-i - ); iU : Li U Personals Tht Walter Godwin family of Wd ' Mr. and Mr ohSy' VaWngtoa to spent the week end with relative! in iZZiSZ' Keidjville l ' '! I Mr'- Lehman Williarrfj and Mel- Mr. .ndMriiw SltewirT.pent rKrlnZ. the week end with relative! at Ben-, cenUy P atten1 son.: The couple occupy an apart-" Mn Williams . niece, Mica Betty ; went ! the home of Mr. and Mm. Jeannette Whaley ol Portsmouth, va, to Mr. Jiennein earnes or vu,- Lehman Williams. ' Mrs. Eva Tyndall has returned' to her home at Carolina Beach after having spent a couple of weeks with relatives near Pink. HW, ' , son, which took place at the Tab ernacle Baptist Church. Mrs. Barn es has been drafted into - the U. S. Army and is at It DiX, N, J. and TASTY I j HM 5 V 1 TREATS I ?l THAT ARE FILLED WITH MOUTH WATERING GOODNESS. Let us fill your order for those special occasions. Oven Fresh Products Every Day. MICKEY'S PASTRY SHOP GOLDSBORO, N. C. Mrs. Barnes has returned. to Ports mouth where she has enrolled - as a senior in the high school. - , j. Mr. H. 8. Turner on the tobacco market jstjlocky Mount, spent the week end at his home. '...;',- Mr.' Kenneth MayweU . who is working toward his masters degree at N. C Sute (College, spent, the week end at home. .' " .. Attending a Sunday, School work ers training sohool at the Warsaw Methodist Church last week were iMesdames L. H. Turner, J. M. Jon es, Jasper Tynoai, james-.aiuea. M. O. Hatch, Lehman Williams and Mr. Haywood Stroud. Mr. and Mrs. L H, Turner. L. H; Jr., and Debby and Mr. and Mrs, H, C Turner .and Mary and Istign, Jr., were guests ' of ,M-Sgt, and Mrs. Fred Lawton and family at their. new home near Folkstone, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee Over man of Raleigh, were guests of Mrs. Overman's parents, Mr. ani Mrs. Tom Davis Sunday. They came for their daughter, Melanie, who had been visiting her grandparents for a few days. Sale H 1. Continues AT Paylor Wayside Furniture Store Come in and Register for Free Prizes. Reductions up to 50 on best quality liv ing room, dining room and bed room suites. Mattress and Spring Sets Greatly Reduced. r Open Thursday and Friday Til 9K)0 p.m. ; Saturday 'Til 5 p.m. PAYLOR'S VAYSIDE Next to Colonial Store in Kinston We Give Sav a-Stamps Attorneys Attend Institute Meet Attorney W F. Simpson of Pink Hill and her associate Mr. r . Wallace of Kinston, attended a three day institute on the State's Busi ness Corporation Act, sponsored by the N. C. Bar Association and law V v. wj W' w. . . i ir t.e fall tri m at Iw.cr . I.iotte .Business College, Wilminton have been completed with 175 students attending classes. The registration of new students is about 10 per cent above last .years, enrollment The student body repre sents IS counties in North Carolina. and four neighboring states. There were po faculty changes announced Mineral Water Seven Springs . Delivered -to your home in B gal lon Jura weekly. Deliveries in Du plin each Thursday in Calypso, Fai son, Bowden, Warsaw. Kenansvllle, B. F. .Grady and points in betweed. II Interested in getting the water drop a card to SEVEN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER, Seven Springs, N. C. or notify the Duplin Times offlee. , , Adv. WATER FOR THE HOME 4 m. Wells Drilled rOB TERMS WBRB OR- 8KB ; A. FITCH QUINN rOTTERS BUX ' Beat 1, Pink Hill, N. C. LI MO. 110 PAY , Mrs. Lila Humphrey speAt the week end with relatives in Kinston and Grifton. t ' Guest, in. the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Smith during the week end were Mrs. .Wilson' Humphrey and daughters, Linda and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. .Thomas Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. James Fordham, all of Kinston and Mrs.: J. V. Creech of Grifton. Miss Carol- Tyndall spent Sunday with the Misses Ann and Faye Kor- negay.,"7 Donald Wallace of Raleigh spent Monday -with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. ' Cyrus Rhodes of Summerhn's Cross Road visited Mr. and Mrs. E: R. Dail Sunday after noon. Mrs. Frank Somers of near Ken ansvllle spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Wallace. Quite a few from this community are attending the revival services at the Snow Hill church- this week. The Rev. C. L. Patrick of Walston- burg is the guest preacher. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kornepay ?nd daughter of Kinston and Miss Mar ilyn Broadway also of Kinston vis ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manly Kornegay Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Herring of Warsaw visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Howard for a while Friday night Mrs. Winnie Henring and daughter Betty Kay spent the week end. with Mr. and Mrs. Rut us Butner in More head City. Keith Oates of Raleigh spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Oates'. Mrs. Croady Blanton is visiting her son, Tommle Blanton and fam ily in Goldsboro this weyk. Mrs. Manly Kornegay visited her brother Stokes Westbrook In Ken- ansville - Saturday, - Mr: Westbrook has Just recently returned to his home from the Duplin General Hos pital where he under went treats ment i. , - -. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Walker vis ited relatives at Warsaw Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs.- Delano Tyndall of Mt .Olive attended Sunday School at the Snow Hill ; Church' Sunday and -were luncheon guests la the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Tyn dall following the services Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baker and chil dren, Elizabeth, Barbara-and Betr ty of Fayetteville pent . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Wal lace. ' " 1 ' Mrs. Croady Blanton and Mr. and Mrs. Earl King and fon spent the week end in Morehead City with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Butner. ; ' Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wallace spent Sunday with Mrs.-Wallace's parents, Mr, and Mrs. E C, King at Folk stone. Messrs. Lewis and Paul West brook attended a workers meeting for Intermediates at the Warsaw Methodist Church Tuesday night. schools of the State University, Duke University, and Wake Forest College which was held at Chapel Hill Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day of last week. Employees of Gray And Oglesby Hold Supper The firm of Gray and Oglesby, wholesale grocers of Kinston, werei hosts to their employees at a steak supper at the Hillview Cafe in Pink Hit recently The occasion was also to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Clarence Gray a member of the firm. Twenty guests made up the party. . - Pleasant Grove Club Mee!s,Plans Singing Convention . An annual singing convention is in the making in the Pleasant Grove Community.' A motion was made and. carried at their meeting on Thursday night for the Community Development Club to sponsor it and a commiteet composed of Carl Kornegay, Mrs. Edd Kornegay, Tipp fScott, Emmett Herring, Jonas Dail, tfohn Goodson and Ben Frank Out law were appointed to work out plans, which will be made publio in a few days.' This la being done to create more- interest in good singing "in this section and it is hop ed that many churches and other groups will participate and that cash prizes can be offered. SPECIAL NOTICE TO TOBACCO yr a . 3 ... . Warehouse GROWERS In Kinston SEPT. 23 AVERAGED S62.60 The highest average of any and all warehouses in Kinston BRING US YOUR NEXT LOAD OF TOBACCO AND BE ASSURED OF GETTING THE TOP PRICES FOR TOUR TOBACCO. -"; '-' - ,- DON'T TAKE CHANCES ON THE REMAINDER OF YOUR TOBACCO. SELL AT ' , r ; STAR WAREHOUSE in Kinston CHARLIE HERRING owner and operator and JOE CUTH RELL auctioneer are on the sale at all times, to see that you get 'the top price (or every pile of your tobacco. ? ' - .j , " . v " , , WE HAVE MANY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. YOU WHO HAVE NOTBEEN SELLING AT THE , , IN KINSTON, TRY US,' AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT IT IS "THE HIGH PRICE WAREHODSE" . I; : cf Ecsbrn Ccrc!.rj Mrs. May Was Bridge Hostess Mrs, J. F. May was hostess to her bridge club at her home in Pink Hill Wednesday afternoon. , Mrs. T. A. Turner was presented the prize for Highest score; Mrs. J. A. Worley won the second: ihlgh award, Mrs. i. M. Jones won -the cohsolatidn trophy and Mrs. Helen Turner, the" bingo prize. Delicious apple pie with whipped cream was served. Answers To Tfcsly . Fcrtn Q:sslipns . QUESTION: ' How can I make sure that ray barnyard has ample urainage when I pave it?' ANSWER) To Insure good drain age, keep the slope to a minimum of one inch to every 10 feet and a max-. mum ol not over one half Inch pe foot. . " '?M!8y s;yv-? "QUESTION: What is the' best type of hay to' feed' dairy calves? ANSWER: Fine-stemmed, leafy legume hay is about the best It is palatable and has a high content of i protein, calcium and vitamins. Also, excellent quality i mixed legume grass hay ranks high as a feed for calves,-: QUESTION: What are the ad vantages of the pole type hay feeder I've been hearing about? ANSWER: One of the most im portant advantages is the low. con struction cost of the structure. In addition it requires less labor and machinery for filling. It Is easily ad apted for semi self feeding of hay, and it needs little upkeep, v i a ,.nent Mrs. Peggy 'Whitted the Secretarial Department; William Franklin the Bookkeeping and . Accounting De partment) William Farmer the Bu-. jiness Administration Department; and Mr. Marilyn von Oesen the Of- fice Machines. J ,' " t; 4 YcTisnfy Ted and Friendliness ? ' . There te a woman's sphere In death even as there la in life. -That if wky we employ a lady licensed embalmer on ear staff to add those feminine tenches that are ae an Important on tbese , eeaalou se that the results will he exactly as yon wish.' Ask ,,' for her should -the need arise. Howard -Carter r r - . - ' Funeral Home Phones 3727 or 3177 PAUL M. HOWARD U HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE V US E. King, Kinston Otis B. Carter vOwpera Mrs. Turner Receives . Burns '' '.' ' 5 ... Mrs. Leslie Turner of Albertson, Home Economics Instructor at the Beulaville High School suffered severe burns On her feet and hands, recently, when hot, greavsej cjBUght fire in a frying pan at het home?! She attempted to throw the pan out side but the wind was so strong, she was forced to set it on the floor instead, burning the floor covering, considerably. Eugene Outlaw of the health and sanitation committee reported that a place 'bad been found for, a gar bage dump and that soon the nec essary work can be done so it -can be used. . j t . .. , .". E, J. Simpson, - assistant farm agent and Mrs.-Lois O. Brltt assist ant home agent weref present, "Said discussed with the group hoV to fill out the summary - sheets from the individual score sheets which have been turned in, how to plan the inspection .tour for the Judges of the contest, how to set up. the scrapbook and a number of other things. " ' Simpson also discussed getting more soil samples and the possibili ty of having lime applied coopera tively. , There was also a discussion on starting a boy scout troop and get ting a scout master and donation cards were passed out., A commit tee is working on this and At Is hoped something definite can be done soon. This was a supper meeting and around 50 people enjoyed the deli cious meal. FOR SALE UM-TRACTGK for r.lf.l UNI-FARMOE New vaive-in-head V-4 engine dc Yelopt: 20 more power, steps up work .capacity of every Uni-Fermor machine. Hydraulic power itecring k tUadard' equipment. New UniBei provides firm, non-slip grip for trans mission drive. Exclusive Uni-Mat'r hydraulic system provides one-lew. control of all Uni-Farmor machine' r THIS IS UNI-FARMING - VNKMMKOa ' VWKKIR4Milint mm Service Station, Store and Grill on Highway 111 near B. F, Grady school. Grill equipment may be purchased separately, if desired. Hefhercuit's Grocery & Grill - . Formerly. Sam Morris GriU -. . ALBERTSON, N. C. f SEE US FOR FUtt FACTS TA. -V-' ' 'WvuW.Sa. C. E- Edgerfon 119 N. Center D Phone 1325 GOLDSBOSO Hew 3 Interest Period starts . . . and here's how you eon obtoin a beautiful cigarette lighter 1 Simply moke a $25.00 deposit to your existing First-Citisehs wvings ownt - or, open on with at leosi receive o hondsome Omscolite lighter, ond in a choice of lody's or man's stytel v Don't delayl This special offer " discontinued without prior notice! All de posits made on or before Saturday, Oct. 5, earn 3 interest from Oct. 1st! Save for the future! We Pay 3 Interest IHi' .;,vV- . ;- . ..v Member FJ).LC. We never forget to "THANK YOU" Pink Hill iff' 5 v ; Friday & Saturday, October 4 5 Many Hems Reduced" up to 25 off ; ; on : Clolhing - Hardware - Meats -: V ''v').! and Groceires ;T r 1 ; ;' COME HI AUD AVE 0DELL & J. C. HlLt " , v PHONE" 2120 ? ' V" , , ' Deep Run, II. C. ; : . t. rf,.Jat1''