H h 24 Pc-2$ T!:is. Ycsk s I volu: IS XXVI Nof9 KENANSVILLE, NOKTII CAROLINA, r THURSDAY JVIARCH 5, 1959. SUBSCRIPTION KATES UN e ea I DmpUa as PRICE TEN CENT? tMee H UJa arm fta N. O4 M wMli M. a COUNTY CHAMPIONS The James Kena Jayvee glrla de- teamed the Beulaville Xady Panthers iccea'VtNliii' County J liiUtto,;v; Basketball Tpijii.''-th ;- WtyvChtJiipliembe' of'ihe KenanetteareX Iroht; row from left to rtghti Coach Melvin Pope, Joyce Teachey.Jean Chambers, -Joyce Barnes," Betty Pope, Louise Dail, and Coach Albert-Pope. . Back row: Oteata Johnson, Sandra uujr nun muuu sue Pate. " ' v ,4 ;CPCNTY CHAJMPICNS The James Kenan ffayvee pog de feated the -Wallace-Rose HUT baby ( Bulldog recnUyto yrtn the Duplin County Invl.AtVyiai jfttplJrxVarsie Baskeflpall Tournament. Front iiow lett to right: Coch C..H. Pope, Joe El wards, Buddy, Pofe, Lee West Bennie Klssner ,Donnle Eneli 'Colin; Qulnnv' Charles "XocXarby and Pepsi Merrltt.' - . r - i - ' " .' - , j-" TES a" " : .. . JAMES KENAN IATVSES SOTS AND GIRLS WIN COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP The Duplin County Junior Vr itty Basketball Tourney held in the Wallace Eefcaneatary "School Gym was caotured by the J. K. JJsyree Boya and Glrli We hare Kenan High School district be cause these boyi end girla win payoff handsomely for the var sity next . year and. the year al ter. -'." "- -' '!,' " Tiirnn chiiral :2isailocatio;i An allocation of $1,233 from he Duke Endowment to Duplin General Hospital in Keneansville 'or the care of charity, patients 1 1958 was announced yesterday, he hospital was one of 23 for vhich total allocation of $159,385 we announced. :- This completes 1958 allocations represents hospitals . whose pplication were incomplete at he January - meeting of Duke ndowment trustees. At that ne 176 hospitals received $901, tEAN JIICHAEL PELT . V,e Reverend Michael Pelt, a ol Mount Olive Junior Opl ill deliver ' the ' dedicatory o for Eethleheni .Free Will t Church j :lr Beulavllle' oh' '. March 8, at 11 a. m, the ' T. p. i pastor, has 1 1 Smith, Dottle Hinson Jan Budy, .'!". rarmer, .bona aafi orignt, and-varol '... ' and Neal Mitchell, Back row:, , SOTS IJ To me you cannot have a good sound athletic program without have i Junior, varsity. And witn material . food enough ta win chjanplonshlpi mean money to the bank. Of course without the very capable leadership I feel a lot would be in vain. ' The James Kenan Jayvea boys and gixU were very fortunate to have that kind of leadership in Coach C H. Pope, who lead "the boys to the championship; and Coaches Melvin Pope and Albert Pqpe who lead the girls to the championship. I might add that these coaches give their free time and more especially their knowledge of basketball to our jayvees at least three afternoons a week. That kind of desire and care for our youth , and athletic Centime II -C Senate- ' Melvui Cording, Mayor of Wal lace; was honored last week by leading the N. C.. . Senate in pra yer at the opening session. ' ;' Sena or Grady Meticer invited Mayor .Cording to be hia guest anl moved that the priviledges of the house be. extended to bun. 5 The Senate approved the motion and he war, Introduced by Lt-G0V' erno Barnhardt, V ;:s. 'i 1 The Warsaw Rotary dub met on Thursday February 28 1959 with J, J, Armstrong .presiding. There were 18 members present with two visitors: W.- W. Sutton of Go'ds boro, N. C. and Byron Bryan of Ml. Olive," N. c, " . i rThe Program Chairman, Mitchell xiut : nrMited , Wt i Chandler, Admlnistfator, of Duplin General Hospi'al, who spoke to the cluB on th very . Interesting subject "The Country ? of ' Hounduras- ret latihg ,ir'experiencar'"Wt. the volutions.. '. ,.""(.V, V.'';V'-. The program was enjoyed by To The 4-H Club Members Of America It is a pleasure to send greetings to the members and leaders of the 4-H Clubs al they join in the Annual Observance of 4-H Club Week., The four-fold emphasis of this fine organization K Head, Heart, . Hands, ' and Health reflects a broad '.effort toward general fitness nd well-rounded development. I am sure Jthat the tra ining and experience which; are received in 4-H activity help develop maturity ,of judgment; good citizenship, and those qualities of leadership that are needed and valued in every walk of life, 'Best wishes for another year, of stimulating, enjoyable work in the 4-H clubs of America. -,.-- '" . ' Dwight D. Eisenhower Why , Excise Tax Duplin County Subscribers Averaged $14 in 1958 ' iafitern . North Carolina custo mersi olr Carolina' Telephone': and Telegraph-Company paid $1,800,00 in Cede;al excise taxes on telephone services in lOBe, W. Y. Vann, man ager ot the", Warsaw Group dis- closed today. . " TeCephone service is taxed at the rate of 10 for' federal excise tax purposes. Manager' Vann said that the 'average payment per, telephone subscriber In Duplin County and other r Xastern .North Carolina towns, was $14 during 1958. y .Telepliona service Is the gorily household utility on which a fed eral excise t i levied. The ele phone -company blUs and cotects the tax; and remits, it to U. S. tax collectors. The excise tax on telephone ser vice was intended, when adopted many years ago, to be a temporary wartime , emergency tax but has never been removed. It was re duced to the - 10 rate in 1954, Manager Vann pointed out. . "Telephoae eeers consider V an unfair and discriminatory tax be cause It singles out one segment of public' - la fact, one segment of household utility, users! . who al ready bear their -enare W other federal, state and , local taxation. Excise taxes 4 are ' usually applied to such luxury Items jas furs; Je- etry; 'cosmetics -Bquorf aelaoe cabaret -bUls, private club 'des and. the like. And, of .course, the telephone today is not a' luxury-. ' fas a leWvT)ropeaay . ... . .. . , y - Jk Plans ing Fortiftst -4 Clinics For Dr. W. H. 3entry, medtoel Dir ector of McCain Sanatortum. Dr W. A. Smith and Miss Amy . Ksher of the N. C. State Board of -Hea th met with Pr John Powers, the health ' department staff and Mrs W. J, Taylor, Executive Secretary of the T. B. Association Thursday afternoon in the Health - Depart- mnt.-'.:.: ' " . The meeting was to nuke plans for monthly chest x-ray. clinics which time chest x-ray films will be read and T. B. suspects' and ar rested cases will be checked. Plans are for these clinics to be held eaih fourth Thursday morning of the month. ' Watch "The Tunes for a more compete story. .. -'. . . f , Presbyterian ' District Meet Church Women from 18 Pres fcvterian Churches will attend the Sixth District vonierence w we held at -Bakers Presbyterian Church near Mount , Olive on Tuesday, March 10. Mrs. Andrew, Jackson of Beu laville, chairman of the Sixth District of - the Women of the church of Wilmington Presbytery, will nriide at the meeting which Lwill have as ite theme EWorld- Wide Witness." V . ;.Jf 1 The session will Include reports from the local President and Presbyterial Committee - Chair men; and an inspirational mes sage by the Rev. Walter H. Good manJr., of Beulaville, y, Registration begins at 930 Tuesday morning and the meet tag will close with luncheon serf ved at 1230 o'clock. ' , . Gredy PiT. A. ;The B. T. Grady P. T. A. will meet next Monday night, March 9 at .730 P. M. in the B. F. Grady School -" auditorium.-. Rev,' tt 'L-j Barrel of Pink Hill will apeak on Parent and Family Life Education. All f aren'.s are ted to attend. MSI County On before Congress in 1958 that would make the telephone excise .tax a permanent part of (he federal and state tax , structure, because it would transfer, certain parts of the revenue, from the tax to the states , which meet certain conditions.- Van, said. "This would have the effect embedding a discrimi natory tax permanently into fed eral, and slate tax structures." ' Manager Vann said that the National-Association of Railroad and Utility Commissioners recently a dopted , a resolution favoring re peal If It werer repealed, the tele phone customers would get all the relief lirectly and imedlately, he sdded. , AmJSl Baptist Revival Crusade To Be Warsaw Baptist Church March 9 A large Revival Rally, launching the Baptist Revival Crusade in the Eastern Association, will be held at the Warsaw Baptist Church Monday evening, March &th, at 7:43 o'clock. Speaker for the Rally will be Reverend A. B. Bumgarner, pastor of the Wrlghtsboro Baptist Church of Wl'mlngton and Chair man of Evangelism. In the Wllming- Ass'ochxUb'Spesiaf Muslc by the MEN of MADISON, a thirty voice male chorus' Trom the Madi son Avenue Baptist Church of ldjbbrdTJ . WJ OfJ the evening. Tne chorus I dlrect-T ed by WJI Carlton neaercK. TbevCPurpose of the Crusade RaUy-tsT to 'gather the Baptists ox this area together for Inspiration and. challenge in preparation for associatioa-wide revivals to.be conducted lo the churches March 18-. -.- , This Cruaade is part of a con - a-ka.. The recent' v oraanlzedv Metho dist Church cf Beulaville has sele cted a site for building in the fu ture. The building committee met with its chairman, Ur. Ray Hum phrey this week: made and (dis cussed plans for purchasing the lot on Lee Avenue near the Goldsboro highway. ' i The , congregation. whkSr has been growing since its organisation In January, meets every Sunday In the Masonic Hall at :00 A.- M- lh, pastor, Rev. Horace G. , Qulgley conducting x services. Also under way are ' plans for "organizing' a Sunday School with Mr. Temple Hill as superintendent. Duplin Co. Gets $3643,50 From Seal Sales Jv The Duplin County T. B. As sociation received 383.53 from the annual Christmas Seal sale Drt J. S. Blair, Jr. of Wallace; Seal ;Sale Chairman expresses ap preciation to every one for suc cessful campaign.:- Z'li ' . . f "-, : Plans , are .'being nude this year to expand' the T. B." case, finding program and service for T. B. -patients In home, and In. hospitals. Mil Destroyed Lemon Best, 87 year' oldnegro Is out on a $500.00 oale for operat ing a 50 ;a!lon ". copper stdBes Is f om Gllsson township, Duplm County. At tfie sight of th! sti'l ther0 was destroyed eleven barrels of beer 23 gallons of whiskey and twelve barrels- of rnash. The' ar resting off.cer w-re: W. H. Quinn. O., Houston, T. E. JBeven. awr Rodney Thigpen. This te'Ae'SSrd. still destroyed this year, reports. Sheriff Ralph Miller. - ' ; .T ; Drioh Rural Carrier Named Nathan Thomas Kelly has been apponited Rural mail carrier on Albertson, Kt. 1, the result of a recent Civil Service examine tion. He replaces Mr. C. S. Thom pson, who resigned a few months ago. Thurman Stroud, who ra- ten one of the high men of the ex amination list, has been appoin ted Post Master. Melvin Potter's assistant-and also assistant t'i Carrier Kelly. Licensed Pharmacist One of$he 37 candidates li censed as . pharmacists as a re sult of the N. C. Board of Phar macy examinations held at Cha pel Hill, recently, was Russell A. Bostic, son of Mrs. Murphy Bos tic, of Pink Hill. Nurses Aaso. Meet District No. 14, North Caro lina State Nurses' Association will meet at Chicora Country Club, Dunn, N. C. on Tuesday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m. This is a dinner meeting so send $2.00 for reservations by March 9th to Mrs. Marie IRayfard, 1208 W. Pearsall Street, Dunn, N, C. Negro Tournament The Duplin County Negro Bas ketball Tournament will be held at the Kenan Memorial Audi torium in Kenansville, N. C. on March 10 and 11 at 7:00 p.m. A highlight of this year's ev ent will be the elementary, teams playing the preliminary games each night. tinent-wlde Baptist Crusade being conduced by Baptist bodies In the United States and in Canada. These vast conventions are coop era'.lng in a five-year program of evangelism in celebration of 150th anniversary of organized Baptist work in America. The Jubilee pro gram will be climaxed in 1964. Rev. SarrrThornas Guest Speaker ev. Sasa Thosas Te Be wssTj tan Jr. CrfUge-EP)Jd, i ' . Speaker; .;. Rev. fiani N. '' Thomas, a native of thaHcabin community, will be the visiting minister at the Spring rcTivit-eervlces at Behteny Presby. terlanthapel near Beulaville. 'The service will begin on Sun day March at 7:30 P. M and will continue ' through - fTiday night March IS The members of the church snjf ihe pastor. Rev. Held H. Srwin, 'jMend a cordial la vi ta tiw te aii! who wish to attend. After graduating from Beulaville High School In '45 Mr Thomas con tinued his education at Presbyter-1 James Kenan Booster's Club Met m - By! Joe Costhr Tne James Kenan Boostess Chib met at the . James Kenan High School last Thussday night at The booster club, a dub to help boost the athletic program at James Kenan, was well represented by the thte conununltles- Magno lia. Kenansvme, and Warsaw, a though the folks from the school district were very much interestea Safe - Driving Tribute Paid A notable event occurred on a recent night in February 17. Tri bute was paid to the enviable Safe-driving record of the Mack Oil Company drivers of Warsaw. The Hartford Accident and In demnity Company, insurance carrier,- represented by -the Aubrey Cavenaugh Agency, is indeed proud to number this firm among its assureds. All drivers were eligible for, snd received, safe driver awards: H. C; McCullen (Mack) -34 years Dudley James Miller Hoss)-29 yr W.vB. Boyette . ibiuj-w years Samuel Martin (Sam) - 11 years James I Aikens -years. ; , In addition, : James Li Aikens was cited by the-Wallace Police asvane ariver m un wcck. . Brief remarks"1 were made by fjhe President of Mack Oil Com pany, Mr. u. M. Mcuuuen; sat. Paul B. Potfer of the Cavenaugh for Hartford Accident and In demnity Company r David T. Mc- Agency: and the Safety Engineer LDowelL iTb, ,Jr4eresting films were soown, ana ait guests were teaei a delicious barbecue sup per, we all hope that th:s fino reeord can be continues into the ,t year;.,. ; , The Interior of the new Starling's Depart ment Store in Warsaw which opened today. VJarsavs Aleivesf Department Store Groundbreaking Ceremonies Oak Ridge Community Club Saturday Groundbreaking ceremonies for Oak Ridge Community Center will be held Saturday Morning, March 7, 1959 at eleven O'clock nine miles east of Mt. Olive near WhiMeldSfe Pond. Agricultural and Extension Service worker in the county and out of Raleigh, along with the pastors of the four churches in the community will have part in the program. A picnic dinner will be served at noon. The public is invited to share this program. Oak Ridge Community is in the North Central section of Duplin County and was organized January 29, 1958. It was seventy- seven white families and four ian Jr. CrfUge-pritdeon CoUege re deveiag hit degT k from the latter school in He Graduated from Union Theological Seminary la Richmond In IBM, lend became pas tor of the Acme and Ashewood Presbyterian Ctcwehes. At present he Is the minister of education at The First resbyterian Church in Hlfh Point Mr. Themas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Relaad Thomas of Cabin and is married te the former Miss Frances Undler of Columbia S. C. they hare three children. Sammy, Frances, and James Ro land. i la supporting the school In athlet ics, we etai need you that did not attend te help. Beside the won derfel support given our school; the Booster's Club needs every James Kenan patron to help make our atbJetic program . . one to be proud of in years to come. The following officers were ele cted to serve the Booster Club for 19S9: Sam Godwin of Warsaw President, George Penny of Kenans ville Paul Brltt of Warsaw, and Joe Rouse of Magnolia, Vice Pre sidents, J. P. Harmon. Principal at James Kenan, Treasurer, Joe Cos-' tin of Warsaw Seirtary; also elec ted to the Board of Directors were: Amos Brlnson of Kenansville Albert Pope of Magnolia and Lott Kornegay of Warsaw. Let's give our new slate of of ficers our support and in turn we will be going all out to make the athletic program consis: Ing of all sports our best Among our new members were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert West. Mrs. Milton West, Mrs. O. L. Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Hopton Smith. Mrs. N, A. Mitchell, Hugh Csrton. J T. Kelly, Tommle Phillips, Harry Phillips, Walker1 McNeil, Bill Hel ton. Dr. Troy Kornegay, H. C. Mc- Cul'en and Clarence Warren. The Board of Directors will hold a special meeting sometime in the near future which will be announ ced in this paper. Sursy Stabbed .David Sursy of Cypress Creek Township,. Chinquapin was stab bed under the right rib. A warrant was sworn out for Hubert Smith and Sammie Smith. for being pub lley' dmnk off thetr ym'see and ass;It wltji a ,?fr Fe tw- and Norward. Boone I were the arresting pf T. )T si churches and is one of the ele ven organized communities in Duplin County participating in the county program whose ob jective is, "To increase our In come and Convert it to Improved Living." Oak Ridge Community won second place in the county last year for having shown most overall improvement just nine months after it was organized. The community Center is be ing built on ground given by Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Jones in memo ry of their son who was the club's first treasurer. The building plans were drawn by the North Caro lina Extension Service without cost to the community. The building-will be of cement block ciAistruction witf'the outsfie be ing brick veneer. It will have a floor space of approimately thirty-five hundred square feet di vided into ah auditorium, child ren's room, kitchen, storage, lo unge, and restrooma. Construct ion is to start shortly after gro undbreaking. .The building com mittee is composed of E. F. Grady, chm. C. C. Ivey, Jr., Geo rge 6ullivan, Willie Outlaw & Morris Berwick,' The, Officer? re: William O. Sullivan, President, Mrs. Emily Best, Vice - President, Mrs. El nora Ivey, Secretary, and Dalton Jones Treasurer, and are serv ing their second year. Mrs. Doro thy Alphin is reporter. -Off For Mr. Harry L. Phillips, 19S0 Fund CamiaMan Manager for the Amer ican Red Cross, awaits the begin ning of this year's annual drive with anticipation for the 100 cooperation from his fellow Duplin County Citizens. The Drive starts March first with lots of preparation completed Mr. Phillips has started the whee's turning already. At a meeting of the County Commissioner many of the details for the drive were settled as well as planting the seed, so to apeak, with personal checks that he hopes will continue to grow until the quota is reached which is $5,000.00 for Duplin Coun ty. Of course he would .'Ike to have a bumper crop, and harvest more than this quota, for surely; the Red Cross Is a worthy ?aus and he feels as many other Amer ican Citizens feel, that It Is tforth our every effort. He has announced his commun- ,. Above art memberg of the Board of Commissioners p.essntLg -their personal Bed Cross check to Harry L. Phillips, Duplih County . Bed Cross FUnd Chairman 'for 1959. Reading from left to tight are PhHJipsj Kenneth Grady, Wlliard Hotter, Leon B-own behlnd qp.Rks- Mrs-intfred We Is attorney. M s. Christine Williams Reg. jter of Deeds. Lo'it Kornegay and 3. B. Stroud. ' , - - '-JUT fflka.-iiltil'it!:- l" Starling's Department Store is a new modern, up-to-date store in Clark's Shopping Center. Starling's Department Store opened in Warsaw today. This is Warsaw's newest department store and is operated by W. L. Starling Jr. of Clinton. Starling comes to Warsaw well qualified after having had 12 years experience with Belk-Wil-liams store in Clinton, in fact his father is operator of the Belk-WUliams store 'there. He is most nthusiustic about his venture in Wassraw. The store, located in Clink's Shopping Center, is new, well lighted and has all new equipment. Starling is married to the lor well stocked with quality mer chandise for the entire family and ready for the opening on Thursday. Free prizes will be given away, and everybody is in high spirits for the big occasion. Just go in and register during the grand opening. Starling's Department Store wlil feature many famous name Brands of Medchandise and a complete line of piece goods. Starling is married td theh for mer Cathrine Britt, daughter of Mrs, Paul Britt and the late Mr. Britt, who were former residents of Warsaw. They have one son, Bill. After graduating from Clin ton High School, Starling attend ed Wake Forest College and then graduated from East Carolina College in business administra tion. He is an active member of the Kiwanls Club and National Guards in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Starling are memb of the Bap tist Church, and ney plan to move to Warsaw in March. Red Cross Drive ''I lty leaders whos responsibility will be to appoint oo-workers fn each community. .' These workers will canvass from house te house asking the cittaens of Duplin for their donation. These leaders are as follows: Maurice Jordan, Bow den. Robert L. West, Warsaw, H M. We' Is, B. F. Grady and Out law's Bridge; Walter Ifardister, Beulaville; Mrs. Roy Sanderson, Cabin; L. M. Bostic Potters Hill. James Tadlock, Calypso; Mrs. Sam Bos ic Chinquapin, The Jack Lan iers, Fountain-Lyman; Mrs. A. W. King for Garlen Club, Faison. Joseph E. Qulnn. Kenansville; The Charles Eakers, Smith's Township; Mrs. Audrey Joyner, Magno'ia; Mrs. M. L. Carr for Woman'i Club; Rose Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mc- Mill.in. Teachey; Dr. Jack Robin son, Wallace and W. L. Pierce, Ne I gro Division. 'M"vrV- all. i--t ' 't,

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