: ;Vv-V':.r;':v:;R; 1 ' 14 Pcgss . : . A y .' i i i ' " i. 1 t .. VI -,.! v.. TL! ,ir..l '. t 1 ' 1 . ' V ' ,U ', ':. - VOL.21,, SECTION ' Duplin ; County ottieials elected : last month were sworn In Monday. ' " fehown above'laklng; their bath be- ' for Judge Clawson Williams are ; -the five commissioners. iLeft to right s " they are: Xnunett Kelly, reelected for a four year term; A. C, Hall, reelected for a four year term and .'mamed chairman of the board, sec--' ond time. Mr. Hall lias been nam- t d chairman; Leon Brown, reelect-. , ed for a four year term; Lott Kor negay, newly elected for a two year , term succeeding A. P. fates and J, B. Stroud, elected for a two year 8" t "inTf ' 5 ) ". j"' ;i it-.' ' j fnjRwfi' MW. J ' -K By PAUL BARWICK r , , Congressman : Graham . Barden - atated Monday, night that he is op- " ' . posed to the choo) non-segragation decision 'recently handed down by '.'.the United States Supreme Court J . J At the meeting of the first annual " 1 ; School ." Improvement . Conference " for Wayne, Duplin and Sampson - - v- Counties, in . Falson, Barden. said; , "I thAnk the decision was and is '( wrong for both races. No one fore. " . 'HIUI 1H U vei III LU uw iJEMBilUVI 'HfieldifF.tnfcir 'the genileaa who V vie the )eci8ion, for whom I nave I Ii ' highest respect, - would have V , Ae better,4o tend to their own ualneag." V-j -; ;v' -VCv ''i: ';,: , He further added, "The people of f" ii n inn in ' i i . . ' it. ') " 1 CHAMPIONSHIP TRQgHJES Kay Thorron. center ' t 1anJteptaiii 61 th LaGrange football team, an JEiiigbie Lwisi Warsaw,s All-Joiference baclftnd 'araaiji, Jeft ' . V right,' receive the l!asttfcritr&4fd ' y championship trophiesohrTloBnT Sfftlthfield vC J" coach and loop president, at a meeting jn Mount Olive ' Monday night." LaGrange and Warsaw tied for the con : ; ference leadership. Photo by Vaden Brock. . , ; . ." if i. . " O AW nu see an interior by Arthur Kennedy and operated by , Max tittle.' You folks who trade In BeufaYme' look for their t.X 'ok. an inside- page and look for their specials in The Tiroes each week. The formal opening will t on December 18th and they yUl give away 20 turkeys, that Mi". Kennedy hu raised, and 10 baskets . JuedVom $10.00 to $15.00 Remember ' the- date, Saturday, December 18tfu (Photo by Lanier's Studio- in Wallaoe), - - , - ' ' .": '..''.' - :' 1" NO. 48 KENANSVILLE, NORTII CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1954 ' 'pll!f f term succeeding 'Dallas t'Joniea. 'V-' Clerk "of Court R. V. Well was reelected for' the 10th time. At the end of his next four years he will have served Duplin County as Clerk for forty years. He is third in the state lit point of service as, clerks of superior court.' Only : the5 clerks in Durham and Nashville have serv ed longer than, Mr. Wells, r Mr. Wellsv took his oath before Judge Williams rand he in turn ad ministered the "oaths to Sheriff Ralph Miller . and his ' Deputies, county magistrates and constables. North Carolina love the Negro race, We have progressed faster than'any state in the Union in this respect But this decision, has slowed dqwn progress In the field of education. "I don't see how . nine men of such intelligence, as is on the Su preme Court bench, could make such a : decision , without having planned some way .out of this mesa. He added, "There is no ill will to ward the Negro race, and I will do all I can for theirs education, but I am one Norm Carolinian who does In other remarks, Barden said he la "of the opinion that too much control of local schools in Raleigh "has caused a decline in community interest in schools, v.'ji.i i it- view of the new K Si L Market In 'tf'' :-,..!-:;:'n-,Z - Y - J'i? . ' , i ' i " - - "' ' j -'C : '" .:.':,'..,": '."v --l '")' v.'i ;' SheriftciDeputies who furnished bond and' 'took, the oath of office were: :N.iD.vBoone, T. E. Revelle, W, O. Houston and M. D.UShivar. Special "deputies giving bond and taking oaths were: R. M. Byrd, Ber tis Fussell arid J. F. Futreal. Township Constables who furn ished bbntti4 took the oath of of fice wefe' W. BKissner, Consta ble, Magnolia Township; W. C. Hill, Constable, Glisson Township; J. F. Butts, ' Constable,' ' island , Creek Townshtp''E.1 Hi'' Kennedy, Consta ble, -LimeStonfc" Towhship; Ward The .139 educators who met in Faison yestrdav, discussed a pos sible legislature flroaram which the United Fortes Cn 'Education hope to place before the General Assem bly in 1955. Several methods ,of raising the money were discussed, in four groups. In the assembly : before Barden spoke, a,-, .review of the group meetings was presented. The Congressman, commenting" on the possibility of more ' taxes, said, will never believe' the people of North Caroliiie.aTe4- willing to pay for a good education for their children. Barden who wOl head the house of Representatives Edu cation and tabor Committee in the new Congress;, says he thinks there Is a place for the Federal Gov ernment in education, but thinks the situation should be approached with care in order "not to wipe out state lines with Federal aid to schools.'' ' 1 - "The Universal Military Training Program will probably come be fore the Congress in the, spring," he said. "The position I will take on the 'matter la that we can edu cate and train at .the same time.". In the afternoon session, the group heard Guy Phillips, dean of Schools of Education at University of North Carolina. He discussed va rious phases of education. A. B. Gibson, superintendent of Laurinburg Schools, informed those attending of United Forces for Edu- atlon program. . . Small discussion groups were led by Gibson, I C. Kerr, Sr., of Clin ton; O. P. Johnson, of Kenansville aiid Lester Gillikln;- of Goldsboro. State Legislators attending were Dr. David f; Rose, and W, S Kemp, of GoldsbWo; -ehd Mitchell Britt, The group voted to hold another School Improvement Conference in 1955. The place and d a t e of the meeting was not, decided. '5 5l to: Y'A:. V. Beulavllle. The new. store is owned House Carlton, Constable, Warsaw Township. ., 1 ' "' Falson W. McGowen was renam ed County Auditor; Gilbert Alphin was renamed Tax Collector and Mrs. (D.fl Jr.) Winnie Wells of Wallace was named County Attorn ey succeeding Vance B. Gavin. Judge Williams administered the oath to our new Judge Grady Mer cer and Solicitor David Newton Henderson. wick.) -(Photo by Paul Bar- Wreck At Sarecta Kills One Three highway accidents were re corded In Duplin County during the past week. General Lee Outlaw, Negro was killed in a wreck near Sarecta Sun day night. The accident occurred near W. W. Smith's store. Durwood Noble, Bosie Outlaw and Alton Midgett and wife and children, Ne groes, are in the Kinston hospital as a result of injuries received in the wreck. , According to Patrolman C. C. Hester, Outlaw was driving the car. A , tractor and trailer, traveling south on highway 117 near Bowden, left the highway on a curve, travel ed 225 feet at which, point the trac tor broke lose from the trailer and traveled an, .additional 75 feet. 'f'Eryfn Lee Spooner of Wilming ton, was driver.' Investigating Pa trolman Hester said Spooner ap parently fell asleep. Estimated damage is set at $7,300. ; Spooner received severe lacera tions of the head and a compound fracture of the left arm. He was taken to a Wilmington Hospital. Ira Craddock, Negro, skidded In to a ditch on. a curve on a rural road between Bowden and Kenansville in the Grove Swamp section Sun day afternoon. ' Hester, investigating, sale) Crad dock is under arrest for careless and wreckleas driving. ALTON HOWARD IS BACK Alton Howard, native of the Benlaville section, who worked as linotype operator for the Times two years ago and was given leave of absence to serve his two years In the Army, came back Monday after completmg that ser vice. He and Mrs, Howard are living In Warsaw. The Times feejs very fortunate In getting Mr. Howard back. For the past three months hle-treth itn-Uw, Dan McMaster, has been holding p7 Christine Williams Receives For Work In Mrs. Christine Williams, Duplin County Register of Deeds and a resident of the B. F. Grady, com munity, was presented the Scouting Award Wednesday night at the an nual banquet of Tuscaroro Boy Scout Council, The event was held at the Goldsboro Country Club, . She .is the first woman in the Council, 5 Composed , of . Duplin, Wayne, . Sampson- ' and ' Johnston Counties,; to receive such an award. Scout Executive Bruce Boyers said Mrs. , Williams has . been, one of the outstanding Cub Scout Den Moth er! and Scout leaders to participate in the Council's activities. - Mrs. Williams delivered one of the principal talks ,f dr. the occasion, "A Mother Looks At Scouting." After asking the question "What Is .v Mother's f, responsibility' In Scouting?" she brought out that her "greatest responsibility Is to hold on to her' husband with one hand and to God with the other hand in creating a home In which' children can enjoy 'fun of growing up and developing good character.' ' " ;'"' Iwlght Kastevi -of Wallace, -we presented an Swafd for outstanding leadership in thf field of -Scooting He ii aisoclatervith the U"i S. Soil Servleev -'vs'.vVy ;'ii:';;-f'lf' r The Silver Beaver Award, highest kward in Scouting for leadership, went to Glenn Grler, Jr., of Smith field. .v , .:l ::;- w ', John Turner, of Mrami, FlsU de livered the principal address, . He is head of Cities Service' Oil for Florida. '. A: i . " .-4Wt . -i .awv. be, lMh Meed' not appear antll - Vnm m V out of tf arf National Representatives. Taee&sy, Nevonber 14th. - , M r , . , ' . . - '''; -'C'V C y ,.:( ':r. V :'s4)'i:.S'-f''' raV'X t -fti '- W''vvvi '1 . " . 1 u 1.1' EDUCATORS MEET The first ference for Wayne,' Duplin and Sampson Counties was held Monday in Faison. . Congressman Graham Barden, second from right, was principal speaker in the evening. Pictured are, left to right, Faison Pwywm iii'iiw u.mtmmm-nmii-0:MmmiMii .n.ytjwii m &ja.j(dc)'j ..... ,s-. i i i ' l ' ' ... i.i t i .-.- , .',. , i MpSMst I. c - A : I-'.:- i 'T ..... - . - - : f - - ' . .1- : i ' '.': :V? DREAM TEAM Any high school football coach in Mount Olive tackle; Frank Skinner, Smithfield back; these parts would welcome having these boys on his Roger PhimpWpawvgud;oe Creech, Smithfield roam o motftincr Nnwmhor is.. ' thp lUst center: J. TO Ajaweri; Wallace end; Back row: uene;i Central AUdttferencS the conference at a meeting in Mount Olive Monday night Shown with Bill Taylor, left, of Warsaw, the conference's "Coach of the Year." thev are. left to right, front row: Bill Hill, LaGrange back; Jackie Crumpler, Cotton Referendum For December 14, Tuesday,' December 14, is the day cotton growers will decide whether marketing quotas will continue in effect on the 1955 cotton crop, of ficials of the State Agricultural Sta bilization and Conservation Com mittee have reminded farmers. All. farmers who grew upland cot ton in 1954 will be eligible to vote in the upland cotton referendum. At least two-thirds of the growers vot ing by, secret ballot must approve the quotas if they are to continue in effect. The vote follows the Secretary of Agriculture's proclamation, pn October 14, of a national marketing quota and a national acreage allots ment for the 1955 tobacco crop oil upland icotton. Such a proclamatlqpJ must be made under the law whenj Cub Scouting youth," he said, jTfou have noth ing , "Men have an obligation to bring Scouting 'to more hoys. Too often we ask a friend to help and give him nothing to do with our boys. Men who. give of their time, should be given something concrete to do." , He stressed the necessity of dose relationship between family, church and Scouting. "If America is long to continue as powerful nation, she wOl have to have a return to things more spiritual. We ' cant leave God at the church steps each Sunday morning.'' He brought out that a distrust among men is permlnafclng the coun try with a Slight fringe'; of dishones ty, "Time has been," he said "whan a man's handshake was his con- trac"' --.;s -"'. v1' ';' "We have a purpose In Boy Scout, ing to build character and you can't build character without God. It is important that we give religion a place la our lives. V . , 1 w ..f. He concluded, "As long as a boy believes in the Scout laws, he Will never Stray rom HiemV : "nH Bi I. 3ryan, of Mount Olive, has beeJH named president of the Coun cil for 1955. r Other officers are Loren Derr; Wayne vice-president; Roy Carter, Duplin, vice-president; W. F. Shuf-i ford, Sampson, vice president; and Sam Stealings', Johnston, vice presi dent, ": , ' ; ; ' : Hrma4 041 treasurer.. W. t. Kemp, N. P. WUllami and Roy Car Annual School Improvement Con- pliyem they werCmed by Is Scheduled Throughout State the prospective "total supply" of cotton exceeds the "normal supply." The total supply of upland cotton for the 1954-55 marketing year was estimated in October at 21.5 million running bales, more than 3.8 mil lion bales above the normal supply of 17.7 million bales. If fanners approve quotas by the necessary two-thirds majority vot ing, the price support available to eligible growers will be at a level between 82 1-2 and 90 per cent of parity. If the quotas are voted down, the maximum level of sup port to eligible growers for U55 crop cotton will be 50 per cent of parity. The Voting in Duplin will take Place Tuesday, December J4, U&L-at the polling places listed below which will be open between the hours of 8:30 a. m. and 6:00 p.m. Albert son, Holt's Store; Cypres Creek, Jay Maready's Store; Faison, Fai son Town Hall; Glisson, Melvin Powell's Store; Island Creek, Ken neth Teachey's Store; Kenansville, Agricultural Building; Magnolia, L. M. Sanderson's Store; Limestone, Ransom Mercer's Store; Rockfish, Rockfish Community Building; Rose Hill, Rose Hill town Hall; Smith, Freely Smiths' Store; War saw, Warsaw Town Hall; Wolfs crape, G. E. Alphin's Store. Turkey Shoot December 11th j The Kenansville Jaycee Christ mas "Turkey . Shoot" will be held Saturday, December 11th in the Andrew Scott field near Rutledge Cemetery on the Kenansville -Beu lavllle . Highway. The event will start at 10:00 a.m. and continue on through the afternoon as long as the turkeys last. The shot-gun shells will be furnished by the club.. Jack . Brinson, Chairman -of the Jaycee Turkey Shoot, . says, "Our Thanksgiving Turkey -Shoot was very successful onsiderlng that h rained until - about 1:00 : p.m. iht day the event was held. The club decided to . hold , the, Christmas Tjn-key Shoot ,' early before most r . ououi t criy ' Deiorv most had gotten, theul Crititnt people Turkey, " - ATTENTION JURORS Clerk ef Court, R. V. Wells, announces that there will be no eoart Monday. All -Jurors trnn mone far eeart Monday,' Decern- bar Uta need not appear Wh " fl-1', ; McGowan, who introduced, Barden; School Board; D. J. Rose, North Carolina senator from Wayne; Barden. and Guy Phillips, who delivered the afternoon address. - (News-Argus Photo By Barwick l wray oanron, vvmirau, '." tackle, , and Hughie Leisj Warsaw back. Photo by Vaden Brock. New Building For Albertson The Albertson Ruritaii Club will break ground at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, December, 18 for the community building that has been in the mak ing for several years. M. B. Holt is the present president of the club and J. D. Grady is the Incoming pres ident. Various comdhainity activities save raised the money! " J ? The national president, Mr. Brake of Rocky Mount, will deliver the principal address. The building will be one story and will sear 300 people. It will be located at Holt Store, f 4,'. 9" ' I' i" - V 72 Native of Mt Olive Who for the past K the Goldsboro Nrcre. .ociaU difc ancTjJnJljb edltol of He wUl Uve ia LaGrange but hopes KenahsvlU, and wUl begln-Rwnbling schedule. w't Apro be on X: nlppiM . mZFmm& T'Mr,tWyrWve, so it you want tc w isSat5TdSn't hesiUte. , ' , , . - " r i:6vH,'li'.A.v.'"'i''' - - :''' ' nas no misgivings about that and Lnnot sf-nxitiv . t .mhih miir PRiCE TEN CENTS 1 Dallas Herring, chairman of Duplin Teachey, Wallace guarrg. Mr. Hawks Speaks A tobacco meeting will be held in the court house in Kenansville on Thursday night, December 16 at 7:30 p.m. Mr. S. N. Hawks, Extensfara Tobacco Specialist from State Col lege, will be at the meeting to- dis cuss tobacco varieties. Irrigation nematodes, sucker control, insects;, plant production, and repaai'ihg- to bacco barns. There are many new variEtfesr of tobacco out this year tfra farmers will want to get inf ornratlorrr on. A3B farmers should also be interested in the new information'', available on all other phases of tobacco pro duction. Farmers and! other people interested in tobacco are urged to attend this meeting., . '' f 1, i three years has been Farm Editor:.' iTh pltnfhnSe, today m Vefekl) iaUM m LaGrange, to spend qult .. bH time lr, ' Dypiin .raoon as m worviw- the look-out for Paul Berwick. A' nalnluf t0 n erutches, hut hw ' - , Hw jw wo,,, tu ujc . ; ' A'' ' '