5 i i - 1 a- U. L u u U" 4- w Lt ii "" aji f )l i v Personals A - Recent Janet nf Mr and Via. C C Jonee cod Nancy, have been Mr. and lbs. B. F. Ben, Sr. of Waihington, D C Mr. and Ibi H, F. Bell. Jr. and Ml. Elizabeth Bell. o( Wllaoo, Mis Kit Sprag- . in, Mrs Harvey Human, Mra Arthur Baker and Mm, Belle Adler aa ox Tarhoro. They earn to ai- , tend Nancy's High School gradua tioa. " :'.t v Mr. and Mr. H. X. Sknpsoa of Tayettevllle, and Mn. O Jt. 6im peoa of Erwia were guest or; Mr. ana Mrs w. r. Simpson and farany daring the weekend. Mr. and Mr. Leslie Turner spent the weekend in Hampton, Farm Tested... Farm Proved tHEKEW Homelite ESECf DRIVE aunsjutr RantJilt't am 7-19 dlracttrh cU itwt) Nplfc"" Im P ee LkkknilblUI MM mmh (Srfa sonaow m u mcmo. raw nn fnt la daaetar. WWfkt n It. inntfi (lew kar and Cham), Straight smsi, pwnfrcM new, nai canw a intnipaayi tow 7-HQHTHGUAItUmi. PhoneXQr8 JlM',', T. A. Turner And Co. Pink Hill, II. e. Ta, with Mr. Turner sister. Mrs. Ben Runs M. Kant and family. Mrs. Jack O'Ouwor. and childr en, of wiiaoawwero t of Mr. and Mn. ft A. Wecley from rriday. tnrougi Bawds - ". andi Mra T. W Tnrtw.. .ul family, spent, th weekend-a thetr wnmer eaaaa at Tnaun vran tag them ; there ctovda war Mr. nd Mrs. H. C. Turner and child- rent and! Mr. and Mr.', IknmsJ Watson, and Bandy. : v I Mrf araMr. J F. May spent thf weekend) at Carolina Beachii ' S 1U and lira Tom rla ni, Mr. Jo Davis were latBaleig aunaay, to vttli the Cjutha Leo uvejjuajiaa' - Mrr-and Mr. 8am DarlShoiaMod Mr. and Mr. Frank Doha and family In New Port News. Fa. dnr Ing the weekend. Accatapaaylng uem was Mr. B. B. sing, who spent the time with Mr son, Mr, Wallace Kin and familv.iV Mr. Luev Onti U a nattm .t rarrott MwaoriaE Hospital la Kla- ton. - i; Mr. and Mr. Wlllia, Blaeklor: of Albertaoa. wen enasts durinc tne weekend, of ' Mr. BUckock son. Attorney Frank Orady and family, at their home In Elisabeth tOWB. '..:,,. .--,.... Mr. and Mra. Jepeey Pickett and Children anent Sanh at uui of the Neuas Park. Mr. 8u Bogers expects to en tor tommer school at Bast Cars Una CoQeca at tha lteainnln a in term, sn wu commute. Mr. Albert Smith, senior at V N. C Chanel HIIL ami the waek end (With lea. Smith and hia oar. bib, atr .ana mts. Dempsey Smith. Mr. and Mr. WlUard Smith were m Greenville Friday afternoon to Mng horn their daughter. Char- one. student at C C. ' Mr. Baymond Grid Seven Springs, Bt 1 underwent major orgery at Stake Hospital Wednes day, and to getting along as well aa can b expected. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Suttm of ML Ollv were naatx. Saturday. of Mr. and Mra. Falsoa Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter weiia and duthter. MlUl and Lhu of Kin- ton. and Mrs. H. M. Walla are pending a few days vWUng rela- uvea in cnariotte. . PLANTS t S1MIUBS In ConiaiiHars For Aft Bianif rnartliu '' FASSSS Pink Hill, N. C E, iy jTcnooo-" , ' . r ' :onr:a Herd: Sisr cr.J HoL'sawifo STOCKYAKDS KOiSTQM llefs. ar. SMHf aww and iwwa.br the pneot MH good, ehananu. The -action Is on Taeaaax far ewnr vkttkm ano BOGS. ' t ' n -aan-liialtl ltmAM. taiw and! Xhajraia diuisM M .and Aea4.j; Mrs. Badrers la at the varda a frlaaf to gladly bay what yoj nav i oner. (Come See Sometime, Telephone Jft T-lttt IN KINSTON " - SUMMER, TERM Register How 'Vk' day school -ju;:e 8 Complete Secretarial Coarse SpeedwrtUng Bharthand Accoonting Courses Individual Sobjeota Approved for .Voteraa's Training Call Ktaston 7240 f0r AppethtsMMt . . . Free Counseling at our office or la your Hardbarger Ba3$ Colleg! "A select School Is Air Condltloaad H, Queen St KlnM, N. a Hardbatger Business College M1V4 N. .Queen St. " fffiflia, N. C. Please Send Me Full Infonnation About Your School I Would like an appointment at homo at school Street If rfd. What Near Post Office "-"r-a Name Dr. Wenger Speaks To rinK um Seniors ' Joyce Ann Cuter Cava tha Mill tatory welcome. foUowina the In- vodatlori by Bov. N. P. Farrior at th graduation exercises held in the Pink Hill School auditorium Friday evening. May 22, Special muster "May You Ahvaya'. was rendered. : Nancy Jone made the valedictory address. The graduation speaker wu Br Arthur D. Wenaer. Preaideni of Atlantto' Christian College, and he was introduced bv Mr. H h BuU- ock; sunt of Lenoir Ooaatr Sch ools, of Kinston. Prtnclpah Frank Wiley- presented the swards, and '-ywiooa C. Turner, chairman of th.. School- BoanL 'awarded th diplomas, to & graduate. I The lirt follow . Jean Carol Baheri Jan Bradihaw. Dalur Brock. Kenneth BraL Ann Carter. Mary JSveiyn Carter, Joyce Ann Carter.'' Sherwood Carter Larrv lijlCdeinBer Sally Jean- Craft, Lllla aaWvDaviaj Dearn Bardison. Gene. tt. HarrelL. Charles Heath, Elijah ONU fitmni'i H11L Graham Hm- ard; James Howard. John C. How ard, Elizabeth Jones, Nancy Jones, sana Kenneay, Dolly Bay Moody, Lwia aHurphji (Roy Murphy, Frances Smith. Ctaham fitroud. Wnar Carol Taylor, Oracle Taylor, KeaBOth. Tajrlor. Bettv Turner. DempeyTyndali, Id, Pearl Tyn- aau Badiel TrndaU and Vernon TyndaU. Marshalls were: Chief Lyn Turner, Marie Greer, Jimmy Mile, Jean Canter, Douglas Howard, Helen Carter, Lawrence Moody, uuvia sutton, Bui Hatch i - -' tar c ..i -iI'ICk y"ssf tczh Id4.i... . fl. A I IT f .. Vnilttl it Tt- i . -a cswsi Time .henaiif i t. ,. t m fouraxS-t ' -1- J - J . JcJBI.laV ' ft?: ' rl ttittass. ran cmr a serif t'ws , asaaj Law Laaeta S S Awttok ttrwt Pr' chhffhjVEJs I, .wfliMtt ... ,.::..o (,.' Gradv - Outlaw Committee Met Tha exaeutlve eommtttM nf the GrjdyJutlaw Clan held a meeting at B. F. Grady School Sunday a- fternoon. May 10, to make plan for the 1980 Reunion, which will oe held ate last Sunday In August, at the School.. Another meeting is scheduled- for the last Sunday in July, to complete th plan. OfflMra ara lilted: halnw Mai eolm Ti. Gradv. Pres. Sua G Smith. Secretary, Warren Grady, 1st, Vie rrea. Moiaaouraay ma. vice rres. Annie M. Outlaw ML Vbe Pres. Committees: John D. Qrsdy, Annie M. Outlaw, Lewi Outlaw, Paul D XSndy, M. L. Outiaw, Mat tie Simmon, Gaston Frederick Qrsdy, Sallle Outlaw, Arvin Out law, Needham W. Outlaw, Beasia Kcrnegay. Lucy O. Smith. Marv A. Grady, Gerald Simmon, Henry J A. Grady, Gilbert Jones, Seniors Entertained The B. T. Grady RMh Schnnl enlor daaa was entertained at aa outdoor supper on Tuesday night, May 19, at the home of Mr. and Mr. V. R. Garner, on Mt Olive, HI. I. Host and hostesses wet Mr. and Mrs. Garner and Mlaa Nell Garner. Mr. and Mrs. John Goodson and Ma-e Qoooson, Mr and Mra. Wil liam Waller and Misi Carolyn wa,Mr, mt. and Mrs. Bob Waters ai d Mist Betty Lou Waters. Guesta were seated at ntenla blea. The menu consisted of-Grtl- id hamburger, potatoes chjpa, tOSMd Salad. Dickie, cirrnt .Irlna oft drink and Strawberry short vaae, ' r: About 50 persons were present 4th Graders EnteVtamed jwweix noit waa noateaa tn Mrs. Mamie Fordham'i 4th. arcda at w o. r.-oraay 3cbooL at aurpriM Xnd of School nartr at one vrciOCK Jf. M. Mondav Vn IS. Punch, cookie, potato chiDa. cneese tiatJlt and bithbl ggm earn aeireju. Pink Hill Srs. In Washington - Th Pink BUI High School sent lor claw are sight-seeing u Waih lngton, D. C thl week. They wiU return Friday night They were ac companied by Principal and and inxi. rniu. wuey. IbPJHBMunaaBataaaBaaaaM aHPBB"aWBaaM a r ti4mrm HBRBUKS THB CORPS! OF "WTtXJJS THE WEED" TOUGHEST HOMBRJE - OFHIft BUGGEB' BREED BK FED HIS CHOPS AT THB EXPENSE OF CROPS TILL MONSANTO BASED) HIM, . BOOT, STEM AND SEED '.v.v.W.v! A - r ;4k cccprfsivs dad r:r.va V. nzvzii I f e Hi-f-,, 17. C. X Ahoskie, N. C Grady Seniors Take Trin . The B. F. Grady School Gradua- tin elasa left earl Snnila for Washington and New York, to bo away ror a weea. rney also expect to villt West Point and Sinai Sine. Chaperoning the group ar 1MM Mary A. Grady, Mr. Edgar Wells axr. Hush J. Smith and Mr. WU- 11am AUea Chambers.. . t Albertson Run tan , 1 Gab Met A meeting of the Albertsoa Bar- nan u was held at tn comm unity Buttdlna Thtirtdav nisbt with the president Melvia Potter m enarge. u..memoerg were pre ent A renresentatlr of tha Mor ton Salt Co. sjok to the group on th different ue of salt for live itock, etc. 1. Supper was served by the Al bertsoa Horn DemoQttratlon Club.. ' .n StSa Gmdb Cadjaoa OUvan Nimla, mada, the. wahmi addrs at th, 8th. trrada, ardua tiay aaanchna heldr k 9i30 A My rriday at the Pink Hill School Th Invocation waa bv Bev. H L. HarreU. Mary Smith presented the class, gilt, and Grace Howard gave the elaM hiatorv. Th Valedictory address was by Frederick Simpson. The awards, certificate and Bth. diploma were presented by Prin cipal Frank Wiley, Following the presentation, the class song was Mng by, the group, and Bev. N. P. Farrior said the benediction. Mrs. Jack Perkins was at the piano- for both, the ' proeenional and receuionaL Marshal for the grade were Johnnie Turner, Chief, Lyawood Heath,. SootUe Wiley, Nellie Brad- anaw, Ralph Herron, Evelyn Mur phy. Judy Turner, 5th Graders Tour Moore's Creek ' Mr. Louiae WeU'a fifth arade of the B. F. Grady School made their annual tour of Moore'a Creek BattlegrouDd; In Pender Coubtv resenUy, Mesdamea Willard WeaU brook, John C Smith,. Woodrow Jackson, Cyrus Bhodes, Lewis Kea- tniey and Norman . Smith accom panied the thirty-seven . students on the taJp. -. : fottKSfcre Mr Mr. and Mrs. Perrv Gradv and Gall visited The Thurman Jerni- gan family at Jacksonvdll Sun day; They were accompanied by Sandr Herring of Pleasant Grove community : and Mr. and Mr. Balph Britt of ' Bear Marsh. In the afternoon they visited Mr. and Mr Raymond Askew. Emogene Summer lin of Warsaw viaiung man her aunt Mrs. O W. Scott for a few div. Visitors in tha Dan Waller home Sunday were Me. and Mrs. Emmett wauer, ar, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Waller Jr. and children of Kln- stou; Mr. and Mt; Kenneth Best Goldsboroj M and Mr. J. E. Holt Of Herrlna Store section - Beceat visitor in. the horn nf Mr. and Mrs. Tobv Ouinn were Hn and- Mr. Lester Wiggins and chib- 8 i L3 L That Will Grow 90 Day Banning; J Ottootan Velvet :j Hay j Beans , - Beans - SELECTED-CERTIFIED S9Y CEAIIS - LEE JACKSON - EARLY CLEMS ON pp.; ; yegcfable. Phis 1 Plants Collard, Cabbage, From Pedigreed Strain ' ' Tomato,' Pepper ' WEED KILLERS ' FREE !0:S!:p PcrW:: f:r,:!:3. 251-213 IT. T :t r;-fi n. c. drew Of Norfolk Ti. Mra Harvav Jones, Warsaw; Mrs. Alton Stroud ana cnuareu o -" vsjanomai Mt' and Mra. Jack Herring and family of Brock Chapel area. ' Mrs. Addi Bardea of Prtocetoa spent weoneiday nightvwlth Mr. and Mrs. W E Waller and atteaded the graduation exerd at B, F. Grady School. Her granddaughter, mot i;aroiyn waiier w a mem ber of the class. A..'. The Bev. Waller Sattan Mt Olive was guest for Sunday din ner in the H. J. Sutton home after worshln- service at Lobs Ridge Church, v 1 Visiting the John Bradleva 8m. dy were Mr, rier Strickland and children of Strickland atore Mr. and Mr. WUtnn rtn anH boys of MagnoHa, - - . ' i Mrs. Rachel Jackaon and chil dren Of Grantham anant Rimd with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jack- son. ;. " Mr.- and Mrs.' EIber rsrtav ted their daughter Mrs. Edward Hudson at Ways Memorial Hos pital Sunday. Mrs. Dalsv Davis ment tha end with Mrs. Beulah Konu,. Baltic. v : X- Mrs. Buck Hill and Linda mad a . business , trip, to Buie Creek Mr. and Mra- Bolanrf PhiM went t Grlfton Wdneari ui i nigpen jamuy. . mt, . uarrle Scott had annoer Friday night with her daughter and husband, th Claud Powell of Warsaw. The Nelson Kornegay 'family o wiMw tuiicu Mr. ano Mrs. uenni Outlaw Saturdaw hIbsA . Mr. aid-Mrtj Edd Kornegax aad araniwm ton, wr. TMrUng ta the. a. a. auuipa nome near Kenans- vme raoay- anernooa. . Mr. and Mrst Han Sana. vW ted Mr. Amend flnat ; t.i.. Bn Sutton ham near Kenaosvllle Mrs. Perry Orad and Gatf Went tn WhUa. Lak Mdu. Mm Grady went as chapojtnM foe th B. F. Grady-sophomore ; etass off which Gail is a member. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kornegay im' j we vutiing the uonnen mmucs7 punnay ajternoanv The William- Turner- of Mt Olive were viattora-. la ih Edd uaner horn Snadej. ; . i ... s. ... 8 ajtent a v . .e Kr i.Ir Bennie Outlaw Sun day evening. ... :, ' Mr. and Mrs. Currie Smith and cmuren- oa mmm a unapei werr yiaiung in me jwornegay nam Tuesday . - Vidtors of the Boland Thigpenr Sunday were the Harold Suttop family of GoMsboro Mr. and Mrs t ; v- it.-. Of i.-vjt Cuap :,9 week ag family r S r ri uJ Li ij GET. Y0U.1S l,W! Hardware Dept. Kinston, N. C. Mr. and Mr. Mwrig Morton and son, and the BUI Hargr aves-fanatty ox Mt. uuve visited in the Jha ny Singleton horn Sudsv Mr. and Mrs; Ba.BnUMll.aad "am w. Jones, weie vlattlog we nen t Bona .raeanthp near Mnansvin.;,' v-if -- Nancy Quteii-'lr-vtoHlmr ta- Mm uua, ra. wiut- as auaa, mTsi Lea ter Wlggma aod faaaihai: .'-.. v Mrs. j. E, Stanley, f WaAjigtoa a ww oaya last week wit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iver ounanerun. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Staple ana cniiaren of Hamoton. Va spent Saturday Bight, with Mra Nora Jackson, They. wr arut hi vtreenvui la anend. taav Mm. mencement; xerciaea no. r Sunday evening, of whkh Mia Jane staples la a tnatubes. Mr. and Mr. Rotand TUgpea 0 TANBACK( taMHr - awM, far rallat ml rm ctiankanBTa. Tha T A A C K aMrHrUM ra (nawla It a waM walla af pam rmm rar FASTIR R(UEP af HtAOACHg, NKURALQ1A and A CHI MO. HUWLII due to eaMa, STANaACK ahw 2 tz"?tL.Li$ j! m 1 ki:isto:i PAIIIT & HARDWARE "The Place To Go" ; Kinston, II. C. oooooooooooooooooooooooo Air Lona i onea o o o o o a o Q o o o o Qi Fullw aoipped with oxygen forfemergencie4. q Phone JA 3-3177 o o, Ch o o o o o y o ilOYHD.CA'RTlir ii ruRorai iioiro 40: !' . o : o Othv a CarteW n aroooooQooooooocjoooQoobo JOO COOO OOO O O O O C 3 OOOO O C O Q o o KINST0N,N. C. real- M, Heward Owners o a a o a o o a o a o o o o o o o o o a o o a SliiMOIIJ HOG flADXEli ) Fop Prices: For Top-. Hcgs ; SEE OR CAUL leroy Sirs I wmm an' ii..wU o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o or Chris Coombss Pfione 0L 8-3581 Albertson, II. C. Open From Sun Up TU 4 P. M. Saturday Sun Ud Til 10:00 A M oooooooooooooooooooooooS o ni o .a .o v o or o SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE . . , PAY BY CHECKl A Firtt-CWztitt cJiacktna oecount it the (deal way to pay bilk It saves yow Hmt, money and trouble. In addition, a checking account pro vide vtmost safety and an accurate record of expenditures. See your nearest Flrst-CItirtns offico. They will welcome your account reaardless of amount. . nx -v , rrr. OUAJUNTHB INTRIST ON SAVINGS. -" - ' . Li tKSUXM nrSTOJf PINK HILL , kjsm. xrstvn i J't,-i?ci eesrwrr' 4C it m