L, .... 1 iJ-UK .1- , ' , t weOc end guests of Mr. and T. B. Bouse and family at their at Surf City were Mr. and i. Bill Rhodes and son Billy of ion - Salem and Miss Susie ..es of ThomasvUle, Mrs. B. I : orrell, Sharon and Benjie, Mr Harrtell Mtil Etta Newton. and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Teachey Jr., and wayna joined mem on. aun- Mrs. "W. t Fussell, Misses Marsha russeU and Janice newwm ano Un. Lonev Lanier have returned home after spending two weeks at Topsail Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Arnold and son. Harvey. Jr spent last week end at Greenville with her moth- 1 SEE IT NOW lUWaitJUIUIC er, Mrs. Thad Bodges. Their dau ghter, Carol returned horn with them on Sunday after spending the week there with relatives.. : Jack Cottle attended a Birthday Party last Tuesday . afternoon at White Lake for Leon Wells, HL and Dave Hilliard of Wallace given by their mothers.''. . Mrs. Ed Cunliff and children of St Louis, Mo., are visiting her pa rents, Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Wilson. Anita Sholar of Richmond, Vs., is spending some , time with, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Sholar. ' . v'' Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Teacher for several days are Mrs. Lillle M, Vance and granddaughter Miss Linda Yates of Washington, t). C, and their grand daughter, Miss Patsy Johnson of, Wilmington. Last Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bouse were her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. George Whaley of Beulaville and Mr. and Mrs. La cy Sholar. Mrs. Martha Scott has returned home after spending a couple of weeks in Burgaw with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Teachey spent last week end in Wilmington with their daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Johnson. Mrs. C. T. Pullen of Burgaw vis ited her mother, Mrs. Annie Jam es and other relatives last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Drew of War saw, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald Carr of Greenville, Mrs. Curtis Robin son, Mrs. Graham Robinson and Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Floyd, Linda, Ann and Ray Poind exter spent last Saturday afternoon at White Lake. Before - return lag to their homes they enjoyed a picnic i I I . ' DIRICT DRIVI y i' J ' horsepowe ' ' ' " X only 19 pound I j wmm i i J 'Oct more cutting 'nui ! Pa BMaTm i - , for your dollar with .P9 . i JLT7 I i then HomeIKe EZ . . . fl - t .-'".''i .'.' Hieolract drive chain aw 'ej .. II i Owith FloaUng Power that glvas yoi Recreation , - Wmorapewer.less weight and lower cost J --!XiGc , SpHcae through 8" oak In icondi. 13 i ? 2ln In 14 seconds. Cutt up, down, A o S OrlgM, 1a, awan upalda down. 0 Sflyirnmlng v ffV. ,USTrir"n .to1ay '" ; ' Kiddie Rides , ea for youraalf. Ask about our eon , , ..... t , Meniaot ume payMw . . . Free Picnic Area f r I : ' r I -1 1 Carpet Golf ' u ;il (AU -sew carpet) ;; Skating '- ' - f "v (Every. Nights H itjMSfrji GOLDPARK' 5 "L ' , . 1 . ' woldgbere em Mwy. lit j i ove n la a aae4tteeave.Beoo 1 ' CONGRESS, ' Jwya w- J Y. , ) 6 S,-aVfci.l.-;.yw..ral Jat-ia, ,.n'it. .afa, e.,.f fly ...-Tin,, f -i, V -w supper. - v i Mrs. S. X. Hobble of Raleigh re cently spent a week here with her sister, Mrs. T. X, Fussea V U Bev. and Mrs. Wade Allison, Jan et Allison and Vlckey Carr recent ly spent several days at Hamby Beach.. :.;-:X Those . attending the funeral for Dr. Martin Hatcher ill Hamlet last Tuesday were Mrs. Lanier Harrell, Mrs., Etta Newton, Mrs. L. A. Wil son and Mr. Ben L. Harrell. . . V . Mrs. .' Adolph Bostie and Mrs. C. T. Fussell, Jr shopped In Durham last Monday, j MUs Marion Bouse is visiting Miss. Susie Bowles In Thomasville. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Rouse at their Surf City Cot tage were Mrs. Ruby Barbery and daughter, ' Betty and children of! Mt. Olive. , Mrs. H. M. Price and. children Walter, Jane and Ann, Mrs. Harvey Braddy and daughter, Paula made a business trip to Kinstoh last Monday. Mrs. W. H. Saunders and Rachel Ann, Mrs. D. D. Herring and Mrs. H. W. Farrlor spent last Thursday in Wilmington on business and shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Braddy and children spent Saturday afternoon at Wrightsville Beach. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Z. E. Boyd during the week end were their daughter, Mrs. Joe Rouse and her sister in law, Miss Beckie Rouse of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Boyd of Rocky Mount, Mr. and Mrs. J. V, Boyd and children, Barbara Ann and Jimmy of New Bern. Misses Pat Brown and Joan Brown spent several days last week with their uncle and aunt In Mount Olive. Mrs. Robert Frederick shopped in Goldsboro last Wednesday. Mrs. James Layton, Mrs. Harvey Braddy and Mts.i Eldon Brown spent Friday in Wilmington shop ping. Jack Cottle spent the week end at Topsail Beach with Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Wells and son of Wallace. Mrs. C. S. Baldwin and son, C. S. Jr., of Plains, Ga., are spending some time here with her mother, Mrs. Horace Stewart and sister,, Mrs. C. F. Hawes. Mr. Nathaniel Stewart of Wilmington spent Sat urday here with them. Mrs. Bald win plans to visit other aelatives arid friends while here. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Booker of Rocky Mount visited her mother, Mrs. J. M. Collie during the week end. Mr. Frank Vellano of Pittsburg, Pa., wae week end guest here of his sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dizen. Recent guests of Mr. A. O. Fussell were his granddaughter and hus band Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Nerris Luu...j Cva la .. i was at home during the week end with her parents, Mr. and lun. Kenneth KnowW , , Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Jernlgen ac companied Mrs. McDonald House and daughter,, Donna Ann to Rock ingham on Saturday evening.' Mrs. Rouse was on her way home in Laurens, S. C. after spending three weeks, with relatives. - Mrs, Lou Bland and daughter, Cathy of Washington. ' D. , C.js are spending the week nere with her mother, Mrs. R, L. Can and other ' Guests of Mrs. Arthur Ward last week Were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Applewhite and children,! George and Ray Thomas, Miss Mabel Clark and Jerry Turner all of Miami, FJa. Mrs. J. E. Bailey accompanied her son, Lonnie, David, Geddie Fussell, Jay Cottle and J. ,W. Harrell to White Lake last Thursday. Mrs; B. W, Cowherd has return ed to her home in Hopkins ville, Ky, after spending several weeks here with her sister and brother in law Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cooper, Sr. Mrs. N, H. Hopson, Misses Nell and Mabel Powell of Buies Creek visit ed them on Thursday. Mrs. Cow herd returned with them to their home where she planned to spena the week end before leaving for Kentucky. Cub Scouts Visit Camp Tuscarora Nine Cub Scouts of Pack 145, Rose Hill, enjoyed spending the day last Wednesday at Camp Tuscarora. - While the group was there they were taken around the camping grounds, barracks and other points of interest. They also were given swimming lessons in the morning and after-1 noon. Those accompaning the scouts to Camp Tuscarora on this occasion were cub master Walter C Craft, Mrs. Craft, Mrs. C. L. Faircloth Jr., and Mrs. George Carr. They enjoyed a picnic dinner at noen on this day which was much enjoyed by ell who went. Mrs. Marvin Johnson Canasta Hostess - Mrs. Marvin Johnson entertained club members at Canasta in her home last Friday night Those present and taking part in play were, Mrs. Jaknes Layton, Mrs. Milton Beetle, Mrs. Morris Farrior, Mrs. Eldon Brown and Mrs. Wal ter Craft. During progressions the group enjoyed Coca Colas and potato chips. At the conclusion of play It was found that Mss. Milton Bos tic was high scorer for the evening. The hestess served lime sher- bert and maple 3ecan chiffea cake to all present during the social period. . . 1 - WM 1.-,' "a 1 - ! . j , her briJe c; j meuiii 3 s l gJt', on Wedoesu-y Mgist Jane 13. ' if . Those taking part in play during the evening were, Mrs. David Web ber, Mrs, B. L. Harrell Jr, Mrs. James Layton, Mrs. R. S. Troy, Mrs. C. T. Fussell, Jr, Mrs. Marlowe Bos tic,. Mrs,-Charlie Teachey, Jr., and Mrs. R, A. Bostie,,. : - V v:V" v I-..',.. .,.:"';-'..-;' "At the conclusion of .play scores were tallied and found that Mrs. David Webber was high scorer for the occasion, and 'was presented with a silent butler by the hostess. . a ! . . hi. .- meut of i u.,- k j dteok-s iu? t:.e oc-- Son.. ( 1 All present were served stuped angel food cake. and coffee during the refreshment period. , lt g- f. i .t I, i . in I. ''tyJy Woman's Dub Holds jugular Meet . 'tk'l ! , The - Rose .Hill Woman's Club held their' monthly meeting on Wednesday June IB in the home of Mrs. S .V. Wllklns, acting hostess. This meeting, the last of the club year was brought to a close by a -I i nt ellyl . L. IC. Ai. 'i.lrn. K Lorndon and Lattt s; : : i . x tin. I irndon played 'Koctui-ne C Minor! and 'Schergo B Major by Chopin and -'Perpetual MoUon' by Von Weber. t t our .' accom a at tU TOO f Miss Sheffield rendered two ao-, present - tin Alderman 'concluded program as she Whistled WaKa If ttrausa. t , . Club members were asked to eon tribute generously clothes and ' house hold articles for the weixare. During the social hour refresh- , menu were served by Mrs. WUkins assisted by her- daughters to aU . , i A lrTH' BifD XJ P L I NlT I M ES roDUsned each Tlinraday hi KesMssriBe, H. C. GWnty Beat ef j . MtterlaL offloe and nrtatlng plant KenansvUle, W. C " :S$''::-M. B6BKRT GRADT, KDROS 'OWJIam v'' ,'...( V a wa puuii-ir i m- nu'i snierea At The Pret Offloe, Kenansvllle, pf, C - as aeeena eiese matter. .-.r i---v-t - TELEPHONE Keoansville Day (U-l Night tli-1 bubsuuttiun KATESt MJ per year n Snphn, . laewe, Onslow, Pender. Sampson, New Hanever and Wayne .eetintleai MJt per year eutalde this area tm North Oueltaaj : m 9ft.ff per year elsewhere. Adrettiamg rates fornlshed ea ; a Dvmlta County JoornaL devoted to the religions, saatertai, V and agrieoMnral af Dentin la Saa aaaakeaal JtK . f , , t RESTAUKANT- " ADAMSVILLE , ,t j , u ' - . 2 Miles East of Goldsboro BARBECUE CTOCKEN FRIED CUICKEN BRUNSWICK STEW i SANDWICHES STEAKS Open 11:90 ajn. Til 8K)0 pjn. Closed Tuesday . -. A in. IT T8 iflY- "FTES A TEST OF 181 "if Today we celebrate tho 181st anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Iadependence. The decision to declare America "Free and Independent" began at the grass roots level with the individual who felt a need for im provement in the conditions which existed at the time. From that beginning it w? merely a matter of the people getting together and talcing action. That cooperative action, taken by the citisens of Amer ica in 1776, is responsible for the freedoms and benefits vre enjoy today.,:'.' 'v'-;;' ,l, People in Finer Carolina towns are keeping alive today the spirit which . moved the colonists to action. ' Ipdi'tfduqts discover 'a n o e d .f and, thromgh cooperative effort, do' something' about "jthai: need. 7This . acceptance, of responsibility and willingness to perform W service to one's fellow4 man is what keeps the Declaration of Independence :iaUvee J 1 V i 1 1 Finer ? " V.na In a Finer America ooeo - L ' - k' 1 .. S$ ' ' 000"' A Yem cam meatore yoor family' security by the amount of money you have accumulated . . . to meet emerfencies, pay unexpected expenses, sef ten the blows of adversity. You can measure your ability to achieve security for your family by your saving-power . . . the wisdom to set un a program of systematic savins;, the persis tants to follow your program faitlifuHy. If you have the will, we have the way ! 1 ! Money Deposited By The i ' TH Earns Dividends ST The 7r ' .iiJi'sK-'.!--; JOIN THE r 'n.-i v.'- :,v.''J') , . i, ..:,;-((;: '..,.1,:. . "TIIOUSAKDS WHO ARE SAVING MILLIOIIS" AAr'NnH'" -T rT-N "ir"' ' ' ' i " " " j j i ff 1 ' 1 ' ! - x it i t WAP' H-T O J t T0 aw r:'K?: iv'y. ,'i " 1-"" i' ' 7. Rcy J:!::::n ':..M' . n i ( CAROLINA' POWER ft 1.1GHT COM PANV a. . - 1 t l-'WSjWl!W-tS)?f.,-

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