'?Zfi?t Iiat BOTUW TVZS KCAKSVnXBi If, C, rECKSDAY OCTOET3, 2, ISM. n 1 . ' . Personals ' . , - -" Mrs. , Pavis Farriof la- spsnlin fome time with h. er sister, Mrs. Emma Larklns In Raleigh. .? Rev. S. T. Snlvely an Mr. Tho mas Chestnutt : attended the : - men of the Presbyterian Fall Rally In Wilmington last' .Thursday. ,;; ' , ' Mr. and Mrs. : I, N. Bowden and Nicky attended a htrthday dinner, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dun-t .can Rivenbark In Burgaw . Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and Mrs. Cora Cameron of Castle' Hay ne were Sunday afternoon guest of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Hughes. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hughes ' and children of Miami Beach, Fla.!' and Mrs. Tho mas Hughes Jr. and sod' of Wil mington. ' 1 j " ' ' , Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tyndall and Mrs. Coy Kennedy of Pink Hill vis ited Mrs. George Brown; and fa mily Sunday afternoon. i f. , Mrs.. Wilbur , Adams, ;Naaey , Adams and - Mrs. Joyce Hardlson and baby of Carolina Beach spent the week' end with Mr. and Mrs. 1 J. JU Williams, , ' 5 r r ... Mr and'Mrs. Gordon Baker end . daughters of Tort Barnwell spent aunoay with Mrs. Oeorge s Brown, ttnif TJTvm Hril1.J T3Inan Hiram and Rev. Lauren Sharpe ( viojiea juts, onarpe in oarner esun day afternoon. Ai(h 'i-vA:i , Air. , ana jure. jc j. simrjsnn na Jeffery -pent Sunday in Roanoke Cynthia visited Surf City Sunday ! afternoon. , i ttiil Willis nd children of Baeford spent the week end with Mrs. L. Uoutherland. - . oMr. and Mrs. Earl Hatcher and Anthony visited Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hatcher to Chinquapin Sunday." - Mr. and Mm. I. N. Bowden, Nic ky, , Mesdamef : Margaret Tucker and Nora Shaffer , visited relatives In Burgaw Sunday afternoon. --'Mrs. Anthony Marsh and Mrs. Jernigan of Fayettevllle spent last Wednesday, with Mr.: and Mrs. C. S. Williamson! v.", 'IMrs. ' J.i R. Grady and Margaret made a business trip to- Durham Saturday. They were overnight guests f friends there. They spent Sunday with Mis Rebecca Grady, student at Peace . College in Ral eigh. - ' - ' ,i Rev. and Mrs. Strad Snlvely and daughter left Tuesday for Mt Gl lead where Mr. Snlvely will be pastor of the Presbyterian Church there. ' , , - ......' . .. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sykes and f Irf of Henderson are visiting Mrs. R. L, Sykes and Miss Maiy Lee Sykes. ' 7 '" ' ,;M-Sgt..and Mrs. Robert Sykes and family of Fort Bragg spent the week end with Mrs. R. L, Sykes. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryder and family of Princeton spent the week end with Mrs Eloise Ryder. Mrs. Hunter Saunders of Wil mington is visiting Mrs. Ben Wil- Mrs. Alta L. Kornefay Mrs. Alta L Kornegay, Dup lin if County : Home ' 'Agent . is Club Holds Meet The Kenansville Garden Club held its first meeting of the new year on Tuesday night of last week in the 'home of Mrs, Wil lard Brinson. This meeting was a business session to make plans for the coming year. : Each lady of the club wore a hat which she had designed from flowers. Prize for the best and most original hat was a tie between Mrs. Mattie Sadler and lira. Vance B. Gavin. 1 The president, Mrs. Christine Williams, presided. Year books were given out and projects for the coming year were discussed as follows: repairs to the tennis courts, plantings at the Spring and making scrap, books for pa tients at the hospital. A living Chritmeas tree has been donated to the hospital. During the social .hour the hos tess served home made sake, nuts and coffee: Friendship Night Observed, Chapter S Friendship ' Niffht was obser- shown demounstrating to the! Ved here in the local chapter Scott Store Home Demonstration Room on Tuesday night at 8 o" had charge, of the program assis-jimmy Bowden. Thirteen perfect ted, by the ptor, Rev. Strad i attend Bln, ' JL.. - Bnlviy. Music was furnisbd by Miss ? - - " . Flob? Currie. . ;' :' . V. , ! T Others taking part were esda- A 91 of aix graduate degrees mes N. B. Boney and J. B. Stroud offered by the University of also Miss Sylvia Gooding and Mr. ' North Carolina School Club how to plan family rooms She gave the - demonstration at the September meeting. T u. ' l u UHWOQ. Tl7 T Par-, Mrs. W. M. Eubank, of Scotts ents. Mr. and Mr,. Pope. They were h, Monday wltn Mrs. R. U aceompamea nome oy, uun,-wno spent several day. there, ' ' J M Margaret WllUams visited Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kretsch and - . . Bill III Mt. Olive. N. C. HWfEft SALE Begins October 3rd. Be Sure To Get Your Share Of ins Sale Bath Towels nil A Ikrge Size, Turkish LM n.il IT -1 on ill 26c Harvest Day Sale Ladies' Nylon Hose 51 Gauge ! A Lovely Quality Sheer Nylon Hose. First Quality 51 Gauge Count. In All The New Fall Colors. Buy Them By The Box Thursday.; 43L Ul.hl 1 SALE SALE Quilt Lining Part Wool Batts ' M In. Wide Mettled Foil Quilt Size OuUng. Reg. I9o Reg. U 26c yd. 81c SALE SALE Feather ' Cream & Sugar PiUowg ' Set A Fine Quality' . V Good Quality Milk Glass ' ;" Chicken Feather Bed A S9c Value. Special Prioe ; Pillow. Reg. Value '.;- ' For ' '' HARVEST SALE 67c ' 10c While They Last J in Durham last week Mrs. ElUs Vestal and Mr. Oliver Vestal shopped in Raleigh Sunday. ' Mr. and . Mrs. Woodrow Out law and son, Tommy were Sun day guests of Mrs. Eddie Good man. , Mr. Charles Cheek of Norfolk, Va., arrived Monday to spend the winter with Mrs. W. M. In gram. He will attend James Kenan High School Miss Carol Bell spent the week end with Miss Patricia Whitman near Mt. Olive. 22, of 8th. Grade Ken. School News On Monday, September 19S8,the eighth grade class the Kenansville White Elemen tary School elected their class officers. The following officers were elected. President, Ann Summerlin; Vice - President, Judy Whitman; Secretary, Frank Potter; Treas urer, Lucille Somers; Reporter, Polly Brinson. clock , when Kenansville Chan ter no. 215, Order of the Eastern Star of the Grand Chapter of North Carolina met for its bi monthly meeting. Ten visiting Star' were pnjent represent ing three nearby chapters whose memberships include many of our former members. The cha pters included Warsaw, Beula ville and Pleasant Hill. The Wor thy Matron and Worthy Patron, Virginia and Colon Holland were in their respective stations. Af ter the Ritualistic opening and a business session an impressive proram entitled "The Book of Friendship" was presented by the Worthy Matron and Associ ate Matron assisted by the Con ductress, Associate Conductress and Five Star Points, A social hour followed. Miss Sylvia Sue Prevost i the. Kenansville, is announced by her daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. Charles parents. Homer' Prevost of ThomasvlUe. Her engagement to Ellis Brinson Vestal, Ensign, U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis V. Vestal of The ' wedding will take place October 19 In Grace Evaagelecol Lutheran Church. Thomasvllle. ' The eighth grade class of the Kenansville 'White Elementary School has made a stndy of our 49th State "Alaska". They co llected pictured, fciewfc aff.icles and made a map of Alaska. The Class prepared an. attractive bul letin board. Mrs. Steed Entertains Club South Kenansville Mrs. Steed entertained mem bers ojf her bridge club last Tuesday evening at her home here. Mrs. Joe Costin received high score award, plastic refrigerator trays and Mrs. Arnold Jones received a serving tray as tra veling award. Others playing were Mesdames J. T. Kelly, John A. ' Johnson, Roy Barwick, Bill Best, Miss Rita Sutton and the hostess. Mrs. Steed served blueberry pie, topped with ice cream, and coffee at the conclusion of v lay- Early Morning H. D. Club Met Tuesday The September meeting of the Early Morning Home Demonstra tion Club was held Tuesday night Sept. 23rd. at 7:30 in the home of Mrs. J. D. Kornegay. The meeting was called to order by the president Mrs. T. P. Quinn and the group sang "America the Beautiful". The devotional was gi ven by Mrs. Rivers Wlnstead. Dur ing the business period the roll was called with 14 members and one visitor present. Announce- rch when it met for its Septem ber meeting here on Monday af ternoon at 3.30. Mrs. Boney also conducted the Opening De votional. The Program, was in charge of the pastor, Rev. Strad ford. T. Snively who made an in teresting blackboard Talk on "The Church A Teaching Fel lowship." A goodly number of members were present. They were all urged to go to Sunday School and help observe "Rally Day" and remain for the Prea ching Service and participate in the Communion Service. It was noted with much regret that this would be the la:,: Service that our pastor would hold for us in this community since he and ' his wife and baby girl are moving next week to Mt. Gilli ard where he has accepted a Pas torate there. ments were made by the president. Mrs. Hosea Britt, Arts and Crafts leader, led in a discussion in mak ing baskets and plans were made for a workshop in the near future. Mis. D. F. Chambers, Education leader gave a report on RJigion in ain-ios Schools. Mrs. Roy Dunn, Foods and Nu trition leader, gave a most Inter-1 jrs esting and helpful d. monstration on "Eat to Keep Young." Following adjournment the hos tess assisted by Mrs. Blanche Ho ward served t mpting jello topped with whipped cream and pouni cake. The October meeting will be held in th afternoon of Oct. 21st. with Mrs. Alien Dunn. H. D. Club Met With Mrs. Stroud The regular monthly meeting of the South Kenansville Home Dem onstration Club was held on Fri day afternoon at 3 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Dollie Stroud with the president, Mrs. Martha C. Barwick pit siding. The opening song was "O'Master Let Me Walk With Thee" followed by the De votional led by Mrs. Louise Boney assisted by Mrs. Cilia Stroud. Ten i members answered to the Roll Call. The program was in charge of Mrs. Elizabeth Ferrell. Lead.rs report d on Arts & Crafts, Home Beautification and Education. The Demonstration on "Eat to Keep , Young" was giv.n by Jane Fields. A game was enjoyed during the so cial hour. The hostess assisted by . Tina Chestnutt served iced drinks and assorted cooki.s. Invitation Issued Mr. and Mrs. Charles Homer Pre-V vost request the honor of yourllj presence at the marriage of theirSS daughter, Sylvia Sue to Ellis Brin-HJ son Vestal Ensign, United States Nancy on Sunday, the nineteenthn of October at half after four O- S clock Grace Evangelical Lutheranfjil Churoh, Thomasville, North Caro-3 Han nil ReceDtion immediatf lv follow-US? bride. la in Kenansville but the public is JIM cordially invited to attend the eer"tfjjl Rally Day Observed C-we Church. Sunday It was Rally Day on Sundayi morning at Grove Presbyterian Sunday School here at the ten O' clock hour last Sunday A. M. The Superintendent, William E. Craft 1 1 S3 95 W'SS v 1 'If -PANTIE il CANT FEEL rtfitfliW 'L 1 COGSARD Gossar-deb boneless pull on of elastic net. Upshaped elastic leg band gives supreme comfort. Satin elastic front panel with pink or white rosebuds. Topped with two inch collar. K ran efs Your Complete Shopping Center Wallace, N. C. ad tftfe liiHihi rsoficeofi Women 01 Grove Church Hold General Meet Mrs. N. 13. Boney presided over thp Hpnpral Mpptinff nf thp Wo men of Grove Presbyterian Chu-' Local Girl Scouts Met Wednesday Polly Brinson president and Cy nthia Kretsh served as scribe when the Girl Scouts held their regu!ar weekly meeting last Wed nesday after school in their Scouts room. After a short business session they were conducted on a tour of the Hospital by Mrs. V. H. Rey nolds who als0 instructed them in the hospital way of making a bed. I nun nrrnr JUllli ueeiic mm Ho.100 Outi-Zte Sei.rMounted SNAPPER The semi-mounted design of the John Deere No. 100 Snapper saves more com, makee handling easier, and assures) dependable service. Better visibility . .- lighter draft . . . faster dodge . . . shorter taming . . . and rugged strength are features every com grower recognizes as outstanding in the com pact No. 100. What's more, semi-Integral design makes work easier in- terraced or rough, uneven fields and when transporting. ' ' NoW yon can have all the com-saving ad vantages of semi-mounted design pins Quik Tatch. One man can attach ox detach the No. 100 in as little as 3 minutes. One man can do the entire Job of picking and hauling his . com to the crib in fast time. The John Deere No. 100 Snapper can mean 1 more money in your pocket See as for com plete details. H il II. I II i! II FREE FREE Saturday; October -4 ;1 Yoii May Register At Bclk-Tyler's In Mt Olive Beginning Saturday Morning At 8:30 To Win Cook Ware Set You Don't Have To Be Present To Win. Drawing Will Be 9 O'clock 'SatardsNight;;,i 16 Piece Aluminum With Coppertone Covers. Regular $24.89 Value. t -t rl mi WWW n:::i w :i:li mm mm JlliriilSQIii y mm 51-:, ';,';i.rk.yi'..- . IMPLEMENT DIVISOR 'ilighwaV 117 N. V Wallace, N. C O famous rear tractor tire I now better than ever yy ijl with Triple-Tough. 3-T s cord construction! ' Vs. Size 11-24 . . . $64.75 You get world famous tread design You get full value dimensions You get superior "Wedge-in" action SIM SIBE-6&? Improved Production Methods Make This Value Possible! p Triple Rib Front 1 1 X Thli popular 3-rlb Hi mH Hm ndi of my canemy-mlmlad frocfor owimt ... bettor ilMrlns control . . . boHor doanlng. See our complete stock of GOOD USED TIRES! Your chance to sovef The same traction-tested tread design and overall dimensions are now yours at a bed-rock price! Plus exclusive Triple-Tempered, Triple-Tough 3-T Cord that resists bruises, provides great er strength and far longer tire life. Fam ous "Wedge-in" open-center design, with ruler-straight lugs that dig in and hold . . . give a steady, even pull in any soil. Don't struggle along on worn-out tires losing time and money! Trade now for traction. Put Goodyear's great Super Sure-Grip on your tractor. MORI FARMERS PREFER GOODYEAR TRACTOR TIRES THAN ANY OTHER KIND! m BROWN OIL CO. Phone 2491 Kenansville, JffXl. 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