i X - ,Mai iae College , Slaxtoa, North Cwrolin ' The Great. Commission' 1 the title of an oU painting before which . I itood last Friday. It is in me 5 mortal room. adjoining chapel on , - the ahorei of Lake Junaluska in , Western North Carolina. The ar - tilt was Howard Chandler Christy who has puiwJ i..y v.nes from American niatory. in tus picture he presents the culmination of the earthly life of Jesus taking place In the ascension, -and the commission ing of the apostles to begin the great Christian movement which has mov ed oown nineteen centuries since and still calls men to personal com mitment and also to dedication in a world program for buildin a a . .X traced doubting Thomas, who could not believe what he could not understand until the Mas- ter offered to let him put forth his fingers and touch the scar. On the right is John, looking at Jesus, try ing to understand the myjfery of his nature. John was later towrite his gospel, which starts 'In the be ginning was the "Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,' (John, 1:1) .Rugged Peter is there, ready to launch out, In the IT'S przmim 13 rVHis STtowse In MADAGASCAR .THH VJBftRlNe C-F SANjjJALS MADE OF MOHKEV SKjW 19 CONSIDERED A soRE CORE FOB flit AILMENTS!! TmQFTHESoiTO sew"-' fAjOFTOJ ROE HOQC SHARKS , ggj OM LOOKERS O) THE PEACHES FAMOUS TOR KtCF57YE4f& Ami - - ''jf!.' v'.'i yvic:E:;3 iieascn Li Civil Rights : BT Senator W. Kerr Scott show anyone that the Elsenhower Developments during the past Administration is pullinf out all stop to capture the big city vote in the hope of .winning control of Congress next year. The civil rights issue carries en ough controversy and emotion it self without adding fuel to the fire with out-and-out political exped iency.?; : t With last ' week's victory, the Ad nunisirauon wiu mnaouDtedly go to the big cities and brag about What it has done for minority groups. week show very clearly that emo tion has overcome reason in the civil rights issue now before Con- . This happens from time to time on legislation of various sorts, but In the ease of civil rights very dangerous precedent was set in the Senate last Thursday, a ' By the dose vote of 45 to 39, the Senate decided to send the civil rights bill passed by the House dir ectly to .the calendar. In other words, normal committee consider ation was denied, and in the pro cess the many ' months of work spent on the legislation by the Sen ate Judiciary ... Committee was thrown out the window. In ordinary legislative procedure. such a practice is unheard of and is a very dangerous way of doing business concerning the making of laws of the land. It was. very obvious that Vice President Nixon was playing the rankest sort of politics when he ruled to bypass committee consid eration. And the vote backing Up the ruling was evidence enough to No doubt, the maafeuver will set a lot of votes, but In the process a very serious blow has been dealt the traditional and proper system of committee functions in Congress. Senator Russell of Georgia put it very well when he said the move to by-pass committee consideration and thereby speed up the final vote task of winning the world to the Kingdom of God. Matthew's gospel gives the words of the great commission as: 'All au thority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all things whatso ever I command you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.' Matt. 28: 19-20. FOR TROUBLE-FREE OPERATION mil m uik on civil rights would create 'legis lative cnaos' in tne future, .-. - More important than this, the bill that i is now before the Senate will bring about many more nrob- lems than it will solve. Instead of bringing the races closer together, I am axraia wiu pull them further apart and intensify the already sxrong m ieeungs that exist. The big job faoing us in the South today is to find common ground from which all races can work to- GOT A SURLIER COLD TAKE (5(5 r for symptomatic RELIEF KERRY DRAKE j6sv Tokay V ke.'i Nbryson! RS IN V.IF THAT! 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Sittings Nights and 8nadaya By Appointment Bide The Forward Look in A New DESOTO or PLYMOUTH Fro m SERVICE MOTOR CO., In KENANSVILLE .miLDA GAY COULDM'T I TEACH YOU TO LOVE ME.GILDA? ay BERNARD RALLY Bottled By WILMINGTON COCA COLA Bottling Company Wilmington gu tuer and progi-ess. Ivery step in th other direction, such as tha civil rights bill, win only put oft longer tha day wo can restoro the good rada rela&ons we onoa had. i Irte.j is hiwu? l i i. Ho that hath truth ; I a fool as wen as a eowar UhmU axraia to own it ttcawsa of men's opinions. . -Dtalel IMs TELEVISION f IMC XM 1 imaginotOff you can mote ioar otm puppete" Sam's Drug Store Rose Hill, N. C WELLS STOCKYARDS WALLACE, K. e. AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY BUYING AND SELLINGS DADLY EXCEPT SUNDAY OFFICE PHONES 80016171 D. It. WELLS NIGHT PHONE 2211 JACK P WELLS NIGHT PHONE 221T BUY YOUR HAIL INSURANCE NOW FROM THIS EXPERIENCED AGENCY Turner & Turner INSURANCE AGENCY Pink Hill, N. C. COM! 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