; 'J,,; Id BUFIX ZZXAXSYZULt, N. C. XZZZZZ IT, I "IX I, 'S i Freedom d .control are basic, comer a lielplesa, Useless thing. ' (acton In human life. Went a jnaBiUn less football team obey the can control his movements he be signals called,. by the' quarterback. it cu.ii never win any games. Vthe reever people live and work to- gether there must be some kind of . control . or else -chaos results. On the other hand, too much con trol destroys freedom. U a man's nerves freeze up on him his body will not function. Stammering ad stuttering are really due: to tight ness ot the muscles which con trol speech. Our forefathers be lieved - George n --was choking their development by drastic laws i OUR CAPITAL'S MELTINS U$S ON ItoXX JAVJ0 "A 1 T "WlIC AN APRHyROST. POPS I MAP AhP PET 5H0P AN ORDER FOB ) 't ' ' IBTBinni jEHSWSil ' fj i TOPAV INAPVANCBTORENTji. 100 FROM OUR FIRST SHIP-rr-'-SVM HjPyirrFfn W ' t - t ' ,.? MARY WORTH'S FAMILY f'. "Z "1 I DifiuT PEGSY' :Z! fMEANWHILE, AT MARY'S APARTMENT, THERt j AfOv I r "kir .. . "' 1 ' OF TVMRIA MFMIM BLUE. I FAR REACHING CONSEQUENCE? JI 'I , and regulations and so they said, 'Give me liberty - or give me death." Our objection to Commu nism is that .all life is regimen ted and the commjissars dictate to people. ' - . - All of us eed to obey these laws and regulations which are neces sary to eur common life together. All f us ned freedom to live hap py -and effective lives. There Is where: the problem comes. Who shall decide what laws and regulations-are necessary and which are excessive. The answer for Christian is that he shall obey all laws. At the same time he should earnestly try to change, in a proper way, all unwise or un just regulations. We as Chlrstlans shouldneve r be rebels, but we should be promoters of good gov ernment. f ! 1 Paul said, "Let every soul be In subjection to the higher po wers: for there is no power but of God; and the powers that be are ordained of God. Therefore he thatresistalh the power, with standeth the ordinance of Good; and they that withstand thallre ceive to themselves judgement. For rulers are not a terror to the good work, but to the evil. Anjd wouldest thou have no fear of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise from the same; for he is a mlsiter of God to thee for good. (Romans l3:M). t Kneeling wjll keep you in good standing. , , Civil Seice fx am VENETIAN BLINDS CLEANED! With seientlfle machine. Blinds re taped and recorded. New Winds; any cola-fe Blind for Beach Cottages. BUNK'S Venetian Blind Service Beep Bon, V. C. Dial 2138 1 . , t Sam's j Drug Store Rose Hill, N. C. ) J eymaurJopoij, Goldsboro Civil' Service Examination ' An- POGGY Kt vyovrr mo pupil CHEVN SUM OREftT CftNOy DUWM3 ,THE CLRSS. PERIOD ! S ' 1 W1 3 ( PUSOy! COME HERE AND GIVE ME VW8T 4PTVE IK1 YOUR Moirmr piwh in i V AMERICA'S MOST LOVEABtE LADDIE A FIZZLE FAMILY By H. T. ELMO eth? oil l vf CUBE mt M 1 BORROW IV0U1L mi ONE OF YOUR TO KEHU BOOkS.PLiftSE?A.THtRE!l Y T MQVE IT ft RULE V NtVCK rvO LET WYj I ROOtC GO' oui or 1 " ' J ill 11mr -WTTiMjM ' MAV I USE W.OF H f II MOW tic. .mmir I 'di it vou'LL 4ftVE TON WOXz 1 1 UP vi in v i-w I MRKE THE SHMfe rule 5 vou do;: CAROLINA BUILDING JSUTPLY P Building Supplies of all Kinds KINSTON.N.C nounced For Fuel Distribution Sy stem'' Operator Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Goldsboro, North Carolina. The following competitive exam ination is now open at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Goldsboro, North Carolina. Applicants rated eligible will be used to fill future vacancies at this base. Position Fuel Distribution System Operator, Grade WB-10, Hourly Wage Rate $165 All Interested persons should file Standard Form 57 "Application for Federal Employment", and CSC Form 5001ABC immediately with the "Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Goldsboro, North Car olina, before May 1958. Apply at any post office for application form or information as to where forms may be obtained. Applications may also be obtained from Civilian Personnel Office, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base .Goldsboro, North Carolina. All applicants must meet the experience and physical quali fications. Appointments will made at the above grade and wage rate. ' The Standard Morm 57 "Applies tion for Federal Employment" must give a true, full, and complete working history of an applicant from the time he was old enough to work until the time he applies for I Civil Service Position. The same application form may not be used in applying for two different positions. t What clean, refreshing snaves yon get with a (KuflHetbt SUPER- TTT) - wrvsmm The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it. John Ruskin. One of the hardest secret for a man to keep is his opinion of him self. An inferiority complex could be a blessing if the right people had it. Old Photographs Restored PORTRAIT S Commercial FBOTOOKAPHT Parties, Anntvcrsaalei and Identification rhotoa. WE SPECIALIZE IN WEDDING PICTtTEBS ! LANIER STUDIO Phne 6341 WALLACE, N, C. Sittings Nights and. Sundays By Appointment COAUCOAll We have It will want M Get It bmw be awe We BwUwer GARlllR com comnr Warsaw, N. C SPEED. matched to your face with Blue Bladt Dispenser and Styrsns case NEW OFFICE LOCATION DR.THOS. E. SHAVER Optometrist In new office at former location of The Tribune. S. Center St. Mt. Olive Eye Examined - Glasses Fitted QUALITY MEATS PORK & BEEF CUSTOM BUTCHERING ASK FOB "SOUTH rr BRAND SAUSAGES PACKED BY R. D. JONES PACKING CO. Located en Hi-Way M 1-4 HI. From Fradaee Market ralsan, N. O. oooooooooooooooooooooooo rrm I umrn O LLUL A. PIILLlK Beulaville, N. C. General Insurance HAIR-BREADTH HARRY At A. j. s3-ft n whys &Vt QATSSiy MB W ACHARSB,, f. J mvrea WITl4 M30R pss,H RALLY ??J OH.VES -Ml 7 W GEO. P. PRIDGEN Plumber STATE LICENSED PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SUPPLIES BATHKOOM EQOTPHBNT HOT WATEB HXATUS WATEB POMPS KITCBXN BTNKfl Phone 473 WARSAW, N a A. J CAVENAUGII WALLACE'S Oldest Jewelere-Tine Crysttls & SUrer holly Arr r.in FENWICK WOULD VOU ME FIVE POLLARD ALL RIGHT-LEND MB TEN, BUT JUST GIVE ME OKAY. BUT WHY? F7 n hr 1 1 V FIVE OF IT. LENO 1 1 '. IX" V I I U : HI I ( m7r" -cvZT(OP COURSE,) V f ;. ' V ' THEN VOU'LL OWE ME FIVE, , AND I'LL OWE VOU FIVE AND 4lot Leaxn She Saviags Habit At WACCAMAW BANX & ZZ,ZT C9 IivSEMAMSVILkk WEB, " (, ' ' l . w yj . . I " I alIL! A N MACHINE THAT 1 . V CURIS IN HERJ 7 ViAS(E5 t .f 7 7see.coutxKlr wcvV An ' IMMENT A REN.U9CRJL l' V I Machine so a fellow j COULD SBT A i.'':.V PEMWkNCNT NECK J . L. vV 1 WASH rr, By & M. 1GER MOBILE HOMES by Stewart Southwestern and Gardner Visit our lots at forte of 258 & 17 highway at Ja5ksrW2le or Rinston on the Kinston- Rlfiilands Highway. Woodrow Smith Trailer Sales Jacksonville, N. C. Office At Brown & Miller Co. O o o o e o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOQi o o 00O0OO00O0OO0O000CO00OO04 o t PKILt'i TIRE SERVICE I Mohawk Tires Good Used Tires O O Dependable Tire Recapping and Repairing waa west Fark Aye. Phone 2127 P. O. Box 429 O o ? Q Mount Olive .North Carolina O a O looooooooooocooooooooooog WilS STOCKYARDS WALLACE, N. C. AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY BUYING AND SELLINGS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY OFFICE PHONES 80016171 D. L. WELLS NIGHT PHONE 221 JACK P WELLS NIGHT PHONE 2217 IOOOQOOOOOOOI FORJALE Lumber, Moulding, Plumbing Srupplies SASH DOOBS. ASBES TOS STOING, BOOfTNO OP ALL KINS, Plaster Rock Lath, Sheetrock, Mortar, Brick, Cement Blocks, Paints And Builders Hardware GUTTER, TESSA COTTA PIPE STOP BUY SAVE B.A.K. GAS STATION LOCATED NEXT TO DUPLIN MOTOBS WA8SAW, K. C, OAS FOB LESS Regular -29c Per Gallon Hi-Test 32c AO Bnufds of Oil BELTON D. BDNSHEW Omen MATTTJC 8. IBISHKW tpooooooooooooooooooooooo 2 FOR REIIT n a ukwi Phone 471 A Mrs. Belton Minshew Phone 5 pooooooooqoooooo HOUSES & APARTMENTS Z h s Kenansvillc and Warsaw X A. J. STRICKLAND Warsaw O OR O Warsaw O oooopo EXPERT TUEELESS TIRE BMECAPIP1NG SERVICE ALL HAKES ALL SIZES TIRE SALES COMPANY Phone 890 Wallace, N. C W1HTT h B M urn mh! a fiie"' AJM -H Z.J.CARTER I & SOU ; WALLACE, N. C... 0 HEAVOUa UL' BROTHER. FEUX MAS A NEW TOOTH - Vjeu.thatIs ONE TWK&lESS RJR HIM TO CW ABOUT ' IOOOOOOOOCOOC