:, n. c, r , " Ffc IS I if: .U - I- Hh ; s A CHRISTMAS WISH I like to think that there will be , ' On Christmas Day, around each tree, t A feeling of the presence of " " The Child God sent us with His lovei r ,i That there, beside each girl and boy,; - x 1 He'll be, and sharing in their joy. , I like to think that, all the while vThe gifts unfold, I'll see Him smile; , And that He'll hear our caroling, 7 , , And know it's for the thanks-we bring To God the Father, for his birth, ! To be among us on, the Earth. , .0, may our Christmas time be gay: ' But let's remember it's His Day ' Let's find a place for prayer in it, . -And so have Jesus share in it' ,r -' ( ;r t- ,' , - -rCarl Helm' llik Christian Viewpoint Prepared by Department of Bible Prenbvterlan Junior College, Maxton, North Carolina The bipgest, problem with both mpn an " missiles Is guidance. Guid - your own life, is your chief p-oplem.1 Guiding our! child ren is t e problem of parents and educate Ever since 1232 A.D., when e Chinese defenders of Kaife. : pita! of Honau Province stot r r.ts against the beseiging ntmv ic son of Genghis Khan, iocki siles have been. hard to gui-Je i missiles and men get wim- ion. from the escape of the explosive forces within them, That is, unless the missile explodes on take-off, as the first captured German ;!V-2 did when they test fired it at White Sands. Man has Within him explosive instincts, like hunger, sex, self preservation, and curiosity, which impel his life into patterns of behavior, but a life lived only by instinct is on the lev el of, the animals. Missiles are giv en aim by pointing them to a target and attaching fins which press against the air and keep them on a flight path- Man has intelligence and be can use his mind to adjust to his environment and choose ra tional goals. Aristotle said only the examined life is worth living. Never the less, reason and education are not alto gether good guides for living. Rea son, or dialectic as the communists say, cannot see far enough to mea sure consequences of action. It is swayed by environmental ideas as a rocket is deflected by the wind. Education fits a man with a set of more or less excellent notions, pre judices, and convictions which tend to hold him in a way of life, like the fins on a rocket, but he tends to run a set course with obstinate inflexibility unless pushed into some other way by circumstances. The Germans fitted a guiding mechanism in their V-l and V-2 rockets, made of gyroscopes. They were adjusted to fixed direction and so could guide the missile on its flight in relation to unchanging bearings. Man has an in-built guid ing mechanism called conscience. It can get out of order and give warped guidance. Conscience can be set by eternal moral principles. Ancient Abraham turned from the gods of his native land, which were but man made notion of gods like men. He sought the real God, the God of truth, holiness, justice, and mercy. God answered his seeking souL He walked out by faith with a conscience set to the eternal prin ciples of the law of God. As we find God's moral laws, from observation of life, from the witness of others, or from the word which God has given us, and set our consciences by those moral laws, we have a good guidance for living. , ' , f " ." Some rockets are radar controll ed. Men can have a communion with God so that they are willing to let the Spirit of God blow upon their hearts and minds and set them aglow , with gladness in the grace of Jesus Christ and love for God and man. A .aplrit of such a man, touched by the Spirit of God, using all the other means of guidance; and receptive to the promptings and warnings which come into his soul after prayer and self examina tion and counsel -with his fel)w Christians, baa the highest format guidance known', to man for making a good flight through the circum stances of this life and a happy landing in that city which has foun dations whose builder and maker is God. Unlike missiles of warfare, but like the rockets used to shoot a line over a sinking ship by the life-saving services, his life shall bring forth good. "Then said Jesus to those Jews who believed in him. If ye continue jn my words, then are ye my disci ples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31, 32). make them all yourself. ' j - i - ' Anonymous Experience' Is victor, never the vanquished; and out of defeat com es the secret of victory. Mary Baker Eddy AQ experience is an arch, to build upon. .:; , ; , Henry Adams Science Devlopt New Tablet I ' t ; y Relieves "Hot Flashed Irritation From Change-of-Life For 8 of 10 Tested-Without Costly Shots! Science now offers new freedom from much miserv of ch&rure-of- llfel Today, you can relieve "hot , flashes," tortured nerves, other functional distress... with a re markable - tablet developed especially tat these discomforts. Doctors report amazing results ' using this home treatment alone .. .and no costly shots I Irritability was calmed. Dizzi ness was relieved. Hot flashes subsided. 8 out of 10 women tested found complete or strik ing reiiei ims wayi combination of medicines. ..that acts directly on the cause of these troubles. Works through a woman's sympathetic nervous system to relieve the awful tense feelings and physical distress. . This amazing formula is now sold at drug stores, under the name of "Lydia Plnkham's Tab let." Easy-to-take, xontaln blood-building iron. Bo don't let change-of-life rob middle age of joy. Start taking Pinkham's Tablets today. See how fast you V One thorn of experience is worlli a whole Wilderness of warning. . , Lowell . Experience is the mother of knowledge.. . , . .'Nicholas Breton- .. tittle things console us because little things affect us. .. ' . Blaise 'Pascal ' Most persons would succeed in small things if they were not trou bled with great ambitions. , , Longfellow can- feel your happy self again wiuiQuc irouDiesome snots! g reli This new formula Is a unique IE Vftll DDCCED A lirtlim olIVlenr.toe'fcvhlomoui If IUU rKtrtK A LIUUID lydia E. Pinltham't Vtgttabl Compound Chiropractor Beulaville, N. C . Office Hours Dally, 9-12 ajn. ' Mon.-Wed. p.m. Thura., Sat. 9-12 a.m. Phones: Office, 250-1; Home 256-3 The art of living is the art of using experience your own and otherpeople's. Sir Herbert Louis Samuel Learn from the mistakes of Oth ersyou can't live long enough to trappy In the spirit of Christmas, we wish our friends and pa trons a happy holiday sea son, filled with all the good things of life. G. S. MULDROW Your Insurance Agent Fire Hail Auto BEULAVILLE Season's greetings end sincere best wishes. . . Miller Brothers Milling Co. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PAST BUSINESS AND ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SERVING YOU AGAIN NEXT. TEAR. Phone Wallace AT-52609 Chinquapin ", 'fHS, fVERtASTINO, PEACE. KRkT ; J. d. 5a::dl!:i: & . so:is ;1 " I 2 na f'-' ' 1 V i - JUDGE To all my Friends, I extend my warmest wishes for a Merry Christ- : mas and a Happy New Year In the true spirit of Christ- , ma our thoughts turn to the gifts with which di vine providence has enrich ed our lives. We have much for which to be thankful, warmer and enduring ties with our families and friends, peace in our na tion and good health, that great biesing which more and more of us are enjoying throughout life. May you and your family have, in abundant measure, health, happiness and peace of mind during this Christmas and alt the years ahead. We're rushing you a train load of our very best wishes for the brightest, happiest Christmas season ever! J. F. MOHN Richlands 15 i :-:.x:..:.:..::-:. merry mrisirnas ana a Happy New Year to all New O? XER SUPER 44- ONE ROW TRACTOR New Flexibility in 2-Plow Power! i ? A time for Joy, a time for peace, a time for season's cheer ... a tir e to wish you all the happiest New Year. JAMES MILLER HARDWARE Beulaville Here it is the smoothest handling, the most flex ible and powerful tractor in its class. It's the kind you've always hoped would come along. For the first time on a tractor of this type you'll find a standard draft control 3-point hitch. Think of the great range of implements it will take of its extra convenience! Think what its greater power can do, too. Here's plenty to speed along with two 16-inch bottoms. And you get key starting, four working speeds, easy tread adjustment, full clearance all around. oome in soon see the snappiest 2-plow row crop tractor ever built! Beulaville Tractor Implement Co. :; Phone 2961 Beulaville i X T ? t V '4 '4 '4 4 4 4 GRADY MERCER DEALERS IN r?v-h and Dressed Kill Dried Lumber of All Kinds pf' "" 7 ' !..;r ' r i . ' I . . : J' ?' T j " ' i i iTo (HI our fit' " c community uoe offer best wishes. BROWN & MILLER CO. Home of Cecil A. Rliller I-"jrcnce Agency . - r-- .- ,n. c. 7 ' yyOf 14 May each gift you fe-sj I receive be a gift I Vv haPPine$$ ' ' We appreciate your past business and are looking forward $ ff to serving you during the coming year. ' 5 Bsulaville Llillinf? Co. .:'M Phone 2171 , ' Beularilie S2e 1 - , jM.. pA-'f ..MT. .t t?t 1 ,