f j-y-'i;,,.. v , - 1 , . t ' " ? ,y .' , ? t r ,, . trrtcf trra rsi?::rajm , t 'it iiu ' " " "Si x-Ar---- .'htiv-r. fttNd '16172' ' ' ih I i. " V y-n n?.gy-'v nn ersoii :m;lfc fend Mm. Charles Guthrie. . il iS ?B Guthrie, Sr, attended the wed i i .ding ot Mr .Guthrie's nejce Miss "') .Jtyelyri Penny , and Mr.'Malcom 'if Rhodes in Beulaville, Thursday. Charles Guthrie,; Jr.,' was week ' v iTjiend Quests of ' his parents Mr. iWMd- Mrs. C. a' Guthrie,1 enroute JpSo 'Washington, 'D C. where he associated, with U, S. Sol V 1 fdiers' HosiJital as laboratory Te ; ; " ehnician. Mrs. Guthrie and Ben- j;jl "will be guests of her parents ' In Clinton for a while. . v Mr. and Mrs.' Clarke of Wel- ' don. are guests of Mr and Mrs, '. .Bufus. lks. ' . .' Mr. and Mrs .Tnhn TXi 11 ar anA 1 ,'ifaUrf Charlotte spent the hoi-1 Mrsv W. F Williamson and dau ; ;,;s'idays with Mrs R. L. Sykes andlghters of Burlington were the yy Miss Mary Lee Sykes.-y r weekend guest of Mr and Mrs. Be Comfortable and Have A MERRY CHRISTMAS And Happy New Year By Getting a SEIGLER HEATER WITH TRAVELING HEAT FROM UTILITY HARDWARE CO. In Mt. Olive MAKE WHITE'S IN MT. YOUR CHRISTMAS SHQE?JNG HEADQUARTERS We Invite-You To Mt. Olive And The MOUNT OLIVE GAS CO. GAS APPLIANCES and . TOBACCO .CURERS MT. OLIVE. Your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS When In Mt. Olive A Thrilling Gift For Every Member Of The Family Yardley Sets For Men & Women Old Spice Sets SIIAEFFER PENS ( Hollingsworth & Belle - Camp Candies Toys For The Children GLENN - MARTIN DRUG COMPANY Registered Druggists Phone OL 8-2165 ON THE CORNER r Mrs. Lawrence Ryder and dhi- ldren of Princeton spent the holr idays with Mrs. Eloise Ryder and Mr. McCoy Kennedy. Mrs. L. Southerland visited re- I latives Jn ' Fayetteville during the holidays ' " "Missis Lila Shaffer, Dellora and. Sherral Rouse and John Wright Blake of Burgaw spent Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. No ra 'Shaffer. L Mr. and Mrs. I N Bowden and Nicky visited' relatives in Bur gaw Sunday afternoon. Mrs. - Margaret Tucker and Mrs. Nora Shaffer spent the weekend in Burgaw. Mr. Lambert of Atlanta, Ga. and Ray McMillan of St Paul visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wil- 1 : r. . i STORE OLIVE 121 N. Crater St. N. IN MT. OLIVE Opsoial For LUGGAGE CHRISTMAS ITEMS NOW ON DISPLAY .'TO MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS MORE GORGEOUS. ) DILI PATTERSOn - MT. OLIVE. N C; Charlie Williams.on also Mr. and Mrs. John W.; Williamson and daughters of Yadkinville. Misses Sandra and Deborah Quinn were" the week end guest of Mr. Charles' Smith. Mrs. J. O. Stokes and daugh ter, Miss Dianne Stokes shopped in Goldsboro Saturday Mr, Earl Pilgrim of Green ville was guest of Miss Doris Caison and Mr. and Mrs. L R. Caison over the week end. Mr. and Mrs Earl Hatcher and son spent . the holidays with re latives in New Port News, Va Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Caison and family of Currie were Sunday guest of the I. R. Caison's Mr, and Mrs A. J Crumbly and daughter, Miss Lucy Crumb ly of Atlanta, Ga, and Mrs. Mel vin Smith of Conyers, Ga. were guest of Mr. and Mrs. J O Sto kes and Dianne for Thanksgiv ing. Mrs. Vance Gavin and Mrs. J. B. Wallace shopped in Wilming ton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Jimmy Johnson have moved to Hickory Mr. Sonny Albritton of Kins ton was guest of Mrs. Davis Far rior recently. ' Mr. and Mrs. Willie Brinson and Mrs. Ellis Vestal visited in Warsaw and Beulaville on Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Boney, Jr. and family of Greensboro were holiday guest of their pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Boney. Miss Ellen Shine of Rocky Mt. spent the Thanksgiving Holidays with Miss Margaret Williams. On Saturday Miss Shine, Miss Wil liams, Mrs. Wilbur Adams and Miss Nancy Adams shopped in Raleigh. Mrs. Wilbur Adams and dau Nancy and Mr. and Mr. Hardi son and young daughter of Caro lina Beach spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams. Mr and Mrs Bill Ingram and two sons of Raleigh, Mr and Mrs Bobby Ingram of Raleigh, and Miss Betty Ingram of Duke spent the Thanksgiving, .holidays with Mrs W. M. liigram; ' Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Ingram also visited Mrs. Ingram's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pat terson. Miss; Yvonne Patterson of Raleigh also spent the holidays with her parents. Home for the holidays from E. C. C; Misses Dot Caison, Bar bara Mitchell, and Patsy Quinn; Duke University, Miss Betty In gram; Meredith College, Miss Di ane Stokes, Miss Gayle Newton, and Miss Betty Lou Elks; Peace College, Mass Rebecca Grady; State College, Emory Sadler and Carl Penny. Miss Millie Burch of Smith field spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L C. Burch Mr. Bill Page of State College was a weekend visitor in the home of Mrs W. M. Ingram. Mrs. Louise Mitchell and Bar bara shopped in Raleigh on Foi day. Visit The Peggy Ann Shop For Your Christmas Gifts For Lovely Gowns Pajamas Slips Robes As Weil As Holiday DRESSES All Gifts Specially Wrapped Peggy Ann Shop Mt. Olive, N. C. Christmas AND MANY OTHER FUU3E ; CO. Card Of Thanks Mr. John Houston takes this opportunity to thank his many friends, relatives, neighbors, nu rses and doctors for each good deed, nice gifts and considerate act of kindness shown him and his family during his lengthy il lness at Duplin General Hospi tal. Each Card, every visit and your prayers will be remember ed in a special way. Coffee Hour Honors Bride Elect Miss Patsy Quinn, bride-elect of December 28, was honored on aturdy morning when Miss Do ris Caison entertained at a cof fee hour and kitchen shower. The traditional colors of green and white were used through out the home. Mrs. Ij a Caison, mother of the hostess, poured coffee from an attractive table overlaid with an embroidered cloth and center ed with an arrangement o( all white flowers. Open faced sand whiches, cookies and nuts were served. Miss Quinn was given a cor sage of miniature cooking uten sils upon her arrival. Many at tractive and useful gifts were presented the honoree from an attractively decorated container. Other than the honoree, those enjoying the party were Mrs. R. G. Quinn, and Miss Peggy Quinn, mother and sister of the bride-elect. Miss Ruth Linberger of Harrells, Miss Shelly Smith, Pink Hill; Miss Doris Lanier, Chinquapin Misses. Yvonne Pat terson Barbara Mitchell, Mil lie Burch, Becky Grady, Gail Newton, Rachel Johnson, Mes dames Hal Quinn, Willard Brin on, Amos Brinson and Thur man Brown. Mrs. Gavin Was Hostess At Bridge Mrs. Vance B: Gavin enterta ined the members of her bridge club on Monday evening, with all members present and one uest Mrs. Clarke of Weldon. After several progressions of bridge, high score prize was won by Mrs. J. B. Wallace, and second high by Mrs. E. W Sadler Mrs Clarke was presented with a guest pri ze The hostess served tempting congealed fruit- salad with whip ped cream and coffee to the fol lowing; Mesdames J. B. Wal lace, J. O. Stokes, G. V Penny, J R Grady, C B. Guthrie, Louise Mitchell, E. W Sadler, Rufus Elks and Mrs Clarke. Mrs. Boyette Hostess Town and Country Club Mrs. Edward Boyette was hostess to the Town and Country bridge club on Tuesday even ing of this week. Fall flowers were used in de coration where guests were invi ted for play. Mrs. G. V. Gooding and Miss Mary Lee Sykes were visitors for the games. When scores were added Mrs. J. J. Wells was winner of the club high score with Miss Sykes receiving visitor's high award. Others playing were Mesda mes E. J. Simpson, E. C. Tyn dall, C C. Hester, Wiley Booth, Bill Spicer and Mrs Gooding. During progressions the hos tess served pink and green pota to chips, cheese dip and pink le monade. Following progressions, cup fruit cake, assorted cookies and coffee was served. Youth Rally Is Saturday Night Snow Hill Church A "Youth for Chirst" rally will be held at Snow Hill Free Will Baptist Church Saturday night, December 6th at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Norman Ard of Mt. Olive Junior College will deliver the message and special music will be furnis hed by the "Four Clefs." Every one is cordially invited to attend this service. Chris mas S als are sold by 3,000 voluntary association to support tbuerculosia control activities. Christmas Seal contributions pay1 for medical research, case find ing, rehabilitation, and educational activities for the defeat of tuber culosis.'. ' i ' w . Cases Heard Before J.PHuWrow James Howard upon the oath of J. S. Briley did on or about the 1st day of November, operate a motor vehicle on the public highways of North Carolina without a drivers license as required by law. The de fendant was produced In court and the following proceedings had: Cited to County Court for Novem ber 13, 1998. James Leonard Martin upon the oa h of B. D. Burge did on or about the 31st. of October speed by a clock, and did not display a state license plate. Cited to Count Court for November 12th. Ander Wiley Cox did on or about the 2nd. day of November speed by a speed, clock -and did 'not display astate license plate. The defendant was produced in court and cited to counly court for November 10th. Betty Tucker Bland on the 6th day of November 1958 speeding by a speed clock and did not display a state license plate. The defendant ant was produced In court the fol lowing proceedings had: Cited to County Court for November 18. 1958. Matthew Marion Turner did on or about the 6th day of November 1958 speed by a sperd clock, and did not display a State License Plate. Cited to County Court for November 18, 1958. Eva Kornegay Teachey upon the oath of B. D. Burge did on or a bout the 6th day of November 1958 speed hy a spe;d clock. The defend ant was produced In court and the following proceedings had: Cited to County Court for November 18, 1958. Howell Home Gurganus cid uP on the oath of B. D. Burge on or a bout the 6th day of November speed by a speed clock. Cited to County Court for November 18. 1958. Emory Delaine Founfaln upon the oath of J. S. B iley did on or about the 2nd. day of November operate a motor vehicle upon the highways of North Carolina and did fail to stop for a stop sign. The defendant was produc. d In court and was suspended upon payment of $5.00 fine and the court cost. Percy Hill upon the oath of J.v F. Brinson dd on about the 1st. day of September draw a check for $4.00 on the Waccamaw Bank and Trust Company payable to J. F Brinson with knowledge he did not have suffliient funds on de posit nor credit with said bank to pay same, The defendant was pro duced in court and the following proceedings had: Defendant paid check and the court cost. Wayver Murphy upon the oath of H. J. Brown did on or about ihe 25th day of October appear In the Town of Beulaville in a drunk en and disorderly condition, also caused, a disturbance by fighting. The defendant was produced in Court Jtad vas suspended upon payment of the Court Cost. Jessie Thomas Davis upon the oath of H. J. Brown did on or a bout the 25th day of October appear in the town of Beulaville in a drunken and disorderly condition, also fighting and causing a distur bance. Defendant was suspended upon payment of the Court Cost. David Judge upon the oath of H. J Brown did on or about the 25th. day of October appear in the Town of Beulaville In a drunken and disorderly condition, also fighting and causing a disturbance. Suspended upon ' payment of the court cost. . Robert Earl Milton upon the oath of H. J. Brown did on or a bout the 20th day ef September appear on the streets of Beulaville In a drunken condition. Defendant suspended upon payment of the s ! t ft TOYLAHD DOLLS BICYCLES WAGONS CARRIAGES STOVES BLACKBOARD TABLE & CHAIRS SETS TEA SETS PIANOS Games of All Kinds MANY, MANY MORE Douglass H.S. "How Good is Our School, seems to have been the watch words of the parents and teac hers of the Douglass High School Parent and Teacher Association during the month. As a result of the expressed interest in the total school program, and how well it is educationg the boys and girls for occupations: For Col lege; For Adult Life( For Ci tizenship, and How it is serving the needs of our modern society, became familiar sounds from the lips of some two hundred (200) parents as they gathered in special meeting held in the school auditorium to discuss with the association's President, Henry Martin and the Principal, W. E. Smith, just what steps that mi ght be taken to bring to the attention of the four hundred (400) parents of the school dis trict the many problems that are in need of consideration ifi Court Cost. Hubert Houston upon the oath of H. J. Brown did on or about the 11 day of October appear on the streets of Beulavill in a drunken condition. The defendant was prod uced in court and the following proceedings had: Suspended upon payment of the Court Cost. William Loran Whaley upon the oath of B. D. Burge did on or about the 8th day 0f November spe;d 75 miles per hour. Citec to County Court for December 9, 1958. Earl Baker upon the oa h of Thomas Brown did on or about the 4th day of November 1958 cause damage to plaintiff's personal pio perty consisting of one 1953 Chev rolet, by throwing bottles a. the plaintiff. Damage 0f the car con sisted of d nts in the body, broken mirror and holes in the top thro wn by he bottles. The defendant was produced in court and the fol lowing proceeding ha-': Defendant repaired plaintiff's Ca: and paid the coiirt cost. Galloway Turner upon the oath of E. H. Kennedy did 0n or about the 11th of January en.er the pre mises of Mary Lea Heath in a drun ken and disorderly condition also using progane and vulgar lang uage. Suspended upon paymnet of $5.00 fine and the court cost. William Gresham upon the oath of John Henry Bryant did 0n or about the 8th day of November as sault with a deadly weapon. The defendant was produced in court and the following proceedings had: Vaived heralng to County Court Tor November 26. 1958. Earj Baker upon the oath of Ralph Smith did on or about the 4th day of November assualt plain tiff with a deadly weapon (to wit: a pop bottle) thereby, causing bod ily injuiy to the plaintiff and caused a disturbance by fighting in the Town of Beulaville. Bound over to County Court for November 26, 1958. Alton Junie Kennedy upon the oath of B. D. Burdge did oa or a bout the 18 day of Novemb. r oper ate a motor vehicle upon the high ways of North Carolina with no license plates on a trailor. Arthur Richard Hayes upon the oath of B. D. Burge did on or a bout the 14 of November operate a motor vehicle upon the highway of North Carolina with improper brakes. S. J. Whaley upon the oath of Gaidner Houston did on or about the 27th. day of August draw a check for $5.00 on the First Citi zen Bank & Trust Company pay able to Gardner Houston with the knowledge he did not have suffic ent funds on deposit nor credit with said Bank to pay same, Sus pended upon payment of check and Court Cost. LOWE'S Firestone Store MT. OLIVE LIONELL TRAINS CHEMISTRY SETS MICROSCOPE SETS ERECTOR SETS BOXING GLOVES HOLSTER SETS BASKETBALLS ARCHERY SETS ' TABLE TENNIS the Boys and Girls of the school are to receive the type of f WW ing that would enable themyto bcome well rounded and useiul citizens of the community. Among the many problems mentioned by the parents, appeared that their interest was centered along the lines of .(1) Education. (2) Curriculum Diver sification to meet the Present Day Educational Need3 of the Boys and Girls; (3) School Edu I catlon ana gisiaiion wr wiy- raruuipuuui, t) oiu i uica- ter Undestanding in the Lay man's Participation in Good Ci tizenship Activities. Realizing that if the parents were to receive any consider ation as to the questions raised there must be some re-organization and re-evaluation of the work of the P. T. A., Mrs. J G Henry was named chairman of 5 3-8 per cent Dividends On Serial (Savings) Stocks MT. OLIVE BUILDING & LOAN Association I Shoes Make An Ideal 1 I Christmas Present 1 i See Our Christmas Specials jj Bj ' Walker Brand Shoes Are Good Shoes bj No Better Shoes For The Family j Shoes For The Jaitire Family (jD I STANLEY SHOE CO. 1 M MT. dLIVE ji II Give A Gift tg00S' V (I !i The Whole Family jflr J HlJ Will Enjoy a J Ig 14 1 I hi S2i ZENITH T. III 3 OR An Appliance By FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerators - Stoves Washers - Dryers GARNER BROTHERS Mt. Olive, N. C. i S n Make Your Gift A Family Gift Give NEW From WILSON MOTOR CO. FORD SALES AND SERVICE New And Used Cars Repair SerriceN Wrecker Service " Body Shop s MT. OLIVE, N. C. Dealer N., 1755 special committee, composed of the following teachers, Henry L Martin, Jr., Mrs. T. D. Wil liams, Mrs M D Kenan and W. E. Foster, who were to outline what was needed to carry out such a progressive program. The committee in working closely with ilhe principal, supervisor and state congress of parents and 'eachers, suggested that the following study groups be est ablished; (1) School Education, (2) Citizenship, (3) Health and Safety Education, (4) Legislative Education, (5) and Parent and family Life Education; and to have the entire P. T. A. Mem bership working on one or the other study groups, along with a member of the faculty. The first Christmas Seals to fight tuberculosis were sold in Denmark a in 1904. sr A FORD Of .'t r-rr M-V m-1, pttt B-'t j"t - X, fl, '

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