.1. llsld , ;;blc School! ;r Commencement d 11 the BeulavUle ' Baptist Church' Bible SJhool held it's annual Com- i meocement program on Friday May ' ' JL The program Began with the 1 j march into the church and a spec ' ' ill anthem was lung by the group. e rhen the groups ranging from the imrsery department to we inter mediates, gave their separate pro Warns, after which. picnic supper jat held fjn the picnio grounds of jh church, . - - omen Of Church K Jeef ForParfy The women of the Hallsvllle Pres- lyteuian Church "held its annual Birthday Party Thursday night at I pm. at the church. The objectives if this year, being- for medical work s Korea, and for higher education a Mexico, were discussed. Mrs. t&lph MUler presided over the usiness session. Mrs. W. J. Miller led the devotion, nd Mrs. Leon Grady explained the ibjectives and a film was shown lencerning. the work. The social lommittee then served the refresh- lients, which were, sandwiches, Hookies, potato chips, and punch. a . Community 4-H'ers Go To While Lake I Members of the Beulaville 4-H tommunity Club spent the week id at White Lake. Those who Bent were: Bennett Kennedy, Ca V Miller, Faye Quinn, Jim Brin- n, Benny Bay Thomas, Joe Brln-. ,n, Douglas Clark, Micky Quinn, orris Raynor, Panny Lanier and harlie Brlnson. The chaperones ere Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kennedy I rid Mr. and Mrs. James Miller. Jrthday Party jelu at beacn Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Sandlin honor 1 their daughter Martha with a lirthday Beach Party on Saturday ight. Martha celebrated her thir enth birthday. Th e guests were here from 'inursaay w ounuay. the birthday party was held on be beach. Weiners, cake and Pep- Colaa were served. Guests were gnes Lanier, Marie Smith, Joyce lliziard. Patsy McDowell, Nancy fcckett. Jean Campbell, Delia Jjainn, Jerry Sandlin, Mike Jack- l n sriru nt1ii RiAitrn. UUa AJCf9 UWai 'W"00 juth Parrott of Klnston, and Mr. hi Mrs. J. K. Smith and daugh- r of Pink HUL unior Baptisfs fisit lome' And Cliffs The Junior Department of the eulaville Baptist School visitea e Kennedy Home in Kinston on uirsday, and returned to me iffs of the Neuse to have a weln- roast.i Chaperones who went 'ere: : Mrs. Arnoia xnomas, ir. bnnle Lanier, Mrs. B. D. Burge, ir. and Mrs. Macon Brown, Mrs. fvis Thlgpen, and Mr and Mrs. erman Gore. : Personals Friends of Mrs. Zollle Batchelor igret to hear of the death of her Ister Mrs. L. D. Sholar in Greens- ro on Thursday May 30. Friends regret to know of the rious injury of Fitzhugh Lee, of ftnithfield, former Beulaville res- tent, who is now in the cnapei ' JU, Hospital. Mrs. Lee is the form al Myra Williams. JMr. and Mrs. Gardner Edwards Id Mrs. Delma Garner spent Sun ly at Topsail Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Williams of ilmlngson visited friends and rela tes here Saturday. . Mr. -and. Mrs. Elvis Miller and ughter of Texas have been viait - Mr. and Mrs. Coy Miller. - H,. Mrs. Bill Bostic has returneo v om Sting Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brown South Carolina, sbe was tccom nied by Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bos- and man Billy Ray, and Gay lUiams who were week end , Mr. and Mrs. Ewood Kennedy of Icksonville. and Mr. VW ;wey sre dinner guests of Mr. and Mr . F, Miller on Sunday. - . Mrs. Lula Parker visited Mr. and !rs. Julian Quim in Morahead CiQr 1 Tuesday.!.'' H V- Mrs, Hallie Moore ot Bowden vit H relatives here Monday, -,.U, W 3fr. and Mrs. Ralph, Thomas and ughter have been recent guests t Mr. sad Mrs. Arnold Thomas. Mrs. Zoya Jones and children and !rs. Kate Jaeksen were guests of r. aad Mrs. Hurbert Cottle in Bm U on Sunday. Frank and Pat Norris, ehildren ef r mnit Ifn T. L. Korris left Wad- iday for v Camp Morehead a ceheed City tat thiee wees, s. Kewto teak thas to eamt en diwsday. . r, Mrs T. . Iforrl and v !id Mr. and Mrs. D. C ! v : J' v...,- . . . Presbyterian Youth Rallies To Be Held At Various Churches In Area The ' BeulavUle ;: Presbyterian Church announces a Youth Rally which will be held from the 10th to the Hth of June at 7:30 pjn. for the Beulaville' churches, HallsviUe Church, KenansviUe Church, Pink HUl. Church, Bethel Chapel, Beth any Church, and the Chinquapin area. The faculty will consist of Rev. Reed Ervin. Rev. Strad Snlve- ly, Rev. N. P, Farrier, and two Union Theological Seminary stu dents. Everyone is invited to at tend. Mrs. Herman Gore and children Richard and Kenneth and Mrs. J. C. Merritt and Mrs. J. A. Brown visited aj Chinquapin on Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gore and children, Richard and Kenneth, and Mrs. J. C. Merritt and Mrs. J. A. Brown enjoyed a seafood dinner at Sneads Ferry, on Sunday, Miss Maud Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Futreal, Miss Marshal Pic kett, and Joel Pickett, toured Sey more Johnson's Air Force Base in Goldsboro on Sunday. rs. Keba Lanier is home visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Sholar. Mrs. Lanier. Is from Falls Church Va. Mr. and Mrs. Norblt Kapanski of ""Irtax, Va., visited Mrs. A. E. Lanier this past week. Mrs Ethro MUler, and Dan, Willie, Harry, and Ray, Mrs. Bernie Styles, and Becky and Miss Maude Miller, visited Mrs. Amos Lanier in Bur gaw on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Williams, Mrs. Loyce Denny, and children visited Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kelly in Hubert on Sunday. Mrs. Gordon Muldrow and Miss Mammie Boggs made a business trip to Wilson on Monday. Miss Judith Muldrow enrolled at East Carolina for the summer ses sions on Monday. Sue vThomas of WUmlngton is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. FusseU. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brown and daughter, Martha Ann and Elaine Kennedy enjoyed -Sunday at Top sail Beach., Mr. and ' Mrs. C. L. Raup and famUy visited Mrs. Christine Ken nedy on Thursday evening at the Lenoir Memorial Hospital . Miss Farrior Brinson of Raleigh visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Clyde Brinson this week end. Miss Selma Matthews visited her mother, Mrs. Adell Matthews this week end. She returned to Golds boro on Sunday. Saturday night, J. G Thomas, Janice Sandlin, Bennett Hunter and Barbara; Raup visited Mrs. Chris tine Kennedy in Kinston. Mrs. Delma Carter of Clinton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Edwards. Mrs. Harry Fisler and children Margaret, aiid Harry T, of Burgaw, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Edwards. . ' Mrs. ' C. L. Raup and daughters Barbara' and Dolores, shopped m Kinston, en Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. McMannus, associa tlonal missionary of the BeulavUle Baptis tChurch wee supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orzo Thigpen on Sunday. N. E. Merritt was home visiting his mother, Mrs. J. C. Merritt on Saturday, Mr. Merritt is from Wil son. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Sanderson of WUmlngton, Delaware spent the week end with friends and relativ es. Mrs. Jtorman Sandlin and Nor man Jr., spent the week end in Georgia with Mr. and Mrs. Hal Syk es. They attended the Christening of Mrs. Sandlin's grandson. Mr. Sam HarreU of Washington, D. C., visited Mrs. Bradsbaw on Chinquapin Chats BY MRS. VIRGINIA RAYNOR BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs. Charity Hunter was honor ed on Sunday, the occasion being her 67th birthday. She received many lovely gifts. A picnic style dinner wss served oh the grounds. Those present were Mr, and Mrs. D. W. Raynor and sons, Bobby and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Rayner and ; children, Jean Carleton and Ray, Mr. md Mrs. Harold Hend erson 'and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. French Hunter and chUdren, Linda, Sue, Elton and Stacy, Mr. aad Mrs. Herman Biinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ay den James, Mis Delia Aycock, Mr. Earl Gurganus, Mr. Norman Aycock. , ANNOUNCE BOOK . Mr. and Mrs. I D. Maready an nounce the birth of a son, Luther Dean, Sunday, May . J6th at the Onslow Memorial Hospital In Jack sonville, N, C. i .'- ," Mrs. Maready la the former Lu cille Hudson of Hampstead. Mr.' and Mrs. Bruce Hunter an nounce the birth of a daughter. One France, oh' April 17th, CHURCH NEWS . v"' Vacation "Church School began Monday. May 37th at ShUoh Bap tist Church with. an. enrollment ot 68. If you have ehUdren age 9 -to IB please sea that they have the privilege te attend. , , Vacation Bible School wUl begin Monday, tfuae loth at Salem Cha pel. AU ehildren are urged te at- Vacation Bible School win be gn VedaewWy, June 8:h sad eon- Vt t?."l . Cora l i e? R n , J .. .'. , .. ........ Bible School , Commencement The Beulaville Presbyterian Church held its annual Bible School Commencement Supper in the Edu cational Building on Friday at 7:00 pjn. Everyone had a very enjoy able time. Thursday. Miss Evelyn Penny left for Green vUle on Monday to attend summer sessions, at East Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. 3. O. Batchlor and Yynn, and Mrs. Joe Batchlor of Kinston visited Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Raup Saturday night. On Sunday afternoon, Rayborn Kennedy visited Mrs. Christine Kennedy in Kinston In the Lenoir Memorial Hospital. George Kennedy son of Mrs. Christine Kennedy, spent this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Batchlor and Ronnie of near Richlands. Dolores Raup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin L. Raup left Sun day for Washington', D. C. where she is employed with the U. . Gov ernment She graduated from Beu lavUle High School on May 14, 1957. She was accompanied by Miss Imo gene Jackson and Roger Batts of Chinquapin. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin L, Raup and Barbara enjoyed an outdoor dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pres Rambling Around Albertson BY MRS. REMUS CREEL Mrs. F. E. Leatherwood and daugh ters of Mississippi have been visit ing her mother, Mrs. Minnie Holt recently. Mrs. Leatherwood left for Bast Carolina Teachers CoUege Monday where she wiU take a sum mer course, the girls will remain with their grandmother for a whUe. Mrs. Mammie CampbeU of Rocky Mount visited her brother an 1 fam Uy Remus Creel Sunday, also Mr. M. M. BarnhUl of Rocky Mount. The relatives of Mr. Ben Harper gave a picnic dinner in honor of his birthday Sunday at B. F. Grady School. Mr. and Mrs. Dixie of Ayden visited her mother Mrs. Dealie Streud Sunday. Glenn Stroud is visiting relatives at Pender Lee. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Waters visit ed relatives at Pendes Lee Sunday also Mrs. AUen Stroud and daugh ters. Mrs. AUen Stroud and Mrs. Jimmy Davis were co-hostess to the Bap tist W.M.U. Monday evening with a good program and a splendid at tendance. During the social hour, delicious cherrle ice cream and cookies were served. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mewborn also Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith visited in the home of Mrs. Bula Patersen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rivers Winstead of KenansviUe spent Sunday with the Adslph Paterson family. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Grady went to Caro lina Beach Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Potter and famUy are visiting relatives in Ga. CARD OF THANKS To you, who were so kind in sending messages, your visits, flow ers and many other acts of kindness whUe I was a patient in Duplin General Hospital I express my very best appreciation. Mrs. Sadie Malpass Baptist Church. All' children ages 3 to IS are urged to attend, BntTHDAT PARTY Mrs. Rifton Raynor entertained on Saturday afternoon at a. birth day party honoring her son, Alvis on his sixth birthday. After a series ef games, refreshments were served consisting of birthday cake and pink lemonade. - Guests present were AUison and Violri Maready, Linda and Brad Brinson, Pat Ma ready, Grant Batchelor, Brenda Jenkins, Randall, Rhenda and Da vid Henderson, Hope and Abbie Ma ready, Michael " Maready, Kent Smith and Eugene Mobley. V PERSONALS Miss Marsha, Pickett is spending two weeks with her 'aunt, Mrs. Raymond Brown and Mr. Joel Pick ett is staying with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph Futreal, ior two weeks while Mrs. Pickett is vacationing in Jacksonville, Fla. ' Mrs. Carlyle Page and eon, Mi chael are visiting In fuquar Cpringa They-are staying with Mrs, W M. Page while her hwband, la attend ing! the' Southern Baptist Conven tion in Chicsge, niinois. ' Mr. and Mrs.. I. L. Evans of Roa noke Rapids, and Mr. Cecil Evans of Wilson spent the week end with relatives here.'"1' -Y 7 Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sugg ef Ra leigh visited Mr. aad Mrs. S. E. Maready and Mr. and Mrs. WUaan Maready last week- ,. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wee end eon of Warsaw, visited Mr. and Mrs. O. C Rayner en Sunday : ; Mr and Mr. Blfton Rayner and family were gaeste ef Mr. aad iSrs. Llyd Curganae Sundiw... .1 -)' . ; 1 .' ton Sandlin on Sunday, Laran Houston and Sally Jo Ken nedy visited Mrs., Christine Ken nedy in the Lenoir Memorial Hos pital on Sunday nights Mrs. Betty Jackson and Miss Lou Jackson visited Miss Mary Jackson at the Atlantic Hospital in Wilson on Saturday. Laran Houston made business trip te Wilson on Monday. Miss Eveline Gooding of Aden, visited Mrs. Mattle Bradshaw last week. ' -Mrs. Herman MUler and Tommy made a business trip to Kinston on Monday. . Mrs. Lila Lanier and Mrs. Coa Turner of Pink Hill attended church services at Outlaw's Bridge on Sun day. Then had dinner in Kinston and visited Mrs. Christine Kennedy in the Kinston Memorial Hospital. Laran Houston and Sally Jo Ken nedy spent Sunday at Topsail Beach and enjoyed a seafood dinner. Miss Evelyn Penny of BeulavUle, Mr. and Mr. Malcom Rhsdes, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhodes an si Mr. Carl Rhodes aU of Richlands, enjoyed a seafood dinner at Sneads Ferry on Sunday. Mrs. MatUe Bradshaw and Mrs. Mattie Gray Sutton attended the Bradshaw reunion in Rose HUl on Sunday. Mrs. Calvin Raup and daughter, Barbara, Mrs. Preston Sandlin, and Janice, and Bennett Kennedy shop ped in Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. Canary Batts, Jimmy Creeeh and Miss Betty Jean Lanier spent Sunday at White Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klinky were guests of Mrs. Lula Parker Saturday night. Farming At evening when the lights are lit, We take a bath and rest a bit And think of how we dig and plant And sigh and stretch and even pant. We do it most for interest sake It isn't fot- the daugh we make. It may seem very stupid, see, But it's a pleasant thing to me. To know I might have set a tree Some one wiU love and even be So fond of it they'U recite the poem 'Woodman Spare That Tree' And then I know that God does bless And nourish plants, and so I guess I feel cooperation too Between myself and God and you. By Mrs. Remus Creel ASC Offices May Move Saturday S. T. Brown, Secretary ef the I ASC said today that unless some thing developed between new and then they expected the ASC offices to move to the Gooding Building ovr the week end. Ivey Reunion Will Be Held Sunday . The annual Ivey Reunion will be held Sunday June 9 at the Old Ivey home near Seyen Springs. A large number is expected to attend in cluding members of the Ivey clan from several states. A program is being planned. The Rev. McGee Creech wiU be the speaker for the day. The present officers are: presi dent, Dr. James Dawson, Acme; vice president, Thomas H. West, Richmond, Va.; secretary, Mrs. James Ivey, Raleigh; Treasurer, Mrs. Alan Brown, Mount OUve; Historian, Mrs. A. K. Holmes, Sev en Springs. A picnic lunch wiU be served at noon. PERSONALS The NashvUle, Tenn. Bible Col lege Quartet program was well at tended at The Rooty Branch church Sunday night. Everyone present seemed to get a spiritual blessing by having attended the service.' Mrs. Mattie Ivey, Mr, and Mrs. Thurmah Ivey and grandson Mich ael of FayettevUle visited in the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Andy W, Ivey Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Summer- Un and son, Robin of Norfolk, Va., spent the week end w,lth Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jernlgan. Robin re-' malned fer a longer visit while Dr. and Mrs. SummerUn are spending several days in New York where he WUl attend the Amreican Medi cal Association Convention. . ; ' Mr. and Mrs. John I. Arnaa, Jr and children Belinda, David and GaU and Doris Smith of Goldsboro were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John I. Aman Sr. Bryan HoHowtll and Belinda Hot loweU of Mount OUve visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones last week. . v! Fred Alphin, Sr, and Fred Alpaln Jr.,' accompanied Linda Alphin to GfeenvUle Sunday, where she win enter East CaroUna CoUege. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. OodbeUI and eaUdren. BilUe " and Linda and uianae utu anenaea ue Joeu Re union at the home ef Mr. and Mrs.. OUver Edwards of Warsaw Sunday. . Mf. and Mrs. Norman Outlaw vis ited Mrs. Outlaw's father Clap-tiee Summerlin's Crossroads 7odiford e Lumb'ita C""? 'y. r. asl !',:. a C. UfJ J? t Magnolia Nevs And ; Personals V V- - ' METHODIST VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL HELD , The Magnolia Methodist Church held its Vacation Bible School last week. The attendance was very good each night and got over one hundred, two nights. The school ended with a fellowship supper Friday night. The roams were op ened to display the handiwork. MAGNOLIA PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Grubba of Ca lypso visited Mr. and Mrs. Jf. T. Pickett Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sidbury and son, .of Army Chemical Center,' Maryland, visited Mrs. Maye Croom over the week end. Mrs. Wallace Taapnell visited friends in WUmlngton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bromley Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pope and children, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Potter and Bil ly spent Sunday afternoon at Top- ; sau Mr. and Mrs. Al Riley and Betty Jean Johnson left for Florida, Sat urday. Mrs. Claude i Bundy of OateaviUe visited her father, Mr. J. A. Smith and brothers, last week. Lpda Smith returned home with her. Woodland News Mr. and Mrs. Marion Murphy and children Kenneth and Lynn visited in Wilmington Saturday m tne home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rack ley. Kenneth stayed over for a week of visiting. Mr. Archey Dunn of Raleigh spent a tew days last week in tne nome of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kader Dunn. Miss Narcoy LUlien Grady of near Sarecta an Misses Jean and Joan Walker visited Mary Gold Wallace Sunday afternoon. They all visited Linda Holt at Holt's Store for a while during the afternoon. Mrs. A. J. Walker and daughter. I Joan and Mrs. Betty H. Walker I visited in Mt. Olive Friday after noon. Mrs. Thomas' Wallace and chUd ren visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Somers near Kenans viUe Monday. Guests in the home of Mr. and Herring Store By Mrs. Edd Kornegay BY MRS. EDD KORNEGAY Mrs. Jack Grady and chUdren also Mrs. Ethel Kornegay spent Sunday with Mrs. Prestsn Bostic at Magnolia. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kornegay spent Sunday visiting friends at Surf City. Mr. and Mrs. George Kornegay of Mt. OUve visited Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kornegay Sunday p.m. Among week end visitors rt the Ransom Kornegay famUy werp Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kornegay and children and Miss Bertha Kor negay aU of Wilmington and Mrs. Mary K, Edwards and Lynn of chUdren, Kathy, Charles and Rouse attended The Ward Reunion Sun day at the home of Royce Ward of Clinton. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Outlaw and daughter Sue of Warsaw, Mrs. Mar tha Outlaw of Mount Olive were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Goodman. Mr. and .Mrs. WiUiam T. Rhodes and children Gary and Brenda of Raleigh spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Rhodes and Mr. and Mrs. Emmett KeUy. Mr. and Mrs. T A Jernlgan, Mrs. Perry Grady and daughter, Gail visited Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Jer nlgan of JacksonviUe last Tuesday. Gail Grady remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Leslie BeU and daughter Judy and Patricia Whitman visited relatives of Seven Springs Sunday. Miss Janice SummerUn entertain ed friends with an outdoor supper at her home Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Sykes and Mrs. El louise Rider of KenansviUe, Re cruiting Officer Robert L. Sykes, who has been stationed at Union City, Tena., and now enroute to Au gusta, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey last Tuesday. Mrs. Forrest DaU and Mrs. John I. Aman, Sr., spent last Wednesday in Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Tucker and chUdren Peggy and Vickie of Nor folk, Va., visited in the home of Mr. Tuckers sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Summer Un last week. Mr. and Mrs. Colon Garner ana chUdren visited Mr and Mrs. Buck ner SummerUn of Bear Marsh Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herring and chUdren, Linda and GaU ef WUm lngton visited relatives in this area during the week end. Mrs. Bessie A Herring returned home with them Sunday for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Marable Outlaw, Mr. end Mrs. Jasper Outlaw and baby of Rocky Mount, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Banks ef New Bern, Mrs. Frank Grady and Mrs. RandaU Al bertsen ed Garner's Chapel vis ited Cleveland Outlaw and family Sunday. i-1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ft Gamer and mum 3, nd Tonle et Rick lands, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Garner and eon ef Menat OUve visited Mt. and Vk Jw K Cans dTfriaf the Magnolia S S Class Party Honors Miss Barbara Tucker Miss Mary Catherine Bass enter tamed her Sunday School Class in honor of her teacher. Miss Barbara Tucker, bride - elect, Friday eve ning at her home In Magnolia. The bride-eleet was presented a corsage of Shasta daisies aid her mother a corsage of yellow roses upon their arrival. The home was decorated throughout with arrange ments of roses and daisies. A color' note of yellew and white decora tions were carried out in the dining room. After several bridal games wjere played the guests were invited into the dining room. The bride-elect's table was covered with a lovely lace cloth. The centerpiece was of Shasta daisies and fever few, flank ed by crystal candelabras. Miss Tuc ker cut and served her cake, Mrs. Tucker, her mother, served the punch. Open face sandwiches, nuts, and decorated flat mints were also served. The class pesident, Miss Delma EzzeU, presented Miss Tucker a piece of her crystal from the class. Mrs. Park Holmes Sunday were the Rev. and Mrs. W. H. WiUis and children of Kinston and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Holmes and chUdren also of Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sanderson of Cabin attended church services at Woodland Church Sunday morn ing. FoUOwing the services they were guests in the home of rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chestnutt and daughter of Richmond, Va., were week end guests of Mr. Chest nutt. parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Chestnutt. Mr. Croady Blanton spent the week end with her son and daugh ter in law Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Blantton at Dudley. Mrs. Winnie Herring accompanied by her daughter Betty Kay and Messers Clifton Herring and Bob by Holt spent the week end at At lantic Beach at Morehead. Goldsboro. Mrs. Maud KeUy of Mt. Olive visited her daughter. Mrs. Emmett Herring..and. family. Sunday juui also attended the bfrtBday dinner at Mrs. Jannie Herrings. Mr. and Mrs. WUliam Earl Tyn daU spent Sunday afternoon with the CecU Kornegay family near 3 nW HiH. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Torrans and Betsy of Wilson were Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. Nora OuUaw. Mrs. Martha Chappel and La Rue of Clinton spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. Eugene Out law and famUy, Visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jer nlgan Sunday were Jack Faramore of WintervUle, LaViUe Sawyer of Norfolk, Va, Randy Cox of Wash ington and Teddy Davis of Monett, Missouri; Mrs. Charles E. Good son and daughters Vickie and Va lorie of Greenville, Douglass No bles and Deborah Nobles of Nobles Mill. Sammy B. Garner spent the week end at Topsail Beach. Leslie Bell and children James an Janice spent last Friday in Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Quinn of KenansviUe visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Quinn Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Frank HoUoweU of Mount Olive visited Mr. and Mrs. Thom as SummerUn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Holmes, Jr., of Kansas City, Missouri visited relatives in this area last week. Da nett Holmes returned with them to Kansas City Saturday where she wiU spend the summer with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Rollins. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Ivey and son. Major Foy visited Mrs. L. A. Brock of Rose HUl Sunday. Ronald Dunn of KenansviUe vis ited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chestnutt last week. RusseU Jones of Norfolk, Va., vis ited his mother, Mrs. Hade Jones during the week end. Mrs. Annie Parker of Mount OUve Is visiting Mr. and Mr. A. E. Garner. Mrs. Martha Outlaw and Martha Kay' Goodson visited relatives of Warsaw last week. WendeU Alphin a student of the University of North Carolina, Cha pel HUl spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alphin, Sr. He returned te Chapel Hill to attend the graduation Exercises at the University Monday night. Mrs. Ella Outlaw is visiting rela tives of Mount Olive. Mr. and Mrs. D. L, Cherry and chUdren Gerald, Morris, Ronald, Wayne and Roger spent Sunday in Wilson where (hey attended the Baccalaureate Service at Atlantic Christian CoUege. The Rev. Robert E. Bennett of Wilson and The Rev. Joseph Hardgree ef Mount OUve were aaemher el graduation Socials r Magnolia Town 1957-58 officials for the Town of Magnolia, elected in the May elee tion are: Mayor L. H. FusseU; Com missioners, Dr. C. L. Quinn, C. J. Thomas and R. T Croom Hail Damage This Afternoon Reports coming to KenansviUe this afternoon said the afternoon storm which appeared to be general In this area brought heavy hail damage to farms in tt-e Warsaw, Friendship. Wards' Bridge and back a tha Kenoneville nroa , Among farmers reporting dam age were Harry Phillips, Abner PhiUips. Manley Scott, Claude Scott S. W. Jones, E. P. Best, George Aman, Jona Heath and A. D. Quinn. No doubt there were others who have not reported yet. Temperature at the geographic South Pole is expected to reach 120 degrees below zero in August. Mr. Donald Wallace of Raleigh spent Friday in the home of his pa rents Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Wal lace. Mrs. Blanche Kornegay has re turned to her home from the Golds boro Hospital. She is improving, friends will be glad to know. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Westbrook of Pink Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Piver. Ir. and Mrs. John Aman of Goldsboro were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. James Westbrook. Mesdames Earl Faires and Sam Mas sey were shoppers in Kinston Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Winders of Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Major Cuddington of Micro were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gain us. Mrs. James K. Westbrook visited Mrs. Lewis Westbrook at the Duplin General Hospital Friday. News Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Outlaw were Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Quinn and son also Mrs. LAnnie, Quinn and Teeny aU of near Warsaw. Little Miss Gayle Outlaw return ed home Saturday from a Kin ston hospital where she underwent a tonsil operation on Friday. Mrs. Ransom Kornegay return ed home, on Thursday from the" Goldsboro hospital where she was a patient for several days. Among those from this communi ty who attended the birthday din ner for Mrs. Jannie Herring near Pink Hill on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Herring and chUd ren, Mr. and Mrs. CecU Kornegay and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Herring and Harry and Mr. and Mrs. Taft Herring and Janet. Miss Liby Smith of Deep Run is spending some time with her sister Mrs. Ransom Kornegay. Mr. and Mrs. Delmas Dail spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jernigan near Mt. Olive. Mr. and Mrs. Toby Lee who have been living in Kinston moved into this community last week. Elwood Jones of near Seven Springs spent the week end with his sister Mrs. AUen Dau. Washington Report Says Tri-County REA Ahead 01 Schedule In Repaying Loans; Lewis Outlaw Is President Goldsboro, June S A recent re port from the Rural Electrification Administration in Washington, D. C. reveals that Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation is not on ly up to date but actually ahead of schedule In repaying its REA loans with interest. Lewis Outlaw, Tri -County's pre sident, told the cooperative's Board of Directors Wednesday night that REA's most recent loan report shows Tri-County is in good fin ancial condition and is meeting its loan obligations ahead of schedule. He said the report shows that Tri County has borrowed a total of -974.S65.71 to finance the construction of its electric faculties to date. The cooperative has already repaid $418,935.07 on the principal of these loans, of which U0,1S.5S baa been paid ahead of the due 'dates. Out law said. He said that Tri-County Blectric whose loans are on Sa-year terms with payments coming due every three months, has also paid REA the whopping amount of 9lB3.173.78. Outlaw stated the cooperative has never missed loan repayment when due. According to him, the co operative net only wants to pay Its capital debt on schedule, bat we want to keep on good terns with our REA taaker.' We shaU continue te need eon struction funds from time to tame as our system expands in response te the inoaased demands Jet ser vice by eur members. .. ';.'-; An - electrie system never stops growing. He said that Tfri-Caeaty Beetrte as new eervUf t ?r tbnes 1 S - IN, . mm 1 Allend Farm Burecu Leadership Meet Spvm niinlln VBim nitmnii i beniare eagerly packmg j, and looking forward to three day in tne sun as they attend the an. nual Farm Bureau Leadership Training School at Carolina Beach, June 13-15, according to Mr. Leroy G. Simmons president of the Duplin County Farm Bureau. A fuU schedule for the three-day event was announced this week by WiU H. Rogers, director of organ ization for the North CaroUna Farm Bureau Federation. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 'students wiU cover Membership acquisition, 'the part women play in Farm Bu reau work', "modern methods et solving local problems' and the 'es- a county r arm Bureau unit.' Mr. Leroy G. Simmons, Mr. Orzo Thigpen, Mr. Taft Herring, Mr. Theodore Outlaw, Mr. David Lane, Miss Ann Albertson and Miss Yvonne Sandlin wUl attend. Members wiU be plenty busy, de clared Rogers, because they wttl re ceive the type of training that de mands some good, sound thinking. AU courses will be taught through the classroom method, and members of the State Agricultural Extension Service will assist in the School. It is felt that Duplin Farm Bureau Members wiU gain much from the school that will help them streng then their local organization. Jones Reunion Sunday The Second Annual Jones Reun ion wiU be held Sunday at the Springs House, in Seven Springs. All members of the clan are urg ed to attend and bring a picnic lunch. This meeting is not at the Cliffs, but instead at the Springs House, :n Seven Springs. Visiting the Remus Outlaw fam ily on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Holmes of Indian Springs and baby. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Duff Kornegay at tended Mrs. Jannie Herrings dinner on Sunday. Visiting Mrs. Fred Outlaw on Wednesday of last week were Mrs. Nettie Outlaw of near Bethel church and her daughter, Mrs. Pat Gainey of Taylorsville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Outlaw spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Southerland and Mr. and Mrs. Ethel Kornegay sf Penderlea. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kornegay visited her brother WiUiam Moore of near Trenton at Parrott's hos pital in Kinston on Sunday. They also visited her aunt, Mrs. Trudy Gray who lives in Kinston. Those visiting in the Fred Out law home during the week end were Mrs. Cyrus Rhodes of near Scott's Store, Mrs. BiUy Duncan of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Joslah Rouse and children, also Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stroud and faF.ily aU of Albertson. Lt. and Mrs. James MassengU of Camp Ruckner Alabama, and Mrs. Dan Gooding of near Trenton visit ed the Zollie Kornegay family on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Richard Adams of Randleman spent a while on Sunday p.m. with '.Ir. and Mrs. Zollie Kornegay and Rodney. Mr. and Mrs. Taft Herring and Janet visited his uncle W. G. Smith in Gol-sboro also Mr. and Mrs. Ben O. Holmes and famUy near In dian Springs Sunday afternoon. Bill Herring and Miss Betty Best of near Mt. Olive spent Sunday at the beach. Mrs. Taft Herring and Mrs. Tipp Scott of Scott's Store attendd the Spring Federation of H. D. Clubs in KenansviUe on Tuesday. as many people as it did 10 years ago, and that each member is using an average of 3 times as much power as he did 8 years ago. Moreover, we fuUy expect our power 6ales to double during the next four years, he stated. As more and more people demand more and more service, we must improve and expand our electric facilities ac cordingly. Tri-County's operations was start ed in 1940 with almost 100 per cent borrowed capital from REA, but its own members are putting more and more of the needed capital into the enterprise every yar. Outlaw said Tri-County's 6,000 members have thus far furnished the cooperative with $293,283.58 in patronage capi tal. This capital, realized in the form of the cooperative's operating mar gins through last year, wUl be re turned to the members in cash when the REA debt has been suffi ciently reduced in accordance with our bylaws. In the meanwhile, by repaying REA ahead of schedule, Tri-County is lowering its expenses paid out for interest -and improving its over aU financial condition. According to Outlaw, North Ca rolina's 32 electric cooperatives as a whele have borrowed over $90, 00,080 from REA and none of them Is in default on loan repayments. These 92 cooperatives have repaid REA ever $26,000,000 on principal. Including HtM.efte in advance pay- . meats, he said, and they have paid REA over $7,600,000 In Interest since i ur trefram began. . ""

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