1 '" V at in m ' - rerswJs ""' .! sir. and Mrs. B. r. Wadkta fial-t- 1 Krs, Parson of Clarktoa Sun d;y. - 1 --.nv- Ur. end lira. B. T. Wadkln ara Ticationing thi wtek In Atlanta. . West Foist, Ga. and Tbsfcefae, ' Alabama. - .. lira. George Joseph of Dunn ! " itd tier sister and brother In law Wednesday. Mr. and Ml Sath Hilt . - Mr. and Mrs. G crald Quins and Mr. and Mra. I J. Quinn ware Wed nesday sight dinner guest of Mr. and Mra. Richard Williams la Beu- V layflle. 'k k t: I t? t Mr. Frank Blackburn left Tues day far Tort SW. Oklahoma whrre he wlB be stationed. Ha haa recen- Uf returned borne from oversea Mr. and Mra. Gerald Quinn shop ped In Kinston Saturday. : Mrr an Mra. I, J .Quinn. apent K week end at tr peach. . ' 3 ;: ?; Mr. Ernest Buwey JSaav MarJ cot. Jexaa, spent Sunday and. Mon day wih hi mother Mra, J. JH1U enrout te Bartow Naval Ai Base In Florida where he begin a new Job Instructing the Air Corp. Mr. Jan Brown of Atlantic Christian College spent the week and in Warsaw. .-rm ri Miss Helen Torrans, of Bast Gerf ollna College spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Mattle Tar-ran. Mr. Johnny Jenkins spent the week end at the river. Mr. and Mis. Andy Andrew and daughter of Goldsboro spent Sun' duty bi Germany. His wife and day with Mr. and Mrs, JT. -.Kelly family are planning to Join him at; Mr. and Mr. William fcelly o a later date. Mrs. Blacatmrn is th Mt. Olive spent Sunday.' wftb their former Mr. Dorothy Kason. son and family Mr. and" Mra. J." T Mr. and Mra. A. J. Jenkins spent Kelly, the week end at their cottage at Mr. and Mrs. A J. Jenkins, left the river. Monday to spend the week at the Ml Betty Phillips 1 spending Pr.ncess Ann Country jlub at "W I. l- mmA ttmm Bill h.J i of Kinston spent the week end the aummer With her parents Mr. and Mn. Graham Phillips. Dr. and Mrs. James Blackmore and family of Springfield spent the weekend with hi mother Mrs. , Win Blackmore. t- Via Jane Barefoot of Clinton waa Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Quinn, Mr mw,A Mra Iia 'rMtln mmmt- tt4jjwaU Mr. an4.MrsSu- , w tjuamn 01 ikenuuyiue.sun- ; with their parents Mrs. Florence . Houston and Mr. J. Norwood : West Misses Zona Quinn, Sarah Attre Fasaell, Joan Flowers, Gloria Tho- an aan. ueorgv west vianea tl iiMf. and Mr. Kenneth Mtdgett in J, . Green villa Wednesday. J f 5 Mrs. W. D. Pollork of Wilson - arislted her daughter and son in Taw, Mr. and'' Mrw Jiobert West ; .fender. . t ,1 Mr. and Mr. Sterling Marriner, Bflly and Hunt . Taylor spent Sun f day with Mr. and Mrs. a D. West fcaleigh. Marshal West returned -Jwme With them to spend a few day. - . - v" T W - mm ..... ' - , ? ..ax. an sua um west spent fit week, end 'at the beKb, . - i Mr. and Mrs. , Oaxton. ramjer r JMMiil mm I 1 J 1.1- . r mW. mvmm WU: Ml, BI I tmn. w. ar: wooing. ginia Beach. . ? w Mr. ana Mrs. Beamon Lashley and son spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Williams. Mrs. N. A Mitchell and Mrs., L 0. Williams vtoUed Sunday in: Clinton with ML- Nellie Royal and Mrs. Paul Crumpler. '! Mrs. Elolse Harton. and Woody k., . ...t , wiiji.jvj ton of Warsaw; G. Kunr Carlton' . of GabaonviUe and Neal Carlton tf allaca.. Mrs.' Sutton' ; O Lb Hostess tMra James button fm otess When the i.Baltc BrlOl'a piib met Thurs. evening at 00" fn Iter home Member playing were Meadamea Seth Hill, Bruce Torrans, Robert Davis, Clinton Rouse, Graham Re gister, Mattle Torrans and . Mrs. Martha" DaVia. Towel ware" award ed to Mia Seth Bill aa high scor er, towel as second high to Mrs. .Martha Payis, ahd Wnas'bwrd, xe(a.ioqert jjyav.ofitpwei. During midway point of play Coco; Colas, potato chips, cheese straws ' and pickles were served, ' ji Mr. U. T.Vf, Kelly was hostess" wherfher"bridgrf dub met Friday , evening at 7:49 at ber home on, Pine, Street Ext M,embera paly in g were Mesdamee, Joe Cos Un. -Gerald .Qtllnn, Frank jSteed,', Nathan Cos-' - tin, Roy Barwick, . George t West, ; Arnold Jones and Mr. Joe Korne-f - gay. The club remembered Mr. Joe Kornegay with many nice gift , forthe new .baby In heti borne Cokes, and,-homemade nut . cake p aqd nuts, were served during mid point of play;Mra. Roy Bamwick received muffin pan for low a' warded Mrs.. Frank Steed receiV' this week on Topsaa eh Mr. Bruce Butler olHollywood, Florida Is visiting her sirter. Mil. N. IC.Qatea. , -; . '1 . . .... Miss' CAitllne Held of Cullowhee is vlsiting' her. ister, Mrr. Nick Kalmar and Mt. Kalmar. - Mn.. mm mm - , , . . tl.. ' week atPeac College Raleigh, N. C. at the Jfouth Conference. Mr. Lewis -Wat-Auiness 'tPr. nd Recreational eteqtori of -Ut Cun ference. l . . ' r . -; Miss Sybil AfcCullec and. io'm McKinley attended ,,the vconfereace from thejFaiaon Xsj'sih JellowshiitT Mlaa Melina key 4.of Morgan' ton is home for , the summer with ner sister,-airs. ,c. F:,OLaunar. Dr. . p. NfWon ,of. Juke Hos- pital speni jbaxweek end wlti-.n parents, Mr, and 2r. D, ewton. of, Henderson are spending some. dna ".-n bleed receiv timTwith her asrent. Mr. and ed a, Pitcher for aveMng and, high Mrs. U O. Williams. . I V Mr. Carlton Known As ' Singing Superintendent John Lewis Carlton 82 died late Monday afternoon at his home near Warsaw after an illness of 13 years. Mr. Carlton was born Feb. 24, 1877 son of Nealie and Charcy Carlton. ' Air. Carjton was elected a dea con at Johnson's Saptlst Church while went to Mrs.' Joe Kornegay. Mrs. Carlton Entertains Canasta Club Mrs. Fisher Carlton was hostess when the Canasta club met Tues day evening. Members playing were Meadames Joe . Kornegay, W. C. Martin, Alfred Herring, Arnold Jones, Dorothy Johnson, Melvin Herring, Betty Phillips and. Miss Kathryn Bowen. Mrs. Arnold Jones Mrs. Edgar Harry Ilayes In a Sunday, afternoon ceremony at the Warsaw Baptist Church a veiling of i the sortralt the late COO on June, K Miaa Rebecca M. I Williains. Bason becama the bride- of Edgar The B. R, McCullen, a pat Harry Hayea with the Rev. Delmar V at the. Veteran' Hospital in Parkerson officiating. The bride is Fayetteville spent the ; week nd the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John w"h his family. .';-S.V''.V " Fred Eason of, Warsaw and the Mr. and Mra. William Thornton bridegroom is the son of Mr. and and n of Los Angele. Calif, are Mrs. Harry &, Hayea of Charlotte, 1 visiting Mr. Thornton's , mother, " . i a.. wj am. . swaa. -wvriilx North Carolina. Misa May EUia Brock presented a program : r wedding jnualc and U,VU , TA-V... T - a young man. He was Sun- : ' . 1 Kh.i c.,n.t-l.f.nn , . noiaer as 'ow acorer. uoaes. ieceivea a tray a high scorer. Mrs.l Mrs. Arnold Jones waa aololst and she sang "Whiter Thou Goes! good many yean and was known as singing superintendant Mr. Carlton started a Miuion Sunday School In south west War saw known as West's Chapel. He is survived by his wife Mary Wil son Carlton of Warsaw and neices and nephews-Bill Carlton of Holly- cheese straws were served during progession and ice ceam soda and cookies at end Of jlay. ; sparkipan of St Paui Ward Carl- Me' YmHare Feeder Pigs WAYNE STOCK YARD an4 PATE FARM EQUIPMENT . EXC. Mrs. Hines Bridge Hostess Mr. Hines was hostess Friday wood, Flordla. . Mr, Margaret Ms-1 night when he itoridge club met at CuUen of Burgaw ;Mr. Helen 8:W?- MemDer PUying were aaeso- ames utto Maunews, james Nor wood West, John Anderson John son, Walter P. West, Mett B. Aus ley, John Fonveile, Ed Strickland, and John Vincent. During progression cornets and potato chips were served with Cokes, and at conclusion a salad plate with iced tea. Chafe high went to Mrs. Otto Matthe which was i juice sesver and visitors high a Juice server went to Mrs. James Nowood West. Mrs. John Fonveille received a begonia plant for second high and low went to Mr. Walter P. West, ' plastic clothes hanger. a -r ir-V 2 Miles South Highway 11T Mb Olive Highway Phone BE 4-4284 Owned And Opentfid By (?uy PatefsH,ugh Ife,fiJ$MU,CQK Bichard "DkaSaifP TOBACCO...;-HARVESTERS New and Used We Buy, Sell or Trade '. WAYNE'S .SCaYBglNC. Card Of Thanks We wish to express our appre ciation for the many act of kind ness shown during the iUneas-and death of John Lewis Carlton. . Mrs. Mary Carlton and family. W. M. U. Met Monday The W. M. U. of the Warsaw Baptist Church had 4a regular general "meeting : Monday evening at 8:00 in the Church. Mrs. Ethtf West, president of the W, M. u presided over' the meeting opening with W. M. U. song. Mrs. Edgar Polio had charge of the program- Mrs. Rosa Powell had the devo tional. Members on the program were Mrs. Mliarea Thigpen ana Mrs. N. A Mitchell. The meeting was dismissed by Mrs. Margaret Pollock. Mir. W. E. Thornton, The William Thornton's are moylngto Chapel Hill " .'I 1 -. V Marion Kalmar,- stationed Mis In Norfolk with the U. 8 . aoent The bride given In marriage by fr. we.v end with Iher mother. her father wore a ballerina length gown of white satin covered with lace., Her finger - tip viel was of net tulle with a , crown of lace which the bride made. She carried a white prayer book covered with a spray of white carnations. f Ushers were J. D. .Eason, bro ther of the bride, and Edward Tay lor cousin of the bride, The bride is a graduate of Warsaw High School and employed in the Cred it Department at Sears Roebuck and Company in , Charlotte. The bridegroom is a, C-aduate of Sen eca H8h School, Seneca, South Carolina and la employed with Witts Auto Service, in Charlotte, N. C. The couple will make their home in Charlotte, Following the , , ceremony the bride's parents entertained at a re ception in their home with only relatives ,and ; close friends attending- : Mr. Cv P. Kalmar. t,fi'.'.)w''"V Mrs,; W. M. Baugham is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Oon Bolton and Mr Bolton in Hampton, Va. '- Miss Ruth Pierson of New Cas tle, Delemare i visiting Miss Jane Faison. They - spent several days The Cireies "of the Prkbytertan Women of ithe Churon- met Mon day, Circled No. jttinet in tthe home of Mrs. LjR. r Fal5pn, Mr P. Catee presided Circle No. 3. met with Mra f X Norton. Mrs.' Nj K. uaie preaJeo. wtrcie Wo. -a.rnet with Mrs. T. r.McCtfmani Mr. J. RXrowerfirejaided.'. :v';!r-;i' -. '''-'if- -'(-' ' 'I t. Prtt Bobby B.-Prown x .'Army vt slobby, Jtijarpwn, i ; I. . i r.wIT makes a i ....t i 2 to any meal on a hot-i f , . sum' er a day. It's refreshing, and it s easy to serve. You can :' -:; . i cut t:e fruit up hours in advance of serving, ifyou sprinkle v JFruit-Freeae an ascorbic acid mixture) over, it This will pro- j; tect the fruit and keep it from browning. .: ; l y i V ::::S:: FRESH FRUIT riATTE'R :.c. ' - . '. Wet an atlrccilva platter, here I a rtice combinalion of fruitsi ' :.-' -. . .... , , . : " ' .. s. . ansa www ymomvyyim . jpnnonaa , -Peaebea , !' v:"'V.; 1 -alon v-'- i' Peara . v;: at,ixdwberrlas sir -mimtit an A amf ! into cubes, feel and slice peaches, pears .jtnd bananas. Placa .: - together in a bowL- For. each 2 cup of mixcS. ;'ru:t tivssolve . . 1 i teaspoon jrruu-f rece fn . jooicipoon irrasr, rr jrur. juicc. 't Sprittklei-over the fruit and toss WoJl o ,Ut each piece of " -,,ruit. is well coated. Peel melon,, and slice. Vash and hull"; n atraw'berrie. Wrap fruit in, waxed paper. Store in refrigerator,? j t All .ntr with mixed sliced? fruit nl , inr ViV irtrniwl-frv J I ' - Jhalves. Arrange melon e and grapes on platlcr. -v r , r1- 19, son of Mrv;ftmief,,jarownJ (juties.ofjajtanncineer which .lncember .rand completed basjo Warsawy N. C-completed -eightl'audeof preparing artillery wea- training at Fort Jackson, 8.C . ' weak joeBdvanced lndividul for firing, his duUes .during Brown attended Warsaw High artiUei7;4siaipj;.Jvneat,.the the -firhigV. and, this maiutenancje Schoo!1 and -was employed .s-bjr . MlllpiSiSM4tfW0 axiXfXexS weapons. 1 ; . 'i;'ifcPvm .Theatre before entering' f Sills, Qklw -.1 r '4"Ha -eiitBred,lhe Army-Jaatr ; L "? -. Brown received training In jtafl'4 ---.r.v ..rirs-i.-jirw ;. r- y ; uie neavv urdHihrcu rum ... r Card Of Thanks - Mrs. R. P. Wood wishes to take this opportunity to express her ap preciation for. the many, cards and L visits bestowed upon Jier- during her recent hospitalization t gtm. pson Memorial Hospital In Clinton. THE SENSATIONAL NEW GAS BURNING Field Tested And Recommended To You By Men Who Grow For A-Prefit Completely Automatic . , ii ttrn limn 'i Jtiat at th JAnAJ.kT . J? Bobertshaw Control ior the temperatore desired and for f et it-control is conveniently located outside the Barn. " Largest jheat spreader of J snv itmhaefn mm-fi11 47" J diameter ane-piece, heavy, die-stamped 23 ga. galvan ized steely Equalizes heat dis tribution - eliminates hot ?ps.- If , k Only four of these powerful stoves are required in a 16 ft, barn located out of the way in the corners. Eliminates inconvenience of a multitude of burners spread over a barn flow. Cure-AU Features Complete AutomaUe Temperature Control-100 I Controlled tiaf ety . Thermi-et Single Port Sell-Oeaning Burner axoaonucai . iasy 10 inntnu. If aBTU The powerful Thermi-Jet burners ( two on each stove )develop U output of 36,000 each and combine with the t)ilot .fo mtfte a I ' fro AAA nmvT . , . total Of 78.00A RTTT nor Wit mv min-nm. M 49 AA SVFTT '.,M '. r- "(vu aaa w kxuu j Stoves recommended for a 16 ft. barn. Those big 3 tubular single ; -Bort burners flush dust and dirt right through. 'There-are no tiny .NSSkHK '11 - . . . ; NW There s plenty of heating power and capacity when you want it i i Yet CURE-ALLS are absolutely safe to use. The 100 Safety shut- : ttt t IWMiftitnail m At .. 1 . M- t ' ' ?i . .. Card Of Thanks We wish to express our' sincere appreciation to our many friends and relatives for the .beautiful flo wers, expressions of sympathy and all other acts of kindness shown us during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. C. B. Wilson (. Aunt Beck) of Magnolia, N. C. I Her children and sister, Mrs. Minnie Brooks. . Card Of Thanks Mrs. O. P. Pridgen wishes to ex press her sincere thanks to ber many friends for the -lovely, cads, Visits and flowers and to he Wood donors ' during rer recent stay In Duplin; General Hospital. FAISOII IIEY5 f- - - - '5 t t PERSONALS V Mr. and Mrs. J. ' B. Stroud Jr. and Mis JBerta Stroud were the dinner guests ..Sunday of the Rev. and Mr. I.C. Tucker in Dunn. The Strouds went to Dunn for the tin "How Many Never ill Think; Who, Think -ff' . They Do" i - : (Aafbon Name Belpw -Any medleinCfor Jiome re medy can be dangerous If tot properly need. Many tnfant fatalities have been caused by ; overdoses of asprin. , Snnple ; Uxatlves, taken. ate time, have causdd otoiaUew ruptures of the appendix. ' Think carefully before yon buy any medicine or health aid from anyone but a phar macist. We can caution 70a about proper use because we are taught the necessary know ledge in oar College of Phar macy. Our professional repu tation guarantees freshness, parity ana a reasonable price. Think before you permit any unqualified door-to-door sales men, mail order opportunists or unregulated stores to In fluence you to gamble with your health. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAM-PHONE 52 J:: 3 WHEN rOU NEED A MEDICINE o A great many neoole trust as with their preecrlp- m a y we comgound years . iAnr Aii DRUG CO. Warsaw, N. C. PRESCRIPTIONS CIIEMISTS Quotation by Jane Taylor . i (1783-1824) -Copyright -1959 (6WS) J Pn-? Allloiirauullice BacoriitllLbi :...I...45t ijSTEAK J JJ; a59c s Frozen Concenfrafed " I illlDif A1ID L MELLOW COFFEE 0 z0.GLSuI amimcai f ff KMattMoe avacjaw V C Hb JAP ,W 1 rP) -(i mm BIRTHDAY; ; HIUIIUUlUHUIIMIIIWlHUlUIUIIIHIMIwllHulliili Alantifactru-ed Only Bv MAKOMH STEIX PRODUCTS DIVISION . 1 .1 I Just Because He's Wonderful ; . , v ;w;fati;: Varsaw, C ';;Featvrir2 Esclasive Mens Wear Miles It Isy To Remember , DAD V.'i::i I " --y Wonderful Gifts ..UV,, -t;' .'j T-y, June 21st,' -IIEAIITY 'AIID YI60.10US - VALIJEHFiCED ! faiMjifflt - 8-oz. Ek 54c l-Lb. JDka. 99i 'ShRASKER: APPLE PIE..::.::i?39c I - JANE PARKER POTATO tlUPS 8 02. pkg. .....l.UrrJ.U 37c 1 OIESTJfQNT - A & OWN CREAMY n j3,-y'G:::: s. . " Golden Ripe ' ; D:n:njs 2 lb. 19c Tree R:re ' ..:'J;'v;C: : Pc::;::s2'Lfcs.:...;....l?: C "t. , . j fcJU 1 ' 17c r u fr :-f . Arrr tf w. , 1 I I 4--J L.i I U.J 1 J i J J ill. L-i V. . , . .-..yXv.J - . . . .. J J .1 t ... I 1 ..!'

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