' , Personals f, . .Maste Chris Boney of Greens Dro is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, N. B. Boner. . -Miss Lottie Williams has return ed home after several days, stay at James Walker Hospital in Wil -uungron. , Mr. and Mrs.". A. J. Patterson were dinner guests of Mrs. H. I, Pippin in Burgaw, Saturday night Mr and Mrs. W. S. Craft and -dhildren It vacationing . in the mountains of N. Cj t i :.J Mr. John Mehnert of Kansas City Kansas has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Boney and Mr. and Mrs. 1. 1 V -Durco j v . Mr. and M-s C. B Guthrie Jr. a-4 son of Goldsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. ,C, B. Outhrle Thursady afternoon - Airman and Mrs. Jesse . FiUman and children of Palm Beach, Fla. are visiting Mr., and Mrs. I. R. Caison. " ''. y s' ,- Miss Doris Caison of E. C. Col lege, Greenville spent . the .week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I .R. Caison. .' : n .. Miss Sylvia tirady of LaGrange is visiting Miss Margaret' Grady. Mrs. Margaret Tucker aceompan led Mrs. Mary Bouse, of , Burgaw to Red Springs Sunday afternoon .Mr. nr1 Mr. Jltmni.1 Jnhnmn of Raleigh spent the week end wixn tneir parents, ror. ana Mrs. O. P. Johnson and Mrs. and Mrs, A T. Outlaw ' V V. Announce Birth Mr. anil Mrs. Albert 'X. 'rdison of Carolina Beach announce the I biith of a daughter, Mary Lynn, on June 6 in Duplin Gentral Hospi tal. , , .' '.VfAv Mra.Hardison is tha former Miss Joyce Adams, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Williams , , , J J 1 ITb-.y To Qiiict Yc::r I Sans Souci's Picot Elastic- Lee Brief That Fits Like Your Second Skin. No Binding, No, Pulling, No Bunching. Non-Roll Elastic Top, Reinforced Crotch. Hobbs Town & Country Shop Warsaw, N. C. Duplin Hospital Auxiliary Holds ' Regular Meeting j The Keansvllle member, ,of the Duplin Genei al Hospital Auxiliary entertained at an informal tea prior to the Auxiliary ? meeting, on Thursday afternoon in the Sun day School rooms of the Baptist Church .Prom attractive tea table Mrs. N. B. Boney poured' punch and served cookies, Mrs. G. V. Gooding greeted the guests. Mrs. C. B. Guthrie, Sr. president opened the meeting with? poem 'The Mirror." Following words of welcome, reports of the various Stanley Harrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hart-ell of Rose Hill, has been eleo.ed business manager of the 1959 edition of the Mount Olive Junior College yearbook, 'Olive Leaves.' Harrell was a 1956 graduate of the Wallace - Rose Hill High School. i j ' t : :! :'h . if jU v iPPJl Gayle Newton To Play At Clinic The Meredith College depart ment of ,mua,ic announces the Thii d Annual Piano Clinic, July 9 through 12, at the college. Stuart Pratt, head of the piano faculty if dr. sixteen years, will conduct the .clinic. He holds de grees from Harwlck College, Philadelphia Musical Academy and Syracuse University. He studied in Germany with Walter Schar wenka, Marta Slebold and Huso Kauri. For four seasons he was an There are four basic methods or ways to reduce noise in the home. The first is to use acoustical materials on the ceiling- to absorb noise and keep it from bouncing between walls, ceilings and other smooth surfaces, (2) Use mechanical door closers and weather stripping around doors to stop the spread of noise from one room ' 5 n,?tilel(8 U.tii,le 4Pe?. upholstered furniture, resilient or "soft" flooring and floor coverings to absorb noise. (4) Place resili ent mountings under appliances that may cause vibration noise. : For many other hints on noise reduction send for free booklet "How to Quiet Your Home," Boom 212, 280 E. Ohio, Chicago Ut Illinois. history and axampllishinenfs of I""" KU"" " 6"" the Auxiliary since organizing. Gail Newton of Kenansville and Mrs. Wayne Jordan, chairman, of, Meredith College, a pupil of Pratt, the nominating committe presen- will play a recital on Friday even ted the following offlcew; Mrs. ing for those attending the clinic. Hugh Johnson, Rose Hill, president , Mrs. Geo ge Carr, Rose Hill, sec 'lifetime will open Wednesday re'ary; Mrs. R. W. Powers, Wallace treasurer; Miss Viola Westbrook. A!be:tson, vice president ' These were unamiously elected and duly installed. Mrs. Johnson called for cooper ation of all and urged a greater membership and told of some of her plans for the incoming year. Invitation Issued Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carson Tyndall request Xhe nonoisr oi your presence at the marriage of their daughter Jean Bryant to Mr. James Creshaw Thonvwoa Satur day, the 21st of June., nine teen hundred and fifty-eight at at noon, July 9, and close Satur day, July 12 at 12 o'clock; and those who attend may stay in the college', dormitories. Gail is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Newton ot Kenansville and formerly studied with Mrs. W. J. Middleton, teacher of War saw, for the past several years This is an outstanding accomplish ment for Gayle as she has only been in Meredith for one year. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Goddess of discord 5. Mimic 8. Skills 12. Slope 13. Gloomy 14. Caution 15. Allotted sum 18. Porches 19. Tendencies 20.Uyge i 21. Discovers 22. Fares 24. Card game I 25. Prefix; two ; 27. Appends I 28. Preserve I 29. Bird 31. Mother 32. Boy's name 33. Large body of water 34. Pointless 36. relief 37. Channels 38. Glass. For the First Time in History... k. You Are Completely Protected ------ - with a LIFE-OF-THE-BUILDING GUARANTEE on SEAL-A-MATIC AWNING WINDOWS 1J I I III I III III lllll 1 1 tSAl (guaranteed FOR THI NtVIR MOM hot wck ahje kM Ktr4 It's mwletioai 11 Ike eariie wletew tiirtotfi4 laeVwifyl Now ... yee ces be f.etaisUk) ikoImiIm always, Ht yW keaw t ttmmtrM kellalag, kt ye iMtall Mlf-eailiiifl, ! MlMecUng Stal-A-MaHc wladewil I Veer are (voraalaed conplf selh focUoii for Ik Kfo of the WlMlnfl hi whlh lky or tmtalMI five o'clock in the afternon Ken ansville Baptist Chur:h Kenans ville. North Carolina. Reception immediably following the ceremony in church Sunday School rooms No invitations are being issued in Kenansville. The public is cord ially invited to attend. Sunbeam Met Saturday The Sunbeams met on Saturday Mesdames Lauren Sharpe and Pit stepnens were tne leafier ena led the children in their Bible study. The meeting was adjourned with sentence prayers. At the1 close of the meeting the children were served ice cream and cookies. ft JttcerV rsft Ah and Weftter frofttf ten In MTiittar or Summt . , . WHh e?l" A I 11 A Tin ALUMINUM V AWNING I WINDOWS FUTUtlHS . . . ' lock o ottwetl slilsiat.. , v .. , .. . v .. v WMTKiKnirm hh I i v coMnnny wuiMntsnirra ' '' r. k' Wshwt ojooNty vbiyi. j if M" MM M j "Jv - tM Ml " oka kMrlf , ruu vnrriUTioM immm'so toaDy KMf Ikf fcfMIO bk 4 AUM ROM IHI HiSIOI To MM laina uruoAtti wm trout 1 ( ; D;v;c" Crc:!::rs G:! 'rro, tl. lijUUUM I III ,., f ! Yem ; !! i t' I r! i l ; Bottled By WILMINGTON COCA COLA Bottling Company Wilmington 44. Chinese monev makine tool as. Nm'tKer .42. Public 48. Bulb servant 47. Does wrong T" T" " 7 fcl 9 I" I" - - Jtjj. , fc . IT - i . "5 -- "" Asmwo to Ptuudo 2fiSS !iSTi2SJ iii,ii.5HL " v r aaj.HoJr'flivSv? wvj?y5ijMiy or j o a v MhUUb o o ils! IsUNIvLbldlvUgliMal 48. Golf term . 49. Girl's name DOWK 1. Epoch! ' 2. Transported a. inflicted 22. Water barrier 23. Asian mountain 2& Sheep's ' bleat y--28. Hotel 4. Plant shoots 28. Approval . 5. Snakes ' 29. Scandium X feel like I have the use of my right arm again now that Carmen Julia, our supervisor for the home agents, has returned from a three months training course In Pueito Rico -and the . United States. She is such a lovely person and is so helpful to me. All of us were de lighted to have her 'return and we were very interesting J.n hearing her repots about hr training in supervision . Carmen Julia, had had five weeks training in Puerto Eico-, This in cluded classroom instruction and observation in the field with sup ervisors Then she was at the Uni versity of JFlorida' f or a week and later observed the work there. She was in Washington for two weeks and had training in the ; J5epart ment of Agriculture.' Abo she vlsi BeltsvUle Maryland. , I think she got some good ideas which, we can use in our program, i We are planning a series of train-1 i f 1 1 " "' ' Bridal Couple ' Elect Feted At, Open House Miss Jean Tyndall, bride elect of June 21 and the groom elect, Mr Crenshaw Thompsoii were feted at an open house, last Saturday after noon in Cameron Village. The hostess, Miss Ann Crawford, entertained about forty people at her apartment on Smallwood Drive. ' . Massive arrangements of white snapdragons, , roses and baby's breath were used on consoles in the living area. oolr note of green and white was carried throughout the apartment i Out of town guests included. Mrs. E. C. Tyndall, mother Miss Tyndall, Mrs. Joe Costln of War- sister of the bride elect. K. . to a. i- el. -.i-e t i. , eaUr a... 3 t L',i ia a" veiy o ol.jrver to of each otitis a.. sl.e saw many tilings and , asked ' ing about our hfh questions about the things she saw. She will be able to adapt many of the ideas for use Inj the country The Other folks in tne state ex tension office bad a welcome home party for Carmen and invited me. Every one r was in such a nappy mood and we all had a good time... I thought it was a lovely , thing for thenv to do.' J: .' . We iave been Trying to prepare some bulletins for the home agents to; use on how to build -a simple stove, bow to' build a clothes clo set and how to build chairs I had who works withus to ' help build one of each' and" to .'correct our soon wdrk., Just last week he was able- 1 1 " 1 ' h to help ussoweworked .aU '.week , tWW n lillg i i talk-. viol days.1' and our menas in Kcusiisvule. room-mate's sister from New ' York- is visittng us. It has been ' ' fun to have her tell us of activi ties in the states. She brouth e ,'' veral of i the t chamise , dresses so w Had a fashion, snow, A few ' peop are " wearing , them, here,, -but very f ew. They rally ' make our clothes lodk out of date, t de- cided to try to give some of 'my . old clothes a new, look by adding ' a wide low, belt! in the .back. I ' may : try to make ' chamise dress - - ith him. We hop to, soon complete the bullitins: ' ..J ".' i, f, A high, school, fclass - mate of mine, ! William Grady Is stationed with thd army in Manama. He had to come - to Bogota on business and called me up. Although, itj TVILIIE DRIVE -III DAtICA r theAthe waixAcen c Theatre Beulaville Fri A Sat. ' June 13 14 "BABY FACE NELSON'' : ' v ., ' StariiuT v Mickey Kooney Snn., Mon. Tue. June IS, 18, H Stainr Robert Mitehmn ; Plue Ca!aoon and Sports Wed. Thuk June 1 1! The TaU Stranger" 4 Staging -Joel McCrea and Virginia. Mayo , Pluil Cantoon and Sports Thurs. Ft Sat." "June , 12J3J4 ITS TRBMKIMOOUAI .A DRAMA OF LOVE AND CONFUCTI , V MOM CAMERA M KSfJTCP"BycllfT en rxi L. mvanrvii vim.. M i NIGEL PATRICK LEE MARVIN 1 MitbiiTECHWeoUW- 'I Color Cartoon Sun. . Mon. ; Tue.' A ' Wed. , HAnd Oo4 Created Woman" Starring Brigette Bardot L ' 111 i ' 6. Accepted ... standard 7. Published literary form 8. Performed 9. Showers 10. Trampled . 11. Japanese coins IS. Opens: poetic 17. Italian river 21. Blaze oxide 30. Occidental 32. Toilet powder 33. Greek coin 34. Induce 35. Fastens 37. Shed 38. Ata distance 39. Opening; 40. Ireland 41. Existence 43, Farm tool Gifts For The Man In Your family- And Grandad Too. 7 Kramer's. Has A Wonderful Selection Of Nationally 1 Known Gilts And Wearing Apparel To Choose From. Miss NewfonMagna Cum Laude Grad. and has served as president of the Meredith Science Club, and also as Silence Club president of the clubs of the entire $tate. She also has served as president of the honorary scholastic nreanlza Vt.. Mppb(ik rii.-- j. j x .'on on the Meredith campus, Kap l:1n Meredith CoUege students M Nu Sim. Sh- w. JumLa k graduated with honors in the 120 memoer graduating elan 1uer nrir including one with high honors. magna com laudei was granted Sally Newton nf laude was granted Glenda Eddlns, Claxton, Ga.' Betsy Carol Greene, Sanford; Clara Hudson, Richmond, Va.; Betsy Lane Asheboro: Jane Maynard, Gary; Margaret Gertrude Mott, Mount he; , Geraldtne Parhara Ritter, Bobbins; Jane Stem bridge of Lynchburg, Va. formerly of Forest City: and Pwn Vnuwi Buffalo Junstion, Va. Miss Newton Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Newton of Ken ansvllle. She Is a biology major, pa Nu Sigma.-She was elected by her classmates, as .Most Intellec tual" senior, superlative. ' Miss Nancy Stephens Has Birthday Party Miss Nancy Stephens' celebrated her 9th birthday on Monday even ing at her home with an outdoor supper of hamburgers. .'About 13 of her young - friends were pre sent. Out of door games were en Joyed, after which the young folk enjoyed hamburgers,, iced drinks ice cream and ,r birthday cake. Nancyreceived many pretty gifts. O00O0OOOOOO0OO00OOO0OOO4 o o 'V PINEAPPLE j a. - ' It ;bJbJ1bJbII r r; o o o o o o o o o o o - 6 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o; o o ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Open Until 9 O'clock Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Night BOAT & MOTOR SPfCIAlS 15 ft. Barbour Boat 30 HP Evinrude , Electric Motor - Remote Controls and Steering Value $1400.00 ONLY $695.00 .. ' 1 ' 13 ft. Wolverine Boat Mercury Mark 30 Motor Trailer Remote Con trols Speedometer, $1500.00 Value -' Only $785.00 16 ft Cabin Cruiser Johnson 35 Javlin Motor 0ectric Starting. $1900.00 Value, Only $11000)0 '..."'. - 4 14 ft. Boat 12 IIP Elgin Motor Used ..one time $550.00 Value For Only ,v .-.'$325.90. r'7'i.,-, -.1 All Fishing Tackle 25 off For This Event Shop In Air Conditioned Comfort In New Sunrise Shopping Center ' JOHNSON MOTORS . 'McBrLb and Herring : '' " . Sporting Goods Co., Inc. 5 J'' ' . -'.-" ' Sunrise Cherpip,-; Center GCLDCICr'3, N. C, I ' 1 i o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o .0 Q o, o o o o o o o o o o o o ) () ( ' i '7 I A .' i "N-i - ."1. ... .. ... , ' . rv. : " ', ..! t Wembley & Cricket Ties fflin w, Van Heusen, Holbrook & McGregor v ' 1 V J 1 j - fcj Sport Shiffs ...:::.....,.. ..$1.99fo S5.C3 v D Wash And , Wear AJ-. v . u , u , jt ,l . , 2, y I J J if n it ' CI 4? H 4 ' Dress & Sports Shirts . $2.951655.00 Hickok: Delis : & Jewelry $1.00 fo $5.00 Wash & Wear Slacks -..L $5.95 to $14.95 Stetson & Knox Sfraw Hats ...... $2.95 to $10.00 - M Samsonite Luggage $14.95 to 5 (Ml i I - ,, " f , ... IV yilJU ; I , j. uawing trunks By McGregor $2.95 to $5.95 h I Summer Suits .:..:..:......,..:........ $19.95 to $45.00 Denfel Grcen Bcdrconi Slippers $2.59 to $5.95 Bcrnda Shorts 'ilLC'8.Ml6$iJ5 FbrsLsim Dress Shws i':2.: $17.9516 $22.50 yWtf: FREE iuSFT'TIlAPTOy: i r KRAMERS;- v v In Vclbe 1 1 I' ll : . 1 ftp- I