VWM1 lWV If 11 ; Src:;s To P ... . - iie Wirnw Boy Scouts and their ier. Dr. Wett Ausley, will go pn amping trip at Carlton's Pond, s will be a two day trip to take ce. on Friday . and Saturday ox it week end.J-f r:-sti-'1,v.-.. Juring this trip, on Friday eve g a court of honor will be held. rjnlaineer :!d At Armory A MountalneeT Ball waa held on e eve of the 4th and a good time 11 had by the twenty couples at ading the event which took place t the Armory, Hosts were Mr. and rs. Karl Huie and Dr. and Mrs. X I Kornegay. s ; f'vA-i-j'::. :-'-i'':if. -A -:;-.:.i-y:; Guests were invited to attend in lue Jeans and eallco gowns cos conclusion of the evening, Mrs. J, F. Strickland and Ed Strickland received prizes as the best dressed 'mountaineers.' C Quests were also invited to 'swing their pardner to square dancing and the . Virginia Heel with the fine calling of , Ed Simpson of Kenansvllle. . Soft drinks and hot d'oeuvre were served during; the evening, WARSAW CHURCH, SOCIALS PHONE 281-1 unes which guests did and at the prize. Mrs. Bruce Torrans entertained members of .her bridge club last Tuesday evening at her home. Those attending were Mesdames Seth Hill, James Sutton, Mattie Tor rans,, Martha Davis, Graham Reg ister, Dewy Potts, Max Grlce and Robert Davis. , ;'i . , Mrs. Hill received a potted plant as high score award; Mrs. Davis re ceived salt' ana pepper shakers, as second high award and Mrs. Potts received dish towels as traveling vMtja- Tortaneaerve swff drinke and potato chips during progression and ice cream sundaes and cookies at the conclusion of play. :- " : " ' Ldrea, Susan and Calvin, Mrs. Mc Donald - Brock : . and children, Mrs. C. W. Hinson and son, Johnny and educational director, Mr. Harold Smith. : " ,,. M, , ?v fern .i.iVh ' Members of the Warsaw Baptist Youth Choir, their leader and choir mothers and additional guests, en joyed a picnie at Taylors Pond last Tuesday afternoon. i : Fried chicken, potato 'salad, sand wiches, potato chips, piokles, brow nies, assorted cakes and soft drinks were' enjoyed after the group had enjoyed swimming. .Those 'attending weret Cariene Manus, Dottle, and Juanita Hinson, Judy Rollins, Judy Pearsall, Mary Lou and Joyce ' Potter, Ann Strau ghan, Joanne Summerlin, Martha Afin Barr, Jackie FusseU, Joyce Potter, Sue Whittle, Drew Grice, Jimmy' Boyette, W. I Smith, Hu bert Merrltt, Nina Garner, their leader, Mrs. Glenn Brown and chil- .IT. Is j Mrs. T. T, Poole was honored last Monday evening by Mrs. J. C. Sur ra tt and Mrs. Ross Watkins on the lawn of the Surratt home with a de licious chicken salad supper. Nine of the cirele members were pres ent, of which Mrs. Poole was a member, presented the honoree with a hobnail bedspread as a token of appreciation for i the assistance she had rendered them during the past few years. Following supper, Mrs. J. H. Wa hab presided in the absence of the chairman, Mrs. A. M .Benton, over a short business meeting. Mrs. J. N. West then had charge of both the devotional and the program. , Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brock- an nounce the birth of a daughter on Sunday, July 7 at Duplin General Hospital Mrs. Brock is the former Vir ginia Jennette of Calypso. ; f, ', Hostesses To Canasta Club Mrs. Melvin Herring and Mrs. W. C Martin were hostesses to mem bers of their canasta club last Tues day evening in the Martin home. Those playing were Mesdames Jo Lee Costin, Dorothy Johnson, Frank Steed, Arnold Jones, Billy Houston and Misses Helen Torrans and Ka thryn Bowen. Miss Torrans was high scorer and received costume Jewelry and Mrs. Seed received low score prize dish towels. The hostesses served iced tea and potato crackers during progression v v" v.,y :v 5 Vv.-. 1 iV 1957 :1 V, '1" i1 33 t t t Washer Fully Aateaaaito Lignted ruskbtttteosl All roredaln SediaeentBJeeter Delicate Fabric OyeU $229.95 Range Red Tag Sale Price Fally AntomaMe XJrhted Fnshbnttenei All Poroelaia Rateable rHepweil High Speed Cooking TJnlts 8239.95 1957 ; Refrigerator '' IMsH MmV Spa s ' Wslvisf. 8 B. Fieeeu Fewsl' AeMI v.. RedTai&IsPricc., Refrigerator M 0MMt I m-M th. Freeed Feed Oese .: peeteeal : Ireelata VagMeW ". Crlipee '' bee SketVM 01CO.C5 mw 5259.95 1, fJiarGndioo Company II. C. and homo made ice cream at the conclusion of play. Family Reunion At Revelle Home A family reunion was held at the home of Mrs. C. T. Revelle last Sunday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Chestnutt and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rob ertson and family of Clinton, Mr. and' Mrs. T. E. Snoet and family of Arlington, Va., Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes of Beulaville, Mr. and Mrs. James Jones of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Bally Welles of Fuquay, Mr. and Mrs. Doogle McNeil of Fai son, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cook of Ra leigh and Mrs. Faye Skidmore and son of Kenansville. Four Stouts At National Jamboree Four boys from the Wasaw Troop of Boy Scouts are attending the National Scout Jubilee which is be ing held at Valley Forge, Pa. July 8 through July 18. Scouts attending are Dwight Smith, Jimmy Strickland, Allen Fountain and George Clark. the Comrt House door in Kenans vUlev North Carolina, : otter for re sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land lying and being In' Wolfscrape Township, Du plin County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows, to wit: BEGINNING at a stake on the Kenansville road and runs thence Westward 80 yards to a pine; thence Southward 80 yards to a stake; thence Eastward BO yards to a stake In the Kenansville Road; thence with the road 10 the beginning, con taining one acre more or less. And being the old site and building of the Cobb Colored School. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The bid win begin in the name of Aldlne H Whitfield and Jarvis Car ter at the price of $1,045.00. A ten percent deposit will be re quired of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. Advertised, this the 8th day of July, 1957. A. P. CATES, CHAIRMAN Board of Education Duplin County 7 18 2T D.B.E. Legal Notice NOTICE OF RESALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an Order of the Board of Education of Duplin County, the undersigned Chairman will, on the 24th day of July, 1957, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at . Eipe peaches seU more i--V than green ones from help yourself counter displays. h -j. One of North Carolina's favorite times of the year the peach seat ' son la here again, , , JWDRLO WARM VfTS IF YOU STIUHAVE A 5-YEAR TERM 61 INSURANCE PkXICY, ITil TIMS CONSIDER CONVERTING rr 10 PERMANENT insur ance SUCH AS ORDINARY Aire 20-PAY UPS, 30-PAY IIFB OR' ENDOWMENT. , "Who Says You , Need Costly Shots To Relieve 'Hot Flashes' And Irritation From Change -Of -Life?" I Mn. A. M., Watonga, OkU., add., "Middla ( ) was torture. Had coitly shot 3 tunes a week I but got no relief. Then took Pinkham's Tablets They brought me new happinesa, umiort! Science offers women new freedom from much of the misery of change -of -life, thanks to an amazing new tablet developed espe cially to relieve these functionally caused discomforts. Doctors re ported sensational results using this remarkable home treatment alone... and no costly injectionxl lief for out of 10 Tested! Irritability, tortured nerves were calmed. Dizziness relieved. Awful hot flashes subsided. Here's why. Unlike aspirin andsutih "general Euipose" remedies, this new tablet 1 a unique combination of spesial ' 7 medicines . . . acts directly on the cause of these troubles . . . works through a weman's sympathetic nervous system to rekeve tense feelings and physical distress that bring unhapplness to so many. Clinical tests prove this. Now this amazing formula la at drugstores without prescription. Ask t for "Lydla Pinkham's Tab lets". Don't let change-of-Ilfe rob you 01 Joy ' Get handy PinWiam s raDiets. contain mooa-ouua Iron. See how fast vau can fe your happy self again without costly shots! (Also.liquld Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.) :":-:::"X":"i:":K J. 5 j ifin r 11 i J ' . . jfk I ' Ite time you spend an your job is money in your pay envelope Like timer this money has a way of 'flying' fas! from one pay day to the next. You can't make time stand still. But you can make some of your money stand still-in a savings ac count. Not only stand still but GROW steadily via the interest it earns for you. Then deposit a definite amount of money every pay day before if gets a chance to fly. DMIES fir TMST 1 ,SlI sBs - rrL'DEPOSIT nlfANCIK CORPORATION 1 t - r. j. r CrTJLATILL!!