- V.','" Two Ssclipns , , ... p I . 12 Pcgesi ., , hi Tliis Yieelt St Utlvc Sk 'jr a. . VCLUJIE XXVI ; No. 3 fCENANSVjttE, KOKTil CAROLINA; THURSDAY JANUARY. 22, 1959. PwnwrnfMi "" " PRICE TEN CENT? ! .:;r.ces Given y A.i Superior Court! ; ; LvIn Progress r ; Iheodor' Chamber! Grady, .18 ; varold white youth. "ha been i tentenced to from three to SveJ .4 year In the State Prison or car r nal knowledge ot " four-jrear;dld . -. 'i'ri v J Grady wajventeneed' ta Duplin i Superior Court now, being 'held l " rnmiii. -with ' Judze C L - Moore, presiding.' Walter BrKt 1 is soUcttor. J t tvnh. cas Albert Daniel i Dail was given sentence ot threo to flve'yersou n manslaughtei i - charge, in the death. of.Jtacey Hill I He was placed on three years prt- i.i a nnAratlntf1 an . I. . imLIUU'IV fJIMRV VT a A.lif . 1 1 - 1 It li..lt.J .nrl 1? possession ,fA tax , Jald whiskey -was nol prosed."'. " .f ' Tjrniiorrt ".ni, Smith : was Kiven v-if n (ua' - - i i Lr total setrtenae'of U . mionths on the roads"Blter being" -found guilty of ' 1"iasslng ' five worthless A checks f niiTiicfv wibn - ' fhe- sentence- aT 'fltys five worthless -Check, counts and 7 'A six months foriarcoyto.un coji' i .v.r.. nf fnrserv Involued an ;'' Old '.age assistance check three,, '.''.years ago... , ?i The case against Norwood I;ewis i- charging him " j .nntribiitina to a mm 'or's delinquency has been ,cotto' Heads TlfJlSS SPORTS By Joe Cosiin WARSAW'S C0$1PQSR, DREW ORICE m . , A- - ' . . . ,1...; .jnsn.ul t. that time. On s ! B-jplin G6urtly;' I Crir,!sd Childreit: I i The Dupija County Chapter oi f 'the-N. C. Society lor Crpfed i . abulia headed OT ' Tl &adiv of WaUe. . , plans lor it' part in , t)e 1958 C wtit that the group ; t . 4 vtni4 fh local ser- vices now; being rendered by the r chVter. Ant informal vey disdosea many . w cally handicapped persons who ' need the type of assistance made ' available by the State society and n . local affiliates. ' . - Th. nimlin County campaign ill " underway : on " . reburary 27, the same date as elsewnere n'l!:rri$OI rr'St3te eoilcgejqi : Be Here Friday Mr. John Harris.' In-Charge of Y4 - Xr ctoto Pnllese - . Horticulture ,ii uu. ,,3. ' O will be in-the Agriculture BuiM - at 10.00-Mto,,tes4n Home ' Beautification Leaden tor 'the J demonstration VTake Care ef ; -Each H,om pemoftj faida fce ' .,, ler for Hftma BeaUWicaUofl is -j uTged'to'1 kttertdi 4 '. i iVMniWi'haii another beV Of which to be very proud, ge is none other : man urew 1 a. son of Mr. and Mrs. Orman Griee' of i Warsaw. In the "past few yeasB Warsaw nasvpr"u-" some outstanding football tlayp ..Ma4oaLvtAsnfZ' inniHrsriuiu wvmt ctny wummi . -Aini luntith in ceneral. -Jjut i. a nnrntMBPr' Of now iney. hy vw..,- ,-r popular swg, , loay; ana ; w-u v; - -.-7 a it. --J u ntx nn sbaIa Mafdart feWMstawrt words for:his- song d la arranged the meioay. tvon-, he has oniy - www rTTZ,.. about five years-.with; Mrs, ..mi.!.. r Warsaw. muHdHaS become 'f-Sort of ThoWyMth n .j h -tisi nimt 4nany happy hours at the piano and to small bands "gotten up" byvtee boys to Warsaw. After .Iw composed ms, wo tnem a T. J. . . . . I 1UH T M U I- m GUUW rmi ne y "u- - - . . . get his song published, which he did.'. . . ta-tni. in James . Ke nan High School HeJs aa standing scnoiar ana;" ving -always takeiarftl'e part jn school acttvescH.:i-r-,F r :j-vi-sfitJf Class. year he is noi P""" " LsTiTi to music, but wants to become a i nasi rwi.ii i aujwww in college tor.e clne-year and is now uym u. r--- head Schola'rshiPyJi.-V ' The Gricfc fami.- t0 . vi..v 17- arsi affh ana Warsaw uWk -- unA Bill and one sister .Linda who Oh Saturday of last week Drew - i n thi Washington was uiviwi v" - . . ii. thn Teen Television '.a Canteen program and h record WtXO (lUUlblVHWU. MB P.I...J... lonnarv M he Will SD- pear on Dance-O-Bam at Mieeil- ' .nn TirU .Via rwonur JAMES KENAN DIVIDES ' CONFERENCE UAJm- nun B. F. GRADY The "Battle of the Undeieatea , was. the story: last, Friday night . . J T l Alt when tne unaeieaxeo a- girls of Coach. Larry Stewart's traveled to tne.nuge jvenanavmc Bill '.Helton's James- Kenan sex tet entertained. B(tn CiUDS weic tied in conference play and both Z. . - . It hadH outsTanaing, wcu uou . The James Kenap gins came ... 1 - nn M In I away with tne victory i-oo ...oka Aiitetnnin. Blr 1 1 1 LUC Mil C Ul L i IV vIK..v"B o" - t 9 1 nA Kut year, it 'was a naiu very cleao 4ipd jexciting game to watch. J .bate; you missed it Of Murs s Usual it was a team effort'iwth the outstanding offensive play of , Peggy Fussell, a ti... . TnvA nrnswell: Ann j-unsr 'cwi - and the outstanding play or,; I hnnM sav work of the 'Defen- mb 'Three,' Babara ,Taylor, Ky Pope, and Jewell Brown. toacn serve units piay very wen .hey--are-GaUed. n.odvI-don t want you to over iook me w the leasi. urasweu v.ai . the Grady game with i ppims, anrf Pope was close behind With 16. Of course Coach Stewarts charge played an' impressive? ga- . . ,i . a S.nt.4 ,eitA. for the hour. rime wn tne mree up uum f I ring 'in ! double figures as usual Ttottv Waters accounted for 15 Dot TJornor with 12. and pUiilvS, l ...... . Jean Howard ending the scoring In the boys game, it was a! uiiiereu. a five tok a fairly easy victory 50-38. The Grady Panthers are leading the conference witn rra nklin Stafford, leading the way. Stafford Was high, score for the evening With 17 points. A note ... i ii a it Jim Wmra of interest au oi ine uu scored at! least Cve Pomts. JAMES HJ!.rA ijxbjub TWO FRpM BURGA1V t Timiiio. tiiffht. the Undea- UOBI J- Lt;av.Biji .-.D " feated Jataes Kenan Basketball ;-i, snnnii thp once-beaten Burgaw sextet 72-63 on the home court beiore a very smau uuwu of about fifty home fans Bur law had at least that many a. the game. . Coach Bill Helton and James Kenan nign neetv y""1 support at these games Our girls have played outstanding basketball,, and I really think we at loact attend some of the tuum , games and show we are behind them. Yes, we do have a winner and we still stay nome .... -. just not fair to .our school. And don't thinic I'm, over-iouR.uiS . boys because they really .play fnr .tames Ke- U1CU ilea w - nan .... they licked BuVgaw last. night Ina very exciung 0a" 51-31. m ,v (eonmwea en iwoh. 't,a fmm left to right - Jack Patterson, Albertson; Ervin Lanier, Limestone; Miss Yvonne Sandlin, Chinquapin; Office Secretary, Fay win Shaw, vice-presiden'.! LeRoy Simmons, president; Taft Herring Glisson sNbw Farm Bureau bfficers and township Chairmen named Monday night. Several township chairmen were not available when the picture was made. LeRoy Simmons Re-elected President Farm Bureau-Bond Speaks At Meet " 1 . b ii.. 'Mfti4 tnharrn nn the Crisis Red Cross Meet The Semi-annual meeting of the American Red Cross, Duplin Coun ty Chapter, will be held on Fri day night, January 30 at 7:30 P. M. The meeting will be held in the Red Cross office. On Vacation Dr. and Mrs. John F. Powers are vacationing in Florida this week. Dr. Powers is county neaun wi ficer of Duplin County. Craft Leaders Sphool A Craft Leader School will be held pn Monday, January 26, at 10:00 A. M. in the Agriculture Buildi.ng. in Kenansvil'.e. Liltle "quickies" will be taught so that the Craft Leaders can teach them in club mtetings, Bible School, etc. An attractive day has been planned. Thompsoti Banks Jn , oienaitounorarmers iUiid'O.S wifrkwi diictsd the beat farni program dur mr tne teMiii . 'tarmerWVW atten 4SPi?t W' h -Tiw. r.m riwut Con Jerense.' aW sponsored by Tar, Bel bankers' speaker ,at 'ne wiU ,be Brvin L;Peterson, Aasis- tant Secretary 01 AgawuvaK north ??r " vr ago learned "aia: "at Atti!8 iocfe juA ooB treasu7 Beii" w - tjt te-tct,;fr jnoret thanjid To, uoi s hatilUra "won sratipnal award "every xeJSbeatt off isW . iU.Ji L-a. mi- u.Ksn AMtL AtL tant w onomy ' Each yeat ne ; noryi; Bankers T- Association conduct 'f t. AmeffcanTof tehire Club To Hold T; fMisW. In Kinslon Jan 26-27 .. .... ' MorM .'mn con- Z. ; . ...Jf NVivRhlre' Club. xne American -- Incwmholdtheir.JortoWre Tvp'e Conference at the. Lenoir Klnston son 1 . . ti-i il959. This building 1? located about tWA iles " south of . Kinsron i attend ?th . con- lereflce. . - V "13 , f tiroKram tor rqj juuub . ,.-. .... ,t .the conference. . " - . I nd 1QEO Monday, January - . I.M. I m utiiciax - ncl. .r-Anfarince. : 9:00 a. in. Lit- - v.,! u ti. mnith Consigners are foming frort- sixteen tatesHj" . .7 . . Oim' Belt ciuaing ijhjsii v.- " . . i States,' All people. , interested in r; Cavensiigh Duplin ft firm' nroaram Which has won fOT the State's - backers natlcmal ctaim. The success m e-r i,. Aii a commit i inn hankers, one in each Of these State's counties, who are apr pointed tuniy - aiAM. .w. . The Key Banker for Duplin Cou- 1 w j rkimniti Senior Vice- Pjresldanch Banking & Aiut. v4iwVV . (?. il.,L llffitllMl 111. : This wees, w; -nouneectthai banks in this county wlflend.aV Uast .two young far-, riierf RititBh In" February, for i iMAMifV iniav m ine ui velopmenU aijm technology. All farmers will expense? Hie vu . be tialcV'.by'the .local banks. The younav'1"3"!!" . the;XSchooki4f.Agrfcultural of IorlhOiinavState, CoUfige.beg- iniUhiPlebruary JTand ending Feb- .ruarViAi'.''V-, ' Al M nf nhnut 1(0 Wu7awners is expected ior the I v...i palled ".the An- nuat 'skort Course in Modem Far- 1?npVc0urse flt farriifog Is Just onebf the many agricultural, pro- VL. ' .1? .i.-Lwtd aniia1Ur 1V TilMl- b ri nf W fJbrth CarbUnft Bankers AssoclaUon: , The Association. t as a resulf'of its proau niu.-,.- . iu. niljnr for1 its Won . W i. Mw ihU ac'Jviues ior w s' '-r ," award, tf presentea.annueuy wr the 'State Association which coi young farmers has been compieteo, snore' than i,w young "b ii.. farm.r. - wUi have attended the classes ovr sevenorear pK iod, all 'unoer tne ;apmwui ...v. the State. Records show that about of the young farmers, after attending ine wu-, . . ly ,v.aii mlnrls and de nave viiiuft14 - cided to seek further agricultural education. Prior to auenaing cUsses, all of the 25 had not planned to go to colege. Mrs. Stevens In Who's Who Of American Mrs. Hesnry L. Stevens, Jr. (Mildred Beasley) of Warsaw has Jiinttnn nf , heincf -one of the 328 Tar Heels included in the first f "Whn's Who nf aici";bu euiiiuii " " , tWomen"' which has just oeen yuu- lished. . . . The massive Vblume. containing 20 000 names is published by Mar- quis Who's Who and-;is subtitled " a biographical dictionary of no- ..ii-'. ii..is Amertna - Women.' uiuiev uvia , . . . Mrs. Steven's;' biographical sketcti is to be found'oB page 1226 of this volume. .. i'. .PHZii ' Jaycee Week w tnn nnSTiN Publicity Cnalrman lWh District It's a way of me xnai means u-m.. tnAair suit tomorrow for ucivci wwy - Individjial communities and trie i i..i Uai' n sitfrviiih the woriaAi. )iu r . iha Xa vp(a9 in one sen- KUIUf ..... - . tence. it would e to make the WUUUUiuv " . a much better place to. live. This ' . .. .1 ,m In MUfill goal tnat au wayceeu njr w with their highly successful prb leets usually centers on youth, health and safety. Today, as Jay cee ifrepare lor tne oDservauwc Of Jaycee Week, January 18-25, . , anil lnnnl the organizauon nas o,n chapters in the 49 states and Dis trict oi coiumma. in auumuu the 200,000 Jaycees in this coun try, there 100,000 more in 90 countries carrying out the same ideals for a better world. Where do you find Jaycees? The answer is everywhere. The .Hni.nTinn inr iinM mk uhbl 11 ji- Uiiuiv ' " f mbers Vice President Nixon, Se van anators. over 100 represen- t.th.u-ti MMamtr more than "..ves, - . . nn fnifM otlicers Ul iM oiuisu " ' , rank, and counUess state and ' ... mr: 1 Fnmnr local eledtea oiciu. f""'" members in North Carolina inc lude Congressman uasn ju. w mi ner and Editor and Pulitzer prize winner JHorace Carter. (Governor Hodges is' 'a Ufetime honorary jnember Bob Cox of Chapel Hill i TTnUforoitv of North Ca- i! nntViill star is the No. 1 i Uinta Jaycee. in the united oiaies. .u TT:fri states Junior Cham- 111C Ullim v , i rmmip Convention m Los Angeles last year North Car- . ,i . i . j.lairnTmn vj Hnnn n anmH Man Of the Year by the Progressive Farmer, and also assistant manager of the Stabilisation Corporation was the ."5t speaker at the. annual Bureau .meeting held m. the Ken ansvlUe . audltoriifrii ffi .Monday nigit or imsiw.,' r v : t well informed tn 4he subject of to -1.- 1'. ... .jrwini i 4nfpT- DaCCO ' HHJfc iu a T " ' ested group of about 150 farmers . He stated that He wanwu io frank about the hopes for the com- i- hn that tnines ate gci- lii jva'i mv t ho reallv serious with re- l tv- nrire nrneram be;ause BUCCL W"3 f "w ' " .... . . b.. l.U. ST. i of the proaucuon oiw T. . u ..ml, th. iaruicn iihvc avciiijiuwfiu i.ii- .... ... . . . . . . , rod xuts in tonacco: are ne,w producing thf same a- i' mount of tobacco on the cut ac reage. This situation has ncocieu the market with an inferior quails Bond reviewed the toDacco p'"- (eonunuea oa one- Need Pine Seedlings ? The North Carolina Division of Forestry Nurseries still have 38, 000,000 lob Lolly pine seedlings a vailable for planting this year. Farmers w,io would like to plant pine tres this winter should get them planted in January or Feb ruary. Order blanks for ordering the seedlings are available in th'i County Agricultural Agents Office in Kenansville, N. C. The trees cost $4.25 p;r thousand delivered or $3.75 per thousand at the nursery. 1959 Motor Vehicle License Plates On Sale In Wallace, Deadline Feb. 15 Motor vehicle licenses for 1959 Wednesday and Saturday Hours i , a, n , ,v, Sran- on Wednesday are' from 9:00 A. are on sale m Wallace at the bran-j ch. offl:e of the Carolina Motor frQm 9.00 a m .. 12:Co Club located in the Western Auto J -o:i a c noon. AccMo'o Store on Railroad St, Ipurs are from 9:00 A. M., un til 0O, P. M. week days, except on Are You Interested In Building A Farm - - . J. . . '5, a ail Home? Attend Meet Jan. ZAgn. mag .... . . . i 1 nacfinn anH Answer a mpotlne of build farm homes will be held in the Ag ulture Building in Kenansville on Tues day, January 27, 1959. The mor ning program wm oegin ai .... .11 I1.UI . w a.m. ana last- unin ii.ov The following subjects will be discussed: DUnnincr anri nlan Selection, t. I Hpatina- and Insulation, House Storage, Water ana sewage ma Methodist Church Beulaville Has Organizational Day January 11 The Beulaville Methodist Chu rch had -its organizational ser vice on Sunday, January 11, m.no a tjf Rpv. Horace ia at an. t-" . " , Quigley, Pastor ' of. the Church, : ina of the service. The was in wit.&- - - . ,i,0r umis Rev. Thomas ClIfKL aucan.i " Colline of Raleigh, North Caro posal, Question and Answer pe nod. The afternoon session will run from '1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. m. fnllnumO Ollhiert.S will be X U!G IVUV ..q " J discussed in the afternoon Rathrnnms. Buildine materials, Types of Construction, Residen tial Wiring, r ha nousins iiu', Question and Answer period. r 1 I rUo. Ml.B Km imp I nil 111,11. ui vim rge of Housing and House Fur nishings, and Mr. W. C. Warrick, Agriculture Engineering Speciia- list, irom aiaie uuege, wuj cuss all of the subjects except Water and Sewage Disposal, whi ch will be discussed by Joe Cos tin, Duplin County Sanitarian 1 T? IT A T j-ionc whicn Will OH I a 1 11.1 . .u. , .discussed by B. A. Parker, Dup lin County r HA supervisor, mi interested people are invited to attend. The Wallace branch office is sued over 11,000 license plates i" 1958, which was an lncrease o'ap-' "' proximately 10 per cent over 1957. Services offered In connection With th? Walla:e branch office are: complete notary service; tra nsfer of titles; inspection of out-of-state automobiles; and issuance .,. 1 . M UnmA-morip fT Q i 1 P 1U 'tj. IlUill 1-1 " 1 111 uu-" " 1 ' i'Ucense sales started January 2, IE and the aeaanne is reoruary Robert L. Butler is manager ot the Western Auto Associate Store. Hariss Rivenbark is assistint man ager and also is in charge of the Carolina Motor Club branch office at the store. All persons who plan to Pur chase their licenses at the Wal lace branch oice are urged to familiarize themselves with the following pertinent information concerning 1959 licenses: (A) Re newal Cards. (B) Insurance requir ements to. renew license. (C) 1959 Renewal Card Re quired to Renew License. E) Driver Education Fee. (F) Declaration of the N. C. Coun ty which the Vehicle is Subject to city and county personal property Tax. Boh Holliuasworth Named One Of - w - mt am J A PA Five Outstanding TexansUtl TO . . n- Tn,-no n .Tnnnnrv Whway numbelW ThU confet- rtmcatoin ,Show, 9:45 nce U expected.to b. M Barrow Show. 10:30... L, XCavenaugh, of Cavenaugh's Chevrolet In Wallace,-was- elect- ,a , -t Dunlin County HCUCUIi Ul Ml" '. ; nobile ' Dealers j Association Tur-Jay night at a meeting at Ser i p Motor Co.. to Kenansville. :k- nr;pm sipptpd were: I-1ICI-, vhilvi- , E. Kelly vice-president : Sfervlcr T' r Ce., K-nansvUle: u. " ' nrd secretary-tresurer, Bla i i 1 ' ",.c Co.,'-Wallace. ' , t , f Directors is com' a, 'In. ' narrow Type Conference. na -us r'r'. j...M.v 17 00 Noon. lunch. teSIS VI !iaao " I 1:00 a. m. Type Judging Contest Continued.S.00 m. Show of SaU Boars, 4:00 J. m. Pork Barbeque,, c - ' . Tuesday, January. 27. a.' m. JudgW ol Pen of 3 .GUte V.:m;judgmgofFS 40-.0Q a. m. ,it w. iA.vn aa m JUIUUUUVW lerenc?,. : ,-., . m. .llKIVlIlaf WVUiivai-' of : Wlnneis Vi.,f,;.t Results 11:00 a. , m. I. im a ,nd Carcass Information. UJ0 a. is no Noon. Sale of in.-J-uuvii. - j Breeding Stock),, 4. . Your Du:::n County, Board Of Health f t . Small Liquor : Siill Destroyed A small liquor still was destroy j ...j... ii,t in Smith Town' . M-k I-""T and -k uoa Vio larepst delegation , .. :, vth thTexception of. California, J"lnTZrlZe .hmiymi tho- me 11131. uirowv... - North Uaroaipa,..aiso -- . church was held with largest fluarterly board .meetmg for J District Supe. in tne coumry. ,intpnHpnt oresiding. The 101 In addition to local . -projects lected: Wtt we under take .;-Christmasro- uue' wmiam Ray Hu je Cistoasight L and jto. "L'rS Prv'and Temple Hill, Stewards: r. phtu. uLa ja. t , 1 . Konn winiaiii many other Individual, projects, wkuey; Trustee: Temple There hre , nation-wide programs Ray .ny,Iy reader and that-Wventjeople- ttj fhurch y niellt: from teen-agexs wuu. - wi1Kom s.v Humohxey, . ... HlT,1 f 'of. IV! IS. T UUt"" Javcee proiecis in w.u. r- . M TT,roid Brown, olina-include a prisoner .rehapin- P" B Commis7 ffl.SS S m Education: 'Mrs. C L. for an ;eye mum., --- rhairman: Mrs. Koianci &d?Mttie Bray it Jti.'iSS ton, Miss Jean Humphrey. Tem- the driver training elation pro- pie - - embershiD eram, and sponsoring the Nation commwo - . a i Mnm- W It n ITS I HIIU. J fcai&w- largesVDeauiy !&'""--- M Sil Whaley, Mrs. iarry "Oneration Brotherhood" pro- Mrs b nn Missiolls. Brown. kod.uuu reiuaeea. uuu.-i .1 0u.... rnram inim on ie dical supplies, food & other ne- j Finance; M. H. Mc cessities of life were and are still up a a ure bemg provided.. The nattonal Wh?.' elusion Ste- juMaar mfllltnH' aJ UI11U1 : wa 1 - Si. Junior Golf. National Safe J ward. ,.. din. Javcees : Driving Teenage 1 Road-1 j Te ste to e-o. Outstanding -Young Farmer "-r visitors and" ,iJfllH.lVB . . . I )t t Uf-& True Security. pw nufctandinir Young Texans pf 1958 Announced A North Carolinian was among the five outstanding young Tex ans of 1958 r Hollinffsworth. 33, of San Antonio, Texas formerly a na- - -ii. HT U Cnvn- tive of Kenensvuie, nuun v-ai-linfl, an eastern N. C. Town. His i tdfr. nnH Mrs. R E paiciiba ...i. Hollingsworth still reside there. . . 7an Included in tne uvc vQo Cliburn, 24, of Kilgore, Texas, 0 ponrert Dianist. me live uui- standing young Texans were ho-! sion nored at a eanquei. m "'m 1 Texas on January 10, 1959. Hol- linasworth was accompanied by his sister. Mrs. "iee nemu, Schoolteacher, from Greenville, N. C. The principal speaker for the Banquet was Dr. M. E. Sad ler, president of TCU in Fort Worth, Texas, formerly of Wil son, North Carolina r:i ,. nnstannin? contribu tions to the General Welfare of ho .ommiinitv. state, anu I tinn a well as for excellent ac hievement in their chosen profes- or business, ine live uui Continued On Jfcck Reading from left, to . right are; ism '.-., rT . . k, BhooPjL member; Lauren R. Sharpe, J. i jonnson. 11111".. - . 1 member; Dr.' C. F, Hawe.,' membef; B1U Sheffield, ember; (- ' ,'and . ' fyke..,;;.--:"" ';t..',-- - ... K-i(i,-'5 annual r .rf nlor guished -Service Award, Jaycee Lonununiijr av ; v.. . - -. . 1 iv Uotinnnl f Jav- cee vAiix vcMiiv - - o - -i 4ft;r,Qv IavpI Jaycees OH kiSC .M.WWMB "" - -r - - sponsor more youth athletic te- ams man -any uw "5""t te the world. We. of the Warsaw jumur vmimmi- , j -nnn iprtm . vou ana your'-. because we believe, "that OR 0O3tSCORE J'''. '"V - ttAT .ir.Tnw . 'The Mntof Vehicles Department's summary of 'traffls a. in - . Tut 10 men. 1 ." . J-" -I-1 -iV.: i 4 - - . v fe; : 5( -J' ! '"'V'V.vr-i " ' ; . 1 u.'.i BOB HO1XJNGSW0U1H 39 i i

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