l r: if 't i.';f''i ffi-s'' r.- Personals Mr Mortimer Maxwell and Mr. Malcolm Grady attended L the 60th Wedding . Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Pan! D. Grady, at their home in Kenly, Wednesday ' evening. .w:'"'- v.-. Mr. Jimmy Ricks and daugh- ten of Edenton, are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Burke, and her grandfather, Mr. Mortimer Max- well Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Taylor have purchased, and moved into the H. C. Turner home, on the Ken ana ville Highway. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Smith and daughters, and Miss Susie Smith , of Wilson, spent the past week at the J.. J. Smith cottage, at Topsail. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hedstrom and two children, who have been making their home in San An tonio, Texas, for some time, are -being transferred to Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. Hedstrom is the for- met Miss Ann May of Pink Hill. Mrs. J. R. Davis spent the past week with relatives in St Matthews, S. C. Mr. Davis spent the weekend there, and accom panied her home. HOOKER & CO. STOCKYARDS KINSTON Bogs are money now and Hooker and Company Stock yards b the place to make a good chant . The auction is en Tuesday for both CATTLE and HOGS. The ymrdi wtll be closed Mon lays and Thursday during Jul) and August Mrs. Bodgers is at the yards 01 Friday to gladly buy what you have to offer. Come See Ls Sometime Telephone JA 7-1941 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCH Womanly Tad o o o o o o e There is a woman's sphere in death even as there is in life, q That is why we employ s lady licensed . embalmer on oar staff to add those feminine touches tbat are so all Important on these n-easlons so that the results wis for hr should the need arise. Howard o o Funeral o o U HOTJB AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone JA S-3177 0 Paul M. Howard Owners Otis H. Carter Q o o lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi Wilson Motor Co. -SEE THESE TOP SPECIALS 1S54 DeSoto 4-Door Sedan $695.00 2 1951 Cher Tudors PewergUde $395.00 1951 Studehaker 4-Dr. T-8 . . $195.00 1949 Pontiac Coupe ' i only $175.00 1955 Mercury 4-Door 'A Sedan . $195.00 1950 Oldsmobile ' . Only :iir $125.00 -'- ' : ri ;- 1152 Cher. 4-Door $595.00 U L U U , - i , . - , r-..v- , Misses Thelma Dllday " and Mary Anna Grady, and Mrs; Les lie Turner attended the Farm and Home meeting in Raleigh, Thursday.; '::' Mrs. John J. Howard ot Pink HilL Rt. 2 underwent major sur gery at Lenoir Memorial Hospi tal, In Kinston, weanesaay, ana is getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. Leslie Turner of Albert- son, Rt 1, has accepted the posi tion of home economics teacher in the Chicod High School, in Pitt County. Mr. Turner is a student at East Carolina College. Mrs. Annie Kornegay of Ra leigh, who underwent surgery at Wayne Memorial Hospital in GoldsbciA recently, has been recuperating at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Southerland, Albertson, Rt 1, She returned to her home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. A. Wbrley went to Durham Monday to be with her sister. Mrs. Graham Cavenaugh, of Richlands, who is a patient at Duke Hospital. She also visited another sister, Mrs. Be mice Sto ne, at her home in Louisburg. Mrs. W. F. Simpson attended a PTA Leadership Institute, held at the Woman's College in Gre ensboro, Monday, through Thurs day of this week. Mr. Albert Sydney Smith is an operative patient at the Dup lin General Hospital in Kenans ville. Mrs. W. F. Simpson and chil dren, Beverly, Annette, Russell and Terry, spent the past week with her mothr-in-law, Mrs. O. R. Simpson at Erwin. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny West brook and family spent last week at the J. M. Jones cottage on At lantic Beach. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Friedman of Washington, D. C, are ex pected dewing the weekend for a visit with Mrs. Friedman's pa rents, Rev. and Mrs. N.'P. Far rior. Ronnie Holt Was in- FFA Camp at White Lake the past week. He returned home Saturday. Guests of Mr. and Mxs.Graham Turner at their summer , cottage on Atlantic Beach for the' week end were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holt and Larry, and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Turner and A. Jr., and wiendpea g be exactly as yon wish, o p 6 O O o o o o o - ' Home o o 112 E. Kins, Kinston ' Otis H. Carter Are Always Yours at 1953 Oldsmobile 4-Dr. Sedan $695.00 1956 Ford Victoria Only., $1495.00 1958 Ford ConvertiMe Only ..I $21495.00 1958 Ford Victoria Oidy . $2495.00 1949 DeSoto ' - Only 'J. $175.00 1946' Mercury V . v" Only..:,.-.-.. $75.00 1S51 Ford 4-Dtor Sedan $395.00 Garter and Julia. ' : Mrs. Henry Carroll' Grady of ML uuve Kt Z. was doing sub stitute work at First citizens Bank the past week, and her yo ung daughter, Pamela, spent the time with her grandmother, Mrs. Holt . ' v-:.t (, .'rf;-' ,' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Simmons of Goldsboro visited relative In Pink. Hill, and. nearby, on Sun day, s 1 'TV -;Mk .';'; ; Miss. Carolyn Walters of Eli' za.be th City, has been visiting her cousin Larry ..Holt.i'-r'.; Mr. Egbert GraSy has been re cuperating from 'a recent ; illness at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ada Herring' on 'Albertson, Rt. 1, Mrs. Grady is still confined at Parrptt Hospital in Kinstori. Mrs. Whitford Hill recently en tertained . the Pink ' Hill Home The B. F. Grady Home Demon stration Club met Monday, June 8, at 3:00 p.m. with Mrs. John Ivey Smith. Mrs. Ben Wolever gave the devotion. Mrs. Jean Huie, Assistant Home Economics Agent, gave the demonstration on "Synthetic Ma terials." Mrs. Willard Westbrook, Mrs. Faison Turner and Mrs. Ben Wol ever took part on leader's pro gram. Mrs. Faison Turner, President, appointed the following commit tee to make plans for the club picnic in August: Mrs. Scott Her ring, Mrs. Willard Westbrook and Mrs. Ben Wolever. Nine members reported attend ing Farm and Home Week in Ra leigh. The hostess served open-faced sandwiches, poftato chips and punch to the 12 members pre sent The next meeting will be held with Mrs. John Cameron Smith, Friday, June 3, at 8:00 p.m. GRADY SENIORS TOUR On May 24. at 5:30 A. M. thirty six of the forty-seven seniors clim bed sleepily aboard the decker bus that was equipped with radio and bathroom. The group of graduates and the four chaperones stopped at Richmond, for Sunday School Shortly thereafter everyone hap pily headed for Washington, D. C. Before checking into the hotel there, everyone visited Mt. Vernon, the National Airport, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials'. Sunday night of Wax, Mon. with soles thin and Wax, Monday, with soles thin and tired, the bus load saw the follow ing places: the Bureau of Engrav ing, the Wlaslngton Monument, the Capitol, the FBI, the Smithson ian, the Natural -Hall, of History, Monday "night, the group took the Potomac boat ride to Marshall Hall. Maryland. Tuesday every- body visited the White House, the Smithsonian Zoo, and the Monast try. After leaving the latter, every one felt that surley he mnst be on the way to New York, and he was except the tired bunch went to Philadelphia before overflowing with New York excitement. For miles the skyline of the strange city gave rise to many questions, crowded seats, fixed eyes, no sle- 1953 Chrysler N. Y. 4 Dr. Sedan $595.00 1952 Cher. K-Ton - ? rioknp $454.09 1953 .Ford H-Toss " ' rtchnp 1550.09 1953 Ford H-Toa . "' , Stake Itodr Hckm'.' '' '' Only ..,.... :... SX0.04 1955 GMO K-Toa v' Stake Body 17509 1952 Foed 2-Toat Track wittt Maw Bady Only $8599 COMPANYV n '.'... .- v . ... Demonstration Club at a 'meet ing held at the Hill cottage on White Oak river, near Swans bora. Guests were served a sea food dinner, on 'arrival, ' which was. followed by a period of re creation before the' meeting was held . ! ; '--"'';J, V.V:i ? Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Holt and Larry, recently visited,' briefly, with Mr Holt's sister, Mrs. Du guid; Richardson, Mr. Richard son,' and ' Mary Holt, at their home at Morehead. 1 " ; ' Mr. and ; Mrs.: D. L. Davis of Davis, N. C4 spent Sunday with relatives at Albertson .;. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grady and Miss Mary Anna Grady attended the uoiden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grady, at Kenly Wednesday , evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grady and i Personals Mr. H. M. Wells is attending the Synod of North Carolina in the Presbyterian Church which is being held in Charlotte at Que en's College and Myers Park Presbyterian Church, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kornegay spent Saturday visiting the Lay ton Cochrans in Roberscnville. Mrs. Annie Kornegay has re turned to her home in Raleigh after an operation at the Golds boro Hospital: Miss Connie Jo Wells leaves Monday for her second week ol counseling at Camp Singletary, the Presbyterian Pioneer Camp. Mrs. Myra Jo Whitley is at tendnig summer school at U. N. C. in Chapel Hill. Max and Mi chael Whitley are spending some time with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Maxwell. Lt. Alfred Wells is spending two weeks of Reserve Training at the Naval Air Station in Nor folk, Virginia. epers, impatience, and fascination. Arriving at the hotel, the group took several needed hours of rest, before taking the subway to the Empire State Building. The night view is wonderful. Wednesday the walked-out and step-climbing folks took an all - daiy tour of the city. During this tour many of the strong climbed, the Statue of Lib erty. Those narrow, winding stars are one way. Wednesday night the seats in Radio City Music Hall were real, treats as was the three hour show. That was a delightful experience even with some nod din and dreaming among our crowd. Thursday everyone was up and doing . Our bus was waiting to take us to West Point Academy. The drive along the Hudson River and the mountains beyond it are quite beautiful. Our visit In the Cadet chapel, the Catholic chapel, . the Museum, and the PX was short but pleasant. Except for uniforms and a few rules, everyone felt that he was ready to graduate because, the hikes were long and the hills, were steep; every soul was tired, blister ed, or starved; some were all three. Returning to the dear hotel was the best of all the day as rest and freedom awaited us. Thursday night everyone hurriedly boarded the subway to Coney Island which is about a forty-five minute ride from our hangout. Everything from A to 2 is there, but empty pockets are not very helpful. "The CVclone made many hearts leap up, and several thought that they had begun to fly sho'.nuff. Friday AM everybody was sleepy but ready to head toward Gettysburg. The tour over the battlefield and the climb in the tower to see Pre sident Eisenhower's - ' farm -were serious and interesting. The North Carolina monument , is unusually good. Still comin ghomeward the quiet group rode down part of the Skyline Drive before reaching the Endless Caverns. Friday night al most everybody retired early in the motel at New Market, Virginia. The exciting days before had been long, expensive, and full. Satur day, May 30, luggage and seniors moved slowly to the hot bus. With.. out saying a word, one knew that this was the last day of the trip. After a late start from the motel, the miles flew by lor hours; then the faithful bus sneaked in Its ttrst complaint, and It took more than two hours for the sear end opera tion. While the bus sweated out its trouble, the greup thoroughly en joyed the warm wait The motel nearby had a huge lawn, a restaur ant, plenty of leeweter.s Until now the popular water pistols had been fairly dry and quiet, but they really got, workouts here; since the gunsbeoame empty too soon, Pepsi bottles filled wath water surprised a M il . ft. 1 -. . ana reuesnea many wcu.) - Cameras had never exercised as muoh in Washington and . New York. The break-dowa was good medicine. Back on the bos at las, the windows wer, pushed opened more, aad everyone was soon as dqy as a button. When the red and yellow bus creased the North Caro lina line, happy yells woke tup any Charlie , Brown asleep. From then antil the spirited, dear, and instru ctive gretao- t reached the school waeae the pareats bad fcii waited. Giradly0$ws Misses Mary f Anna Grady - fend Thelma Dilday were at Atlantic Beach Saturday, and had a sea food dinner at Tony's Restaurent at Morehead '': :.-'-''"' Mrs. Smith Bridge Hostess : Mrs Jasper, bmittt was Hostess to her bridge ; club Wednesday afternoon,., with . two- tables1 in play,' Mrs, Alton Tyndall won toilet . water; for;, tlub ' members highest , score, and Mrs. Floyd Heath received a kev rind? lor second high, Mrs. Matt Burke,., a visitor, was also presented a gift : following .three progressions, the hostess served a congealed salad plate, with. 'Cokes,' ';ripr- Playing, in .addition to - the above, were Mrs. J. M. Jones, Mrs. D. W. Ruffin, Mrs, T, A. Turner,; Mrs J A Worley and Mrs Smith. f , -' , ' America. Lecfoi. Auxiliary Met.'. A : regular Monthly ' meeting of the Auxiliary to the Mewborn- Simmons-Turner Post of the Am erican Legion was held at ' the Hut recently, with ten member present In the , absence of ths president, Mrs ' Melvin Potter, Mrs. Lee Stroud' presided. It was announced that $144.00 was rea lized from the Poppy sale held the ' previous Saturday. Several business matters were taken up Regular meetings' have been sus pended until the first Monday night in August, when, a supper meeting will be heid. Gary Smith Honored Mr. and Mrs. F E- Smith ho nored their young son,' Gary or his 4th. birthday at a party, at their home on Albertson, Rt 1, Saturday afternoon-About 30 young guests, enjoyed games, af ter which refreshments of ice cream cake, potato chips, and le monade were served. ( - Miss Grady At Converse Miss Mary Anna Grady left Monday for Converse College. Spartanburg, S. C. where she wil' study for 8 weeks on. a Science scholarship. 1 4-H Group At Manteo Miss Paggy Grady, of Albert- on, ansis&ant Home agent of NOW AVAILABLE! Jv V :': A' ' ' v. , I r , jnMv forget MEMK FEDEBAL DEPOSIT INSUfiANCE CORPORATION v,, Wilson County,!, is spending 'this week at Manteo with' group of 4-H dub members.. v',.f l 'v ": : .y ' .Albertson H. D, Oak , .!?-- '.',: :' ""if-r:Y "" -' The Albertson Home Damon- itrstlon Club met ' Tuesday, June 0 in the, community building with 18 members . present,, two visitors snd one new member. . ;' i; President fettle Teachey called the meetlna to order.. The dub women sang "Beautiful Dreamer; after which M: s. Bessie. Holt gave the :deyotlonaL-y MriNettieTeachey'reported on Council, musle and safety.- i V The club payed one dollar to war orpnans and one dollar to the music fund. It was also voted to buy plates and glasses for the club, house, Mrs, Huie, Assistant Home Ec. ' Agent gave a demonstration on different kinds of fibers. ; , Mrs. Laura, Mae Sutton reported 'mmxn" 1 I . . ... J L v Manufactured & Distributed By , ' ' ' Daly - Herring Co. Kinston, N. C. Phone JA 3-3848 First-Citizens Introduces a new era of financial . convenience and privacy with Check-metlc Credit This permanent credit plan enables you to borrow money simply by writing a chock, 'j rfl':-: ". , How U Start. Visit your Marl Vlrst-Citltms of- . fk or malt coppon (below) for an spplicstion 7 ; form. . Ones) your application Is approvadand your available credit is stabllshadyou never have to make another loan request when you need -' money. You're free to write check in any amount . . :any Mme . for any purpose, a long at you don't exceed your available credit i;!,' :r;;,v ' ' j i i "' No Coat UnrO Yen Use It After your epptication I approved, there I no charge tmtH you wrft a .i. I t le t MS I ."...a s-;-i-'-r ti " afier bk-h the club -was .ued with tUe'CoUect ; . Hostesses, Mrs. Kirleene DavU and Mrs. Tersah Sheppard served open lace, sandwiches, punch and potato chips. ' B. F. Orady F. H, A.es sUvf .. 'i'i,",r.,!'-., . . ' "' Om Juni ' i i. Joan Westbrook, Jndw Alnhln-'Gwyn Bishop and. Alice Fay. Smith left for White Lake whese they attended State F. H. A. Camp for a week.; While there, they were ehreUed In clas ses' n Swimming, music, crafts; and F. H A. leadership. They also participated In competatlve sports sue; as volley baU, ' piiig, poag, torse shoes and , softball. ,, I ' A worksiioo was held hj the homemaking deRsnment on June lit 17 and W for aU officers, com (mlttee chairman and chapter par- ents. The group worked on parila- ( mentary procedure and yearbooks; and learned more about their dut ies and responsibilities. 1 ,' ; ' A beach trip is punned for June mil tJ&Gj&b-vi-- i m :0- Ahoskie, K C. Phone 3241 check Thus,- you can carry your credit with you .. until you need ft, and it wont. cost you a penny. . Kspayment. When' you use Check-mark; Credit, you will be billed monthly for one-twelfth of the . emount of credit 'you have used. 'A -' :4- x " , , Issprave Yew financial Resources. Be prepared ' for buying cporrunities '. V vacation expenses . . . or financial emergencies. , ' Anyone May Apply tW Checkmark CredHi You need not be e depositor of Flrsf-Otlzens Bank and Trust Company, to apply for Qwck-matlc Credit! Simply visit your nearby Ffrafr-Otlzene office end fill out an application for Cneck-matk; Credit . or mail the coupon below, L - f ' - A ' x , j - : tiAdSmm teak I Treat Ceoyenf verniemeni .( ..:.:...:.. . , ' ued.tepp.aiioiv " . t- . '.!".(..;.. ,.,. t IS' !.--. ,. . . ... , an, . ' ' i' j" V ' - t " , . 1 ' " '' ' Delivered to your home In 8 gal.. , rLiii40a tn n.. ' Ion jugs weekly, plin each Thursday tn Calypso. Fai son. Bowden, Warsaw, Kenansvllle, B. F. Grady and points In tetwecd. If Interested in getting the water mop a , card to sevilsi springs MINERAL WATT!?, Seven Springs, n. C. or notify the DupHn Times office. j Adv. km Tcstcl.. Farni PrcvcJ DltKr.7 .; Ilomclitc KMTcr.iVEC:::.::iSAVf v HsiMlitt's new 7-19 direct drive chala - saw it helping fsrmers turn their wood- lots into monty tht last, ssr way. Cats ' through 8 hardwood in 4 seconds, IT. . softwood in 12 seconds. Frils Uses up Is $ feet ta diameter. Wsighs only 19 pounds (less bar snd chswV StrsitM blades, plunge-cut bow, brash cutter at tschments.Trjr it today! ; :: 'i-MQNhl MMJTU.; ' Phone LO 8 -4346 T. A. , And Co; PinH HiH, If. C. is "s ' V, t .... trq "s'1 '. i , - . r - " '- (--' .. t . ' T r y---T T"- lt seemed as if th t" 'oeani were )wn t; - "1 t r?tKors.'. e l '