TKZ DUPLIN TIMES, KENANSYUXE, N. C. THURSDAY JANUARY Z), U n5'' ".'v.v"l'i , Miss Farrior Brinson of Raleigh spent several, days, of her Tacation : with her parent. .. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brinson aba left on Friday -to visit" her brother, '; Horace, in . ' New Port New lor a lew days. ' " Mrs. Dehnar Houston vtsl'ed hW 4 r sister, Mrs. Sadie Davis In Klnatoa ' y Thursday. V .V-.-? XV- v';.;-u' Mrs. Grace .Clari . and Alda 'V Sharp made a . buslnea trip to Coldsborq . Thursday.,,, -gy. . Mlsa Mary' Alice Whaley, Mar--v-.'far,t Gritfln, Carry Hints Weston. 'v Coy Turner and Callie v Whaley lit' wn at Sneads Ferry. Sunday for eafood., : P:-yZTft z-r c,;-y?y .-; .Mis Caroline Sumner . is now 7 snaking her home" with Mrs. Jose- phln ; Kennedy Jn Beulaville. . ; i-'r": Miss Pat Sumner,, daughter .'.of . Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Sumnir Js a ..- . patient at a Kington Hospital Pat YA-has been 111 for tne post lew week. i. 1 1 : wen and at home soon." ; '; i -Mrs. : Yorltr lnier and - Letha , i- Raup were in1 Klnston Tuesday on I T milnesa,., :-V- .3 -4,-.., , IT' Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Simmons f of iTayettevllle visited Mrs. Ned .. ''' Houston Thursday. whie In town Vr I r'l--. .. , .i :.? -.. 1 I ' the Investment- '-.'.t-Wi B Here's it real ouh IrwvwnA mvvltuwt Drum on '-'.?'. i ' avwuiaj wihi jvur (uxumiuaiea tunas $100.00 6r more. Add to It fa multiple ot $100.00 Receive earnings Mutual Savings and Jj:.' R GwSonSt. .' 4 'MaaiaaaaaaaaaaBaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBMM - x . Ve Have In GC1D :103 u CL13 ' Come By The Implement Department And Look. Over The Many Good Buys On Our Lot Get Tour Tractor In Time To Begin Your Early Spring Work. J " Vt ;j.4t,; If Yea Need ' Work Done On your Tractor, Bring It To Us For ' ! - Osi Skilled " Mechanics Do Only The Work ' Necessary Holding Your Expenses At Rock Eottom. i' ' ; ? Don't Wait Unta Your Farm Work Begins Be fore Having The Necessary Work Done. C ckicoa 1 I.v; I cr.-IerJ Cj &-4ZZI he visited his cousin Mrs, David Bradham. ..y..i.,i ;;. .-. "j..:yVy. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Houston visit ed Mrs. ' Houston's mother.: Mrs. Margie- Gravers, : also Mrs. -, Lmrie Leary of Castle Hayne. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sandlln visi ted Mrs.. Margie Groves and Mrs. Lurie Leary of Castle Hayne Sun day.' j-:.-: "'.i'-f. ''. K ' . Mrs. E. C. Brinkley and Eston of Mrs. Brown TIi8rldsy;4(--;'-. -Mra. Grover Bolln Srv is visiting her son,vDr. and Mrs. Grever Bo-'.' lln, Jr. in SmltbfleUl this week. I Mr." and Mrs. Charlie CosUm of ; Hooka rt on visited the Jack Jatroan family Sunday. '':'4'iKi' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas, J. G. , and Sue -Of Jlarlington, -South Carolina .1 spent .the, . weekend at 'their home herc r: . j ' Rev.! Norman Aycock of Cedar : Fork Baptist Church delivered the message Sunday night at the JJeu Uvjlle Baptist Church. Rev. Jerry DeBell is teaching the Study of Mark at Cedar Fork Church this week.1"-:;; S y-.. .. Mrsisrry CotOe' and Mr'. Nor man Sandlln ' Jr. spent the week end in Chapet Hill visiting Mrs. Account way ! twice a. year by check. Loan Association vKinston,N.C -C3IYS- Co lion Division J . J.-' j . .SU Lasier Nonnaii Sandlin Jra patient "at N. ,cu MemortW Hospital tl T.IHU AimU UdVnn.k In. Wilmington days. Hospltal lor .a Jew. Mr, and Mrs. Bllll.' Bottle and ' aon ol Chapel Hffl t the d hero rteiting ,..!:iri-m, 'Tl"Ma:s. W. honored Bill TlOf 7 Vr r a,rZme Pn Mrs. Grover Grady, Mrs. j 1 ?-P!0f-": 5 iL.-'r,M,Ule 1 Jarmsn and Mi. Adeline Kenned,- wo.m w-, i'wlth a Llnnerle shower Friday' ' Mr., and Mrs. James L. Gore of , "". Warsaw visited Mr, and Mrs. Her. '; man Knre KiifUU " , ' . : Mr. ni.inn ramrnhell Jean and James- Emery snorpeo: to wowa- boro Tuesday. - v , Mr. Mattie Kennedy ana Mrs. Harry Miller shopped In Klnston Friday;1" ' .:' : ' Vita. Hallls Guy and Miss Lou Guy were Klnston shoppers Fri day.' - ' Mrs. Allen V. Kennedy, neien an4 fieraldln- ahnimerf In Klnston ! TWul. ' I Mr. Jerry Cottle made a business trip to Pink Hill and Klnston Fri day. .. ,t ' Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rhodes ana Mrs. Frank Rhodes shopped In Klnston Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Kf chen and children of Virginia Beach, Va. visited Mrs. Lula Q. Parker Wed nesday ana Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Cottle and Mr. Leland Cottle of Raleigh vis ited friends and relatives here this week end. Miss Carmell Eubanks of Golds boro spent the w.ek end with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Will Eu banks. Mrs. Jay Brown, Jeffery and Ra chel visited Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. Bessie Boyd in Pamlico Cou nty over the week end, Mrs. Boyd returned home with them for a Iew day visit. Mrs. J. D. Cottle mads a busin ess trip to Klnston Monday. Miss Ann Brown made a bus iness trip to Raleigh Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Campbell enjoyed an oyster roast at Sneads Ferry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brinson Were in Klnston Friday and visi ted Mr. David Fountain's Jather who i hospitalized there. Miss Lou Jackson, Mrs. Russell Lanier, Mrs. Clyde Brinson and Mrs. Archl Lanier were in Ra leigh Saturday and visited Mrs. Romane Hodge, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Lanier Mrs. C. G. Sandlln and Mrs. R. E. Quinn. V ' Mr. and Mrs Glenn Lanier and Mr and Mrs. Elwood Batts were at the Southernalre In Sneads Fer ry Sunday evening for teafood. Mr. and Mrs. York Lanier and Mr. and Mr. Russell Lanier visi ted the Elwood Kennedy tn Jack sonville Sunay afternoon and went to Emerald Isle. Master Charlie Lanier spent Fri day night with Harry Phillips, Jr. In - Warsaw. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lanier and Mr. and Mrs. York Lanier enjoyed a seafood dinner at the Souther nalre Res'.urant Sunday night. Church Meeting At Warsaw - '.Sunday, February, an Assocla tlonal Sunday School meeting will be held at the Warsfew Baptist Church at 3:00 P. M Rev. Jerry . Personals Among visitors of Mrs. Jonas Dail on Friday were Mrs. Wiley Dail. Bethel section: Mrs. Wil lie Best Garner's Chapel: and Mrs. Cecil Kornegay of the Her ring Store area. : Visiting in the Edd Kornegay home Sunday were the Currie Smith family of Smith's Chapel and W. H. Smithy family of In dian Springs. .. Misses Bettle Lou and Nellie Waters spent the weekend in Mt Olive - with their sister and ' fa mily the Adolph Kornegays. . Mr. and Mrs. William Dail of Pembroke spent the weekend with MrsV Delia DalL V ' Mrs. Gordon. Southerland " of Klnston, Mrs." S. . R. Chestnutt n LuC'JVJdUOUaJ Every Thursday J ' We Will Have Feeder Pigs WAYNE STOCK YARD and PATE FARM EQUIPMENT - We Sell Tractors and Equipment v New And Used At All Times .". t i 2 Miles South Highway 117 Mt. Olive Highway t Phone RE 4-4234 . "... v. 77 n ' Owned And Operated By . ' , - 7 1 Guy Pate, Hugh Pate, Marshall Cox - v , ; . . Richard "DiclC Smith, . - If You Have Farm Machinery To SeK, Bringit : To C r Sale - sj Li S Li W,y Cjr 8-42864; DeBeU is Assoclatlonal Sunday aak0oi " Superintendent tets t-" tend and niurap mir Pastor in this g:eat wtSfk.x2''. f sn cWwr Pnr -T u.-u.ft u .t" T3.ini rtl I. , r L ' I " J "J- ' V I ' '""e . "u",- were served was laid with white table cloth, graced with two mina tur brides. Mrs. Bill Tbirpen led thi group with several In eresting games. The hostesses served deli cious refrehments consisting of P", ke. PicWeS and nuts mo - 13 -ivea many lovely gifts. There were present. twenty five guests Lions Hold Meeting The Beulaville, Lions met Mon day night and made plans for a Ladles Night which will be held Monday, night, January26th at the Beulaville Lodge Hall. Supper was served to Ihe Lions and. their gue sts by the Ladies of the Methodist Church. Also at this meeting the date was set for the big basketball game between the Lions and the School Teachers. The big night is Monday, February 2 at the School Gym, you'll more about this next week. The meeting closed early as sev eral of the Lions arealso firemen and the alert sounded. Zebbie Lanier Honored Ot Dinner Mrs. Ervin Lanier entertained a number of friends and rela tives, honoring her son, Zebbie on his second birthday. A supper of barbecued pig and chicken and birthday cake was ; enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Dur wood Lanier, Jean and Mary Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bas- den and Mr. and Mrs. B. L Marcom of Kinston Zebbie received an assortment of useful gifts Mr. Whaley Was Dinner Honoree Mr. Kirby Whaley was honored on his birthday, Sunday, when ! his daughter and son-in-law en tertained the whole family with a delicious birthday dinner. Those attending were. Mr. and Mrs.. Kirby Whaley and Alta Kirbye, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Wha ley, Danny and Danita, Mr and Mrs Ervin Lanier and Zebbie and Mrs Irene R Thigpen Mr. Whaley received an as- I sortment of nice and useful gifts. n j rt to. i Card Ut lnanks I wish to thank all of my friends for their prayers, calls, flowers, cards, visits and other acts of kindness shown me during my re cent illness in James Walker Hos pital in Wilmington and for all of the kind deeds and thoughtfulln ss toward me since my return home, f . , .. Emily Baker of Woodland Church area, and MrsJ'onzq Davis and little dau ghter of. Bethel section-visited in the John W. Waters home Sa turday.; " ' Weekend visitors in the Jonas Dail home were Mrs. Zollie Kor ngay of Herring Store, Mr. and Mrs, Edd Grady, Mr. and , Mrs. Ivey Sullivan of the Bethel sec tion, Mrs. William Dail of Pem broke, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Powell of Warsaw Mr. and Mrs. John Kornegay of Seven Springs, Mrs Ben Sutton of Kenansville and Sam Waller of Snow Hill .vici nity. '-. '-!.:.-, Mrs. Sallie Wallace of Seven Springs and Mrs. Ray Miles of Norfolk "spent several days last week; with the Emmett Kelly. .On IP. Mr Promptly Exa Crm)l w w . v, vt, H Wi ' SaAaV-.i" ' J rersonals Mr ' rvnai4WaiioM i 'ibriu Betty Moore of Raleigh spent last "ef'PJ-l W u nuj. o. . tt- lace.- i ' were Mr. ana Mrs. leeiie Teac- MrH.aTyndall.whob'l&em!heyjJr- nA Mr and Mrs. Nor- u 1 i t;.i: .-jt--i 1 wood Teachev all of npar TLnsp Sr!? S."L 1 C 'Z.. ; I Mr, and MrCciif ton Quinn and dHdr ' I day in the home of Mr- and Mrs. Manly Kornegay. - M-" and Leonard Wal- ker newly weds, spent a short whHe .Sundav afterhoon in the. 1 . xr- i vr am Ul JU1 OllU . Arnold ,ir,i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy of New York City were recent visitors in th home of Mr. and Mrs. E M. Murphy. A group of young people from4 the Woodland Church attended. M Y F in Kenansville Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Macon Blanton and Mrs. James Blanton spent Sunday night in the home of Mrs. Winnie Herring. Mrs. Croady Blanton attended the funeral of Mr. Paul Brown near Rose Hill Monday after noon. Mrs. Paul Westbrook spent se veral days last week in Raleigh with her father, Mr. Luke Rich, who is ill. Little Rufus, Kim and Brent Butner of Morehead City on spe nding some time with their grand mother, Mrs. Winnie Herring,. Mrs Herring accompanied by the children and daughter Betty Kay Herring spent Saturday in Rocky Mount with Mr. and Mrs. Earl King and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Wood of Warsaw visited Mr and Mrs. Woodley Howard Sunday. Misses Christine Dail and Kay Benson of Washington, D. C. sp ent the weekend with relatives here. Guest in the borne of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Dail Sunday were Mrs. Dail's sister Mrs. Lloyd Yapps and family of Sneads Ferry Miss Patsy Dail visited Miss Sadie Grady in the rest home at Kenansville Sunday af ternoon. Recent callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Chestnutt were Mr and Mrs. Clayton Sum- merlin and children of Mt Olive, Mrs Jack Hooten of Grifton and Mr. and Mrs. Tipp Scott, Joe; and Mrs. Katie Dail went to Clinton Sunday to visit John Hill a patient at Sampson Memorial ' Hospital. I Mr. and Mrs. Bud Dtavis and children, Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Dail and Mr. and Mrs. Gurman Hall of Mt Olive and the Aus tin Pate family were Sunday din ner guests of the S R. Pates of the Bethel, section. Mr. and Mrs.' Luther Wilkins and Arch and Mr. and Mrs. Ra uph Kelly of Mt Olive visited in Petersburg, Va., during the weekend with the Leamon Wil kins family. Weekend visitors of Mrs. Tiny Blizzard were her daughter and family the John L. Brinson's of Winston - Salem. Mrs. Katie Dail and Mrs. Vel- ma Scott visited with Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Parker Thursday in the Bethel area. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Summerlin spent the weekend at Washing ton with the J. E. Stanleys. I Visiting in the Jim Davis home Sunday were Mrs. Bill Hargra ves and children of Mt. Olive. The Donnell Kornegay family were dinner guests of the Jim Byrd's Sunday near ' Pleasant View. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Britt of Gra ntham were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Singleton Sun day. ' Mr and Mrs. William Turner and children of Mt Olive and Mrs. Odie Register of Kinston visited the Edd Carters Sunday. Mr. and ' Mrs. Jim Britt of Grantham were visiting the Geo rg Waters family Sunday. Rev. Walter Sutton and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Hill after worship services at Long Ridge Church. Mr. and Mrs Elbert Carter vi sited the Edward Hudson's at Goldsboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Summerlin and Mr and Mrs Hubert Sum- erlin of .. Kenansville . spent the weekend with Mr Floyd Summ erlin. ? Miss Rubylene Waters of- Cam pbell College and Miss Josephine Waters' of East. Carolina uoi lege'were'Jiome for the week end with their .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waters. - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grady, Mrs Elva Hill and Herman and Wal ter Howard- ' to Elizabeth City Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. RandolDh Grady. Mr. and Mrs. Curne Dan 01 Warsaw visited the Jonas Dail's Thursday ot last week. Ease PAINS OF HEADACHE, NEURAL- CIA, NEURITIS wit STANBACK TABLETS Of POWDERS. STANBACK combines several medically pwwen P leheven . . . Th added effectiveness i Of thest MULTIPLE ingrtdients brings 'faster, mors-complete relief, casing anxiety and tension" ssmlly Kconv , . ptnyingpaia. gg STANBACK gamst any preparation you've ' ill iTITliWM her daughter Mrs. Louis Smith of Deep Run and Mrs. Ray Miles l9l,Jila- . . . Jmd MSJ? 'Mr and Mrs. Leslie Teachey I were Mr. Hill. Master SeL and Mrs. p.i Walker of Columbia S. C. spent end with Mrs Walker. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Westbrook and son Anthony visited Mrs Westbrook's parents Mr and Mrs. Council Caulev Sunday afternoon. o..j - a group of young people from the Charity Methodist Church at the home here Monday, night. W S of C S Meeting The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Woodland Methodist church met in the Church on Friday night Jan. 23rd for a regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Cecil Kornegay. the pre- 1 "Vtr 7. )(. Giiieffe BLUE ' BLADES IN HANDY D!SPNSJt To Invest Your Money Where You Will Receive Bigger Dividends. That Is Why It Is Beiler To Invest At COOPERATIVE SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION. Your Money Earns 3!4 On Savings. Money Invested By The 10th Earns Dividends From The 1st. AT (Qpoperat i ve Savings & Lean A ssociation i'Vhere Thousertds Are Saving Millions" 205 E. M:in St. Wallace, II, C. ews sident, presided. Mrs. Kornegay also gave the devotional in the absence of Mrs. Remus Outlaw the devotional leader. The lesson subject, "Rekindling the Gift," was presented by Mrs. M. B. Kornegay the program leader. In the business transaction it was decided to purchase a bul The top - new 59 FORDS are bringing in the cream of the trade-ins I See your FORD f USED CAR VALUC 1 r a. 1 1 SEE YOUR LOCAL letin. board for each Sunday sch ool ropm of the church. Then were tl members present , Graduates J Mr. Elwood Walker, ton of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker was among the nearly two hundred stu dents graduating from State Col lege in exercises held in the Coliseum on Monday Jan. ttth. Mr. Walker received the B. S. degree ni Agricultural Education Mrs. Walker received "The Good Wife" diploma. selling Emty financing ennaA , to auH your budgrt FORD DEALER Manufactures License No. 12 IT'S GOOD BUSINESS PRACTICE