..J 4 n't l r h 2 VOLUME XXIV brier i::ds D17 : Pclto Groqp; lcu.-::!::d; C!::mcn Kuned t .;r (Hikers .. Wew officers ivra t ,; plans were laid for the. 1958 March of Dimes Vhich Is to officially be gin on January 3, when on Thurs . day evening a dinner meeting wag 1 n held at the Kenansville Cafe. 1957 . Chairman, Mrs. Christine Williams , called for a repor tfrom, Mr. W. E. Craft, county campaign chairman i. for the past year. Mr, Craft report ed that 7080.98 was collected, which .-.was one of the-best year that the county has had, Mr. Craft was pre sented a Certificate of Apprecia , U LiUUasJO WITH JOE. ' -l , Bealawflle Wtna tt-t ' BOYS , -s V , BeulaviUe High with a 13-point 'lead went on to defeat Chinquapin 'last night in the opened for the Panthers. Buddy JUerce wantop, jcorer twith 12 polntsj while E, . Sloan paced Chinquapin with H. , The Chinquapin girls defeated BeulavfUe 84-40 fir-the opening ?"j osMia Kt flu twin kill Mnl T Atilo. umped.. in-. r4S points to pee the ' v .winning girls, and- -Betty. Wetos ecored 13 for the Beulavllle "set , - Beulavllle, Mercer 12, Thomas S, " ,J'raft, 10,-HtAer 10, and Bratcher V Beulavllle Vib l3ulntt VMat- thewg 'ti. ;mtir.y-:-?;v ' ' Chlnfl"apln Hunter, Jj4 e A at iSloan,' lif' Bowei' lOjtaiid IvanfcSub: . Ball, 4 .and Saynojr ' CbhWuaf'S f feuel f Chtnquaptn - ttierfwjrJfcjfcn 7J BnlavfU Blizafcrd. f(k Westoir' Ocady -48?.' Hal).ai'Bjwn ;and.- , wyrjia uinier iei . me vninqunr tIn girls with 45 pointst arid Betty Veston paced BeUlavlll ewlth 13. . , , r w &-"jhtf: ?(." r , JfACKSONtnXEVPINS OVER jTJQfAN 5s-:;-t"jf-''' ' o :' rjl . BOY:i'?;f' , i Ken Cohen came ott4heench to - lead the Jacksonville: Cardinals, to jt a 523 victory over; the Tigers' of IKenan High last" Tuesday night In tne season opener for both clubs. ' Keith HobJ JUn Pripe and How . ard lei the attack for Coach Bill - Helton as they scored nine points each. Coach Helton was pleased with the way his club looks against ' -the strong Cardinals. Farm Labor Representative Be In Ag. Building Here 10 -12 Attiori n ' Hlrkman.i Farm Labor ': SepreseUUtive for. thU area will be In the County; Agent's, office, ' Kenanltvyiiaf; from 10 jam, ; to s 12 -noon each Thursday beginning the week of December S and win Con tinue until March' 1958, Wednesday he will . be ' at , the, FCX StoD:.in BeulavlUe between , the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock noon. I Farmers and. tenants who wish to make a change for the 1938 season should get in touch with Hickman to discuss , labor problems. . Ac cording to Hickman, farmers wno have a labor shortage at the1 pre sent time or who 'anticipate a, la bor shortage in the harvest aea on should make arrangements as soon as (possible to correct this shortage. - ' 1 ' " . ' i Diversified farming U fast, be- lax Listsrs ForDuplintourity Ai I!: J Dv Cc:rd Of The following named persons were appointed noT, approved tax list take ndseessors for. 1958 at the meeting of the Bjord of coir.ty t,Viomissi -ne 00 last"Mjn tfay: ' $ y: fr$- ' ' ,': ; 2: h Warsaw r" Mrs. R Best, jr. and Miss5adie Bennett.. ' "Faison, Mrs. Eunice Falson and : Mi Bertie Sloan.; "?:-;Mr.?.'f ri Wolfscrspe ' Mrs. Harvey; CrteT and' Mrss Russell Whitfield. ' - Gllsson, George Water. 'tv;; : . Albe tson, Mrs- Hess Davia and Mrs. Annie Mae Kennedy., , ' Limesotne, George Sumner , and Mr Leonard Kennedy. - ' Cypress Creek, Elmo Maready. Island Creek, Mrs. Leland Teach ey, and Mrs. A. C. flail, Sr. j Rockfish, Paul Smith. rose Hill, Mrs. C. T. Fussell, Jr. t -..tnniia. Jake N. Home. ' ' tl::!:d At Meet llsro tion by Mr. Williams, and she also gave me treasurers report for Mrs. Rosamond Brock who was unable to attend, . ', , , Dtr. John i A. Power Pnuntv Health Of fleet, gave a report on the oaix vaccines which had been giv en In Duplin County. Even though not a many people have taken ad vantage of the service as it was hoped, at least about twelve or. thir teen thousand have taken the shots; Dr. Powers urged any and, every (CONTINUED OK SACK) - A COSTOf. v Kenan Hobbs, 0; Price, 9; Usher, 0; Powell 3, Bishop 7. Subs: Rouse, 3, Hall 3; Mathis 1. ; : Jacksonville, Morgan, 5; Dubose 7; Crawfotd,,8,-Selji. S; and Sanded son, 11.-1 Subs:. Norton 2, Trader Cohen. 13. e.s . , 'J:.' In the Jay ve game James Cavei fnaugh led ' the "'attack for- Kenan with H polhts as the Jacksonville UayVelsl.cJedr tne door . on the iiftiKlsUe v?.'Thi Kenirn Jay- kerteam xorislfcf -Morris Cherry, uames avenaugn. cqioy jonnson. BUI Suaug)n .jq ieU Cbestnutt. Willie Bottle Ralph! Culberth, Dtftf nle Euell "and iWiUie; Home. ; i 1a?he.B;? Grady oyi defeated Pehderfca U-M a the girls of 3rtf WAIXACT1 BOSKHnxTpfS f; ahead the fine per-: WVeaL, -iBurgaw 42-34 -last Tuesday night in the opening-game of ,5the basketball season fof:3oth ehtbs; ; HalSm.Kh ile4.iH!2jaa nerr with IS points. , WaUaceSillv;f 12; tmtif 4; Hall, 4; Smith; 18; and Piner l.r J Sub; Field . ' Burgaw Boryk, .8;' , Hood, 4. Strickland, 2; Farrior, 4; and Smith 18. Subs: Brinson,' McLendon, 3; Taylor.. .. ' oirls v-v :- Wallace-Rose Hill 57, Burgaw 44. ', Carr; 15; Wells, 18; Murray, 24; Dempsey, Reeves, Johnson. , Subs: Huffman and G. Garr. : j. . Burgaw' Bowden,128.Sridgen, 16; Newkirk, Cooper, Hall" and Tokoly Jonkher. Subs: K. Mur ray. , t.;';. a.m. vtmlhff m munt in the f arm' oroffram to provide additional Income for the farmers, who nave, oeen cut considerably in their money (pops. Thin ran Tin dnne to a 'ffOod advan- tmra ff : harvest operations 8re plahried Just -as -the planting oper-, ation is planned, po farmer should hold back planting diversified crops for additional incomd. on account of labor, for harvest operations.. Thtf can e .taken care ot wirougn ue Farm Labor Program, proviaea, tree nt chares to the farmers through out the fate by- planning ij'our krf with ths Farm Labor Rep resentative in 'plenty ,f , tujrti for ; the m)mmn season, . rr-i $ HichmaB wUl be in Mt , Olive each Monday from 8 .Ou to " PJ Phone Mt OUve' 3844. 2:-0,1 'Gomimssiohers f?r.V inn un. Mmu wuido. ' - '-i The" art takers will meet' at the Courthouse in Kenansville on Mon day! December 18 for general eon- 'omnliitli llat of all rra Lperty in the county ana or assessing in accordance witn ttw au property which is- to be assessed during the approaching listing pertoo,s J A 'Miuin of 19572 crops, etc. will be taken by the tax Jisters aa they i-A.ioica . .J.' .Listing of 1958 taxes win begin ni .Wednesday January 1.' 1958. Penalty .?, for late listing i will be charged on all taxes ustea on or after February 1, Je. v , A-,:- 'i -i'i ' - ' 1 ; The TJS9 Prineeton,vthi first Na- wanhin to have bropeclng ma chlnery below the waterllne out of reach 'Of enemy shot, was :. launched at ' Philadelphia, Deo ..." KENANSVILLE, NOKT T 'ROLINA; ' SENCDA WtNNKBS Bepreseatativea AC the j! top five oemmBnitiee In five counties, winners erv 1 awards la the gBNO-land Development Association contest, re preaested oheofca Monday night by ' John Fox Vesldent' of SENCDA. Fox- FfeWt Pleasant Grove Club 'nSEHCIand Development Association A loving cup, two trophies and a total of $500 were awarded to five SENCland , Communities Monday night at the annual meeting of the SENCland Development Associa tion, ..-.ifaking top honors wtth . the.;'tt?'ftt jooawnunitjr ' In - eaefe 'ovnty do ing cup, which, is awarded tqthi community " doing -the - most - Out; etaneclpb overall ; irtiprover ; ment, ' Wasj PieasanrtGnwr ot JDut iplin .CfjBh'. Beprejsentltig the winr ning community waa llmo Bltaard Rye B. Page,. publisher of the Wil mington Star-News Newspper. , ( ft Runner-up in this category, ws repreeonioQ oy f jociuwiar.; den Union received' 4 special trot thv for the aeeond vlace position. tualrmen of theSClaa Com fnilnillPeVeWbeat-nvlMcno- :j-OXj,-.-jqBaae; tnof preeeataiion. . ,f , . Lanon mhi t-Tee communiiy ai'ifvejr 'Jk tpwtot Ward M the Jorni "jif'i phy f of its; gM neighborliness exhibited ouring tne pasfyear ',,7, ! ' ;,?;'"''' $ Winneta in the three subdivisions of judgment Were':' . Home beauti ficatiens, - Long Creek of Pendar Cotinty, represented byEverette Lewis; Increased incotnei Pleasant Grove, represented by Elmc Blis zard; and youth program' develop v, TOP AWAJ) Elmo Bllzaard ef the Pleaaaat Grove oem-if i--'nm the' 'Star-NeW:ewappera ;'trtphTi,wa4rV: th nio 'entstandlng aver-all ;:Deveiopittent'HAaSof - SENCDA annnat meeting. - (WUnungton Ste) . li6Ya. Mk'ixwn mm t Rev'stephen G.:(5jnlth of JOtjpUn and Middlesex was - carried to a Kinston hospital this norning w cutt and .bruise and possible, other injuries after heing Involved .In 'a wreck, at, 10 sum.' about two mUes from 'BfulaVille .on, h.UV-'farm.' on highway 4L' i i:C i.;lfr? -- According to reports ! Mr, ; Smith wa- driving ; towards; Beulavllle; slowly, la nto l95T Chevrolet: look ihg ai his farm. A pick-up truck came up from behind, .driven by Nick Bostlc. According to reports Bostie said he was looking up and saw the Smith Car. He looked down In the foot of his ear forsomethlng and suddenly crashed. Intp the rear of the Smith car. His .truck hit the Chevrolet so hard the Chevy, buckr led up in the center. It .was toWl-, TIIL cheek to Wilbur Earl, ef Lebanon Mllla. Others In scene are Everett Lewis (partially concealed by Fox) ef Long Creek, L. H. Harrelaoa of Bendy Plains, D. L. Beard ef Bladen Union and Elmo ' BUsanrd of Fleaant Grove (Wilmington Btar Takes Top Honors ment, rh Prong of Columbus Cow . ';.,- .'.- 'jT-i: communities' of Lebanon Mill Creek .Bladen Union,, Sarffly Plains. piaasant" Groe andf-rrs -".CmekJ each received a chec for for inc ; that most outstandine loo in over-ail improvement . -The-, main speaker was True D. Mtsej onder secretafi of the V S. Depertment of AgricuTture who ar rived by plane Monday from Wash- ' Speelal guests included: V. 6. tem 'Alton; A. Xennon; p'TC. Bal- Titiue, ', 3 tat commissioner of agrfculiure; D. D. W.Colvard, dean of -the School of Agriculture at N. C. State CaUege; Annette Boutwel) of the State Medical. Society Hor aee.freiAflu ireetf of the farm, Hhcae- Adnirtnrtotffj6hia.,,W; f rawf.an4-iR 8:tJ)axeneri both extensidiT. program , planning; spec ialists of K: C State CoOege' Ma-rion-Holtettd,- digtriet Tepresentative of the FHA; and C. S. Mints, south east extension .district agent. .. Twenty nine' members were pres ent from Brunswick County, 31 from Bladen; 35 from Columbus, 48 from Buplin,' fronv'New Han over, "19 from Onslow and 22 from -:'.'. '. ' Mmprovenwnt In the .BKNCland, m ar m b s iiilii ly demolished; 'it waa aeld, Boetic suffered minor cuts and bruises and. was under observation by a BaulavlB doctor. Hia truck "was very .badly damaged but can . be ealvageiilt ;;waa aald.a)The - truck ReV: s- j - , ) - - ' ... r.I Smith ia superintendent of the Free Will Baptist Orphanage at Middlesex and is well known throughout Duplin ' County. Qis friends -wish for him a speedy re covery. ' ' . J; ' The tfeS SwordfUh sank Jp merchaht hip, Dee, 18,. 1941 to be the first U.S. submarine to Sink an enemy warship. , . - .. Y DECEMBER p, 1957. J- : i-- ia i Jv-if Brieh Times ? Tardy, Christmas Schedule The Times is reaching you a- lit tle .later this- week due to the fact thetTwe were closed three days last t t W five our help time off for TL isgbriaig and the unusually bf" "v rua of Christmas advertising U.. ..fek.'YoUr paper will borne to yoil ai usual after ' this. Note: Christmas week,, the Times will feue if.TueadaJr as we did last wefta and the offiae will be closed the rest -of the Veek, Please bear this sn mind andveiour news and advertising in early for that weok. ,,;:U1 Work Done Here Now 'JSmith Dry Cleaners has now in stalled an all complete dry clean ing eiuipment in its Kenansville plantv Since It first opened here, M?.! Smith has been doing the dry cleaning in Warsaw an Impressing I, 'enansville. He piwinei in the beg -.nlng to 'complete the plant hejeoand nof ft has becomq j ct- The equipment , la the newest, wi". most ' modern to be found in Du pllri County. Now fta may carry your, suit, dress, coJ etc. tte local dry cleaners 'n" the morning and get it back all i'i.-iUbod.jn the afternoon. Mr Smltn tmployes ex pert workmen to do the work and all work is guaranteed. Dr. Willis Is. Gone Dr. Robert F. Willis left Kenans ville for West Virginia Monday. He returns to, his native state where he will become physician for coal min ers In the state after January 1st. He will take a Vacation during De cember. Going with hint was his nurse Miss Homer Weslthersby, na tive of -Tennessee. ; Friends of Bf.. Willis in Kenansville and Duplin regret to see him fleave. He has been, a vital asset ,iri the develop ment of the DupUn General Hospi tal. &fe . fW ' Weather Prophet Vj Catching Fish . Eugene Wells, -Duplin's forest fire warded, was jtelline tho dther day of a nold.flshermari-who' pre dicted weatbe by, the way mn one. We've never heard this. She, before. Mr. Wells didbt seem to knofr tW old man'4 exact -formula but when he .wanted to knew what to expert . . .... .' .-.V - 1 . . j from tne weatner o- . wouia o fishihg, and :''sWaas.-tIil nl neighbors itol hiWfthat the old man'r . prognoltlgations were gen erally : correct iSome time ago he went fishing nd came home with the stoty , that.w .were In for a rough Winter. ''v' Many Benesta For Pine SeedBngs Mr. Wells told us that he is get ting right' many requests for pine seedlings, from Duplin farmers this tfaU They the farmer H per thousand.- -delivered to his home. The seedlings are usually about 1 year old. loblolly' pines. There is still an adequate supply., he wa. and anyone wanting them may con tact Mr. Wells at Rose Hill. ,. Driving through the county one can seei .literally thousands Upon tljousands of i acres rof idla' land that could well be put to pine grow ing. ,It tekes'jbout 12 to W years to grow a M WP of wppA Koip. and 25 years, and up for a timber erop There is no Jtlvation.- ' V The following are patients at Du pUn .Oenerai Hospital:' r.f i; ,7 ; ' i Alberta .Harden, . Dora'- Branch, Mary FarrWWlUard Ray John son. Carol Fays, Burgess, Jean Sea son Snively and' DeUa Hall Wha ley of Kenansville; Lacy .Frances Brown! RUthla Brown,-BerthaT S. James, Lois Grady , Maready ,of Chinquapin; .'Jesse Howard Butler, Goldsboro- .Hilda ' Bytd. ' Maude Crawley, Deborah Ann Futrell, Wil Uam Earl Griffin and Julia Dean Thigpen, Beulavilla. ;. ' . Fred Pierce Costin and Parenthia Bass Wallace, Warsaw: Barbara Hardison, Teachey; .-Kevin. .Doug- . (ConUnnoi On Bark Faga) ' - BtmsCRBmoN BATES: tSM per tear la Itapim and adjoining OanOeat BIN aataide thla ares in if. C.i 8.M mvUMi X. C. Leon 'Brown pittirmaii-Coiiiily BqarcS 6nimissiiRers; Beetleln County Hearings Set On 1958 Tobacco Violations Hearings are being held In Du plin County by the County ASC Committee In cases where there has, been excessively high yields, too, many acres of tobacco planted and some instances of blue card tobac co farmers. i Sam Brown ASC office manager,' said the committee has already held three meetings and plan to hold more in connection with the pos sible violations. He points out that "two or three"1 violations have been detected to date. Thedford Harrell is chairman of the committee with Gordon Lanier and O. L. Holland being the other members. 682 Baptists Gather In Rose Hill Mondav For "M" Hioht Exercises . i Six hundred and eighty-two peo-: pie from the Baptist Churches of , Eastern Baptist Association gath ered in the Rose Hill Baptist Church on Monday, December 2 at, 7:30 p.m. for the -M' Night exer cises. 'M' Night is an annual pre-;, sentation of the Training Union Department. Bear Marsh Baptist Church of Route 2, Mount Olive and Beulah Baptist Church of Turkey received the attendance banners. Bear Marsh bad the largest number in attend-' ahce (77) and Beulah had the lar gest percentage of enrollment pre sent (97). r All of the .churcbts of the Asso Mntlniv hava TValiina V Union D- nrtnienta exeeD?icht. Training Union' ta atf entng service, opt Wlhdays; ' :, - : l gain of at least four more Un- Questions; Voting I$iff Dec. 10 How farmers vote in the cotton marketing referendum to be held 1 -roughout the Nation's cotton-g-owinp irea on December 10 will -tpten-iine whether quota penal ties will apply and also the level of price support for 1958-crop cotton. The referendum therefore is of vital concern to every cotton grow er, says Thedford Harrell, chairman of the Duplin County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee. The market quota prbgram will be in operation for next year's crop, the chairman explains, if at least two-thirds of the votes cast the referendum are in favor of the program. In that case, price svpport will be available to grow Duplin Allotted Crops Acreage Remains About Same For 1958; Notices Are Sent Duplin County ASC office has received notice of., acreage allot ments for the county's four allot ed crops according to Sam Brown, County ASC office manager. Notices Sre being mailed all farr mers notifying them of the acreage on their particular farm. 1 ; Allotments for , 1958 will be ap proximately the same as 1957 on tobacco, corn; cotton and peanuts. Tobacco allotment to individual farmers will be the same with the exception ot violations and ad justments. Brown .points out that where a farmer has peep aetectea The "Fifth Quarter" BY E.' B. SIMPSON Assistant Coonty Agent Mr. Leais Jones of Faison, ha. ' a very unusual oew. 1 But before I tell too what is unnsual about her I want to telr yea iKtjeY l abeat her. She Is one of the cmt es that ho has raised from fam ily oaw.. Mr. Jones wanted to show me his calf because he was werrled over the fact that she had. , . give teats. I told him not to worry - because this was not anasnal In cattle and the fifth one would never develop. I went so far as to' bet a Coke thai It wouldn't e" velop. Well to make a long story short, I bought him a Coke that week, after watching him milk. about a cupful out of a fiftn sjnartar 4 Baptists OpeivXmas Season With Music V ' On Sunday afternoon, December 8 at three o'clock.. Ctuiafmar.M- rol sing wid bo held in the Turkefl Baptist Church, Turkey, for all tho 4 LEON BROWN ton Brown has been elected chairman of the Duplin County Board of Commissioners for 1958. . The election, came at the regular ions was one of the several goals adopted for the coming year .1 Of the forty one churches and one mission comprising the East ern Association, miriy two naa members present for this meeting. Among the . churches of this area Slth. persons in attendance were: arsaw, 5; Magnolia, 19; Corinth, 67; Kenansville 4; Teachey, 7; John sons, 2Z) Concord, 6; Island Creek, lai JRose' HUl, 72; Pinhook Mission, 47; BeulavUle, 42; Sharon, 18. Shi loh, 42; Cedar Fork, 27; and Dob son's Chapel, 8. .feap4res of the program' were the singing, presentation and adoption oiHoals in Training Union work fdr Uw-.yar. and a main address I brought . bjl the Reverend Julian S, Hopkins, State Secretary of Evan gelwm or tne worrn ivuna nap at ant ers who comply with their farm rllotmentk, for the 1958 crop of cotton at a level between 75 and 90 Der cent of parity and quota penal ties will apply on any 'excess' cot ton. If more than one-third of the votes are against quotas,' there would be no quota penalties and the price support level to eligible grow ers . would drop to 50 per cent of parity. Chairman Horrell explains that, even though quotas are disapproved acreage allotments will remain in effect, as a means of determining eligibility . for price support. All farmers who were engaged in the production of cotton in 1957 will .be eligible to vote in the ref (CONTINCED ON BACK) for, a violation, his acreage will likely be cut. In adjustments, us ually in hardship cases, there will probably bo some Increase. The tobacco allotment for Duplin is 16,421.18. - yl V Peanuts will be the same with an allotment of 6.3 acres. There are two peanut growers in the Coun ty. : , Somafew farmers will receive increases in acreage. On the other hand, Brown said, some of the far mers may receive a decrease. This is due primarily' to the minimum al (Continued on Back Page) TV forty One Churches in the Eastern Baptist Association. This is the first activity, in the new Music Ed- ncqtvpn program emg uiuncucu this year, and. everybody1 is warm ly invited to come sing and make the carol slog a real success. :- :!ft I:! . I If '- 77V ' , ,, Holiday Closing to1. . The' jfollowlng men from Duplin County were Inducted into the Ar my on the 3rd of December, 1957: Vernon Julian Salmon. Walter Ivey Smith and Archie Louis Dunn. 1 . . mi. -M, . ... v. r v niv uiun vi. .lie iupuu vuuii; Draft .Board win be closed from rimW IS, 1957 until January i, 193$ jfof the holiday poason. PRICE TEN CENTS Board meeting in Kenansville this week. Brown has been a member of the Board since December, 1952. Ke is a native of the Beulavllle communitv. In other action, the Board voted to assist with the financing of the white fringe beetle control pro gram now underway in the Warsaw and Faison communities. Part of this program, federally sponsored, is being paid for by the landown ers. Vernon H. Reynolds, County Farm Agent, said the white fringe beetle has been in the two sec tlons for about IS years but has never been wiped out. This effort is designed to wipe out the beetle. Reynolds said that the beetle grub attacks roots of plants. On farms where the white fringe beetle is found, that farm Is under a federal quarantine. This means that certain type crops can not move freely from the farms infested. Tax Collector Harry Phillips re ported to the Board that collec tions for November were down over the corresponding month year ago. The current month col lections were $44,367.04. Novem ber, 1958 collections were $57,799.14. This is the first month in 1957 that, a decline over the previous year has been shown in Duplin Coun ty. : The Board also passed a resolu tion asking the State Utilities Com-' mission not to grant Carolina Tele- phone and' Telegraph Company the requested increase in telephone rates. , Members of the Board, other than Brown, are E. E. Kelly, outgoing chairman; Lott Kprnegay, J. B. Stroud and J. W. Hoffler. MR, H. F, SEA WELL, JR. Mr. H. F. Seawell, Jr., guest speak er here Friday, December 13, in connection with Kenansville Pro duction Credit Association annual meeting. Mr. Seawell is an out standing lawyer and speaker. He has been acclaimed by many as be ing one of the best speakers in the state. His parents were of Duplin County. All stockholders and. the (Continued On Back) Duplin Board 01 Commissioners Passes Resolution Duplin County Board of Com missioners passed a resolution in its regular monthly meeting Mon day protesting the request of Ca rolina Telephone and Telegraph Company to raise telephone rates. Telephone bills are now up but the Utilities Commission has asked or a bond to cover the hike in prices just in case a refund has to be made if the Utilities Commission does not approve the request. The resolution as passed is as fol lows: -. NORTH CAROLINA ' DUPLIN COUNTY . Resolved by .the board of Com ' Continued on Back Fage) v Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese .planer bombed Pearl Harbor, sinking six U. S. warships. Dec. 11, 1936 King Edward VIII abdicated, becoming Duke of Windsor for the woman I love. Dec. 19, 1777 George Wash-. ington and his Continental Army troops started winter encampment at Valley Forge, Pa, , ' Dec. 29,1851, The first Yourg Men's Christian Association' tn yt established in VS. opened in Boa- ton, . - ' 1 j -i i g, ....;a I .1 4 i. ; -,r.svllle, Mrs. Jim Bowden, "4.1.