' J, fl n Li J u f 1 Li ! Personals Messrs" Alton Taylor, Leroy Slm- v nam and Chris Coomb were in Washington D. C, at the week end to attend the .baseball game In Griffin Stadium. , - .Mrs. Leslie Turner, Mrs. Corbett Weston and Mr. and Mrs. BUI CSade ' mad Cathy have returned from a trip to the West coast They visited at Eulala, Ala., former home of Ifr. Cade, enaoute. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. X Smith. Mr. and ' Mra, Richard Stroud and children, , Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Saunders and Sid and Joe Howard spent some time last week at the Smith Cot is tage at Topsail. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roger Post Hill of '' Jacksonville were week end guests 'of the Whitford Hill family. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Heath, Jr, of '.STJaston spent the week end with it. r-: " Looking For Recreation I Swimming Kiddie Rides ) Free Picnic Area I Carpet Golf (All new carpet) ft Skating (Every NighO GOLDPARK LAKE 5 Miles Sooth of Golds boro on Hwy. 117 Mr. Heath's parents at their home ) on the Kenansville Road. ; u -. . Patients hospitalised . la Kenans ville from this area, recently have been Mrs. w. W, Smith and Mri Annie Mae Kennedy. : Mrs. T. A. Turner is spending sometime at her cottage on Atlantic Beach. '. . Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. Smith of Kinston visited relatives in the Pink Hill section Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. N. P. Farrier and Mrs. Hazel Stapelton and children are vacationing for. two weeks at the Smith Cottage at Topsail. Mrs. W. F. Simpson and child ren, Freddy, Terry, Russell and Annette are spending this week at the Stroud cottage at Morehead. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore have returned from a wedding trfp and are at home in the Kinston apart ments in Kinston. Major J. T. Stroud of Richmond, Va., was a guest of his father, Mr. Lonnie Stroud and family at their cottage at Morehead the past week, Mrs. Elizabeth Burke of Edenton is spending sometime with her fa ther, Mr. Mortimer Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ethro Hill were call ed to Clinton Sunday because of the critic;.! illness of Mrs. Hill's fa ther, Mr. Thornton of Newton Grove, at the Sampson County Hos pital, Mrs. Ed Hill. Misses Annie Laur ie Taylor, Carol Jean Taylor, Vir ginia Simmons, Ann Albritton and Keith and Craig Hill spent the 4th ef July at Morehead. Messrs. Bill Byrd and Ed Hill at tended a ball game in Raleigh, Thursday. Mr. Burney Malpass has resigned his job at a local garage and left re cently for Norfolk, Va., where he has accepted employment. His fam ily will follow him shortly. The Malpass home has been recently sold to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson. , Mrs. Amos Howard, Mrs. Ed Bal- dree, Mrs. Wmford Duff, and son Jt - and Mrs. Id Hill recently visited Miss Verna Howard at a Raleigh Hospital. v.' .. ' ;,' 'H!;XiJ': v.. . , " Miss Carolyn Thornton of New ton Grove recently visited her sis ter, Mrs. Ethro Hill and family. Mrs. Lehman Williams, Melvin and Glenn ; Williams and George niaM itinnaw niawsta n Mr' and Mrs. Jasper Herring Sunday and later visited the Austin Ander son family in Mt Olive. ' H. C. A'urner's Hosts At Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Turner and Mary and- Hugh, Jr.. were hosts to members of their families whose birthdays come in July at a dinner at their home on the Kenansville Road Sunday. The dinner was serv ed on the lawn. Guests of honor. and families attending were Mr. and Attend Moore- - Stroud Wedding i, The following from ouv of town were in Pink Hill , Sunday June SO, to attend the Moore Stroud Wed ding. Mr, and . Mrs. W. C. Moore, Sr, Mr. and Mrs, James Wylle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bagg, Mr. and Mrs. Bill ; Bunting, Miss Virginia WU jams. Mis Jean Nichols, Mr. andd Mrs. : James Constantine and fam ily, Mr., and Mrs. Ben Gillikln, Mee-' number ot others 'are among the Ccr,I:r."C"Js I AfTbCcnvcnlion The following story was receive ed by the Times from H. C, Powers of Duplin County, president of the Teachers Association of the NCTA. The premiers of one new educa ion 'l, mm' and the showing of a snu Bly and Ed Pugh, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dowdy, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brinson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Step hens, Mr. and Mrs .Horace Ipock and Mr. Jim .Nichols all of New Bern; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Powers, Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs: Walk er and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore, Jr.. of Raleich: Mr. and Mrs. P. - Williams and Miss Joan Williams, Newport News, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore, Sr., Miss Mary Gray Bunting, . T.n.. nnK.nm4 onH T.lnrtu ' JMOOrC IBQ MB! UUOJTS Hobgood of Oxford, Capt and Mrs. I Washington, D, Mr and Mrs Fiea Lawton ad family of Camp' David Green , Fremont; Mr. and Jeune,- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mrs. B. B. HoMen, LaGrange; Mr. Rouse and family and Mr. and Mrs. j Charles Snip. Carolina Beach; Mr. ana airs, uuariea, uinesptc, Keith Alphin of Kinston, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Turner, L. H., Jr., and Debbie and Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Watson and Randy ef Pink Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rogers and daugh ter, Mary Elizabeth, of Hender son, also visited briefly, with the Turner's enroute home from Myr tle Beach. I Womanly Tad and Friendliness There la a woman's sphere In death even as there is in Ufe. That fcj why we employ a lady licensed embalmer on ear staff to add those feminine touches that are so all important on these occasions so that the results will be exactly as yon wish. Ask for her should the need arise. Howard -Carter Funeral Home U HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE s 3727 or SOT 113 E. King, nto PAUL M. HOWARD Owners Otis H. Carter V 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE X x Phases 3727 or 3177 113 E. King, nto X Y rAUL M. HOWARD Owners OtisH. Carter Smith - Williams Marriage Announced Larry Lynn Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard of Pink Hill, Rt. 1, and Emogene Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Williams of Pink Hill Rt. 2, were married at 4 p.m. Saturday, June 29, The ceremony took place at the Methodist Parsonage in Pink Hill, with Rev. J. R. Regan, Sr., pastor of the bride, officiating. Only the immediate families of the couple attended the rites. Both Mr. and Mrs. Howard are eraduates. of the Pink Hill High School They have returned from a wedding trip and are making their home, temporarily with the groom's parents. Mineral Water Seven Springs Delivered to your home la 5 gal. ion jugs weekly. Deliveries m Du plin eaeh Thursday fci Calypso. Bal lon, Bowden, Warsaw, Kenansville, Bv F. Grady and points betwee. If interested in getting the water drop a card to SEVEN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER, Seven Springs, N. C. or notify the Duplin Times office. , Adv. 1 Howard Smith and Miss Barbara Jo Clayton, Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mallow, WkltevlUe; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore, Jr., Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Albright, Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Jones, Misses Lula Mae and Billie Jones; Mr. and Mrs. John Simon, Miss Betty Jane Williams, Miss Celia Maxwell, Mrs. Frank Parrott, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Bower,. Miss Sherry McKee, Mrs. Maude B. Foy, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Spence, Miss Vivian Parrott, Mrs. Ada Edwards, Miss Jean Conner, Miss Mildred Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Avent, Mr. Sam Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Al britton, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon James and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker and Miss Alice Smith all of Kinston; Mrs. Charles Nash, Grif- ton; Mrs. Walter Stroud and Mrs. A. J, Patterson, Kenansville; Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock and Mrs. 1 J. Sandlin of Beulaville, Mr. and Mrs. William May and children of Fayetteville, and Mrs, Emma May, New Bern highlights ' of. the' National Educa tion Association convention Here in Philadelphia this week, Mor than 15,000 school teachers and. administrators have flooded all the hotels at thi Centennial cele bration of the 703,000 member NEA which wag founded exactly one hundred years ago.,, .,! .rl-.rv Prominent f. speakers, ' sectional meetings and exhibits are all part of the busy program, ; , V The film . premiere took place Wednesday morning at the second j business session which also featur ed an address by U. S. Commission er of Education Lawrence Dertbick. . The new picture is entitled, 'Not by Chance', and is another in the long series of films produced co operatively by the NEA ; and the State Education' Associations. Join ing .in the production of this film is the American Association of Col leges for Teacher 'Education. Purpose of the new pieture is to show how carefully tailored pre paration is a necessary qualifica tion to rtoday's exacting profession of teaching. The film shows a young girl's college training. The leading lady is actually a col lege student preparing for the pro fession; She is-Carol Glexendanner from Montclair Teachers College in New Jersey, i i-.- , j".y H::'s-:-Millions of Americans will see the film in the eomfpg .year. lUKs . Also to be shown at a general as sembly this week will be the' new NEA film, 'No Teacher Alone' which shows the . advantages of profesi sional membership. .i '".-4 'i ; Drawing ilenty of crowds are two temporary' .theaters' set up in Convention Hall and in Gimbels De partment Store. Here, continuous showings of all the NEA films are continuing through the week. The delegates and the downtown screen ings are for visiting teachers and in terested shoppers. ' . - . ' Among the films is 'A Desk for BlUie,'last yeas's NEA film which won a Golden Reel in the Ameri can rum -.. Assembly awards two months ago. 'A Desk For Billie' shown on 216 television stations last year. Ten states had complete TV coverage of it, and California estimated, seven million residents saw the film there..! .liM: : . Another Golden Reel winner, Snappy and the Tnaee RV is also being shown, along with Wo Silver Reel winners. -Mike . Makes His Mark and 'Freedom to Learn. All were produced by Agrafilma Cor poration in Athens, Georgia under the supervision of the .movie com mittee composed, of NEA officials and representatives from state as sociations. ' . Two Westinghouse films 'Chal lenge' and - 'Section 16,' have been donated to the NEA and are in- v . . w 'Lti'i D . movies,' he has lots , of choice right under his nose at huge During the year pictures are help ing to show millions ot Americans the complexities of present day school systems and the highly skill ed work being done by hundreds of outstanding tlchera,'y.;,,v.f;:;J,.sv Keep plenty of water before the eowe.at , all times. W 'A'?, i v. ' J " In doctor's t ' purH" t(rt"i"l C "t ' exterP'J rmiKfl 0 ' bipmii'iils lm-" ' Uevenainjtcliiimt " ; swelling, promote (. walk-in comfortt Ou f a -pile remedy. Btinu--i i Summer Camps For Handicapped Children Are Planned For M. C; Kids Presbyterian Women Hold Meeting Circle No. I of Pink Hill Presby terian Women of the Church met with Mrs. Earl Smith at her home on the Kenansville road, Tuesday night Mrs. J. A. Worley, chairman, pre sided. The program entitled, 'sick ness and health', taken from Mark 21-45, was presented by Rev, Jim Nichols. The Presbyterian Women's article, 'Freedom in a Christian De mocracy' was given by Mrs. E. W. Grady. The meeting closed with the Miz- pah. The hostess served refresh ments. Mrs. J. R. Davis will be hostess to the August meeting on the first Tuesday night of the month. Freedom is not the power to do what we like, but to be what we ought to be. Gore Dr. Lie B. Hohman, President of the North Carolina Society for Crippled Children and Adults, has lust announced completion of plans for two Crippled children.s camp ing program this summer. . A camp for white children and adults will be held at Camp South Toe River near Micaville by arran gement with the camp owners, the Optimist Club of Asheville; and a camp for Negro children will be conducted at the Hammocks Beach 4-H camp near Swansboro by spec ial arrangement with the 4-H Club. Two sessions of camp wiQ be held for the white crippled children between the ages of 7 and 17 July 7 - 28 and July 28 . August 18. Front August 18 to 26 the camp will be occupied by handicapped adults ever 18 years of age. The Negro camp will be conduct ed July 14 - 28 and will be for child ren between the ages ef 7 and 17. DON'T BUY ANY CAR BEFORE YOU DRIVE A CHEVY , . . ITS BEST SHOWROOM IS THE ROAD. Mrs. Howard Hostess Home Demonstration Club Mrs. Adolph Howard was hostess to the Pink Hill Home Demonstra tion Club Thursday night, at her home. Mrs. Haywood Stroud pre sided in the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. L. H. Turner. The. de monstration was on 'Good Groom ing', and was given by Mrs.1 Amos Howard. Reports were heard from the different leaders. The hostess served a chicken salad plate with Coca Colas. Btoulf to motion -Otvrokf Bi Air Sport Udo wfM BooV by fhkl. Here's why Chevy's best showroom is thq road! ViSf'f5'.: Because Chevrolet's sleek good looks, its advanced features, are only part of the story. .The big bonus is iti TCmarTcable roada hility, the crisp precision handling that has rsted an entirely' new standard for cars in every price class. There are reasons for this, of course: Chevrolet's balanced weight distribution that .takes excessive loads off the front wheels, the wide stance of outrigger rear t springs, Ball-Race steering; spher-' J ieal-joint front suspension. Sure, you can admire the sculptured lines in the showroom. But Chevy's a ?car specifically, designed for I, beautiful motion you have to j travel in this one to know just how A' terrific it is. Try it, this weekl MsasSssstf 1 k ' V MORE PEOPLE IHtlVE CHEVROLETS THAN" ANY OTHER CAR Only trancbised Cherrolet dealers ,iZrty See Your LocaV r . mi tc diepUvibls V f ' i famow trademark 3" 1' f New Pink Hill Principal Moves In Mr. and Mrs. Coye Lewis hav moved from Eureka to Pink Hill and are occupying the home recent ly vacated by the Swain family. Mr. Lewis is principal of the school here for the coming year. Other new Pink Hill residents in clude Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Harrell and three children who have moved, into the Methodist Parsonage to re place the Rev. J. B. Regan family. The Regan's have moved to Autrey- ville. The cost Is $25 a week. Anyone who wants to go to one of these camps for crippled children but cannot afford the cost should see his local chapter or write or tele phone the N. C. Society for Crippl ed Children and Adults, P. O. Box 839, Chapel Hill, for a campership, Also Jt. anybody wants to give a campership for a crippled child he should write to the above address. A washer and dryer must be bought and , any contribution to ward this, cost may also be sent to the state headquarters. Mattress pads, game supplies and other equi pment, are also being sought. The crippled children hike, play baseball, swim, dance, do craft work and have cook-outs and over nights out Just as other . children do at camp. Some are in wheel chairs but most ot them merely wear braces or use crutehes. Some children can bat a ball, pick up their crutches and scurry to first base at an amazing pace. Come tent staffs of counselors medical advisers art directing all cmp,aciivitteVA.4':'; 1 ' Ml V it : ' ' ' mi INTEREST PERIOD STARTS JULY 1st. Say don't miss this opportunity! Start your insured savings account at First-Citizens now! All deposits madoAef ore July 10th hear interest from July 1st! Save for the future! Your savings account earns 3 interest at it- iiiT'X Member FJD.LC We never forget to "THANK YOU" Pink Hill , TECX1S! ll r S'orei 357 lb o ftoit Woe' HU-10P '- , ., H :;. Magnetic Safety Door ' '"' J! ' " ',- " THIS NEW G-E UPRIGHT FREEZER , . h 111 I'-- . J U I II rSw" 'v,5!il!I M II 1 'XII -J -J, Manley Hatch Wins Award Manley O. Hatch of Pink Hill, employee of Carolina Power and Light Company was one of seven men receiving a special award in the company's safe driving program at a barbecue chicken' dinner in Kinston Tuesday night. The awards were based on courteous driving. Charles Nash, of Grifton, was also one of the seven receiving an a' ward. He is the husband of the for mer Patricia May of Pink Hill. C2' 1 IfeH TUIt kJCUl ArifMtAUY CDCC7CD bagtg any chart fraEfyat tabes aly Vt the liter ipaoe of ' mott chert, fraflzart f comparablt ix FOOD WITHIN EASY No rummaging no "standlnf on your had" trying to O.J .L.a .... v. ';.: C V the floor (pact! mm- ,fv'Af V4f V A L l ' S; .Morferri I!itgf Famous G-E jeeniabilifyl - ( V; , r 4 1 t p i -.! ' I i ) v ait, iifa ,4 1 4 ' f '. i 1 ! 1 ' 'J; ,1 ' t it Authorized Chevrolet, Dealer ?:. Jst ,-,.,. ' ..,' , SALAD DRzSSiriO i I