i MRS. GLENN, BROWN 'Personals Mr", and Mr. H; K. lee attended house show at Mount Olive lasVi Sunday afternoon.' , " Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thomas of Jacksonville were Saturday evening dinner ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wahab. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wahab and lamily attended the : house show in Mount Olive last Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Dick Riggs and daughters .of Fayetteville . visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie -Sheffield. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jordan and children and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kornegay and children spent last week en'd at the Jordan's beach cot tage at Surf City. Mrs. Charlie Curlin and daughter. Betsy of Winston Sale mare spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. X Ellis West. Mr. and Mrs. E. C Bartlett, of Tayetteville spent last week end wrirn m r nnriuLi st biniiCI. uuo Herring. The Bartlettes and Mrs. Merrlne visited their sister, Mrs. Maudy , Vernon of near Greenville Sunday. , . 1 . , ) v Mr. and Mrs. Mason McNeil of 3tichinond,,Va4 visited several days islr with Mr. and Mrs. V. n- Best : ' ; (. V Mr and Mrs. Sanford Packer vis ited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Quinn in Green ville last Sunday., . - Dr. Deams' Wiggs of, Columbia, ;S C. visited his mother, Mrs. B. H. Wiggs and family last week end. . Mr and Mrs Albert Vann and children visited relatives In Clinton 3ast Saturday . Mr. and Mrs. V W. Hinson and son, Johnny visited Mr. and Mrs. OB. J Benton In Wilmington last Sat urday Mrs. Attle B., Vann of Clinton spent last week end with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vann. Mr and Mrs. J. N. West and ;iiihter and Mr and Mrs. Jonn and children spent last Sunday at Topsail Beach. - Mr. and Mrs. Billy Houston and Mrs. J. J. West spent last week end at Surf City - Mrs. GJemt Rollins and daughter. a Judy attended the Wallace Method ! 1st Church. Homecoming held in -Wall ac last Sunday. ' Mrs. O. S. Carroll and Mrs. O. S. -ur.tf haur and son. Jeffrey are spending this week with Mrs Car roll's sister. Miss Nora Laney li Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Sauls visit. '1a -Mr Raul's brother and sister in lOh. and Mrs. Rudy Sauls in nMilchnrn last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Merrltt and j,hf nf Goldsboro spent last week end with Mrs Todd's moth' er Mrs; J. S. Todd. Mrs. A. C. Webb, Mr and Mrs. , V. A. HiB jMr. and Mrs J O Webb, . all of Chapel Hill and Mr and Mrs. Bill JbUWaruS WC1C JUJ of Mfc and Mrs. E. C. Thompson.' Mr and Mrs. B1U Sheffield and children and Mr and Mrs Edwin Sheffield and children and Mrs. B. ; C, Sheffield spent last week end at their beach cottages at Surf City. The Senior Class of Warsaw High School enjoyed a tour of Washing nn ,fa,rinv the oast week, accom- T,B.ied by Mrs. Arnold Jones and" Mr and Mrs. Nelson Carlton. r Charles Sutton of Wilmington jpent last week end with his pa- : ents, Mr. ' WARSAW CHURCH, SOCIALS :i-vnu imi?di CJ ens PHONE 281-1 cops; raw, shredded ; cabbage r (cab bage .cooked 10 minutes loses half of Us Vitamin C value,' Cooked 20 minutes it loses all); 9 to 12 ounces sweet potatoes depending on length of storagefreshly dug ones have more Vitamin C; 2 ounces green pepper (minus seed); and 1-2 canta loupe (5 inches in diameter).' t : ii.,iJ n-r' Vi ntfiir-r.1 irr-fi rr f V It's said that only one person tn every million dies in bed, so there's little excuse to lie awake and worry about it. ' , , t Mr. And Hrs. James E. Taylor Win Yard 01 The Monlh Contest This month the James E. Taylor's j ... ii. . i f are tne nappy winners 01 uie yru of the month award on the basis of the unity and harmony of the pic ture their home and its well relat ed planting creates. , This pleasing picture is tne out come of having placed the ranch house of half high cement block on the lot so that -the' existing young oak' trees act as a frame for the entire picture.' Juanlta would like a pine tree on the north west to shade the living room, and the Judges think a couple of pines at the rear of the house to the north east would soon be tall enougn to be seen over the roof and complete this pretty scene. - Juanita said that James had plan' ned all the planting with the help of Woody Kennedy of the War saw Nursery, and she had added the annuals for cut flowers. She also keeps some most attractive house plant to spotlight the modern decor of the interior ol tbeir nome. Columnar "junipers were used at the corners. On the southeast under .he bedroom windows pink verbena nnds to a climbing pink radiance rose. Earlier in the spring the aza leas and sansanqua camellias to the right of the entrance put on their show, and in the planting box to the left the last scattered uoreis of dwarf pink azaleas can be seen along with the swelling buds of the trailing gardenias soon to "ask their June debut. ,One of the nicest things the Tay lors did' was to point up a pretty clump of young oak trees by the addit:on of lawn . furniture. This trick lust seemed to climax the feeling of tranquility one has when innVinir at the easy lines of the house, the simple pleasing foun datlon planting, the neatly mowed emerald greeq grass all nicely framed by the oak trees. Wouldn't you like to see this picture! Congratulations from the beau- tificatlon 'committee of the War' saw Club, to this fine young couple wise enough to use restraint in their planting, y.; Mrs. Henry Stevens, President Mrs. A. J. Jenkins Mrs. George Bennett Mrs. E. C. Thompson ' Mrs. Ed Ewers, Chairman Ellis Joseph And Senior Class Honored Mr, and Mrs. Seth Hill honored Mrs. Hill's nephew, EUis J osepn, who left last week to enlist in the Air Force, and the senior class of Warsaw High School on Sunday, May 19, following the baccalaureate service, ai men uuiuc vu wc Lin ton highway. The home was decorated through out with arrangements of spring flowers.' The serving table from which a delicious buffet supper was served was . covered with a lace cloth which was y encircled with lacy fern and dainty flowers. The table was centered, with an ar rangement of sweet peas. Approximately 78 guests enjoyed the supper, consisting of chicken sa lad on lettuce, sandwiches, cheese straws, pickles and olives, nutty fingers, assorted cakes and punch. t'vj Deaihb Garnie S. Herring Carrlie Sexton Herring Sr., 54 of Wallace, died Friday morning in Duplin General Hospital. Funeral services were conducted Sunaay afternoon at 3:30 from the Wallace Baptist Church by the Rev. Eugene Poston, pastor, assisted by the Kev. W. B. Hood, pastor of Wallace Presbvterlan Church. Burial was in Rockflsh Cemetery. He is sur vived by his wife, the former Mild red Johnson; three sons, Garnie Horrinn Jr nf Whiteville. Jem' mle-and Tommie Herring of Wal lace: three grandchildren: two bro thers, J. C. Herring, Sr., of Wal lace, and Ezra Herring of Chad-bourn. Salem, and four grandchildren. Pallbearers were Joe Hoffman, F. E. Allgood, F. C. Howard, H. H. Perry, W. A. Carson and Tom Howard Mr Sholar is the son of the late John David Sholar, far., of Wal lace, RFD No. 4 and has several brothers and sisters in Duplin County. Buffet Supper For Bethrothed; Couple Mr. and Mrs. Sam Godwin and Mr. and Mrs. John Fonvlelle enter tained at a buffet supper Saturday evening at 7:00 p.m. given In honor of the forth coming wedding oi Miss Vernelle Abernathy of Clin ton to Henry L. Stevens, in, which will be solomized on June sixth. A most attractive and colorful May Pole motif, using pastel colors in floral arrangements ana acces sories was carriid out effectively In decorations. The serving "table was covered wutt a paste. s..-iped cloth which was centered with a miniature par asol. fHled with spring uowers. Each individual table was coverea with a Dastel cloth and was center ed with a miniture May Pole with one of its streamers leading to each puesfs Dlace card which was at tached to a miniature parasol. The menu included ham, turkey, new potatoes, garden peas, green beans casserole, deviled eggs, con gealed salad, hot rolls, cake and ice cream. - Following the supper, bridge was enjoyed, during which time punch and toasted nuts were served by the hostesses. . The coude was presented with a gift by the, host and hostesses at the end of play. Mrs. Mitchell Britt received ladies high, score pruea crystal, bud vase and Mr. . u. fohrison,; Jr, - reserved folding table as men's high award. Those attending were Mr. ana Mrs. Lee Brown, Mr. ana jts. Johnson. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Mit chell Britt, Judge and . Mrs. Henry L. Stevens, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J.- T. Gresham, Mr and Mrs Avon Sharpe, Dr. and Mrs J. M. Kornegay, Dr. nH Mrs. O: S. Matthews, MT Wall and the bridal couple, Miss Abernathy and Mr Stevens. Royal Ambassadors Spend 3 Days On Outer Banks Of N. C. Bill Knowles, Donald Knowles, Hubert Merrltt. Buster Merritt, Jim my Strickland, Billy Vann, Bill Straughan, Jimmy Boyette, Terry Quinn, Clarence McNeil, Neal Mit chell, Ben Mathls, Jr.. Paul Britt, Jr . Ronnie Batts. Bobby Batts, and Bill Rollins, members of the Boyal Ambassadors of the Warsaw Bap tiat Church, spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the Outer Banks of th N. C. Coast. Some of the highlights of the trip were two nights camping at Oregon Inlet, a trip to the top of Caps Hat teras Lighthouse, a visit to Wright Brother's Memorial at Kitty Hawk, swimming in the Outer Banks sun, a visit to Historic Fort Raleigh, site of the Lost Colony, and a visit to Lake Mattamaskeet on the return trip home. The trip was conducted by H. C. Allen, E. B. Boyette and Drew Grice, R. A. Counselors, with the help ef Bill Knowles, James F. Strickland and BUI Vann. An r joyable trip was had by all. and Mrs. Jatnes Sutton. Mr and Mrs. Jimmy Bizzeil are spending this week with Mrs. Blz ' iv narents. Mr. and Mrs. Bill JShine. before moving to Florid '.. .v-. u, nizzell has accepted a 'i W W V - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baker left last Monday morning for Chicago, 311., where they attenaea we boww ' ,..n Rantist Convention this week. ' Miss Mae Brock of Goldsboro. spent last week end with her moth - r. Mrs. J. C Brock. ' ' u, and Mrs. Eugene Beddingfleld f Millbrook spent last week end -' . u- v, Mn CI S. Best. m.. Tnroeii Jones and son of Wehead are spending this week ; -with Mrs, Jones' parents, Mr. and , Unir. S Best. - . , " ' Mr and Mrs U eurraw nu hadirsn of Geldsboro spent Sunday ; u. .nH Mr J. C. Surratt Sr. Mrs. Herbert Smith of' -ltenant-vllla and Mrs. ?aul Potter shopped in Goldsboro last Saturday. Mrs Lillian Quinn was Snnday dinner guest hi the home of Mr. n jt v., jmr Teaehey. ' Miss Lillian Quinn was Sunday 'nneruest at the hoisse-elK. nd !n- Tm TvacheT. " diss Grieelda Whaley and Ob visited last week . ..S.tiVM. Mr. : and Mr. Jack aa.. in T-akuland. Fla. s'nd Mtts D.w.i rtaiairat In Tampa, Fla, . knrt Mrs. L. S. Whittle and daughter, Sue and Joyce spent last ' -week eBd at Wrlghtsvllle Beach, TJfr and Mrs, Jim MlMer, air.v uu Mrs. George Sutton and. Mr, ' Hnc-iTCarlton joined theaa ' Mr and Mrs. William. A. Houstenv ' and Mrs. Houston's grandmother. pent last week end at Topsail Beach, having as their guests for .u- -.v nrt. Mr. and. Mrs. Alton Howard and Al, of Kenansville., Mrs. Hopkins , "Entertains Club Mrs. George Hopkins entertained tnamhPKt of her bridge club last : afondar evenlnf. . Those playing were Medames J. H. Wahab, Mattle Torrans, . Jones, Forest Martin, Martha Davis, Xath Hill. Graham Register. . - Mrs. Davis received china salad ml as high score award; Mrs. Regis tar receive a Juice set s visitors higU award and Mrs. Jones reeelvVd n a.- trav as traveling prtae. I " s Ttokins served soft-drinks f l ? ttiri flay d : c t-. ' 1. i ! 1 tl. 1. I ' Entertain Couple At Hotel Goldsboro On Tuesday, May 21, Miss verneui Abernathy and Mr. Henry U. ote- n m. bridal couple eie oi Tuna sixth were honored at -a din ner party in the Terrace noom oi the Hotel Goldsboro. Hosts were Mr and Mrs. Vance Gavin, Mr .and Mrs. B. D. Johnson, Jr., and Mr and; Mrs Lee' Brawn. . UDon arrival. Miss Abernatny was nresented with a eorsage of sweet. hurt roses and later in me evc- nintf a eift of crystal. ' An arrangement oi yeuow ana white snapdragons and gladioli centered" tne table' where me wm- inurinv ffuests were servea: to tfimr Ll Stevens. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. John Fonvlelle, Mr. ana Mrs. oam fiovlwin. Mr. and Mrs Bill Sheffield an of Warsaw, Miss Jean Douglas nf Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ker baugh and Vi. and Mrs. William Fleming of Baleigh and the hon--mtnU Mian Abernathy and Mr. Stevens.'.': Mrs. Bill Vann TTjitertains Daughter , r- Mra i Bill Vann enterauied her anhtar. BaUv -on her 8th birtn- day las Monday afternoon at their Ontdeor games ere enjoyea al ter all fee little girls arrived, after which Btay opened her many nice gifts: ' ' Aftes The gaesU had sung 'Happy nrthda ia Betor. Mrs. Vann serv ed chosolste birthday cake ehoco Iate and vanilla lee cream and salt ed nuts and suckers ana Draeeieia were given as favors. ? Thni attending v were Susan Brewn, Jaae Strickland, Sally Mc Neil Buhdy " Jones. Jacky Martin, T..n.ti - nritt Linda Grice and. rNoraaa Bay Quinn. ' 'i Mrs. Sutton Hostess To Bridge Club Mrs. James Sutton was hostess to members of her bridge club last Friday evening at her home. The home was graced with arrange ments of petunias and sweet peas. Those, attending were Mesaames Seth Hill, Dewy Potts, Max Grice, Graham Begister, Robert Davis, Bruce Torrans. Mattle Torrans and George Hopkins. Mrs. HiU received hand lotion as high score prize; Mrs. Grice receiv ed a towel set as second high prize and Mrs. Torrans- received dish towels as traveling prize. Mrs. Sutton served soft drinks and potato chips during play ana at the conclusion, strawberry short cake. Warsaw vGraduate's Closing Address 1 Miss Zona Quinn, Salutatorian of the 1957 graduating class of War saw High School, gave the follow ing address at graauation on Tues day, May 21. 'Mr. Harmon, parents ana inenas, 6n behalf of the class of 1957, 1 give you a very coraiai - weicume iu share in this occasion, xour pres ence honors us. We have been sheltered in this nest of learning for twelve years by friends, teachers, and parents. We are now fledglings, poised for our fjrst flight. We shall make that flight, for we have gained strength; first of all from the love, the un derstanding, and the sacrifices of our parents; we have gained strength from the loyalty of our classmates and fellow students. It may be that we make this first flight from a misty mountain from which we can not see our way clear ly, but we shall be guided by the things we have learned here. We go Into a wonderful but a dif ferent world. Each age has It's own responsibilities for we are youth; we have, each of us, a definite place to fill. Thi class bu not produce an Einstein nor a Beetnoven nor a Shakespeare but each of us nas s definite contribution to this town, to this county, to this state, and to this nation. A nation is as strong as it's people. We believe that, with wnat you have given us, the memDers oi wis class will each in his own way make this a stronger nation, we hope to strengthen this lana oi ours hv work, by cheerfulness and by friendliness. There is an old Chinese Frovera which states: Where there's beauty In the character there will be nar- mcuiy in the home; When there is harmony in the home, mere wm be order In the nation; When there Is order In the nation, There will be peace In the world. Again I give each of you a gra cious welcome to this, the gradua tion of the class of 1957.' Mrs. Alice Cornelia Sholar Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Cornelia Sholar, 53, who died at 2920 Holly St., Shreveport, La., at 6:48 a.m. May 25 after a long ill. ness were held Sunday May 26 at 3:00 o.m. In Osborn Chapel in Shreveport, La. Officiating over the services was Rev. James W. Taylor, pastor of Hiehland Baptist Church. Burial was in Forest Park cemetery. Mrs. Sholar moved to Shreveport from Leaksville, N. C. 15 years ago, She is survived by her husband Willard Sholar one son, WUlr Sholar, Jr., of Shreveport, two daughters, Miss Lois Dale Sholar of Shreveport and Mrs. Daphne Schei- der,of Tokyo, Japan, two sisters, Mrs. Cora Johnson, Elizabeth City; and Mrs. Bertha McFatta, Winston- Elected President Catherine Anderson Rackley, a native of Warsaw has 'recently been elected President of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of For eign Wars Post 7547 of Clinton. Mrs. Rackley Is a 1952 graduate from Warsaw High School and worked with J. P. Stevens and Co. in Wal lace. She later married Jack Greg ory Rackley a Clinton resident, where they are now residing. Not Enough Ascorbic Acid In Diets Today An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but it takes 3-4 cup of strawberries, 1 1-2 cups tomato juice, or 1 1-2 cups raw shredded cabbage to provide the Vitamin C ascorbic acid recommended for maintaining good nutrition, says Aliss Jo Earp, Agricultural Exten sion Service nutritionist. A food consumption survey car ried out by the U. S. Department of Agriculture showed that among more than 6,000 United States fam ines studied, one person in four was not receiving recommended quantities of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed to aid in healing wounds, fighting infection, and keeping gums healthy. Except for calcium tobtaineo Hrgely from milk), this was the nutrient most often short in diets judged In relation to nutritional goals recommended by the National Research Council. Citrus fruits are rich enough in Vitamin C to yield a day's supply in one average serving such as a whole orange or a hall grapefruit, nut arenrdine to Miss Earp. it is also present in significant quanti ties in other foods. She points out that the following foods have equal amounts eacn enough to supply a day's needs of Vitamin C: 1 1-2 cups canned to matoes or Juice; 3 small fresh toma toes; 1 cup grapefruit juice; 5 oun ces orange Juice; one whole large orange (pulp and juice); 3-4 cup fresh or frozen strawberries; 1 1-8 RECENT BOWDEN VISITORS Mr. snd Mrs. h. J. Champion and children of Fuquay Springs visit ed her mother. Mrs. Lela Powell Creech and her aunt Mrs. Dora Jus' tice In Bowden a few days ago. 7 STATIC Announce Birth SFC and Mrs. Bronnie Jones of Anchorage. Alaska, announce the Hrth of a son, Bronnie, Jr., on May 7. Mrs. Jones Is the former Carolyn Carr of Warsaw. Stop pain of piles today at home -or money back! In doctor's tests, amazing new Stainless Pazo instantly relieved piles' torture I Gave internal and external relief I 6 medically-proved ingredients taclucUn TrlolyW, re lieve nain. itching instantly I Reduce swelling. Promote healing. You sit, nraiir in comfort! Only stainless pile remedy. Stainless Pazo Sup iuwiforioa or Ointment at drueelsts. TWamarli ft Grovi LabmUtrin. Int. Otntmmt mnd Svro$itorit. BY Vj ' 9 JANTZEN ELECTRICITY Mr There's a dhralinf impact to beach umbrella strlp ings, contoured in Jantzen's knit Lastex (R) 'Monaco' Maillot. Good looks are ablaze In the chin-deep halter that does a dip In back. Beneath, there's a jersaneae front panel and an added) figure marker the separate Bravo!' swim bra. Four high voltage stripe combina tions, all in aon-and-waier tested fabric. Sizes 10 to 16 $16.95 Patent Pending A. BROOKS, INC. Warsaw's Leading Department Store Miss Bowen Win At Canasta Miss Kathryn Bowen was win ner at canasta, receiving high score award when Miss Helen Torrans en tertained members of her canasta club last Thursday evening. Guests were served strawberry shortcake upon arrival and later, during play Miss Torrans served cookies and soft drinks. Miss Bowen received a can opener i high award and Mrs. Meivin Herring received . dish towels as consolation prize. Others playing were Mesdames W. C. Martin, Joe Lee Coettn, Frank Steed, Dorothy Johnson' and Miss Rita Sutton. Women Of Church Have "Birthday Party" The Women of the Presbyterian Church held its annual 'Birthday Party with a special objective for this year. The objectives for txus year being for medical workers in Mexico. Mrs. TO. Hines, president, presi ded over the bnskiass meeting af ter which Mm. B. P, Ewers explain ed the objective and a tUia was shown concerning them.' ' Mrs. N. H. Flpwers led in the closing prayer. . .. : Mrs. Ewers and Mrs. U B Huie served ice cream melds and cook ies at the conclusion of the film. New President B & PW Installed The Warsaw Business and Profes sional Woman's Club Installed new officers for the year at their regu lar dinner meeting which was held at the Coffee Shoppe on Monday, May 27. Mrs. Frank Hobbs gave Invocation. Mrs. Glenn Rollins, presiaem, called the meeting to order with the club repeating together the Club Collect. Mrs. Rollins welcomed a guest. Miss Vivian Beard, member of the Hocky Mount Club. Following the regular business, Mrs, Rollins reminded the mem bers of the State Convention to be hPld in Goldsboro, June 6, 7, 8 and 9. Delegates elected were Mrs. Rol lins. Mrs. Thomas Hogors ana Mrs j; P. Harmon, Alternates are Mrs. J W Farrier. Mrs. F. J Strickland and Mrs Avon Sharpe. The Warsaw Club will be host to the convention at a party on Saturday evening fol lowing the banquet. Mrs. Rollins expressed apprecia tion shown by the members during tha time she served as the club's president. Mrs. Blythe, Immediate past state president, presented the club with an attractively framed Club Collect as a moment. Mies Mary Lou Wlkins, tw pres ident made Vary appropriate re- ! Il9 All If rlL tTaUJlJ. MaIIAA Pf V illV nil i ours wiui rim iiuum; wiiiii AND 4 MONTHS FREE COOKING Page Home It's AT 15) is, cm lujiui ro lances M Exclusive Thinking Panel! mil See these fine FRIGIDAIRE features on America's "Thin kingest'' Thriftiest Range! h NEW THINKING PANEL frees you forever from tending and timing. GIANT THRIFTY OVEN hen waist-high Broiling Hnft, holds h biggest turkey you'H ever buy. COOK-MASTER OVEN CONTROL eary to set as your watch. Entire oven meals cook aufomoticolfy. WONDERFUL FRIGIDAIRE QUALITY inside and oufc All-steel sonswucnon. SHEER LOOK STYLING newest appfaaee design ia a decade! Mrsv Vincent Wins Rridee Hieh Score v John Vincent received gar den knee patfa as winner ef the high score award given-when Mrs. JP, A. Mitchner .entertained msmbera of her bridge club last Thursday eve ning. Mrs. W. J. Middleton reeelv eCn garden Jhos a second high award and Mrs. I-ee Brown received MtUitr rack an bingo prise. Oth er tktylag were Mesdames R. T. Johnsaai. J. ft. West- W, aaattbartMaWhls.. -, Mn. Miteknac aerved party ala e lMse and nut rolls at the eon- Fk? e"4 S"?t ftrir-! e Korea and for higher education iaJ which Mrs. Frank Hobb presented Mrs. Rollins witn a Past President's pin en behalf of the club Mrs. J. P .Harmon pre sented Mrs. Blythe with a gilt man the elub. Honors Daughter At Birthday Party- Mrs. Charles Howard nonorea aer daughter, Charlotte on tier em birthday last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Howard served son drinks, birhday cake and ice cream and as favors, party hats and balloons to Gail Costjn, Connie and Candis Gra ham. Jackie Tolar, Katnryn, com mie and Charles Costin and Sherry Howard. Charlotte received many niee gifts. Howard-Westbrook .' Marriage Set - i Mr. end Mrs. W, L. t Herring of Warsaw, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Janice Herring Westbrook to Woodlay Ce cil Howard, eon of Mrs. Enoch How ard of XenanavlUe. . Che wedding will be olemnlced en Sunday, June at :M o'clock m tha Woodland Methodist Church In the B. F. Grady section with tha Kev. J. R. Regan officiating. ro invitations ere 'b!;- ! nl The r-ukXe is 1. Mrs. Mitehner'New Club President Mrs. F. A. Mitchner was installed as new president - and Mrs. Sam Jones as new secretary of the Home Gardenera Club, for the next two years when the Club met on Wed nesday, May 15 in the Fellowship Room of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Herbert Baker and Mrs. Maurice Jordan were hostesses. ' Mrs. John Vincent presided in the absence ef the president, Mrs. Bill Tarlor. V' ' ' i'A report from tne .executive com mittee' was" given with two new by laws being adopted. These were: (1) no member shall be permitted to have nese than ne. year leave of absense nd (1) no new wiembess art to be take Into the club at the onseni time-. The. hostesses served aoft- drfoto cool". a ad e'- straws at ts-e a. . ,W ef t". a r.-'i J. sT i I I Q&CSGOW Coor for tie ifce ofk. nn im J.C.PAGE,Prp. rv no u u ' "YOUR FEIG1DAIRE DEALER" . , in wzirj Pkone U2

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