til. . rib am.. m 1 'A u 4r ' s Faison News & Socials " ' "J HI? DIPUN TIMES N. C. TUPESIfAT CACtri a, 1 J. CHURCHES PERSONALS ABOUT PEOPLE Phone 2331 Mrs. James Fsi'son. Correspondent Personals tor of the, Presbyterian Church.. of the church. j Mr. Lewis reviewed the church EJ The meeting was opened with 'ft 'tension 'Boos, "Biuiauig The cnu-s-. : evotional, th S6th Paalm fives rch." Mr. C...A. Decker of the (effectively by Mrs. V.A. McMattus nomlnatig commttUe nominated' anil 'Mr.' 'J, ' Sill' West ' which the lollowing officers lor 195849; President, Mrs. W. . ML Baugham; irH JAB. Stroud, E. Faison; beeretary, Mrs. J. , . The Rev. end M. Frtd AlhHght ;nd son of Tenn ssee Apent Tues i . day and Wednesday with Rev. and -Mrs. H. -T.' t ; - .v - r " The Rev, H. tewia 'and Fred i .-AlbrirH d "etdxipes I: R, Fai- ; son. m,, C. Bowden. and J. E. ' Arrangement of white flowers - Faison attend d a stewardshln and lighted tsoers were used In- ITIfptfntf in Wo lift.... Tal.4.-j ha llvln. 4Ulnir'Anm. I Churjh Tuesday night. f . t . , flowers wereued In the balL 4 Mrg. 2; A. Gibson spent Thura-' Around 80 guests-; called i between ,;'day with h diihter Mrs. FranJtt ckclti;vT'!ViA'- - oi Mt. Olive-; poured punch and. i.. nmnn rt T1,A r.,..l. ; ' ' L iJ .erteA ?LU , w 1 The Wom" tj Presbyteiiaa -ommitte. chairman for the new f Church met Monday afternoon invear are: Spiritual Growth. Mrs. vui m mo (lining th horn nf Mrs. C D I.t M O r.fB.r ' St.umrrt.hln ' Ul Others : assisting In the M lrniV M..'r t'X- C-t Bowden, president, presided dunce Lewis and General Fund 7? ZJ 'CI0nna MU: over the meeting. Ms, Lpe, cht-r-Agenciei, Mrs.. C A. Decker. A m'77T'"7-: -:imn ' Churcn Extension. Intro- o-l -our was tnjoyed by the Jaylor in Goldsboro. ' .5 " V's . Mrs. J L. Cates 'has as her Mr. fuest hfr daughter. Mrs. 'William Hangen and son of Hudson, Wis consin. Another; daughter, Miss Mary Ann Oates of' Southern Pines School faculty.' f spent the . week end with her family. Mrs. O. L. Taylor and Mrs. Har vey Ohmar of Raleigh were the guests over the week end of Mrs. T. H. Latham, ' - ' and Mrs. Thornton " And Mr. and Mrs. Kalmar Honored r j ' " Mrs. M. McD. Williams and Mrs. J. B. Stroud. Jr.' entertained Sun day afternoon with a tea at the " luuiuii, nome. lae wi was non oring Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Thornton Jr. of Los Angeles, California, Mr. ..J HI.-. T XT irnl -. ... j Mr. ana Mra. h. u. Hoey visited r .elatlve. ,i Oxfofd over th. week rdTl ; mr- t " , greeted the guests. Mrs, J. I. Groome of, T n c.-..j i-.j.... 1 arsav Mews ; Personali ' ; Mrs. Ormaa Grice visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.' S win ion in Faison last Thursday. '' ; Mr. and Ma. Nelson Caltnn and daughtes. Tana aid Dacia attended! home aft ervisiting her iUter,TMrs. E. P. Gaines and family . ,r - Mr. and Mrs. Claude Devine of Flint, Michigan t are visiting their daughter and family,. Mr. and Mrs. John FonvlelU; ,! : Mr. and Mrs. A M. Benton and w' given la parts, wita' atancos f For A Thousand Tonga ' S Mett Ausley a4 Mrs. UacDpnald a? 3-lng" being sung alternately. Brock. ' - ". ' "-' .t'i The program was conducted by Mrs. West presided 'during the Mrs. McMrius and concerned Bap- business neeting' at which, time, tist Mission Work in the Phllllplne Mrs. I S. Whittle read the minutes Islands she Was assisted, by Mrs.i , jig previous meeting and re- porta were heard from the Mission Study chairman,-' Mrs. Bill Vann ind ' th . StcwdrdehJp . .Ctkafrtnan, Mrs. J. F. Strickland. The meeting was closed with a . meditation period. the btate FaI in Raleigh last Sat-1 family spent last i weekend with urday. " Mrv Benton's brother and family. end. Mr and ' . o j .. . ouuua miroaucea tne ureenville epent. Sunday with iw. h.i.'n.Mb.. 'm. -'. m t i "ne deceiving with Mr. and Mr. their parents Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Groome. Becky Groome' who had i visited ? her grandparents for the v past tea days returned on Sunday with her, parents. ; Airs. Thornton Honored At Tea . Mrs. W, E. Thornton entertained aUith a tea on Saturday afternoon . honoring J her daug ter-ln-law. v krs WiUIam. E. Thornton, Jr: of Los Angeles, California, Mr and ' Mrs. Thornton were married in St. , i Stevens Episcopal Chifrch, Vf London, ' England, . on June 14th. , Mrs.' Thornton . waa the former, Miss Jennifer -Fowler, daughter of Mrs. M, Fowler, and the late Mr. Fowler 'of Londcn, England. Mrs. T. H. Latham greeted th guests at the front door. Mrs. J. E. Fai son Introduced them to the rece iving line. The line was composed of Mrs. W. E. Thornton, ths hon- oree, Mrs. W. E. Tiiornton, Jr., Mrs. -' Robert. L,' Blanchard of Greens boro and Mrs. H. T. Lewis. fMrs. N. K. Oates presided over Thornton and Mr. and Mrs. Kal mar were Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Watts and Rev. and, Mrs. H. T. Lewis, V, F. Williams was host at larg. In the dining room Mrs. C. P. .Kal mar and Mrs. J, E. Faison served tea, sandwl?bes, cake, nuts and mints. They were assisted by Mis ses Berta Stroud and Sybil Mc Cullen. Around fifty gu.sts called between 4-5:30 o'clock. ' , Sesame Club Met Wed. ' The Sesame Club met Wedn Sr day In the. , Community Building. Mrs. W, C. Kalmai) presided over the business meeting. Fall flowrrs were used In the Assembly and dining rooms. Hostess for the Oct ober me. ting were Mesdames, T. H. Latham, T(l C. Crow, J. I. Tho mpson, J. R. Crowe and W. L Thompson The speaker for the a fternoon wis Dr. F. D. Cochdran of N. C. State College in Raleigh. Dr. Cocuran spoke on "P ru". He used colored slides of South Amer lea to illustrate7 his lecture. He was Introduced by Mrs. W. W. Mr. and Mrs. Rob :rt Blackmore and daughter Marina' and Jane at tended the State Fair hi Raleigh last Saturday, . .v Mrs. Paul Potter shopped in Goldsboro last Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Merrltt and daughters of Goldsboro Spent the w: ekend with M(. Merritt'a parents Mr. and MrsR. D. Merrltt. - V 7 Duane . and Jeannle Millard re turned home Friday following ton silectomles at Kenansville at Dup lin General Hospital Mr. and Mrs.lBenton at South Mills. Mr. and Mrs. O. J,' Best spent last week at th.ir beach cottage at Wrightsville. - Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Boney visi ted their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cook in Fayetteville recently.. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Humphrey rip nt last weekend with their dau ghter and Sort in law, Mr. and Mrs. David Wright at Connon. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Williams vis ited their son and family, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Wllmeuth and dau-i Mrs. L. O Williams. Jr. In G ree ni ght. r o Richmond are spending I bor last Sunday, .his week with Mrs. Wilmouth'sl Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Brttt and sister, Mrs. Allen Porter and fam-J children spent last weekend with ily. Mrs Brltt's parents,' Mr. and Mrs. J Mr. and Mrs. J- f. Ramsey of B. X. Miller in High Point and vis- the register. Mrs. O. L. Taylor of Reld of .ne vf rogram departm-nt, Ptl.lgh invited the guests into . The hostesses served a sweet cou the dining room. Mrs. H. G. Best rse during the social hour. '' Teachey spent Sunday with the Allen Porter an the H. C. Aliens. Miss Judy Standi of Guildford College spent last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. A Stancll. . V Charles Powell or Presbyterian College spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. W. A. Powell. - Mrs. John Frederick sp:nt the week' end with her sister and her daughter, Mrs. Jack Kornegay and attended the Horn rooming at Casey's Shapel In Goldsboro last Sunday. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baars and da ughter, Mary Susan spent Thursay in Raleigh 'where they visited their daughter, Carole at Peace College and friends, Mr. and Mrs. R- A. Martin. Mrs. R. E. Wall has returned lted oth r points of Interest In the western part of North Carolina Mrs. J. F. Cottle and baby dau ghter have returned home from the hospital. Annqurici 1959 X '.'.' ' . vW: ii. : ..II,, I I llll. III. r everything you see... everything , you touch is NEW! See de 1959 De Soto and you'll feel an urge to ease behind the wheel and drive it This car glows with newness in its beauty and in theurprising ease of its riding and handling. Touch a push-button, feel a nughty Turbo-', Swivel Seats. See; these' distinctive flash V-8 engine respond instantly, rjiiew cars at your De Soto dealers. Feel the steadiness of De Soto's new Level-Cruise Ride smooth, pillow soft, and safer on any road. And for the hrst time swing easily in and out of the car on De Soto's new Sports Jhe smart way to go places. . DE SOTO "ON DISPLAV. tomorrow r l SERVICE ; MOTOR COMPANY ' MAIN STREET KENANSVILLE ' . ' DBAiB LICENSE NO. 37988 -, - : Methodist Men's Club Met The Warsaw MethofJiat Men's Club met on Wednesday night at the Fireside Room of the caurch for their, regular monthly supper meeting. Prior to a delicious turkey sup per Fred Walston, president ive sided ovtr a srort business ses sion. ', , Immediately following supper the rroop adjourned in order to attend the Union Services at the Presbytirian Church. 24 members were present. 'i Mrs. Bostic ilostess Mrs. Reaford Bostic Was hostess to members of the Penny Branch. Hom Demonstration Club which met last Wednesday "afternoon at the club house. i ' During the business meeting pre sied over by Mrs. E. C. Wray, president, members voted to spon sor a Christmas demonstration on decqratSona and afirangemeats V! u i a Mrs. Earl Huie, home agent gave the demonstration on "The Family Room and It's Ne d" Mrs. Hule showed most effective slides of family rooms which, were planted to fit the needs of a particular fam lly. Mrs. Hui stated, before the size of the room Is determined, the way the room is to be used should be taken Into consideration. Ways In which the family room is most popularly used la for In formal dining, hobbies, study sew Ing, television, must; and most lm-VJ porta rtt, a gathering place fotf family members and their friends, The hostess served caramel cake and coffee at the ' conclusion of the demonstration to the nine members present. l lib "r" - - - - i . o v- n . "0 'mm e, FRsTS!Pilf7W I . I I 1 1 f CaO: ' - i a I iLil aaar iT-ninli r Mum eW ...In 1 t"-aia with TRUE FREEZER AUTOMATIC DEFROST ONLY m9S . it A WEEK GIANT 101-lB. FREEZER COMPLETE DAIRY-STOR IN DOOR ' 4-WAY ALUMINUM SHELVES PORCELAIN VEGETABLE CRISPERS FULLY AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING 9 t m t i a - - , A WEEK " Automatic Washers ONLY HOTPOINT GIVES YOU THE I f e ' that rlnse-ln newness automatically I INI TWO-CYCLE FLEXIBILITY AUTOMATIC WATER TEMPERATURES ALL PORCELAIN, INSI0E ANp OUT nnn 4 W. M. S. Study The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church met Monday evening in the Fellowship Room V'sited Daughter U . .Mrs. W, J. Middleton, Sr,; has recently returned home after vls iting her daughter and family; Mr. and Mrs. John F, Moore In Char loite, While there. Mrs. Middle; ton attended the Billy Graham Evangelist!; Crusade. i f z tisrrf ' a sirs r it j : a " '1 a ii 1 3 J .ALL' ; NS Ai won r" - - 'vgl JL, V, n nn n WE WANT WE NEED USED APPLIANCES OUt BIG TRADE ALLOWANCE WILL PROVE IT YOU PAY ONLY $265 PER WEEK Mrawir J. F. (Jimmy) Strickland THE FARMER'S FRIEND Warsaaw, N. C. Mrs. F. J. Strickland h ' 1 l . ' - - ? v i . . 1 --VIII ' ; : - i : U I . Concrete AT water 5-2393,.; li-Mr&s FOLLOWTHE CROWDS TO ( AMERICA'S LARGEST TOBACCO MARKET. MONDAY'S , SALE 0CT03ER 20, 2,16593 POUNDS. - MONEY PAID, $1,389,522.27 AVERAGE $6117 FOR THE ENTIRE 4ALEr . lb C!:tk Sabs - Drivel In By Lunch time Selm turn 1 0;fLS2f JilSiirae Day, ALL GS U C:'".:'D - PRiCES IJIS STEADY

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