i i I i S 5 f . f: V I r b IK ' , 1 " M ; k , j, i rM AFRAID OF to IITHEY SK THFA J fSAFE tyJt VMi FNEKTTIME STAY lfg BIACK wsm IBBMfl HARD Jf .. HWoe hwe w;the t V -X V lUJCK1 rSr XUA you been. ( COAL varo J rw sto Tfi v& j ill nyffrc p v s t-tk k a .z m. .i ' r m vi THE rlZiZiLL rAlYlILT ly h.t. eimo S ... esl-JL . TFIl st Vftnl ngngignr.iwe MOi flcvgtai grl I ITS WNDEKFUU i I HOPE 1 fF WWT MBLOUS V i w- w-m "X. gVKtrtWQ ' MARY WORTH'S FAMILY '' I, 111 j" i;1 L .-- Samw I I MY HUSBAND WAS Qui... "1 KTiT' I WONDER- IS SHE GCHN6 '-V7V) 5-l b"'"1 hl ""Ef" --B A WONDtRFUL COMPANION; 1 (a'...? SaiiJN THERE TO COMPLAIN ABCHJTMET.fiWj I THI4HAS EN A PERFECT 1 MVHIKRANDU4E0T05AV r o.Slin-TCfi-nu yV- --d Li,'! rTlul!" ) " 1 ' "-- NSSAMRLMIWORmy TD 6UYA RHINOCEROS IF r!"5. i .f ' Biln I ? II IT0n fM WE'VElOCE0ATL0AD50f IFI WAS CONVINCED THE M MM Mf OF -A Iff Ml I llllaVf I j PRETTY THIN6,flN6ERED 5T0RE Wte L0SIN6 MONEY 7mMf5! nftZti WhtVk LmWglSLugL I CXiASSIFIED RATES: Thra eeata per word, minfanKia a aceout wltk M plMM .aaa4 mmatf, (Umpa, r cheek with sda. ' CASH OB CREDIT l.Rt Down PaTBenl V T W Wells. A. Fitch Quinn located at Potter Hill, Into X. Fink Hfll FABM LOANS 20 ' TKAE Term low interest rate. Complete Insurance Service. Thigpen-Flo-ken Insurance Agency, Mt, Olive, IN. C . . - CTF BSOOKBAKK Insulatinf and Roofing Co. We offer home impro- vements, roofing, rock wool Insul ation, weatherstripplnt and Cirt- ters, installed br 'experts. Asbea tos and insulating siding. 38 months o pay. No down payment CTF r; ir.-t-; --.V v TYPEWRITERS ADDING machines repaired. New Royal typewriters far every need. Dial i Ooldsbor RK 4-0S45 Worley Typewriter Ex change, 1M Bontb Center 81 ' Man ever li to sell Nationally Advertised Watkins Prodoets In DnpUn County. Earnings of oar Dealers exeeed $100 weekly. Re quirements are ezeeellent reputa tion and own ear. II Interested write The J. B. Watkins Com pany, P. O. Box No. 1092 Golds- bore, N. C - - . FOB BALK: one. 1M7 Dodge Pas senger Bus. . by ; Beulaville Lions Club. Bus In good condition, con tact H. J. Brown, Jr. at Beulavilld Town HalL ; 5-29-2TC. , , LOST: Two fifty foot green, one twnty-rfive foot - black (garden hose in Kenansvllle or within six milei of Kenansvllle , on Highway 11 to Wilmington. Finder contact Paul Ingram, at Kenansville Post' offise. FOB SALE: Chevrolet 6 cylin rter- door 'sedan. 5 fair tires, utarti eay, run good. Tel. 8431, Kenansvllle, N. C - , 5-28-2TC. About 18 per cent of the egg produced in. North Carolina are consumed on the farm where they are produced. Approximately 28 per cent of the dairy cows in North Carolina were artificially inseminated in Farmers ' can kill two . .birds with one stone by applying ni trogen side dressing and a weed control at the same time. - Experts estimate that with'. the 1 " technology now available' the average" per acre yield of cotton' in North Carolina can be doubl ed, ' ' . - - j -s ' liemo, a doctor's formula, liquid or ointment,- soothes, heirs heal ' j. minor bums, cuts, bruises, i'anuly antiseptic, eases itch of surface ' k rashes, eczema, teen-age pimples, athlete's foot Stops scratching, so aids faster healiBg. For stubborn cues, et JCxam Strength Zemo. Sam's Drug Store Rose Hill, N. C. KERRY DRAKTE VUflS3tFin'r HE'S PUUIN6 AROUND, "1 1 THAT BABY'S BUCKING TOR TlyiO fU A 'srS MACK.. TRY1N6 TO 6ET ( A AUNSLAUOHTER RAP1 J -,1 7 -X, j"4V vTrV hjOOK AT THAT MORON, TVi-, Mm! I COME ON.. IU HELP YOU ) jCftf Ji.Vjt 1fCtf Old Photographs Restored PORTRAIT S Commercial PHOTOGRAPHY Parties, Anntversarles and " IdenUflsstlon Photos, 1 ' we speciauzb in WEDDING PICTURC8 LANIER STUDIO Phone 6341 WALLACE, N. C Sittings Nights and Sondays By Appointment WHOLESALE BUILDING mater lals, cash and carry Credit If need' ed All materials vuarantaed. Well worth a trip to Southern Supply Company, Clinton. Across from the Park. ; CTF. Federal Land Bank loans are available thru Clinton National .Farm Loan Association. Contact DeWitt Carr, Secretary - Trea surer. P. O. Box 148. Pohne 2262 Clinton N.' C ' . Mr Carr is In PCA office in Kenansville , between 11 and 12 o'clock every Tuesday morning. CTF Beady - Mixed Concrete. Call Wallace AT 52393 -or Clinton 3822. : v-. Falreloth Construction Co. CTF HAIR-BREDTrTBARRy, NOWIRl-TWO LEMON SODAS.' k5 (vmz WArrws ma 1 W ieMnkAl I jtvio VIHUT I T keerfuc them ,. mao . m . A. J. CAYENAUGH WALLACE'S. Oldest Jewelers Fine Crystals & Silver I THE RHYMING By HORACE ELMO ROMEOS rSHH.-C0UIM FILBERT OH WOOC....HE W j KNOW I'M NOT MUCH OH.VlfU.i.WOirU.1 BE WV JUST GAVE HER A ROSEN lABOUT TO PROPOSE ! i jo LOOK AX CLEMENTINE '. LTHE OFFICC MOST OFJW Uam The5 Habit At WACCA IAW BANK & TRUST CCal 7 ' ' -gj aanassansassaaaadatiaaMansBaa ,m . .M.MasaswMsaaesMiiieassaeMBsB ' MaMMaMBMBakBMSBSBMawasaaBiBiBaMBSHBaae' I tTfri' ftM W" 1 I IX HAVS TfASS PETS WWCft J v I M? l 9?0 7JVMr GKOWLS ' If) ' ,. ': Ha V'J k.U tWf J;:; TOGeTHER ANSWSR,-7VSrf ALL 410tWfNd A PARROT 's a. VRPOSG VERY UZUf T7JAT SUGARS ALL AFTERNOON LOSE WEIGHT SAFELY ..and Economically with newly released Dex-A-Diet Tablets Only 98c at Clark Walgreen Drugs, Warsaw, N. C. 5-21-12T PD. 1 siaiafl Iwarstuisj I HURTlNa YOUT mat v A few &ram aaf OmflftoA fwllaf fmta tornwBtbifj paUn of bitrrown nail. OUTtasO touirbems tb aktn mOmtmth ta alL snows th Bail to b eat and thus) pr Mots fnrthr pain and diaxicsmfoct. OUTQiiO an arauaow as au arasj ' Dial 2317 J. F. REYNOLDS MUSIC COMPANY Operators of 1 N Coin . Operated Phono graphs and Pool Tables. New and Used Records 618 Beamon St. Clinton. K C. NEW OFFICE LOCATION . DK.TIIOS.E. SHAVER J; j: j.- ':' Opyimetriat ' ' In new office at former location if The Tribune. S. Center St - ' Mt OUve ;,'..-. !'...; Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Bottled By WILMINGTON COCA COLA Bottling Company Wilmington , t IF TOU HAVE Can alcbhollc problem and desire help, attend the Alcoholics Annonymous meet ing at the. Lodge .Building In Kenansville on each Monday ev ening at 8:00 p.m. Public is in vited. ,; '.. ctf , , : -M, - HAN winter 'to'suppl? Raw- lelgh Products to cons timers la part of Duplin county and hun dreds of families. Big Insecticide season Just ahead. Good time to start No capitol required. Write Bawleigh's Dept NSK 931-553-B, Richmond, Va.. : 'i.vr 5-28-4T pd. :iy - Cities Servioe Station in War' saw, on track lane for lease or rent Also Cities Service Station and grill' in Magnolia for lease or rent Contact Walter Herring, jr. Phone 314 or 2336 Warsaw, 5-28-3TC .'v. :w Dr. Thomas W. Alley Optometrist ' : Bear of Warsaw Drus Company " " ' Warsaw, Ni C.';" Tnes.f Sat from' 1:30 to S) Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Shrinks Hemorrhoids A.lthout ScrgciyBS Stops Itch-Relieves Fain . For the nrst time scienee has found a new healing' substance with ths as tonMins ability to shrink hemor rhoids and to rellers paia- without surgery. Ib chse after case, while rently relievina- Dain. actual sedne. toon (shrinkage) took place. Most v mum w.i, mt ough that sufferers made astonishing statements like "Piles have ceased to be a prebreml" The secret is a new . healing substance (Bio-Dyne) dis covery of a world-famous research ; institute. This substance is now avail able in suppository, or tintmtnt form called Preparation H. At all drug counters-money back guarantee. i lOOOOOOOOOOOt FORJALE Lomber, Moulding, - Plumbing Supplies . SASH A DOORS. ABBES ; , TOS STDfMGBOOVINO OF ALL BIND, , ( - Plaster, Rock Lath, Sheetrock, Mortar, Crick, Cement Blocks, Paints And Bunders Hardware ' QVTVZXTZZZX O0TTA 1 1, o f v WELLS STOCKYARDS WALLACE, N. Cs". J,;' ". AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY BUYING AND SELLINGS DAILY OFFICE PHONE' AT 5-2261 " D., L WELLS NIGHT ' PHONE AT S-tl . JACK P. WELLS NIGHT PHONE AT 7251i I STOP BUY j i B.A.K. GAS STATIOII SAVE LOCATED NEXT TO DTJPLTN UOTORS '.'' ' ' WARSAW, N. C. - : " ' ' ;) OAS FOB LESS ' ' . Regular 29c Per Gallon Hi-Test--32c ;v;s- : All .Brands' Of OU - 'V BELTON D. MINSHEW OWNERS MATTIE S. BUNSHEW' oooooooooooooooooooooooo FOR RElIT; i HOUSES & APARTMENT ? O Kenansville and .Warsaw O O O Warsaw ; ?' or ' r If Ttr m i sre " w . "' a " ww . 9 "; m iixa. oeiion ivunsnew rnone 554 Warsaw -r : ioooooooooooooocfoocoooooo o o A. J. STRICKLAND Phone 471 lOODfinnrtArtriftnnAnnnAAAAOOO "r y tOPAV) a o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o " "If You Would Be Wealthy Think Of Saving As g Well As Getting.M y ; ; - , . q A Quotation By: A ; Ar '' ' lx Benjamin Franklin - ' ? - -1 ' ' n When You Think Of Wealth You Think Of O Savings, So Why Not Begin Your Wealth By C) ,. m a as ai . ' ( V - '.i o () () )' ) C) (). " - o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C) q Starting A Savings Account .j, , .. ...... . ... , t. ni zrt cuvz ai,d cilytco r a