' ' v 'Vm ViO . i ' , ' - i . .' r . ' ' ' ,'- ' V ' . v - '-' I : 'f -'yj 'y'si' -v. " , . - 4 t r yr l". - i v 5 SUBSCRIPTION BATES: I3JS per lear in Dnplln and a4jlnlnf Counties; f4 M outside this area In N. C: (&00 outside N. .C.7 v '" PRICE TEN CENTS "fr. VOU 21, NO. 44 , : SECTION 1 ' 1 'KENANSVUXE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1954 I m3K Medica Society I 1 Renr Alfred Pnllnck of Warsaw J , W , W . :" . .. II! ' " I I left Sunday to take a position M I :'':..;--.'':r'':V,- . . ' MV;''V'VW : j -.TUe Farm i;uas at waimw nsa vA resumed tU c lanes each ThurwUy night at 7:30 p. m. at the Africal ture Shop. All fanners axe Invited .'.-(! to attend, Clarence Warren la lead er of the clan. ' I'll I .1 - . ... 1 it ; T . . v. l; t THE LATE GOVERNOR WILLIAM BRADLEY UMSTEAD whose : death on Sunday morning in Watts Hospital In Durham saddened the ' state. Funeral services were held from Trinity Methodist Church at L Durham on Tuesday morning. He was the third N. C. Governqr to die i In 'office, the first in this century.. School Improvement Commiltees Hear Miss Kitchin On Guidance ,r On Tuesday night a dinner meet '9 j v'wai' heldJ by ttw School Tm "1 (y v yvement Committee cpmposed oi i,V V principals of the county, y.T. A. i '?""presiderits, X. A. presidents u and executive committee, two teach ' i j ers from each school and commit-i-: - teemen of each schooL . -. Mr. Dallas Herring presided at i 5 the meeting. Supt O. P. Johnson . ' Introduced his brother D. S. John con, superintendent of Rocky Mt. City Schools, who - spoke a, few , words and Introduced , Miss Kate Parks Kitchin, dean; of girls guld ' ance advisor, of the Rocky-Mount Senior High School, who gave an Inspiring talk on guidance. , (. ' , Previous to this meeting Mr. Her . r ; ring had sent out questionnaires to - , the t' teachers for suggestions . for s. Prominent Minister Unity Methodist Church Revival 1:1 Walter " Anderson,' outstanding - Methodist Layman, will hold a week revival at Unity Methodist Church beginning Sunday night, November 1 lth and closing Saturday night, .November 20th. In addition to Mr. fc- Anderson's messages, special music v - various church choirs and quar- ( Waiong with group singing will .i aire the weeks meeting. I Mr. Anderson, who is now Direc tor ot Camp Activities and Assist ant Secretary of Church Extension in the North Carolina Methodist Conference, is well known for his long and outstanding record in law enforcement work. He has - been Charlotte Chief of FoUcs, Director' of the State Bureau of Investigation, and was recent? State Prisons Di rector for North' Carolina While in this field, Mr. Anderson achieved an outstanding record. Even vwlth these man duties, 'Mn Anderson has always had time for the work of his church. While State Prisons Director he conducted many Youth Revivals throughout the Conference. Last year, Mr. Anderson gave up his prison Work and 'was Immediately en i Ibyed By the "Methodist Church on a full time basis. Sine then be Irs been responsible for the bulld- - ' ' 1 I school improvements in Duplin. Dr. R. W. Brittell ot the University of North Carolina had made cfiatts'of the- results of the questionnaires and showed, them to the teachers. ' The meeting was well attended. Notice A county-wide Schoor Improve-. ment meeting will be held on Wed nesday evening, November 17 at 7:30 p. m. in the Douglass High School Auditorium. Parents and teachers working on the various phases of the program are expected to attend. ' . A very interesting program has been planned and we believe you will -benefit from the same. To Preach At 'ne of maftv new, Methodist church es in Eastern North Carolina. Along with his regular church duties he has been conducting . revivals all through .this area. He Is in constant demand by all churches and minis ters of the conference. Unity Church feels that they are Indeed fortu nate to secure Mr, Anderson for this week. , In anticipation of the large crowds expected at the' church, additional chairs ' have been : purchased and borrowed. The church is now ready to 'take care of the largest crowd In its history. The congregation is anxious to-share .these wonderful messages with as many , who can come to hear Mr. Anderson. Unity Mpthodist Church is locate ed five miles from Warsaw, From Warsaw,' the church' can best be reaohed by taking the left hand fork at Jo Sutton's Store and continu ing on that road for 5 miles. From Kenansville, the church can best be reached by t taking the right hand turn In front ot the ,Grove-Church and continuing on that road tor B miles. Signs will be placed at these locations -directing strangers to-the church. Services will begin each night at 7:30 p. m. I GOVERNOR . WITHER HODGES was iworrt Jn as Governor of North Carolina oft Chief ' Justice M. V. BarnhUI. Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock. Hodges is the son of a ten ant farmer in Virginia. His father moved to LeakivUle when Hodges was a yoith'g boyf Govr Hodges went to work av'afrfcariy age in the mills in Leaksvillie and worked him self up. to beoortt vice-president of the Marshalild , Co. Two years ago he -retired front bis business lob and rahfor Lt'. tiavernor of N. C. Magnolia Methodist Building Fund Drive ClimaxWMVVW plannlng,by both "toe ' Wiaiwarid Ways and Means CdiftljrufW8gnolia Meth odiits will mbfcrfcV'on a fund rais ing campeiiT'i$4ehd the church into a new 'efa'tf the morning wor ship servt'fln. ' Sunday, Novem ber 14th. Following the services and i dinner fop the Building and Ways ind Means Committee, a two week every matrjber .canvas will begin. During tnia 'time each). member will e solicited for a pledge towards .he proposed building. It Is hoped that enough cash can be raised dur ing -this-'two week drive so that construction can begin in early Jan uary.- ' 1 The proposed building Is to be a Church School Annex that will be loined to the present Church build ing by means of a 12 foot enclosed Vestibule. 'The new building will contain over, 25,000 feet of floor space and will have 6 classrooms, kitchen, a fellowship room seating 90 people, and two rest rooms. The estimated cost ot the building is around 15,000 dollars. The building has been planned to accomodate an enrollment of 150 people. Every need of the church has been given careful consideration by the build ing committee, and the committee feels that Vthis building will fill every need. The' proposed building has been a growing need of the church for the past few years. Attendance and en rollment has increased steadily ov er the past few years, and as a re sult the present building is inade quate:' Many classes are meeting in overcrowded and temporary spaces. two classes now meeting in one room. Prospects' for continued grow, th have also made the construction of a new building a necessity. Members of the Building Com mittee are' Mr. H. T. Brown, chair man, Mr. C; H. Pope, Mr.- H. L. Pip pin, Mr, C,V-'Jri Thomas, and Mr. Bromley,'.' Pope., Members of the Ways and 'Means Committee are: Mrs. H. lvPlPPlnV Chairman, Mrs. C. H. TopAMrt.' N!. Pickett. Mr. Joe RoUsAW' Mri I M. Sander son. Jr.vYheVpelrtor is Rev. J. G. White. 'W''v In October it V The folio wing 'marriage .licenses i.'ii i were ' issued by' .the . Register of Deeds Office' Of Duplin County dur ing th month of pctober 1954T v y WHirSWooVg Colte Caldwell StatesvUlalVN:fC.'i' Sarah Levan Harris; Stativiije( N, C; Stephen Hans Cottle, Warsaw-Faullne Jones Todd. Warsawi Stacy Spencer Huff. man, 'J'ackon. NiJ,vC.Elean6r Bay James, wauace; Mvvme iorace aau- Iter, OWon;N.y CrMary Magalene TuraeCPlnJcvHil&vJ. C? Kermlt Harold . Woodruff, VBt. a, aeima, jn. C. -Evelyn Jones, Rti 2, Mt Olive; Gerald Mewborne Uzzell. LaGrange -Eva Belle Kornegay, Warsaw; Lin wood Earl Sumner,. Beulavllle-Tyn-ia Qulnn Thlgpen, Pink Hill;, Thom as Alva Herring, Rose Hill-Sally May Jones, 'Magnolia; Melvln Aus tin Winders, Rt 2, Mt. OHve-Ella Mae Franklin, Morganton; -.N. C.; John Harold Jarmon, Pink HlllJNel Iie Jevoa Smith, Pink Hill. COLORED - Allie D. Johnson. Warsaw Viola Johnson, Warsaw1, Robert - Benjamin . Brewington, fU. 2, Falson-Viviair Goodman, - Falson; Ernest' Samuel .'Smith, Rose Hill- Sally M--MoClannmy -Wilmington, N. C; William O'Neal Ward, Falson Mary Lee Lattner, Falson.... , 14 Marriage; Licenses Issued The Ground Observer Corps of Warsaw held its first meeting Wed nesday night at the high school at 8:00 p. m. Sgt. Bruce Fountain of Durham spoke to the 15 present. Everyone is urged to attend the next meeting on the 15th of November. "Bundles for Peace" were collect ed at the Kenansville Methodist Church last Friday evening. Mr. Blizzard of the local school faculty showed a picture of the conditions In Korea at the time he was there. He also made a most interesting talk on the people and their great needs. To Launch November 14 Kenansville Hold Harvest Festival The annual Harvest Festival will be held at the Kenansville School, November. 18. Everyone is invited to attend. There will be square dancing, cake walks, fish ponds, bake sale and other forms of entertainment One Interesting' feature wlU be a Country Store with all items selling lor cants. - , A supper will be Served In the urtiool cafeteria from 6:30 til 7:30. A program under the-direction of Messrs. Helton, Blizzard and Body will be staged in the auditorium at 7:30. During the evening a King and Queen will be crowned from each department of the school. Eastern Carolina Tobacco Report WILSON, Nov. 8 Steady to slightly higher average prices were naid for most grades ol eastern North Carolina flue-cured tobacco mis week. Quality of marketings was some lower compared to last week. Vol ume was light, however, season gross marketings exceeded total sales of the previous crop reports the Federal-State Market News Ser vice. Sales for the week ending November 5-. totaled 19,871,546 pounds and averaged $54.50 per hundred down $1.34 from last week. Season sales were raised to 486,185,046 pounds for an average of SM.OS'. Total gross sales for the 1953 crop amounted to 479,821,151 pounds and averaged $57.10. Increases were shown for a little over half of the grade averages. Gains generally amounted to $1.00 and $2.00 a hundred pounds and cen tered on leaf and smoking leaf of ferings. No change occurred for a fairly large number of grades while a few suffered small losses. Lower quality offerings ot leaf and lugs increased slightly in per centage. The proportion of smoking leaf was smaller. Poor to good leaf and low to good lugs made up the bulk of sales. 1 Receipts of the Stabilization Cor poration under the Government loan program decreased to around of weekly gross sales. Deliver ies for the season approximate 7.4. Wallace closed on November S. Goldsboro and Dun nwill hold fin. al sales on November - 10 while Washington closes the 12th. . Health Staff Altends Meeting Mrs. Rosemond Brock, Mrs. Nor ma Candreva, 'Miss .Inez Barkley and Mrs. Gordon Kornegay, all staff members of the local health depart ment, attended a lecture and round table discussion on mental health at Cumberland Health Department in Fayetteville last Friday.,, -. i . ' These lectures will be given each first .Friday for a period of nine months by vDr. Howard,. Psycholo gist of the University ot North Carolina. Miss Dorothy Boone, men tal Hygiene Consultant of the State Board of Health is director ot this program," , ' , i i . ..Tha reason - some -men-are mis understood Is that they possess nothing worth studying, i ? Correction In last week's paper, a news story accidentally reported Ralph Miller as getting so many votes on the Republican ticket. This was an er ror, as Sheriff Ralph Miller is a full-fledged Democrat and has al ways been. Please pardon this er ror, Mr. Miller. Prominent Rose Hill Citizen Dies A. R. Bland, age 77, retired busi nessman of Rose Hill died at his home Tuesday morning at 12:45 o'clock. Mr. Bland was born In Duplin County on May 15th, 1877, the son of George Washington Bland and Ann Elizabeth Young Bland .He was a member of the Mt, Zion Presbyterian Church, a life long member of its Board of Dea cons and Church Treasurer for thirty eight years. . He is survived by his wife, the former Adell Scott, one son, A. R. Bland, Jr., of Kenansville and one daughter,- Anne Katherine Scott Bland of Fayetteville, one brother, John David Bland of Rose Hill, two grandchildren, and several neices and nephews. Funeral services were held Wed nesday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at the Mt. Zlon Presbyterian Church by Rev. Samuel G. Harness of Dur ham and Rev. Wade Allison. Inter ment was in the family cemetery. Theatre Man Gets Promotion B. E. Smiled, recently appointed manager for the eastern district of the Statesville Theatre Corporation, has estblished office in Weldon at the Center Theatre and is happy to be back on home ground after a four year stay in the western part ot the state. According to an an nouncement issued this week by the Statesville Theatre Corporation, Statesville, N. C, Mr. Smiley will have supervision over the Levon Theatre In Enfield, the Dixie Thea tre in Scotland Neck, The Car View Drive-In Theatre in Loulsburg, and the Sunset Drive-In Theatre In Hob good, and will actively manage the Center Theatre, Weldon, also Motor Park, Pink Hill, N. C. Born and raised in Warrenten, N. C, Smiley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smiley, and like many good theatre men, he claims to have Third East Carolina Folk Festival In Kinston; Lunsford At Work The third East Carolina Folk Fes tival will be staged in Grainger High School auditorium in Kinston on November 26 and 27th beginning at 6:30 p. m. The festival is under the direc tion of Bascom Lamar Lunsford, noted authority on folklore in the United States. Mr. Lunsford has been directing a similar festival in Asheville in August for a number of years and also one at the Univer sity of North Carolina in Kenan Stadium and at the N, C. State Fair for a number of years. Three years ago Mr. Lunsford de cided that one should be conduct ed in Eastern North Carolina and went to Duplin County for his sup port The people of the B. F. Grady School district, Kenansville and the Beulaville Selected Observation Post By Mr, Ramon Davis wishes to an nounce that the City of Beulaville has been' selected by Civil Defense Officials and Air Force Ground Ob server Corps 'Personnel as a loca tion for an Alraraft . Observation Post It has been determined that a Ground Observer Post is required at this city In order to obtain .more adequate coverage In this' area In sofar as spotting of aircraft la con cerned in the event of a national emergency, A post at this city will lessen the possibility of destruction of Prime Target areas selected by the enemy. Mr. Davis states that many cities and communities throughout N. C. are already .organized and partici pating and many more are needed. Persons volunteering - for duty A $600 Educational scholarship to be awarded the winner of an essay contest open to all high school stu dents in North Carolina sponsored by the Medical Society of . North Carolina Is announced by Dr. Don ald B. Koonce of Wilmington, Chair man of the Society's Committee on Public Relations. Essays may be submitted anytime during the period January 1 to February 26, 1955 through local High School principals, on the subject "The Advantages of Private Medi cal Care." The first prize of a $600 scholar ship will be made payable to any ill! cut his permanent teeth on a pro jection machine. While still in high school he worked afternoons and Saturdays in the booth at the Imper ial Theatre in Warrenton, instructed by that theatre's first projectionist, George M. Robinson. Since that time he has worked steadily in theatres; first at the Imperial, as general manager for the Plymouth ind Daly Theatres in Plymouth, is manager of. the 1ixie Theatre, Scotland Neck, as city manager for the Reeves, Lyric and State Thea tres in Elkin, as manager of the Plymouth Theatre, Statesville, and at the time of his promotion was advertising manager for the States ville Theatre Corporation. Mr. Smiley is married to the for mer Miss Hazel Louise Ellington, daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. R, H. Ellington of Henderson, and they have three children, all of whom are in school; Rose Marie, In the tenth grade, Larry, in the sixth grade, and Joyce Ann, a first grader. The Smileys are making their home in Weldon. Duplin Times joined Mr. Lunsford's efforts in 1952 held the first festi val in this area In Kenansville. Last year the festival was held at the B. F. Grady School. This year the Kinston Chamber of Commerce is joining the Grady School and the Duplin Times In sponsoring the event in Kinston. Mr. Lunsford expects to have nearly all who participated In Chap el Hill and at the State Fair to show their wares on the stage of Grainger High School auditorium in addition to a number he expects to dig up in the areas around Kinston and Eastern Carolina, It is hoped that the Festival will continue on a permananet basis In Kinston. For Aircraft Civil Defense with the Observation Post will not be required to participate daily. Par. tlcipatlon will be required only dur ing practice exercises, emergency alerts and In the event of 'a nation al emergency. Young and old may take part in this vital Defense Pro gram. - The first meeting will be held next Tuesday, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p. m. at the Beulaville School auditorium for the purpose of getting organized and trained. United States Air Force Personnel will be present to explain our defense requirements to be fol lowed with a movie showing the simulated destruction of one of our largest American cities. - : . t . You are urged to share In this vital community project ' Contact Mr. Davis for further Information a bout how you can help. 1U college or university, Wetted by the winning essayist, which meets the standards of the Southern 'Associa tion of Colleges and V Secondary Schools. Prizes will also be (Ward ed to winners of second and third place essays. , ', ,' f ir' The three top papers in North Carolina will be forwarded to the Association Physicians and Surgeons for competition in the National con test. National prizes are $1,000 for first prize; $500 for second place; $100 for third place; and $25 each for the fourth, fifth and sixth place winners. . ' r , Two North Carolina students were NEW $60,000 WALLACJE OIURCHShown above is the pew $60,000 North ' East Fxe Will Baptist , Church, near WalljCe which wa dedicated October 31st, 56 years after the church was organized.. East Central Conference Standings Christmas Seal Sale Begins Hoy. 22 Mrs. Gordon Kornegay, Seal sale chairman for Duplin County Tuber culosis Association who has recent ly been appointed by Dr. O, . S. Matthews, president of the Associa tion, announces that beginning of 1954 sale of Christmas Seals will start November 22. The seals will be mailed throughout the county on that date. The designer of the 1954 Christ mas Seals Jorgen Hansen, a Dane, will honor the first seal sold in Denmark fifty years ago. The design on the seal is based on the tradition al Christmas Eve celebration in Denmark when all the members of the family join hands and dance around the tree singing carols. A cross each sheet of the 1954 seals, dance rows of children holding hands among brightly lighted trees. Mr. Hansen now lives In the United States where more than seven bil lion Christmas seals were distrib uted last year alone. Further details it the sale will be announced later. If a sucker is born In this world every minute It is about time to stop the clock. K GWENDOLYN BLANTON, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Blanton of Wallace, Is a member of the Wallace 4-H Club, carried the electrical pro ject for two years. She has repaired several electrical appliances, made two lamps and hat learned to. use an electrical lroner. Bema county Winner of the Farm and Home Elec trical Project, Gwendolyn attended the State Electrical Congress held In Hotel Charlotte on; November 1 and 2. The Congress was sponsored by Electrical Power Company! of North Carolina. f i m m si am 4m Essay among the top national winners In the 1954 contest Robert Taylor of Siler City, took top honors in th national contest following his sweep of the state contest Ronald Willi ams of Winston-Salem, who tied for second place honors in the state wide essay contest placed fourth itt the national rankings. ' This is the eighth consecutive year the State Medical Society hast held an annual essay contest spon sored by the Public Relations Com mittee of the State Society in cc operation with the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. 1 i Results of games played Novs New Bern 34 - LaGrange T Warsaw 26 Mt Olive 14 Smlthfield 14 Richlands fl Morehead 20 Wallace W Conference Standings: Team , LaGrange Warsaw Smithfield Richlands Wallace Mt. Olive Beulaville Burgaw iWLTPct. 5 1 0 833 4 02 833 5 2 0 714 3 2 1 583 3 2 1 583 2 4 0 333 1 6 0 143 ' 0 6 0 000 Games to be played November 12 Eurgaw at Warsaw lit Olive at LrOVange Vallace at Richlands Selma at Smithfield (non-confeO 1. The coaches will meet at the Mt Olive Community Building on Monday night, November 15, at 7:00 p. m. to select an all-conference team. Coach McClenny will have the responsibility ot notifying the other coaches if there is a change, in place and time of the meeting" 2. The all-conference team will be guests of the conference at its next, regular meeting on November 2Z- The world may owe you a living;, but by the time you collect youH' be on old man. v - . ' i twiiilwJMtttjii-4?.,, i't) -' 3BUCSENI PIERCE. Hose Hill. N. C. who is a member of the Rosa Hill 4-H Club carried the v Farm and Home Electric project for two years. In the 1954 project, Eugene Improved electrical wiring on hist farm and also bad a Farm and Home Electric demonstration on the con struction of an electric 'fence. Eu gene hopes " to represent Duplin County In the District Contest to be held next spring. Eugene attended the-JState Electrical Congress In the Hotel Charlotte on November 1 an 1 2. The Congress was s , d ty the Electrical Power Company of. North Carolina. JlLJ- .... I (- ,''' " S