TEX ZVTUX TDIES KENANSVILLE, N. C. TV7DAY i...l::.X 1 Personals: Miss' Yvonne Patterson -6t Ra leigh spent Nthe week end with he parents, Mr.- and Mrs. A. J.. ' . Patterson. ,; ,s i... -.';..;.;..;,, ''. Mr and Mrs Bobby Ingrani of. Saleiffh iment Snnrtnv with iilr. - and Mrs.; A. J. , Patterson, and I Mrs. W M lngrant trj,:-- , '-, Mr. and Mrs. L' J.GravesJfson of Richland -visited Mrs Nor " Mrs. Andrew Scott Visited Mr, -, i' Scott at the Veterans ' hospital , .in - Fayetteville Sunday.1 y Mrs. H. L. Stevens of Warsaw -visited ; her mother "Mrs.'-,.L.' - A Beasley and Mrs Herbert Smith .' Friday afternoon -'''. j v s "' Mrs. Lila Shaffer; and Sherral Rouse of Burgaw spent Sunday with ' Mr: Nora Shaffer. .. Mr-'J'R.'Gradv and JMarearet .-id Mrs W. M Ingram shopped In Goldsboro Saturday ' Mr. 'and Mrs,, Frank Booth and children of Charlotte visited Mr. i - j ' ir Tir;i xA..w afternoon. , . Mr.'Carl Penney , of State Col- lege: is spending spring holidays George Penny. . . ' ' -'. ? Mr. 1 and . Mrs. Arnold TJbbson afi fnmllv a Wilmlntftnn nnt Tne ween tuiu wiui jxir. unu iiua. P. J Ilohson ::; : ii- . Mr. Steve Williamson of 'Campbell- colleee sDent the week end , with his mother, Mrs. p. S. Wil ; ' liamson. , : . K. Mr Emory Sadler of State -Col- lege is spending the spring holi-.1- days; with; his mother, Mrs. Mat- tie sartlpr. . . Mr anil Mrs,. Gene Hall Of ... tose-mu ancvMr. ana xvirs. jsck 'C Williams and son of Wilmington spent Sunday with Mrs. Parker Quirfn. .-. Miss Barbara Mitichell of E. Ct College , Greenville spent the " i j 1 II f Louise Mitchell.; ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Ellis vestal and Mr. and Mrs W. M Brinson made , a business . trip to Chapel Hill 'Monday. ;Mrs. Theo Helms has returned home after a visit with her bro ther, Mr. Alois Hollingsworth in San Antonio,: Texas. iMrs., J. I Tucker and Mrs. I, N Bowden shopped in Mt Olive Saturday afternoon j-Cammander. and Mrs. - A. W. Payne and far'y arrived hero last Wednesday from California ' -fn irieiMr' and Mrs ' R.. E. Hnl- lingsworth. Comdr Payne will be stationed, tn Washington, D U j jvirs. rayne ana cuuuren wui ie- . main here with Mr. and Mrs. Hol linMWnrth Until late snrins. K ,, Commander A. W Payne is ; visiting nis parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Mr and Mrs C, C. Hester and PAIICA M 1TIFATBE GUIDE WALLACE. NT h v . Get . More Oat Of Life :"'Go Oat To A'Mevle " ' Thursday; Friday .t y :r : 4MHa:inted Strangler" Stalling Barla fCarloff Also. ' 4- "Friend Without a Face" l Starring ..Marshall .Thompson " 1 Cartoon , ' -Saturday'.. " -. s s J ' . "Savage" . ' . Starring Chrlaton H-ston . ' Abq ': ' x ,;"Fnde Waclmiailer" ',-.;-. Etarrlng Richard Arlear t e ,' Plui Se lal and CarWxm Sonday i Monday Tuesday ,: C01UM8M HCMW I J a sm wcta nuoucnos k WILLIAM HOLD EN t ALEC GUINNESS JACK HAWKINS TCCHMCOLOWS) OMIMttCON n- Cartoon Wednesday;, , ' ' -.; .'. ' on the Loose" i Starring Mara Corday - : x:You Are Invited To Attend The . Formal Opening of . WARNER ' nALL . ' Tlzz.zt & Gilt bliop- v -; f y V - . r.Iain Street ; - . . ' V -' Y.allace, N. C.x . TAZzj Janrry 33 A - .Titrccn The'IIcurs Of i I 10:C0 A. M. and:C3 P. !l f ,. 3. Deer rrircs.'ti.'-" f"i T '"'" risrt & family spent Sunday .irith Mr and Mrs B. B. Hester and Mr. and Mrs. M. L Hester in Bladen- bon-'; ." --"' k - Mr and Mrs. Russell Stuart of Lillington visited Patrolman and Mrs. G. R. Stuart Sunday.' Mrs. Vera Bostie 6f .Beulaville visited Mr R. E. Hollingsworth Sunday aftera6n. ." v ' - ' ' Mr.1 and i .-Mrs Cy Teitelbaum spent the week end in New York.; Miss Sykes Ws' Bridge Hostess -? ': Miss Mary , Lee Sykes enter tained' the Tpwn'' and ? Country Bridge 'Club last Tuesday even ing at her home. : .Mrs. Eloise Ryder was a. visi tor tot' the games. ! ' ': ' : During " progressions, toasted nuts and Coca Colas were served. Mrs. E. C. Tyndall was high score winner,' 1 Mrs, Ryder was presented a gift. Mrs. E. J. Simp son, wh6 it moving to New Bern was presented . with 1 a going-a-way gift .-j ..;: -'-t. During the social hour, the nos tesa served salad plate and cof fee to Mesdames C. C. Hester, Wiley Booth, J. J. Wells, E C Tyndall,. G R. Stuart, Bill Spi cer,. Eloise Ryder and E. J. Simp son. Church Service Held Last Tuesday evening, the youth group of Sandy Plain Bap tist Church and their pastor, Dr. J. J. Brooks held church services for the residents of,'the Whaley Boarding home. Taking a part in the services were Eugene bum- ner, Dorothy Thigpen, Annie Kennedy,' Ralph. Sumner, Pres ton Smith, Ralph Edwards. Ralph Smith, Lawrence Smith, Violette Sumner and Rudene Kenedy Miss Williams Was Bridge Club Hostess Miss Margaret Williams enter- tained her bridge dub, in the oi Bars. Martha Sitterson last Wednesday night. Seasonal Flowers were used 'in decorations where guests assem bled for play. During progressions the hostess seryed Coca Colas and salted nuts and at the conclusion of play I ice cream pie. and . coffee was served, High score trophy was won by Mrs. Bill Helton. Consolation prize was given Mrs. Mattie Sad- r. Mrs.. J K. uraoy, wno was a visitor was remembered with a - j Others playing were Mesdames Woodrow: Brinson, Marina on- 'terson, w. razeiie,.vy. j. o- isu -j Kenan Community 4-H Chib Organized Monday night twenty - three youths and adults met at the home of Mrs. Mary Kennedy, to discuss the orgarijiaition at a Community i-H club. Mrs. Lois Britt Assistant Home Agent met -with '.the group , and discussed the purpose of a club and the part .it would play in the-conununjtyThe group voted tor brganizend elided,, Tommy Hulbert president and Judy Whitman, vice president Mrs. Mary Kennedy and Mr. River? Winstead were namedas Adult leaders. Other officers will br elected in the near future. The group decided tor1 meet- or Monday night after third. Sunday Of each month' at ;-:7:30, ; in the home of Mrsv .Mary Kennedy.. Men Oi Grove . Hold Supper Meet The -men of Grove Presbyter ianlChurch held their regulai supper meeting, Monday night, in the Sunday School building. Host for- the supper were Mr. and Mrs I. N. Bowden and Mrs Cy .Teitelbaum. : - Following the supper ashort business session was held.:' . "Mr; S. M. Davis of Mt Olive was a. guest to the meeting. ' , Girl. Scouts Holds v Tnvesture 'Service - An Impressive ceremony , wan here Irt the local : schpol last Wednesday .fternon when Troop occasion was" an : Investure Se1- "'tr.f" vice for two little irl whe tave fonventioir held in Newt Bern recently passed off their Tender- arT?-'V' 'igm" fAt ,Tt. fflrla invested Mr. nd, Mrs. Ivey Miller of were Margaret Grady daughter of Mr Ruth P. Grady and the late Cordially: i Gift Shop ,i':,tr I'.-.; Cur t.;r.-3W m : j: Bob Grady and, Phvlli Fields, dauuhter. of Mr. and- Mrs. Ivy Fields, Their pins were present, ed to Vhem by the Troop lea. der, Mrs. N. R. Boney assisted by Mrs. ' Woodrow , Brinson. Phyllis was presented ' by Polly Brinson aftef Which Frances Stroud pre sented Margaret Both girls were happy to have their' respective mothers present.' After a short playlet 'and several games re freshments were 'enjoyed.- ' South Kenansville ' H. D. Club Meeting Held ". - Mrs. N. B. Boney was hostess to the South Kenansville Home Demonstration Club whe it met with her last Friday after noon at two o'clock The club president, Mrs. Ralph Rarwick presided over the business ses sion. All Hail the Power of Jesus Name was used at the opening song. This was followed by the Devotional conducted by the hos tess who stressed the "Power of Prayer." She based her remarks on a book on the 1959 H. D. list entitled "'Letting God Help You" by Dr. John A. Redhead pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Greensboro. Thirteen members answered the roll and there were two visi tors present making a total of 16. After the minutes had been read by the secretary a report was given by the Treasurer and the penny parade was held. The president announced se veral important meetings to be held from January 26th. thru the 29th. as follows; Crafts Scho ol Monday the 29th. School on Housing Tuesday 27th. and Co unty Council Meeting on Thurs day 29th. -Members are urged to attend. ' Mrs. Jean Huie of Warsaw dis tributed the New Year Books and gave her talk on how to have "Good Club Meetings." A social hour followed. Early Morning H. D. Club Met, Mrs. Quinn The 'Morning Club met with Mrs. R. G. Quinn, January 20, 1959 at 2:00 p.m. The president opened the meting and Mrs Riv ers Winstead gave the Devotional Using the 44th Psalm, with all Club members giving the pledge to the U. S. Flag and repeating in unison the Home Demonstra tion Club members Creed, clos ing with all members - praying together the v100th' Psalm. After a short business session Mrs. Kornegay Home agent, gave an interesting Demonstration on "How to have Good Club meet ings". Many suggestions '. and ideas were given which will1 proye very helpful in planning good club meetings for the year. The meeting closed with the club collect. The hostess served delicious pecan pie and chocolate pie with coffee to the 12 members pre sent. Mrs. Robert L. Summerlin and children of Dublin visited rela tives in this area Friday. Judy Faye and Winnie Thigpen of Griffon spent the weekend - with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Summerlin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thigpen viaited the Summerlin's on Sunday , . Visiting Mr. and. Mrs. John I. Amon, Sr.' last Tuesday were Mrs Roscoe Pierce of Wallace, Mrs. Herbert Lanier, Mrs. J. D. Sloan and daughter Kay of Chin quapin and Mrs. Wayne Faulk of Bear Marsh Mr, and Mrs. Colon Holland of Kenansville visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bell Sunday. The Rev and Mrs. Leonard B. Woodall of Princeton were guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. T. A. Jernigan. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Summer lin and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Winstead and sons of Mt Olive visited Mrs; Fred Alphin, Sr. and family, Sunday. i Cyrus Rhodes returned home Friday after being a patient in I D"Ua General hospital Kenans- "ear Marsh visited Mr. and Mrs. -Colon Garner Suray, vering from injuriae sustained ; from a fall at (- bmr home last week. l::-. ,'-yy-l 1 Mr, and Mrs. Johnny Watson and children who have been re siding In Fountain have moved to. this community. Mrs. Watson is the daughter of- Mr. and Mrs. Fo. Goodman. v-. -? ;J:'':r? "I " - Mrs E. J. Summerlin and Mrs T A. Jernigan attendad a crafts workship for Home Demonstra i on Club leaders hld In Kenansville- Monday. -'i ,oV;' ;.v"';,-- -' ilrs. Martha Outlaw, Mr. and Mrs. -Thurman Davis end sans -pf Mt Olive were diner 'gwwts Su nday of Mr. and , Mrs. aMdie; Go odman, . S;.; .'' -, - Visitors 'of Mr eatd Mrs Cy rus Rhodes during the weekend were ' Lonwood Rhodee, Jlr And Mrs. William "P. Rhodes and chi ldren, of Kalefgh,, Caggie Rho c5 s and Tom Hurst of Jackson- lira. Garland Wallace and I J , y T,'a"aee of Albertson. ' i I S. Carl Ivy-Val i ' -i.-l rs. 'a C$7 " -V J- FRIGID WEATHER and hot soup for ice skaters are a natural hook-up,- and here an enterprising pair of youngsters has put the idea to ready use. Equipped with a canister of hot tomato soup which one f their mothers provided from the kitchen shelf, the pair enjoys brisk business at a skating pond in Cos ' , Cob,, Conn. Mercury stood at 18 when picture was . taken. Customers agreed the price was right, and that hot soup was a welcome '-'energy booster" for Snap-the-whip and figure 8's. Mr and Mrs D F Chambers of Kenansville, Monday. Mrs. Leslie Bell and daughter visited Mrs. Johnny Price of Se ven Springs, Sunday. Mr. anil Mrs. David John Kil patrick and children of Rose Hill, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Cham bers of Kenansville visited Mr. and Mrs T A Jernigan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brown and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Ma son Brown of Rose Hill Monday. Wendell Alphin and Fred Al phin, Jr., of Chapel Hill and Miss Linda Alphin are spending several days with their mother, Mrs. Fred AlphiQ, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman Riven bark of Rose Hill, Miss Bettie Rae Quinn of Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Quinn and baby of Kinston Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quinn and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Quinn Sunday. Hal Woodall of Princeton and Walter H;i!on, Jr., visited Ja mes Bell ,n Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eritt of Bear Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ivey, Jr, and children, Mr. and Mrs Foy Ivey r:u sc;ns were din ner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. H. C. Lewis. 5 FRANK REAVES Frank Reaves, 73 died Sa.urday night after a brief illness at the home of his, brother Norman Re aves jn Mt. Olive. funeral serviies were conducted at , the home of Norman Reaves Monday afternoon at 1:30. Inter ment followed in the Family Ceme tery near Mt. Olive. He is survived by four brothers A. R., Jesse H. and Norman Reaves all of Mt . Olive and Daniel M. . , , , 5!!Vef, t ,? Mrs. Alvie Andrews of Mt Olive, Mrs. O. C. Bowden of Cleawrater, Fla. and Mrs. Alice Conn of Swan quarter Several neices and ne phews. RAYMOND BELL Raymond Bell Sr, 78 of Burgaw died at his home Thursday. He was a retired employe of the Standard Oil Company.'- ; Funeral services were conducted f;om the Burgaw Methodist Church, of which he was a, lifelong member, Saturday at 3 'p. m. Burial was in" the Burgaw Cemetery. The Rev. C. F. Grill officia'ed. Mr. Bell is survived by his widow, the former Janie Mc- Lendon; one daughter, Mrs. Lila Maebell Teachey of Rose HUT: two sons, Raymond Jr. of Burgaw, Angus el Wilmington: nine grand children: four brothers, C. F. Bell of Garner. L. M., W. C and C H. Bell, all of Currle - RTJFTJS PAUL. BE OWN Rufus Paul Brown, 71 of the Charity ' Community died Satur day night in Duplin General Hos: pital after a brief illness. ; Funeral services were condu cted at the Island Creek Bap tist Church Monday afternoon at J:30 O'clock by Rev. David John son, pastor. Interment followed in the Brown Family Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, the former Ruth Dean Wiggins, two daughters Mrs. Ruby Sanderson of Baltimore, Mr Mrs. Thelma Newkirk of Watha, Two , sons Eugenes Brown' of Jacksonville and Charles Brown of Rose HilL Twelve grandchildren; One Sis ter Mrs. Nancy J. Rouse of Rose HilL ;" ' 1 vv ' . MKE C. LEWIS . : Mike Colon Lewis, 78 died Thursday at him home in Fai sui. aurviving are his wife, Mrs. Blanche McGowan Lewis; . two daughters, Blanche Lewis of' the home," Mrs. Ralph Dail of Mt Olive; four sons, Norman of Wil son, Sam -of Burgaw, Perry of Portsmouth, Va., William of Car bonSale; EU four sisters, Mrs. pete- Eavis of Mt OUve, Mrs. R C; Bell of Spencer,'; Mrs iJohn Cooks of Mocksville, Mrs. Emma Vandevort of SahU Anna,. CaL; and 11 grandchildren. ': f ; " Funeral services were held Sa iuxday set & pn, Jn; the Falson Presbyterian Church, , of which he was a member, by the Rev, Herbert T. Lewis, assisted by the Rev. William McCullen. Burial was in the Taisaa cemetery.; r s. rrmr i " i. ,T- "T Ki" r . I l : Tf ANT -: ' t, 13 died It It l s 4i Mr and Mrs. Bobby Foss and daughters of Myrtle Beach visi ted Mrs Major Holmes Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cashwell and daughter of Mt. Olive and Miss Eva Vause were guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. John I. Amon. HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUB Mrs Eddie Goodman was hos tess to the Summerlin's Home Demonstration Club at her home last Thursday afternoon. Onward Ever Onward was us ed as the opening song. Mrs. E. J. Summerlin was in charge of the devotional. Mrs Lois T. Britt, assistant Home Economics agent ,gave the demonstration on "Better uiub Meetings. Year books for 1959 were distributed to members and the importance of the clubs being represented at each of the county meetings was stressed. The collect was pra yed to close the program. Mrs. Carl Ivcy led the group in 'irr?' ljinng the recreation pe- riod. The hastess, als'cd -.y. Ma- rtha Kay Gou-! ran, served cho- folate cake, coffee and toasted nuts. orijl HcjpitJ af;er several weeks illnesj. Funeral services were held at the Warsaw Freewill Holiness Church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 by Rev. Ruben Jones. Inter- ment was in the Clinton Ceme ntery at Clinton. She is survived by one daug hter Mrs. E. J. Precise, of Clin ton. Seven grandchildren, ele ven great grandchildren. MRS. JULIA A. SWINSON Mrs. Julia Ann Swinson, 83, of Beulaville widow of Ricnard R. Swinson, died Monday of last week at her home in the Foun tain Store Community. Funeral aci vices vvcic iittu x UC9UOJ a b the Springfield Holiness Church bv the Rev. W. R. Kennedy and the Rev.. George Turner, Inter ment was in the family ceme tery near the home. She is sur vived by three daughters, two sons, 15 grandchildren. MRS. N. L. FOY Mrs. Elizabeth Southerland Foy. wife of N. L. Foy, died sud denly at her home Thursday. Funeral services were held at the First Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m. Saturday by the Rev. John R. MacKinnon. Burial fol lowed in Oakdale Cemetery. She is survived by her husband; one daughter, Mrs. William B. Tay lor of Wilmington; two grand children; and one brother, Wil liam J. Southerland of Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mts. Fov was a member of the First Presbyter ian Church, where she served as president - of the women of the church. She was regent of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution and was a mem ber of the board of - the Ameri can Red Cross. She was also a past president of New Hanover County unit of the American Cancer Society. In 1956 she was selected woman of theh year of New Hanover County. She was native of Kenansville and a sister of the late Lawrence Southerland. NEAL PICKETT Funeral services for Neal Pick ett,, SO, of Beulaville were held Wednesday at 3 p. m., from Bethel Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Beed Erwin, Bursal was in a family cemetery. - Mr. Pickett dl d at his home Tuesday. Surviving are his wife; two children, Robert Pickett ana Mrs. Joe! Williams of Beulaville; his mother; Mrs. Henry Pickett; two brothers,'; Henry Dunn and Quince; three sisters, Mrs. Walt er Nethrrcutt all of Beulaville, Mrs.' Albert Mobley of Chinquapin Mrs. Earl Lanier of Rose Hill three grandchUdrenN;' ,.:.:'V.V- MRS. MOLLIS B. WHEELER .., Mrs. Mollie; R. Wheeler,; i2, wife of Preston F. Wheeler, Bfcd Thursday at her home -In : Wal lace. Funeral services were Jbfeld at Pin Hook Baptist Mission Ch urch Saturday at ? p.m. by; the RevL David Johnson, assiste-by the Rev. Charles S McChesney. Burial "was - In the church," ceme tery. In addition to her husband, sh it survived bv five daugh ters, Mrs. Essie Wayman of .the home, Mrs. Louise Moore ana Mrs. Franc's Karreil of Harfells, Mrs. Pomp cy Coombs end Mrs. LEGAL NOTICES .. . MOTICS OF SUMMONS J , B PUBLICATION ' -. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY RUBY HOWARD VS. ELWODD LEE HOWARD The Defendant, Elwood Lee Howard will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, by the Plaintiff above named against the d.fendant for an absol ute divorce on the grounds of two years separation, which the defen dant is inte:ested and which cause.'; of ac:lon is set forth in the Com plaint filed in Ihis cause and that the defendant is a necessary party to this action, and that the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at tho office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County in Ken ansville. liorth Carolina, on the 19 day of March, 1959 and answer or demur to the Complaint filed in this action which has been dub filed in said office, or the Plaintifi will apply for the relief demanded in this Complaint. This the 28 day of Jan', 1959. R. V. Wells Clerk of Superior Court. GRADY MERCER ATTORNEY AT LAW KENANSVILLE, N. C. 2-19-4T, G. M. NOTICE OF LEASE NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY Notice is hereby given that the undei signed, acting as Receiver under authority of an order of the Superior Court of Duplin County in Charles Smith et al vs. Graham Dixon et al, will offer for lease for the year 1959 to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina at 12:00 noon, Wednesday, the 9th day of February, 1959 the following j described Ia:m in Kcnansvill j . Township, Duplin County, N. C. Known as the Claybourn Miller farm and located about 4 miles northeast of Kenansville, about Vfe mil off N. C. Highway No. 11, containing 21 acres of cleared land and TOBACCO ALLOTMENT of 2.61 acres, ! This the 1959. William E 26th day of January, Craft ! Receiver i 2-5-2T. W. E. C. Dallns Jones of Rose Hill; four sons, Major E. of Honolulu, T. H. and Leonard P. of Kinston, Bobby D. of the U S. Coast Gu ard of Elizabeth City; 24 grand cnilaren; one brother, Leamon Riverbark of Wallace, three sis ters, Mrs. W. J. Wheeler of Wil son, Mrs. Henry Futrell of Wil lard and Mrs. A W West of Goldsboro. We suggest that you go through your home and see hov" many rooms could be improved with NEW LINOLEUM. The patterns are suitable ... the prices low. ARMSTRONG - QUAKER GOLD SEAL - CONGOLIUM ( SCRUBLESS ) VINYL SANDRAN FREE INSTALLATION The NEW DESIGNS are here . . . suitable for every purpose. The NEW COLORS fit into any decorative ideas you have in mind. The NEW TEXTURES give your floors a look of smartness. The WEARING QUALI TIES are exceptional, and the prices modest JEIIIIETTE FURNITURE CO. ; Quality Furniture Since 1917 i KENANSVILLE MT. OLIVE ADMLVlSTilATOii'S NOX1CK ' , r - '':'; 1 I Having qualified as administra- ) tor of the. estate of. Ada E. Wa- ten, deceased, late of Duplin Co- unty. North Carolna this , a to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersi gned at his residence, on or before the 9th., day of January, 1960, from the date of the first publication of such notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 9th day of January, 1959. John W. Waters, Administrator, of the estate of Ada E. Waters, Deceased. 3-5-6T H T F NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY Having qualified adm!n;stra tor of the estate of Aiton Outlaw, ' deceased, late of Duplin County i North Carolina, tu i s is to no ifj all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned a' Box 474, Kinston, North Caiolina on or b fore January 26, 1959, oi this notice will be pleaded in bat of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said esta e will please make immediate payment. This the 23rd. day of January, y959. ALVIN OUTLAW, Administrator of the (state Alton Outlaw, deceased. 3-5-6T. A. O. ol Herring Store News) By: Mrs. Edd Kornegay Mr. and Mrs. Lar y Harper and children were Goldsbo:o viii ors on Saturday. ; Mr. and Mr.. V..v.m Pric(. of nepr Mt. CV.ve and Mr. Thu man ' Sherman an 1 ch.ld.:i (,f G iids bfr. " i-r F (,;,.. .t.ti,:s if Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Dail. iviiiiiiu Gooding of Trenton and Mrs V o, Euuenia Reav s of Comf irt I v.su-.l Ms. and M s. Herbert Kor- I neg y Sv.nd i.". Mrs. Art'ur mith and Paula , Crosland were visi ors of Yr. and . Mrs. C. W. Holmes Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Murphy and daughter Emma Lee of Pink Hill ipt:it Saturi-y w'.'h t:ieir da I lighter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dail. Mr. and Mrs. William Earl Twi dall of Wa saw, also Mrs. Opal Sutton of Kinston visi ed their mother, Mrs. Nora Outlaw on -iun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kornegay were supper gu sts of their son. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kornegay at Seven Springs on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rouse and children of KinSion were Satuiday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stanford of Lumberton also were mM WSJ J visitors during the week;nd. ' Mr. and Mrs, Walter Powell vis , Jted their son family,. Mr. and Mrs. Can Powell .of KeaaasvlUe on Sunday. - . Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kornegay , were Sunday guests of her mother Mrs. T. M. Merritt at Mt. Olive. Mr. and Mrs Dehnas Dail off Seven Springs visited his parents, Mr and Mrs.' A. T. Dail on Sunday. ; M r. and Mrs.. Allen Dail spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. , Marvin Price near Mt Olive. Mrs. Tf ; Herring -visited Mrs. Bert Smith and Mrs. J. C. Smith . end family near Pmk Hill on Sun- C.-.y. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kornegay and Dcnisg Ann were visitors in Mt. Olive Saturday. M s. Herman Bishop, Mrs. W. F. Andrews and baby, also Mrs. Prentice Brock were visitors in Goidsboio on Monday. Mi's. Harry Stroud and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Rouse and family and Fied Ouilaw Sun day. Selby Kornegay and ohildrt(n, Kathy and Dock, spent the week md wit.i his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zjliie Kornegay. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Kornegay were visitors in Kinston on Sat urday. Mrs. Zollie Kornegay visited M:s. Jonas Dail near Scotts Store on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Mrdecai Blizzard of Topsail Beach visited the D. D. Herrings and other relatives here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G orge Kelly and I. mla of near Alum Springs and Mrs. Maude Kelly of Mt. Olive sited Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Her ring ana irls r naay nigiil. Taft Herring attended the Farm Bureau convents. m in Rale.gh on Tuesdsiv. Action may not always bring happiness: but there is no hap piness without action. Benjamin Disraeli YOU 6ET All YOU EKPECT ANO MORE IN SERVICE AND DEPENDABILITY IN THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT OF CLINIC DRUG CO. MT. OLIVE, N. C. lPe LOCAL THADElii '. li You CAN Bvdgit Ycmr Payments , A