' 3 o n GLENN BBOWN Pcrscnds - If Wilma Brinson spent several dan i Raleigh last week, visiting relii4vee. Mrs. May JuoU nd Mrs. C W. Brea .ot Portmouth. Va. arrived Monday to spited several days with MisiT R. Carter aad Mrs. Rosa Pennr-V , j Mr aad Mr. Luther Baton and - Mr. rjd Mr. 8. I Peerce of Princ toaLMr. Branch Ward, Whltevtlle wer&F'yj&ajrguerta of Mr. and Mrs. , J. R tVr and Mrs. Rosa Penny. ISrd Mrs. H. CU Allen and son, David and Mr. aad Mrs. J. A. Porter spent tast weekend, with Mrs. Por- sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmington visited Rev? J. . C. Powell . and Mr. . and Mrs. , Mr. Frank Pickett of East Bend 'and Mrs. Mrs. Leon Britt of Mt Olive are David Chambers last Sunday eve ning. Sunday guests of Rev, and Mrs. J. C. Powell were Mr., and Mrs, Hooks Mc. Milium and daughter of Watha George Best of Chapel Hill spent last weekend with Us parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Best Mrs. F. J. Thomas is visiting her daughter, Mrs. I M. Landcaster in Rocky Mount for several weeks. Mrs. and Mrs. G. S. Best attended the lurniture show In High Point last week and visited relatives in Wadesboro and Fitzgearld, Ga. t Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitehurst and children of Farmville visited Mrs. Whitehurst'g mother, Mrs. ..vara Wtlmouth. ' - i.s:. . . ..... . Mr. "ifia Mrs. Lambert Turner of Norwood west during tne weeicena. rorQoaooooooooooooooooo V' Were ce, -,.ng General Motors a Golden Anniversary visiting- their father; B. W. Pickett who ill at bis home. , :Mrav Mary Williams of Roanoke Rapids visited her sister, Mrs. R. E. I Whelless at Kenansville Hos pital Muring the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cook of Raleigh visited Mr, and Mrs. Fred Revelie during the1 weekend. ' E. R. Boyette, manager of Sut ton's Gas and Appliance 'Company of Warsaw, : attended the Myers Waterpump School In Raleigh last week. - i . ;"-' Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Strickland have returned to their home in Warsaw after spending several months in Florida. Mrs. Clarence Hobbs of Boseboro and J. E. Pollock of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Pollock last Sun day. A V Mr. L. R. George of runston visited his daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Phillips last Sunday, Misses Betty and Lilly Mae wu- , lips of East Carolina College spent last weeKena wivn uieir iwub, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Phillips. Larry McCullen of Campbell Col lege spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McCullen. '58 FRIGIDAIRE NEW SHEER LOOS -PLUS! pP Ami MM yaaw ONLY PJER WEEK NO DOWN PAYMENT with operating trade Get the design that a at east one full year ahead of the field the New FRIQIDAIRE Sheer Lookl Here Is styling to transform your kitchen, to give it a i "custom-planned" look without the usual remodeling costs. feature; by the s:c in this 1958 FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator PLUS Giant Separate-Door Freezer. PLUS Spacious Storage Door, opens from inside or out. PLUS Roll-to-You Shelves no space-wasting rounded comer:. PIUS Cycla-Mctic Defrosting Refrigerator Section completely automatic Mrs. B. C. Jurratt and Mrs. Lela Middleton shopped in Goldsboro last Saturday afternoon. v Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Surratt and Mrs. Lela Middleton visited Mrs. Middleton's daughter and - family, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Sewell last Sunday afternoon.,, ,. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sloan end children spent. Sunday with their parents, Mryiand Mrs. K. G. Sloan of Calypso and Mrs. J. N. HoUowell in Mount Olive. Mrs. Richard Williams of Beula- ville visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Quinn last Sunday after- Inoon. Mr and Mrs. R. D. Johnson, Jr. ) Mrs. R. D. Johnson, Sr. and Mrs. Alton Frazicr ot Burgaw spent last j weekend in Goldsboro where they 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Vivian John I son. 1 Mr and Mrs. Ed. Strickland at tended the Shriner's Convention, ici:. in Kinston last week. Rev and Mrs. C. M. Crumb and I i t ii ' I WAESAW CHURCH. SOCIALS pni em.in iae wxpun uenerai.noo- DitaL ( .iur. and Mrs. W. C. Tyndall. Carol Tyndall ar Mr, and Mrs. C A. Walker visaed Mr. Walter McCullen and other patient In the Duplin General Hospital Sunday afternoon. . Mrs. Winnie Herring was a din ner guest in the home, of Mr. end Mrs. Charlie Herring In , Kinston last Tuesday, v; - . Miss ' Betty - Kay Herring 'spent Sunday , with, Juan Francise West- krook. ' ,. f , , Miss Judy Well . Wallace had as her guest Sunday Auery and Miss Mildred Donnas all of Dunn, v, Mrs. Fred Alphin of Summerlins Cross Road visited her sister Mrs. Garland Wallace Monday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl King and small son of Ma. Olive spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Winnie Herring. , -Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Teachey and children Mark and Guy visited Mrs. Teachey's : parents Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Teachey Sr. near Rose Hill Sunday afternoon. v , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Millard of Elizabeth City .spent Sunday with Mrs. Millard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. i J. M. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Walker and daughter Linda Carol of Kin ston vlsinted relatives fere Sunday. Mrs... E. M. Murphy and Mrs. Tlennle Rouse visited Mrs. Adele Carr at Rose Hill for awhile Sunday afternoon. PHONE 281-1 eolation went to Mrs. Allen Draug han received consolation prize, a Revelon nail clipper. Others play -g : wer MesJames W. W; Garner, U S. Whittle", A. M. Benton, Rill ee and M. H. Barr. r 4 , The hostess served a -salad plate and coffee at the conclusion of play. Mrs. Middleton Wins At Mrs West's Party ' Mrs: W.. J. Middleton was high score at bridge -when Mrs. 3. N. bridira dub last Thursday evenlna. ( ing Indians was presented, follow- caxs.i am Tayior receivea secona , ins bui-" .v high award. Others- playing were Johnny PoweU met with, the Junlot giyiup and Mrs. John Fonvielle me): with the Intermediates. RefreshmenU were enjoyeo, al lowing the meeting. , " 1 , Thirty Sunbeams Meet At Church , The Sunbeams met last Monday aftrnrinn at the Baptist' Churchl with their leaders; Mra. H. C. Allen and Mrs, 31 B. Herring. Thirty children met at which time a home missioil program, concern- Mr. and Mrs. Leland Walace and children spent last Sunday with Mrs. Walace's parents Mr. andMrs- S. C. King of Folkston. L Visting the K. J. Smith home Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. John D. Tripp and family of Norfolk Va. Miss A T. and B. O, Fordham pf Kinston and Jerome Page of Ral eigh. ' Mesdames W. P; West, Allen Draughan, Jr., T. A. Mitchner, El bert , Matthls, Johnson , and Lee Brown ' ,: ; tff " n 1 . hi n r'i Mrs.) Pete Hopkins Is Bridge Hostess Mrs.! Pete Hopkins was hostess to members of her bridge club last Tuesday evening. Chocolate cake and coffee were served during pro gression. When scores were totaled, Mrs. James Sutton was awarded ah at tractive scarf as high scorer, Mrs. Graham Register received second hibh award, hand towels and Mrs. E . E. Jones received wash cloths as traveling award winner. . Others attending were Mesdames Seth HOI, Bruce Torrans, Robert Davis, Mattie Torrans. Martha Dav is, E. E. Jones Graham Register end James Sutton. Warsaw .Scouts Begin Merit Training The Warsaw Boy Scouts have re cently begun a three weeks train ing to qualify for their Marksman ship Merit Badge. The training is under the direction of Major Bill Boys who show potenial will be come members of a Junior Rifle Team which will be directed by Major Lee. Mrs. Llle - Humphrey spent the weekend with her son and family unuer fl Mr. Thomas HumDherv near Pleas- ",,u ant Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Moody of Kinston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ashely Jones. Among those of this community attending the funeral services of Mrs. John Hill near Ecotts ttore Suday were: Mr. a- Mis. &i. II. Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallace and daughter Mary Gold, Mrs. i i. Chestnutt Mrs. Jack Wells and Mr. Thyr on display ; y The Most Beautiful Refnyeralor 4 PRIOIDAIRB Ever Built! Designed Today for Better Living Tomorrow! I PAGE HOME APPLIANCES Tear Frigidalre Dealer la Warsaw toooocP o O POOOOOOOOOOOO daughter of Charlottesville, Va. and and Mrs. Leland Walace and others. Mrs W. M. Hawkins or Kicnmona, Va are spending this weekend with Mr and Mrs. B. C. Surratt and Mrs. Lela Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Frederick and family of Kinston and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frederick visited Mr. and Mrs- John Frederick and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barrs last Sunday. Vrs Rosa Penny, mother of Mrs. Mrs. Houston Honor ed At Stork Shower Mrs. Billy Houston was honored at a stork shower" by members of her bridge club when Miss Helen Torrans was hostess to the club last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Houston was presented with ' a whit carnation rnrsfiffp unon - . .. i ui,4. wuiie t carter 'arrival-and a shower of appropUte a ScriOUS liuieaa, oil: "J . at Duplin General Hospital. Mrs R. E. L. Whelless continues to Improve at Duplin General Hospital in Kenansville. Mrs James L Sutton is a patient at Duplin General Hospital In Ken ansville where she is receiving treatment. Miss Carole Bears has returned home after being a patient at Dup lin Hospital. . Mrs U. A. McManus was a patient for several days recently at Golds boro Hospital. Mrs J F. Strickland has returned home from James Walker Hospital, following several days treatment. Mr and Mrs. W. C, Howard and laughter Janet spent Sunday with flrs. Howard's parents Mr.a d Mrs. V L. Herring of Warsaw. Mr. B. F. Wallace Is an operative gifts. ' Those attending were Mesdartes Arnold Jones, W. C. Martin, Doro thy Johnson, Melvin Herring, Frank Steed the konoree and Miss Rita Sutton. Mrs. Houston received the high score award, bath towel and Miss Suton received bath powder as' consolation award. Mies Torrans served ice box cake and coffee at the conclusion of play. M. II. Barr Has 9ih Eirthday M. H. Barr, Jr., celebrated his 9th birthday last Monday after noon at his home, inviting fellow den members of the Cub Pack and additional guests. Comimunity Youth Week Observed By Senior Hi Group .Lord Help Thou My trnbelelf was , the theme for Community Youth Week observed by the Pres byterian Senior Hi Fellowship Jan uary 28 through February S. Th observance was begun Sun day evening with a devotional, given by Gloria Smith, Followed by the highlight of the evening, report given oj iirj on the Youth Convention, held in Lexington, Kentucky, to which 1 he was a representative from me Warsaw Fellowship. 'Each morning this" week a devo tional has ben held at 8:15, just before school by the louowsmp. ton moraine devotionais: Idonuay, Charles Powell. Tuesday, Judy Stancll, . Wednesday, Walker Ste vens, Thursday, , Litch Hule and Friday, Carol Baars., 1 "Sunday evening will close the Observance at which time a supper will be eiven for the feUowsmp with the Presbyterian Pioneer Fel lowship as their guest. 1 Birth Announced , V Mr. and Mrs. , Jerry Paschal of Lexington N. C announce the birtn of their daughter Joan on Jan uary1 1L 1 ,, ' Mrs. Paschal is the former Pat Kornegay tt Warsaw. ) atndy Coarse Troop. The study course group; of-the Woodland Woman's Society of Chri stian Service met at the church Sunday night with Mrs. W. W. Max Well as leader. ' ; 1 ' The - topic for discussion were chapters taken from the gospel of St. Mark. Mrs. Willardi Westbrook and Mrs. Zollie Kornegay assisted Mrs. Maxwell in presenting the lesson. There were 8 present ' . Sub - District Meeting meetiiig.J ,. Folowing a delicious file! cl.kk. en supper, Robert L. West presided over the business after which Fred Costin.- program chairman present ed the evening's program. Be sure to clean fallen leaves and trash from roof gutters. , ' -Tooplng trees destroys their na tural shape. ' Home Dcm. Clubs Meet During i Februaiy v f ; : ' : Duplin County Home Demonstra tion Club - meetings Sot the first week in February were announced today by Home Agent Mrs. Alta Kornegay. t The schedule is as follows) Feb.! S, B. F, Grady, a local leader lead-: ing the demonstration.' ' ' ' Feb. 4, .Rose Hill, local leader in charge. , 1 ' s " - me ouo --"i" n Hule directing demonstration; Le- sne . 1. . wm .u. Place, Mrs: Lois Britt leading. Woodland church on Mondayeven ing Feb. 3rd. at 7:330 o'clock All those interested are urged to attend. 22 Attend Methodist Men's Supper Twenty' one members and one new member. Mr. 'Phillip Lanier were present on Tuesday evening when 1 Home Agent's office demonstration. the Methodist Men's club met at the will be on Uncooked Jams and Jel- Feb. 8, Maysville with Mrs. Alta' Kornegay and Magnolia witha local leauer. - On Feb. 7, the Friendly" Club meets with a local leader; Bethany Chapel ,meets with,. Mrs. Kornegay ' as leader. ,' i Those demonstrations which lo cal leaders will direct will be cen- tered around) Home Gardens. , The ' The foUowlng have had charge of Fireside Room for then- monthly lueg. ev'r,M Tndse attending were Seaton Matthews, Ed Johnson, Sidney Vann, Micky Davis, Mack John son, Robert Blackman, Billy . Tay lor, Steve Thomas, San-'ra and Brenda Smith, Barbara McNeil and Jane Strickland. Indoor games were enjoyed at which time "pin the tail on the donkey", bingo and a ballon game was enjoyed with each guests re ceiving a prize. Mrs. Barr served , devil's food cake topped with chocolate frost ing and decorated in pink and ice cream and each young lacy received a basket, filled iwith bubble gum and each boy a ag of marbles, as favors..1 M. H. received many nice gilts PORD CUSTOM 300 TUOOH SEDAN from his friends. Joint Meeting Of G. As. v Held At Church The Junior1 and Intermediate G. A. S. met last Monday at the Bap tist unurca for tneir reguiarmeet' which time a missionary Mrs. Paul Potter Is Bridge Winner Mrs. Paul Potter was winner at bridge, receiveing a muffin basket ing at as high score when Mrs. Robert program was presented. Blackmore entertained members of The meeting was opened with the' her bridge club. G. A Prayer, Hymn, Watchworc Mrs. Paul Berry received second 1 and Alleigence! high award, hand lotion, and con-1 Mrs. Oliver - Edwards and Mrs. I ' n 'r in ( ! FORD CUSTOM 300 AORDOR SEDAN fORD FAlRtANI CU) 8EDAM , ' 42 LESS THAN IN 57 14 LESS THAN IN '57 'wtr: 7 141KSM) IN FORD FAHUANi TOWN SEDAN S3 YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER Set thtss low-pxlced beauties at ymir Ford Oaaltr't lotfajt OnljiFtrJ in '56 brings you mart tar jar lea money uum is '57. Based on comparison of manufac turers' suggested retail delivered prices of the low-price three, Ford offers the lowest-priced Fordor, the lowest-priced Tudor, the lowest priced Convertible, the lowest-priced Station ' Wagon. Come in for the taoingest buy I AGAIN, FORD B THC LOWEST FMCEO - ,' OF THE LOWJTHd THREE! rjsjupliJgsity. : . j , - w . 4t?r wtf W'' ' ' fc - " is i .y v 1 l:TiisaiHMSMa .lassssssssssssssamsRMBassssssMiasssssssssssssi r.isV I . TT 3T . : -7T-. "'.la ";.:':. JL , lit -iM-... .. Virf.i. : .-XK' . .. ... -il ..rii.l. VA:.-.. .'.I.Ai ,.2 Mje-Jlll, . -W i''i.v ytKfHWJ i -V V-ii::-WN.Kvi ; M ,' ; 1 " .i. nil..'., tnm -sarWNehwBli aattRwdCfct.i!ws vThis nhftn ? is a dbutle cxiefe! i : , : ... ... t'. . . -. . J.'. ,'. Federal and sUte government, are etttiaf menth 1. a valuable ' JjjJ ;, r " . i j.m.nJ,. ,w .nrv afceelnte proef of payment at all iiiaea. Often a , ' , .iiJ eosto. interest. ia and We teien frj eld f ilea te eaye the mm iwt KniibutieaaT medieal eosta, interest, the !Ue. wrefce It a )arg tkmi e aseaey Wcause it y A ledger book Hstmc these yy-Mj. m J , TlIkT ' VeTXiSavelr mJ. U good. But your -M m JJT't ' . T -rtii Tftmt V "npaay ret.t till ItMM.i" . .;, mmum wmm. 'HI, ii i 0 f r '' '''''' li.'' '" ' "a',!,-n - j t . .WO E-rOSrr INSURANCE COKPORATIOR .-a iir.(tj0iwa;JUkiitM-l&,.A,a 1 1 4

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