HCE OF ABMINISTEATION he undersigned,' having quali i as Administrator C. T. A. of -' estate of Major Strickland, da sd, and having qualified be e the Clerk of Superior, Court Duplin County, thia Is to notify i person who nave da una alnat said estat topresent their lms to the undersigned Admlnls tor C. T. A. on or before th th i of . tfecembeiv J59' (or . this jUM -will be pled In bar to their covery; all persons- who are In' btej to aald' estata will please ake immediate payment, to the .nderngned Administrator C T. A This th 30th day- tf .December, Jimmy . Strickland, Administrator, X T. A, of the estate of .Major Strickland, deceased, Magnolia, ..N- I. E, PhUlsps, Attorney . , Ccnansvillev H. C '.t)i : " votix or administbation The 'undersigned having qftali- fled as Executrix of the .Estate of Luther Outlaw.. deceased, and hav . lng qualified before' th Clerk' of , Superior Court of Duplin County, this it to notify all Prons who i nave claims against' said estat to present their elalmi o the unfler- signed Executrix on or before the 29th ' dayof December 39, or thla noUce will be pled In bar to 1 i their recovery; all rrson who are indebted to said, estate will please .make imediate payment to th un dersigned Executrix. . , -, : This the th day of December 1938. : .. ..... (y:.;,, : , CUraT. Outlaw, Executrix of th stat of Luther Outlaw, deceased. Sv. n Springs, N. C, H. E, i Phillips, Attorney ; , JCenansvlUe, N. C ' , ; NOTICi OF SALS ( , Under and by virtu of th pow 1 r of sal contained in that certain 'f)i Deed of trust dated Jun , 19M. ' executed by Edro Fajrior and wife, Ulliam U Farrlor to Vane B. . i : ftanrln . TniftM . and raeaniM In ; th DupUo County A Itegiatnr in -Book wu. page xu, to wnicn irnc 1. hereby had; and default . . . i Jiavlng been mad In th payment ' request; having bn mad upon ., said Trustee ftr foreclosure of the , '.same according to lta terms; , Th undwaigasd Trustee will otter for" sale and wlU seU to in nixnest. ' muoer xor eaaa at . va V - Courthouse, door ia Kenansrllle, ' North Carolina, on Friday, Pb- v . MUMfJ M. ai IH WW OI X w w- lv O'clock Noon, all of th fellow . "ing described Jand: . 't AU that certain tract or parcel of land containing 2.0 acres more or, Jess whh is described In deed j am. A ttn Mitn oav tn uctoner. 1957 from: Early Boney and wife, 4 Co: a Boney to Edro Farrlor L and 'wife, Lillian L. Farrior,. being re s corued In the Public. Registry 'of iinn in -Ann ir in Mnnr n I n ot nnira ' 'A deposit of.en ptr cent (10) will be required of the highest I bidder a evidence of good: faith.) This :il be made, subject III V'-JJ V Let US Check Your Radiator And Service - It Wim A Good Grade Anti Freeze. Check ' Your $rakes, Battery and Tires. - v Everything For Your Car Needs , EVAiiS ESSO STATION V ; Davis G. Evans, Prop. , t-V'.-' (''.Warsaw, N.C :. . '' , Let Us Remodel r Install ton New BATHROOM . KITCHEN SINK , i ' and ' , WATER HEATER 110 DOYH PAYMENT V ' First Payment Days After Work Is Finished , ; - We handle entire details of Installing yew newf bath room. Only one bllll We help yon make airant-ements. . Heating and Air Conditioning also k , Available .Under Same Plan ! ' ' - 7; J ! ( i s f Ut all. prior encumbrance. " : ; Thla tb, 7th day of . January. 1939. - -.'-;V-i:v.-- ' , . VANCE B. GAVIN, TRUSTEE J-ia-4T V..B. G. 1 NOTICE OF , ADWMSTRATION' Uavlng qualified as administra trix of the estate of William Henry Brown, deseaaed, late - of Duplin County, N. Cw thla la to notify all persona having: claims against the estate of aald deceased to. exhibit them to th undersigned within one year from date of thia notice or earn will be (leaded, Jn baf of their recovery." All persona Indebt ed to aald estate pleas make im mediate payment,"'? y?rjf Thia the 30th. day of December, 1958., .,,, BERTIE BROWN. ADMNISTRA TRDC OF .WILLIAM HENRY BROWN ' ,v GRADY MERCER ATTORNEY AT LAW KENANSVJLLEN...C. , 3-12-T G. X. v IN THE : SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS H BT PUBLICATION NORTH CAHOLINA DUPUN COUNTY' , OEADY HXBCEB ' ' ' vs James F. Gilmes, Jr.. The defendant, ' James F. Grimes, Jr, will take notice thaU an action entitled as above has been com menced In th Superior Court of Duplin County, . Ndrth Carolina, byth Plaintiff above named against the D-fendant for a Judg ment for money owed the plain tiff by virtu of a not signed un der seel th 0th. day of October, 1M1. ; in which th defendant ia Inter rated and which causes of actloa Is set forth in th Complaint filed In this cause, and that the Defendant ia a necessary party to thia aotion; and that th said de fendant will further tak notice that he is required to appear at th Offla of the Clerk of Super-, lor Court of Duplin County In KenaosTille, North Carolina, on th as day of February, 1999, 'and nr in ini 1 n, in a . .i A. t.l IT, 7W.. .ih,s k.nn ."" action which hwbwn duly fllel In aald office, or Plaintiff wlU apply for th rU demanded in thia Complaint. , Thla the II day of December, 1958. B. V, ITella, Clerk of Superior Court . .1-3MT O. M. NOTICE OF AXaMtNISTBATION The 'undersigned, bating quali fied as Executor on the estate of Vance Sutton,, deceased, late of Duplin' County.' and having quali fied., before be Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County, this 1 to notify all persons who have claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned Executor on or before" the "8th 'day of January, 1960, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned Executor. -Thj the '30th day of December, W58.v, V?; f ! ' ' Ve Now Have plete Radiator Shop in the hack of our station. : We are also equipped to align & balance wheels. - 36 MONTHS fO PAY ! PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. tloant CMv JLi'SZ E. BELL, Lxtcutor of the Estate of Vance Sutton, deceased Route No. 3 Mount Olive, N. C 2-12-6T J. E. B: . XOIICI ,1, '. IN . THE 6UPERIOB COURT SERVICE BT PUBLICATION north Carolina v -dupun county 1 " , ' mrs. hattte h. smith (now mrs.. hattie smith ' pearce) administratbjx. of the estate of mrs." mamie mal lard hollingsworth 1 "s ; , -v ' vs : JAMES M. HOLLINGSWORTH JOHN D. ' HOLLINGSWORTH MRS. fJOHB' NESTER, .MRS HARRY WALKER, MRS. R.' U WARD, Jr., Mrs. JAMES BOTLER. M A'R V I N HOLLINGSWORTH, JO-ANN HOLLINGSWORTH and PAUL' B. EDMUNDSON. JR. GUARDIAN AD LITEM. k f The defendants, James M. .Hoi llngsworth, John D. Holllngsworth, Mrs. r John - Nester, Mi s. Harry Walker, Mrs. R. L.1 Ward. Jr.; Mrs. James-- Botler, Marvin Holllhgs ingsvsorth and Jo-Ann HoUings worth will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Duplin County, State of North Carolina, to sell certain land de scribed In the Petition and Situate In the town ot Falson, North Caro lina, to make assets for the pay ment of debts of Mrs. Mamie Mal- lrd Hollingsworrh, deceased; and the said defendants will further tak notice that each of them ia required to appear at th office of the Clerk of the Superior Court ox said County, In th Courthouse in Kenansville, North Carolina, witn. In 9 thirty days after the 6th day of February 1939 and answer or demur to the Petition In said ac tion or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in said Petition. 8,,'V; Wells- Clerk of Superior Court Duplin County. Thia the and. day of Jan. 1KB. 1-39-4T, T. A. W. NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT S. P. 3174 NORTH CAROLINA DUPUN COUNTT WILLIAM E. CRAFT. ADMIN ISTRATOR OJ THE ESTATE OF SALLIB ROBINSON WOOD COCK, deceased. VS ED ROBINSON; ROSSDS ROB INSON; JOHN ROBINSON; CARRIE ROBINSON: LAWRE NCE ROBINSON; MELBA Y. ROBINSON; LESLIE ROBIN SON; LOUISE ROBINSON; GE ORGE CARROLL; NETTIE CA RROLL AND JOHN DOE, the nam being fictitious, true names of all the defendants being un known to the petitioner, the person or persons intended be ing the unknow ana Known neirs of SALLIE ROBINSON WOOD COCK, deceased. ' The defendants, John -Robinson, Carrie Robinson, Lawrence Robinson, Melba Y. Robinson. Leslie Robinson, Louise Robin son, George Carroll, Nettie Car roll and John Doe, will take no tice that a special proceeding en titled as above has been commen ced in the Superior Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff as administrator of SALLIE ROBINSON WOOD COCK, deceased, to sell the real estate of the deceased, or so much thereof as may be neces sary for tne payment oi me debts of the deceased. And said defendants will fur ther take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the ' Superiox Court of Duplin County, in his office in tho courthouse In Ken ansville, North Carolina, and an swer or demur to the petition fi led in said proceeding, within ten days after the 6th day of February, 1959, or plaintiff will apply to the court for the re leif demanded in said petition This 6th day of January, 1959. R. V. Wells, ' Clerk Superior Court I - 29 - 4TW. E. C. NOTICE ' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ;': ' 8. P. 3175 NORTH CAROLINA ' DUPUN COUNTY. WILLIAM E. CRAFT, ADMIN ISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE - GASLEY SAVAGE, DECEASED. - ' , VS GEORGE 1 W. SAVAGE, ROY SAVAGE, GILBERT SAVAGE, THEODORE SAVAG1, f INND2 S. ANDERSON, CLARA S. BO YETTE, RHCKDA S. BROWN, MARGINA BROWN AND JOHN DOE, the name being fictitious, J f 1 t XHITE GUM . & C!APLE DLOCICS GAn:EPau:::;R company n 3 AT trife nauiej of all defendants be. lng unknown to the petitioner. the person or persons intended being the unknown (arid known heirs Of GEORGE GASLEY SA VAGE, deceased--,- ' ' ' i The defendants George W. Sa vage, Roy Savage,' Vinnie S. An derson,; Clara S. Boyette, Rboda S. Brown, .Maxgina Brown and John Doe, will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above haa . been -commenced in the : Superior Court of Duplin County, Korth Carolina, by the plaintiff as admlnUtrator ot GEORGE GASLEY, SAVAGE, deceased, to, sell , the real estate of the deceased, or so much thereof as .may be necessary for the payment of the debts of the deceased. , . v.; v. And said defendants will fur ther take notice that they are re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County, in his office in the courthouse in KenansviQe, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the petition filed in said proceeding, within ten days after the 6th day of February 1959, or plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand ed in said petition. This 6th day of January, 1959. R. V. WELLS, Clerk Superior Court 1 - 29 - 4T W. E. C. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale, contained In a certain deed of trust executed by . Charlie James Williams, and wife, LilUe Mae Williams, da- ted the, 18th day of September, 1934, and recorded in Book 486, Page 309, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin Co unty; and default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby 'secured and aald deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclo sure, th undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Kenansville, North Car., at 13:00 O'clock, noon on the eth'day of February, tfl59, the property conveyed in said deed of trust the same lying and being in the County of Duplin State of North1 Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at Washington Taylors line South 107 feet; the nce West 330 fet thnce North 107 feet; thence East 330 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 810 of an acre more or lea. Am. being the same lands as descri bed in a deed from Perry Bry ant and wife, Polly L. Bryant, to Josephine Williams, dated No vember 23, 1931, and recorded in Book 469, Page 625, of Duplin County Registry. .Thla sale will be subject to any unpaid taxes owing to Dup lin County and a ten oer cent deposit will be required ot the successful , bidder as evidence of good faith. This 5th day of January, 1959. Robert L. West, Trustee. Robert L. West, Attorney at Law Warsaw, North Carolina 1 . 29 - 4T RLW NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained In a certain deed of '.rust executed by Mathew Turner and wife, Sybil Turner dated the 18th day of April, 1949, and recorded in Book Carolina at a place located by the ty. Registry, default having been made in :he payment of the Indeb tedness thereby1 secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trus.ee will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the Court house Door in Kenansville, North Carolina, 'at 12:00 Noon on Friday ihe 6th day of February, 1959 the property conveyed in said deed of trust the same lying and being In the County of Duplin, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake In the East and West line, K. T. Home's corner and rung North 87-V4 West 143 poles to a stake in the East edge of a Lake on the Western side of Back Swamp; thence up the Lake Worth 27 West 59 poles to a stake on the high ground on West side of Back Swamp; thence North 20 West 10 poles to a stake; thence South 87- East crossing Back Swamp 169 poles to a stake, K. T Home's corner; thence as bis line South 694 East 64 poles to a be ginning, containing 61 acres, mow or less, and being a Lot Number 7 in the division 'of the Horns estate as will appear by referene to a special ex parte proceedings entitled: ''Mary Eliza Swinson an husband, Jesse Swinson, H. L Horne, et aT VrA ten per cent deposit will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. - ' Advertised this the 8th day of 1 n i'. .A7 . Val!ace,N. c i January, 19S9. Cvl V Venters, Trustee H. E. Phillips Attorney KenansviDe; N. C. 3-5-tT.H. E. P. .',: NOTICE OT ADMINISTRATION . The undersigned, having quali fied as Administrator 0n the estate of R. E, Holland, deceased, late of Duplin County and having quali fied before the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County, this is to nor.lfy all persons who have claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned Administrator on or before the 15th day of January, 1960 or thte notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said 'estate will please make Im mediate payment 'o the under, signed Administrator. This the 5th day of December, 1958. Paul T. Mull, Administrator of the estate of R. E. Holland deceased Roue 1 Box 20 Warsaw N. C. , 2-19-6T P. T. M. NOTICE OF EXECUTORSHIP The undersigned having quail fled ,as Executors of the Estate of Mrs. Fannie S. G.ady, deceased, and having qualified before the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County, this to notify all persons who have claims against said estate to present their claims to the undersigned Executors on or before the 13th day of January, 1960, or this notice will be pled in bar to their recovery; all persons who ax Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned Execu tors. ' This the 13th day of January, I960. Andrew Grady and Ben Grady, Executors of the Estate of Mrs. Fannie S. Grady, deceased. H. E. Phillips, Atorney Kenansville. N. C. 2-19-6T H B. P. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Claude S. Scott, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to th undersigned, at Warsaw, N. C, on or before the 22nd day of January, I960., or this notice will be pleaded in ' bar of their re covery. All persons indebted te said estate will please make im mediate payment. Thia the 15th day of January 1959. Manley E. Scott and Emma S. Lockamy, Administrators of the estate of Claude S. Scott, Deceased. E Walker Stevens, Attorney. 2-26-6T E. W. S NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this qualified as Ad ministratrix of the Estate of Si mon W. Jones, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina; this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the said .es tate to present them to the under signed Administratrix on or be fore the 19th day of January, 1960, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. This the 19th day of January, 1959. Winnie B. Jones, Administratrix of the Pridgen Plumbing Co. Route 2 Warsaw, N. C. STATE LICENSED CONTRACTOR Will Do Complete Job Fixtures 'And Labor Or Just Labor. Drop A Card Or See Me In Person. One Mile From Jones" Crossroads SKATING From 2:00 P. M."5:00 P. M. 7:00 P. ;M..11:00 P. M. GOLD PARK LAKE- V 5 Miles South Of 4 , i r Goldsboro ' v On Highway 117 .' THE DUFLIN Blanchard Recommends ACP Frcciices In order to give farmers a better nirtnr nf what Affrirul- 1 tural Conservation ' Reserve means,, we have decided to use specific farms on which ACP practices are being carried out. Thia week we have interviewed. Mr. Frank Blanchard of Rose Hill, who has planted 12 acres of pines and has done 20 acres of mechanical preparation. Mr. Blanchard started using ACP .practices about three years ago. He feels that these practices have (Offered him an opportunity to bring poor unproductive land into profitable production. Mr. Blanchard states Ibhat it will be a good - investment - for the future. Mr. Blanchard said that the ACP Cost-shares he has received has enabled him to carry out practices that would not have been carried out without ACP as sistance. He says that ACP is a means for farmers to improve their farms by the use of forestry practices with little cost to them selves. Mr. Blanchard . highly recommends all ACP practices to the farmers in Duplin County. Farmers who wish to carry out forestry practices on their farms should contact the ASC Office. You can receive $12.00 per acre for setting trees and $10.00 per acre for mechanical preparation of land for natural reseeding or for setting trees. We also have 2 other types of forestry practi ces which farmers might me in terested in, these are hardwood control which is the removal of girdling or poisoning of disease insect invested wolf trees, crook ed or hard butted trees and poor species that are interferring with th growth of choice trees. The thinning of stands of trees that are becoming stunted from over crowded conditions. These practi ces pay $8.00 per acre. Douglas H.S. Notes Realizing their responsibilities towards the educational growth of the community through better schools: The Parents and Teac hers of the Douglass High School Community continued to press forward with the dynamic pro posed program of work for th P. T. A. that had been outlined earlier on the school year by the Program Committee, under the direction of Mrs. J. G. Hen ry, Chairman. Phases of the program that th Parents and Teachers felt should claim their attention, along with H. L. Martin, President and W. E. Smith, Principal, were: Citi zenship, School Educaiton, Health Estate of Simon W. Jones 2-26-6T VBG: ill Two pieces of nrlchd dough aro shaped Into long soft del icate rolls. I Iff ': ' jggLiJ I Tf Lr0 "INER TEXTURE W - ' " ' ' " J.V 4 )(o)i mmf V ,, i ,,,-ir,,,, i i, ,ii i J ' ' IS A BETTER BJREADI ': - i' 1 m - - TIMES, BXNAXSVnXE, N. C. and Safety Education, Parent and Family Life Education, Scho ol Legislatoin, - Increased Mem bership, and Greater Apprecia tion1 for the efforts put forth by the Founders of the Nation al Congress of Parents and Tea chers through an Organized An nual Founders Day Celebration. Having outlined this progres sive approach towards greater Lay-Participation in school af fair through training: The vari ous committees held their first Kick-off Buzz Sessions during the regular monthly P. T. A Meeting, with each group re porting splendid results. Aside from the progress that is being made to secure greater Lay-Participation in the total school program: It was also re PRICE'S TIRE SERVICE New Tires Recapped Tires Dependable Tire Recapping And Repairing Located West Park Ave. Phone 2127 P. O. Box 429 Mount Olive, North Carolina PENALTY For Late Listing 01 1959 TAXES Begins February 1,1959 AIIIIOUIICIIIG We Hare Installed A New Automatic Block Machine, Therefore Enabeling Us To Give Our Customers And Friends Better Service And Better Quality. You Are Cordially Invited To Visit Our Plant And See Our New Equipment In Opera tion. WARSAW BLOCK PLANT W. Hill Street Extension is the secret MORE FLAVOR LONGER LASTING FRESHNESS 2 They're twist ed gently, re duclng air pockets and giving finer texture. STwisted dough is placed in pans for slow rising tight ening the twist. Seals in freshness and flavor. J.VT.JA: ported by H. L. Martin, Presi dent that the Countv Board of Education had been successful in purchasing the Adjacent Land West of the present school site for future school developments: This report was a welcome sound to the ears of the Parents and Teachers who realize that if any Educational Program is to have its full Impact on a community, there must be facilities for phy sical development as well is men tal development: Therefore with the acquisition of additional land, the members of the P. T. A, be gan to raise their hopes toward a more balanced educational pro gram for the Douglass High School Community. Warsaw Left slice completely seals texture cells. Ordi nary slice on right permits drying air to pass through. Jti.... r : t ' J. V :