" i 'A t r- i ; EASortal, C, Osaaty Seat at M. C -ja each i-iii. : , ; . ..aivf n. Li.:U.f COCHTT office and print! af phut. 'OWNEa and FUEUSSSa, .i - BOTH P. GXADT, EZHTOS A The rest Office. KeoMfrUe. N. a TCLEraONa-KesMbrrilla, Day T-trlrtt KU-l - ' ' . BUBSCKmriON KATES UN er 7Nr m'Depfln. Lt,. Jobea, Bltw, render, giupt, New lUm ad Waya MenflM per rear oetoMe tkbimti North Celtaajt Wff ww, acvetod to ttaMaTaat ' Of Depth. By Eteaner SMtfserland It to good tee ling to be plan- ; ning a vacation in North Carolina during June and July. But it is lap good t be planalng to eturn to say was an Colombia. We are lowly making progress toward or- ganWn a-Station tension Pro gram. It la big challenge and I a getting a great deal of aatisfac- nam om toy irak. la April Mr. Waldemar Bellon. a tree lance writer went with n to Boyaca to observe the -H Club program. He bat gives me premie on to ue the following (tor . whit he wrote. ., ratax clubs change a ?ousiaatr Tonya. Mar A, 196 TI it had not been for the chick ens, I would be in Bogota now." TsJa slaafle atatement apeaka for long story of tremendous change In the life of the rural areaa of Colombia's Boyaca Department one of the largest, but also one of the poems regions off tttw country Where eacc, five foutjtdred ycara ago, a profperous civilization was flowering in wealth and on a high cultral level. But te-day tthere is Dotning Jen of that' culture and People live in humble made cot tages of adobe with a straw that, cbed roof and a single room with the blackened fire place, the mis erable bedstead and an earthen' floor. If it had not been for tfee afihick ens, tnis fifteen year old boy , wouio. now De in Bogota, the cap ital of the country, iformiajf anon pan of the banns of juvenile del Jnquents, and his way down the .social ladder into trime weofld prooaoiy never be detained. But was because of the chickens be rec&red arona the 4-S Club that became back from' Bogota, work w On we litUe farm bis parents tot aner oieir early death to ham and his five brotfaera and sisters and che teenager bag developed ww a responsible bead of a fam ve years ago STACA a Joint operation of Point IV and the Cnl (imbian government, started an ex tension program in the State of tfoyaca, based mainlv on th Clubs, a faithful replica of the 4-H1 uoba in the United States, which use the symbol of the green cioverj leaf and the four S's which stand for the Spanish words for Head, nean, uanos, and Healllh. loaay there are about ninety ciuos in tne Bute with a mem bership of close to two thousand yougsters between ten an d twenty one years that are under the sup ervision of Agricultural farm and home Agents who work in close and animals eaowd into one room. But here and these you see a white washed wall and a red-tiled roof ana you can fee sure that there Uvea a 4-S cshtb .member and his lamuy. It la amazing, how fast change na come in these places. "A week ago, I started huildine- ilia 4frn ouk. says Tirso. a fourteen years old boy who accompanies us to his home. With pride fae shows ue annkiag fountain for the ohic- aens he ihas made of a used crack er can and a dinner elate. Be has aueeay jenced In the yard when nla chickens avUI bed on grass and grains and to-morrow morn ing, he will go down to Mu viium a receive dim twenty chickens l $ V'- fl a . 4. ... , the j 1 s li i.f cre enw.i;d to bentit'its . 8. A dependent husband age OS or older. Jt i k i i . Frepareg hy L. t x,l I.. s Fresbyteil a Jeur Cuiieca t. Jlaxton, North Carolina Isaiah preached to the people about their tong fasts and religious ceremonies. He insisted that more important than ceremony waa gen erosity and more acceptable than lasting was Justice, v ; - - I ICtTl Vd la, t fairs. At the srgeulir club meet-1 meg entitled "North Carolina Re- iWl?5 e0', think what a ittf. A- member. oWcoS TJSSST ""rc:0'" in- ? aumg volume 249 of .oinnTr, ;r w.. :."7, - r " - m , a a. au ui "U not this the fast that t Have chosen: to loose the bonds of wick. vuncw, to undo the bands of the yoKf, and to let the oppressed, bo iree.' ana mat ve j hmv Man What does "compeUUve price" yoke? Is it not to deal thv bread mean when we talk about cotton to the hungry, and that thou bring TTT -u it doesn't necessarily mean the poor that are cast out to thy a low price U hut it does mean houseT When thou acest the naked, that- cotton must .be priced at a that thou cover bun; and that thou level where soma other fiber cant Idle not thself f from thine - own be profitably used to displace if flesh? Then shall thy light break . i . and competitive price ilnrtntl" " mean lower profits for the farmer. aitnerV la fact, nearly everybody we taut to in the industry , wants to see the farmer . make more money so he'll stay interested In i forth as the mora inf. ana t y 1 lng shall spring forth speedily; aud thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of Jehovah shall be fey reward. Then shall thou call and Jehovah will answer; thou shalt cry, and he wlU say, Here I am. .-- flf thou' take away from the midst of the the yoke, the put ting forth of the finger, and speak-; lng wickedly; and if thou draw out ty soul to the hungry, and satis fy the afflicted Soul: then shall thy light rise In darkness, and thine obscurity be as the noon-day; and Jehovah will guide thee contln ualiy, and satisfy thy soul In dry places, and make strong thy bones: anl thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water. whose waters fall not" .-' "v i ( Isaiah M:-ll) K.Ue I -mJi i lj.-lja.l the atesemhly buetacfcsliket, P4- the Romrta " re aacuared frankly and these girls, who, some years ago, aarary aaa penny in thek pock et, can now vote n extr peso per nead a month to rent an office room where they can meet and wont. Changes In Your Social Security cotton farmers switched to another crop all these people are inter ested ln; seeing the farmer pros per, but nobody associated. with cotton Is going to prosper unless tbera is a growing consumption of raw cotton there isn't going to o one nmess cotton can do a job for Hay SI IMS THE y ; f.Ifcfsfcr's DesJt y A, B. rarkeraoa, Warsaw and were heard on Sundays from we inns. But thinos rave ebansed. Mioriul aresses. whit, nd man for which ha wJD Sieve .to pay, of' uiUforms, and laughing faces dot Social Office.. course, but on a wry generous in- siauament plan, Tlrso's father and mother stand oesme Wm and you can see on weir laces ttie satisfaction tbat weir son wiu Uve a better, more remunerative life than they could ever have hoped for either for tnemseives or their children Tirso's mother leads us tr hir nouse wnere chains and tables and new beds have been made bv the iamuy irom tree stumps and wooden boards they carta buy at uiue cost xrom oia boxes end cases. A square has already been maraed on the wall when hn wiU tater break through and put a wmuow as soon as they can save the money for the glass. Then this hiterto dark room will become a more pleasant adobe and a heal- meir one for (hi coming genera HOD, Sad .d aw . . September 39. 1059. can be a. .J0D .1. r.Zrw w- imnortan -t -J--.- W Wer and as w "us aajmana region and melan- :, ,.7L , -"-- w cau5AFi.Y. chollc songs came out of the fauUl Jt ?er1 eeoiA- . Cetto. v.. Catto. trkt ", out u. s, growth. fFeMUlUKIVU AAHItklHlia entlTeV fAMl. Security AdminlrtraUon oe7ims",ulo '-fcS- The 1958 amendments t the S. " w. clal Seenrlt. T'ZZ I .. " smpments Both of v !. Butuwiacu munai rnaaataa at- tt a a . around the bouses. The fclendlv tb7 benefl Wyments to depend- Udv that aet. u R coopexation of two nation. 1, open- ZbS Ltmfl to meei rwth tag a brighter future and leadlna J!!nltf I1te- k wbiect to change . . '. this mar io n ume When tre word of the ever that as in th7,..I al Iawr encan cotton . . . "underdeveloped etoumrv" will ta.the ",e of other lnce we have announced that our have part the landscape, muttlolvins! the red blue, yellow and orange flowers perspiration, I do not mean 4o de-emphaalxe the value of inspira tion, bat . I cannot over-emphasize the importance of oersplration. t, Anyway, pray for your minister. and he will never be like the prea cher'wbo dreamed, Jia was preach ing and woke up and he was. . A clergyman, called awiv and' denly and unable to officiate at the ' services of. his own church. entrusted bis new assistant with the duty. On hit return he asked his wife what aha thought of his assistant's sermon. "The poorest I ever heard.shel Cio-alLa C.. ..!!.. declared, . "nothing in ft at alt-II (alilllf JLLLIIIf Later, the pastor, meeting his -! Many family difficulties can. sistant, asked htm. how he sot ter around famtt. hmu Finsnci:! Pkhs B3 Mere EVSET MAN wha stands up for, what be baHavca to be right In the aM af Cod aUndis up, speaka sp, and, works to make the divine dream coma true every such per son will have times of deep dis couragement. An American. wUl think of the fami!.'ar V"mwr-m of ' wasungton and r UnooUt who went 1 through dark timea when bo one, that is to wy nobody who car ried much weight, seemed to be on their aide; timea when they area wondered if they L could be on Ood'e aereuaa . aide. Any one who speaks for a cause which haa not yet becoma popular, any one who soaaka oour-. agexmaly against the Brevallinr wlnda of better m his time, wul feel aooncT or later that he standa ! fraiiitt blPRadbt eraeveioped etountry" wSJX tvea of ..D7 V . . 51nCe we have announced that our become meaninglew in thia refroacUvitf f. f on will compete pricewis. with of the world. Ctt1'! cotton and ,lnC. w. filed. Tbui rinci thT.".mr. ? "? we e the wb- becom. ett.. ..u cZZ waienever necessary, foreign THIS IS THE mSSWStB . crease in the subsidy and thus get Bobert B. Lee N. C. SUPREME COURT May a layman meaer his own . before the North Carolina Supreme Yes. He cannot, however inir "um in person and throueh Mn, el. He must make an eiectinn Seldom Haas - lBmMH i i' . f mil. 4U- t -4 ... I . icau (Oils uoys wore an cmcKen own ease, xnera la u . , -. - - - a aaaa viu x r J II at breeding hog raisin veffetnhi that "a man i ut- t.. gardens and improved field crops-per has a fool for a client." When wheat, barley, maize, and potatiesla man's personal Inter. m - w. uwi civps - we sarjs wane ra. a is a-enerallo i i-v- tun iram wwini uu own lavor and Vw. m.,M.i and nutrition to hom JmnrmM.laranat th- nh n ' -..ii 7 1 . 4r . io view " ai BuuDi-cogm is ada.1 ne concroversv in w ed io the luiiMM R-.M.. ""v. - w .muci - il i jireposierous to as- on the floor. Is beina reDbuwH hvl some that lanma. a . !,K.Mllhe.?n, by fwn- ,U the technical and involved .. vw v, iwcib antwarii uica mat . oenaafnnnll.. u.n j - t , .. ' " 1 . "wuuer au aae cutumns Wat sun. I even OUr best lamnrera .- rw-T tu . . ... v n ... . : " ar w vu IUU ea CieflH atLUlUB I eT&re 1 1 L 1 1711 n T aOAtllM phera BOa the house end it aur- sent whe ntholr a.. - t.uA. I .. ""n ov nore tne sum-eme Courtt Five yeara ago. nofcodv seemed No. TherA la .! to caae Dirt and futh w'ere com- at the seion, rf7h7 1 mon and people lived a sad. below! Court Th i.,.u-. w... anhatof.- uc ..x7 . " . . nave weior Mi in imcr noDiess-1 mem in .nrintut r u.j new. To-day you see shining eyes form the pertinent facts ofthe whirl, ti. A , ai wim iraumony ana record, 0f the trial and hi: wTr JT? C0Urt b.elow- FOr 0rt ;cau lilue I UaaXL. me aa a at lATiaa 4a.. a-t youngsters, and with them aTZ Parents, is catchy. One want, to to. f th. ,..T T"" .he. !"" tatUSetheire ,arJf0 chaesinsSon.' to the village, dozens of girls of the Superior Court iud more months' benefits. Of course. no payment, can be made for mon ths befre September 1958, the mon th the law was amended. The change permit payments to all the following classes of depend ents formerly eligible onlv as de- pendente of a retired or decesri worarer: 1. Unmarried children nder .. -o- 1U, 2. Disabled children over IB if the disability began befor. in and . they are unmarried at the ume oi application. me imer cneaper or they think, (wh.t ta T . TT tt uy u. o. conon at one price and then the subsidy is In creased ?? ... I'u be stuck with a fligner priced cotton than it I had waited ..." the trade feels that we should have a subsidy that rets uur coiion into the competitive market, but also it should be a firm anbsidy, not Mibject to Increa se during the season . while the subsidy CAN be Increased, the V. S. Department of Agriculture has Just said that it hopes improved along with the seamon, "net sir.- said the, assistant. 1 did not have time to prepare anyuung myseu, so I preached one ox your sermons." Now, I doubt if the wife even faintly lemembered that the ser mon was one that her husband had preached before. It could.be that uc uiuucni h was a sorrv sermon before but now that someone else naa preacned it she had the cour age to tell her husband what she tnougni snout it xou nave no way of ; knowing how difficult it is to go into the puip twiee each Sunday with an mieresung as weU as Inspiring message. Many people look for th faults of mnlsters. and we have many, but no sin is quite as bad as lor a minister to be uninterest ing. Sermons are mad of 25 in. formation, 25 inspiration, and 50. will allow a decrease th subsidy has never been Increased during a cotton season. .. this may unset marketing disadvantages, of a possmie lndreased subsbiv aU of wis to show that making cot ton competitive ; lsnt . almnlo Atf - r.'r- r wug ana wnue the main thing is rice, price there are many other factors. Zt haa often been ao with Godat prophata. Zmdaad, the picture our saiada draw for ua, of brave proph ata bearalag tyrenU m their neJ- aoea, thunderins; Gors judgment on aatlona and lndlviduaia. man un afraid, not caring what men might aaV OM Sa M ' 1mi mm M.. eM declares "money does for sneaking foa God, that picture does: just what we choose to make not always fit Consider the nmnh. ther the income la large or small Results depend on how the mo ney la handled. misi : Mamie whlanant ..home management specialist for the N C Agricultural Extension Ser vice, us it do. Happiness and - satisf ac-let Dliah. a tin. ... -- uuu can pe me resuii n we ao a we ami, nut running now. ran- a wy, e w away as us leg good job of handling money." i "Money is one of the most complicated problem, which we deal with these days," adds Miss Whlanant "Our modern livina stanaaras depend on money. Wi$h would take him. And from wbatr Just woman. True, she had' threatened to butcher him. Bnt- Elijah had lived through threat before. The thing was, this woman. ' living costs no at a high point T ,un' onluch ouen that our money problems are mora complicated. It is more difficult to 'make ends meet" The basic Problem is to nlan x me use or money. These should be long-range Dlannins for vi. tal things home, education, speciat iranmg, and future curitv. : her wretched husband never dared, aay No to her. When she threat ened to do anything: bad, you could be sure her heart (a bad one) was In itl So when they told KiHah. what aha said, ha lost no tune get- ; ting put of there. Forty days and -forty night, he fled. And whan Ood sev asked iim why, "I only am left." ; l e Said. What was one man against : ksrowd an.mil c..C 7" ui. juaea ro ,e - -naiiiu. ZMnaU.IlaT I llimn an.1 aka..a . . . cooperation With a handful of en. thusiastic expert, from the Imited' mi7.' .-h 'L ' . e ?n?: ' ; ' I . : w nor ineir i ea iana, the American home econo-1 Snne!. rn,. 4j. , . i jue ui wts aypvai- latest .Phi.m.T,f .. " I .. . 'reu m aoTOMmg or re- High up la the mountains. Boy- UtUe instruct Z.?ZZ rS lt c!rtBln i case crrored in admitting or re they have been the trial belfllW Tt ahnv. tU. aea level ' famllv. ...ttin . ooun aeter- 7j e Bill' 3T moun-l China anti iturlntf An tk . . paths in the ht n i-" "J,.. T!"" wo -ew- ju,cai and the freezing cold evenlnirs and' SMCaI:. .. I ? -,al 01 Mse the Superior aoui. ail. Ui l cr 1 1 iiumnni a -Aavwa- tne chilly .rains. Pereh m . "J ... 10. -hour, to wii ZlT.:rrM- the- were any pre- tain path, in the hot noon ...n in- ; .. 77.1" ."v w in me conduct of the lope, you can aee ttea 7 coT- Z?ZZZmJLT J. La e elted to the ered roofs th. i j . -wunm .terl ,o. .j .u. j.-. . " . . " " -vvu aim uw uaric coiouirert m.r.nn. 1.1. v. walls of the house, where humans,' They adminlsgr m& WB Pele From Chilllin Switch DEAR MISTER EDITOR: SAT! They've tried all methods, from aw a coupie items In the naoer tvlno rnlr i.- ..1, i, Supreme Court of North Carolina? I vs. How many opinions ar render. ed each year bv tha Aikkm. Court of North Carolina? in recent years there have been 4rl AvVaf8 of about 360 a year. An enactment of the" General Assemb ly requires that all opinions of the - , -j"b m vi io ucr tau to tymg i " " thia week thats got me confused, the tail to the barn door They au'suPreme Court be written, and i-.ici m ucuiKia nas Dut to- eott the mm. melt. gether a watchjUiat runs back- cow overcome gravity and slapped ' " fn. , Pff Sr m Hh0dei the rock back yur '"e or she Istond has invented a contraption kicked over the milk bucket. Now ! TtL Z lap bWe ! 'ee: why ouldn,t thIS Perfe"sr or that .. . u. aia ciKac. watca feller been working on the neLfP. J!tlWa CJl 3nd the tal1 project- ePn useful S!i k f eyear on the inanlttad? Tbere-.no en to tnt Map bubble Project I good this invention would da f T'iL "tU f that 1 Take' fer instant. to the field of , reel like the pld colored feller that ireligion. You migH ttf t j 1 klibatt rnLdOW;.roa! pulling ' tal1 Kot nothing to do the trouble hrldK Z 7. nm reI,8lon' you'' ong. ti -t!',! !l he dldnt ex" reason country folks goes J afterwards printed. There are us ually about 80 appeals disoosed of by motion each year without writ ten opinions, , In recent years the annual opin ions of the -Supreme Court have been averaging about two volumes of almost nine hundred cages ear-h. ; They are found in bound vohi- 1 1 ' T m-iuuua SU1U WaTIa.AU 1 II 1 1 uL-Z f -1, . - ' II I I II .' I 7 - II 1 I II II ' II i i - r . i ii at II . IW. '.- t:'l I : I iv- ' ' j s ii 1VX S i ' . a. . :i ail II if J 1 II II I . 1 1 ! ' i -, - v. i . t f - i 1 - ' l - When inventors spend a combined 14 year. liggering out a' watch mam run backwards and a soap bubble that'll travel- 100 feet 1 lon't know whether this country is oo the brink of disaster or on the eve of discovering .thi secret of eiernai lilt, , About att that feUer-. watch Is good fer is to furnish some jokes on television like, fe rfastant, the ' aoout ue grist mill that afctrt e J running backward.' 'and 'nn-g- nnd 40, bushels of meal. I dont i the soap bubble feller will ii H a good joke out of .his y'sy ct fc?or. f. mg a cow during the fl season .Did you ever notice that country ws go to cnurch more during y season tha , nin the Winter? WelL rt's ' all on account nt tha cws tail, it's a natinal shame, Mis- wx Conor, soat w got a watch tbatll run backward and ain't go nothing tbatll hold cow's tall in reversev.ar. fer .that matter aoma Inventor that tlSlnks pedetraln to-put k filter tip on cari'exnaust. - - - And speaking of : livestock' sef where a feller in Wyoming bat week got 30 days to paU fer beat- tog hla Wife Over tha head -An. m -v teact sserves .him right Meat Only Kraft gives you f.lacaroni 'n "!T-a3 Itatil ' Csoaa ea Kraft ixaaar age, teadet maeareai tbat'a , eraaaay wl feUes. ebeaae . gniifaai. slave a, esi head get soeerly aeheet fowsbes aad horrynss aaaaJa. tj"nt eaakjgaiiy taaal -V. ..... "'U . . NeeaSM She Buys Ws ' Week To Put Asi In A Savings Account At The rfrposeful 8 1? To Save On A Regular, Weekly Schedule - - - . ' .... . . ' . ,U . i v. . - n ' . ...at. ' Having a savinff and siendln ."Tr'r"5 wi'. , .1 - . " uw miiaii voa iuuan lor aoar r:r: ui gol plan must be made to fit "your Tha Invlsibli Amy iwuvuuu or ramxiv- need I a - -i..i just as your clothes are made to Elijah eatimatad the number of fit yon ft no one lese. accordinu I Ood'a lovai tMnni in .n t.wi. w afcuauat. l as une.1 namely bimaelf. Ood'a count made It aevesw t&uaand. Elijah, scared as be waajtumad out to be only .00014 right no varr high figure! Thia is a mistake which many pioneers of faith have made. There are mora people on. God's aide than yon might think. LookJsig about ua in our country' tooay, seeing what crowd that are that believe siUv and evan wicked Has, bow many paoplwho wiu go out and vote for candidates. who are plainly not on God's stda- or anywhere hear it, bow fear people tries are at church com pared witti the crowds (let us say at the racetrack, how hard it la to put Into action, anywhere, the most elementary Christian principles looking at the American scanethe ' Christian la sometimes tempted to. 1 oomplete cynicism and despir, Tha prophet raUah'Iaansaoinaw' tbtog ajM ta Ws wjlderness hide away. He found God there, and: 5 Cod had something for him to do.-., Elijah had believed in God a lone" r. time: but ha associated Ontt mAthi heaven, rock-breaking- wlnda' jaJitStaow the God of the oil small voice, the God who' cofflsrth the voice of duty.' The ' three things God gave him to do were not miracles, they were very t simple acta. But they were going; to change the course of history. ' more than some of the miracle . Elijah had before than performed.' Now it la not true that any one- ' can "have God" if he likes; But It Is true that those whom God has, ' have God with them, by them, in. ' them. Tha matt or woman who goes faithfully aboutbfe'a plain duUes, ' who stands for what ha knows to do right no matter what win dis cover that he Is not alone. To lis- : ten to the voices of the crowds, to be an echo of common prejudices Is to hear within nothing' but a. dreadful alienee and to stand alon in a waste place. But to hear that atin small Voice, in spite ef all the Jesebels Of the world, eves mnder ' threat of death la to know- one- sea never alone i V' V ' r 'tip IM eaiilMS eepyMriited br I 1 fj S' ftsrtf HEADACHE, NEURAL-' ' CiA, KbRITIS with STANBACit . nnm or powders, stanbac tr -vlnts several medically proven pair : rnevft . . . The added effectiveness ? thttt MULTIPLE mjredientj bong aster,' more 'complete rehef, etsinf; anxiety and tension usually - awonv panying pain. r STAN SACK f iwa- -ro- t .': ? i i : s oo nigh fer anything but i 7 fflnst any a r s t 1" 9raJ rrt e CjTri,.,sj :0 yoi va ar 1 I.

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