of Duplin County in Kenansville, North Caro lina on the 30 day of October, 1954 and answer tt demur to the com plaint filed in this action which has been duly filed in said office, on or before the 20th day of Nov., 1954. or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in this' complaint This 30th day of September, 1954 R. V. Wells, Clerk General County Court Grady Mercer Attorney for Plaintiff J0-21-4t-GM NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND North Carolina Duplin County Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust recorded in Book 470 at Page 11, executed by J. A. Peterson and wife. Alma Peterson, dated the 22nd day nf December, 1951 and recorded in the office of the Regist er of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the under signed trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bif der for cash at the courthouse door at Kenansville at twelve o'clock noon on the 28th day of October, 1954, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Rockfish Township, Dup lin County and more particularly described as follows: Being the home place of the said parties of the first part containing 125 acres of land adjoining the lands of Stokes Williams, W. W. Alderman,- Robert Wells, and being the same lands described in a deed of trust to H. E. Phillips, Trustee, re corded in Book 455 at Page 61 and being the same land described in a deed of trust to the Interstate Trustee Corporation, Trustee; There is excepted from this deed of trust 69 8 acres of land conveyed to Reigel Woodlands Corporation by deed dated December 22, 1951 and filed for record December 22, 1951. This the 27th day of September, 1954. H. T. Ray, Trustee 10-21-4t-HTR IJorjh Corolina i farcers Vote October 15 On 'llickles' Program North Carolina Farmers will vote Friday, October 15, on whether or not to continue . the Nickels for Know-How program, initiated in November 195L The impending vote was author ized April 7 by the State Board of Agriculture, acting upon a request by the State Grange, the Farm Bu reau, and the Agricultural Founda tion. According to an enabling" act pas sed by the 1951 General Assembly, a referendum must be held each three years if the Nickels for Know- How program Is to continue. The present program will expire Decern- ber 31 unless approved by a two thirds majority of those voting. Eli gible to vote are users of feed or fertilizer who are engaged in the production of farm commodities and their husbands or wives. Future Farmers. 4-H Club members and other farm youth may vote. E. V. Vestal, president N. C. Agrl- NOT1CE OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF SUMMONS If You Have a . BUSINESS PROBLEM ... We May Have the Answer Most business problems arise from the need of v money ... to provide for sound expansion ... to finance productive equipment or improvements . to meet current obligations when capital is tied up in inventories or accounts receivable. In situations like these, your bank should be "the goiad right arm of your business." Certainly that is the way we would wish you to regard us. Come in and let's talk it over. You will find that " our approach to your problem is practical, under standing, cooperative . , . bom of our many years of experience in helping business men like your self to meet current needs constructively and build solidly for the future. First Citizens "Bank & Trust By Publication In the General County Court North Carolina Duplin County ji n ude Humphrey Huffman vs. William James Huffman The defendant, William James j Huffman, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been : The undersigned, having quali fied as executrix of the estate of W. A. Rackley, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 24th .day of September, 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 24th day of September, 1954. Mrs. Arlene W. Rackley, execu trix of the estate of W. A. Rack- ley, deceased. Rose Hill, North Carolina H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, North Carolina. ll-4-8t-H.EJ. NOTICE In The General County Court Notice Serving Summons By Publication NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY. Dorathy Catherine Savage vs. Jonas Aaron Savage, Jr. The Defendant, Jonas Aaron Sav age. Jr., will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Duplin County, N. C, on the part of the Plaintiff for divorce a vinculo against the Defendant on the grounds of two years continu ous separation as by law provided; and that the Defendant will fur ther take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court, at the Court House in Kenansville, N. C, within twenty days after the 5th day of November, 1954, and answer or demur to the Complaint of the Plaintiff and notifying him that if he fails so to do that the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Com plaint. This the 1st day of October, 1954. R. V. WELLS, Clerk General NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate, f J. L. Farrior, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 2nd day of October, 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of October, 1954. L. H. QUINN, Administrator of the Estate of J. L. Farrior, Deceased, Kenansville, N C. H. E. Phillips, Atty., Kenansville, N. C. ll-ll-6t-HEP Company Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. i . , - Pink Hfll, N. C ' : You'll be glad you bought a Chevrolet! Hera's why in a nutshell. You save when you buy and you save when you trade. You'll stay proud of ita lasting good looks. You'll enjoy luxury car features for finer motoring. And right now you'll get the deal of the year! Come in and let us prove it to you! YEAR AFTER YEAR, MORI PBOPLE BUY Chevrolet THAN ANY OTHER CAR! WARSAW MOTOR CO. WAESAW.N.C. JOIIES CHEVROLET CO. PINK HILL, N. C. . cultural Foundation, pointed out that since Nickels for Know-How was first approved by a 0 to 1 ma jority three years ago, the money contributed by feed and fertilizer users has paid for S3 research and edacational projects dealing with problems of major concern to farm people. The funds have also paid for pub lication of a text on soil and soil fertility, for use by vocational agri culture students. Nickels for Know. How will pay for a similar publi cation on tobacco later this year. Beginning July 1, the directors of the Foundation approved funds to support further research in oth er critical problems in vegetable crops, fruit crops, chemical weed control, dairy marketing, . grain marketing, farm management, to bacco curing, soil chemistry, iorage croos, small grain breeding, dairy cattle breeding, animal nutrition, entomology, tobacco Insects, forage preservation, genetics, tobacco dis eases, small grain diseases, soil mi crobiology and poultry diseases. The question before the voters is whether or not they will continue to contribute S cents per ton of feed and fertilizer they buy to support an expanding agricultural research and educational program. If a man looks before he leaps. chances are he won't leaD. To err is human not to air your neighbor's errors is divine. Too many people strive to make an honest dollar dishonestly. Often the fellow with money to burn lives to rake th eashes. There is no closed season for those who are hunting trouble. Anyone can find fault with good qualities possessed by others. No man has as good a neighbor is he thinks his neighbor has. Stick to the truth and you'll sel dom talk about yourself. Any man who deceives himself is an easy mark for the deceivers. A good bookkeeper cant afford to lost his balance. . ,, People who have a right to boast usually prefer hot . Most arguments would be spoiled if either party knew the facta, , i Those who make the rounds find it difficult to square themselves. , 1 S Us Foe Your BoiUing Not Pii-e & Oak Flooring Screens Brick P ly Wood Windows Doors Roofing Hardware All Othei Building Materiel: Marllad-GritfinM- 1400 W. Vernon Ave. Phone 2250 Kinston. N. C. OOOOO0OOOO0OOO00OOC3O000O0OO0OOOO0OOO0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o p o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o ir - -. o mmmm A i o i 1. " V , : 2 II I O ;J fl"'; I Oil 1 I-"' 1 ifiSilii e?r3 PS The Holder of the Purse Strings is an impor tant member of the Family .... Because those strings are tied to Financial Independence! Care f ul Budgeting and Systematic Savings lead to Se curity and Happiness for All! Whatever your Banking needs may be Pay Us I r t 1 1 i V Kenansville Rose Hill Beulaville o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O i sc O ' o o o o o o o; o O j 0:-r o , it o ooooooooooooooooooiooooooooooooooooooV